Wherever you were, it wasn't where you are now, for you are greeted with the sight of a huge building labeled "PRT". You are also in some kind of costume.

[Query: Location]

A robotic-sounding voice resounded in your head.
I looked around "where am I?" I don't know where I am, but.. I know this is the PRT building which is used as a sort of headquarters i think?

Also I have another voice in my head again, this time robotic, which is neat but will sadly go away once i take my medicine or just wait a few minutes.

"hey, this is the PRT building and the PRT are... " I stayed silent as the new information went to my head, what the hell is a worm? and Taylor Hebert? eesh, that's...oh god that's horrible "hey! err you, is this all..real? the information?"


....holy shit, but isn't what the voices say? say stuff to make you believe them? I'm just gonna put his confirmation as a "possiblity" cause hopefully a girl named Taylor Hebert has not experienced the most horrible bullying I know.

...wait Capes..powers "do I have powers?"


"Really? What're they?"


"hmm errr okay then" I concentrated and reached out for one of those powers, I could feel sort of these three orbs near me, one was big and splitted of to many smaller ones, the other was constantly changing as if it was trying to mimic something, and the last one was constantly moving like an eye, as if it's looking at something.

I reached out to the splintering orb, knowledge rushed towards me, aparrently I can grant powers? also I can grant them..to me!

it showed my a list of powers, aparrently I could only take some cause of these "points", anyways I reached out to the power that's similar to beast boy and to the flight one.

I opened my eyes and looked dow-OH MY GOD I'M FLYING!?!? OH MY GOD IM FLYING!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!


hmmm yeah that makes sense, the PRT aparrently recruits and helps with kids with powers, and I have powers! with that said, I flew to the PRT building's entrance.

well less flew and more trying to fly which resulted into me looking like I'm swimming in the air.
Going inside the computer your form changes to that of the digital kind.

Stepping out of the screen into the digital world, you are greeted with a garden.

If you were to look around, you could see that you were in a walled property, a mansion behind you, looking as if it was from the future, shiny surfaces and a giant screen behind it.
I looked myself over before looking around the property.
(It hurts...It hurts...)

Not doing a good job at dodging, Ken knows he's dying, but he already knows about his respawn ability. However, he still wants to make sure they know it's pain as well. Having collected a few knives, he recalls them out of tails (Pocket Dimension) and as his tails split, touches each with them and sends them towards those still attacking.

His stand meanwhile, doesn't utilize it's Time stop. The reason being, it's user didn't say the words. However, it still continues beating down any nearby, keeping itself functioning through its Vampirism, increasing in power and speed with it as well.
Soon, the gangsters are down, though it seems that everyone in the area has perished or ran away.

Ah, snow. The greatest case of nostalgia distorting memories available to the common person. It's nice, it's fun, it's that wondrous herald of wintertime. Or at least it is in the summer. Then you actually experience it again and realize it's cold, damp, gets on everything, and is an inordinate amount of work to deal with. Was I on some kind of mountain? Or just out of breath and freezing?

Anyway, thing speaking in head, probably a good idea to talk to it while I looked around to find somewhere I could duck in to get warm. "You'd know better than I. Hank East, and you?" I'm not quite sure how this telepathic communication thing works, or if I'm just hearing voices, so I mutter it softly.

I'd shout for help, but that seemed a bit undignified, and I wanted to assess my situation first.

The speaker's voice rings out in your head.

Around you was so much white. But more than a cursory examination of your surroundings revealed that you were on a mountain, for you can see many other mountains next to yours.

I looked around "where am I?" I don't know where I am, but.. I know this is the PRT building which is used as a sort of headquarters i think?

Also I have another voice in my head again, this time robotic, which is neat but will sadly go away once i take my medicine or just wait a few minutes.

"hey, this is the PRT building and the PRT are... " I stayed silent as the new information went to my head, what the hell is a worm? and Taylor Hebert? eesh, that's...oh god that's horrible "hey! err you, is this all..real? the information?"


....holy shit, but isn't what the voices say? say stuff to make you believe them? I'm just gonna put his confirmation as a "possiblity" cause hopefully a girl named Taylor Hebert has not experienced the most horrible bullying I know.

...wait Capes..powers "do I have powers?"


"Really? What're they?"


"hmm errr okay then" I concentrated and reached out for one of those powers, I could feel sort of these three orbs near me, one was big and splitted of to many smaller ones, the other was constantly changing as if it was trying to mimic something, and the last one was constantly moving like an eye, as if it's looking at something.

I reached out to the splintering orb, knowledge rushed towards me, aparrently I can grant powers? also I can grant them..to me!

it showed my a list of powers, aparrently I could only take some cause of these "points", anyways I reached out to the power that's similar to beast boy and to the flight one.

