Interstellar Zero (Edens Zero AU)

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Synopsis: "In X492 when Justice and Amira scout Granbell in search of any sign of Elsie Crimson, they encounter the Demon King's grandson and complied with the machine residents' request to take him to space. Shiki joins the Interstellar Union Army to take down criminals and making friends along the way."
Interstellar Zero Chapter 1
I have made another Edens Zero AU fic called "Interstellar Zero". This is somewhat based on Awareness Bringer's "Law and Order of the Cosmos" where Shiki meets Justice and Amira instead of Rebecca and Happy (the robot cat that can turn into a pair of guns) canonically from one of the author's many AU stories he made.

Credits goes to Awareness Bringer and go check out his works.

Synopsis: "In X492 when Justice and Amira scout Granbell in search of any sign of Elsie Crimson, they encounter the Demon King's grandson and complied with the machine residents' request to take him to space. Shiki joins the Interstellar Union Army to take down criminals and making friends along the way."

Disclaimer: I do not own Edens Zero and its characters. They respectively belong to Hiro Mashima, the guy behind his big three works: Edens Zero, Fairy Tail (main series and the 100 Years Quest) and Rave Master.

Planet Granbell, Kingdom of Granbell, Sakura Cosmos

On the fantasy theme park-like planet, the Commando Carrier Angel Feather is stationed on the ground with the rank and file armored soldiers of the Interstellar Union Army with assault rifles guarding the ship and patrolling the perimeter for any sign of hostiles or threats while their commanding officer investigates the castle and its village with company following him.

"Is the Galactic Intelligence Agency certain that Elsie Crimson frequents this star system, Agent Amira?", Justice asked as he gaze upon the seemingly empty homes at the entrance of the Granbell Kingdom.

Rolling her eyes at the Interestelar member's stoicism and tunnel vision when it comes with the Armored Space Pirate that can be sometimes annoying, Amira answered. "There is nothing of Elsie's presence at the moment but the G.I.A.'s systems are hardly wrong, sir. Your crooked girlfriend's ship, the Skull Fairy came here to look at this planet for whatever reason even though it looks abandoned."

The white haired man in space armor simply remain focused and silent than comment from the sassy blonde agent as Victory and Creed followed him.

"Whatever it is, this place looks abandoned and I don't see why Elsie would gaze upon this fantasy kingdom theme park.", the big burly armored man with a scar on his face noted with a scoff.

The bespectacled man offered a hypothesis as he pushed up his glasses, "Perhaps this place reminds her of home back in the Kaede Cosmos where she and our leader came from. Back before she caused a war that took countless lives and devastated their homes and remained unrepentant of her first crime that began her infamy in the first place."

Way to rub salt in the wounds... Justice grits his teeth after being reminded of his lost fatherland but did not say anything and kept walking. He could not fault Creed for trying to explain the purpose of his hated and mutual enemy taking interest on this planet for some reason.

Upon entering the Granbell Kingdom, the three Interstellar Union Army soldiers and the G.I.A. agent are welcomed by the local robotic entertainers who were excited to have new customers after a century of inactivity and isolation. They even learned that the bots considered them as the first humans to come to this planet.

Although one of the bots, Michael who is dressed in a wizard hat and robes, sorted Justice and Amira out.

"The Castellan requests your presence at the Granbell Castle, you two.", Michael stated before motioning them to follow him.

"I guess we will be meeting the local authority figure on this planet.", the blonde female agent commented as she follows the bot.

"What are your orders, Justice?", Victory asked while he was surrounded by robot folks but he ignored them.

The Interestelar member ordered his two subordinates, "Find out if there is something important that Elsie was looking at Granbell. I doubt that a vile woman like her would go sightseeing to remember the homeland she betrayed."

"You got it. Let's go Creed. We're going for a walk.", the big man of the Interstellar Union Army complied as he watches his leader catching up to Amira and Michael to the Granbell Castle.

"Right.", the young man with glasses nodded but his glasses that detects certain Ether signatures gave off several beeps.

Hearing the sound, Victory asked. "Your scanner found something?"

Creed analyzed the signature and traced it, "This Ether... It came from that forest. This could possibly lead us to what we've been searching for!"

And with that, the two soldiers of the Interstellar Union Army headed to that direction where the certain Ether signature came from.

At the Granbell Castle

Upon arriving at the entrance of the castle, Michael led Justice and Amira inside. The two can tell that the bot was harmless but sensed a strong albeit fainting Ether signature before them. Whatever it is, the bot in charge of Granbell must be a powerful one in its own right. Of course, it is ultimately no match with the likes of the Celestial Judge if it turns out to be hostile.

Entering the throne room, Justice and Amira come face to face with a large and intimidating robot with a face of a wizened old man with a royal crown and a cape. And he is sitting on the throne surrounded by cables that are attached to him.

"He is a battle bot...", the blonde agent commented after noticing his combat-oriented body.

"Welcome, newcomers. We've been expecting you.", the Castellan greeted with a grim expression.

"I am Justice and this is Amira. We are from the Cosmic Government. You're the ruler of this planet, correct?", the white haired soldier introduced after stepping forward.

The battle bot in royal clothes then nodded with a warm grandfatherly smile, "Yes, and I am the Castellan. I am glad that you humans finally arrived on Granbell and it gives me great sense of relief."

It confuses the two members of the Cosmic Government as they noted the change of expression from the Castellan but at least he wasn't hostile. "Alright, I am confused. Can you give us context about it? My colleague and I wanted to know what you are talking about.", Amira inquired.

Michael explained to them, "A long time ago, the machine played the Demon King of this park went out to explore the cosmos and came back with a child he raised like a grandson to him. His name is Shiki and he has been with us ever since, even when the Demon King was shut down."

The Castellan finished, "But before he lost power, the Demon King asked all of us to do whatever was needed to get Shiki get off from Granbell as we don't have the technology and resources to build a ship ourselves. In his words, the boy is destined to change the cosmos."

Justice widened his eyes in shock from the revelation and knows that only one individual who has that title in the past. So this is the home planet of Ziggy the Demon King, the former ruler of the Sakura Cosmos! And he raised a human child he found too. There is no doubt Ziggy had taught the boy his power of gravity before he shut down. I wonder if Elsie had a connection with Ziggy which it might explain why she had interest on this planet., he thought.

"Originally, our plan is to pretend that we have a virus affecting our robotic systems and turn against the humans. In order to drive out Shiki and leave this planet with his new friends who came here.", Michael confessed.

"And you figured out pulling that stunt won't work with us?", Amira noted, which the pointy hat wearing bot confirmed.

"I can already tell that Sir Justice is far stronger than me after I scanned his combat capabilities. No doubt he would easily crush me if we carried out the plan that is already doomed to fail. My scouts have also informed me that his troops are heavily armed and they would have gunned us down on spot in self-defense. So instead we come to formally request that you two bring Shiki and send him to space.", the Castellan explained as he winced at the thought of it.

The Celestial Judge nodded in understanding, "That is true and it is a wise decision, Lord Castellan. About your request, is Shiki the only human on Granbell? Are you sure there no others before us came here?"

