Insert Disc 2

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So as it turns out, waking up with no memories and relying on first people you run into is kind of a problem when you used to be the demon lord terrorizing the country.


You aren't really keen to confirm.
1 ~ Once More, Twice Over New
the Cornfield
1 ~ Once More, Twice Over

"Blessed gods of the earth, holy angels from the sky, grant me strength! Grant me your limitless wisdom that forges the bones of this world! Grant me your discretion that dances on the head of a pin! Grant all of this to your servant of wrath, to destroy this demon and restore equilibrium!"

You awaken.


Absolutely everything hurts.

You do nothing but lay there.

It really hurts. You feel like every part of you was beat with hammers and then set on fire.
What hit you? The last thing you remember is–

" . . . Oh."

–Nothing. Not a damn thing. You lay there for awhile longer. Maybe if you sit here for a bit, you'll remember everything? Hangovers are like that, right? You don't remember why you know that, but you know that alcohol can cause memory loss and that hangovers can include head pain.

So just sit tight, and you'll definitely remember everything, including who you are.

"Any second now…"

You thought hangovers included light sensitivity, but when you blink open your eyes, you feel fine.

The ceiling looks very nice. A bit old, and you feel a draft, but it has clearly been loved and looked after for awhile. Not recently, though. The structure is sound, but dust and webbing are starting to build up.

Your memories aren't coming back, but the pain is starting to go away.

"Hm… Maybe I could try sitting up." Talking out loud to yourself feels both natural and not natural, like a habit you've let lapse. Much like the maintenance of the ceiling. Odd parallel for your brain to draw. Perhaps you have the makings of a poet? That idea feels bitter, and you don't remember why.

You are currently laid out flat on the floor. Scrunching your fingers against it reveals you're on some kind of mat. The fabric feels familiar to you somehow, as you bunch it up under your hands. You have laid on mats before. Perhaps even this specific mat.
With some effort, you prop one arm up, and then the other. With a grunt, you sit up straight, and immediately regret it.

A cascade of creaks and aches race through your body as it riots over the sudden motion. Smooth practiced motions, which you are apparently in no condition to perform. Nevertheless, you bring your legs up next, undaunted, and….

… Stand up! Progress!

You immediately have to grip a nearby pillar to stop from swaying, but still, progress!

The rest of the room starts to slide into focus for you. It is plain, but little decorations of rope and beads and paper symbols are dotted here and there. This is definitely a place to house those who manage a place of worship. You're confident in that.
The room has little furniture.

The sleeping mat on which you woke up.

A comfortable armchair in the corner.

Across the threshold in another room, something like a barebones kitchen.

But dominating the room is a shrine. And it is a mess, such that it tugs at your heart. Paper seals like those in the rafters like in tatters around it, shredded to pits. Thick cords of rope have been severed with clean strokes, left sprawling like entrails around it. String that once held beads have been snapped, and plenty of the little glass ornaments they carried have rolled to every corner of the room.

Surrounded by all this carnage, are two things. An empty mount, and a sheathed sword in front of it. The sword is too small to go in the mount, but not by much. Whatever kind of blade used to be here would have been the same kind as the one left behind.

Without thinking, you grab the sheathed blade and begin tying it to your waist, only to pause and wonder what you're doing. This isn't your sword, is it? Is it?

But you need a sword!

Or do you? Why are you so sure? You don't know anything!

But you know you need a sword. This one will do.

Especially because someone is outside.

No one is supposed to be here. You know that. Somehow. You're not even sure you're supposed to be here, just that you are.
With the confidence of someone holding a sword she may or may not remember how to use, you push open the door to greet your guests. (not that you live here. Maybe.)

"Look out!"
"Dammit, she survived that?!"
"Stay calm."

A staff, two short swords, and an axe are drawn and readied in a flurry of motion the second you open the door.
You hold up a finger. "Wait."

They wait. You finish stepping out, and carefully close the door behind you. It creaks very loudly–someone has been slacking off on oiling the hinges. You feel like you should take care of that, but you're a little busy right now.

You turn back to the three armed individuals brandishing weapons at you. Thankfully, they haven't attacked you while you were shutting the door. How polite.

"Greetings." You say with all the confidence you can muster, despite your situation. Your bluff seems to work. They look rattled, and on closer examination, very battered from whatever fight they just got out of.

There's three of them and you have no idea how you would stack up against one of them, let alone all of them, so it isn't like you can actually fight them. But they clearly think otherwise, which means you have the advantage, as long as they don't realize you have no clue who you are.


It is at this point that you realize you have no plan. And that they have no plan. Neither party has a plan. Oh no.

The blonde guy with the axe breaks the tense standoff first. "So are we doing this or what?" That's a great question, but most answers to it don't end well for you. You need to maintain control of the conversation, stall until you come up with something good.

"Are we? You've clearly seen better days. Are you sure you want to risk your life now? You only get one, so I hear."
He chokes back a retort with a snarl. You can see he limps slightly when he steps forward, envision the blade that injured his leg. It's been well cared for, but it still has some healing to do, at your guess.

The girl in white robes pipes up. "You're not looking too hot yourself! I can still smell the ash clinging to you from over here! Do you really think you can handle another one of my spells?!"

… Now that she mentions it, you do smell like ash. You assumed that was the incense burners in the shrined, but come to think of it, they weren't lit. Was she the one who made you feel like death warmed over? That's… really bad.

The woman with black hair still hasn't said anything. Her eyes are gold. That feels like a notable detail to you, for some reason. She's just watching you at the moment, but she's clearly ready to strike at any moment.

You pretend to be unbothered by this. The sneer of someone looking down on them comes easily to your face. "And who are you trying to convince? If you really thought it was as simple as that, you would have done it already. I think we both know you're not as strong as you think."

The girl in robes… frowns. As does the man with the axe. Uh oh. Did you say something out of character? They did seem to know who you were, but surely they haven't–

"You don't remember us." The girl with two shortswords finally breaks her silence.

Dammit. Just from that?! What was it that tipped them off? That felt like the right thing to say, but it isn't what they were expecting, clearly.

You raise an eyebrow, trying to recover the bluff. You can still save this. You can! "You seem very sure. Willing to gamble on it?"

But she just nods. "I don't think your words from back then were a lie–" Huh? "–and you wouldn't be acting like this for a rematch anyways."

The blonde guy with the axe rolls his eyes, and you faintly here him say "'cept for the thing with the door." under his breath. Hey. You'll re-injure his leg if he doesn't shut his mouth! Saying so feels ill-advised, however.

The girl in white robes pipes up. "But wait, if she didn't remember us, wouldn't she have just blasted us with her fancy sword attack? Like she did the first time?"

But the other girl just shakes her head. "Nope. Look. Different sword. And we saw that thing break, anyways. She probably lost a lot when that happened. Looks like it rattled her brain, and who knows what else."


She knows.

She knows you're bluffing about being able to handle them.


… So frustrating! You can't help but glare. You felt like you were doing so well. You had a weapon and everything, most people who wake up with no memory of who they are probably don't even have their clothes! You just needed a bit longer to get yourself together, and you would have been fine! But no! You had to run into these three, who ruined everything, again!

… Again? Was there a first time? Well, they seem to think so. There was probably a first time, but you weren't thinking about it when that thought slipped out. No wonder they saw through you so fast, if you've been dealing with them enough to be able to curse them from beyond memory.

Regardless, you're cornered for the moment. Better a conditional surrender than testing your luck and finding it wanting, at least for now. You hold up your hands in a placating gesture, with a grace you don't even slightly feel.

"Fine, fine–" The blonde guy scowls even harder somehow. "–it is as you say. I don't remember my circumstances, or who any of you are. Or… where I am."

That gets a round of surprised and even worried expressions from the three of them. Both axe-guy and staff-girl start to talk at the same time, before their third holds up a hand. "Hang on. You stay there. You two, team huddle."
You notice that she doesn't actually take her eyes off you despite calling a team huddle.

They talk for awhile. How much is there to talk about, though? Whatever their grievances against you, or yours against them, you don't see why its your problem. Leaving aside the fact that you tried to bluff your memories immediately, but… They did draw their weapons at the sight of you. You may have panicked. Maybe.

This sucks. You've just woken up, and it has already been a long day.

You're also getting awfully damned tired of all their muttering over there. The dark looks they keep throwing your way aren't helping your patience one bit! Honestly, do they think they're being subtle about it?

Whoever 'You' are, it looks like they're not happy about anything. Meanwhile, you're getting such a headache from the situation you're tempted to try out this sword at your side on these morons. It fits in your hand like it was made for it, and the scabbard is slightly worn down from where your hands have clearly gripped it for a long time.

… You feel a little weird to apparently be the kind of person with that sort of attention to detail. Maybe you also had to deal with people constantly whispering around you too; the irritation feels familiar. Infuriatingly nostalgic.

"Hey!" You call over. The girl in white robes looks like she just had a heart attack from hearing you speak, even though she's been looking at you the whole time. You'd swear her hand twitched towards her weapon.

The blonde guy with the axe gives you a guarded expression ('when isn't his expression guarded' is a thought that comes unbidden) and makes to retort. You talk over him, letting your frusteration creep into your voice. "Mind if I join this fascinating conversation?"

… Okay ALL of them twitched their hands towards their weapons that time. What?

Blondie spits, but you can hear the shaking in his voice when he tries to sound tough. "Dammit, are we sure she's not evil still?!"

You fold your arms and stare him down. You can tell he almost takes a step back. He really is reaching for his weapon now…

"It's rude to talk about me like I'm not here! Especially when you still haven't told me what's going on!" 'Who am I?' almost slips out, but your refuse to beg for answers from these people. 'You're better than that now!' Except you're not.

The black-haired woman with a pair of shortswords at her hip drags a hand down her face, and sighs. Everyone in the group glances over, restraining whatever interjections they were going to make. The leader? Or does she just not talk very often?

"Listen. I'm tired. Let's do what we came here for. We'll talk things over afterwards."

She looks a lot less likely to snap and attack you on reflex now. It seems like having problems to solve let her regain her mental balance, or rather, she's not someone who loses it often in the first place.

You shrug. "Fine, fine." Aaaand hear the grinding of blondie's teeth. You've got to learn their names at some point. Anyways, since you don't have a better plan than what she just suggested, you'll go along with it.

