Interest Check and OOC: The Dracula Vector (Nights Black Agents)


Really in the mood for ribs.

Who are Nights Black Agents?
You are. Let me explain; you are former member of one of the world's many intelligence agencies, from Iran to Langley you were once a playing piece for governments and the dancer of a deadly dance of infiltration, theft, sabotage and on rare occasion frantic and deadly gunfights against your fellow dancers. Until the day came for you to leave the dance. You retired, willingly or not, and from there found yourself applying your unique talents for legal and not-so-legal enterprises while enemies...well they didn't exactly become friends but co-workers at least while friends remained at least somewhat friends.

Until you encountered them. Nosferatu. Vampires. The Night and shadows already had tenants, ones who snaked their way into positions of power and influence, commanding small armies of their thralls in games that stretched for decades at a time between themselves, all to maintain their masquerade and power over humanity.

Until you found them. Until you started hunting them.

You are Nights Black Agents, former intelligence operatives who now have a new mission; to hunt down and destroy the vampire conspiracies ruling from the shadows.
Brief Details:
  • Play By Post Game
  • Uses the Gumshoe System
  • For Four to Six Players

The Adventure:
Something is rotten in Moscow, something that came in from the Far East, and the local community of intelligence agents has gotten wind of rumors involving a possible chemical or biological weapons attack on Moscow. Other hints tell of it being linked to possible Islamic extremists, others to ultranationalist groups, but they all have people in Washington and elsewhere concerned.

But you picked up a clue that indicates that this is no human plot. Your night-walking enemies have smuggled something more deadly than Anthrax, Ebola or Sarin into Moscow; this chemical agent has all the marks of an infectious agent you found out about in Manila, an agent to turn a human into a vampire.

Now it has to be destroyed, before it can be taken to the lair of whichever vampire brought it into Moscow, and before other parties recover it for their own masters, human and vampire.
Character Creation:
Creating your character using the Gumshoe System and in Nights Black Agents specifically revolves around what sort of person your spy was during their career, and to quote a certain movie, the 'particular set of skills' that they acquired.

First off, Gumshoe operates on Ability Pools, points that are spent to beat difficulty targets or to gain bonuses to certain actions. These are meant to be dramatic revelations of your skills, not a currency of your competence so don't spend them wastefully.

Each player starts with Cover 10 and Network 15 for free. These represent a very wide array of contacts, safehouses, fake identities that you didn't disclose in debriefing, even caches of equipment scattered worldwide.

Next, each player gains 22 Investigative Build Points and 65 General Build Points. Lists for what you spend these one will come later, just note them down.

Now, you mark down Stability 4 and Health 4. Stability and Health are fairly obvious but you can go into negatives in these pools before you are dead or irreversibly insane.

Now, every spy comes from a variety of backgrounds. Each of these backgrounds costs 6 Investigative Build Points and 18 General Ability Points each. When you pick a Background(s), you gain a pre-set mix of skills and knowledge at the ratings indicated for each. Open the Spoiler to find out what they have. If you already have points in an ability, just add the amount listed in the background to your current total.

-Analyst: The analyst puts together the pieces to puzzles
Data Recovery 1, Languages 2, Research 1, Traffic Analysis 2, Digital Intrusion 2, Network 5, Preparedness 4, Sense Trouble 5, Surveillance 3.

-Asset Handler: You run HUMINT through a network of semi-valuable people you recruited.
Bullshit Detector 2, Intimidation 2, Negotiation 1, Reassurance 1, Cover 3, Sense Trouble 5, Shrink 4, Surveillance 6.

-Bagman: You handled the money, or sniffed it out.
Accounting 2, Bullshit Detector 2, Intimidation 1, Negotiation 1, Conceal 4, Digital Intrusion 3, Sense Trouble 6, Surveillance 5.

-Bang And Burner: You blow stuff up.
Architecture 2, Chemistry 2, Criminology 1, Intimidation 1, Conceal 4, Explosive Devices 8, Infiltration 2, Mechanics 4.