The elderly-looking bot shakes his head and explained, "Yes, Shiki lived his whole life on this planet with us machines, and there are no humans coming here before you and your men did. If they were here and they aren't actually strong ones capable of fighting back, my scouts would have informed me and we would have initiated the plan to force the boy off Granbell with them."

Justice believed the Castellan's explanation as if Elsie was really on Granbell, she would have already taken the grandson of Ziggy away from this planet and recruited him into her crew of space pirates of the Skull Fairy. Better to have Shiki on the side of the Interstellar Union Army than end up being corrupted by Elsie's evils as a space pirate. He might even follow the footsteps of the late Demon King if left on the wrong path!, he darkly thought.

Michael sighed, "But after all these years, we never knew how to explain ourselves of what we had to do with him. So Shiki doesn't know about his grandfather's last request anymore than he does about us running out of time."

"Running out of time? What do you mean by that?", the female G.I.A. agent asked in wonder.

"Our batteries are running low and the Granbell Castle's automatic repair and power systems would only last us a few more years before we would break down, which would leave Shiki marooned and alone...", the Castellan replied before sighing. "... I couldn't tell Shiki the truth about this. He would waste his whole life trying to fix us when we eventually shut down one day despite he was never actually good at mechanics to begin with even if we told him the truth."

Playing with his robotic fingers, Michael stated. "I don't know if machines do have hearts like humans do, ... but I wish I didn't, so I wouldn't feel so bad about lying to Shiki among other things."

Amira winced as while she was a bit on the dubious side on the "ghost of the machine debate", she couldn't help but sympathize in a cosmic sort of way as it would signify the true end of the park as the bots really wanted to let the boy leave out his life and see the cosmos outside Granbell. Justice, on the hand, had another idea though.

Placing his hand on the comm at his left ear, the Interestelar member contacted the I.U.A. member. "Lieutenant Brosnan. Do you read me?"

"I read you, sir. Did you find what you are looking for?", a deep robotic voice responded from the comm link.

"No, I haven't. But bring in the team of technicians with a supply of fresh batteries from the Angel Feather to Granbell Castle guided by my beacon signal. I found out that the bots are in need of assistance with their repair and power systems that needed maintenance. Did you receive it?...", Justice ordered as he planted beacon on the floor for his subordinates to follow.

Lieutenant Brosnan responded, "... Yes sir. They will arrive shortly."

Turning off his comm, he sees the surprised looks on the Castellan, Michael and even Amira. The white haired man plainly stated, "Even if they are machines, a life is still a life. You don't have to shut down permanently after all these years of watching over the boy and taking care of him. By my authority as one of the Oracion Seis Interestelar, your request has been granted, Lord Castellan. We will take Shiki with us from Granbell."

Shrugging with her arms, the blonde woman said, "Well, I guess it is a win-win."

Getting up from his throne and removing the cables from his back, the battle bot in his royal clothes is on his knees and gave his sincere gratitude with tears of joy and relief. "Thank you, Sir Justice. I am in your debt."

"Alright, stand up. There's no need for that. Now can you tell us where Shiki is on Granbell?", Justice simply tells the Castellan.

Michael noted with his metal hand rubbing his chin, "I recall that Shiki was in the forest trying to fix some of the large machines that are part of the quest from the theme park. Except you already know he doesn't have an actual skill with mechanics at all."

Thanking the wizard-themed bot, Justice remembered as he leaves the throne room of the Granbell Castle and heading out as he thought, That means Shiki would run into Victory and Creed who are investigating this planet under my orders. I hope there won't be a fight when we get meet the Demon King's grandson.

I can't wait to see what Shiki looks like. Although since he was raised by robots and didn't meet any humans his whole life, I hope he does have manners.
, Amira thought with a smile as she followed the Celestial Judge.

In the forest near Granbell Kingdom

Meanwhile within the outskirts of Granbell, Victory and Creed are confronted by a giant cat machine with a long neck and it is glaring at the two I.U.A. soldiers menacingly before them. It looks scary to ordinary people but to these soldiers, it can be dispatched with ease just by one hit.

"Is this the Ether signature you detected?!", the big burly man growled in irritation.

"No! This isn't the one!", the bespectacled man denied.

Suddenly, the giant long-necked cat machine is taken down from above by a young man with long spiky hair casually sitting on it out of nowhere which surprised Victory and Creed. Then he looked at them with glare menacingly, alerting the two into combat position in case if he was a hostile.

"Alright, tough guy. Who the hell are you?", Victory demanded with his fist raised and Ether lines appearing on his face to use his Ether Gear.

"Identify yourself or be subdued!", Creed stated as he readies his Ether Gear too as well and internally noted with stoic surprise. The Ether signature came from him all along!

"Humans? ... Human males... So big and so lean...", the boy muttered before he steps down from the knocked out giant long-necked cat machine and approaches the two soldiers in a creepy way.

Then the boy started touching Victory's face to squish them. "Oooh! Whooa! You look rough but your skin feels smooth!", he commented.

An annoyed Victory then grabbed the boy by the head, "Yes, we are human, you creepy kid with no sense of personal space. Now tell us your name!"

"Ow! Ow! Ow! That hurt! That hurt! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!", the boy with spiky long hair wailed as he tried to get the burly man's hand off him. "There aren't any other humans! Just me!"

"I see. When we arrived on this planet, we only met the robot inhabitants from Granbell Kingdom.", Creed noted before asking. "By the way, you still haven't given us your name, civilian. Who are you?"

Briefly stopping his struggle, the boy answered with a smile, "My name is Shiki! Will you be my friend?"

This stuns the two I.U.A. soldiers with a sweatdrop as the boy who made an eccentric entrance before them suddenly asked them to be his friend. Then they receive a beeping from the comm which Victory uses his free hand to answer while not letting go of Shiki. "Yes, what is it, Justice?"

"Have you encountered the boy named Shiki, Victory?", his leader inquired through the comm link.

Victory and Creed are both surprised of the Interestelar member knowing Shiki before they did, and apparently the Celestial Judge has interest in him. Even Shiki wondered who was talking about him despite trying to free himself from the burly man's grasp on his head.

"Yes, we have, sir. Does it involve with our investigation on Granbell?", the bespectacled soldier asked out loud for his commanding officer to hear.

"Somewhat, Creed. Bring Shiki to the Commando Carrier. I want to talk to him. I will wait for your arrival. Don't delay.", Justice stated before turning off communication.

Shrugging, Victory lets go of Shiki and then places him over his shoulder like a potato sack. "Well, it is your lucky day, brat! You're going to meet more humans.", he casually declared.

This brings starry eyes on the boy's face. "Woooow! Really?! That means I can make more friends! My grandpa told me to make lots of friends!", Shiki excitedly stated.

"Your grandfather should have taught you manners when meeting new people coming to your planet, Mr. Shiki.", Creed lightly scolded while checking the boy's Ether with his glasses. This is the Ether I detected and it's identified as... the Demon King! That means he possesses the power of Satan Gravity, he thought in stoic shock.

At the Angel Feather's landing site

After the three left the forest and arrived inside the Commando Carrier, Victory casually dropped Shiki down on the ground and Creed contacts Justice of their attendance. Shiki rubbed his butt from being dumped like a sack before he glanced up to see the armored men and women of the Interstellar Union Army outside their helmets doing their duties and minding their own business.