You hold out a hand, gesturing to the gate to the shrine. You can see stairs leading down. And something about this place is unnerving to you. Painful. "Can we go now?"

But the leader of this trio shakes her head. "Wait. We're going to check the complex first, like I said. Miake, watch her. Lena, with me." Now who's grinding their teeth? You, unfortunately.

Your one solace is that blonde axe guy, Miake, looks just as unhappy about things as you are.

Cold comfort.

Without another glance, Lena and the leader open one of the other doors into the complex, and shut it behind them. The wood creaks from disuse, and one of them has to yank it properly closed so it doesn't swing open. You wince.

You feel as though things shouldn't happening like this. The temple complex is… something to you. You're not sure what, and that uncertainty is a strangely familiar pain in its own right.

Why aren't you there with Lena and Raye carefully shepherding them through the halls (that you don't remember), and explaining what this or that bespoke shrine is meant to depict (you wouldn't know, now)? But then again, why would you be?

There's a keening ache like you're letting someone down. There's something important you should be doing.

Instead, you're standing out in the cold mountain air with Miake.

The two of you have been waiting for awhile, and will be waiting awhile still. It feels like eons. Apparently you get bored easily. When he's not shooting suspicion glares your way, he looks like he wants to gnaw his arm off or remove his brain, to skip to the end of this day all the sooner. Respectable. You wish you were taking a nap instead of trying to pretend that your sense of balance isn't waxing and waning with the pounding headache that's rapidly begun to form once you started moving again.

"Hey, are you okay?" A voice cuts through the cold mountain air, a querying drawl you're certain you've heard before, hearing it again for the first time now. You snap your gaze up from where it had begun to drift to ground, matching his scowl with your own. "I'm fine. Besides, why would you care? We're enemies, yes?"

Miake rolls his eyes. "As if. If you don't remember, there's no point in it. Besides, we did what we came to do. We broke that damn sword. Killing you was something we couldn't avoid. So the fact that you survived is…"

"Frustrating?" You chime in, not sure where he's going with this. You don't like it though. He keeps saying 'you' when he means 'her'. Like he's already decided everything about your past and future in his head, without you getting a say. His foot taps out a three beat rhythm as he looks up to the clouds, ignoring your interjection. It seems you can't shake is train of thought that easily. "…Complicated. We really wanted to get to ask you some questions, you know. And now we can't, because she's gone."

Your grip on the sheath of your weapon tightens, fingers pressing into natural-worn grooves in the grain of the wood. The mountain air is cold, but your face is hot. There's a dull throb in the back of your throat that threatens to choke you, struggling to get the words out around the blockade. "Stop it."

"Stop what?" He gives you a puzzled look. As if he doesn't know. As if. You've been yourself for barely an hour, but the boiling rage you've discovered is an old, old friend. This, you won't allow. Not from them, not from anyone.

"Stop doing that! Am I a blank slate or the person I don't remember being? You can't treat me like both on a whim! I've just met you and I'm already sick the way you keep talking about me like you own me or something! I don't know you! I don't have to listen to you! If I want to go off on my own, there's not a damn thing you can do about it!"

The final words of your tirade echo across the clearing, sharp and ragged sentiments. You remember to breath, and gulp in air. Your throat burns. You don't think you've raised your voice much in your life. Your face is uncomfortably warm, hot angry tears drawing two thin streaks down. You scrub them off your face with your sleeve.

Miake is frozen in a rictus of alarm, hands halfway through making a placating gesture. Behind him, a door cracks open, Lena and Ray poking their heads out with a worried and neutral look, respectively.

The silence stretches uncomfortably long. You, staring down Miake and feeling increasingly embarrassed by the way everyone is just looking at you like they've just found out you're made of glass (you're not. you're not). Him, looking like he just nudged a vase off a shelf and into pieces across the floor. The tableau stays like that, until the creaky shut of the door as Lena and Raye go back to what they were doing finally breaks the silence.

Miake let's one hand drop, the other scratching his head through the mop of spiky blonde hair. Some part of your mind that isn't seeing red notes that he looks like of like a porcupine made out of brass.

"Right, uh…. Sorry about that." You blink, waiting for more. Nothing more comes, just him awkwardly avoiding eye contact with a sheepish look. Like he made a normal social blunder at a party, and not arguing with an amnesiac whose former self he thought he'd killed. It's… comical, and you see him jolt in surprise as a giggle forces its way out of you.

There's an awkward lull where both of you look anywhere but the other. It isn't a comfortable one. You were using the argument to distract yourself from how wretched you feel, and getting screaming mad just made everything worse. 'Typical', comes the thought carved into your body by whoever had it before.

It's an awful feeling, and you're glad to hear Miake clear his throat and pick up the conversation again. "Listen, uh, your demon lord of moonlightness," "Wait did I actually call myself that?" "–yup, anyways, here's the thing. We, or at least I, don't wanna lay the all the shit that happened at your feet if you're a brand new person. That wouldn't be fair. But if there's anything, anything at all, that remains… We can't leave it alone. There's so much stuff we never got to find out, important stuff. We broke that sword but that ain't the whole problem we were after. And we're all tired and confused. We were hoping that after beating you, her, maybe both, maybe not, that we could take a nap and stuff before having to do anything. And then you walked out the door."

You had thought he wasn't one to say much, but maybe he just gets talked over a lot. His voice comes out at an even drawl, and you wonder if he has as little experience raising his voice as you did. You give it a second, to think on it. You meant what you said before—you don't want them to treat you as they please.

But if both parties are looking for answers from each other than maybe… maybe you could…?

"I'm hungry." It slips out before you can stop it. To your relief, Miake just nods solemnly, giving your complaint the gravity of an imperial edict.

"Yeah, I am too. Maybe tossing around all these ultimatums while we're all beat to hell and starving is a bad idea… We can take you down the mountain and rest up and get some food first, if you want."

Huh. You don't hate that idea. You chew on it in your head a moment, and nod slowly. "I think… I think that works. At least we can talk things out after that."





You both really suck at keeping a conversation going, you're realizing. Miake seems aware of it too, leaving you both staring awkwardly at each other, silently pleading for the other to say something.

"Um-" "Uh-" Both of you make to fumble for a conversation at the same time, and clam up the second you realize the other person is talking. You open your mouth to try again, when the door you came out of swings open, and Lean stomps out.

"Okay we're done! … Huh? What's with you two?" You look away, and hear Miake sigh. "Nothing you need to worry about, Lena. Are we good to go now?"

"Yep, we're good." Raye steps out after her, patting Lena on the shoulder. "Nothing worth taking with us in there. No food either. Place is cleaned out. Wonder why."

She looks at you as if she expects you to know. You meet her stare with silence, and after a few seconds she gives up.

"Fine, be that way. We need to figure out what we're going to do with you though." The look she gives you is calculating, lined in exhaustion. Whatever she thinks her options are, she doesn't like any of them. When Miake clears his throat, her eyes flick to just above your shoulder, keeping you in view.

"About that. The Demon Lord of Moonlight and I were talking—" You groan, stepping between him and Raye to glare at him. "Are you going to call me that every time?"

In response, Miake just steps the other way, and keeps speaking. You resist the urge to stomp your foot. "—And I'm thinking that maybe we all head down to The Stairs. We can get food and rest, and then talk out this mess. Don't think any of us are at our best, and I don't wanna rush a decision I'll regret if we don't have to."

You must look visibly puzzled at 'The Stairs', because Lena takes pity on you. "The Stairs is the name of the village at the bottom of the mountain path. It was left mostly untouched by the demonic invasion happening all around it, so it was where we stocked up supplies before confronting you. Although..."

She suddenly looks fretful, glancing to her leader. "Raye, won't someone recognize her…?" She asks. Raye just shakes her head.

"She always wore a mask and that ceremonial armor, remember? The outfit doesn't stand out nearly as much without the seals and plates." She gives you a scrutinizing look, which you meet with an arched eyebrow and a frown. "Someone might recognize your voice though. The mask didn't change it that much. Try not to talk too much until we're behind closed doors."

As if she gets to dictate that to you. You'll talk as much as you want. You roll your eyes, but Raye is already busy doing one last once-over of the temple complex, and misses it. "Okay, looks like we're done here. Let's go. Are you coming along, Demon Lord?"

You dislike her already. "Of course I am. I'm not gonna stay on a mountaintop by myself with no food. And don't call me Demon Lord!" Miake shakes his head, turning to head for the gate. Lena darts fretfully between him and Raye, before pinning you to the spot with an intense look you can't decipher the meaning of. And Raye, just… turns and starts walking.

You follow quickly, only to hesitate once you step over the threshold of the archway. Your muscle memory itches with the need to do something, so you let it. With a practiced smoothness, you bow to the archway.

Then, and only then, you follow them down the mountain.
Just shy a week ago, I stumbled on this story being posted in the midst of writing a review for another story by the same author, Dim Light Crown, and seeing how that fic had been worth the effort to do line by line analysis for, I had the same expectations for this work, enough to hold back on the read until I had time to write a post proper in one go.

Which has been difficult, because:

So as it turns out, waking up with no memories and relying on first people you run into is kind of a problem when you used to be the demon lord terrorizing the country.


You aren't really keen to confirm.

This title and summary is a Combination.

I have to hold back commenting until I've read enough of the chapter to put it into context, but I am thinking about it.

So, let's get to that!

1 ~ Once More, Twice Over

Name of the first chapter is definitely already Going Somewhere with the premise, jeez.

"Blessed gods of the earth, holy angels from the sky, grant me strength! Grant me your limitless wisdom that forges the bones of this world! Grant me your discretion that dances on the head of a pin! Grant all of this to your servant of wrath, to destroy this demon and restore equilibrium!"

You awaken.


Outstanding, 10/10, No Notes.

Absolutely everything hurts.

You do nothing but lay there.

It really hurts. You feel like every part of you was beat with hammers and then set on fire.
What hit you? The last thing you remember is–

" . . . Oh."

–Nothing. Not a damn thing. You lay there for awhile longer. Maybe if you sit here for a bit, you'll remember everything? Hangovers are like that, right? You don't remember why you know that, but you know that alcohol can cause memory loss and that hangovers can include head pain.