-Black Bagger: You break and enter.
Data Recovery 1, Electronic Surveillance 2, Photography 2, Streetwise 1, Conceal 2, Digital Intrusion 2, Filch 6, Infiltration 8

-Cleaner: You erase the evidence.
Bureaucracy 2, Cop Talk 1, Criminology 2, Urban Survival 1, Conceal 6, Disguise 2, Driving 4, Explosive Devices 2, Infiltration 2, Stability 2

-Cobbler: You provide the right papers.
Bureaucracy 1, Forgery 4, Photography 1, Cover 6, Digital Intrusion 4, Disguise 2, Infiltration 4, Mechanics 2

-Cuckoo: You pretend to be someone else.
Flattery/Flirting 2, High Society 2, Reassurance 2, Cover 3, Disguise 8, Filch 2, Gambling 3, Sense Trouble 2

-Hacker: You crack the passwords.
Cryptography 1, Data Recovery 2, Electronic Surveillance 2, Traffic Analysis 1, Urban Survival 1, Digital Intrusion 10, Disguise 2, Infiltration 2, Mechanics 4
-Medic: Heal yours, fuck up theirs.
Bullshit Detector 2, Chemistry 1, Diagnosis 2, Forensic Pathology 1, Interrogation 1, Pharmacy 1, Medic 10, Shrink 8

-Investigator: You figure it out.
Bureaucracy 1, Cop Talk 1, Interrogation 1, Law 1, Notice 2, Disguise 2, Hand-To-Hand 6, Infiltration 2, Sense Trouble 2, Surveillance 6

-Mule: You cross the borders.
Bureaucracy 1, Forgery 1, Negotiation 2, Outdoor Survival/Urban Survival 1, Streetwise 1, Conceal 8, Driving 4, Piloting 2, Surveillance 4

-Muscle: You hit it.
Interrogation 1, Intimidation 1, Military Science 2, Outdoor Survival/Urban Survival 2, Athletics 6, Hand-To-Hand 8, Shooting/Weapons 4.

-Watcher: You keep an eye on things.
Electronic Surveillance 2, Notice 1, Photography 2, Tradecraft 1, Urban Survival 1, Disguise 2, Infiltration 2, Driving 4, Surveillance 10

-Wet Worker: You kill things.
Intimidation 2, Streetwise 2, Urban Survival 2, Shooting/Weapons 10, Hand-to-Hand 4, Surveillance 4

-Wheelman: You drive.
Cop Talk 2, Streetwise 2, Urban Survival 2, Driving 10, Mechanics 4, Piloting 4

-Wire Rat: You kludge it together. Or take it apart.
Chemistry 1, Data Recovery 2, Electronic Surveillance 2, Notice 1, Conceal 3, Digital Intrusion 2, Infiltration 2, Mechanics 6, Preparedness 5​

Once you have purchased your desired backgrounds, round them out with any leftover points you have in the following lists. Investigative Ability points are used to purchase Investigative Abilities, and General Ability Points for everything else. Try to have a broad selection; a good spy is one that is well-rounded. Ratings over 8 indicate that you are a dedicated badass or a genius in your chosen fields.

-Art History
-Human Terrain
-Occult Studies
-Bullshit Detector
-Cop Talk
-Tradecraft: This is knowledge of spy tactics.
-Data Recovery
-Electronic Surveillance
-Forensic Pathology
-Outdoor Survival
-Traffic Analysis
-Urban Survival

-Digital Intrusion
-Explosive Devices
-Hand To Hand
-Sense Trouble
-Shrink: Psychological Assessment, treatment and warfare

With that done, you need to find a way to keep yourself stable. As Agent Willis Huntley said, "Where the flag hangs, that's America. This is a slice of the US of A away from the savages out that door."

Every player needs three Sources Of Stability for their agent: A Symbol, A Person Of Solace, and a Place of Safety. As long as these three remain intact and safe, and they can be safely reached, you can refresh 2 points of lost Stability. The exception is the Place Of Safety; if you can reach that without detection, you regain all Stability lost, and refresh all of your ability pools.