"Welcome to the Angel Feather.", Victory stated as he sees Shiki's amazed look and snarked. "Take a picture. It will last longer."

"Whoa! So many humans! Men and women!", the boy shouted in excitement, getting back up on his feet.

"Behave yourself, Mr. Shiki!", Creed advised but he was ignored.

Immediately activating his Ether Gear that manipulates the gravity around himself and it glowed across his body with Ether marks on his arms, Shiki maneuvered around inside the Angel Feather to take a look at every I.U.A. member he faced and commented on their gender and appearances, surprising them of his presence that they didn't see him coming.

Their reception towards Shiki is mixed on the other hand.


"What the heck!"

"Who brought a civilian inside!?"

"Too close!"

"Watch it!"


"Someone stop him!"

"Is that an Ether Gear?"

"People all look really different.", Shiki commented as he ran on the walls of the hallway of the Commando Carrier.

Then suddenly, the boy is grabbed by the head once again. This time by a giant armored hand, stopping him in his tracks. "Oh no! Not again! Let me go!", he cried out and tried to free himself which amuses the other I.U.A. members upon seeing it, seeing it as karma.

"If you behave, then I will let you go civilian.", a deep robotic voice suggested.

Stopping his struggle, Shiki glanced where he faces a giant robot being with a knight's helmet that has a long brown plume top and glowing golden eyes behind the visor, and a symbol of the Interstellar Union Army in the chestplate. "Wow! You're a robot! That's cool! I have robot friends in Granbell Kingdom!", he stated with a pair of starry eyes.

"I'm an O-Tech to be exact, civilian.", the robotic soldier corrected before demanding. "Now tell me who you are and how did you trespass inside the Angel Feather?"

"Let him go, Lieutenant Brosnan. I requested Shiki's presence to be here.", Justice stated as he appeared behind the giant robot with a bemused Amira. Victory and Creed followed behind and apologized to their leader for losing track of the boy running around inside the Commando Carrier before their fellow large O-Tech comrade stopped him.

"Hmmm... I see you're recruiting the kid with an Ether Gear, sir. Very well then, he might be an additional boon in the Interstellar Union Army.", Brosnan noted before letting go of the boy and left but then added. "Someone give him a shower and a haircut by the way. He needs to look at least presentable."

Victory glared at the I.U.A. members who returned to whatever they are doing. "Comedy show's over! Back to your duties!"

"I apologize for not keeping the boy restrained, sir.", Creed said with a look of shame.

"It's fine. At least we know that he has Ether Gear inherited from Ziggy.", the Celestial Judge tells him much to the two soldiers' surprise. "We will discuss this later at the Angel Feather bridge.", he tells them.

Rubbing his head after being dropped on the floor, Shiki complained. "Owww! This is the second time someone grabbed me by the head!"

"Then why don't you take things a bit slower instead right?", Amira tells him with a sheepish smile at his antics which got the boy's attention.

"I see. Do you think I can be friends with all of them if I take it slow? With everybody here?", Shiki asked her with a smile.

Chuckling a bit at his optimistic outlook despite being roughly handled, the female G.I.A. agent stated as she approached him. "It depends on your best behavior. My name is Amira by the way. Now why don't I lead you to the bathroom where you can take a shower? I will bring your clothes to be cleaned and dried up in the laundry area."

"Okay, Amira.", the Demon King's grandson nodded with enthusiasm and followed her.

At the bridge of the Angel Feather

After receiving report that the Granbell Castle's power and repair systems have been fixed and supplied and ordering the team to return back a few hours later, Justice is sitting at the main armchair of the Commando Carrier's bridge where he discusses with Victory and Creed regarding Shiki. "Alright, what are your thoughts on Ziggy's grandson?", he asked them.

"Kid's creepy and straight to the point of asking them to be his friends when meeting new people. But he means no harm. He just needed to understand personal space. At least he knows when to back down and behave himself for now. He really never met humans until we showed up.", the burly man shrugged with his arms folded.

Creed stated after checking the analysis results on his pad after transferring data from his glasses, "But Shiki does possess great amounts of Ether for someone identified as the Demon King. Judging by how he skillfully maneuvered by flying with Satan Gravity around the troops without even crashing into them or anything in his way, Shiki must have possessed a gift of talent. Although we do need to test his fighting skill first hand to see how good he is in battle."

The Celestial Judge nodded from his subordinates' input on the boy. "I see. With enough proper training, guidance and combat experience, Shiki would become a formidable force to be reckoned with. He could even potentially become a new member of the Oracion Seis Interestelar one day in the future.", he remarked with interest.

Since Ziggy taught him how to use his Ether Gear, Shiki might have learned powerful techniques from the Demon King too as well. Perhaps I should test him with either Victory, Brosnan or even myself in the combat training room. With certain limitations of course. Fighting someone with gravity powers inside the Commando Carrier would be risky and not to mention the repairs and costs in the aftermath. I will have to consult Captain Jaguar about it., he thought.

Victory raised an eyebrow, "Huh? So you're really going to recruit the kid, Justice? Under normal circumstances and proper protocol, the brat will have to attend a Cosmic Government military academy first before he officially becomes a distinguished member of the Interstellar Union Army."

"But as Justice is one of the Oracion Seis Interestelar, he has certain privileges. One of those privileges happens to being able to draft a person or group of people who have powerful Ether Gears and abilities with enough experience and talent under his command and he will take full responsibility over them.", Creed explained as he adjusted his glasses by pushing it up to his face.

Captain Jaguar did use that privilege when he took in that android girl after rescuing her from the two years of torture and experimentation by the sicko Muller after he and his troops raided the Muller Royal Laboratories on Planet Newton... , Justice internally noted as he remembered his superior officer and fellow Interestelar member leading the arrest of the psychopathic scientist who unfortunately escaped and went into hiding with a trail of dead bodies and mutilated victims turned into O-Tech he experimented and left behind.

Then the door opened to reveal Shiki with his shortened but still spiky hair and his clothes have been cleaned and dried up. "Whoa! So this is the head of the ship! It looks cool and shiny!", he remarked as he entered with an amused Amira following him.

"Yes, this is the Commando Carrier Angel Feather. My personal ship in the Interestellar Union Army.", Justice simply explained with a straight face.

"Interstellar Union Army, what are they?", the Demon King's grandson asked.

Amira replied to him as she casually leaned at the wall of the Angel Feather's bridge, "Let me explain you the basics, Shiki. They are the military of the Cosmic Government that is formed to strike down the evil that runs rampart in the cosmos, such as the bad guys who hurt, steal and kidnap others like space pirates for example."

She knew it would give Justice the twitchy eye whenever the word space pirate is uttered but the Celestial Judge retained his poker face as usual.

"What she said. Also we help the civilians and protect them from danger wherever we go.", Victory stated before adding. "And since I forgot to mention this to you, my name is Victory. The one in glasses is Creed and our fearless leader here is Justice, one of the 6 strongest members in the Interstellar Union Army and our commanding officer in the Angel Feather."

"Oooh! You're the good guys then.", Shiki said with amazement in his eyes.

Creed chuckled, "You can say that. We do have our fair share of... eccentric comrades like Lieutenant Brosnan. You would fit right in."

