Invincible Irregular [Tower of God x Invincible]

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It was another normal day in the life of Mark Grayson... Not! Finally he got his powers today, and Tomorow was supposed to be the start of him taking a step closer to achieve his dream. But now he finds himself in this bloody damn Tower. "Oh well, I got my Viltrumite powers. At least, it got to count for something, right?" This is the story of a Monster in the Tower.
Welcome to the Tower of Dreams
"Yo Mark. Up for some game time at the arcade?"

A fetching boy with auburn hair asked, while putting away his work wears into his closet exchanging it for his clothes.

The sky had once again turned golden brown, indicating it was now time for the hedonistic norm that young people like them partake in after their grueling part time jobs.

The boy who was spoke grinned conspiratorially, placing his palm to block his mouth as he mock whispered. "Who knows maybe with luck, we might be able to catch Atom Eve flying up-ahead. Word's that she patrols this area mostly around this time. So what do you say?"

The boy who the auburn was speaking too, straightened his cap giving space to the raven tresses that spilled from the brown headwear. While replying back dryly. "Nice try with the Atom Eve enticement, Buz. But you know I told you that I won't be coming today. Got to finish my Science project." His face took on the look of long suffering. "I'm already cutting it close as it is."

Buz gave out a low whistle. As someone in the same high-school as Mark, as well as taking the same core subjects, he knew how tedious projects from the science classes are. "Well, that's why I told you to do it at the beginning of summer break, Mark. But here you are now fretting over something you should have been done with a long time ago."

Mark brushed him off defensively, "Mind your own business, Buz. After all don't you only want me because you need another member for the double tournament?"

With a dragged sigh, Buz closed his closet slotting in his key to lock it, while looking miserable.

"Well duh~ of course. I promised that piece of shit that I'll beat him up at his own game, cause I just can't stand all that yapping that he calls bragging."

Lethargically Buz turned to Mark as he wore his long sleeves over his white T-shirt without buttoning it. Pointing a finger at Mark, he said.

"Didn't you promise me that you'll make time for today, huh?"

Mark shrugged apologetically while he sort his things. "You never know the future. Besides can't you just call Mathew as subs? He might not have my slick fingers, but he's certainly no slouch either."

"Mathew? Hmm…" Buz cupped his chin looking contemplative, and then snapped his fingers with eyes gaining light. "Yeah Mathew! He'll work. And the best thing is that we're supposed to meet back at the arcade center just some minutes from now." He looked left, lifting his eyes up the wall to see the clock that hanged.

"Yikes, 4:45!" The five-ten ft. almost jumped while shrieking. "This is no time to tarry around. Sorry Mark, but I gotta' go."

The cerulean eyes grunted with amusement as he saw Buz floundering out, only hissing in frustration at the way his best friend flipped the door open without care.

"I swear if the hinges of the door detach again. I'll take the money for repairs straight out of his pay." Mark growled, while remembering the last time such a thing happened.

Till this day, it will always be of grief to him that because of Buz, he lost the opportunity to purchase that time-limited sneakers edition. All because of the collective deduction made to all the part-time staffs for Buz's slip-up.

Sighing, Mark went to his locker about to change as well, but then a voice called to him from behind.

"Grayson? Ah thank God that you're here."

Mark turned to see his middle age bald boss, poking his head from the side of the door.


"Grayson." His Boss nodded back, before he sheepishly began.

"I know that the time for your shift has passed, but can you please help me here, and throw out the trash bag that has been placed by door near the kitchen. Someone carelessly left it there and the night shift haven't arrived yet, I'm entertaining someone in my office, so I can't exactly smell like you know..." The Boss gestured. "So can I count on you?"

Mark lips twitched, but he smiled nodding nonetheless. "Sure thing, Boss."

Letting out a sigh of relief, the Manager of the burger joint flashed a smile. "Knew I could depend on you, Grayson." His head slipped away, probably rushing back to his office.

Meanwhile as Mark was now alone the smile of his face lessened, "Dammit Buz."

He harshly whispered cursing the most likely culprit, already making up his mind that the next time it was paying season. He'll be docking out of Buz's pay for all this suffering that has been heaped on him.


"In case you have been wondering. The boy about to go pick up the trash is the true protagonist of the story, and the name's Mark Grayson.

Sixteen years old, a sophomore high-school student and a part-time worker. Not like my parents aren't well off or anything. But let's just say a man got his materialistic needs.

From an outside point of view, I'm an ordinary teenager. The only child to a lovely mum and wonderful dad.

But the truth is much more fantastic that you think.

You see my dad's a Superhero. Oh, before you twitch your lips in amusement, know that I'm telling the truth. Really I am!

In our world today, no one knows how it all started. But at some point in our history, a percentage of humanity's population came into the light with extraordinary abilities straight out of comic books.

Flight, speed, strength, ability to shoot out beams of various buffs and de-buffs, you name it. All from different origins. Ranging from magic to science, or even deliberated, or coincidental.

To continue on, some of the individuals who gained such powers decided use it for a life of crime, becoming the bad guys.

A global state of anarchy, ensued not long after. Power belonged to whoever was the stronger one, and the weak were placed beneath their mercy, treated like they had no right to even exist.

The world still remembered those times as, 'The Age of Darkness.'

But soon a ray of hope shone through the dark globe. Just as some people decided to become the bad guys with their powers, they chose to become the good guys.


Characters like the Immortal, War-Woman, Martian-Man, Red-Rush, Aquarus, Cast-Cold, among others. They all from their various diverse origins banded together to take back the world from the bad guys, and like the always say good always wins.

Now, remember what I said about my dad being a Superhero. Well he is Omni-Man, the strongest Hero in the world.

Yeah-Yeah, I know you're going to say. 'No way that's true Mark, it's only in your dreams.' But that's the fact.

My father is Omni-Man. An alien, a Viltrumite to be specific, crazy right?

Dad used to tell me that Viltrumites are a race of peace keeping supermen. Assigned to planets around the universe for the propagation of peace. I know, it's actually cool. But you want to know what's even better? My dad says that as the son of a Viltrumite, that very soon, I'll soon have the ability to reciprocate all of his powers!

That right baby! The powers of the strongest Hero in the world. I'm talking about. His strength, speed, invulnerability, and flight.

Being a half-Viltrumite means also means having its racial powers. It comes with the package…

Well that's what I thought… But over sixteen years and still counting, but there is still no sign of any extraordinary gifts surfacing!

Was there something wrong with my birth? Am I an anomaly?

My dad says that it'll come in time, but I just can't help but wonder if it's all just me. That maybe I'm not good enough to stand by his side.

No don't think that way Mark, I'm sure that it'll come anytime soon.

Very, very soon.


Mark sniffed the air, gagging at the fetid smell that emanated from the garbage leather bags on his hands.

When one sees a well garnished hamburger. The aroma draws one in, its appearance tantalizing as it beguiles such a person to take a bite in the fatty delicacy. But for the chefs behind the scenes they see the pseudo lunch as something much more. A combination of ingredients that depending on which types are prepared, stems out scents that itches the nose, to another that almost blows it out!

For Mark, no matter what he will always love the appetizing meaty snack. But still… As he raise his nose upwards desperate to keep away from the nasty combination of onions, meat, and tomatoes that was coming out from the leathers. He prayed fruitlessly that this will be the last time that he'll be doing this.

'Just you wait Buz, I'm going to sock you one in the stomach tomorrow.' He grumbled.

Mark let out a smile of relief as he spotted the garbage bin just ahead, and exhaled a happy sound as he saw that it was left open. Picking up the pace, he walked until he was some distance away from the bin and threw one in, just as he about to chuck the other, he froze like a deer in headlights.

All around his body, he felt like an electric current just ran though him. Coursing with such force it almost brought him to his knees.

"I really must be tired." He mumbled, clenching his leg muscles and then threw the other.

Only that this one never landed in the garbage bin.

Up it sailed, bound towards cloudy atmosphere never going down, just shooting ever upwards.

Mark eyes widened, his mouth refused to close at what he just did.

'Was that my doing?' The half-breed thought to himself, as he mutedly spectated his unnatural show of strength.

Slowly a full blown grin surfaced on his face. "It's about time."

Later on. The thrown garbage bag would spill its contents on an unlucky family compound in a country located in another continent, England.


As expected when he rushed back home. His mum was worried at the sudden stringent creaking sound that pierced the tranquility of the house, until she spotted her son, awkwardly holding on to the knob of an aluminum door ripped out of its hinges.

"It's here, it's finally here mum!" Mark excitedly waved the ferrous door like it was a toy. "My powers, I've finally awakened to them!"

Deborah Grayson whirled, unminding of the foamy splash she made as she hastily removed her hand from the kitchen sink. With a gasp she covered her mouth with her hands, mixed tide of emotions bubbling within her.

She knew what having such powers meant for her son, Mark. To him it was a way of affirming that he truly was the son of his father. Time and time again, she would always catch him looking longingly at his father when he appears on TV doing his heroic onuses.

Now it was finally here, that was why she would always be happy for him. But in a way she wished it never came to be.

While Omni-Man would always be the greatest in the world, he was still her husband. And as a dutiful wife. She will always worry about his safety no matter what.

'Now Mark will be adding in the headache as well. Hope you're happy Nolan?' She fondly thought, while looking on dotingly to her enthusiastic son.

The housewife clapped her hands smiling, "Congratulations Mark! Really I'm happy for you. But you know that you're in trouble right?"

"Mum?" Mark looked at her bemused, until she pointed on the door frame on his hands.

"Shit!" He unintentionally squeezed the knob with such pressure that it folded like foam. 'No one told me that using super strength was this hard!' Seriously, it felt like he was holding a piece of soap soaked too long in water.

The awakened half-breed flashed his mum an awkward winning smile, but she only looked unmoved.

"Your father always does that when he breaks something as well, I've become inured to it ever since we were almost in the black concerning our expenses, it gets old when you're used to it. So don't think something like that would work on me young man. The money is coming out from your part time pay, understood?"

Setting the door frame aside, Mark glumly replied back. "Got it mum."

But even the loss he had could not keep the smile of his face, "I finally got powers." He sang in good cheer.

From behind, his sharpened ears picked up the motion of someone softly landing on lawns of the compound.

"It's dad!" Mark told his mom who was oblivious to her husband's arrival, rushing outside to the lawn. It was there he saw a six ft. man with a mustache dressed in white spandex with a red cape, looking around with a raised eyebrow before his scrutinizing eyes settled on Mark.

"Mark, what's going on?" Nolan Grayson asked. Just as he landed he noticed that there was something amiss in his home.

For one, the house looked like it was broken into. He would have surmised it so, if it wasn't for his wife smiling at him from where the door was supposed to be, and also Mark had not looked this excited for a long time, -from a human's conceptual point of view.-

The Viltrumite turned to his wife seeking an explanation, but she smiled apologetically, inclining her head to their son.

"Let Mark be the one to say it. After all, it is his moment." Deborah explained.

The half-breed smirked, placing both hands on his hips. "So dad, guess who's now the latest Viltrumite in town?"

Nolan's eyes widened, "Mark, you mean…?" He trailed off, now looking at his son in new light. His mouth opened and closed dumbfounded at that at last it has finally happened, immediately his lips stretched into a proud smile.

"Son!" The Viltrumite embraced his son, while noting that he could actually feel the pressure of his son's arms around his chest. "I really am proud of you."

For Mark, that was zenith point for him. Beads of tears appeared from his squeezed eyes as in his heart, his dream has finally been answered.

"I really am my father's son."

As Nolan released Mark from his hold, barking a laugh as he looked at where the missing door was with new meaning.

"Looks like we would have to work on regulating your strength, eh Mark?" Nolan said in amusement, pointing at the entrance without a door.

Mark laughed sheepishly, "Yeah I know. Just lost a substantial portion of my allowance."

Nolan still with a smile on his face, lifted his right hand. "Son, I want you to throw a punch at my fist. Let me gauge your Vitrumite strength."

"Really?!" Mark almost squeaked in joy. This was what he had always been dreaming of for a long time.

Training with his father, shadowing him in his fights, only to one day take up his mantle as the greatest defender of earth, had always been his closest dream.

He raised his right hand clenching his fist and pulled it back, his form poised to shoot for a powerful shot. But then a cough froze him.

"Honey." Both superhuman paused, cranking their head to the matriarch wore a smile that could only be described as chilling.

"Surely you are not insinuating that Mark should throw a punch out here in the lawn. Have you not considered what happened the last time?"

For both father and son, their memory spiraled down the memory lane. It had just occurred not long ago, just some months prior. Nolan in a rare slip-up clapped with his superhuman strength while in the house. The shockwave that followed threw Mark off his feet, and destroyed the entire windows. They were really cutting close to red that month, and as expected, the strongest Superhero received heavy tongue lashing from his wife that day.


Both father and son looked at each other awkwardly, slowly lowering their hands. They did not know what would happened if Mark had thrown the punch. But, well, yeah… both extra-terrestrials decided not to find out.

Simultaneously they both turned to Deborah, bringing out their winning smiles.

Sighing in exasperation, Deborah massaged the bridge of her nose while eyeing the two most important nincompoops in her life. She raised her hands in resignation.

"Today you get a pass." Seeing their brightened face, she quickly added. "But not here, Nolan you take it over to any area that is not here. Or else…"

Nolan quickly nodded his head acquiescing, while Mark laughed with both parents joining him soon after.

It was finally the turning point in the life of the Graysons.


Mark now dressed in his pajamas of myriad colors, laid on his person bed in his commodious room. Gazing up at the cream ceiling with a smile that refused to go down, the half-breed desperately wished that tomorrow should just come already.

"This really is the best day of my life." He mumbled with a grin. Turning sideways, the half- breed rested his eyes on the poster of his dad. On whose face held that a dignified look, while his cape froze in such a way it made him look majestic.

He is always his dad's biggest fan. The confidence on his father face as he assures people of their safety, the mental image of an unmovable bastion, he projected. Mark had always looked at the poster always wanting to be him. And now… As he raises up his right hand, stretching it towards the photographed image of his father.

Mark felt that the gulf between father and son reduce ever so smaller.

"It's finally time, Mark. My time."

Still feeling restless, he tried distracting himself by thinking of a Hero alias for his cape persona. He didn't want something stupid -as he always was of the opinion, that names like Rex Splode sounded silly- Mark wanted something that projected strength like his dad's cape name 'Omni-man'.

He would have taken Omni-kid. But he wasn't really, well, a kid.

While mulling and shuffling through names that popped up in his head. His attention was interrupted by the sudden increase of brightness in his room.

"Huh?" Mark turned his head to the source, only to cry in shock. "What the hell is that?!"

Just in front of him, where the door in his room was supposed to be was replaced by what seems to be a spinning white spiral.

"Dad!" Mark jumped off his bed, backing away in fear till his back pressed the wall. While as a result of his dad's stories, and from news, he knew that the world was not as simple, and even though he was now superhuman. It still freaked him out that something like this was happening to him.

He swallowed deeply, as he looked out his windows only to see perpetual darkness.

"Dad!" Mark called out more louder that the last. "A little help here, there's something in my room!"

Mouth suddenly feeling dry, the extra-terrestrial moved to the window to escape from there, but he faintly perceived the sudden movement of a shadow of bizarre shape, swimming through the darkness, a cold chill entered his bones. Yelping, he almost wetted his pants at that moment.

"Wha-What the hell was that?!" It was big, like very big. As Mark had spotted it from afar, he couldn't determine its true nature. But nevertheless he really did not want to find out.

With a grimace he turned back to where his door was. "So that only leaves the spiral…" He clenched his fists now scowling. 'Dammit.'

Slowly he made to the door, while firing all sorts of prayer to any divinity he knew. There really was no other action to take, but still it didn't sit well with him.

Not to mention all this tension was giving him the cramps.

"Come on get it together, Mark Grayson. You're Omni-man's son and a Viltrumite like your dad. You are an upcoming Hero, and Heroes always face something like this for breakfast… I think." He psyched himself, while taking deep breaths.

Slowly Mark approached the glowing spiral, ready to bolt into the darkness outside at any sign of resistance. Reaching into its proximity, he flinched as what appeared to be white tendrils slowly extending out from the helix.

Letting out a ragged breath, Mark muttered jadedly as he observed the creeping tendrils of light. "I already know I'm going to regret this…"

Tentatively he extended a hand towards the approaching tendrils, who took that as an invitation to shine brighter… literally.

"Dammit, how are you still getting even brighter?!" Mark raised a hand to block his face from the piercing light. If what Mark had was a suspicion, now it was certainty.

'This damn thing is sentient.' Mark growled as his face darkened, anger overrode his fear. But before he could regain his bearing, the tendrils enveloped him before he could even react, faster than his Viltrumite perception.

"Wait? Stop!" Mark pleaded, as the fear tided back in full force. Who knew what it was going to do to him. "Oh God! Oh God!"

The last image he saw before it all went dark. Was of himself, dressed in a spandex suit of grey with red accents, and a red cape attached to it.

The only thing strange was that he looked… older.

Mark could only stare flummoxed as darkness laid claim over him.


And so it cranked open. Whether by providence, or coincidence. A lucky fluke, or even premeditated. The Gate of God opened for a new challenger.

An Invincible challenger...


The first thing Mark noted was that his surroundings was too dim. Opening an eye he noted the gloominess of his new location.

He made an effort to stand up, only to notice his feet was never touching the ground. Making a sound of confusion, before realization as Mark understood what was happening.

"Flying? I'm flying! Actually flying!" He beamed, letting out a small whoop. The half-breed would have gallivanted more, but then he also noticed his drastic change of attire.