So just sit tight, and you'll definitely remember everything, including who you are.

You know I'm sitting here and I'm baffled by how funny this.

High Register immediately contrasted by Low Register is a technique with a long, storied practice, but when you open up as profoundly as:

"Blessed gods of the earth, holy angels from the sky, grant me strength! Grant me your limitless wisdom that forges the bones of this world! Grant me your discretion that dances on the head of a pin! Grant all of this to your servant of wrath, to destroy this demon and restore equilibrium!"

And then every line that follows is:

It really hurts. You feel like every part of you was beat with hammers and then set on fire.

You know we're in for a Time.

"Any second now…"

You thought hangovers included light sensitivity, but when you blink open your eyes, you feel fine.

The ceiling looks very nice. A bit old, and you feel a draft, but it has clearly been loved and looked after for awhile. Not recently, though. The structure is sound, but dust and webbing are starting to build up.

Your memories aren't coming back, but the pain is starting to go away.

"Hm… Maybe I could try sitting up." Talking out loud to yourself feels both natural and not natural, like a habit you've let lapse. Much like the maintenance of the ceiling. Odd parallel for your brain to draw. Perhaps you have the makings of a poet? That idea feels bitter, and you don't remember why.

Oh I know this bitch is. So stupid already.

When you open a story with a character that explicitly does not recall a damn thing, it's important that characterization is communicated from the word go, even if you're very deliberately going for the Blank Slate Archetype (because a Tabula Rasa is a really distinct impression).

Whoever this is is not a Tabula Rasa.

Indeed, we're already getting a taste of history that's, very noticeably weird, like "Weird how I probably had habits I put away for some reason" and "Poetry bothers me on some inescapable level."

You get the feeling this is someone who used to know [Looks up to see the Female Protagonist tag. Also sees Fantasy Kitchen Sink. Nice] herself in detail and possessed a firm sense of her identity, which is interesting in light of.

The Forgetting.

You are currently laid out flat on the floor. Scrunching your fingers against it reveals you're on some kind of mat. The fabric feels familiar to you somehow, as you bunch it up under your hands. You have laid on mats before. Perhaps even this specific mat.
With some effort, you prop one arm up, and then the other. With a grunt, you sit up straight, and immediately regret it.

A cascade of creaks and aches race through your body as it riots over the sudden motion. Smooth practiced motions, which you are apparently in no condition to perform. Nevertheless, you bring your legs up next, undaunted, and….

… Stand up! Progress!

You immediately have to grip a nearby pillar to stop from swaying, but still, progress!

Human being at the "Breathing Manually" point of today.

I make this comparison a lot but Disco Elysium really set the standard for "Guy who was clearly a whole Genre of Guy even after getting clubbed so hard amnesia set in to spare them from that Genre again."

The rest of the room starts to slide into focus for you. It is plain, but little decorations of rope and beads and paper symbols are dotted here and there. This is definitely a place to house those who manage a place of worship. You're confident in that.
The room has little furniture.

The sleeping mat on which you woke up.

A comfortable armchair in the corner.

Across the threshold in another room, something like a barebones kitchen.

But dominating the room is a shrine. And it is a mess, such that it tugs at your heart. Paper seals like those in the rafters like in tatters around it, shredded to pits. Thick cords of rope have been severed with clean strokes, left sprawling like entrails around it. String that once held beads have been snapped, and plenty of the little glass ornaments they carried have rolled to every corner of the room.

...This is really interesting.

The ceiling looks very nice. A bit old, and you feel a draft, but it has clearly been loved and looked after for awhile. Not recently, though. The structure is sound, but dust and webbing are starting to build up.
You are currently laid out flat on the floor. Scrunching your fingers against it reveals you're on some kind of mat. The fabric feels familiar to you somehow, as you bunch it up under your hands. You have laid on mats before. Perhaps even this specific mat.

"A formerly well-loved place" is the pervading impression we're being introduced to Insert Disc 2 with, which is very Noticeable in light of this almost certainly having been the protagonist's abode at some point.

The fact it's clearly a Shinto shrine, when...

"Blessed gods of the earth, holy angels from the sky, grant me strength! Grant me your limitless wisdom that forges the bones of this world! Grant me your discretion that dances on the head of a pin! Grant all of this to your servant of wrath, to destroy this demon and restore equilibrium!"

Hm hm hm hm.

Layered implications (also just a cool ass fucking line).

Anyway beside having apparently used to be a miko, a little bit getting this impression of our POV.

Surrounded by all this carnage, are two things. An empty mount, and a sheathed sword in front of it. The sword is too small to go in the mount, but not by much. Whatever kind of blade used to be here would have been the same kind as the one left behind.

Without thinking, you grab the sheathed blade and begin tying it to your waist, only to pause and wonder what you're doing. This isn't your sword, is it? Is it?

But you need a sword!

^ Girls when they see swords and there's no one there to stop them.

This is just gonna be a clown car of muscle memory firing when she doesn't know what to do with it, huh?

Or do you? Why are you so sure? You don't know anything!

But you know you need a sword. This one will do.

Especially because someone is outside.

Which makes it incredible when all that frivolity drains away and it's like Okay We're Starting.

I can hear the OST switch up.

No one is supposed to be here. You know that. Somehow. You're not even sure you're supposed to be here, just that you are.
With the confidence of someone holding a sword she may or may not remember how to use, you push open the door to greet your guests. (not that you live here. Maybe.)

The OST instantly switches back because she's stupid and doesn't remember anything (fairly clear these are independent factors) but it has to be acknowledged that briefly there was the faintest sense of gravity.

"Look out!"
"Dammit, she survived that?!"
"Stay calm."

A staff, two short swords, and an axe are drawn and readied in a flurry of motion the second you open the door.
You hold up a finger. "Wait."

They wait. You finish stepping out, and carefully close the door behind you. It creaks very loudly–someone has been slacking off on oiling the hinges. You feel like you should take care of that, but you're a little busy right now.

You turn back to the three armed individuals brandishing weapons at you. Thankfully, they haven't attacked you while you were shutting the door. How polite.

. Okay this kinda has some energy.

I don't know what to call the energy, but this has it.

Honestly I had assumed someone laid her out on the tatami mat, but clearly it was just that she was. Laid Out. Which actually makes me curious about Several things but let's put that aside to keep going.

"Greetings." You say with all the confidence you can muster, despite your situation. Your bluff seems to work. They look rattled, and on closer examination, very battered from whatever fight they just got out of.

There's three of them and you have no idea how you would stack up against one of them, let alone all of them, so it isn't like you can actually fight them. But they clearly think otherwise, which means you have the advantage, as long as they don't realize you have no clue who you are.


It is at this point that you realize you have no plan. And that they have no plan. Neither party has a plan. Oh no.

Nat 20 immediately followed by Nat 1.

Oh there is just. No one who isn't an idiot here. Outstanding.

The blonde guy with the axe breaks the tense standoff first. "So are we doing this or what?" That's a great question, but most answers to it don't end well for you. You need to maintain control of the conversation, stall until you come up with something good.

"Are we? You've clearly seen better days. Are you sure you want to risk your life now? You only get one, so I hear."
He chokes back a retort with a snarl. You can see he limps slightly when he steps forward, envision the blade that injured his leg. It's been well cared for, but it still has some healing to do, at your guess.

The girl in white robes pipes up. "You're not looking too hot yourself! I can still smell the ash clinging to you from over here! Do you really think you can handle another one of my spells?!"

… Now that she mentions it, you do smell like ash. You assumed that was the incense burners in the shrined, but come to think of it, they weren't lit. Was she the one who made you feel like death warmed over? That's… really bad.

Okay, never mind, these two aren't idiots! Protag's just bringing down the collective IQ level by starting shit with people she literally does not recall!

"Wait is that a fucking wizard. Did I get hit by a Firaga?"

The woman with black hair still hasn't said anything. Her eyes are gold. That feels like a notable detail to you, for some reason. She's just watching you at the moment, but she's clearly ready to strike at any moment.

This woman either has the Mystic Eyes of Killing You or this is some kind of LGBT moment. Could be both, we'll need time for that.

You pretend to be unbothered by this. The sneer of someone looking down on them comes easily to your face. "And who are you trying to convince? If you really thought it was as simple as that, you would have done it already. I think we both know you're not as strong as you think."

The girl in robes… frowns. As does the man with the axe. Uh oh. Did you say something out of character? They did seem to know who you were, but surely they haven't–

"You don't remember us." The girl with two shortswords finally breaks her silence.

Dammit. Just from that?! What was it that tipped them off? That felt like the right thing to say, but it isn't what they were expecting, clearly.


"Well well well, if it isn't the small time bitches."
"...What are you talking about, you don't think we're small time bitches?"
". Y. Yes I do."

This is incredible to me, she's such a piece of shit on instinct she can't even imagine that's the wrong tack.

You raise an eyebrow, trying to recover the bluff. You can still save this. You can! "You seem very sure. Willing to gamble on it?"

But she just nods. "I don't think your words from back then were a lie–" Huh? "–and you wouldn't be acting like this for a rematch anyways."

The blonde guy with the axe rolls his eyes, and you faintly here him say "'cept for the thing with the door." under his breath. Hey. You'll re-injure his leg if he doesn't shut his mouth! Saying so feels ill-advised, however.

She can't save this chat.

Okay yeah we're immediately starting on "The information our 'hero' has completely forgotten that is spoiler marked for later", that's good, you just love dramatic irony making someone look like a moron.

When straight up everything you do is too edgy to be taken seriously, except the door thing. The door thing is actually one of your personality traits.

Oh I know the beef with Axe Guy is legendary. I know. I know it.

The girl in white robes pipes up. "But wait, if she didn't remember us, wouldn't she have just blasted us with her fancy sword attack? Like she did the first time?"

But the other girl just shakes her head. "Nope. Look. Different sword. And we saw that thing break, anyways. She probably lost a lot when that happened. Looks like it rattled her brain, and who knows what else."

Robe Girl: Doesn't she have the Getsuga Tenshou?
???: (What's a Getsuga Tenshou...I want that.)

I love how the Hero Party(?) is just talking like her damn ass isn't there. Casually malicious exposition.


She knows.

She knows you're bluffing about being able to handle them.