"I see, then what about you? Are you part of this army too?", the Demon King's grandson pointed at Amira.

"Actually, I am agent of the Galactic Intelligence Agency. We gather intel and spy on the bad guys to know their evil schemes before we stop them with the Interstellar Union Army backing us up.", the female blonde woman explained with a wink.

The boy is enamored by Victory, Creed and Amira's explanation, being endeared of the idea that he is meeting good guys. "You guys are awesome and strong too! So why are you guys doing here and why am I here?", he complimented before wondering with curiosity.

Creed answered to the boy, "We are here on an investigation involving a very dangerous criminal we are pursuing. This planet was one of the many leads but we found none except you and the machine residents."

Justice then added, "And those said robot inhabitants of Granbell requested us that we should take you to the stars. Before that, I met with the Castellan for a visit to Granbell, we discovered that their power supply is running dangerously low and ended up shutting down permanently. I already sent my men to fix the problem and the machines of Granbell Kingdom are grateful for it."

"Really?! If they had the problem, I could have fixed it!", Shiki said in shock and concern at the reveal.

"Indeed you could have, but it was beyond your skill to fix such a very complex machinery. But there is no need to worry, they can live longer without fear of shutting down anytime soon.", the Celestial Judge reassured much to the boy's relief.

"Thank goodness. But why did they request you to take me guys?", Shiki asked.

Victory bluntly stated, "You said you wanted to make new friends right, kid? Well, you can do that in space where we save innocent lives and defeat the bad guys threatening them together. No need to worry about the bots if that's what you're thinking. They will still be around when you come back as a hero for them to be proud of."

"Besides, don't you want to meet more new people and see new places outside Granbell that you've never seen before? It is a grand opportunity that you shouldn't miss out or you might regret it. Every new recruit has that feeling like myself similarly.", Creed made an appealing offer.

"I can attest to that when I first joined. It was fun and enlightening in more ways than one.", Amira added in while not stating about the dirty work done by the Galactic Intelligence Agency.

Shiki contemplated for a while and made a decision, "Yeah, Grandpa told me that when I was a kid. Beating up bad guys and making new friends sound like fun though! Like you guys said, Michael and the others would still be around and I want to show them my new friends I made when I come back to them! Alright then, I'm in!"

Victory and Creed nodded in approval and Amira finds him quite endearing. Well that was easy, the three thought in unison.

"In that case, welcome to the Interstellar Union Army, Shiki. We're glad to have you on board.", Justice stated with a smirk as he stood up and raised his hand which Shiki took it and shook it eagerly.

And so, the Commando Carrier lifts off from the ground and the crowd of machines including Michael and the Castellan waved goodbye to Shiki. Moved with tears of his eyes, Shiki bade them farewell and shouts that he will return someday. Thankfully, Justice allows the broadcasting speakers of his ship to be turned on for Shiki's words to be heard by the bots.

Humorously, Shiki is shocked to learn he really is in space and saw a robotic Dragon passing by the Angel Feather. Then he was refrained from breaking the glass of the Angel Feather's bridge and brought to his new quarters.

Somewhere in the Sakura Cosmos, the Skull Fairy

On the other hand, the Skull Fairy is traversing across space with its sails at full speed and it was quite a calm and serene journey for the space pirates that sees each other as family regardless of different backgrounds as their leader intended as her policy. But it won't last long as one of its crew will bring bad news to the leader as soon as possible.

"Highness! Your Highness!", called out the space pirate whose hair is shaped like broccoli ran towards the bridge of the Skull Fairy in a hurry.

Sitting on her throne, the Armored Space Pirate remarked in mild irritation. "So much shouting. Are you asking to be cut in two, Behrman?"

"So... So sorry, m'lady! But... But this is an emergency! The Demon King's son... No... It may be his grandson... He's left Granbell!", Behrman informed the female member of the Oracion Seis Galactica.

Mildly surprised and pleased, Elsie Crimson asked. "... You're certain of this?"

"Yes, m'lady but it is not good news though. According to our scouts that you stationed them to watch Granbell if Shiki left it, he was picked up by the Interstellar Union Army and joined them!", Behrman replies with a small sweatdrop of nervousness, worried how his leader will react.

Sighing with her good mood going away, the eyepatch wearing female space pirate wondered in irritation as she got up from her throne. "And who did Shiki meet from the government army?"

Gulping, her subordinate answered with haste, "... Our ever-determined pursuer, m'lady. Justice of the Oracion Seis Interestelar."

That struck a nerve on Elsie as she clenched her armored fists, her teeth clenching and her one eye twitching along with a brief activation of her Ether Gear glowing around her body. Goddammit! Out of all people who would come to Granbell and bring Shiki with them to space, it had to be James Holloway! No doubt, he will fill the boy with his false sense of justice when training him in the Interstellar Union Army and probably mentor Shiki to become the future member of the Oracion Seis Interestelar if either Jaguar or any one from the Cosmic Government's special forces retire or bit the dust., she thought in annoyance.

The idea of facing the boy whom she took care of when he was a baby during her time at the Edens Zero with Ziggy and the Four Shining Stars as her enemy vexes her. There might not even be a chance of a meeting between her and Shiki personally to catch up and tell him stories about his grandfather and Mother at all. Not when the Celestial Judge has Shiki wrapped around his finger and attack her if she tried approaching the boy under his command.

And that Demon King's warship would end up being on the Cosmic Government's hands if she gives it to Shiki and she will miss the Spa of Eden.

Still, it was my fault that I frequent with the Skull Fairy in this star system to see how Shiki's been doing after he grew up on Granbell from a safe distance a week ago. And it had gotten James' attention to investigate that planet. Now I reaped what I sowed and I don't like it one bit!, the Armored Space Pirate chided herself for being careless, clearly underestimating her former boyfriend and mutual enemy's persistence in chasing after her wherever she goes in the cosmos.

"So what do we do, Your Highness?", Behrman asked in wonder.

"Plan stays the same with some few... alterations. We're going to make sure the Edens Zero will be given to Shiki as discreet as possible without drawing Justice's attention to us. But Shiki will have to fight for it when he finds the ship gifted to him. After all, I promised Ziggy that I will give his ship to his grandson when he finally goes to space and walk his path regardless the fact Shiki is now part of the Interstellar Union Army.", Elsie declared with a serious look.

Nodding in agreement, the broccoli-haired space pirate left his leader alone for the Armored Space Pirate to contemplate her thoughts in the bridge of the Skull Fairy. Meanwhile, the young man with bowlcut hair eavesdropped the conversation without being spotted and smirked.

Interesting. Elsie Crimson intends to give away the Demon King's ship to this Shiki fellow after Justice picked him up from Granbell. He must be a big deal if the Interestelar member recruited him. Still, the Edens Zero would become a major big boon for the Cosmic Government if he gets the Demon King's ship!, he thought with intrigue and decided to make a call with his fellow G.I.A. agent.

Somewhere in the Sakura Cosmos

A shuttle-themed Commando Carrier and its fleet of the Interstellar Union Army are escorting dozens of civilian ships in space with Captain Jaguar is sitting at his main armchair of the bridge of his ship. "Status report.", he asked with a stoic look.