Finally, your agent needs a Drive, something that turns them from your regular intelligence operative into the protagonist of their own spy-thriller. The thing that keeps James Bond working for MI6, the spark that turned Jack Ryan from analyst to field agent and then to US President, the motivation that has Michael Weston continuing the spy game while burned.

When a Drive is invoked and appropriate for the situation, you can pick any General Ability to refresh 2 points in if you have spent any.

And after that? After that you need a name, your gender, your age, a description and a backstory.​
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I can`t claim to be familiar with the system myself, but I would be interested and ready to work myself into a system~
This looks nice. Am not familiar with either the system or world but, Hey! Spies vs Vampires. What's not to like?
black dagger, muscle,wet work.

My job is to get in unnoticed complete the mission and fight my way out.

Or just eliminate an entire small group.

Also often used for a distraction.

Samuel Aaron Fischer
Gender: Male
Age: 36

>-]Optional Image[-<

Samuel is a totally nondescript man. He has no scars from knife fights scuffled in the alleyways of Marrakesh, no piercing grey eyes that would lay your soul bare. He is not a particular attractive man; when he looks in the mirror it is the face of an office accountant he sees, brown hair and just as brown eyes. He is all too aware of his frailty, especially when pit against those which stalk the night. What he does have is his intellect but these matters never manifest in appearances...

Samuel Aaron "Sam" Fischer, born in New York City to a blue-collar Jewish family, was the eldest son among three children. He attended the local public schools for his Primary and Secondary Education. After high school he was awarded a full scholarship into New York University where he studied Computer Engineering and graduated magna cum laude.

Shortly after college the World Trade Centers were leveled by Muslim insurgents. Riding the wave of American patriotism the United States Armed Forces and Intelligence Community faced an upsurge in recruitment. Fischer was among those recruits when he applied for a position at the National Security Agency (NSA).

He spent several months training in Virginia before being sent to gather intelligence from ground operations in the Middle East. It was an odd choice given his educational background but her proved capable, and then invaluable as he used his abilities to collect SIGINT at a closer proximity. From Jerusalem to Baghdad to Constantinople he went, wherever Fort Meade needed him. Soon his scope expanded to most of the Muslim world and he shuffled to and fro from Marrakesh and Tunis in North Africa to New Delhi, Mumbai and Jakarta in Asia and then back to Riyadh. Once he had even visited Volgograd for business.

It was during leave that he met his then future wife, Sydney, who convinced him to give up fieldwork and live with her. They married and soon after she was pregnant. As for Fischer he began directing intelligence networks centered around Jerusalem from a office, often sharing relevant data with their counterparts in the Mossad. During a business trip which saw him outside of Virginia, Fischer was informed of his wife's death. Hurrying back home, he made it to the scene of the crime. Official police records point to a mugging gone wrong or a casualty inter-organized crime rivalry. Bad timing, bad luck was the verdict.

But Fischer wouldn't let go and he spent his days searching for something. Until he found a thread, and that thread unraveled into a spool. His wife was collateral in a conspiracy and the fingers pointed to the Intelligence Community itself. Before he could go any further he was attacked by a vampire and it was only luck that saved him and found the thing truly dead.

Aware of the nature of his foes and that they knew about him, he discreetly arranged for his daughter to live with his younger sister's family in Vancouver and continued his hunt. But the trail had gone cold, the suspects disappeared, the leads wiped clean, and so Fischer followed suit.

Health: 7
Stability: 7

Hacker: You crack the passwords.
Watcher: You keep an eye on things.

Total: 10 Investigative Build Points and 29 General Ability Points

Investigative Abilities

Languages 3
Occult Studies 1
Research 1
Vampirology 2

Streetwise 1
Tradecraft 2

Cryptography 1
Data Recovery 3
Electronic Surveillance 4
Notice 3
Photography 2
Traffic Analysis 1
Urban Survival 2

General Abilities
Athletics 3
Cover 10
Digital Intrusion 10
Disguise 5
Driving 4
Hand-to-Hand 1
Infiltration 4
Mechanics 4
Network 15
Piloting 3
Preparedness 8
Sense Trouble 3
Shooting 4
Surveillance 10

>-]Sources of Stability[-<
Symbol: A small Jewish Star pendant hung on a silver necklace
Person of Solace: Anna, his 9 year old daughter who lives in America
Place of Safety: His house in Queens, New York, New York

Tracking down the vampires who killed his wife and returning the favor in kind.