Unlike his rather colorful pajamas. What he wore was similar to the image he saw before losing consciousness. Eerily detailed, even to the lack of footwear, which was an annoying inconvenience. Well it gave him an excuse to practice flying.

Even though flight strangely felt too simple…

The son of Omni-Man pushed back the bubbling curiosity concerning why he thought that, as he decided to pay more attention to where he is. It was a dim hallway with an array of fire torches which succeeded in giving it a somewhat gloomy atmosphere.

'What is this place?' Mark wondered. Clenching his fist, he noticed on the walls were aged murals depicting what looked like strange creatures with people battling them.

'They kinda' look like Superheroes.' He remarked.

From the way he saw it. The murals portrayed men and women combating with swords, thin like sticks, fist or even firing beams. Those were classic Hero signs right there.

"Well whoever these people are. They are obviously connected to War-Woman." Mark reckoned drolly.

The sound of faint discussion entered his ears, followed by the sudden bright upfront down the hall, it brought to Mark's notice that he wasn't alone in here.

In trepidation, he wondered about the locals around here. He hoped they weren't antagonistic to strangers. Dad had told him of out-world life forms that always display hostile tendencies to new faces.

"Don't get scared, Mark. You're obviously superhuman now. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?" He grimaced soon after. 'Ah crap. I just jinxed it.'

Before he decides to tarry any longer, Mark shot away in blustery speed.


Ha Yuri Zahard could melt an ice-cream with the anger she was emanating. The omnipresent Shinsu turbulently twisted the air just some centimeters around her body. A tic mark on her fore-head and teeth grinding, the Princess of Zahard once again cursed that twice damned sword.

"Fuck that Black March! What the heck does she mean by that?!" Her face twisted miming what the Calendar spirit said. " Preferring young handsome boys. Is that picky sword actually a cougar?!"

It was only by happenstance that she got the news of an Irregular entering the tower. So naturally, the princess dropped everything she was doing and rushed to the first floor with Evan in tow.

Her trail of thought settled on Irregular's name, 'Twenty-fifth Baam.'

Truly that young boy really was not what she expected. As a High-Ranker, she could say that she has met plethora of persons, both Regulars and of course. The Irregulars.

The latter group could be summed into one word… Monsters.

She expected to see a freak like the beast Urek Mazino, the feared Enryu, or the enigmatic Phantaminum. But what Ha Yuri got was one wimpy kid, whose goal was just to follow someone, who she probably suspects didn't want him to.

Crimson eyes glided pass a particular spot in the room that showed uneven shadows while clicking her tongue in annoyance.

It wasn't her role to talk, so she wouldn't point it out.

But coming back to that boy, she found him to be rather striking and also a little refreshing. At least when compared to that womanizer, Urek Mazino. So she decided to give him a grade A Pocket, and even lend him her Calendar Series 'Black March,' much to Evan's initial objection.

Thinking of the said Ignition weapon, Ha Yuri covered her face with her hands muffling a scream. Ever since that very day she had been bequeathed with the sword from the King of the Tower, she had tried in vain to ignite it.

And. Not. Once! Had that shitty sword ever burned in her hands, it got to the point that secretly she thought she wasn't talented enough.

But to think that all this while, the main reason why it was hard to even do so, was because the sword was a damn sexist!

"Ah!" Abruptly screaming. Ha Yuri decided that when she gets that sword back, she will spray paint over it. "I'll even inscribe Black March is an ass." She cackled evilly.

"Princess, I warned you, didn't I? Now look the boy's gone with Black March. If anyone ever suspects your involvement with the Irregular. We'll be doomed!" The Silver haired dwarf, Evan howled in despair, clutching his head erratically.

Both the crimson eye princess brows shot up. 'Ah crap, he's right!'

In her raging, she had forgotten about the other matter. While she still needed revenge against Black March, she also had to retrieve that sword from Baam. Who knows what those fanatics might do, if they suspect her involvement with the boy.

'I could actually deal with them. But having the Military breathing on my neck would just cause a numbing migraine.' She groaned massaging her brows.

Dryly, Ha Yuri brushed him off. "Yeah I know. Let's go meet the others, we're heading for the Second Floor."

Turning to the silent Administrator, Ha Yuri asked eyes narrowed. "I believe that we were never here?"

From where the slit was a fanged grin showed. Headon replied back, his voice in sardonic eloquence. "I didn't see a thing."

'That's the best I can hope for.' Ha Yuri frowned.

She did not trust the Administrator, not one bit, his vibes made her feel uncomfortable. But she could at least say that he keeps his word no matter what. With that done just as she was about to go, she froze as she noticed a new presence in the floor.

It seems like Evans did as well. Actually he sensed it first, but still shuffled his bag hankering to bid good bye to the floor. He did not want the princess to place any modicum of attention on the new arriver.

"Princess, I'm ready let's go." Lips now twisted, the Silver dwarf wanted to howl in despair at the face his charge was making.

It was one of interest.

"Lady Yuri, I'm ready. Let us depart from here!" Evan repeated louder, using the Princess other name to address her. He wanted to dissuade her from what she was about to do.

"In case you have forgotten. We still have to go retrieve the Black March immediately, there is no time."

But if Evan expected that to work, then he was in for a dose of disappointment.

The rash Princess drawled lethargically. "Eh~ but I'm here already. Not to forget, Evan, but do you even know what this means." She turned excitedly to her Scout, raising three fingers.

"Three Irregulars, Evan! Three…! The only time such a monumental onset had occurred was during the arrival of the Ten Great Family Heads, with the King included in their numbers. There's no way I'm going to miss something as interesting as this."

'Ah! This rash girl! She really is going to get us killed.' Evan hollered in his mind. He could already picture it, on his tombstone what would be written.

Herein lies the Idiot who followed the Princess of Zahard to her grave.

The imagery wasn't even nice to think about!

"Well said, Princess of Zahard, well said!" Headon curtsied, "It is as you illuminated. A great change is about to come into this Tower, what is it? I have no idea, but it will certainly be great."

While the interest on Ha Yuri countenance increased, Evan's scowl darkened even more.

'Damn you malformed Rabbit!'

When the Irregular had arrived, Evan took one look at him, and tried to keep his jaws from falling. 'Ah~ I just know it. This one is going to be a monster.'

After all how do you explain the incredible spectacle before him? The sight of a being flying without any aid of Shinsu.


'A rather unique crowd, I got here.' Mark thought as he finally arrived end of the hallway. Thankfully there were people there only that, they were an odd group.

The smirking lady in the group was a beautiful human-looking woman with an impossibly long raven hair tied to a red ribbon, while dressed in a white jacket with back shirt underneath and a red tie, she also wore a short skirt and protected her long legs with black tights.

The way her crimson eyes glistened when her smile widened, made Mark to think he was before a vampire, it was quite disconcerting.

The other man was of a short stature, with silver hair dressed in dark green long sleeve shirt and pants, carrying a big camping bag.

Finally, the non-human in the group looked much like a gray rabbit golem without facial features. It appeared to be humming while spinning a staff with spheres at both end.

But still, this was quite the problem. Ever since he had been observing the unassuming group, Mark realized that his body hadn't stop shivering from warning signals that took the form of cold sweat in his back. Gulping loudly, the half-breed stopped himself from wondering why.

Clenching his fist to stop himself from visibly sweating, Mark repeated to himself. 'Keep it together Mark. Just be amiable, and it'll be all alright.' How did dad say he started interactions with Earthlings again?

He awkwardly raised a palm, "Hello, I come in peace?" Blood flowed into Mark's face, when he registered what he had just said.

' I come in peace?! Am I in some 1990 movies? And why does it have to sound like a damn question?!'

The woman let out peals of laughter when she saw his flushing face, and then began to speak in an unfamiliar language to the short man who appeared exasperated. To Mark it sounded like broken French.

Not like he actually knew the language, mind you.

'There's the other problem one might have when dealing with Alien races. Their language barrier.' Sometimes it makes Mark wonder how his dad ever dealt with it.

"He that has opened the door of his own will, I sincerely bid you welcome to the Tower." The Faceless rabbit curtsied outlandishly. Revealing to the half-Viltrumite, his non-human eyes at the upper base of the demarcated line around his cranium, which Mark couldn't see earlier from his vantage point.

Letting out breath of relief, Mark realized that thankfully, the rabbit golem –he hoped that wasn't offending- could actually speak English.

"You can speak my language?" The half-Viltrumite asked pleasantly surprised. While he floated down till his feet almost caressed the floor, bringing himself to a more suitable level.

"As a matter of fact." The humanoid replied, straightening himself. "I am Headon… appointed Administrator of this Tower, and caretaker of the First Floor. Pleased to be in your acquaintance."

"Mark Grayson. Pleased to meet you as well." The half-breed politely responded. Only wincing a moment later at the fact that he introduced himself with his real name. But then he shrugged it off as beginner's mistake, in addition he wasn't even wearing a mask.

Still. Dad would be so disappointed.

"Can you please tell me where I am, I seem to be lost." Mark continued.

The Administrator tilted his head amused, "Well that's easy, you are at the first step of your journey. The testing ground of all Irregulars, the First layer of the Tower of God."

'Creepy and cryptic. Just how I like it.' Mark grated. '… Like hell! That wasn't helpful at all!'

But still he picked some words up. 'Tower of God, Irregulars, Testing… Just where the hell am I?'

Seeing that he was going nowhere with his internal musing, Mark asked. "Look all I'm asking for is a way out and I'll be on my way. This test for the Tower of God. I want nothing of it."

Headon placed his staff on the ground, mirth apparent in his voice. "So you are saying that you have no wish to be here?"

Mark looked incredulous, "Wish to be here, you say? Sir, I was just in my room when that damn white spiral creature came and swallowed me up! I do not want to even be here!"

"But here you are." Headon shot in unperturbed. "One thing I have noticed when dealing with you Irregulars, is that your line of thinking is truly your own. You do not want to be here? That is a lie. You have something you want to achieve. Something strong enough that you opened the Gates with nothing more than pure will."

For a moment, the image of his father in his suit flashed Mark's mind's eye, but he shook his head. "That's… that's not possible. I already have all that I need back home." His voice grew weak, "So please, send me back."

The caretaker cupped his chin contemplatively. "Hmm… I understand now. You brought yourself to this tower, only that you forgotten why that is... What an interesting scenario, this is."

Mark eyes twitched in a fitful spasm. "Look here…" But the humanoid pointed his staff at the half-breed cutting him off.

"I understand the reason for your refusal. But I am afraid there is no way to leave the Tower, except." He then pointed his staff up. "Going up that is."

"Going up?"

"Yes. Climb the Tower, face the tests, ascend the floors, and when you reach the top. There, Mark Grayson, you will find the answers in which your heart seeks."

Well at least he was getting somewhere. "So if I climb your Tower and reach the top, I can go home."

Headon shrugged sardonically. "If that is what you wish."

'Well that's the plan.' Mark dryly thought. But still he wanted to ask if there was another way to leave the Tower. After all Headon had introduced himself as an Administrator, so he should at least have some authority over the Tower.

But when he was about to ask that, the silent siren blared out. There was something about this Headon that scared him too much to even consider questioning. Mark was sure that Force Sensing was not among a standard Viltrumite repertoire of powers, but when he wants to inquire Headon about his query, his stomach begins to feel sick.

No he won't ask. Mark decided to just play his game, and get out of this Tower as quick as he can.

"Then I'm game." He smack his fist into his palm, and what followed was sound of a shotgun. "Let's get started."

The Administrator eyes vanished and in its place was a grin. "Excellent."

The persistent argument drew Mark to the other two humans who was still there, that is if they even are humans. -Look at his dad as a prime example- Idly he wished there was a way he could understand what they were saying, maybe they could explain to him more clearly. It was a short while the short man sighed wearily moving over to Mark.

"Uhm… Hello." The half-breed waved.

'What does he think he's doing?' Evan sweatdropped in puzzlement, before shrugging. The princess had decided to give the new Irregular, another Grade A Pocket. While he was not ok with it, he accepted it as her decision.

He just hoped that it would not later bite them in the ass.

Mark watched bemused as the white hair man before him drop his bag and pull out a ball wrapped in white bindings from it. Before the half-extraterrestrial could ask what he was doing, golden light streaked from the ball that floated off the short man's hands zooming towards him.

"What the?!" Mark quickly propelled himself higher towards the ceiling, but the light still followed him. Gritting his teeth, as the light accompanied with wind danced around his form the demi-Viltrumite looked down at the amused short man, narrowing his eyes Mark set to attack at the initiated assault.

It was then the voice of the chuckling woman cut him off. "Hmm… Quite the reaction you got there, Irregular."

Mark looked at the woman in surprise. "Your language… I can understand it. But how?"

"Here's a simple answer, Irregular. Usage of an expensive Grade A Pocket." The short man cut in begrudgingly.

"Wait, so that wasn't an attack?" Mark suddenly felt abashed at his rash insinuation. He should have noticed that apart from the way the light washed over him, it actually did nothing. Sighing he wondered what was wrong with him?

The crimson eye woman folded her arms raising a brow, "Was that what you thought it was?" Her face set in near laughter. "Ok now I don't blame you from almost flying away. In this Tower, you have to be smart to survive."

'But I wasn't going to…' Mark internally corrected but didn't vocalize. After all, something told him, that strangely the man in green might actually come out top if they fought. Embarrassed, the son of Omni-man could only float back down.

"You and that Baam. You both are really shuffling my perceptions of Irregulars." Ha Yuri moved over to him, systematically scanning him up and down. "Well at least, you seem to be the stronger one."

'She's getting to close for comfort.' While Mark was uncomfortable with the way her eyes roamed over him. He pushed it back and decided to introduce himself. "Well I'm… Mark Grayson. Nice to you both."

"Evan Edork…" The man introduced himself.

"Yeah I figured. I'm Ha Yuri Zahard… Princess of Zahard. Nice to meet you" She prissily greeted, while looking at Mark like he ought to understand the significance of her royal title.

'Was that supposed to mean something?' Mark blinked owlishly, before hesitatingly replying back. "Nice to meet you both."

"What kind of reaction is that?! Or is that you also don't know what a Princess of Zahard is?!" Ha Yuri asked incredulously. "What are the odds?"

"Well of course he wouldn't. He is an Irregular, such titles mean nothing to him." Evan pointed out to the sulking Ha Yuri.

"Uhm… I feel like I should apologize, even though I don't know why." Mark slowly said.

Evan nonchalantly waved his hand. "Don't bother. You will only make the Princess feel worse."

"Yeah, Evan's right." Ha Yuri cut in, while straightening herself. Her demeanor returned back to normal.

"To be honest it was actually refreshing by the way. It's been quite the long while since I've been addressed like that without the King's name."

Her eyes grew lightly melancholic, while she quietly whispered. "A long time indeed."

The air around her grew heavy, until Ha Yuri realized she got the entire room staring at her with various forms of expression. Coughing lightly to clear her throat, Ha Yuri pointed a finger at Mark.

"Before I forget, there is something I want you to do in exchange for Pocket I gave you." She said to the half-breed. "By the way. Look at your Pocket and say 'Invisible Mode.'"

"Huh?" Mark looked on bemused, and rotated to the Pocket. "Invisible Mode."

With the sound of a water drop, the black orb promptly vanished spooking Mark who furtively looked around. "Where did it go?"

"Invisible just like you commanded it to. Leaving your Pocket out in the open will just show your lack of common sense, so don't forget to leave it as Invisible, unless the situation deems it that you should bring it out." Evan explained.

"Now as I was saying, Mark. I need you to do something for me." Ha Yuri now continued with a smile.

"Wh-What is it?" Mark defensively asked. He initially suspected that they wanted something in return for giving him this orb they call a Pocket, Evan even said it was expensive… well as long as it doesn't go against his principles, or is impossible. Then he will do his best to fulfill her request.

"You see when you reach the Second Floor, I want you to look for a certain young boy. His name is Twenty-Fifth Baam. Tell him that he should hold onto my sword, I'm coming for it. And also… if you can, please help him however you can."

"Finally a prodigious idea, Lady Yuri." Evan cheerfully commented.

A tic mark appeared on the side of her fore-head. "What's that suppose to mean Evan? I am an intelligent lady."

Evan dubiously replied. "Really? In case you have forgotten. You actually got us in this mess in the first place, Princess."

"You...!" Ha Yuri face heated, before letting out a sigh. "Have I ever told you that sometimes your mouth really doesn't fit your size?"

"Every time."

"Well allow me to remind you again!"

"Oh, is that it?" Mark expected something quite outlandish –the smirk on the woman's face screamed so- but for something like this. "I'll do it."

As Ha Yuri clapped her hands. Headon stamped his staff against ground. "Now that all trivialities are done. Come let us begin your test, Mark Grayson."

Ha Yuri pouted. "I've seen enough anyway. So Headon, what will be his test, Ball and White Steel Eel?"

Headon let out a laugh, "Surely you jest Princess Yuri. To someone of his stature a single Shinheuh like the White Steel Eel is nothing more than a mere nuisance."

"Excuse me, but what's this White Steel Eel? What does it have to do with my test?" Mark cut in.

"My apologies, Mark Grayson for leaving you unilluminated on the matter at hand. Allow me to quickly remedy it by beginning your test."

Headon lifted his staff ahead, with the said object giving a dim glow. The environment subsequently changed, the darkness before him eaten away to reveal a giant cell door. The inside had a literal different look to the one he was in, it was filled with a luminous green viscous ambience of which gently made sounds of water churning.