"The evacuation of Planet Norma is complete, Captain Jaguar. All of the residents of Norma have left the planet before Chronophage consumed it back to its state of 50 years of time.", said a female android with blue eyes, long light-blue hair that fades into cyan halfway down tied in pigtails, and has two short, violet-colored stripes on her cheeks, and she wears headphones and the form fitting blue-and-white armored spacesuit that covers her entire body.

"That's good news, Lieutenant Hermit. Now we will have to relocate the people of Norma to their new homes on other planets. Although Professor Weisz likes to go on a space adventure with his companion Bernadette. As long as he stays safe and not get into trouble.", the Beast Lord gave a small sigh of relief.

"I hope we will have the means of destroying Chronophage one day. Too many lives and planets have been lost to its rampage.", Hermit Mio commented with a glum on her face.

Jaguar nodded with a grim expression, "I agree with you... but none of the Cosmic Government's strongest weapons are working against it and the best we can do is get everyone off from any planets that were warned of the Chronophage coming towards them. It is like a force of nature for a cosmic horror that cannot be stopped."

Changing the subject, the Mind of Edens noted as she manifests a holographic images of two android nuns from her pad. "Captain, I found out about the Rogue Out's leader who calls herself Sister. That's not really her and it doesn't match with Sister I know."

"So the leader of Rogue Out is an imposter then.", Jaguar inquired which Hermit nodded.

"It has been a long time since the Four Shining Stars had split off and went off separate ways but we never really changed our appearances. And that Sister was part of the Shooting Starlight guild at Planet Blue Garden from the official records before she was sent on a mission to Guilst but went missing. Obviously the faker had kidnapped my comrade and somehow managed to use her healing power for herself.", the female android said.

Then she added another holographic image of a pale-skinned sumo wrestler. "And the faker also remodeled Mosco Versa-0, a servant of Sister, against his will as part of Rogue Out like what she did to those who join her mercenary group, willingly and not, after "fixing them" into her "soldiers" and "knights" under her control.", she said while in her deadpanned thought. I am amazed Mosco's button hasn't been pushed yet so far... even though I have no idea what will happen if the button is pushed one day.

"I see. But unfortunately, Rogue Out's headquarters is located on Guilst where Drakken Joe of the Oracion Seis Galactica controls it and he is on a completely different level compared to Rogue Out.", the Beast Lord commented.

"But you're one of the Oracion Seis Interestelar, captain. Isn't it your group's purpose to oppose the Galactica?", Hermit reminded.

Clenching his hands on the armrests of his main armchair of his Commando Carrier's bridge, Jaguar said with a growl. "Yes, it's our purpose to crush Galactica and use our "sacred powers" for the peace of the cosmos, lieutenant. ... Unfortunately, the fools in the Cosmic Government decided to leave Drakken Joe be so long he remains content on Guilst that was once a beautiful tourist planet now turned a wretched hive of scum and villainy 50 years ago."

"They didn't know that they are letting the Dark Alchemist flourish and do as he pleases at the expense of many innocent lives ruined by his loan shark business as he became the most powerful and evil figure in the Sakura Cosmos' criminal underworld.", he finished.

"That didn't stop you when you raided Planet Newton, rescued me, and arrested Muller for destroying Planet Hook and its inhabitants and the other crimes he and his sycophants committed. Not to mention that each member of the Interestelar has the authority to make their own judgment calls.", the Mind of Edens remarked while in her thoughts as her hands clenched. Unfortunately, that ugly nosed bastard escaped and has been in hiding with no way knowing where he exactly is, leaving behind a trail of dead bodies and innocent victims turned into O-Tech against their will. Good thing, Professor Weisz helped the ones we rescued during the pursuit.

Darkly reminded of Muller's ugly sneer, sickening laughing and eyes of insanity when he tortured on her being burned into her memory before Jaguar intervened, she vowed. ... One day, he will face judgment by my hands!

The Beast Lord nodded, "Indeed, that is why I am planning for a huge raid with Justice and any members of the Interestelar available needed to take down the Dark Alchemist on Guilst. Holy did say she wants a piece of Drakken Joe herself."

"That is good to hear, captain. I still have to rescue Sister if she is alive before that. No doubt the faker kept her alive in order to use her healing powers. As a bonus, I will neutralize Rogue Out and prevent them from joining forces with Drakken Joe who might hire them into his organization if you launch a raid on the Belial Gore with the full might of your fleet.", Hermit suggested.

Jaguar contemplated before deciding, "... I will grant your request, Lieutenant Hermit. Make sure you pick the right people for this mission and keep it discreet. Wear civilian attire to ward off suspicions from Drakken so that he will not know the Interstellar Union Army's presence on Guilst. You're dismissed and carry on your duties."

"Yes, sir!", Hermit saluted with a smile as she left Jaguar's bridge of the Commando Carrier.

Then she received a notification from her online chat group and opened it to reveal that it came from Lieutenant Brosnan. It showed the image of Shiki caught on the head by Brosnan's hand and flailing around with a caption added into it: "Check this out, Hermit! We got a new recruit named Shiki and from what I hear, he uses gravity. He made quite a ruckus though but I caught him a-head on time, lol."

Hermit had to roll her eyes, albeit with fondness, at the O-Tech's eccentric nature but is surprised to learn that the Demon King's grandson is picked up by the Interstellar Union Army or more specifically, the fleet under Justice's command. If she had to guess, Justice was following Elsie's trail that led him to Granbell and meeting Shiki in the first place.

Even though she and Elsie are on opposite sides, Hermit has fond memories of the young girl with an eyepatch whom she and her fellow Shining Stars have took her in and gave her a place to stay in the Edens Zero. Still, the blue haired android can't help but sweatdrop as she deduced that Elsie resorted to piracy after not being able to use the Edens Zero's facilities and continued on to end up as one of the Oracion Seis Galactica.

Well, now that Shiki had left Granbell and joined the Interstellar Union Army, I hope I can get to meet him one day. I might have to request Captain Jaguar for transfer once the Edens Zero is in the boy's hands. Hopefully Elsie will give the ship to Shiki as she promised Ziggy and she is not the type to dishonor it... despite her reputation. ... Sister, hold on a little longer and wait for me..., the Mind of Edens thought as she walked down the hallway of the captain's Commando Carrier.

Author's Note: Alright, the first chapter of "Interstellar Zero" is done and I hope you like it. Shiki joins the Interstellar Union Army and the robot inhabitants of Granbell got their lives saved from shutdown, although it might come as a downer if you know what I mean. *looks at Ziggy's impassive body with dark Ether inside* On the other hand, Elsie is not pleased of the news but she will go through the plan to give Shiki the Edens Zero as a promise to fulfill to Ziggy. And Hermit is part of the Interstellar Union Army as Jaguar's subordinate and learned about Shiki joining too.

I hope that Mashima will eventually reveal more about the Interstellar Union Army's rankings especially for the members of the Oracion Seis Interestelar. And that if the entirety of its members especially the rank and file required codenames or not as we know Justice's real name was stated to be James Holloway after all.

As for the canon members of the Crew of Edens, their meeting with Shiki would be under different circumstances. Like Hermit who is part of the Interstellar Union Army as Jaguar's subordinate instead of canonically staying on Digitalis in depression. Also, I am a bit peeved that the I.U.A. commander decided to let a broken Hermit walk away in her self-imposed exile instead of helping her as his comrades had offered after they raided the Muller Royal Laboratories, arrested Muller and killed the other scientists resisting arrest.