Evening gentlemen, I'll be your eyes in the sky.
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Names: Zed, Z, Project Z, Operative Zulu, Donavian, Rengar, Zedia, Dezox, David, Bob, Knife Hand, Ass kickulator 9000
Gender: Very Male

Health 4
Stability 4

Source of Stability:
Place:A Cabin out in the continental states, cut out by his own two hands, with a little pond on it.
Person: Child Hood Crush now married to someone else, close but there are things between us we don't talk about.
Symbol: Eagle as long as the bird flies free so to shall the American people.

Data Recovery 1
Electronic Surveillance 2
Photography 2
Streetwise 3
Conceal 2
Digital Intrusion 2
Filch 6
Infiltration 8
Interrogation 1
Intimidation 3
Military Science 2
Outdoor Survival 2
Urban Survival 4
Athletics 6
Hand-To-Hand 12
Shooting/Weapons 14
Surveillance 4

Back Ground soon.
Sarah Flandry
Gender: Female
Age: 26

>-]Optional Image[-<


Sarah is a tall blonde haired woman, who stands 5'8 feet tall even without her boots.
Her body is fit and athletic thanks to her time in active service and even her wavy hair, which might seem impractical at the first glance, can be pulled back and secured quite easily to allow her to slip into a helmet or others parts of a disguise. Her eyes are dark blue and often staring amused at people, her mind automatically starting to try analyzing them and searching for weaknesses to use or exploit. Her eyebrows are thin but most often the most expressive part of her facial features, contrasting easily with her fair skin tone.
She has a trained body, slim shoulders and toned arms, lithe and agile she has always been quite good at running or courses. Long, slender fingers are her primary tool, easily able to check, prod and use whatever she needs to manipulate with them. Her figure is most often hidden nearly totally by her coat, but she easily slips into other available disguises as soon as its needed, even if she is decidedly female. Her thighs, just as her arms are toned and too, continuing downwards on a pair of long legs and feet that are used to run and jump when she needs them to.


Health: 6


No one does really know who "Sarah Flandry" has been, or where she come from, the only person who might have known her real name was the handler who once recruited her for his organization. Sufficient to say that people might know that she has a smaller sister, who never was informed of just what her older sibling was doing, mostly presuming it was some sort of acting job, with all the costumes and makeup her sister was carrying in and out.
After her handlers demise -thanks to someone barging into him at the wrong moment- she found herself without the knowledge of whome she had been working for, for years and slipped away into anymosity once more, taking her two sisters with her. "Sarah" had only been the middle sisters of the Trio, but her elder sister was sickly and most often at one hospital or another for regular treatments and it was at such a time that Sarah saw things...things which would bring her to moscow and into the occult and dark underworld, that people would never believe to exist.
Then when she had last seen her sister three years ago, she had seen dark clad attackers breaking into the wards and starting to kidnapp the patients in the hospital: killing the nurses and doctors by biting into their necks! Hiding even as she heard her sister scream, Sarah tried her best to shadow the attackers...slipping into a dead nurses clothes and mimicking her corpse on the ground...which allowed her to hear the attackers chuckle and speak about, which blood had been the best in this attack. The next thing she knew as they hurried out and she wanted to follow them, was a large explosions and when she later woke up once more she had to read in the newspaper, that the hospital was unfortunately victim of a gas leak.

Still...the attackers and their words wouldn`t go out of her head and as she set out to find her older sisters, she sunk deeper and deeper into the shadows of our world...

  • Cuckoo: You pretend to be someone else.
  • Cobbler: You provide the right papers.

