The exact opposite of the pick holes in guns thread, instead of saying what's wrong with their designs you try and figure out exactly how such a weapon design could possibly be practical and/or effective.
A tank a buddy of mine helped with. Armed with a powerful 155mm coilgun and a pulse laser coaxial with a pulse laser ADS unit. Uses plug-and-play independent track systems to minimize track wear and maintain mobility as size and mass increases. Powered by a micro-fusion reactor.
A tank a buddy of mine helped with. Armed with a powerful 155mm coilgun and a pulse laser coaxial with a pulse laser ADS unit. Uses plug-and-play independent track systems to minimize track wear and maintain mobility as size and mass increases. Powered by a micro-fusion reactor.
The exact opposite of the pick holes in guns thread, instead of saying what's wrong with their designs you try and figure out exactly how such a weapon design could possibly be practical and/or effective.
"What's this?!" Indeed. This, my friends, it is a gun drawn by someone who doesn't know how guns work. "Made the magazine longer so it's an automatic"? The fail, it hurts...
On a more serious note...
"What's this?!" Indeed. This, my friends, it is a gun drawn by someone who doesn't know how guns work. "Made the magazine longer so it's an automatic"? The fail, it hurts...
On a more serious note...
Well, if you can fire it without breaking your shoulder or with an amount of accuracy, it'll tear the hell out anything that breaths and a lot of things that don't.
Lacks many sharp edges that are a prominent feature of many guns. Thanks to this, it is far more child-friendly, and I could very much see it being adapted by the military to drastically lower injury or even casualty rates amongst it's soldiers.
It's built-in pedestal allows for greater ease of putting it on a table to impress your friends. Not to mention that it is far less lethal than most guns, given how it is made of plastic and can't shoot bullets. A perfect weapon of choice for a pacifist type.
"What's this?!" Indeed. This, my friends, it is a gun drawn by someone who doesn't know how guns work. "Made the magazine longer so it's an automatic"? The fail, it hurts...
On a more serious note...
lovely weapon
it pens everything in SC lore save the really heavy stuff such as BC, ultralisk (though that's iffy), Thors (again iffy), the Odin, and such.
in fact it's problem isn't penning or anything else, it's sole problem is that it doesn't have a high enough fire rate to rip up more, though said fire rate can only be achieved through protoss gear a la teleporting the bullets from base in, allowing for a multiple barrels.
Weapon was inspired by the ISA's mainline rifle, the M82 and the Real Life M16. Designed for harsh conditions like post-nuclear wastelands and every harsh environment imaginable, the weapon uses a 6.8x43mm round based upon the 6.8mm Remington SPC round developed in the first decade of the 21st century. It uses a more conventional action system than an electro-pulse action
The round comes in a variety of types including HEI, API, Anti-'unaug' (used against infantry without armor, cybernetic, or biological augmentation), HVAP (primarily used against combat cyborgs and powered-armor equipped troops), and HEAPI rounds of the telescopic polymer cased variety. Using ETC primers for 'plasite' (short for 'plasma cordite', a propellent that is far superior to more conventional powders and oddly enough gives an angry blue flame when ignited), this weapon has a regular round velocity of 2km/s for non-HV rounds. HV rounds go 3.15km/s and the average round weighs in at 20 grams. It's 610mm long barrel, thanks to the bullpup design, only gives it the size comparable to an M4 rifle.
While it can be usable by unaugmented soldiers to a very useful degree not using the HV-type rounds thanks to modern recoil dampening technology and it's weight of 12 kilos, it is insanely effective in the hands of cybernetically or exosuit/battle-armored soldiers. It has a sustained fire rate of 600 rounds a minute and is shown with the 40 round standard box mag, it can use a 'snail' drum that can hold up to 120 rounds.
Rails allow for adding of more customizable gear, the insane length of the thing coupled with the bullpup action gives it tremendous accuracy, and the carrying handle can come in handy if you need to travel long distances.