Since I noticed in Edens Zero Chapter 156 where Jaguar's troops wear the same helmets with the I.U.A. soldiers that arrested Muller in a flashback of Hermit's past, I decided to connect it with the Beast Lord leading the raid himself and take in Hermit which she became his subordinate in this Edens Zero AU story.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D
Chapter 2
Wow, talk about Harsher In Hindsight regarding Jaguar getting unceremoniously killed off in Aoi War arc of Edens Zero manga and I didn't expect that when I wrote Elsie Crimson thinking about Jaguar biting the dust back in Chapter 1. Rest in peace, Jaguar. We hardly knew you other than your past as a former member of the Oracion Seis Galactica before reforming and became a member of the Oracion Seis Interestelar.

Anyways, I am back with second chapter of "Interstellar Zero" after reading recent chapters of Edens Zero manga with the Lendard arc which has been quite a long rollercoaster for me.

Disclaimer: I do not own Edens Zero and its characters. They respectively belong to Hiro Mashima, the guy behind his big three works: Edens Zero, Fairy Tail (main series and the 100 Years Quest) and Rave Master.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D

Chapter 2​

Few days later somewhere in the Sakura Cosmos, Angel Feather

Within the training facility of Justice's Commando Carrier, Shiki being dressed up in a basic cadet armor is trading powerful blows with Lieutenant Brosnan in hand to hand combat. Their fight is observed by Justice and his two subordinates Victory and Creed, and also Amira. The Celestial Judge told Shiki that he will fight his sparring partner without his Ether Gear as he wanted to see how strong the grandson of Ziggy is in base form compared to being enhanced by Satan Gravity.

He did the same for the lieutenant who complied too as well in order to make it fair and square.

Shiki threw a powerful left punch that clashed with Brosnan's large right metallic fist, which briefly pushed back the large O-Tech. In retaliation, Brosnan gave a right uppercut on the Demon King's grandson in the chin, sending him flying. Despite being large and intimidating, the lieutenant is actually fast and agile which surprises Shiki when the former made the first move.

Undeterred, Shiki somersaulted in midair and landed on his feet with ease before dashing forward in a blink of an eye to smash Brosnan in the stomach. The lieutenant is sent flying and crashed on the wall of the training facility, damaging it as a result.

An impressed Victory remarked with a whistle, "Not bad. Shiki really is good at hand to hand combat and reflexes which I bet Ziggy taught him that on Granbell. His physical strength is something to behold though."

Checking out the numbers on his pad that determine Shiki's strength level that the cameras in the room scanned, Creed noted in agreement, "Indeed, it is recorded to be 2000 to 2500. If his blows are enhanced by Satan Gravity, they would cause tremendous damage on his opponent and the surrounding area. It's a good thing Justice ordered the two to not use their Ether Gears inside the Angel Feather."

Amira commented with a fascinated look in observation, "That's the power of gravity for you. Although Brosnan is not a pushover either. The big guy is giving Shiki a run for his money. Even without an Ether Gear."

Justice remarked in agreement, "Brosnan is Captain Jaguar's top subordinate when working under him at the Commando Carrier Cobra."

Brosnan made a surprise shoulder charge attack on Shiki who blocked it with his arms and is pushed back by the lieutenant's brute strength and speed. In turn, Shiki grabbed Brosnan's arm and used the momentum to judo flip his opponent, slamming the large lieutenant hard on the floor and break it into a web-like crater. This surprised Victory, Creed and Amira while Justice is impressed and decided to end it for now.

"Alright, that's enough! The sparring match is over.", the Celestial Judge ordered, which Shiki lets go of the arm and made a victory sign and a smile.

"Woohoo! Yes! I won! That was fun!", the spiky black haired young man cheered.

The lieutenant groaned after feeling the impact aftermath and mutters in a dizzy tone, "I agree... Let's do it again. This time with our Ether Gears..."

Shiki smiled, reaching his hand out to Brosnan, who took it, and pull the big guy up, "Sure thing. I'm ready for another round!"

Creed reminded them upon entering the room, "I would advise that you don't use your Ether Gears inside the ship, Shiki, Brosnan. Last thing we needed is to get spaced if the Angel Feather is accidentally compromised and put everyone here at risk. Perhaps you two can do that outside the Angel Feather on the ground where you are free to go all out."

Shiki and Brosnan groaned in disappointment but simply conceded with the glasses wearing subordinate of Justice after understanding why it is a bad idea in the first place. However, the Demon King's grandson noticed the O-Tech's head to a little loose around on the neck. "Is your neck okay, Brosnan?", he asked with look of concern.

Shaking off the dizziness, the large armored being responded, "Oh this? Don't worry about it. I will fix that."

Using both hands, Brosnan reached out to pop the head from the neck casually which shocked Shiki. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! YOUR HEAD CAME OFF!", he shouted with his eyes widened like dinner plates.

Chuckling lightheartedly, the O-Tech lieutenant simply reassured while putting the head back on and adjust it properly. "I told you, Shiki. I'm an O-Tech. Meaning I am half-machine. My head is the only one organic."

The Satan Gravity user calmed down, noting. "Oh I see. Thanks for the heads up."

Victory groaned with a facepalm upon hearing it. Not those kind of insufferable puns again!, he lamented.

"Don't worry about it, Shiki. I won't let that get into my head.", Brosnan cheekily reassured, which the large burly man facepalm again with a louder groan and decided to leave for the mess hall and get some milk for his sanity's sake.

Watching Shiki and Brosnan leave for the mess hall too as well with Creed following them, Amira mused, "Those two are getting really well like two peas in a pod."

Justice stated however, "Shiki may have the combat skills and Ether Gear capabilities taught to him by his grandfather but he lacked the experience. He must undergo the baptism of fire in battle against the evil that runs rampart in the cosmos."

"What do you suggest? I know that you're still pursuing Elsie even when overseeing Shiki's training as a new member of the Interstellar Union Army for a few days... but Shiki punching above his weight class at a Galactica member and her fleet of space pirates even if he had back up from you and the Justice Unit would be a bad idea. He is still a greenhorn after all.", the blonde agent interjected.

"You got to start small and then work up to it.", she finished.

The Celestial Judge begrudgingly nodded as he is fully aware that in every space pirate ship under the Armored Space Pirate's command of her fleet, each crew is filled with formidable fighters and Ether Gear users in their own right, and they are all loyal and devoted to Elsie as if she is like a queen to them.

As if she deserved to be queen after what she had done to our home planet Lendard with her unforgivable betrayal., he bitterly thought.

Not to mention, she has the Princess Guard who serve as her pair of elite bodyguards and right hand men in the Skull Fairy.

"Get me a list of known criminals and their organizations in the Sakura Cosmos, Agent Amira. Let's give Shiki someone he can fight and defeat in the name of justice for the universe as its witness.", the member of the Oracion Seis Interestelar declared.

Amira complied as she left Justice to make contact with Noah Glenfield at Blue Garden for important information to obtain.

Meanwhile at the Chronophage-consumed Norma

"Why did Director Noah Glenfield rope me into this again?"