But the contents behind the cell door alarmed its observers.

"Headon, this is…!" Ha Yuri opened her mouth in shock turning to the caretaker with indignation in her eyes. "What is the meaning of this Headon?! Baam didn't face something like this!"

Even Evan agreed with the Princess outrage and did not argue with her raging. 'Not even your average Ranker could face this and come out unscathed!'

Mark could only look numbly at what was before him. Monsters… Lots, and lots of monsters. They all similarly looked like enormous armored snake creatures with horns and wings. And while they were twirled amongst themselves, he could feel the palpable aggression seeped within their blue filmed eyes.

"This is your test, Mark Grayson." Headon explained to Mark without pause. "There are over five hundred White Steel Eels shinheuh over there. Your test to begin your ascension to the Tower is to annihilate every single one of them."

But the Princess of Zahard wasn't having any of it. "Now I know you are mad! How is that remotely fair! Headon, a strong D Ranker wouldn't fair easily against even against two hundred, and you want him to face what? Five hundred! Do you want to kill him?!"

The Administrator quietly regarded Ha Yuri as he then let out a sigh. "Oh woman of little faith. Have you forgotten the recent incidents pertaining the Irregular Baam?" Seeing that Princess Yuri gritted her teeth but gave no reply, the caretaker continued.

"Mark Grayson there is an Irregular, but unlike Baam, there is a certain power beneath him. It is that power I want to test. Like how he is flying without the use of the ubiquitous Shinsu"

'When he puts it that way…' Ha Yuri simmered her ire at the caretaker's explanation. He was right, she knew more than anyone that the world was not fair, funnily even among Irregulars. King Zahard may be the ruler of the Tower, but he certainly was not the strongest, she knew of people that could kill him.

Not like she would ever voice that out.

But the Princess digressed. Eyeing the floating young man, she decided to ask of his opinion. "Well what do you think, Mark? Those shinheuh over there are no joke, they're tough monsters belonging to the Twentieth Floor and that's five hundred over there. Can you do it?"

Mark hadn't taken his sight on those monsters ever since the beginning. Ever since Headon told him to eliminate those monsters his brain had been messing with him, showing him images he had never seen before.

Images of blood, war, pain… it felt so real like he was there, soaked in the blood of his enemies. 'That vision of me in this suit and then this images… what is really going on?'

Mark wanted to just sleep away this madness, cry at the unfairness of the situation. But then, he knew he couldn't stay like this. His father Omni-Man wouldn't anyway.

Without replying Mark slowly flew to the test room.

"Why do you still go to your death?" Ha Yuri voiced from behind him frustrated at his choice. "Are you just too proud to give up?"

Mark's pace did not slow even a bit.

Evan sighed at the familiar scene. 'He really is like that kid.' His mind went to Twenty-Fifth Baam.

As for Headon, he grinned.

"You are ignorant about this Tower, both you and Baam. So why do you struggle, even though you know that you are not Invincible!"

That word struck Mark with the force of a lightning bolt as he halted just before the cell door. "Invincible… Invincible. Now where have I heard that?" He sighed to himself before he turned to Ha Yuri sporting a smile.

"Everything you say is absolutely right, Yuri." The half-breed face the cell observing the beasts once again. "I just want to give up right here and now, it's been less than a day since I awakened to my powers after all." Clenching his fist, he continued with throat strangely clogged.

"The truth is that… I'm afraid. But still… that does not mean I will let this bring me down. I want to go home, and if that means defeating these monsters, then I'll do it." Strangely saying that flushed the anxiety in his system. He clenched his hands again, this time feeling that stark difference compared to before.

"As for my invincibility… I am the son of the greatest Hero." His smile at that moment was dazzling. "And Heroes never fall back."

With that he flew into the murky green room.

There was silence in the hallway, to all those present there was something about this Mark Grayson when he spoke at that last moment. For Evan, the atmosphere around the Irregular was too familiar.

'Ah I remember. It was back when I had a personal audience with the King.' The majesty and pressure the Ruler of the Tower emanated was too awe-inspiring, that Evan could only bow never looking at even his clothes.

Say what you want about the King, but if there was one thing the Imperial Scout agreed with all the fanatics out there was this.

'The King is on another dimension when compared to us.' Then there is Mark Grayson… Suddenly feeling tired, Evan Edork finally understood what was about to happen.

'This Tower will soon be turned over its head.'

"Oyah~ what a surprise Princess Yuri. Are you not going to provide him with any weapon?" Headon asked the Zahard Princess.

Ha Yuri expressionlessly stared at the back of the half-breed who faced an amount of shinheuh that meant death to the lower caste of Rankers. If he had asked for her help, she could have taken care of all of them with nothing more than simple exhale. But still he wants to play the Hero, fine. The Princess of Zahard would see if he was all just talk or something more.

"He said as a Hero he is Invincible, right? That just meant he believes he could do it. Besides something tells me he doesn't need it" She tonelessly replied. To her Scout, she asked. "Evan, is there any trick you think he should pull to deal with the shinheuhs?"

The Imperial Scout stared intensely, before shaking his head. "I can't be too sure Princess." But he kept to himself that there was a way… Only that it required the strength of nothing less than a Ranker.

Hearing Evan's answer she crossed her arms, while deep down. A part the Princess thought had died a long time ago cheered for him.

What happened next… was too spectacular to believe.

The entire hallway shook in tremor as the shinsu from the test room dispersed out.

"Oh my, this is quite the display." Headon said with a tinge of astonishment.

Evan rubbed his eyes hard unable to process what he was seeing. "Pri-Princess is my eyes playing with me, or did you hit my head too hard the last time?"

Ha Yuri did not trouble herself to answer, as numbly her hands flopped, and her face obscured. With the force of an eruption, ringing peals of laughter escaped her mouth. She laughed till tears beaded her eyes, laughed till her cheeks flushed red, laughed like she never had before while shaking her head in disbelief.

"He really is a monster… My little Invincible."

For what was before them was total madness. The shinsu in the room stirred up tempestuously and behind the Irregular Mark Grayson was… The distinct formation of a blinding black Baang.


When Mark flew into the room he expected to meet resistance at the framed obstruction. But was surprisingly greeted with zero resistance. Upon entering the room, he sensed the atmosphere is different from the one outside. To Mark it felt enjoyable.

'It taste like carbonated sprite.' He remarked to himself.

What was more surprising was that despite the liquescent environment, Mark still found the air comfortable to breathe in. Meanwhile the monsters… no shinheuh, Mark corrected himself. Grew restless as they all sensed the presence of an unknown inside their cage.

Normally unlike most shinhuehs, the White Steel Eels would not bother other life forms as they were herbivorous in nature. But at this time starvation had clouded their reason, they swayed around themselves in a bid to ignore their raving stomachs. But now something has entered their enclosure.

It was of no wonder they saw it as the one thing they needed the most… Food.

When the shinheuhs rushed at Mark with ravenous gazes, he expected to feel something. Fear, anticipation, anxiety, anger… However he felt nothing. Candidly speaking ever since he had arrived at this place the half-breed felt like his emotions was being manipulated.

How else could anyone explained his calmness in front of all these hostile creatures.

Just as Mark was about to rush at them, another vision revealed itself to him.

He found himself in space. The stars everywhere in his sight presented a beautiful field. But he wasn't focused on that as he knew in a few moments, it was all going to be bathed in blood.

The - were going to attack and from what Mark and the others knew it would be brutal and merciless. What was worse the Hero knew he couldn't stop it.

Ever since he had beat - to death in anger, he knew that he had transformed into a different being.

Gone was the Hero who would try to save everyone, that as long as there was life one could become the better man. Now he has to kill in order to do so. For there are some too vile that death was their only redemption.

Ever since his - killed the - Mark knew life was never going to be the same.

So as the terminal in his ear informed him of the enemies' arrival. Mark rushed at his - with heavy bloodlust along with the others. Deep in his heart the Hero gave a prayer.

'God forgive my soul.'

Unconsciously the half-Viltrumite perception of the world crawled to a stop. His body itself was made aware of the unfamiliar elements in the air, and the nature of his tampered physiology took hold of it.

The shinsu itself happily swirled responding to the new authority, gathering behind Mark Grayson as it took the form of a black Baang. Its nature unknown. But the thrum it gave, and the devouring light it pulsated, spoke of its dangerous nature.

Seeing the desperate expression of the shinheuhs swelled up a feeling of pity in Mark for them. But even so, his body and soul knew what had to be done.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "I will try to make this as painless as possible."

Suddenly Mark vanished leaving behind a vacuum of shinsu that quickly filled up with a sonic boom. Fist forward, the half-breed pierced through fifty of the White Steel Eels before the start of a second.

The Baang that kept up with the speed of its conjurer began firing dark lasers that vaporized the shinhuehs with one strike, transfiguring them into green mist. Loud booms followed the son of Omni-Man who passed through the infamous armored coverings of the White Steel Eel without an iota of resistance.

By the time he was at the end of the room, the Baang had expired, its job already done. And his body bathed in blood at the diabolical rain he had caused.

All five hundred White Steel Eels deceased in seconds before the shinhues themselves could comprehend it…

"Wonderful! Excellent! Magnificent!" Headon clapped.

"In all my time as an Administrator of the Tower only you and him, have been capable of producing such an incredible result!"

Evan asked him with disbelief. "Not even the Heads of the Ten Great Families."

Headon showed a grin. "Not even one."

Evan gulped cranking his head to look at the blood soaked Irregular. He too could do what the boy just did in lesser seconds and his eyes closed. But for a newcomer to display even that. Not to mention his soul shocking materialization of an actual Baang. It took him ten years to form just one and the Scout was hailed as a genius!

Damn it all!

"He's a monster." The Imperial Scout dumbly whispered. One who he dare say surpasses even the King.

Meanwhile Mark looked over his bloodied form wondering what the hell he just did. He consciously knew he was doing something, but not how he was doing it. Slowly flying back, a bit of the blood streaked down from his hair entering his mouth which left him gagging and spitting at the nasty taste.

"Yuck! It's awful!" He said with his face scrunched, but at least he knew he passed the test. Just as he reached near the others, the spot around him lighted up in a yellow glow.

"What the hell?!" Mark look around in surprise.

"Don't panic! That's your way to the Second Floor!" Ha Yuri explained to the ascending Irregular. As the boy disappeared, she smiled. "First Twenty-Fifth Baam, now Mark Grayson. Two very, very fascinating boys. It seems like I won't be bored for a very long while."

"Evan, we're going." She called to the still jaw dropped Scout, who refused to accept reality after the test was done. "Oi Evan!"

Seeing that he still wasn't answering. Ha Yuri with a tic mark calmly clenched her fist and smacked it against the Silver Dwarf's head.

"Ouch! What?! Huh?! Lady Yuri?!" Evan cried holding his head.

"Giddy up, Evan. We're heading to the Second Floor." While leaving she couldn't keep out the bounce in her steps. Things are really heating up.

Seeing that his charge was leaving. Evan hefted his bag, stole one last look at the room with a sigh before following after the Princess.

"A turn of events that even I couldn't predict." Headon said seeing that he was presumably alone. "Providence, Talent and Power… I am interested to see what will happen next."
Bloodied Hero, wild Cat and snow Swordsman I

Mark whirled around in panic as Ha Yuri and the others vanished from his sight, replaced by cascading colors of myriad types dripping around him. He could tell he was ascending up in a way, since he felt that inconsequential pull from his shoulders just like when he was flying.

The way his cape flapped also helped in his deductions.

'So it's something like an elevator.' Mark remarked, remembering what Ha Yuri told him when he was through with that horrifying test.

"Don't panic! That's your way to the Second Floor!"

The half-breed clicked his tongue. 'Who the hell's panicking? I'm just being cautious.'

But he knew that excuse sounded weak to even hear. Because his heart was definitely was not beating normally when that light appeared below him.

'I swear, I thought it was like that portal all over again.' He shivered. But as they say. What anyone doesn't knows won't hurt him… Or something like that.

Sighing to himself, Mark muttered. "At least I'm done with one out of… Ah~ crap."

In his impulsiveness, Mark had not asked about the full picture of what he was dealing with. Climbing to the top of the Tower. That was simple enough, but how many Floors was it. Will there only be monster fights or something different in general.

Closing his eyes, Mark said a short prayer as he soared into the depths of the unknown.

"Oh God, help me."


"This is boring! Dammit, it so, so boring!"

Arms crossed, and a finger tapping incessantly against his clothe biceps. The short statured man with dark skin and blazing red hair, dressed in a white lab coat. Quant Blitz was suffering from lethargic depression.

As a member of the Blitz family, the Ranker knew he wasn't without his idiosyncrasies. Short tempered and a dose of rashness, all and many more. But still… this was taking too long! Wasn't the time duration of preliminary elimination tests always short?

"Did Lord Headon actually bring more Regulars than usual?" He wondered.

From what he saw from Lero-Ro's testing, over twenty group had survived. It had taken Lero-Ro himself to come down to cull down more so that the number would be adequate.

And now, it is also expected that he, the great Quant Blitz, also do the same, as he saw the amount of Regulars on the field.

"That's impossible! Is what I want to say… But yep, there's no dodging this."

As a Test Administrator, it was his job and duty to crisply oversee all the test for the fresh bloods. Not to mention that Yu Han-Sung will definitely skin his hide if he messes up.

'That blonde, unassuming, insidious tyrant!'

Letting out a shout, the Ranker scuffed his head while pondering on what to do. That was until his scratching paused, his face lifted up, now set in an unreadable expression as he came upon an idea.

A crazy one…

"Well~ the aim of the test is to weed out weaklings that do not belong to the Tower anyway." He mused, before letting out a self-satisfied laugh.

"Quant Blitz you genius! I knew only that brain of yours could think of something this good."

Letting out another laugh, the Ranker bounced with a whop and headed to announcement room to change the contents of the test. Let it not be said that this Ranker is not a diligent one.

"After all. ' A thirty minutes killing spree test.' Sounds fun." He giggled.

In another timeline, the survivors, no… the slaughterers would only be numbered in three. Now, with the presence of a Hero, maybe, just maybe, such a disregarded tragedy would not come to be.


When the colors receded, and Mark came through. He found himself floating over a field of dried grass that appeared to be as tall as a medium man's size in height. Far out, the half-breed could see mountains littered in the distance giving the place an artistic point of view.

But that was not the reason for Mark's breathe to hitch.

While the overall view of the expanse was part of it. It was more specifically, the morning blue sky and meagre clouds that decorated it.

"Am I outside?" He dazedly said in wonder. From his surroundings, Mark could spot signs of people appearing in white lights that shot to the ground, sparsely populating the plain, and he could hear their confused murmured chatters.

Turning back to pay attention to the sky above. The half-breed began to notice a tangible difference. As he hadn't taken his eyes off the cloud he mutedly gazed, Mark realized that it had not moved out of its position at all.

"As if that wasn't strange at all. Not to mention that bright ball of light... That's definitely not the sun." Mark remarked.

Even during that evening just when he had awakened his powers, he could still feel the warmth kiss of the dusk sun against his flesh.

But this one just felt fake.

Mark pressed his lips, a lump falling down to his stomach at the situation at hand.

"This isn't all just some lucid dreaming, is it?" The half-breed laughed dryly. "Dad and Mom is so gonna' to throw a fit."

He absently wondered if the others around him where in the same situation as him. Kidnapped from their world without their knowledge, while given a test to slaughter a miscellaneous collection of animal.

Suddenly heaving, Mark felt his stomach churn as he remembered the carnage he had wrought in just some few seconds, and that mysterious power he had shown back then.

"Not to mention all the sudden bout of strange memories…" Mark groaned massaging his head. All this thinking is just giving him a dizzy spell, and to just spend his precious time thinking too much isn't going to alleviate his guilt.

But first things first. The half-Viltrumite decided to go see the others, maybe even offer help if any is needed.

"Because I going to be a Hero, and there is no better place than to start here." Just as he levitated higher, the sound of a throat clearing could be held above him.

{ Welcome Regulars, to the Second Floor of the Tower.}​

Pausing, Mark looked up to see what appeared to be a small cube with black opaque casing, inside it was a white ball of light pierced through the dimmed cover, blinking in intercession, and from it came out a voice that could only be likened to a child.

Mark's lips twitched at the sight. While it wasn't the most bizarre sight, he had ever seen, –rather it was quite droll- But still, to see that serving as a sort of speaker, tells Mark that at least these people at least possess an advance level in their technology.

Cutting himself off, Mark paid attention to the rest of the announcement.

{This is the floor of tests that will determine your worthiness in climbing the Tower.}​

'Well, I had a feeling it wouldn't be so simple.' Mark dryly thought.

{Now without any further ado, let's begin the first test.}​

Mark looked around as he felt the palpable ambience turn static. The tension was so obvious it was a shock he haven't seen anyone screaming in fear. If he wasn't reading too much into it, the half-breed was half the mind that all the participants had an idea on what was happening.

When the rules of the game came out, his body turned cold.

{ The rules are simple. For the allocated time of thirty minutes, all 300 Regulars within the regulated period will participate in a Killing Spree.}​

"W-What-What in God's name, is that floating scrap saying?!" Mark eyes dilated in shock, could only fumble to say, as he stared eyes wide open at the cube.

{ Usage of any method is allowed. Also. The time remaining and number of Regulars will be displayed on your Pocket.}​

"Somebody please, tell me it's just fooling around." The half-breed muttered brazenly, as the air gained a certain grim heat that could only be described as bloodlust.

Automatically the Pocket given to him by Evan appeared, and on its surface was the chilling number 300.