I opened my eyes and looked dow-OH MY GOD I'M FLYING!?!? OH MY GOD IM FLYING!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!


hmmm yeah that makes sense, the PRT aparrently recruits and helps with kids with powers, and I have powers! with that said, I flew to the PRT building's entrance.

well less flew and more trying to fly which resulted into me looking like I'm swimming in the air.
People in wear appropriate for a swat team raise their guns at you.

"Halt. What is your reason for coming here?" One of them calls out to you.

I looked myself over before looking around the property.
As you look around you can see that much of it is a garden, flowers red, yellow and more sprinkled throughout, with a stone pathway in the middle of it all leading to silver gates.

Outside the gates looks to be a... highway?
Soon, the gangsters are down, though it seems that everyone in the area has perished or ran away.
Having done what it was commanded to do, Ken's Stand merely fades away.

As for Ken himself...he winces at how much blood he's losing, but he does know how to apply first aid in emergencies, so he goes to one of the bodies before using a knife to cut off some clean cloth from their clothes.

And then he just bandage his wounds before he begins wandering around...and being more than a bit paranoid towards other people.

And if he sees another person, he's either running, or he's running. He's...honestly very tired and sick of how much pain and blood he's experienced in the past...

Well, he doesn't know how much time has passed, but he's just gonna try to find a safe place to rest.

The speaker's voice rings out in your head.

Around you was so much white. But more than a cursory examination of your surroundings revealed that you were on a mountain, for you can see many other mountains next to yours.
"I don't know where you are, go eat stuff?" Just as I finish speaking there's a sudden pain on my tongue and a coppery taste in my mouth. It's about then that I actually think about my tongue and notice my teeth are shaped nothing like what I'm used to. Or maybe it was 'My name is consumption' probably both, from the subtext. Speaking of which, man, that was weird, 2 words, but a ton of weird added nuance.

Anyway, I was getting distracted. Bleeding from my tongue, freezing to death or at least to an unpleasant degree, and with a voice in my head. I take a deep breath of the too thin air. "OI, COULD I GET SOME HELP HERE?" I shout as hard as possible. Admittedly my pronunciation might not be the best between the air and the self inflicted wound.
People in wear appropriate for a swat team raise their guns at you.

"Halt. What is your reason for coming here?" One of them calls out to you.
shit shit shit I messed up I MESSED UP SO HARD!!!!! errr fuck, err hey Shard thingy! what should I do?
Pacify? oh! calm down, okay take deep breaths boy, take deeeep breaths, phew, okay what next?
Okay! I turned to the SWAT guards
"uhhh hello officers! I would wish to apply for the Wards! so...can I?" mentally I switched out the animal powers into the passing through walls power (No Clip) and Bullet Hell powers.
I mean, sure this are the PRT, but i dunno, they might not like me, so well, you gotta prepare for anything right?
Having done what it was commanded to do, Ken's Stand merely fades away.

As for Ken himself...he winces at how much blood he's losing, but he does know how to apply first aid in emergencies, so he goes to one of the bodies before using a knife to cut off some clean cloth from their clothes.

And then he just bandage his wounds before he begins wandering around...and being more than a bit paranoid towards other people.

And if he sees another person, he's either running, or he's running. He's...honestly very tired and sick of how much pain and blood he's experienced in the past...

Well, he doesn't know how much time has passed, but he's just gonna try to find a safe place to rest.
You manage to find an empty building to house yourself in, nobody seeming to be around, due to the gunshots from earlier.

As you rest, you start to feel slower, the air harder to breathe.

But eventually you fall asleep.

"I don't know where you are, go eat stuff?" Just as I finish speaking there's a sudden pain on my tongue and a coppery taste in my mouth. It's about then that I actually think about my tongue and notice my teeth are shaped nothing like what I'm used to. Or maybe it was 'My name is consumption' probably both, from the subtext. Speaking of which, man, that was weird, 2 words, but a ton of weird added nuance.

Anyway, I was getting distracted. Bleeding from my tongue, freezing to death or at least to an unpleasant degree, and with a voice in my head. I take a deep breath of the too thin air. "OI, COULD I GET SOME HELP HERE?" I shout as hard as possible. Admittedly my pronunciation might not be the best between the air and the self inflicted wound.
After you shouted those words, you heard a tremor from all around. The snow beneath your feet gave way and you were pelted with snow from above.

Your shout caused an avalanche.

shit shit shit I messed up I MESSED UP SO HARD!!!!! errr fuck, err hey Shard thingy! what should I do?
Pacify? oh! calm down, okay take deep breaths boy, take deeeep breaths, phew, okay what next?
Okay! I turned to the SWAT guards
"uhhh hello officers! I would wish to apply for the Wards! so...can I?" mentally I switched out the animal powers into the passing through walls power (No Clip) and Bullet Hell powers.
I mean, sure this are the PRT, but i dunno, they might not like me, so well, you gotta prepare for anything right?
A beat later.

"Yes, you can apply for the wards. Just go inside and tell the front desk you want to apply," The other guard states. Their weapons are lowered, and everything seemed to be going well.

Then there was the sound of an airplane flying overhead... which quickly got louder.