Hermit Mio muttered with a sigh as she wielded an Ether pistol to reload with more non-lethal rounds behind the wall while being under fire from the armed and hostile members of Sibir's Gang who are shooting in all directions.

Dressed in a civilian attire in form of a sleeveless black dress shirt with a fur collar and a ribbon, a pair of light-colored sleeves, a white skirt, and dress shoes, the female lieutenant of the Jaguar Unit used her Master Code to hack into their hideout's computer system and generate a forcefield around the build, preventing her enemies from escaping with Prison Matrix.

Unfortunately, the former Four Shining Stars member was unable to prevent Sibir from escaping with his Knight Gear, which may be advanced 50 years ago but outdated in the present day, and chasing after the younger iteration of Professor Weisz Steiner who had taken away the poor droid, E.M. Pino and also Happy accidentally in a motor vehicle.

She had then switched off the lights via hacking, causing the gangsters to panic, huddle up and fire their light and heavy weapons wildly in all directions. Like all modern androids, Hermit is equipped with heat sensors and thermal imaging allowing her to easily detect high temperatures in her surroundings.

With that, she was able to easily pick off Sibir's men one by one with pin point accuracy and they have been defeated albeit non-lethally of course.

"Oh right, he recommended me to take Rebecca Bluegarden, Happy and Homura Kogetsu from Shooting Starlight as part of my team to infiltrate Guilst as part of a mission to rescue Sister. And now we're in Norma post-50 years after Chronophage ate its time. No thanks to Rebecca.", the blue haired android woman said to herself with a bit of irritated look on her face as she holstered her Ether pistol and assessed the current situation with a holographic eye terminal where Homura chased after Sibir and Weisz.

While also dispelling the Prison Matrix around the hideout of Sibir's gang too as well.

Ever since Captain Jaguar had given her a greenlight to find a team of her own for a mission to infiltrate Guilst, rescue Sister Ivry and neutralize Rogue Out before the upcoming military operation against Drakken Joe by him and his fellow members of the Oracion Seis Interestelar available, Hermit went undercover as a civilian client to visit the Shooting Starlight, where Noah Glenfield is the Guild Master who is actually an undercover director of the Galactic Intelligence Agency, and find the right individuals for the task.

During the meeting at the office, Noah knew Hermit as a fellow Interstellar Union Army member like him, and recommended to hire the B-Cuber and her Excede robot cat who were an excellent duo when it comes to marksmanship despite they were Class-E being the lowest rank in the guild, and a skilled Ether Gear swordswoman from Oedo who had joined Shooting Starlight in order to provide herself with steady income while in search for her mentor Valkyrie Yuna who went missing just like Sister Ivry.

That got Hermit's interest to meet the disciple of her former fellow Shining Star and help Homura find Valkyrie, reuniting with the Sword of Edens in exchange for assisting her to rescue the Life of Edens and stop Rogue Out at Guilst.

Hermit had met the two women and the robot cat after they were called in by Noah and they accepted the job offer to be a part of Hermit's endeavor to rescue Sister from captivity after hearing her out. Although the former Shining Star felt suspicious of the unreadable look on the undercover G.I.A. Sakura Branch director whenever he looks at Rebecca as if she might hold something valuable to him.

As for how they had ended up in post-Chronophage Norma in the first place, Rebecca wanted to visit Professor Weisz so that the Aqua Wing will be modified by him for stealth before heading to Guilst to save Sister. Hermit didn't mind at first, believing she would be meeting the esteemed professor who's currently on a journey with Bernadette.

She didn't expect Rebecca to actually go to the Earthen Planet which was recently on a "Do Not Travel" List and did not hear the news about Chronophage consuming Norma with the Interstellar Union Army leading the evacuation efforts.

Because of that, the group end up stuck inside the post-Chronophage Norma as a result.

Poor Rebecca had an earful scolding from the undercover female android when being informed about the current status of the Earthen Planet.

She will never live it down on the blonde B-Cuber for this once they find a way off the planet.

Then the group got involved in a conflict with Sibir the Mighty and his gang that ruled the city of Norma with a literal iron fist when they encountered the younger version of Professor Weisz who had been stealing a suitcase of money, which turned out to be a small bot with an Electromagnetic Pulse power, from Sibir, and Rebecca who has compassion for robots stepped up to protect Pino and rescue her with Homura following suit and Hermit had to make sure they don't get killed on her watch.

Hence the gung-ho raid on Sibir's hideout and a fight ensued as a result, which had gotten out of control.

We're going to work on the strategy if we're going to successfully pull off an infiltration mission on Guilst to save Sister and neutralize Rogue Out when this is over., the Mind of Edens sighed as she gathered all of the evidence of Sibir's dirty laundry to be sent to the police of Norma in order to put him six feet under that not even the law enforcement of this post-Chronophage planet can ignore.

"Hermit, are you alright?!", Rebecca called out in concern as she approached her with an Ether assault rifle she had picked up from Sibir's Gang and used it as a substitute weapon. Although it was somewhat damaged and unable to be used anymore after taking a beating or two.

Behind her are the Foote Brothers who had large comical bumps on their heads, bruises all over their bodies and missing a few teeth from their mouths as they are lying on the ground defeat and humiliated by Rebecca's hand. Wow, she sure didn't give them any mercy., Hermit thought bemusedly at the scene before her.

The female lieutenant of the Interstellar Union Army reassured as she continued swiping through the holographic terminals of her Master Code, "I'm alright. All targets have been neutralized. I see you've handled yourself well."

The blonde B-Cuber nodded as she dropped the battered rifle to the ground and picked up an anti-tank rifle from the unconscious gang members of Sibir, "Yup, those Foote Brothers really creep me out and they had it coming!"

Hermit can agree on that and can't blame Rebecca for taking appropriate action as she made contact with the local authorities on the post-Chronophage planet, "I'm calling the police force of Norma. They will come by to pick these thugs up and arrest them."

Rebecca smiled with relief as she carried the anti-tank rifle, "That's good! Let's go after Homura and the Professor, Hermit! We gotta stop that jerk Sibir from hurting Pino!"

Watching her leave, the Mind of Edens sighed with a sweatdrop. "Then after that, we got to find a way out of this planet. Assuming if we can even escape at all."

She ran at full speed after the blonde young woman to catch up and hopefully take down Sibir before things get out of hand.

At the bridge of Angel Feather

Holding a pad containing the list of wanted individuals that was given to him by Amira as per his request, Justice waited patiently for the arrival of his subordinates of the Justice Unit, Jaguar's lieutenant and Shiki at the bridge until he heard the door slide open and turned around to see them entering the room after finishing their time at the Commando Carrier's mess hall.

"Whoa, the food is so good! I never felt this stuffed before!", the grandson of the Demon King stated with a smile as he pat his stomach being full.

Brosnan stated with look of amusement behind the golden eyes, "Indeed, Shiki. There is a saying in the Interstellar Union Army: "every meal's a banquet, every paycheck a fortune, and every formation a parade." That's what makes the Interstellar Union Army great and you're going to love it!"

Victory reminded with a smirk, "But you got to earn them first, rookie. Every single member here has to pull their weight and show their dedication to take down the evil of the cosmos by winning victory against those that threaten the innocents!"