"This's 300 lives we're talking about here." Mark gazed incredibly, as the piece of metal nonchalantly displayed lives that were about to be lost. All because of some stupid test.

"And that piece of junk wants us to kill each other? What an awful joke!"

When he said he was prepared to climb the Tower, Mark was not talking about this. This was not an ordinary Tower… This is…

{ Now without further ado... Good luck everyone.}​



"What the hell was that?"

Mark stood still in the air unable to comprehend the contents the test held. Quickly, he checked his Pocket once again only for his heart to start beating furiously at what he saw.

[ 256]

'Jesus Christ! This quick?!'

From the advices from his dad, TV news, down to the gist from his friends. Mark understood that humans, when in perilous situations in most cases tends to make desperate situation.

But the half-extraterrestrial never expected this.

"What kind of people kill the other just because some stupid cube tells them too."

Teeth gritting Mark decided to round up everyone partaking in these bloodbath to sort it all out, with force if he had to. It was then with a loud bang, something smacked against his forehead.

"Flies?" Mark blinked. He had not seen any insects since his landing in this Floor, while that was strange since an area like this ought to have some of those stringent insects gallivanting around, he surmised it was due to the nature of the environment.

With a quick hand movement, his hand swiped against his forehead only to see a crumpled piece of lead, even though before repair, its shape remained distinctively familiar. It was such that Mark actually laughed, only in disbelief.

"A bullet?" He looked from where the shot came from. It was there he saw a young fair man with a green ram horn on the left side of his head, dressed in heavy clothes looking panicked while hiding among the rocks close to a hundred meters away.

"W-What?!" The shooter squawked. Hands trembling as he aimed another shot, while cursing the fact that he was probably against a powerful scion of the Ten Great Families.

As it all transpired, to Mark he could only looked unbelievably as the man aimed his sniper rifle at him.

'That bastard… Even after that, he's still trying to kill me?'

For Mark, what followed immediately was a sudden eruption of emotions, and it all could be summed in one word … Anger.

In an instant, just like what had happened at the First Floor, a mysterious power pulsed out from him sweeping out through the fields.

All participants in the mortal kombat without prejudice paused in their rampage, as they sensed the otherworldliness within their midst. Some of the Regulars couldn't support their own weight as the force of it all made their bodies weak to the slightest resistance.

Only one thoughts synonymously rang in their minds.


High above as Lero-Ro led his group through the grand white hallway into the residential area, he paused abruptly in alarm turning back. Eyes narrowing, he felt the shinsu turbulently stir.

'What's the meaning of this?' The blond Ranker pondered uneasily, as a bead of sweat threaded down from his forehead.

For a moment he thought Lord Evankhell was about to fight another High-Ranker, which made his heart stop for a second there.

"But that's not possible… I hope." Showing a brief assuring smile to the others. Lero-Ro briskly resumed his journey much to the confusion of the new arrivals.

"Hey blue turtle?! Why is yellow turtle looking so afraid?!" The eight ft. brown skin crocodile asked, nudging his teammate.

"Shut up, gator!" The blood of Khun replied, unminding of the crocodile's protest. "Don't ask me, I'm right here with you."

He gave an assuring smile to his bright orange eyed teammate. But in his mind, he too wondered what was happening. 'Anything that could make a Ranker's eyes dilate in fear, is a serious cause for worry.'


"You bastard, what do you think life is?"

The sniper as a result of being within proximity was paralyzed in fear. "This can't be happening! Not after everything that I've put into this!"

When Headon had chosen him for a life as a Regular, to him life had changed, going a full total upgrade.

Typically, he had heard of what it means to be a Regular from those who came back as failures. But even so, to the people in the Outside Sector of the Tower, those failures were warlords as even their short stay in the Inner Sector propelled their strengths to greater heights.

But he was different! He would not return, because he will be a winner, the winner, no matter what! He had put all his soul into this!

But why, why! Did he have to be the one to encounter such a monster at the initial second of the test!

His will was telling him to go down fighting. But his instincts, soul, and body, was frozen in fear. For what the Regular gazed upon was not a being on the same plane, but a transcendent. Letting out a terrified cry, the Regular with tears in his eyes pulled the trigger again without another resounding bang.

"Die! You monster!"

Mark this time was prepared. While the Irregular understood that he was now bulletproof, he still did not want to be hit by a bullet. -It was ticklish- Just like before the world crawled, and when the bullet reached the half-breed, he raised his left hand catching it.

Time resumed back, and the only thing the sniper saw was Mark raising a hand, opening it to reveal his bullet.

It was not over by a long shot as Mark was filed in a haze of dark emotions. Slowly, he raised a fist propelling towards the Regular prepared to end him. Like an unstoppable storm, the Irregular was prepared to destroy the lowly vermin that dares to point his arms at his Supreme better .

But then a tiny voice whispered to him.



Mark's eyes widened, quickly tilted his fist away from sniper. From his fist sprang forth powerful blustery winds accompanied with a loud canon boom that resounded across the plain, and when the sniper gradually turned back, his mouth fell in shock.

For where there was once a field of yellow grass for over half a mile… was now an abysmal chasm. It was to no one's surprise that promptly the Regular pissed on himself and fainted on the spot.

'Who was that?' Mark wondered, distracted by what just happened. 'That voice. I feel like, I-I, should know who that voice belongs to.'

"Daddy?" The half-breed repeated to himself in perplexity, placing a hand against his heart as he tried to quell the lancing emotional pain in his chest.

Looking down at the fainted sniper, Mark was of mixed emotions. He knew that if it wasn't for that voice, he would have committed something he had never thought he was ever capable of doing.


"I really need to sort myself out." He sighed, bringing out his Pocket to check over the situation, and his eyes bugged out at what he was seeing.

"Two hundred, and twenty one! But, it hasn't been three minutes yet!" He sputtered.

Wasting no time on pondering, Mark employed his full speed and vanished leaving a distortion in the air, it carried such a force that practically destroyed the nearby rocks, and the sniper flew in the air, while having one last thought.

'I am just thankful for being alive!'


"That's number~ 6!"

The brunette Zahard Princess, Endorsi Zahard cheered, as she swerved to the side and thrust a fist through the body of the unfortunate male Regular with such force it ruptured his heart.

Tilting her head, the self-proclaimed beauty shifted to dodge the coughed up blood of the now dead Regular.

"Hmmm…. There's not really enough, is there?" She commented with a smile, while surrounded by corpses. Looking back at her teammates, especially the quiet blond one with freckles hidden under a brown hood, Endorsi wondered once again why she partnered them.

'They're no fun, at all.' She pouted while taking time to observe the plains.

When the announcement concerning the contents of the test was made, she wasn't surprised at all. After all it still was nothing compared to the tournament for the position for Zahard's Princess.

Rather this test was fun. So she hunted and killed without any show of mercy, for she knew none would be shown to her. That is the way of the Tower, to not affirm means you are against it, and to be against it… Never ends well for anyone.

The one thing that concerned the Princess was the chilling presence that swept pass her just some moments ago. She surmised it was probably a Ranker, a very strong one. Why did the Ranker do that? She did not know. But Endorsi knew it was not her business, so she left it at that.

A piercing scream carried Endorsi's eyes to her peripheral, it was from there she spotted another Regular. This time, a young girl of over ten desperately running away from a cackling large man dressed in robes carrying a butcher knife.

Even as the young girl cried for help, Endorsi still looked on impassively. Candidly speaking, helping the little kid was easy, if she pushed herself hard enough, Endorsi was sure that she could reach the girl before the man could touch her.

But she wouldn't, because as the name says, this is an Elimination test. Which the princess suspects that it was probably to cull the numbers. Well at least she offered her condolences.

'Rest in peace unnamed little girl. Don't worry, cause your big sis is going to make sure the bad man is going to join you soon enough. And I'll make his death extra special just for you.'

That was all the Princess of Zahard could offer. For if it is to rise to the top, Endorsi Zahard will heartlessly step over millions of corpses if she has to.

Sure enough the girl tripped and fell, with the man catching up. The girl cried harder calling for help, as the heaving man laughed raising up his knife to finish the job. It was then, when with a sharp thwup, both man and child suddenly vanished.

"Hmmm?" Endorsi paused, raising an eyebrow at the bizarre scene. Turning back to her teammates she said.

"Hey, are you both seeing this-ahhh!"

With a girlish yelp, a forceful pull suddenly lifted the Princess of Zahard off her feet without any way for her to react, and the surroundings around her turned blur. Not a moment later, it all slowed down, and she was thrown roughly to the ground by whoever had picked her up.

"Ugh…" Groaning, Endorsi placed her hand against her temple to staunch the vertigo, groggily standing up only to realize she was not alone.

Around her where many Regulars, probably all the remaining ones as she could surmise from their numbers.

Quickly Endorsi regained her bearing, pulling up her hood more, and then began pushing pass the crowd, while keeping an ear out to see if they knew what was happening.

"Ugh, my head… I feel like vomiting."

"Where am I?"

"Hey, do you know what's happening?"

"How should I know? It all just happened suddenly, so I don't know. Probably the whims of the test Ranker."

'Useless.' Endorsi clicked her tongue in irritation while shifting her hood.

Luckily it wasn't long that she spotted her teammates. The giant stood threateningly still protecting the freckled girl, while the said girl remained aloof as ever.

The brunette let out a mental grimace but still trudged on. She still did not get why she was with this team, -while she could guess that it was probably due to the aura around the freckled girl that influenced her- Endorsi knew they were better teams around here.

Looking back she was meet with a sea of confusion. 'Or not…' Shrugging, Endorsi decided to go stick with the team, at least until she gets a better replacement.

"Hey you guys! Miss me." She cheerfully greeted with a bright smile. Endorsi was well aware of the reaction of her boisterous action garnered among the confused crowd, some looked at her with bright eyes, and others will thinly veiled envy.

But she knew it was not their fault. For her beauty was just that enchanting.

'Ah~ what a sinful woman you are, Endorsi Zahard.'

Endorsi let out a complacent sigh with her lips creased into a smile, which only tuned down when the freckled girl just bobbed in return. Eyes twitching, Endorsi decided not to pay any more attention to her unknown partner.

The whoosh of the wind, with another surprised yelp, brought all the crowd's attention to the sky. There what she saw intrigued her.

The figure above revealed to be a young man, while not too handsome was fine to look at. He was dressed in a skintight suit and cape. Endorsi couldn't tell what color the attire was as it was covered in blood, and most notably he was flying without any equipment.

While a Regular flying unaided was quite a big deal, but to Endorsi who once lived among Rankers, unaided flight wasn't that special. She surmised that it was probably due to a hidden Ignition Weapon.

If there was anything that caught her attention, it was the stranger's blue eyes that reminded her of memories long locked away.

"Now that you are all here, I want you all to listen well and listen good." The young man said heatedly, while looking down at the gathering of Regulars.

"If I see anyone try to kill anybody again. I swear by God, that I will break their bones. Do I make myself clear?!"

Endorsi naturally decided not to answer, not that she was afraid, but rather cautious. She wanted someone stupid enough to provoke the stranger to see the substantiation for his apparent dismissal to rules expressed in the test.

Surely enough, an idiot took the bait.

'Endorsi, Endorsi.' The small horned Princess tutted, folding her arms to watch the coming show. 'Things can't help but work in your favour, can't they?'


Mark threw down the last two alien looking Regulars he could find, while he took activated his Pocket to check the number of the remaining participants.

[ 199]

Clicking his tongue, Mark knew that he had missed some as he flew around or they unfortunately died before he could save them. Looking down at the number he had gathered, the half-breed took a moment to appreciate his super speed.

It was only but for some seconds, but he had already picked up a spot and rounded up the others. For as strange as it was, Mark realized that his perception also goes in hand with his speed. That is for the period of time that he flew, he saw things in like they were still frames.

Things that he honestly did not want to see.

Looking down at the crowd, Mark felt another rush of anger building up again.

' There're all savages, the whole lots of them, to be so willing to participate in this kind of test. ' Like a slithering snake, a deep voice he could not recognize whispered to him. But unfortunately Mark couldn't find it in himself to refute it.

For as he flew around, Mark had spotted dead bodies. Some already freshly dead, others decaying. Adults down to even little children! It took all he had to just seethe rather than explode in fury.

Also Mark had spotted some of the Regulars having weaponry on their persons which supported the suspicion that the participants knew of what they were doing all along.

But truly what angered Mark the most was the bloodthirsty expression, he saw the Regulars made. Even now among the crowds, he spotted some of them coated in blood, he would bet all his favorite figurines that it wasn't their own.

"Now that you are all here, I want you to listen well and listen good." Mark said in a heated tone that surprised even himself, while looking down disgusted at the gathering of Regulars.

"If I see anyone try to kill anybody again. I swear by God, that I will break their bones. Do I make myself clear?!"

Confused mummers flowed from the crowds as they all looked at him warily. If it wasn't for the fact that he needed information on what was happening, he would have knocked them all out. Maybe even do worse based on what he saw as he flied around.

These people were all devils , but Mark decided to at least give them a chance to see what they will do… And to teach any unfortunate dissenter a painful lesson as deterrent.

Sure enough one came out, pushing his way forcefully out of the crowd. He was a huge tanned man with a bald head and bulging muscles, dressed in overused brown robes. On his hands was a huge knife which had dried blood on its surface.

"Oi- oi! Mr. Bigshot here, telling us chosen Regulars what to do." The man said sleazily while he raised his bloody blade pointing it at him.

"Who do you think you are to be making the rules here!" he said with a menacing smirk. "Do you really fancy yourself a Ranker? Get down from there let me chop you up!"

"You…" Mark looked at the Regular immediately recognizing him.

A whimper from behind made him threw a glance at the small cluster of kids he segregated from the others, particularly a small girl of ten trying to make herself appear smaller.

Yeah Mark remembered the bastard now, back when he was gathering the others he saw this bastard with an insane smile trying to murder the little girl with a knife.

Mark face turned beastly fierce and his fist clench so tight that it turned white, so much blood flew straight to his head that he was surprised that he had not popped a vein.

The half-breed always had anger issues in his life, but never to this point. Looking down at the sleazy man. Mark knew that when he comes down… He will kill him, conscience be dammed.

For her image intermeshed with a younger girl. She was the one who he declared to be his heart, his whole world. Naming her as a symbol of his home world, she gave him the will to fight on no matter what.

Pain nor suffering will deter him from proving his love to her.

Because he was her *-

Now he knew what to do…

Slowly Mark descended, his bloodied cape billowing as a result of the lowland winds. His blue eyes gave out a deathly glow, for what he was looking at was a piece of shit that does not deserve to live .

Just as Mark's foot touched the ground, the Regular let out a deranged laugh, and dashed with a surprising burst of speed that bothered superhuman. Knife trailing in a silver arc he stabbed at the half-breed's right eyeball with such force it made a loud clang.

But alas it was for naught…

Eyes widened in crazed shock. The man could only stay frozen as his hardened blade turned into silver fragments against this… Monster.

"Are you done?" Mark asked, looking emotionlessly at the man whose confidence was nowhere to be found.

The crowd unconsciously gave them both a wide berth, unwilling to be caught up in whatever was happening.

"W-What?" The man struggled to say unable to move.

"I said. Are. You. Done?" Mark reiterated forcefully.

Seeing that Regular had nothing to say, he ominously continued. "Now, I believe it's my turn to serve the ball."

Ingrained instincts as a killer back at the Outer Sector gave the man the warning to jump back, but he found even that as impossible. A searing pain brought shivers to his body, looking down at his chest, he found the monster's left four fingers dig deeply into his flesh, griping his ribcage.

Instantly the killer was coated in a film of sweat and letting out a harrowing scream.


But that just made Mark to grip tighter, "You know I really did not want to do this."

He laughed mirthlessly. "I'm sure I will regret doing this. But if you are to be an example of what I will do, if I see anyone dare to hurt a kid. Then, I will gladly be what I hate the most."

"Kids." The monster said giving them a side glance, "Do me a favor. Close your ears and eyes for this. It's not gonna' be pretty."

Right away, the kids all did as Mark said, drawing out from him a smile. "Good…"

Turning back his eyes became cold once again, "Remember what I said before, that if anyone touches another that I will break their bones. Well I've changed my mind. This is what I will do to anyone who dares to kill in my presence."

Mark placed his free hand on one of the arms of the man and squeezed. What followed was the disgusting sound of flesh and bones being torn out from the body, and gushing blood that suffused the half-breed covering the green blood with red.

Now crying, the man could only remain helpless as the half-extraterrestrial ruthlessly ripped out his arm while he began to tear out the other.

"Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! The pain will kill me! I don't want to die!"

Hands that now reached out to his skull paused, "Now that's a surprise. I thought you said you wanted to chop me up. Or I did hear that wrong."

Eyes bloodshot, the now reduced to a mess killer shook his head desperately. "No sir you heard wrong! I did not say anything like that! Please sir, please don't kill me!"

Mark dug deeper into his finger deeper into the man's flesh while careful not to shatter his ribs, eliciting another agonized cry from the killer.

"Alright then let's do this! I'm about to throw you far, far away. If you survive that, then I promise I won't come after you. Do you agree or not? Not like you have much of a choice."

"I agree! Of course I agree sir!" The killer gurgled out. Anything to be away from this monster.

'Idiot.' Mark thought, looking at the sniveling mess. He raised the man a little higher above him, and then threw him.

The force took the man away like a speeding bullet, his body was unable to handle the kinetic kickback the force of the throw had caused. Just when he reached towards the clouds, the killer finally exploded into chunks of gore.