… So frustrating! You can't help but glare. You felt like you were doing so well. You had a weapon and everything, most people who wake up with no memory of who they are probably don't even have their clothes! You just needed a bit longer to get yourself together, and you would have been fine! But no! You had to run into these three, who ruined everything, again!

… Again? Was there a first time? Well, they seem to think so. There was probably a first time, but you weren't thinking about it when that thought slipped out. No wonder they saw through you so fast, if you've been dealing with them enough to be able to curse them from beyond memory.



Wants a good grade in amnesia like that's even possible to achieve.

This is radiant. Literally malding so hard it makes the brain damage recede (only retains previous malding).

Regardless, you're cornered for the moment. Better a conditional surrender than testing your luck and finding it wanting, at least for now. You hold up your hands in a placating gesture, with a grace you don't even slightly feel.

"Fine, fine–" The blonde guy scowls even harder somehow. "–it is as you say. I don't remember my circumstances, or who any of you are. Or… where I am."

That gets a round of surprised and even worried expressions from the three of them. Both axe-guy and staff-girl start to talk at the same time, before their third holds up a hand. "Hang on. You stay there. You two, team huddle."
You notice that she doesn't actually take her eyes off you despite calling a team huddle.

Man what even is this relationship. Is [???] their Doofenshmirtz. Is dual blade girl her Perry the Platypus.

Kinda dynamic you'd expect from a saturday morning cartoon and not "Didn't we fucking kill you?"

They talk for awhile. How much is there to talk about, though? Whatever their grievances against you, or yours against them, you don't see why its your problem. Leaving aside the fact that you tried to bluff your memories immediately, but… They did draw their weapons at the sight of you. You may have panicked. Maybe.

This sucks. You've just woken up, and it has already been a long day.

You're also getting awfully damned tired of all their muttering over there. The dark looks they keep throwing your way aren't helping your patience one bit! Honestly, do they think they're being subtle about it?

I don't think they're trying to be subtle! At all!

"I was justified because violence makes me. Concerned. Yes." [<-- Doesn't know if she's trying to exonerate herself or pretend she didn't flinch]

Whoever 'You' are, it looks like they're not happy about anything. Meanwhile, you're getting such a headache from the situation you're tempted to try out this sword at your side on these morons. It fits in your hand like it was made for it, and the scabbard is slightly worn down from where your hands have clearly gripped it for a long time.

… You feel a little weird to apparently be the kind of person with that sort of attention to detail. Maybe you also had to deal with people constantly whispering around you too; the irritation feels familiar. Infuriatingly nostalgic.

Maybe you should be more concerned about the stabbing impulse. That stands out a little more.

Okay but for real her brain is extraordinarily ADHD about swords you can hear the Special Interest Ping play every time.


It fits in your hand like it was made for it, and the scabbard is slightly worn down from where your hands have clearly gripped it for a long time.
"Nope. Look. Different sword. And we saw that thing break, anyways. She probably lost a lot when that happened. Looks like it rattled her brain, and who knows what else."
Surrounded by all this carnage, are two things. An empty mount, and a sheathed sword in front of it. The sword is too small to go in the mount, but not by much. Whatever kind of blade used to be here would have been the same kind as the one left behind.

Is this to imply this is her original blade, and she like, what, took the Beam Sword out of its place of honor and left her old one where it rested?

That feels mildly sacrilegious. And Interesting.

"Hey!" You call over. The girl in white robes looks like she just had a heart attack from hearing you speak, even though she's been looking at you the whole time. You'd swear her hand twitched towards her weapon.

The blonde guy with the axe gives you a guarded expression ('when isn't his expression guarded' is a thought that comes unbidden) and makes to retort. You talk over him, letting your frusteration creep into your voice. "Mind if I join this fascinating conversation?"

… Okay ALL of them twitched their hands towards their weapons that time. What?

Blondie spits, but you can hear the shaking in his voice when he tries to sound tough. "Dammit, are we sure she's not evil still?!"

You fold your arms and stare him down. You can tell he almost takes a step back. He really is reaching for his weapon now…

"It's rude to talk about me like I'm not here! Especially when you still haven't told me what's going on!" 'Who am I?' almost slips out, but your refuse to beg for answers from these people. 'You're better than that now!' Except you're not.

(You're better than that now)
(Except you're not)

Oh yeah you can crystal clear hear the insecurity that started all this in that turn of phrase, mm.

Amazing how there is like innately zero instinct for diplomacy in this bitch.

Whoever 'You' are, it looks like they're not happy about anything. Meanwhile, you're getting such a headache from the situation you're tempted to try out this sword at your side on these morons.
Maybe you also had to deal with people constantly whispering around you too; the irritation feels familiar. Infuriatingly nostalgic.
You talk over him, letting your frusteration creep into your voice. "Mind if I join this fascinating conversation?"

… Okay ALL of them twitched their hands towards their weapons that time. What?

You can just taaaaaaaaaaaste the landmines she's tripping over.

Just like. Refuses to ask actual questions but can't handle not being included. Embarrassingly funny.

The black-haired woman with a pair of shortswords at her hip drags a hand down her face, and sighs. Everyone in the group glances over, restraining whatever interjections they were going to make. The leader? Or does she just not talk very often?

"Listen. I'm tired. Let's do what we came here for. We'll talk things over afterwards."

She looks a lot less likely to snap and attack you on reflex now. It seems like having problems to solve let her regain her mental balance, or rather, she's not someone who loses it often in the first place.

Woman painfully exhausted by being the adult on the squad.

You can see the way [???]'s memories peak out when her "hyper specific awareness of detail" is just. Prior knowledge she can't access otherwise.

You shrug. "Fine, fine." Aaaand hear the grinding of blondie's teeth. You've got to learn their names at some point. Anyways, since you don't have a better plan than what she just suggested, you'll go along with it.

You hold out a hand, gesturing to the gate to the shrine. You can see stairs leading down. And something about this place is unnerving to you. Painful. "Can we go now?"

But the leader of this trio shakes her head. "Wait. We're going to check the complex first, like I said. Miake, watch her. Lena, with me." Now who's grinding their teeth? You, unfortunately.

Your one solace is that blonde axe guy, Miake, looks just as unhappy about things as you are.

Cold comfort.

Oh the hate is real, fr real.

And we got half the characters' names, Miake and Lena!

"I'm having a trauma moment and I'm not going to admit that so you have to cope and seethe on my behalf. You have to."

Without another glance, Lena and the leader open one of the other doors into the complex, and shut it behind them. The wood creaks from disuse, and one of them has to yank it properly closed so it doesn't swing open. You wince.

You feel as though things shouldn't happening like this. The temple complex is… something to you. You're not sure what, and that uncertainty is a strangely familiar pain in its own right.

Why aren't you there with Lena and Raye carefully shepherding them through the halls (that you don't remember), and explaining what this or that bespoke shrine is meant to depict (you wouldn't know, now)? But then again, why would you be?

There's a keening ache like you're letting someone down. There's something important you should be doing.

Instead, you're standing out in the cold mountain air with Miake.

...The short swords woman didn't introduce herself.


...Wait that's Sailor Mars's dub name. Funny.

Anyway wow there is just immeasurable grief that is only barely restrained by the Complete Lack of Knowing Shit up in here.

Whoever this so-and-so is, she doesn't even once imply that she doesn't, want them in there, even though the natural assumption that she would primarily feel antagonism towards people she has at several points wanted to stab with a sword in this conversation, but no, she's just.

She's just hurt she's failing something she doesn't even remember.

Really am taken with all this emotional presentation.

The two of you have been waiting for awhile, and will be waiting awhile still. It feels like eons. Apparently you get bored easily. When he's not shooting suspicion glares your way, he looks like he wants to gnaw his arm off or remove his brain, to skip to the end of this day all the sooner. Respectable. You wish you were taking a nap instead of trying to pretend that your sense of balance isn't waxing and waning with the pounding headache that's rapidly begun to form once you started moving again.

There's something. Profound about the way [???] is just "Man I hate, Miake, his name is Miake, right" but then she's just casually the same personality as—

"Hey, are you okay?" A voice cuts through the cold mountain air, a querying drawl you're certain you've heard before, hearing it again for the first time now. You snap your gaze up from where it had begun to drift to ground, matching his scowl with your own. "I'm fine. Besides, why would you care? We're enemies, yes?"

—Okay wow.

I see the beef goes deeper than merely being haters.

Miake rolls his eyes. "As if. If you don't remember, there's no point in it. Besides, we did what we came to do. We broke that damn sword. Killing you was something we couldn't avoid. So the fact that you survived is…"

"Frustrating?" You chime in, not sure where he's going with this. You don't like it though. He keeps saying 'you' when he means 'her'. Like he's already decided everything about your past and future in his head, without you getting a say. His foot taps out a three beat rhythm as he looks up to the clouds, ignoring your interjection. It seems you can't shake is train of thought that easily. "…Complicated. We really wanted to get to ask you some questions, you know. And now we can't, because she's gone."

They were tsundere frenemies.

And. Huh. Okay.

Possessed by an evil sword, apparently?

I wonder...There's something interesting about the pronoun use here, like you're meant to assume they're talking about "The person [???] was with her memories intact", but she's so instantly hostile to that in this case, when she hasn't been for the rest of the moments it sprung up, and Miake is mirroring it so soon...

...Is "Her" the sword? Are they talking about the evil sword personality? Hm.

Your grip on the sheath of your weapon tightens, fingers pressing into natural-worn grooves in the grain of the wood. The mountain air is cold, but your face is hot. There's a dull throb in the back of your throat that threatens to choke you, struggling to get the words out around the blockade. "Stop it."

"Stop what?" He gives you a puzzled look. As if he doesn't know. As if. You've been yourself for barely an hour, but the boiling rage you've discovered is an old, old friend. This, you won't allow. Not from them, not from anyone.

"Stop doing that! Am I a blank slate or the person I don't remember being? You can't treat me like both on a whim! I've just met you and I'm already sick the way you keep talking about me like you own me or something! I don't know you! I don't have to listen to you! If I want to go off on my own, there's not a damn thing you can do about it!"