"And those with no creed can never defeat us. So do your best, Cadet Shiki and you might end up in the big leagues with us eventually.", Creed added with a nod.

"Yes sir!", Shiki enthusiastically agreed which reminded the three of how most recruits in the organization are like when they first join before facing reality of battle they are thrown in and not all come out of it unscathed.

Making a slight cough to get their full attention, the Celestial Judge remarked which they sharply stood straight before him, "I see that you're in high spirits, Shiki. That's good. Because I have a mission just for you."

"Ooh, a mission? What do you want me to do?", the Satan Gravity user wondered with anticipation to earn his place in the Interstellar Union Army.

"Your mission is to take down an illegal slave trade activity conducted by a notorious criminal group called Hard Core that has been targeting the planet of Excede, kidnapping its citizens against their will to sell a lot of money at the expense of their freedom and rights. Lieutenant Brosnan, Agent Amira and a squad of troops will be accompanying you.", Justice explained as he opened up a holographic screen for Shiki to see the images of the bipedal cats currently trapped in cages carried around by a bunch of nasty looking thugs into their ship.

The same criminal group that profited off from selling the Excede citizens to slavery are affiliated to Drakken Joe, the Dark Alchemist. One of the Oracion Seis Galactica just like Elsie. Captain Jaguar was planning to conduct a full-scale raid on Guilst to take Drakken out with our fellow Oracion Seis Interestelar members and I will answer his call even if I have to temporarily stop pursuing Elsie for now., the leader of the Angel Feather thought.

Glaring at the images and wanting to rescue the cats, Shiki nodded with determination. "Got it. So who's the jerk behind it?"

The white haired Interestelar member revealed another image to show a tall man of average weight with a muscular structure and prominent features. He has grayish purple hair, which is kept in spiky strands jutting outwards in every direction, and shaved on the sides. And he wears a long light brown coat, tied with a furry, animal-like hair belt around his waist, with golden outer edges and a big golden collar.

Along with a large, thin, silver sword with a circle at the bottom center strapped inside a sheath behind his back.

That man in the image gave a look of a killing thrill as if lives were nothing more than prey to him and Shiki wanted to deck him in the schnoz with his gravity-enhanced fist for it.

"His name is Lance the Beast Sword and he's your primary target, Cadet Shiki.", Justice said.

Somewhere in the Kaede Cosmos, Brain Dust

At the bridge of his Commando Carrier, Cure was monitoring the holographic terminals in front of him at his main armchair while the all-robot members of the Interstellar Union Army continue their duties in the ship that he commands. "Interesting, I see that Justice had recruited the Demon King's grandson and took him in as his protégé.", the green haired android member of the Oracion Seis Interestelar noted as he checked the profile of Cadet Shiki Granbell and his Ether Gear in the Cosmic Government's registry system.

That also includes the report of Ziggy being dead all along when the Celestial Judge visited Granbell and encountered the Satan Gravity user.

Cure can see the potential of Shiki becoming a new member of the Cosmic Government's special forces unit once he grew strong and powerful enough to surpass probably even his deceased grandfather Ziggy himself, and he would eventually become one of the several candidates in the Interstellar Union Army to take the place of an Oracion Seis Interestelar member if he or she had died in the line of duty, replaced or retired.

So that they will be the new lights to counter the darkness from the members of the Oracion Seis Galactica.

Perhaps in another time, another world, you Shiki Granbell would have made a great addition to the Oracion Seis Galactica in order to make the Oracion Seis Interestelar shine brighter by defeating another threat to the universe. All part to maintain the balance between good and evil in the cosmoses. And I am both good and evil..., Cure thought with bemusement.

He then checked another holographic screen in front of him that showed him Deadend Crow, his greatest masterpiece, where he watched the Titan of Eternal Darkness duking out against Grrkek the Planet Killer in a massively destructive battle between the titanic machine and a reptilian kaiju at the expense of millions of lives caught in the crossfire on their planet, Bosco.

The said planet happened to be within the nearby vicinity of the Brain Dust as its authorities had sent out an emergency distress call for help to anyone who received it in their desperate time of need and salvation. Which his Commando Carrier recently did and the robot forces under his command are simply waiting for his response to answer it or not.

While he could have just sat back and watch to see who will be the next light to defeat the darkness just like Holy from the aftermath, Cure had to keep up appearances and play his part as an Interestelar member to intervene and take on Crow and Grrkek.

If he didn't take action, it would tip off his comrades that something is off with him.

Plus he can see some of the fleeing civilian ships from Bosco whose passengers had probably noticed the Brain Dust from afar and would blow the whistle on him which will catch the Cosmic Government's attention through the Galactic Intelligence Agency sooner or later. And that they were too far for the Brain Dust's cannons to shoot them down and silence them anyway.

Not only that, it would be a pain in the ass for Cure to ensure that Feather won't track him with her Eye of Venus and call him out on his lie in front of the Oracion Seis Interestelar during another Prayer Council. Unlike the Eye of God possessed by that Noah Glenfield, she can track both people and machines.

The green spiky haired android thought as he flexed his hand that manifests Ether lines on it, Besides I am in need to stretch my legs out a little and it's not like Crow would be able to kill me anyway thanks to my Ether Gear, Regeneration. Especially when I am his creator who knows everything I made him to be and counter them with ease if I wanted to.

Grrkek is another story though. I will have to go all out against him and drive him away. Either way, he would make a fine addition to the Oracion Seis Galactica once Drakken Joe is out of the picture when Jaguar and our comrades deal with him with their upcoming military operation...
, he internally added.

Standing up from his seat to crack his neck and prepare himself for battle, Cure gave out his orders to his subordinates. "Rally the Cure Unit, we are going to engage Deadend Crow and Grrkek with our entire fleet upon them! Let's show those two giant evils the might of the Interstellar Union Army!"

"Roger, roger!", all robotic soldiers of the Brain Dust obeyed.

Author's Note: Okay, the second chapter of "Interstellar Zero" is done and I hope you enjoy it. Shiki is going to have his first mission as a member of the Interstellar Union Army by going after his first criminal, Lance the Beast Sword who's affiliated with Drakken Joe. Meanwhile Hermit had a bit of a little detour at post-Chronophage Norma with Rebecca, Homura, Happy and also Young Weisz too as well.

While Cure is being sus as always and it's a shame that he bit the dust two chapters ago in the Lendard arc right after he revealed his true colors as a two-faced scumbag he was. At least he had revealed the name of his Ether Gear, Regeneration compared to Jaguar whose Ether Gear that turned him into a ferocious beastman remains unnamed after he had died two chapters of him being badass in the Nero 66 arc.

Lance the Beast Sword is a character from Rave Master and one of the early antagonists faced by Haru Glory, the main character of Hiro Mashima's first manga series. Since Mashima had made use of the characters and elements from his previous works on the Edens Zero manga, I will do the same in this story.

By the way, I'm keeping the name of "Oracion Seis Interestelar" since it is more pizzazz and cooler than the official translation to be honest.

And that with the reveal of all other Commando Carriers named after Fairy Tail's Oracion Seis (Angel Feather, Hot Eyes, Racer, Midnight and Brain Dust), I am going to give the name for Jaguar's unnamed ship as "Cobra".

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D