A dousing hush fell upon the crowd at the scene. That show of power, that impossible strength, even the nonchalance it took to throw the man, all told them of one thing.

This being before them was not to be trifled with. To some, they even thought he was the latest calamity to enter the Tower.

An Irregular in their midst…


The crowd shivered as one when the monster cerulean eyes scanned the crowd again.

"Who still wants to complain?"

Naturally no one did.

"So can someone please, tell me what's going on?" Mark asked wearily.

"Wait, are you saying that you don't know?"

A girl pushed her way out of the crowd, pulling down her hood to reveal a brown haired maiden of fair countenance with yellow eyes and dress, wearing an amused smirk. The only thing that revealed her inhumanity was the small horn at the right side of her head.

"Very suspicious."

If it were before, Mark would have happily sang like a canary at the beauty of the lady before him. But for now, he was too tired to appreciate it.

"Just get to the point!"

The brunette raised her hands in surrender, "Shish, what a scary man. Let me give you a short version for both our sakes as you know… The clock is ticking."

Putting his Pocket in Visible Mode, Make looked above the number of survivors, checking the amount of time left.

"Twenty three minutes left, yeah I still got time, so spill."

The girl laughed, and began to talk.


"What the hell is that?!"

From the observation room that provided a clear view of the fields from above. Quant hollered in shock while looking at the situation at hand.

In all of the tests that he had supervised, this one actually took the cake. His Thirty Minutes Death Match was a trial he gave because of time efficiency. But he if knew that this would happen, maybe he would have done it Lero-Ro's way.

By that, he meant the source of that insane pressure.

"Seriously! Who is this super Regular?!"

Unlike most of the Regulars in the fields, Quant saw more than just a hidden Ignition Weapon. Shinsu is an Omnipresent force in the Tower. The air one breathe, the food one eat, even the source of all supernatural powers comes from the shinsu, not even the Administrators themselves were an exception.

So how in all that is holy can a Regular fly without needing one?

"He doesn't even have wings for crying out loud!"

If that were all maybe he would not have gotten this worked up, but no, that super Regular had to give him a heart attack.

"The punch… The power behind that punch. There's no doubting it. That's a Ranker's class kind of punch." A super powerful Ranker, if he had anything to say about that.

He hated to admit it, but Quant knew that he could not be able to replicate that punch. At least not without enhancing his body enough with shinsu.

Peering at the super Regular through the Lighthouse, Quant tried to determine his bloodline.

The super Regular did not have the characteristics of any of direct descendants from the Ten Great Families, and he obviously is not a Zahard Princess.

Well the Blitz Ranker could bet all his points that not even a powerful B-Regular Princess with a gallon of the King Zahard's blood could punch out a mile deep gorge with just pure physical strength.

But then it only meant one thing…

"An Irregular…" He hissed, unable to describe his present sentiment.

Fear that the stories about Irregulars were all true, or feel gratification that he was looking at someone in the same caliber as the Heads of the Ten Great Families and Vice-Captain of the Wolhaiksong.

'Maybe this was how the Test Administrators felt when they supervised, Eryuu, Urek Mazino and the Riddle.'

The headache just compounded in more. 'Ah! I give up! I will go see the Director, he's the genius here.'

Hopping off his seat, Quant headed straight for the door in a hurry to Yu Han-Sung's Office. When lo and behold, right at the door was the Director himself.

"Uwa!" Quant jumped in comedic surprise.

"Quant." The effeminate greeted.

"Ah, Director you're here." The red hair Ranker shook his head.

"No, it's great that you are here!" Quant pointed at the screen that showed the gathering of Regulars. "You will not believe what I had just seen Director! You see that particular Regular covered in blood that seems to be flying without shinsu."

Looking left and Right, he drew closer to the Advanced Ranker saying in faux whisper. "I think that… He is an Irregular."

Seeing that Yu Han-Sung wore an amused expression, Quant said indignantly. "Really I swear it's true! I even have the videos recorded so that I can prove it. I tell you, that boy is as strong as a Ranker and unless that is a Ranker on the field, then he has to be an Irregular."

"No I think you misunderstood my amusement Quant, I believe you." The blonde hair man dressed in a hanbok of yellow and blue said apologetically.

"Re-Really!" He covered his mouth, coughing trying to appear mature. "I mean really. Then what should I do? He's disrupting the whole test."

"Test?" Yu Han-Sung checked his Pocket, going through the contents of the test given to the Regulars. Sighing, he threw a weary look at the maniacal Ranker.

"Quant. Really, a Thirty Minute Killing Spree? What were you thinking?!" Yu Han-Sung criticized Quant entering lecture mode.

"Tell me this Quant Blitz. What do you think will happen if no one survives the test at the end, hmm?"

Obviously, Quant was tongue-tied. "We-Well…"

"Let me inform you of what will happen. Surely, it will first meet the higher-ups, and when they see that you used such a ridiculous screening method, it's straight to Lord Evankhell. Surely you know what happens next, Quant?"

Now the Ranker was totally frightened, with tears in his eyes he cried out. "You are right. Ah, what was I thinking?! I don't want to be turned into a fried turkey! Please great Yu Han-Sung use your genius and help me out of this mess, I beg you!" He kotowed.

With a face of contemplation, the Advanced Ranker took his time to look at the numbers, beginning slowly.

"Whether by luck or fluke, the Irregular has saved you this time Quant... One hundred and ninety nine. What a portentous number."

"You're lucky, real lucky Quant." Seeing the Ranker's relieved expression he smiled. "Alright let's do this."

"Yes anything." The Ranker replied.

As he was explaining his idea to the Blitz Ranker, Yu Han-Sung couldn't help but preen when he looked at the screen that showed the seemingly latest Irregular bathed in blood.

'Ah~ I really am a genius.'


Meanwhile farther away in the corner of the fields hidden among the rocks. Two figures stood up together looking at each other.

"He's the one we've been waiting for." The girl of an impossible beauty giggled fanatically. Her black tail swishing erratically, ever since she felt the energy pass through her earlier.

"Maybe." A young androgynous boy of alabaster skin, with silver eyes and long snow white hair, dressed in flowing robes shrugged. Tucking his sword as he stood up.

"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't."

The girl pouted at the boy, her red feline eyes flashed dangerously. "Don't be such a pessimistic. Lord Headon told us that we'll meet our chosen one at this time, that he'll fulfill our dreams for us. Or do you fancy Lord Headon as a liar?"

The boy knew that if he answered in positive, she would fight him to the death. -she had killed many for less- He was capable of winning against her obviously, but that will just be too much of a chore.

So he applied common sense.

Sighing he answered, "No, Lord Headon isn't a liar." Seeing as that got her all smiles again, he quickly continued.

"We've waited long enough. Let's go meet him."

The girl clapped in excitement. "Yes let's go see him… Our Master~"
Bloodied Hero, wild Cat and snow Swordsman II
"Basically that's it." Endorsi concluded. Her eyes spied the Irregular to catch a glimpse of his reaction.

But unfortunately there was none… At least to the world outside.

'What kind of place have I landed myself in?' Mark thought to himself, as his eyes turned hazy at the heaviness of the situation.

Clenching his teeth hard enough that it triggered a dull sensation on his skull, the half-breed was once again stunned at the new information being given to him.

'This whole Tower is just one big hunger game.'

When the girl said she was given him an abridged version she really meant it. The tradition of this Tower was one of 'The strong survives, the weak perishes.' It had also answered the puzzle he had when he saw those corpses that looked to be quiet fresh, but definitely not some minutes old.

To think that all these people here reveled in participating in these kind of things.

That… How was he supposed to partake in that?

"So, what are you going to do?" The girl cut him off from his musing, prompting him to look at her.


"This battle, it isn't going to end even if you say so…"

She pointed a hand at the crowd behind her. "Everyone has something they want desperately, maybe even you. And the rules of the test is a death match for thirty minutes. It's been less than seven minutes passed. Still nowhere near the goal, so what do you think we Regulars should do?"

Honestly, Endorsi wanted to use this chance to suggest a team-up. Nothing against her old teammates of course, but someone like this blood-soaked Regular was just too interesting to pass up.

His sheer strength was another scrumptious bonus.

But what had stopped her was his eyes. Endorse knew that the boy before her wasn't a normal one. Whether he was really what she was thinking was left for latter, but for now she just has one important issue to solve.

To continue the test. As unlike Mr. Flying man here, she was banking too much to fail this early.

It was too morbid to imagine a Zahard Princess failing at the test of the Second Floor.

'What the main family might just do to me, may just make death seem like a sweet release.' To make things worse, there was no way she could strong-arm the boy before her into continuing the test – just that earlier show of power had told her enough-

So unfortunately, she was on time constraint to cajole him to continue… But that appears to be unfeasible with each passing second.

'Ah… Hurry up and decided already.' She groaned at the indecisive look on the boy's face. Discreetly looking over at the floating Light House above them, the Princess wondered what the Test Administrators were doing.

Because there's no way they didn't see all this.

Mark's mouth suddenly felt dry not knowing what to say. 'Stop it, no more fighting, that's enough…'

He could see in some of the Regulars eyes. Desperation, insanity, each contained a hint of maniacal gleam that took only death to stop.

There was no way, he could say that, much less try to enforce that. Mark knew that his brutal execution was enough to keep the crowd at bay, but as every second passes by, he felt that it wouldn't be long that everyone gets pushy.

The son of Omni-man was afraid that he might have to kill again.

But what was he supposed to say. ' Alright I understand. Let's all kill each other.' Nope! His mom and dad didn't raise him to be that way. So that only left one option… That is knocking out everyone at once.

Not to sound conceited, but he knew such a thing was possible for him to do. None of the people here could even react when he gathered all of them, so to knock them all out without them countering was hellishly possible.

As that was much better than the gory alternative.

It seemed like the change in the half-Viltrumite disposition suddenly got the mob jumpy.

"What are you planning to do, Mr.?" Endorsi asked secretly anxious. Where were the Test Admins when you need them? The air around the blood-soaked Regular was disturbing to say in the least.

"Don't do anything rash." She cautioned warily.

For the girl could see it, whatever the boy was about to do will not end well for her. Subtly clenching her fist while trying to appear non-affected, the Princess of Zahard wondered if it was time to beat a retreat no matter how futile.

'Dammit!' She cursed, as her fist turned white from lack of blood. 'It's down to fight, huh.'

"I'm sorry," The Irregular said softly as he ascended the earth, looking apologetically towards the crowd. "You all have to fall asleep. It's better than what you were gonna' do to yourselves."

The gathering of Regulars prepared themselves for a fight, some ready to die rather than surrender.

Just as Mark's perception began to slow once more, from above him the floating box sparked to life once more with its eerie childlike voice.

{ Ahem. To all surviving Regulars, please cease all forms of combat at once. A change has occurred concerning the contents of the test.}​

All participants halted their movements, Mark included.

Looking up, the half-breed narrowed his brows regarding the piece of news that was just given.

"Change?" He muttered. Sparing a glance at the oblivious crowd, revealed to the half-extraterrestrial that he too wasn't alone in the confusion.

While Endorsi let out a mental sigh of relief, she too was bewildered by what just happened.

'A change in tests? I don't think that has ever happened in this Tower ever since… The coming of those individuals.' She mulled. But still she wouldn't scoff at the reprieve being given. As she knew if the announcement had not arrived, she would had been among those eliminated from the qualification tests.

Puzzled mummers arose within the crowd, but still as the voice continued while they hastily quiet down to pay attention.

{ As of this moment, the Thirty minutes Killing Spree had been abolished as a result of some complication in numerical values. But do not be discouraged. A new test is at hand!}​

Some individuals in the gathering let out sighs of relief, as that horrendous phase of the test was over. To be watching your sides, back and front while hunting was very tiring and nerve wracking.

But still that doesn't mean it was all over, that just meant that there is now another test. With bated breaths they all waited for the more information while wondering what it could be.

'No matter what, let it not be another form of killing spree test.' One of the female Regulars prayed to the King, while spying a glance at the being who was floating. 'Facing that guy, is just the same as saying goodbye to all my dreams.'

{ As of this moment, there are over 199 remaining Regulars. So listen well, for the new test will be begin now. All remaining Regulars are to form a Team of three, and for the duration of the remaining minutes, remove the other opposing teams until only Four Teams remain. The time starts now.}​

"I don't really get what that floating apparatus is saying. But does that mean the slaughtering test is no more?" Mark asked the crowed.

"Yeah… Yeah that's right." Endorsi nodded quickly capitalizing on that. "It seems like there's no need to do what you were about to do, because this test does not require us to kill each other."

But she left the fact that while it was no more required, it wasn't exactly prohibited.

"So how about it, wanna' team up with me?" She slyly fluttered their eyes, seeking to make the most of this new chance.

Mark appeared nonplused as the Princess continued. "With both of us working together, we can be capable of acing this test. And I'm also better than these unknowns behind me. So what do you say?"

There were brash grumbling from the crowd behind the Princess, but she didn't care about their useless ramble. While this was not in her plans, with the both of them working together, she could already see it. Both climbing the Tower at a rapid pace, even overtaking the record of latest High-Ranker, the Zahard Princess…

'Ha Yuri Zahard.'

But what the unknown Regular did was not what she anticipated.

Turning back without word, Mark disregarded the puzzled sound from the small horned girl, heading towards the gathered little kids.

Even though they were four in number, it still felt unreal to Mark that Headon would actually chose children to participate in something that could may as well kill them.

No, not really, he amended. Recalling the air around the First Floor Administrator, made Mark to think that Headon might actually have the cruel disposition to do it.

'The next time I see that guy, I'm gonna' box his face in. I swear it.' The half-breed thought darkly.

Breathing out loudly, seeming to disperse the rage inside of him. Mark forced on a smile on his face to appease the kids. He didn't want them to climb the Tower if it is like this. Hell, the half-breed wasn't sure if he wanted to even climb the Tower.

Biting the insides of his lips, as his smile felt forced. He crouched, placing one knee on the ground. "You know I haven't asked this, but can you all please introduce yourselves?"

They all looked at one another, before a blonde girl with catlike blue eyes, dressed in a frilly dress and a beanie, stepped forward and placed a hand against her chest. "My name is Han Yue. A pleasure to meet you."

To Mark, her name sounded strangely Asian, and not to mention that her introduction felt a tad too mature. Maybe he was imagining it, but there was something in her mannerism that he was sure that when he was at her age he wasn't capable of mimicking.

A bit disturbed by that, the half-breed nodded waiting for the others to introduce themselves.

Sure enough, seeing that the introduction of the girl went well, they all began to follow.

"Hi, I'm Manny Star! Upcoming Ranker extraordinaire, nice to meet you!" A young boy with bright black hair and neon teal eyes dressed in a white shirt and shorts, beamed.

"I'm… I'm Laxus Redholt." The boy with an auburn hair and tired eyes bowed, squeaking. "Th-Thanks for saving me, Mr.!"

Mark ruffled the boy's hair before wincing as the blood on him rubbed against the kid. Thankfully the boy did not mind.

Winking, the half-Viltruimite said. "No probs, kid. That's what a normal grown up should be doing."

He turned to the last one, the little girl who was formerly trying to hide herself from the Regular he had just killed. His tongue suddenly felt bitter when he thought of it that way.

'Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! The pain will kill me! I don't want to die!'

Mark swayed as a wave of dizziness washed through him, causing him to sigh. It seems like his body would not let him forget his first murder that easily.

'No, that piece of shit deserves it. After all, what in the love of God could actually make someone want to hurt a child?!' He assured himself.

The cerise haired girl dressed in a black hoodie and blue skirt moved a step forward, presenting herself. "I-I-I am Jasmine…" Her voice said quietly while in stutter.

"Hey you, don't you know you're being very disrespectful." Han Yue interjected as she chided the cerise, pointing a finger at her. "He asked for your name, the least you could do is not answer so inaudibly? It's getting on my nerves."

'Ah~ so she's the prima dona type.' Mark nodded to himself about Han Yue. To the blonde, he said. "No its ok, Yue. Let her answer at her own pace, I'm not in a hurry."

The girl reluctantly nodded, while the black hair cut in.

"So your name, my greatest rival?!" Star asked the half-breed animatedly.

But then, Yue abruptly scoffed.

"Ha, rival?! Oh~ hoh, hoh, hoh! I wonder from what dreamland did you made that up. I can see it is really doing wonders for your brain." Yue sardonically said in amusement.

"Ei. Shut up, beanie girl. I am Manny Star! Upcoming Ranker, and I don't have to make rivals with your permission!" Star shot back.

Letting out a gasp, Yue said, "Beanie girl! How dare you?" From her shadow, something stirred.

"Now this is not the time for fighting kids." Mark interrupted, ruffling their heads. To Star he said. "I'm honored to actually be considered your greatest rival, Star."


The half-Viltrumite nodded. "Really. As for my name, I'm…" He paused just as he was about to say his name.

To always be introducing himself as Mark Grayson, while it wouldn't hurt him as where he was is quite a different world literally. It still brought him a feeling of vulnerability, like he just had to be looking back for all that he has, is and will do. So for now, he decided to give himself an alias.

A heroic alias.

' You are ignorant about this Tower, both you and Baam. So why do you struggle, even though you know that you are not Invincible! '

Remembering the words that Ha Yuri said to him made him smile a little.

"Invincible… I'm Invincible. Nice to meet you all."

"Oh! What a powerful name, as expected of my greatest rival!" Star said with sparkles in his eyes.

'Invincible…' Laxus thought to himself, while looking at the blood-soaked Regular in awe. 'How cool!'

As for Jasmine, she blushed.

