[ISG] -Angel Slayer-

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This is a quest! You control Dao'Merus, an old being that these people have awakened out of desperation! It's time to give "yourself" a head, so you can think again! Let's get a shape in there, any shape really. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, just, A shape you want to identify with. Yes, all of you should identify with it.

I know, I know. I have fought some more mental battles as I was gone, I tried some things and have in general had more sad and useless encounters. If you are angry or irritated with me in any way, given my sudden disappearance in the past and now sudden re-appearance, I beg you to send me a PM with that anger so I can understand it. I am sorry if I have caused any grievances.

Go ahead and ask them! I will answer, either in PM or just in thread, though let's keep the thread to the story. I know there isn't much right now but let's just roll with it for now.
You are back!:)

Even if the other quests were short lived, the art was still great, I am happy to see you again. I like this one, it seems very interesting.

[X] Infinity Symbol

We may be defeated, we may be sealed, but we are forever, eternal, and unending, unable to be destroyed!
[x] "Tell me what happened while I was asleep. Tell me what you need help with and why. Tell me why I should help you, when you are of the blood that sealed me. Then I shall decide."
[x] "Tell me what happened while I was asleep. Tell me what you need help with and why. Tell me why I should help you, when you are of the blood that sealed me. Then I shall decide."
[x] "Tell me what happened while I was asleep. Tell me what you need help with and why. Tell me why I should help you, when you are of the blood that sealed me. Then I shall decide."
[x] "Tell me what happened while I was asleep. Tell me what you need help with and why. Tell me why I should help you, when you are of the blood that sealed me. Then I shall decide."

Punishing them when speaking out of line is all well and good when we have spares. but if we are really down to 10 members of the entire race... sadly, no examples can be made
[x] "Tell me what happened while I was asleep. Tell me what you need help with and why. Tell me why I should help you, when you are of the blood that sealed me. Then I shall decide."
[x] "Tell me what happened while I was asleep. Tell me what you need help with and why. Tell me why I should help you, when you are of the blood that sealed me. Then I shall decide."
[x] "Tell me what happened while I was asleep. Tell me what you need help with and why. Tell me why I should help you, when you are of the blood that sealed me. Then I shall decide."