The two guards looked up to the sky and if you looked as well, you would see an airplane mere moments from crashing into you all.

And then it did just that.

It didn't affect you as you had No Clip on, but the guards were reduced to paste, and the first floor of the PRT was now a wreckage.
You manage to find an empty building to house yourself in, nobody seeming to be around, due to the gunshots from earlier.

As you rest, you start to feel slower, the air harder to breathe.

But eventually you fall asleep.
Walking into the empty building, Ken goes to summon his Stand...before he feels...sleepy...

Ah...everything hurts...And he falls asleep with a small thud as his tails began to curl around him like a ball of bloody fur, just trying to get as much comfort as he can.
After you shouted those words, you heard a tremor from all around. The snow beneath your feet gave way and you were pelted with snow from above.

Your shout caused an avalanche.
A stream of expletives leave my mouth.
I begin to run perpendicular to the avalanche, using instincts I didn't know I had. For now, my best bet was to stay afloat and try to get out of the affected area. Or at least find something to cling to to prevent getting washed away. I'm not entirely certain how I knew that, but it seemed fairly common sense.

And I'd probably need to apologize later to the townspeople. On the morbid plus side, the disaster might attract someone with half a clue what was going on. Assuming I'm not frozen solid by the time they show up.
A beat later.

"Yes, you can apply for the wards. Just go inside and tell the front desk you want to apply," The other guard states. Their weapons are lowered, and everything seemed to be going well.

Then there was the sound of an airplane flying overhead... which quickly got louder.

The two guards looked up to the sky and if you looked as well, you would see an airplane mere moments from crashing into you all.

And then it did just that.

It didn't affect you as you had No Clip on, but the guards were reduced to paste, and the first floor of the PRT was now a wreckage.
SHIT SHIT!!!! I looked everywhere, everything was in ruins, and I also noticed that I felt more hollow, but that's not the time!

I switched No-clip and bullet hell with The Lifting power and X-ray vision, I checked the guards, shit they're red paste, I flew high above and used my x-ray vision to see any survivors.
Walking into the empty building, Ken goes to summon his Stand...before he feels...sleepy...

Ah...everything hurts...And he falls asleep with a small thud as his tails began to curl around him like a ball of bloody fur, just trying to get as much comfort as he can.
When you next wake up, you can see across from you, is the corpse of a kid with animal ears, wearing the same clothes you were wearing.

You can hear people nearing your building.

A stream of expletives leave my mouth.
I begin to run perpendicular to the avalanche, using instincts I didn't know I had. For now, my best bet was to stay afloat and try to get out of the affected area. Or at least find something to cling to to prevent getting washed away. I'm not entirely certain how I knew that, but it seemed fairly common sense.

And I'd probably need to apologize later to the townspeople. On the morbid plus side, the disaster might attract someone with half a clue what was going on. Assuming I'm not frozen solid by the time they show up.
You manage to get hit on the edge of the avalanche, but that still ended up with the lower half of your body in snow.
SHIT SHIT!!!! I looked everywhere, everything was in ruins, and I also noticed that I felt more hollow, but that's not the time!

I switched No-clip and bullet hell with The Lifting power and X-ray vision, I checked the guards, shit they're red paste, I flew high above and used my x-ray vision to see any survivors.
The people inside were anxious, but alive. It seems that the only two casualties were those two guards out in front.

The people inside started to evacuate.
When you next wake up, you can see across from you, is the corpse of a kid with animal ears, wearing the same clothes you were wearing.

You can hear people nearing your building.
Waking up fresh and without wounds somehow, Ken looks around himself before being startled by another child sleeping across from him.

Strange. Getting up and walking over cautiously, it then becomes clear that he's dead...Ken just bows and then puts the child's body into his tail (Pocket Dimension).

He'll give him a proper burial later. And now he notices the people nearing and immediately kicks into instincts. AKA, he's hiding away somewhere in the building. Maybe in the rafters, preferably deeper inside.
You manage to get hit on the edge of the avalanche, but that still ended up with the lower half of your body in snow.
"I don't suppose you can help me further with this? Oh, and thanks for the instructions."
[Designate: Consumption]
"I presume that's a no on the further assistance. Time to do this the old fashioned way." With that I begin trying to dig myself free. I work fast to try to avoid becoming the protagonist of the brand new Isekai novel 'in another world with no legs'.
The people inside were anxious, but alive. It seems that the only two casualties were those two guards out in front.

The people inside started to evacuate.
Uhhhh uhhhh think Jerseh!
Oh! That makes sense, thanks shard!
I then went in and tried to help the people evacuating, you know, rescuing people in the rubble, opening pathways for them to escape, all that sort of stuff.
As you look around you can see that much of it is a garden, flowers red, yellow and more sprinkled throughout, with a stone pathway in the middle of it all leading to silver gates.

Outside the gates looks to be a... highway?
Frowning, I decided to walk on the highway.. I wonder what I'll find....