"Glad you like it, Star?" Invincible's face turned staid as he continued. "So I want to ask for you all a question. Do any of you want to drop out from climbing the Tower?"

"Huh?!" Was the collective answer from all the children.

"Drop out. What are you saying, Invincible?" Yue asked, bemused that he would even ask such a thing.

"While it is true that Headon chose us as Regulars to climb the Tower. To enter the gates is of our own volition. To give up now is just asinine."

'I thought that might be the case.' Invincible winced, but still persisted.

"I don't know what you all might have been wishing for when you decided to climb the Tower, but you tell me. Is it really worth your lives?"

"Yeah, I do. At least, I think it's worth mine." Star answered without any hesitation. The other kids and the half-breed whirled to the boisterous kid who continued on solemnly.

"There is something I want to achieve, and the only way I have to do it is by climbing the Tower. I don't care if it really cost my life."

Invincible narrowed his eyes, "Are you saying that even though there's a great possibility for your death?"

Star nodded, "You know, the worst thing that could ever happen to me isn't actually my death, I've made my peace with it. But what scares me is when there is a chance in front of me, and because of my cowardice I refuse to take it. For me, that's worse than a painful death."

Yue sighed begrudgingly, "While it pains me to agree with this loud mouth." Star's outrage look and the squawk he gave out was worth it.

"Invincible. Please do not insult our determination. We all knew what we were going into when we agreed to the test. I accepted the fact that I could die when I crossed the gates."

A haunted look flickered pass her eyes, but Yue quickly caught herself.

"So know this Invincible. No matter what, I will take this test, and I will pass it. While I'm glad you were able to bring about a modicum of orderliness to the test. But if you think that gives you the right to tell me what to do. Then you got another thing coming, sir?"

Even as she was saying that, Invincible noticed the slight quiver of her legs. For she understood that all this was just formality, because if he wanted to disqualify here, she wouldn't be able to stop him.

Giving a quiet curse, Invincible stood back up looking at the kids once again. Even Laxus and Jasmine had that determined glint in their eyes. But even so, there was no way in hell he was letting them participate in this bloodbath called a test.

"Alright I understand, I give up. If that's what you want to do, then I won't stop you." Invincible acquiesced.

"As long as you understand my rival!" Star nodded sagely, while folding his arms.

Invincible quickly raised a finger, "But!" He paused, as the kids all waited for the conditions. "It won't be in this test. You all will show me your resolve in the next one."

Jasmine was surprisingly the first to speak up, "What do you mean by that?"

It was only Yue that had a wide grin blossoming on her face as she understood what the half-breed meant. "Are seriously suggesting what I think you're suggesting?!"

The half-breed nodded. "Yeah… You all are going to pass this test." Thumping his chest. "This Invincible guarantees it."

Laxus raised a hand that prompted everyone to look at him. Suddenly feeling bashful, he still gritted his teeth and continued. "Bu-But the rules said it must be Teams of three. We are four here. How are you going to do it?"

The hidden question behind that was, who will be the odd man out?

Before Invincible could say anything, Jasmine interjected. "You three should form the Team, don't worry, I'm sure I can manage."

Star sighed loudly, "Really? You look pretty cool. So why don't you join the Team and you, Yue be the odd man."

Throwing a sharp punch at the boy's shoulder who deftly dodged, Yue hissed back. "You are supposed to feel grateful that someone as magnificent as me is in your Team, ungrateful brat."

The black hair boy replied at her back by blowing a raspberry. "I'd rather be an ungrateful brat, than put up with you, beanie girl."

The girl hissed balefully, while the boy grinned nonchalant. But thankfully that was where it ended.

"That's enough, both of you." Invincible said sternly, tapping lightly at the back of both their heads which still elicited painful hisses. Looking at the two kids who were busy rubbing the back of their head, Invincible had a sinking premonition.

That this wouldn't be the last time he would say something this.

"Jasmine agreed to be the bigger person to give you all a chance to form a Team, your Team. And what do you both do? You argue. Not really showing me any determination here."

With chastised looks, Yue and Star swerved simultaneously bowing at Jasmine direction, "Sorry." They both chorused.

Waving her hand mollified, Jasmine replied. "No, I did not take offence at all." She spotted Laxus at her peripheral nodding at her which she quickly returned while flushing.

"Yeah, I knew this might happen so…" The half-breed looked back at the fretting crowd, then at the brown girl who folded her arms appearing exasperated, before nodding to himself.

While Invincible would have wanted to partner with Jasmine, he knew that wasn't feasible. By God, if he had the choice he would have accepted being her teammate. But it might end up too dangerous for her.

Slowly, Invincible came to realize that he was somewhat an anomaly in the Tower. How? It wasn't exactly explained by Ha Yuri, Evans or Headon, but still to be on the safe side, he had to keep himself away from her team.

'What's with the pragmatic thinking process, Mark? No, Invincible.' Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he knew there was no time to dawdle.

Moving away from the children's, he went to the girl's side.

"So Invincible, huh." The girl hummed, "Catchy, but pretentious name, don't you think."

Invincible's brows raised. How did she hear that? While the distance wasn't exactly far, he and the kids were not exactly speaking loudly.

'So she has some form of enhanced senses, then.' The half-breed deduced. Begrudgingly, he acknowledge she might have perfect as a teammate for Jasmine. But there was something about her that did not sit well with him, so she's a pass.

"I've got a preposition for you… What's your name by the way?"

Endorsi eyed him for a moment before letting out a sigh. Well this was a great opportunity to check her supposed hypothesis. With a fake smile, she said. "Endorsi. I'm Endorsi Zahard, nice to meet you."

Without blinking, Mark nodded, "Invincible, nice to meet you as well."

'What that's that, not even an iota of surprise?' The Princess thought incredibly.

Endorsi had revealed her name, stressing the word 'Zahard,' to see how he would respond. Of course, when one insinuates to be a Princess of Zahard, the proper emotion would be one of total wonder and envy, even hatred would have been understandable.

It was a fact that, no one who did not know the significance of bearing the name of the King of the Tower react would react so nonchalant.

But this individual here did not even twitch in surprise!

Blinking at the intense look sprouted on Endorsi's face. Invincible wondered if there was anything that he said that was strange.


The brunette hummed, before a sly smile bloomed on her face. Shaking her head, Endorsi replied. "Nothing~"

'He really might be one of them.' Endorsi thought, looking thoughtfully at the half-Viltrumite. 'An Irregular… A being, the same breed as the Head of the Ten Great Familes, and the King of the Tower.'

Her smile widened, 'How lucky, for me that is.'

"So let's hear it then, your preposition that is." She said adopting a serious tone.

"What I want is simple." Pointing back, Invincible said. "You see those kids behind me. For the duration of this test, I want you to play bodyguard for them."

Tilting her head to get a view at the children, who all reacted at her stare.

Yue, and Star faced her boldly, while Laxus and especially Jasmine looked to the other side when they caught her eyes.

"Are you kidding me?" Endorsi asked in bewilderment. "You're seriously asking me to team up with them."

It was apparent in her expression and tone, what she thought of that.

'This is why I don't want to team up with you.' Invincible groused to himself. Shaking his head, he replied.

"It's not like I want you to team up with them. I'm sure you already have someone as a teammate. What I want is that you look after them just for the duration of this test. I'm sure you've probably noticed, that I couldn't find all of the Regulars."

The Princess nodded, that was one of the first thing she noticed when doing a headcount. There were only 197 Regulars here. Two were left, probably were still back in the fields, teaming up if they ran into the other, and trying to find a teammate as well.

"So you want them as teammates instead of me?" She assumed taking his silence as confirmation, then she pouted. "Now I'm not sure, your rejection of my offer in itself is not helping you."

"It's not like I will pick them as teammates, it will depend on what I see." If they were like the Regulars before him, he will probably deal with it later. Because while it seemed bizarre, there was something egging Invincible to look for the missing two.

The why? Was irritatingly silent as always.

Slowly nodding, Endorsi replied. "Alright, I will agree to it. But only if you give me one thing."

The half-breed eyes narrowed, "What?"

While he chose her because of how she held herself which strangely enough gave him confidence in her strength. If what she asks is too much, he'll just have to ask another…

The Princess of Zahard's eyes dimmed despite the brightness of the fake sunlight and her smile changed into something more manipulative, while she leaned forward while lifting a finger.

"One favor. I want you to do for me a service of my choosing… Don't worry, I get how you work, so I'm sure what I want won't go against your principles."

'My principles, eh…' Invincible dryly droned to himself.

The only thing she could get from all that he did was one of a demanding bastard, bossy turd, and a slaughtering maniac. So when Endorsi says it won't go against his principles.

The son of Omni-Man wonders. What principles?

'Well as long as it is not too outrageous.' Sighing, Invincible ran a hand over his face. 'Ha Yuri and now, Endorsi. I just hope I'm not racking too much promissory debts. Well at least, Ha Yuri's request isn't as vague as this girl's.'

"Ok, I agree."

Clapping her palms, Endorsi smile lost its snakelike edge.

"It's a pleasure Invincible. But there are only four kids, and from how you have been talking, it seems like you aren't teaming up with any of them. So what are you going to do about it?"

"Yeah, about that…" Invincible trialed off, turning back to the crowd. His eyes drifting from Regulars to Regulars, wondering who he should pick as partners for Jasmine. If possible he didn't want to use anyone from the crowd, but the rules of test made that impossible.

He wondered of the two he was about to go check, but again the irritating vague sensation told him that they were for his Team not Jasmine's.

From the Regulars, Invincible narrowed at a particular two –a tall man with an acquitted face and with a thin scar on his right cheek, his long orange hair was tied into a ponytail and he was dressed quite casually. The other was a woman with lime green hair who looked more pretty than beautiful dressed in what looked like brown combat garb only that it was freer than the one he sees back in his own world.

'Hmm… Those two.'

They both flinched when his eyes met theirs. While it probably wasn't much, Invincible noticed they do not possess the amount of bloodlust as the general crowd. Funnily enough, it was even lesser than Endorsi's who hid hers well.

"You two. The one with orange hair with a thin scar, and the lime hair dressed like a solider. Come out." He pointed out.

The crowd all began pointing at themselves, but the two he was addressing stood still like a deer before headlights.

For how were they supposed to react when the one calling them out was probably an Irregular coated in blood? They both were short of throwing a seizure right there in fear.

Was it their turn to die as well?

Looking at their reaction made Invincible wince, it felt like he was a high school bully –to people older who appeared older than him no less- raising his hand to show amicability, Invincible said. "I don't mean any harm, I just want to talk."

They looked skeptical about that, but the crowd was not willing to wait for the Irregular to take any action.

Like the proverbial Red Sea, a division was formed as the Regulars cleared away from the two.

"Why you, bastards!" The man gritted out, as he scowled at the Regulars beside him.

The woman surreptitiously looked around while the others gave her space with her face was set in indifference, but one could see the sudden film of sweat on her forehead.

"Well?" Invincible asked.

Both indicated Regulars looked at each other, twitching and nodding heads, as they engage in an unspoken conversion. An interjecting cough form the half-Viltrumite made them halt in mid argument. With resigned slouch and painful faces, they began taking measured steps to what they saw as their doom.

"This is too amusing." Endorsi chortled at the approaching Regulars, "Is this who you want as Teammates for the kid? While they both look kind of strong, surely you could do better."

"Combat power is not what I am looking for, Endorsi." Invincible half-glance at her then back to the approaching Regulars. "You wouldn't understand anyway."

The girl folded her arms, "Well Mr. Invincible, please tell this Endorsi, what you see in them."

Seeing that the Irregular didn't reply, she folded her arms, turning her head sideways and huffed. "No girl likes a high horse, you will do well to remember that."

Rolling his eyes, Invincible turned to the newcomers as he began with introducing himself. "I'm Invincible." He raised an arm for a handshake.

"Lin Claire…" The girl replied, as she took the hand shaking him briefly.

"Hoaster." The man replied, shaking the Irregular, while he calmed down as he saw there was nothing to worry about. "You really aren't going to kill us huh?"

"Well that depends…" Seeing their horrified expressions, Invincible quickly amended. "I'm kidding. Can't take a joke?" The half-breed asked in humor.

"If it's coming from a man covered in blood, then no." Hoaster replied firmly.


"So Sir Invincible. Why have you called us both here." Claire interjected.

Letting out a breath, Invincible observed the two before looking at Jasmine. "Do you both have any Teammate at the moment?" At their shaking of heads, he relaxed a bit.

"Good, I won't feel bad doing this. How do you both feel getting an automatic pass?"

"What?" Claire tilted her head.

"Unless you decided to be our partner, I don't see how that is possible." Hoaster shot in skepticism.

"Before you ask Claire, I am not going to be your teammate." Invincible quickly said to the lime hair who brightened at Hoaster's suggestion, and pointed a hand behind him. "Rather I want you to be her teammate."

Beckoning at Jasmine, he presented her to the group while she held his finger for assurance. Shaking his held finger as Invincible was afraid that he might hurt as he couldn't control his strength, the half-breed gave her an assuring smile before directing his attention back to the others.

"Jasmine, this is Hoaster and Claire, they are going to be your teammates."

"Surely, you must be joking!?" Hoaster cackled, "This little brat… Gah!" His mocking tirade paused, as his face paled snow white. The amiable eyes of the Irregular was glowing menacingly at him.

"… …!"

Suddenly it became hard to breathe as he swayed clawing at his throat to get a handful of air. A moment felt like an eternity before it abruptly stopped, collapsing with both knees to the ground, he greedily gulped down air, while baptized in sweat.

'What the fuck was that?!'

The Regular screamed in his mind. Everything still felt like a blur but what had happened still remained vivid. One moment he was laughing, the next he felt he was about to die.

He shook his head. No… That wasn't it. Hoaster felt like he was dead, those blue eyes overrode his entire soul sucking his psyche into its dark abyss. It held such power it left him wondering how he was even alive.

"Hmm. Perchance was there anything funny in what I said?"​

His arctic voice contained a tone the made Hoaster to flinch, looking up to the Irregular he finally remembering who or what stood before him.

'A monster…' Gritting his teeth, Hoaster placed a hand to calm his heart that struggled to beat out of its fleshy cage. Shaking his head he replied formally. "No sir."

"Good," Invincible continued with his demeanor changed. "Now this is what I want you both to do. Protect her, be good to her and you ascend. Don't, and I will chose another and you both fail. What do you both say?"

Honestly Invincible was half the mind to reject the man. Claire aside, Hoaster's rude dismissal of Jasmine was annoying and also dangerous. But these two were the only Regulars he noticed that were different from the rest.

Although if they both even dare to harm Jasmine. His cerulean eyes turned chilling at the thought… They will forever rue the day they were born .

"Sir Invincible." Claire called, not minding of Hoaster who was now struggling to his feet.

At this point, Invincible did not bother to correct Claire. It seems like he had to appear stern for people to take him serious.

"Hmm? Are perhaps unsatisfied with my offer, Claire?"

"No Sir! Not that I don't agree to your offer, rather quiet the opposite. But how are you going to arrange for our automatic pass, and who are you selecting as teammates for your own Team?"

"Astute question Claire. For my teammates, I've got things covered." Invincible replied. "As for the issue of your pass."

Endorsi seeing this as her turn to speak, interrupted. "That is where I come in. I will be the one to guarantee you and the kiddie's safety."

Claire looking bemused at the unknown girl, asks inquisitively. "You are?"

"Let's just say I'm someone very strong and leave it at that." The brunette ambiguously replied.

Seeing that Sir Invincible did not disagree with the brunette's reply, Claire acquiesced taking it in stride.

"So Hoaster, are you in or not?" Invincible asks coolly. He still had not forgotten what had happened some moments ago.

'Like I have any choice.' Hoaster thinks bitterly, while he nodded, spitting to the side. "Yeah, I'm in."

Invincible rustled Jasmine flowing hair, speaking to her fondly. "Why don't you and your new Team go meet the others, I'll join you by the end of the test."

"Hmm." With reluctance, Jasmine relinquished his fingers sauntering back to the others.

Invincible gestured to Jasmine new teammates to join her, taking the tacit message. Claire gave a curt bow while Hoaster nodded trailing after their underage teammate.

"Whew~ for a moment there, I thought you were going to turn the entire area into a gorge." Endorsi commented after they were alone once more.

Humming, Invincible decided not to tell he exactly did that by mistake some minutes earlier. Summoning his Pocket his checked the time.


'Just over ten minutes gone, still time, huh.' He absently noted.

Focusing on the Regulars, Invincible realized in the time he took to sort the kids, they all had formed their own Teams. Glancing at the kids, Invincible extinguished the feeling of guilt that suddenly welled up in him that the Regulars will not be passing the test, reassuring himself that it was for the best.

He was aware of the hypocrisy of what he was about to do, the passing winds from the dried fields rustled his hair and fluttering his cape trying to remind of why he was doing this.

"Alright everyone listen up!" As all eyes turned to him, the half-Viltrumite took a shallow breathe, ascending to the air until he was once again overhead the Regulars.

"Thankfully now that the test is no more a Death Match competition, there is no reason for me to hold you back from starting the test. But there are some stipulations I want to add before you all begin."

Pausing to scour for anyone who disagreed with what he said. Invincible took a moment before he continued.

"One: there will be no killing of any kind! That means no weapons," Seeing that the crowd had begun to grumble, the son of Omni-Man loudly cleared his throat as a strange pressure descended on the crowd.

"I will repeat myself , there will be no killing in this test. But injuring your opponent is allowed, that is the limit I am willing to consent, nothing more." For there to not be injury in such a competitive test was just a fantasy Invincible did not bothered to conjure up.