Total: 12 Investigative Build Points and 36 General Ability Points

Investigative Abilities:

  • Bureaucracy 1
  • Flattery 5
  • Flirting 7
  • Reassurance 2
  • Languages 2
  • Forgery 4
  • Photography 1
General Abilities:
  • Cover 19
  • Network 15
  • Digital Intrusion 4
  • Disguise 15
  • Infiltration 8
  • Mechanics 2
  • High Society 6
  • Filch 3
  • Gambling 4
  • Sense Trouble 4
  • Hand to Hand 5
  • Health 2
  • Stability 2
  • Preparedness 3
>-]Sources of Stability[-<
  • Place of Safety: Hotel Baltschug Kempinski
  • Person of Solace: Her younger sister Laura
  • Symbol: Monument to the Conquerors of Space

  • Finding clue`s of her older sisters whereabouts or towards the experiments done to her.

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Jonathan Vorges
Gender: Male
Age: 27

>-]Optional Image[-<

Jonathan doesn't talk about his family or his past and he's done all he could to make sure that it stays buried. When ones made the kind of connections that he has it's a surprisingly easy task to make sure that happens even if it means getting rid a few loose ends. Still nothings perfect and pieces do slip through the cracks despite even the best work and from this one can learn a bit about his past.

He enlisted into the military at an early age with no reason as to why given though hints point at a troubled childhood and a desire to distance himself from it. Why the military? He says that the order and discipline appealed to him though this should be taken with a grain of salt as with all things in our line of work. After passing through basic and spending a number of years earning his name as a medic, he was conscripted to join several black-ops missions as an operative and effectively went of the grid.

While there he was taken under the wing of Ulysses Serves who would become his mentor and teach him all the tricks of the trade. It would be during a routine mission that the existence of the vampiric threat would be revealed to the two of them and they would begin to take a closer look. When they discovered the chemical weapon that was being sent to Moscow, Ulysses decided to move on ahead in an attempt to acquire it leaving Jonathan behind to clean up after their latest mission. When all communications were lost after he entered the city, Jonathan quickly made his way to the city while calling on his contacts to see if there was a team for him to join.

Health: 10

Medic: Heal yours, fuck up theirs.
Muscle: You hit it.

Total: 22 Investigative Build Points and 65 General Ability Points

Investigative Abilities

Diagnosis 2
Military Science 2
Human Terrain 1
Research 2
Vampirology 1

Intimidation 1
Bullshit Detector 2
Interrogation 3

Chemistry 2
Forensic Pathology 3
Pharmacy 2
Outdoor Survival 2
Urban Survival 2
Notice 1

General Abilities
Network 15
Cover 10
Medic 10
Shrink 8
Athletics 8
Hand-To-Hand 8
Weapons 8
Health 6
Stability 6
Shooting 5
Preparedness 3
Infiltration 3
Streetwise 1
Tradecraft 1

>-]Sources of Stability[-<
Symbol - An antiqued gold pocket watch that he received from his mentor as a graduation gift
Place of Safety - Lakeside home in northern Maine
Person of Solace - Rachel Simmons, his handler and occasional lover.

Discovering what happened to his mentor who went to Moscow ahead of him in search of the chemical agent after which all contact was lost with him.​
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@Simpli @Zedalb

Uh, guys? You sure you don't want to put some points into Health and Stability? They are listed in General Abilities and thus upgradeable for a reason, you know.

Also, a point or two in Preparedness helps if you want to justify suddenly having a pistol concealed on you. Or access to a cache of equipment.
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Ten is max the you can get for Health while Stability doesn't have that limit, I believe. Also @Gideon020, don't we get Streetwise 1 and Cover 1* for free?

*I think it's cover though I'd have to check.
@Simpli @Zedalb

Uh, guys? You sure you don't want to put some points into Health and Stability? They are listed in General Abilities and thus upgradeable for a reason, you know.

Also, a point or two in Preparedness helps if you want to justify suddenly having a pistol concealed on you. Or access to a cache of equipment.

Haven't spent free points just templated
GM: To ensure that everyone knows how the game is played, do you want in-game explanations, or run a smaller tutorial adventure before the main scenario?
A tutorial sounds nice enough...will we play as team or everyone for themselves, with partnerships of opportunity?