The final words of your tirade echo across the clearing, sharp and ragged sentiments. You remember to breath, and gulp in air. Your throat burns. You don't think you've raised your voice much in your life. Your face is uncomfortably warm, hot angry tears drawing two thin streaks down. You scrub them off your face with your sleeve.

Miake is frozen in a rictus of alarm, hands halfway through making a placating gesture. Behind him, a door cracks open, Lena and Ray poking their heads out with a worried and neutral look, respectively.

The silence stretches uncomfortably long. You, staring down Miake and feeling increasingly embarrassed by the way everyone is just looking at you like they've just found out you're made of glass (you're not. you're not). Him, looking like he just nudged a vase off a shelf and into pieces across the floor. The tableau stays like that, until the creaky shut of the door as Lena and Raye go back to what they were doing finally breaks the silence.

This is. Wow.


Like I almost can't breakdown how much this is. So many things.

It's already been the case that [???] hasn't needed to, how would you say it, regrow her personality, like she's already acting on prior inclinations sundered from their original context, but she's just...Like this is a Raw wound that took everyone by surprise, and it's like.

It's interesting you can tell this is a conversation they never had even though she's been waiting for the chance to scream it at someone.

Also Raye and Lena just. Leaving.



Why would you leave Miake to this.

Like for either of their sakes why would you just let them go back to this unaddressed. Insane.

Miake is frozen in a rictus of alarm, hands halfway through making a placating gesture. Behind him, a door cracks open, Lena and Ray poking their heads out with a worried and neutral look, respectively.

Honestly this is so interesting. Miake and Lena consistently being the ones who are Concerned while Raye either just being low emote or actually just not giving a shit is a fascinating dichotomy with how those two are the most on trigger about setting [???] on fire with their minds while their leader is r/rationalist.

Miake let's one hand drop, the other scratching his head through the mop of spiky blonde hair. Some part of your mind that isn't seeing red notes that he looks like of like a porcupine made out of brass.

"Right, uh…. Sorry about that." You blink, waiting for more. Nothing more comes, just him awkwardly avoiding eye contact with a sheepish look. Like he made a normal social blunder at a party, and not arguing with an amnesiac whose former self he thought he'd killed. It's… comical, and you see him jolt in surprise as a giggle forces its way out of you.

There's an awkward lull where both of you look anywhere but the other. It isn't a comfortable one. You were using the argument to distract yourself from how wretched you feel, and getting screaming mad just made everything worse. 'Typical', comes the thought carved into your body by whoever had it before.

This is just. Great.

It's sad also but like everything in the world is sad, it's fine.

Miake is just a good guy who doesn't know what to do with any of this shit, I love how that comes out crystal.

[???] is SAD though.

She's immediately discovered she resents her hollow sense of self compared to who she used to be and it's definitely the case she's just carrying over how much she resented her hollow sense of self back when she still remembered that entirely.

It's an awful feeling, and you're glad to hear Miake clear his throat and pick up the conversation again. "Listen, uh, your demon lord of moonlightness," "Wait did I actually call myself that?" "–yup, anyways, here's the thing. We, or at least I, don't wanna lay the all the shit that happened at your feet if you're a brand new person. That wouldn't be fair. But if there's anything, anything at all, that remains… We can't leave it alone. There's so much stuff we never got to find out, important stuff. We broke that sword but that ain't the whole problem we were after. And we're all tired and confused. We were hoping that after beating you, her, maybe both, maybe not, that we could take a nap and stuff before having to do anything. And then you walked out the door."



This is like a conversation someone would have with Doctor Arknights if Kal'tsit wasn't addicted to being inscrutable.

I was holding it in but damn this literally is Disk 2 of a JRPG that the new party member (who was clearly the Disk 1 Final Boss) needs to be brought up to speed with the plot for.

Miake is a very reasonable man for just admitting everyone here needs a nap.

You had thought he wasn't one to say much, but maybe he just gets talked over a lot. His voice comes out at an even drawl, and you wonder if he has as little experience raising his voice as you did. You give it a second, to think on it. You meant what you said before—you don't want them to treat you as they please.

But if both parties are looking for answers from each other than maybe… maybe you could…?

"I'm hungry." It slips out before you can stop it. To your relief, Miake just nods solemnly, giving your complaint the gravity of an imperial edict.

This is just charming.

Like wow is [???] 100% insecurities that none of these guys knew about before her Moonlightness got beat out of her brain, amazing that they're just stopping half a second to admit they need to eat.

You had thought he wasn't one to say much, but maybe he just gets talked over a lot. His voice comes out at an even drawl, and you wonder if he has as little experience raising his voice as you did.

"maybe he just gets talked over a lot" girl.

The blonde guy with the axe gives you a guarded expression ('when isn't his expression guarded' is a thought that comes unbidden) and makes to retort. You talk over him, letting your frusteration creep into your voice. "Mind if I join this fascinating conversation?"


My man Miake's straight up the C-Lister party member who hasn't gotten a major speaking role in the past few arcs.

"Yeah, I am too. Maybe tossing around all these ultimatums while we're all beat to hell and starving is a bad idea… We can take you down the mountain and rest up and get some food first, if you want."

Huh. You don't hate that idea. You chew on it in your head a moment, and nod slowly. "I think… I think that works. At least we can talk things out after that."

Let's here it for Problem Resolution 101!





You both really suck at keeping a conversation going, you're realizing. Miake seems aware of it too, leaving you both staring awkwardly at each other, silently pleading for the other to say something.


Ahahahahahahahahahahaha this is terrible and I love it.

"Um-" "Uh-" Both of you make to fumble for a conversation at the same time, and clam up the second you realize the other person is talking. You open your mouth to try again, when the door you came out of swings open, and Lean stomps out.

"Okay we're done! … Huh? What's with you two?" You look away, and hear Miake sigh. "Nothing you need to worry about, Lena. Are we good to go now?"

Spared from the cringe. For now.

"Yep, we're good." Raye steps out after her, patting Lena on the shoulder. "Nothing worth taking with us in there. No food either. Place is cleaned out. Wonder why."

She looks at you as if she expects you to know. You meet her stare with silence, and after a few seconds she gives up.

"Fine, be that way. We need to figure out what we're going to do with you though." The look she gives you is calculating, lined in exhaustion. Whatever she thinks her options are, she doesn't like any of them. When Miake clears his throat, her eyes flick to just above your shoulder, keeping you in view.

Love how Raye definitely isn't keeping anything on the downlow to maintain information advantage over an unconfirmed threat.

Miake and Lena almost certainly keep Raye from taking people out back to slit their throats.

"About that. The Demon Lord of Moonlight and I were talking—" You groan, stepping between him and Raye to glare at him. "Are you going to call me that every time?"

In response, Miake just steps the other way, and keeps speaking. You resist the urge to stomp your foot.

Sending him to hell with her mind.

PROFOUNDLY hysterical.

"—And I'm thinking that maybe we all head down to The Stairs. We can get food and rest, and then talk out this mess. Don't think any of us are at our best, and I don't wanna rush a decision I'll regret if we don't have to."

You must look visibly puzzled at 'The Stairs', because Lena takes pity on you. "The Stairs is the name of the village at the bottom of the mountain path. It was left mostly untouched by the demonic invasion happening all around it, so it was where we stocked up supplies before confronting you. Although..."

Lena the Expositor.

I love how her and Miake are just treating Moonlightness as a party member because they can't be bothered to treat people coldly.

Warmblooded mammals being shepherded by a snake.

Wow, fascinating how the village that's directly adjacent to this very specific shrine was left unharmed, what coincidental JRPG convenience.

"The Stairs" is an incredibly atmospheric name for a mountain village though.

She suddenly looks fretful, glancing to her leader. "Raye, won't someone recognize her…?" She asks. Raye just shakes her head.

"She always wore a mask and that ceremonial armor, remember? The outfit doesn't stand out nearly as much without the seals and plates." She gives you a scrutinizing look, which you meet with an arched eyebrow and a frown. "Someone might recognize your voice though. The mask didn't change it that much. Try not to talk too much until we're behind closed doors."

As if she gets to dictate that to you. You'll talk as much as you want. You roll your eyes, but Raye is already busy doing one last once-over of the temple complex, and misses it. "Okay, looks like we're done here. Let's go. Are you coming along, Demon Lord?"

You dislike her already. "Of course I am. I'm not gonna stay on a mountaintop by myself with no food. And don't call me Demon Lord!" Miake shakes his head, turning to head for the gate. Lena darts fretfully between him and Raye, before pinning you to the spot with an intense look you can't decipher the meaning of. And Raye, just… turns and starts walking.

Moonlightness: Just because you're a girlboss doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do.
Raye: Really now.
Moonlightness: Yeah I just happen to be walking in the same direction as you idiots don't stare at me with those icy gold eyes.

The degree Raye doesn't even give a fuck is just. It makes me laugh.

Lena has gotten the least of the Squad this chapter, so it's good that the Deeply Ambiguous Eye Contact happened to give just a Taste of "We aren't done here", bookmarking her turn in the narrative ahead of time.

You follow quickly, only to hesitate once you step over the threshold of the archway. Your muscle memory itches with the need to do something, so you let it. With a practiced smoothness, you bow to the archway.

Then, and only then, you follow them down the mountain.

Demon Lord of Moonlightness...

And so that's chapter 1 done!

This was a lot of fun, all my already well fed expectations blown away, ID2 is just a really delightful spin on "First Act Boss Recruited To Party" that's been a JRPG staple since Chrono Trigger, I'm really looking forward to what exactly is cooking with, all of this tangible emotional history, and also the fact there is CLEARLY still some bullshit happening in the Disk 2 plot.
I make this comparison a lot but Disco Elysium really set the standard for "Guy who was clearly a whole Genre of Guy even after getting clubbed so hard amnesia set in to spare them from that Genre again."
Honestly though, it really did. I've written a lot of amnesiac characters before experiencing Disco Elysium, but it really does give you such an expanded awareness of what you can do with the concept. Especially in terms of presentation. I feel like it opened my mind to degree to which a character can argue with themself, and lose that argument.

Robe Girl: Doesn't she have the Getsuga Tenshou?
???: (What's a Getsuga Tenshou...I want that.)
Okay but for real her brain is extraordinarily ADHD about swords you can hear the Special Interest Ping play every time.
Definitely put a pin in those observations, they'll be really funny later.