M108 Assault rifle. Uses an FN2000 style casing ejection port and ACR style charging handles. The cheek rest can flip to reveal the firing mechanism for any sort of jam. The carry handle and rail covers can be detached for various attachments and optics.
The ship follows the proper layout for warp propulsion (The nacelles have line of sight between them), while at the same time being as compact, and large as possible.
While seemingly opposite goals, a larger size size allows the D'deridex to carry grater firepower than UFP and KDF vessels while the compacted form of using the space both above and below of the nacelles, avoiding providing too large profile or or becoming too massive along a single axis. Presumably the attempt to reduce mass wherever possible is also in an attempt to reduce the strain on the ship's cloaking device.
Also the size allows it serve in a similar range of functions as Starfleet's Galaxy -Class. ie The ability to carry on-board science facilities, and also act as a transport in a pinch. Whereas Starfleet designed the Galaxys as long term explorers with civilian complements and a heavy emphasis on self-sufficiency; the Star Empire designed the D'deridex's to have no civilian component, and were able to avoid having the vast empty spaces of the Galaxys, instead the Rihannsu focused mainly on armaments, anticipating Starfleet's development of the "War Galaxy" variant. Presumably D'deridexs deployed in an exploration role were retrofitted for self-sufficiency.
Also: It looks damn sexy, nearly as attractive as the UFP's Sovereign Class:
The ship follows the proper layout for warp propulsion (The nacelles have line of sight between them), while at the same time being as compact, and large as possible.
While seemingly opposite goals, a larger size size allows the D'deridex to carry grater firepower than UFP and KDF vessels while the compacted form of using the space both above and below of the nacelles, avoiding providing too large profile or or becoming too massive along a single axis. Presumably the attempt to reduce mass wherever possible is also in an attempt to reduce the strain on the ship's cloaking device.
Also the size allows it serve in a similar range of functions as Starfleet's Galaxy -Class. ie The ability to carry on-board science facilities, and also act as a transport in a pinch. Whereas Starfleet designed the Galaxys as long term explorers with civilian complements and a heavy emphasis on self-sufficiency; the Star Empire designed the D'deridex's to have no civilian component, and were able to avoid having the vast empty spaces of the Galaxys, instead the Rihannsu focused mainly on armaments, anticipating Starfleet's development of the "War Galaxy" variant. Presumably D'deridexs deployed in an exploration role were retrofitted for self-sufficiency.
I'm also guessing that most of the armament is forward-facing as well, to maximize the amount of firepower being directed at its target; afterall, the Romulans are big users of cloaking devices, so it makes sense for the D'deridex to be an intimidating ambush predator: cloak until you find a target, get as close as possible before decloaking, then blast the target with an alpha-strike with all of its forward-facing weapons, then recloak immediately afterward and repeat. Of course, the tradeoff is that it has little well-rounded weapons coverage, and probably has a few glaring blind spots here and there (of course, a D'deridex Warbird isn't in the habit of being shot in the back, so it's something that it would be perfectly unsuspecting of).
It has a lot of dakka, and how can one argue against a codpiece that says "TITAN"? Also, purity seals blessed by the emperor are a huge bonus. Other than that, the safety harness helps keep the Grey Knight in place and prevents him from falling out of the suit during combat.
As an added bonus, the servo-arms above the regular ones help keep the big guns in place and steady, so aiming them should be a hell of a lot easier.
Let's see, it's not wasting any weight by putting armour on the insides of its legs, seeing as how that rarely gets struck, focusing all of the protection at its sides. The knee-mounted drills, although silly at first glance, make for excellent weapons should the pilot wish to knee-butt his/her opponents, and knowing anime, that doesn't seem out of the equation. Also (pure speculation), they might be detachable, allowing for ranged giga-drill breakers. The spikes on the forearms increase the deadliness of a backhand, and the wrist-mounted energy whip means the left hand is free to do whatever it is needed to do (throw mini-drills, for example). Flat feet means more stability than a lot of fictional mechs, that have either chicken-toes or high-heels.