"So as long as we don't kill our opponent you won't bother us, is that right?" A purple tank top Regular asked from among the crowd.

"That's right! Don't kill and we're crystal."

Seeing that the crowd began to calm down at that. Invincible quickly dropped the other bombshell. "As for the second. This test would not be for four Teams but rather two Teams, as two of the spots has already been claimed."


"This is too much no matter how you look at it."

"I refuse to accept this!"

"You might be strong, but don't think you can stop me from ascending simply because you say so!"

"I don't care how strong he is. He is just one man, we on the other hand, are over more than a hundred Regulars! He can't possibly touch all of us!"


What were once shallow grumblings, had changed into a ragging discordance. The Regulars were prepared to go to war, no matter how futile it seems. No matter what, for their dreams and ambitions, they will not let anyone tell them what to do.

'No my dear Irregular, let me see if my investment on you is worth the upcoming headache I'll have to put up with.' Endorsi thought snidely as she observed from the sidelines. "Let me see if the show you will put up will just be as entertaining as the first."

But what followed was something the Princess of Zahard would never had suspected, even all her insidious speculations of his strength paled before what was displayed.

Without any expression on his face, the Irregular clenched his fist cocking it back, his form poised to throw an unassuming punch. The Regulars all pulled out their weapons, some their special skills gained as a result to their unique biology or the little shinsu they could tame from the Outer Sector.

But when he punched… All resistance ended.


A bright flash of light shown from above as the air itself was distorted around the fist thrown. The regulars were lucky that the punch was not aimed at them all as they all would have been vaporized there and then. But the grazing force still contained enough force to blow all of them like fluttering feathers!

Stringent sounds followed the focused shockwave as it tore into the earth carving a field trench that kept on going for kilometers before it stopped exploding in sand geyser.

A little approaching half of the Regulars had been eliminated, but the ones who were still conscious saw what happened with dumbstruck faces, dropping their jaws without any sound coming out from their mouths.

"Eek!" From the crowd, a female Regular squeaked terrified, but there no one who had the strength to tell her to keep shut.

His strength… Was not normal. For were there speculations, now there were conclusions. This man… This being, is… An Irregular.

"If you want me to throw another punch. Please just say so." His voice drew some of them back up, while the others were just afraid to look at the monster.

"You see the groups behind me." Invincible pointed at the children and the two older Regulars. "They each hold a spot in the test, that's making it two. I too will make my own Team but it will not be from any of you. The last spot can be determined by you all. Is that understood?"

The crowd while mummed, but Invincible asked again. "I said, is that UNDERSTOOD?! "

Like frightened children the crowd all but roared their cognition of his question.

The half-breed looked at the children who returned to look at him in awe and in Jasmine's case bother-line fanaticism, he smiled at them while Star enthusiastically waved back. To Endorsi who appeared to be sweatdropping, he narrowed his eyes, as she regained her wits winking back.

'I got it.' She mocked whispered.

Heaving a sigh, Invincible turned away and disappeared leaving behind a sonic boom, his form faintly vanishing into the cloudy distance.

'Wow that was intense.'

The Princess of Zahard merrily hummed while skipping daintily over the unconscious forms of the Regulars, not minding while she landed on some of the unconscious bodies.

'Now where are they?' She thought while scanning for her teammates, although it wasn't till long that she sighted them.

"Heya guys, guess who's back~" She chimed to the silent duo, who were -unsurprisingly- among the very few still up. The giant without words stood protectively over little Miss blonde with his giant cleaver like sword out as a silent threat.

The group made no move to acknowledge her arrival but it suited Endorsi just fine. The fact that they were still two means that there was still a spot remaining for her. Although…

"Big guy. Are you perhaps still keeping your sword out, after all the strange Regular said and did?"

For the first time, the giant turned to look at her before looking down at his sword for a few moments, and then promptly sheathed it back.

'Yeah, thought so.' Endorsi thought amused.

The groans around her reminded the Princess that some the Regulars were beginning to stir up, which meant that it was time to burst some skulls out… No she meant put them to sleep, as roughly as possible, all while keeping an eye out for some snotty kids .

Clenching a fist while trying to keep a maniacal smile of her face, Endorsi rocked off into battlefield filled helpless lambs, with the blood of Zahard boiling in her veins seeking to establish dominance.

'Oh, this is fun~!'


In midair Invincible paused glancing back from where he came from. Now all that was left at the moment was to find the mysterious two. Hopefully his show of power will reign the others from doing anything to the kids.

'But man, to think a day would come when I will be throwing chasm creating punches.' Invincible thought in wonder looking at his hands.

His dad was still the stronger hero Invincible knew that. But never has he been happy that he was born a Viltrumite, well half till now.

But still, to think just earlier this morning, my main goal was to save some bucks for that nice figurine back at Mr. Jones store… And now it to pass a goddamn test.

Looking over the plain of grass and strewn rocks, Invincible could not find it in himself to appreciate the scenery, lifting his hands only to see the red blood which made him feel nauseous, he quickly descended before he decides to empty his dinner while on air.

Taking a deep breathe to get the dead Regular's face of his mind, he quickly got to the matter at hand. "Now where will two unassuming Regulars be?"

"Where I wonder?" A sultry feminine voice suddenly incanted behind him.

"… …!" With a gasp, Invincible visibly shook taking into the air some meters above the ground, turning back to the voice that spoke to him.

'How did she get behind me?' He wondered. Looking back where the two Regulars he had been searching for… The half-breed could feel his jaw drop in the enticing female looking beings he saw.

The one who smirked of the two had a beguiling sense of beauty it was almost enchanting, Invincible could honestly say that in all his life, he had never seen one possess such kind of physical appearance. Her lustrous black hair that passed her waist line had a velvety feel to it as it swayed in an enchanting manner, giving her an enigmatic feel.

Her face was well structured her purple slit eyes held a presence of her own, a raise of her lips made Invincible feel like he was a shy kid before his secret crush. Her dress could be described in one word… Stimulating.

A sleeveless dress that crisscrossed exposing her midriff which showcased her toned abdominal, which gave way to a slit that dangerously showed the side of her hips which was thankfully covered in a…

Invincible gulped unsure of what he was seeing, 'Is that a pantyhose.'

He shook his head to get rid of any budding perverse thoughts as he ended his observation with the dangerous looking spear she rested against her shoulders.

But if that was all maybe the half-breed wouldn't have been so attentive… The thing was that she had ears and a tail… Yep, ears that hung at the base of her head, rather than the sides of her skull flickering about occasionally, and a tail that wouldn't stop swishing around.

That was all it took for him to stare so dumbly.

An interjecting cough from the other individual gave Invincible a feeling of embarrassment. "Not like I should stop you from ogling her, but don't forget I am also your partner here."

Invincible blinked unsure of the tone he could make out. The girl's? tone did not suit the body's appearance, rather the lethargic masculine baseline beneath the tenor was rather too strong. "Excuse me, are you perhaps… A boy?"

"Of course! Do I really look a girl to you?" The now revealed boy cried out in embarrassed indignation, suddenly killing his cool persona.

'Well yeah.' Invincible thought to himself.

With a face that beheld such androgynous looks, mixed with that of an alabaster beauty with red markings at the side of his eyes, long ashen snow hair that gave him a cool temperate. Invincible was sure that back in his world the boy before him would have be the face of any fashion company.

Not to mention his oversized looking robes with the prominent red cased sword at his hips, reminded Invincible of those Chinese web-novels he used to read back in the days.

The raven hair superstitiously invaded his personal space sniffing over him body, looking an inch away from involving her hands as well.

'This was not how I wanted this was supposed to go.' Invincible thought uncomfortably, as he gently pushed away the beauty who had a euphoric look on her face when he touched her arms.

'Who have you led me to, my intuition?!' This cat girl… Is a pervert!

Suddenly Invincible was stuck in a rock and hard place. He obviously did not want to partner with the Regulars and there was still that annoying persistent itch that told him that these two were his ideal partners.

Observing them he noted –surprisingly- that their bloodlust were absolutely non-existent. He wouldn't call himself a specialist in determining danger signals in people, but from what he could gleam from most of the Regulars he had seen, it was like a thick murky haze that enshrouds their entire chassis, but these two, try as he might he couldn't find the haze he saw in the others.

Hell even he had a level of bloodlust, which he had released again some minutes ago.

'That just means they are good people… I hope.' Clearing his throat, Invincible began. "Hi I'm Invincible nice to meet you."

The girl smoothly adopted a courteous demeanor, all traces of debauchery gone like it was never there, "La Po Bia Yruvette. My spear is yours now and forever." A dust of red surfaced on her cheeks, "Master~"

"Eh?" The son of Omni-Man blinked, "What did you just call me?"


"Huh?! But why!?"

"Because you are my Master."

"What kind of reply is that?!"

The alabaster boy sighed indolently speaking in a reprimanding to Yruvette, "Hey, he obviously does not understand what you are doing, so quit it, Yruvette."

Turning to Invincible, raising his hand, he said. "Arie Yin. Nice to meet you."

'Thank God! A normal one!' Invincible internally jubilated while outwardly he calmly took the hand shaking it.

"Nice to meet you both. I'll skip the small talk for time's sake. So you both have heard of the new rules of the test, so I want to ask if you both could join…!"

Yruvette raised a hand animatedly, "I want to join!"

Yin cupped his face exasperatedly, muttering silent invectives between the holes of his hand. "Couldn't you just have let him finish?"

Placing a hand on her hips, the raven hair regarded replied airily, "But wasn't he going to ask us to join his Team?"


"Then there is no problem." Swerving to her unnerved Master, she genuflected, "A pleasure serving by your side, Master."

"Y-Yeah…" Invincible replied numbly as he wondered what the fuck just happened.

{ Last Team eliminated. Congratulations to all the remaining Teams, you have passed the test.}​

'How quick.' Invincible thought in surprise as he had speculated that it wasn't even two minutes that he had left the place, but Endorsi had already disqualified the others in that short amount of time.

Either she is stronger than he gave credit, or he had already eliminated more than enough. But he placed his bet on the first assumption.

A hand pulled his, which prompted him to see Yruvette beckoning him. "Now Master, there is no time to waste, we've got a Tower to climb."

Sighing the half-breed followed along, "Please don't call me Master, it's embarrassing."

"Yes Master."

'Do this girl not understand simple English?'
Absolute domination I …
Immediately after the test was declared over. Invincible hovered ready to fly off to the others, when he halted recapping that he now had teammates that he shouldn't leave behind.

'Teammates, huh.' The half-breed tested the word, before he relinquished the astonishing thought. Really today was one heck of a roller coaster, he needed to get some logical explanation for, fast. And also…

'If I can see who the hell is in charge of all this test.' He thought darkly. He still had not forgotten about the deaths he saw at the fields. Not like he had anything to say about it when he too had murdered with bare hands.

Some moments later, the half-Vultrumite would realize that offering a lift to the others was a mistake. It wasn't really Yin's fault, nope. It laid with the perverted spear-woman called, Yruvette.

"Oi! Stop clinging so tight!" He hollered to the raven who clung tight to his torso, while he held her in a princess carry, whereas Yin held on at his back.

"Master~!" Yruvette incanted pressing tauter.

Even as the world blurred as he flew. Invincible knew that compared to how he flew at the beginning, this was just going at turtle speed. Fortunately he estimated he could make it to the others in good time even at this pace.

As they flew, Invincible idly mused on what brought about this peculiar state of affairs.

When he had asked if they wanted to join him as he flew back, the catgirl who was still holding his hand immediately jumped upon him, while Yin calmly agreed. From Yin's stirred expression, Invincible had the funny feeling his nippy acceptance was more of laziness.

He wasn't one to judge though. Who in their right mind, says no to a free ride?

So, with white on his back, and the black cradled upon his arms. Invincible took back to the clear skies above in an astonishing burst of speed.

The picture portrayed might look envious to outsiders. After all, it was one heck of a lucky guy surrounded by two beauties –one held languidly to his neck from behind, while the other was in a princess carry- the son of Omni-Man knew it was nothing of that such.

The one behind was a boy. Twitching his eyes as trusses of silver spilled from the impossibly long hair, obscuring his view. Invincible was still trying to come to terms that Yin was in fact in boy.

'With a serene beauty straight out of a drawing… Or is it handsomeness? I have this funny feeling that this guy's total bad news.'

Behind him Yin narrowed his eyes, with the strangest feeling of being insulted.

Sighing, Invincible looked down at inch smaller girl, who was still trying to snuggle against him. The beautiful catgirl, who to Invincible appeared to be a pervert. Yruvette, who gave the impression of being contented.

For what reason she was behaving so familiarly with him was quite the enigma. Even so, this was better than bloodlust, the half-breed consoled himself.

Invincible first heard the slurred purr, which prompted him to drag his eyes downwards, as he felt two soft orbs press against his chest only to see that Yruvette had integrated herself to his upper torso.

'So, that's how those luscious twin-peaks feel. So soft~ wait, no that's not it!'

"Oi! Yruvette. Yruvette!" Invincible squeaked in embarrassment. His face rosy, while a hot current surged through his body.

The swordsman sighed while the wind whipped around him. While the Irregular asked if there was any law precinct around so that he could file a form for sexual harassment.

Surreptitiously, Invincible was of a totally different opinion… Much like any hot-blooded young man.



"Hey lady. Did Invincible ask you to protect us?" Yue questioned. Although she knew that it might be so. There was no harm asking for proper confirmation to her hypothesis.

'Wasn't that obvious, pipsqueak?' Endorsi brows jerked, while she threw an eye at the annoying brat that refused to shut up.

'What was her name again… Yue. Yeah, right.' Affixing a smile to her face to appear disarming, the Princess replied back.

"That's right." She gestured back, to where numerous bodies were strewn around unconscious, all sporting internal injuries gained from blunt force.

"Invincible wanted to protect you guys, so he chose this Big sis here to help you guys." She would have demanded for their praises, but she had a feeling the Irregular wouldn't be happy with that, so their knowledge of her being their supposed savior would have to do.

The fact that it built good rapport with the Irregular was another deliberate bonus.

While glancing back at her teammates, the Princess had originally noted something strange. While it wasn't that obvious, blonde had become quiet when the Irregular had arrived. She would had surmised it due to her taciturn nature, but that appeared to not be the case.

It was more like the girl was trying to hide herself from the Irregular.

Instantly, Endorsi had an outrageous thought that made her snort. 'What the hell am I thinking? That she's also an Irregular?'

Her chuckles attracted weird stares, but she remained unfazed by them. While the Princess would admit that blonde had a weird atmosphere to her, something that was quite dimensional. That was just about it.

Unlike Invincible, who she could confidently state held enough strength that she suspects could take on a Ranker head on. -As scary as it sounded- the blonde on the other hand, to put it mildly, was far too weak.

There was no way she is an Irregular.

Abruptly, as the blonde sensed her gaze trained on her, she retreated behind the gentle giant who stood protectively over her facing her fully.

'Irregular… Ha! As if.'

Huffing, while folding her arms, Endorsi wondered why the girl was even being so defensive, and why was the giant even with her in the first place.

Not to mention blonde was quite cold towards her. After the first time she greeted Endorsi, the girl made no effort to communicate.

'Sheesh, does she not understand proper etiquette at all?' She burlesqued with an easy smile, her mask put up for the world to see.

"Look! My rival is coming back!" The one with pink hair, Star. If Endorsi remembered properly, animatedly hollered.

"Yes, we can all see that. No need to destroy our eardrums." Yue rubbed the edge of her brows exasperatedly, while observing their incoming benefactor.

"Apparently with his teammates, it seems."

"Really? I wouldn't have seen them, if you did not point that out." Laxus noted squinting at the skies for a few moments before turning to his teammate, "You have good eyesight, Yue."

The girl puffed her chest preening, while huffing.

When the Irregular came into view, Jasmine stared transfixed at his teammates, to the demure girl the additional two with Invincible had the appearance of fairies. 'Pretty.'

As for Endorsi, when she saw Invincible's new teammates, she still stood transfixed in shock. Her well-crafted mask almost falling off.

'Well, well, well~ an Arie descendant, and a beast-woman, from the La Po Bia family. You just keep finding ways to keep me at the edge of my seat, eh Invincible?'

She laughed dryly as light surrounded their forms taking them up to the next site. The famous Evankhell's mother ship.

This is just getting more, and more interesting.


Invincible wasn't as nervous as before when the light took him away, this time. When it dimmed down, he found himself inside a huge auditorium. Glass paned windows hung above and at the wall corners revealing the fake sky above, with the dried up fields below.

After detaching himself from Yruvette's who had been clinging to his arm, while for some reason promised her that he wasn't going anywhere. He headed for the kids, especially TO Jasmine.

"So, how are your teammates? Hope they did not do anything to you while I was gone?"

The girl shook her head which made the two behind her exhale in relief. "They are ok. Claire only asked some questions about you."

"Did she now?" He eyed the lime Regular who fretfully explained.

"It was out of curiosity, Sir. Nothing that serious, I swear."

The son of Omni-Man stared at her for a few moments before nodding his head, "Since it is just that, I don't have a problem with it."

"So Invincible, new teammates, huh?" Yue commented as she arrived with the others.

"As expected of my rival, you know how to pick teammates well. They both look very strong." Star cheerfully said, while waving his hands at them which prompted Yruvette to politely wave back.

"Pretty too." Laxus added.

Jasmine tugged at his soaked cape asking, "Do you know who they are?"