Oh yeah you can crystal clear hear the insecurity that started all this in that turn of phrase, mm.
Like wow is [???] 100% insecurities that none of these guys knew about before her Moonlightness got beat out of her brain, amazing that they're just stopping half a second to admit they need to eat.
I'm glad these are coming across! I don't want to be too on the nose about it, but I still wanted to really convey how much of a mess she is, and how much they were not expecting that even with amnesia in consideration. Miake is the champion for suggesting a nap and some snacks. The solution to so many problems.

Ahahahahahahahahahahaha this is terrible and I love it.
Miake has definitely been the sleeper hit fav to write. Him and [???] are awkward in similar ways, but one of them had a whole bunch of time to invest in emotional intelligence, and the other one raised an army of demons to besiege the country.

Miake and Lena almost certainly keep Raye from taking people out back to slit their throats.
It'll get fully shown off over the next few chapters, but this is very much on the mark. Raye is someone who likes to solve problems, and gets annoyed when her solutions aren't allowed for reasons she doesn't respect.
"Why don't we just stab that guy?"
"that would be assault Raye"
"That's illegal Raye"
"I wouldn't get caught."
"Not the point I'm making."
You can imagine a conversation like this happening about once a week.
2 ~ Hell Is Other People, But Gehenna Is Real New

2 ~ Hell Is Other People, But Gehenna Is Real

The path down the mountain trails a surprisingly well-maintained set of stone stairs. The moment the threshold of the temple gate is crossed, you can see the beginnings of recent hands-on care, some stones clearly newer than the ones next to them.

Small shrines mark distance at consistent intervals.

Each one is topped with a stone shelter for a torch, and a red ribbon that trails in the wind. Beyond that though, they're all different. Each is covered in carvings or sculpted into different shapes. Weathered figures, human, animal, and scenes. They feel nostalgic and familiar, even if you don't remember any of them. They're nice to look at. If you weren't having to keep up with the group, you'd want to stop and examine each of them on the way down.

Walking with the group is…. fine. It's fine. A little awkward though.

For one thing, it's less of a walk and more of a trudge.

All three of them are starting to show the fatigue from whatever fighting they had with you (or "you" but nevermind that for now).

You noticed Miake's limp earlier, but he seems to keep forgetting about it, leading to further stumbles. Probably an extremely recent injury. The boiled leather plates around that knee look mangled. They have housing for metal reinforcements, but those have been ripped out. You can see what they should look like on the other knee.

Raye looks tired, but otherwise gives you nothing to work with. For some reason that doesn't surprise you. However, like Miake, some of the armor pieces she wears are conspicuously missing, and the fabric beneath is stained with long-dried blood.

Lena seems, if not fine, than at least energetic. The lack of any obvious injuries makes her the odd one out. From the way that both Miake and Raye keep looking back to check on her when they think she isn't looking, you would guess that there are less obvious injuries.

Some part of you brain is sluggishly running the numbers on if you could beat the three of them in a fight, even now. It isn't getting anywhere, every line of tactical thought smashing against the wreckage of your memories. If you don't even know what you can do, how are you going to counter what they can do? Whatever that is. You wish you could just stop worrying about it, but it keeps creeping in whenever you let your thoughts drift naturally; a survival instinct that won't turn off.

It is tiring. Very, very tiring.

And you really don't need that right now.

You don't think this kind of walk would strain you normally, but you still feel like you've been pummeled into the ground and left out in the cold for a night. That's where you started, and it isn't getting better. The dizziness from when you first woke up never quite went away, so much as you doggedly shoved it aside when you heard them outside. Now that you're walking, it's nipping at the edges of your focus relentlessly, singing a horrendous duet with the vice clamp headache.

You have to drop to the back of the group, even behind Lena's short stride, just to hide the way you periodically need to stop and regain your balance. Awful. You don't want them to see you like this.

You don't want anyone to see you like this, but especially not them.

No one has said anything about it, and you manage to reset your expression from open relief when Ray calls a stop. The group has reached a flat area that marks a turn in the stairs down. You could set up camp here, it is big enough. Echoing that thought Lena pipes up, "Are we stopping here for the day, Raye?"

There's a faint undercurrent of tension in her voice that says they had better be stopping here for the day or there will be consequences later. Perhaps because she's looking away or perhaps because she doesn't care (or doesn't show it), Raye shakes her head and blithely ignores the fuming Lena behind her.

"Nope. Need to get farther down first. We'll take a break though." Miake breathes a quiet sigh of relief. Lena wrings her hands and huffs, but bites off whatever retort she was going to make.

Your legs are screaming at you to sit down for awhile, and vision is still wobbling at the edges. You ignore both their protests to step a little closer to the edge of the mountain. Raye is staring at something below with an intense look (you think, it is very hard to tell with her), and you want to know what it is.

Aside from a flick of her gaze, she doesn't twitch as you step up alongside her. "Mm? Something up?"

You shake your head. "Nothing in particular. I was curious what you were looking at."

"The Stairs, down there." She gestures to what is presumably the town at the base of the mountain. The landscape below is a blurry wash of greens, browns, and blues. There's an especially large clump of brown where she points, dotted with twinkling lights. That must be where you're headed. "Looks like none of the stragglers from your army have attacked them, yet. Like Lena said, it's been untouched, but we cleared the area around it before we came up just in case. Don't know what the demons will do with their general gone."

There's a barb hidden in her musing, and you strive to ignore it. You don't want to think about whatever army of demons you were running around with right now. It can wait until after you've eaten something.

"I'm surprised you can make out those kinds of details at this distance." She gives you an odd look you can't decipher, then slowly nods. "Right, well," she says, "I have good eyes."

You don't have anything to say to that, so you just let the silence sit.

It would be a moment that could be called companionable, if you were friends with these people. Instead, there's a painfully awkward void where Raye is clearly waiting for you to say something.

Realizing you won't, she walks away after a moment. You hear some murmured conversation with Miake that you can't convince yourself is worth listening in on with any effort. Something about birds and wings. It's easy to ignore that while you look down at the scenery below. Even if you can't see individual houses or anything, it makes for a pretty water color. You even fill a small thrill of excitement at getting to visit. You'll get to hopefully talk to people who aren't hung up on whoever you used to be, for one thing. It'll be nice to meet people who aren't giving you suspicious glares all the time. But you're also excited to explore! Your memories of what a village should look like are still mostly tattered and pockmarked, but you feel some warmth from them too. You think you'll enjoy it, as long as–

"Hey, are you alright?"

You fail to suppress a flinch, and shoot Lena an annoyed look. "I'm fine."

She puts her hands on her hips, glimmering green eyes squinting at you with a skeptical scowl. Then has to blow a lock of red hair off her face. Somehow this fails to make her less threatening. "I don't believe you."

"Excuse me?" You don't have to fake the affront in your voice, as it comes quite naturally to you. "I'm fine, like I said."

She shakes her head. "We were certain we'd killed you. My spell definitely should have. There's no way that it didn't injure you pretty badly." You fold your arms, frowning.

"You're awful confident in your abilities."

Rather than back down or boil over, she gives you a cold glare. You take a step back before you can stop yourself. But Lena isn't done with you, saying, "Yes, I am. So stop lying to the medic, and tell me what's wrong. You don't look fine."

Raye and Miake both look up from their chat, and you realize that the trip down the mountain is going to be halted permanently until you explain yourself. You wish you remembered anything to curse for your misfortune. You wish that you weren't having this conversation.

You wish that the ground would stop spinning and getting closer–

—You didn't realize that Lena could hold you up with one arm. It doesn't seem to require her to exert herself very much, either. The expression she wears is one of resigned annoyance, and you suspect that you're not the only person she knows that tries to refuse medical treatment. Miake and Raye both look the type.

At least you have an excuse. You don't know these people after all.

Not that Lena cares one bit about that—she drags you bodily over to a rock and makes you sit down. You'd rather not, but you're still dizzy. Lena is muttering to herself. "Don't know why I thought you'd be any better than those two, you're all the same… idiots…"

Unfortunately, once you're off your feet you have no desire to stand up again. Lena is industriously searching through her pack in front of you, still muttering curses. You can see the blurry blobs of Raye and Miake start to wander over, eventually resolving into distinguishable features once they're next to you.

"Is she dying?" Raye asks, sounding for all the world like she's asking if it will rain tomorrow. The world continues to careen at odd angles and jittering rotation, so you can't really respond to that one. But you're still mad about it.

Lena just rolls her eyes. "Obviously not, do you really need to ask. Aside from being pretty banged up by the fight, she's suffering mana exhaustion, and—" she looks up at you. Her eyes shine with an emerald glow, and you shiver as you feel something pierce through some ephemeral part of you. "—her spiritual link is still fluttering in a way that worries me. Forcibly breaking the bond between her and ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ obviously did some damage. The memory loss is just a symptom."

Lena holds out the sparkling blue potion that will apparently fix your mana exhaustion, but when you reach for it, she seizes your wrist with an iron grip. Emerald eyes meet yours (whatever color they are), nailing you to the spot.

"This will taste foul. Extremely foul. But if you spit it out, I will kill you myself. Are we clear?"

You mutely nod. Her expression softens, much in the way that an iron club technically lacks sharp edges.

You are not put at ease, but you take the bottle. Lena is still staring, and you don't think she's going to let you out of her sight until she's made sure you drank it.

With no choice but to face the music, you pop the stopped off with your thumb, catching it with your other hand, and drink.

It is beyond foul.

You feel like you'll throw up from the smell of it before the liquid even reaches your tongue, at which its so much worse. You think this is what drinking sewage would be like. The fact that the rest of your body starts to feel better while your tastebuds cry out for the release of death just makes the sensation all the more jarring. You have to clap a hand over your mouth to avoid retching.

"Mmhm, well, you're at least taking it better than some people I've met." She says, rolling her eyes. Disbelieving, Miake's chimes in, "Lena are you still mad about that guy? It's been like… a month."

"I am still mad, and I will continue being mad! The ingredients alone are expensive, and it's such a pain to actually prepare it on top of that! They're a valuable resource, not some kind of cheap wine!"

You could really go for some cheap wine right now, or really, anything at all to stop tasting this. However, you have no doubt Lena will actually kill you, so you have to endure. It's hard to believe they were the ones scared of you.

