System Overhaul
Okay, I'm doing a system overhaul because the system I came up with has proven to be a pain in the ass. So I'm massively simplifying things.

All Lore and Skill levels now take 7 xp to level. You get 1 xp for an incidental gain, i.e. something happens to come up but not in a major way. 2 xp for a moderate gain, like what you would usually get by reading books or practicing a skill. 3 for a major gain, something you would generally get from an intensive tutoring session. I might adjust the 7 xp requirement to level depending on how things go. I'll note though that not all experiences will be sufficient: you need an experience at least equal to the Lore or skill level you're leveling up to. As for tutors, they can only teach up to the advancement and skill level they've reached. For example Shadow can take you all the way to the end on art skills and the dreaming skill, but Granny can't take you all the way on lying. Decently high, but not all the way.

Rolls are much simpler now. If you're facing a challenge about on your level, you roll a single d6 dice, the higher the better the outcome. If you have advantage over the challenge, you roll two dice and take the highest. If a huge advantage, you automatically succeed. The flipside for if a challenge is a bit too much for you, you toll two dice and take the lowest. If it's way too much for you, you automatically fail. Stats, skills, and traits all factor into this, as well as conditions and environmental factors and so on. Both stats and skills are important: if you have 2 in a stat but nothing in any skill related to the challenge, you count as 1, while with 2 in both stat and skill you would count as 2. This isn't gonna be a hard math thing, more based on estimates of difficulty and outcome based on your roll and so on.

Special note: The Polyglot trait gives +1 to all language xp gains. Foolish Student, as a broader trait, has a smaller effect; it makes you more likely to successfully learn where there would be a question of whether you can manage to learn. Different traits will have different effects on the fiction.

Items will now have a Quality trait separate from its Order, Order = Facet/advancement level (for example, 2nd order Essence = level 2 Facet essence) while quality applies to some items (mostly your paintings and such) and is how good the implementation is. So if you create a painting from a 2nd order Essence it'll be a 2nd order painting but a really good roll will get you a Quality of Excellent which fetches a higher price.
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