The half-breed shrugged, "No, not really. Just their names, Arie Yin and La Po Bia Yruvette."

"Arie Yin and La Po Bia Yruvette! Is that what they said?! Really!" Hoaster performed a spit-take, as his face turned incredulous while observing the monster's teammate in new light.

Scary light…

"Yeah, of course." His brows furrowed, "Is there a Problem."

"Is there a problem, he says. This guy!" Hoaster threw his hands in the air as he walked away, shaking his head incredulously.

"Your lack of knowledge concerning the common knowledge of this Tower, could one day be your folly, Invincible." Endorsi commented amused, as she sauntered over.

"Arie, and La Po Bia. Both surnames belong to the most powerful cohort of families in the Tower. Their founders were Irregulars, who stood head to head with King in his ascension."

'Irregulars!' Invincible brows arched in surprise. 'That means they are like me. They all came from the outside World.'

It brought to the half-breed no small sense of relief as it showed that he probably wasn't alone. Well apart from that Twenty-Fifth Baam, if what he suspected was correct. Filing a mental note to learn about this founders when he had the chance.

He tuned Endorsi back as she continued on. "Seeing that you chose those two as your teammates. I can rest easy, knowing that at least you settled for something second best to me."

Apparently that was the tipping point for Yruvette who had been eavesdropping. Roughly shrugging off Yin's hold on her, the beast-kin stomped ahead, her face set in a furious scowl, "What was that, you bitch?!"

Unperturbed by the stomping beast-kin. Endorsi gave a lopsided smile. "Second best. Or do you want me to pound it into you."

Yruvette cracked her neck as she returned a lopsided smile of her own, while her eyes gave off a subtle yellow glow. "I'm skinning you alive."

The air grew heavy as the two girls smirked at each other with murderous intentions in their eyes. One clenched her fist, the other, her spear. An unbelievable amount of bloodlust emanated out from them in waves, both knowing that if they fight it wasn't a question.

One of them would die.

Luckily Invincible intervened in time. Placing himself in-between the girls, he barked harshly, "Stop it, both of you. Or you will have to answer to me."

Invincible on his part was flummoxed how things escalated to this level.

In a flash Yruvette obeyed transferring to his side, clinging his arm with a goofy smile on her face. While Endorsi gave a condensing smirk, sauntering back to her teammates assuming victory in her steps.

"Master, I don't like the girl. Please let me kill her. Preferably slowly." Yruvette murmured to Invincible while glowering at Endorsi.

Second best! How dare that bootlicker. The scion of La Po Bia knew the secret of her confidence, she smelt it the first time she saw her. That familiar royal blood…

'A street rat luckily becomes a Zahard Princess, and she thinks that gives her the right to belittle me! If front of Master no less!' Vein pulsed at Yruvette's forehead as her teeth grounded together.

'She's dead! I swear I'll kill her! Slowly! Slowly kill her!' Her iris thinned becoming more catlike, as her tail and ear hackles rose in agitation.

Yin winced when he saw Yruvette's expression. 'After three years of peace. That idiot Princess just had to awaken Yruvette hidden personality, all for some worthless pride.'

The Arie scion watched the preening Endorsi, wondering whether it was worth it saving her life. For he knew once Yruvette decides to kill, it will be messy . He could forcefully stop her if he wanted, yes. But he never said it was easy.

'Better tell Master, maybe he could rein her in.' If not… It wasn't his problem.

"No Yruvette." Invincible meanwhile refused her sternly. His face fixed even when she petulantly pouted.

In his mind, Invincible wasn't all that surprised by the killing intent, Yruvette displayed. As he observed before, everyone single Regular including him had emanated several levels of bloodlust.

While hers was at a higher level even compared to the murderous Regular he had killed, that was not what he was concerned about.

But what disturbed him was, why did she hide it before?

Invincible paused, superstitiously observing his androgynous member. Why did the both of them, -there is no way, Yin wasn't hiding his own bloodlust as well- decide to hide their bloodlust?

It was to a level that he wasn't able to even sense it. A part of him was screaming how it all looked fishy, but that did not make sense.

Did they know he was going to search for them? If so, how? Because Invincible knew if they had been displaying this level of bloodlust, he would have been wary of accepting them as his teammates.

The son of Omni-Man eyed Yruvette suspiciously. While the girl in question look at him tilting her head in a way he would have a few minutes ago, called cute.

'I don't like this.' Invincible thought to himself.

"But Master. What if she still keeps on saying such mean things about me?" Yruvette demurely asked.

Invincible blinked at her question, "Well…" Starring at Endorsi for a few seconds, he nodded. "As long as there is no killing."

As long as there was no killing, then there is no need to get involved. Invincible had gleamed from the test that, this Tower thrives on conflict or at the very least fighting. From his view point. A little rivalry would not harm anyone. Although…

'Why is Yin shaking his head so much at me?' Invincible wondered if there was anything on him, apart from the blood that is.

Yruvette squealed hugging him, "Thanks Master. I'll prove to that rude girl that I am the best teammate for you."

Invincible blinked bemused, "Okay?"

The face that wasn't at her Master's point of view took on a red vicious gleam. While it was too bad she couldn't kill the street rat. Scarring her a little, wasn't such a bad alternative.

'Well tormenting her, when she's alive will be much more cathartic and fun~!' She gleefully thought, as her lips stretched into a maniacal grin. She could not stop the chuckle that escaped her lips.

"Yruvette, everything alright?"

Quickly fixing her face into one of innocence, the Regular from La Po Bia, replied back. "It's nothing, Master."

The children Regular's, who watched all that transpired took a collective gulp, all held a synonymous thought. 'This lady from La Po Bia was too scary!'

Claire wisely faced anywhere but here. She had no wish to take part with whatever was going on.

Yin sighed at the scene. 'At least, I'll take it as one major crises averted.'

"It's good to see all our up and coming Regulars, so lively. Very good." Suddenly a new voice interrupted.

The congregation of Regulars stared at the direction from where the voice came from, as their eyes took them to two individuals that came at from an obscured hallway.

Invincible blinked perplexed when he saw the first man. He used his free hand, dragging it across his face while muttering wearily. "What's with people wearing unisex dresses?"

The subject matter was a man with blonde hair, possessing feminine features dressed in what look like a colorful yellow, and blue Asian dress. For a split second, the half-breed wondered why both Yin and this stranger dressed like that.

Afraid of what may lay ahead, Invincible diverged focusing on the other man who appeared to be calculating the number of Regulars. The man had dark skin possessing a short stature, his hair was dark red, and was dressed in a ridiculous white lab-coat and black pants.

"Four Teams, close to the cut. Thank God! Lord Evankhell won't deep-fry me!"

With a mirthful chuckle, the colorful dressed man, replied back. "Good for you Quant." Concealing his mouth with his dress sleeve, he noted while observing the Regulars, "It seems as due to the numbers, my examination would not be required."

Invincible eyes narrowed, as he said aloud. "Examination?"

Seemingly taking notice of the Irregular for the first time. The blonde man folded his arms in a way that hid his sleeve. "Pardon me, I am Yu Hang-Sung. The Test Director for the second floor, the one who will determine your worthiness in climbing this Tower."

"Test Director…" Yu Hang-Sung's introduction tolled with a penetrating to the half-breed. "So that Death Match, was it you who authorized it?" He questioned in an accusing tone, recalling the gory scenes back in fields.

To all who saw the Irregular, felt a raging volcano about to erupt. Depending on what may be the Director's answer, the mother-ship may not be standing at the end of it.

'Is he mad?!' Hoaster howled, quivering as Invincible fired the perilous question. While he would admit of Invincible's superiority in power, the man he is talking is a Ranker!

'There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. This is stupidity. Ah! This wasn't what I envisioned when I agreed to join your cohort, you suicide bastard!'

But still there one thought he had. It sounded prosperous even. For while the ponytail Regular knew the Irregular would not win, he felt that the Irregular may not necessarily lose.

'Well that's an Irregular for you, he's a totally different breed.' He thought in fear, veneered with the green little monster called envy.

'The balls of this Super Regular, or is it Irregular.' Quant Blitz thought astonished. Even though the Scout reluctantly admitted that the pressure emanated the Irregular was at a Ranker's quality, this is Yu Hang-Sung he was talking to!

As Quant opened his mouth to reveal his culpability in Invincible's interrogation, Yu Hang-Sung blocked him with his sleeve shaking his head.

"But why Director?" The Ranker questioned, but Yu Hang-Sung only chuckled while mouthing, 'Later.'

Now regarding Invincible, Yu Hang-Sung nodded, "Yes, I gave the authorization for the test. Because I am the Director of the Second Floor exams, and as an official, am I not supposed to be setting the test, no?"

Invincible blankly looked at the director, then lowered his face, hair obscuring his features. "I see, I see… All those deaths were your doing."

The images flashed across his mind. Their haunted faces as they died painful deaths, mummy corpses who remained will remain there desecrated under the sun, dried up tears for being promised false dreams, and were given deaths.

What pissed him off the most was the frivolous way, the blonde bastard admitted it was his doing. Like if given the chance he would do it all over again!

The very thought that the Director finds the Death Match amusing filled the half-breed with rage!

The very perception of light within the room dimmed, and the batch of Regulars shook as all the window panes simultaneously cracked. A frozen queer smirk plastered on Invincible's face, at his forehead a vein pulsed.

The son of Omni-Man saw red.

"That's it, I'm punching your head off!"

He stomped a foot hard against the ground with enough it cracked and the whole auditorium trembled with the some of the windows exploding at the resounding pressure! He rose to air in order to do what he said, when an insignificant resistance pulled his cape back.

"Master, I beseech you, stop what you were about to do!"


Turning back, Invincible saw his teammate holding onto his cape with a pleading expression. "What are you doing?"

"Please think of what you're about to do." The beast-kin repeated.

"What I'm about to do?" Invincible muttered, as he turned back to still see the easy smirk on Yu Hang-Sung's face. "Just going to rough someone a little."

The Ranker's callous dismissal of life was not something acceptable back in his home-world. Back home his dad called such people 'Scums.' If there was even an iota of remorse in Yu Hang-Sung, then Invincible wouldn't have been so angry, but what the blonde is displaying now was just sick.

To wretch his cape away from her was too easy, but then she did something that held him in place.

"Before you go and do something you will regret. If not for your sake, then think of the others." Yruvette pointed at the children who watched in various alarmed intensities. "Did you think of what might happen, if you decide to fight?"

His mind cleared, the red haze slowly but surely ebbing back to the recess of his mind. 'God, she's right. What was I thinking?'

The kids and others have all come this far, sacrificed so much all for a chance to climb the Tower. The half-breed could still remember it, the determination arising from Star and Yue, honestly it was awe inspiring.

But here he was just one fist from throwing it all away for some anger, even though it was justified. Who knows what might happen if he fights the blonde Bastard.

Not to mention, now that the rage was no more clouding his reason. The sensation Invincible experienced when he had met Evan, he was feeling it now. This guy is stronger than him.

A losing battle… Clenching his teeth to stew his powerlessness, Invincible floated down, glaring at the blue tiled floor with a heavy heart.

Soft hand held his, as the half-Extraterrestrial raised his head to see the cat beast-kin give him a supportive smile.

"Thank you, for stopping me." Invincible muttered gratefully.

"It is my honor, dear Master." She replied giving a surly wink.

Yu Hang-Sung's grating snicker turned Invincible's lips upside down, as the powerful Ranker gave an ersatz praise to Yruvette.

"As expected from a lady from the La Po Bia Family. Such prudence would serve you well in reigning in your fellow teammate."

Yruvette looked back with a frigid smile, curtsying. "I will keep your words in heart, Director. And please, Invincible isn't my teammate, he is my most exalted Master. Do well to remember that."

Yu Hang-Sung brows raised in bewilderment, "Oh~ is that so?" Clasping his hands behind his back, "I will keep that in mind."

"Please do so."

Seeing that everything had been settled, Quant Blitz gave a peppery clap that stirred the remaining participants up. "Now that we're done with the electrifying distractions, I am Quant Blitz. Ranker, and your Test Administrator."

The daredevil in the red hair Ranker howled, itching him to tell the Irregular that he was the one who gave the Death Match. But in great show of willpower, Quant reigned it in.

"Now that we're true with the main screening test for this Tower. Let's get this show on the road with… Another test!"

"Wait! Another?!" Hoaster howled.

Star folded his arms giving a sage nod, "It seems like it's time for the lord Star to once again grace the stage…" Only to be met with a slap on the back of his head.

"Ow! What's that for beanie girl?!" Raven hair cried in outrage.

Yue took a deep breath and then loomed over, "Do you understand the significance of what another test means."

She grabbed the boy by his shoulders shaking him with a surprising amount of strength, while spewing what Star would later call the greatest spell of compliant in his life. Laxus raised his hands to say something, but seeing how intimidating Yue was made him clamp his mouth shut.

Jasmine nervousness shot through the roof, when a hand rested on her shoulders. "Claire."

The lime haired Regular dressed in a loose corporal wear, gave an assuring nod. While Jasmine smiled nodding back.

Quant basked in the nervousness of the crowd letting it stew for some seconds, when he candidly added. "Only that this test is more optional than mandatory…"

"Really! Thank God!" Hoaster hollered, squatting to the floor in relief.

While Claire close her eyes, with her shoulders slouching as an indication of her response to Quant's revelation.

"Good, that means we don't have to participate." Yue commented.

"Uh, really~? We are Regulars right? Where did all your girth go?" Star accused, still wanting to partake in the test, even though it wasn't compulsory.

The girl huffed turning away while folding her arms, "In my brain, obviously. Unlike a certain suicidal idiot."

"Humph," Star huffed, and then curved excitedly to his male partner. "Laxus my man! How about it. Let's go do this test thing, and show this sissy here, a real man's guts!"

The auburn hair boy dressed in simple brown T-shirt and shorts, turned his eyes away unwilling to answer.

"Eh, Laxus, don't leave me hanging man." Seeing that the auburn did not answer, Star snorted. "Well fine! Be that way, I'll do this test all by myself if I have to."

But unfortunately Quant shot his sails of bravado down, "Sorry about that, little Regular. But the only way to take the test is with an entire team."

Star's jaw lightly dropped, while Yue gave a vindictive snort. Laxus while still facing away apologetically thought.

'I'm sorry, Star. But just getting to this level is more than what I dreamt off. I'm not taking any chances for an unknown test. I am not that idealistic after all.'

Claire observed her team for a few moments, before raising her hands as well, "We too are not going to be participating in this test as well."

Jasmine nodded, and Hoaster breathed out in relief.

Quant paused for a minute waiting for more dropouts. Seeing that there was none, he smirked. "Well ladies and gents. Before we go any further, let this lord Quant tell you that this particular test has a reward for the winners… A straight up qualification to the Second Floor."

Silence held sway over the batch of Regulars who were trying to get over what the Administrator said. Greed surfaced at their expressions over the opportunity at hand. A free shoot-up to the Second Floor was just too good to pass up.

But then they took notice of the bloodied Irregular who maintained silence, whose facade held a pondering countenance.

Like a peal of lightning, reality struck them on their faces, once more about their chances.

Star on the other hand, was still about to speak up once more when Laxus gripped his shoulders.

"What man?"

Laxus shook his head. "This test, let's not partake in it. We don't have a chance to win."

Eyes narrowing, Star shot back. "Oh yeah~ based on what?"

Yue's hand shot to his head clamping it and then turned it over to the bloodied half-breed. "Based on them. An Irregular, and two members from the Ten Great Families. Unless you have a way to get pass them, which I'm sure you don't."

Star struggling to find anything to say back at the blonde Regular, but could find nothing. Roughly pushing her hand away, he grunted in acceptance, still unsatisfied.

"That's enough for me." Yue nodded at her teammate's unspoken acknowledgement of the situation.

This wasn't the end, she knew that there would be other team stronger than theirs -They are kids, to be clear- and the only way to survive in this stage is to fight smart and get stronger.

"So only two teams are going to participate in the tests." Yu Hang-Sung noted, "Alright then, Quant will lead the participants to the testing grounds, while I will lead the non-participants to the residential area."

Dainty hand shot up, with Quant taking up its owner. "What is it, Regular?"

"Before we get to the testing grounds, can my team get sometime alone. I need to get my Master a change of clothes."

"Yruvette, its ok." Invincible placed a hand on her shoulders, shaking his head. While it was actually yucky and being covered in shinshue and human's blood was very queasy. The half-breed felt he could handle it.

"No, it's not Master." Yruvette replied firmly. "Besides, it's only for some seconds. With your speed, you could clean and wear a new change of clothes in a jiffy."

At loss on what to say, Quant spied at his boss who gave a discreet nod. "Alright Regular, I'll direct you to the nearest shop. But after that I'll give you one minute no less."

The offspring from La Po Bia demurely smiled. "That's more than enough for me." She began to pull Invincible with her, "Now Master let's hurry, there's no time."

Invincible who went with flow of events asked as they headed for the depository. "Sorry about this, Yruvette. I'll be sure to pay you back."

"Oh please don't worry about it Master. Just being of help to you is my greatest reward." Meanwhile in her mind, Yruvette gave an immoral giggle.

'Seeing Master in all his nude glory, will be my greatest reward!'

A sudden urge to cover himself came over Invincible. Furtively looking around, the son of Omni-Man wondered which pervert was talking about him. Eyeing the seemly innocent Yruvette, Invincible decided to be more careful just in case.

'After all, she is still a pervert.'

Yin who trailed after the two looked to the sky through the window pane. Sighing as he prepared for another debauched foreplay.

'At least it's certainly interesting.'