You try to stand up, but Lena immediately puts a hand on your shoulder and pushes you back down. "Nope, stay there. Give it a sec to do its job. You're just going to fall over again otherwise. Don't sulk."

"I'm not-–Grrhm…." You bite off the end of the sentence, knowing it won't help your case. Whatever. May as well make your peace with taking a rest for awhile, you wanted to get off your feet for a bit anyways. Even if it means putting up with Lena fussing over you. "Fine, fine, I'll stay put."

"Yes. You will." She doesn't have to say it like that.

While you and Lena are more or less camped by the rock standing in for a chair, Miake and Raye continue making a perimeter of the clearing.

You let the chatter roll over you. It is… not the worst thing in the world, to just listen to the conversation flow. It doesn't feel like something I've done often.

"Huh. Raye, do you remember this spot when we were on our way up?" Miake sounds… not worried, exactly. Mildly concerned at worst.

"Mm. Yeah. Why?" Raye, in contrast sounds half-asleep yet with perfect enunciation. You could level a shelf with her monotone.

Miake shrugs. "Nothing, just that they all kinda look the same to me. Only thing that's different is the shrines. Kinda hard to tell how far down the mountain we are."

"Not much. We've got a lot of walking to do before we'll hit halfway. We're not stopping before then. Further than that, if Lena will let us." The woman in question rolls her eyes, long-suffering. You think that the tug of war between Raye's drive and Lena's consideration is one that both are used to.

"I think we're about a fourth of the way down, actually." Your mouth opens on its own, rattling off your best estimate before you have a chance to think about it.

You freeze up a little when all of them look over at you at the same time. "It feels like we are, anyways," you mumble.

Lena winces for some reason. Miake visibly thinks over getting involved, then decides to go stand conspicuously at the other side of the naturally-occurring rest stop. Raye is already walking over, an interrogative gleam in her golden eyes. "What makes you say that?"

"Uh…" You falter. You don't actually have an answer to that question. "I… don't know? I'm just sure we are."

Your eyes are drawn towards one of the waymarker shrines. Every single one is unique, you're sure of that. You must have walked this path a lot. Golden eyes trace your line of sight, Raye puts it together.

Good, because you really didn't want to explain yourself.

"I see. Fourth of the way, then. We're still not stopping for the day until we hit the half-way mark though. Are you– Lena, is she good to walk?" Rude, but you already agreed to defer to her, so…. No, you're still miffed about that, actually. Lena cuts in before you can pick a fight over it.

"She should be, yes. As long as she doesn't have to fight anything, though I could say the same thing about Miake's leg." She gives Raye a pointed look, lined with an exhaustion that she can't quite hide now that she's off her feet, and to your surprise her Leader actually looks a bit sheepish. You did wonder why they were letting him walk on that.

"Lena… I'm just worried. There's still a bunch of stragglers running around. The village doesn't have any protection. And—" It's odd seeing her scramble to justify herself. Lena just sighs and shakes her head. "It's fine Raye, I know you mean well. Just... keep it in mind, okay? There's—"

A distant keening. A laugh. A wail. The sound of birds and steel.

"—just a lot of ways it could cause him problems down the line… I think–"

"Something's coming."

It takes you a second to realize it was you who said that. Everyone freezes, and then…

… They can hear it too. Miake and Lena draw their weapons, while Raye looks around, hands out as if expecting to have to grab something. Your hands clutch the sheath and hilt of your sword, but do not draw it. Why? You're not sure. You simply know. Your body remembers what your memory has lost—trying to think too much will just get in its way.

Lena and Raye both step back, letting Miake take up position in front of them, the formation purely reflexive. You know it is because Raye blinks and looks after at you when she realizes they haven't accounted for you. She opens her mouth to call you over.


The rest of her sentence is drowned out by a horrific, roaring laugh. Two voices talking in perfect stereo, one mourning and the other exultant.

The cry echoes, bouncing back and forth down the mountain. But even over that din, you can hear the flap of hundreds of wings getting closer. It sends a chill down your spine, and you feel the scabbard creak under your tightening grip.

You've barely gotten control yourself when it careens around the corner of the mountain. A blur at first, but as it gets closer, details revolve.

The first thing you notice are the masks. A weeping blue, and a joyous red. They seem to glow, standing out against the drab palette of the rest of the creatures form. Despite their depicted emotions, both seem to jeer at you, as though hurling insults from two feet in front of you instead of however many in the air above you.

Then you notice their bodies. Two humanoid torsos, each covered in bleeding scars, lashed together back to back with endless black ribbons, blood soaking through the bandages. The mask in blue wears a silver stole over this, while the mask in red equips a gleaming golden breastplate. Where they should have legs, they instead of a shared mass of wings, a thousand mutilated swans flapping in drunken concert.

And lastly, you notice their weapons. The laughing mask wields an enormous spear in one hand, and a heavy sword in the other. The spear is pristine ivory, while the sword is a shoddy, rusted steel. The weeping mask holds two wands, one of trailing flame and the other of oppressive ice.

▇he Tw▇-▇▇ced H▇▇▇or,
Pu▇▇le Perf▇▇▇ance
You can feel the battered book of your memories flip open, pages flying as you flip through it. A name, you need a name. A name, how it fights, its weaknesses… You know these.

You should know these, but the pages that aren't missing are soaked in ink, useless. Even the title on its spine is faded. Another tie in the string of failures for your mind.

One thing is clear though. You have no doubt in you mind that this creature will kill you. You're afraid. You don't want to die, you don't want to die–

"Snap out of it!"


There's a mass of wild blue in the corner of your vision, and you jump. A spectral swan careens into the ground where you had been standing, and explodes in a blast of icy crystals.

You wouldn't have moved in time if Raye hadn't said something. You didn't even realize you had frozen up until then.

Unfortunately, the creature is now hovering between you and them. The red mask looms, laughing at you. You catch a brief glimpse of the fear and worry in Lena's face, before a light show of elemental magic obscures it.

You are (like always) on your own.


The first strike is a spear you can't evade, and your arms shake from the force of shoving it aside.

The creature almost bowls you over entirely when it suddenly lurches forward. The weight of the spear suddenly leaves, causing you to stumble as it moves back into a ready position.

The shadow of the falling sword is your only warning of impending death, and you throw yourself to the side. A shower of dirt and sundered earth rains down on the battlefield, and you have to throw an arm up to avoid getting blinded.

You don't have to look that the lovingly maintained stone path has been utterly destroyed. Despite the danger, it tugs at you enough to split your focus.

The momentary distraction is enough for the haft of the spear to catch you in the gut in a horizontal sweep that launches you back up the mountain path, landing painfully against the stairs you had just come down. You have to dodge to the side immediately as the brickwork next to you explodes from the force of the spear plunging into it.

Can't keep getting distracted. You have to live through the next couple of seconds.

Its sword drags across the ground, leading a cascading wave of sparks. The tip bursts free from the ground, concealing its path in the hail of earth caused by its emergence.

But it's the second time its used this diversion, and so it the blade meets empty air as you fade through the plume of dirt and earth, guarding your eyes for the exact span of time you need.

Now that you're past its initial guard, you have an opportunity to strike. Marshaling your concentration, you hold and you hand and will forth ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇!

▇ ▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇ ▇ ▇▇▇?

Nothing… happens (something important was lost).

You don't understand (you might never recover it).

With another screech of metal violating the sundered ground, the flat of the blade slams into you as the Laughing Mask decides to, in the spirit of enterprise, simply attack everywhere you could be even if it can't see you.

You hit the next set of stairs on your side and roll two more, then scramble to your feet and sloppily parry another thrust of the spear. Your arms complain at being so abused, and you politely inform them to shut up and keep working so you don't die.

Again it advances, and again you're forced back, backpedalling up the stairs as fast as you can.

It's hard not to wonder, 'why haven't those guys caught it yet? Shouldn't they be doing something'?

That question has been on you mind since the battle started.

You get your answer very abruptly.

In the space it had vacated to chase you, barely an instant after it had moved, a spectral tree emerges from the ground and explodes into golden flechettes. They scatter across the mountainside, a few of them even hitting their intended target. The creature lets out a whimper of pain as the light corrodes and blackens its form where it lands….

… but not enough. Not nearly enough.

It's still moving at full speed. The sword is coming next—

It's odd though. Clearly this foe isn't beyond them, so why aren't they winning? Why did that attack miss?

Dodge the sword and parry the spear. An easy rhythm. A grueling marathon—

You think of Lena's exhaustion, having already brought down a demon earlier that day. Miake's leg, a limp he doesn't remember to adjust for. Raye's injured shoulder, she dual wields, doesn't she? And all of you have been walking…

Duck the pincer attack. Ride the force of the spear to escape the sword. Land on your feet.

Because you fought them back then, none of them are at their best (nor are you). And because you can't even stand your ground now, they can't corner it. It can chase after you and retreat from them in the same motion. It can, in fact, do this all day.

Fear sinks cold hooks into you (but when aren't you afraid?).

Suddenly, the task in front of you is much more daunting. It isn't enough to survive its onslaught, you have to hold your ground.

As if to drive home the enormity of the task at hand, the laughing mask reels back its sword, and makes a diagonal slice at you, the enormous blade quite literally as big as you. The vacuum is leaves behind as you duck makes you stumble, and the creature advances with its spear.

Again you are forced back. Again it chases. And again, the only people who could help you are unable to do so because of your weakness. Because all the parts of you that could do something in this situation have been seemingly cored out of you, leaving nothing but hurt feelings and the ability to hold a sword.

Steel meets wood. You slam the pommel of your sword into the tip of the spear, knocking it against the ground and stomping it down with your foot.

It holds it in place long enough for you to deflect the next swing of the sword into the ground next to you, instead of through your torso. The spear rips free of the earth, but you'd already removed your foot and given ground.

And again, it advances.

A scattershot of golden-green beams split the skies, but they're met with birds of frost, intercepting them. You can hear Raye and Miake yelling, catch hints of their blades, but the constant pillars of fire making approaching a dangerous prospect.

In better circumstances, you'd sure they'd have ways around this. They wouldn't have beaten you if this was enough to stop them on a good day.

But this isn't a good day for any of you (if you do nothing, it will be your last).

You're terrified. You have not memories of battle to call on, and your reflexes could misfire at any moment, leaving you standing there baffled and helpless at a critical moment. The best thing to do would be to run and hide, but this thing won't let you. It's shown how willing it is to chase you all the way back up to the shrine, in fact.

Maybe if you hurt it enough, though, it will leave you alone (because that always works).

There's a pattern of preferences to its attacks. It always strikes first with the spear first if it can. The sword is dragged through the environment, to send showers of broken earth up and conceal the path of its sweep. Otherwise it prefers showy, overhead chops.

Perhaps it could stray from these preferences, to catch you off guard. But why would it? As far is it knows, it is winning quite handily.

You want to at least die having proved it wrong.

First, you must bait the sword. Parry the spear, and wait for it to commit to another chop. When the blade falls, be not afraid, and shed it like water. Stomp the blade into the earth as you did with the spear. The sword is heavier, and its embedment was aided by the creature's own strength. Leap straight back.

And when it tries to skewer you as it has done every single time thus far, you act.

A small flare of pain comes from your side as the spear grazes you, but it doesn't hit the mark. The two of you joust past each other, and it doesn't have time to pull back it back. So it attempts to swing the other, but first it must dislodge it. With its strength, that is barely a delay at all. Barely a hinderance on the strength and speed of its attack.

But it is enough.

Your leap clears the sweep of its sword, and for a brief moment you hang in there air. You're right in front of the laughing mask, close enough to look into its eyes.

Eyes of bloodshed, of violence, of a thousand petty slights and cruelties carried out by people who have forgotten how to see strangers as anything other than scenery.

The eyes of something (someone) who would start a war for the pettiest of reasons, and persist to the bitter end (gorged on shame to fuel a cold, cold hatred).

You bring down your sword.

A jagged line splits the surface of the mask, digging a trench of pulp and wood-chips. Silver-red trickles down behind it, droplets of blood hitting the dirt at the same time as your feet.

The creature stops dead in the air, and screams.

It's neck and arms thrash wildly, a flailing spearpoint drawing a fresh line of red up your arm where you failed to get back.

All at once it freezes, head ponderously craning down to home in on you. For the first time, you detect something other than jubilance and mockery in the red mask: rage.

Its evening gown of wings all flap open, and then closed in a great swooping lunge, far faster than it had moved before. If it could do this the whole time then why did it—?!


Ghostly chains wrap around the creature and yank it back just before it can strike. A floating sigil of a familiar golden-green hue reels it in like a fishing rod. Both heads turn to face its captor, leaving you no longer the target of its ire. You gulp air down your burning throat.

Is that it? Can you stop? Can you run? A part of you begs it. You're… terrified, even if you managed that somehow. Like you said to Miake. It's not like you owe them anything. They're not your friends. If you run off and leave them to their fate, well. You're their former enemy. Why would they expect camaraderie from you? (are they wrong to have expectations?)

They must be. The person you were was their bane, and the person you are now is nothing but a burden. You did your part just now, didn't you? They can handle things from here, so you have to help them, right? It'd be better to look out for yourself. That's all you have left. You're not someone who can afford to be selfless (is that who you are?)

It could be… It doesn't matter how strong you were before. Right now you can't do anything. (you don't want to leave them)

But why! You don't owe them anything! (they remember you. that matters.) They remember someone who's dead! An empty husk, long dead. You're just some nobody now! (are you?) Yes! You are! Why is that even a question?!

(you're holding her sword) You…

(let's say that you are…)

( the first choice you make as yourself…)

(...going to be abandoning people who trusted you?


The creature has twisted around to face its red mask towards them, while the blue one begins weaving its wands through the air. Something tells you it's trying to free itself from whatever Lena did to chain it down before Miake and Raye can pile on. You should make sure it fails.

It still isn't looking at you. It doesn't see that you've started running.

You jump. The mask doesn't have eyes, but you can feel it suddenly notice you again. It holds a hand in front of its face, trying to avoid getting marred like its red counterpart.

But that's not where you're aiming.

The blade falls, and bites deep into the thing's shoulder. The arm holding the fire wand goes slack, twitching uselessly. The functioning limb slams its heavy knuckle into your shoulder, sending you flying back the way you came.

You hit the ground, bounce, and somehow manage to roll to your feet. Ten points! Go you! Everything hurts.

But did that actually achieve anything…?


The creature wails… or laughs… and waves its injured arm around in a show of pain. Then, with the wand of frost held in its pinkie, it


rips its injured arm off its shoulder.​

You watch, stunned, as it crams the limb down the mouth hole of the weeping mask, making an awful gagging, sputtering noise. It eats its own arm whole, even the wand. The stump continues to bleed, though not as much as it probably should be.

"W-Why did you…?"

The answer comes quick, and you wish it hadn't. Its remaining arm bulges, blue skin fractured with red veins, and extends with a grotesque crack-crack-crack. An awful groan heralds two new joints added to what is more like a tail at this point. The wand in its hand changes too, swelling to the size of a club.

With a jerky sweep, the weeping mask let's loose a new flock of icy birds.

They climb up for air, and then, dive. Cold burns your skin as you throw yourself aside. Tiny fragments of ice scattershot against you, drawing a thatch-work of shallow cuts across your arms and legs.

You don't realize quite fast enough that it's done this to force you back so it can advance on them. It had pegged you as the weak link immediately, why did it suddenly change its mind?!

Two underhand swings from the red mask come out in an instant, aimed at Miake and Raye. They both block successfully, but the force launches them up, away from Lena. They go over the side of the mountain, down past where you can't see.

You can see a trail of glimmering green sparks from Miake's legs, to no effect; whatever he was trying to do, he didn't do it fast enough.

Lena dives forward before the red mask can refocus on her, rolling under the mass of wings and coming to a stumbling stand directly in front of the weeping mask. The entire creature tips to the side and spins like a wagon wheel, bringing around both weapons in an overhead slam towards the hapless mage.

You dart forward and grab Lena's arm, hauling her out of arm's way. The whirling slash of the red mask's weapons freeze at the apex of their backswing, and then reverse to take a second flurry at you. You finish shoving Lena behind you fast enough to get both hands on your weapon when you block, but all that does is let the force of the blow smash you into Lena and knock you both away in a heap.

"Oof!" The air is knocked out of you as you land. "Move!" shouts Lena, before planting a boot against your back. The two of you go rolling away from each other as the sword splits the earth where you'd been.

Where are Miake and Raye? How far did they get flung? However far is how long you'll have to hold out. You can't afford to spend time looking. (there's never enough time)

You spring to your feet, already bringing up your weapon in preparation for the incoming attack. But it isn't aimed at you.

The shadow of the blade hangs over Lena. She will die if it falls on her.

It won't though.

Because to everyone's surprise, especially your own, you've dashed across the arena to shove her out of the way, stealing her predicament for yourself.

How odd. She isn't you're friend, was your enemy, is only temporarily your ally, and was perhaps your healer for all of a few minutes (sophistry). But you've decided she can't die before you do. Which is about to happen.

You should at least try not to die though, so you bring up your scabbard to block a sword already falling too fast to avoid.

But when the sword hits, it stops dead. You stop it dead. The weight of the blade is as light as a feather.


And why are you… glowing? "What…?"

A shout from behind you, Lena's voice, oddly triumphant. "I've got you covered! Keep going!"

"KRAAAAAAAAAEAAAAEAAH!" The creature struggles to swing its spear into you, but can't pull it free from where it's chained to a floating golden-green glyph, different from the previous one. When had she set that up?!

"R-right!" Your voice wobbles with a buoying emotion you're scared to name. The creature whips back its sword to make another swing, but this one you meet with confidence. Lena has your back. You can do this.

A burst of golden-green flashes as your pommel slams into aberrant steel, knock it aside. Three steps forward, and draw.

The glowing blade cleaves through two of its fluttering wings and up across its chest, a cascade of arboreal explosions lighting up the path you traced. Its pained screams are deafening, but give you a grim satisfaction despite your bleeding eardrums.

"Look out!" You trust the warning and move.

The spear pulls free of the buckling chains a shower of dissolving magic, and slams into the ground where you stood. You're expecting the sword to come next, but it's chained at the apex of its swing, exactly where you had deflected it. It clicks. As long as you can deliver her magic to its target, she can keep it off balance.

(The two of you can win this!)

As if in defiance of your newfound hope, the single, multi-jointed arm of the weeping mask flops over the shoulder of its brother, and makes a lazy twirl of the wand. It had only summoned a few at a time before, but not anymore. Bolstered by its act of self-cannibalization, it conducts into being a cyclonic flock of gulls. It is more than a little worrisome. Can you even dodge that, much less block it? You call, suddenly uncertain. "Uh, Lena…?"

A root network of magic sprouts from the ground around your feet, winding its way up to the tip of your blade. Flowers of viridian brass blossom, coating you like an abandoned forest manor.

"Just swing! I'll handle it!" (it's no lie)

Right. Lena hasn't let you down yet. You trust she won't now, despite yourself. You raise the blade high above your head, and bring it down with an executioner's finality.

A hurricane of petals screams free from your blade, meeting the winter flock head on.

You backpedal to stand next to Lena as shards of ice and ghostly plant matter scythe across the battlefield.

"Woohoo! Good work." You startle a little to feel the pat on your shoulder, cycling through a number of emotions that you're sure were rarities even back when you had your memories. You manage to acknowledge it with a shaky mumble, "T-thanks…"

Lena's smug delight is burning against your back, hotter than the Sun. It doesn't stop when your legs give out a moment later, collapsing to your knees. She doesn't seem surprised–she had mentioned something about how you shouldn't be fighting, hadn't she? On the cusp of victory, you're willing to admit she was probably right. There's a yawning emptiness in you. It's disconcerting, but… even that can't blunt the feeling of victory. That last hit had to kill the thing, right?

"… oh." Her voice is flat. Please no. No no no–

You look up.

High the sky, an azure eagle spreads its wings. You can't make it out well at this distance, but it feels more complete that the others. No mere passing phantasm, this is a weapon, fully-forged. Waves of power that escape the bounds of its frame wash across the battlefield down below. The temperature is dropping.

When had the creature made that? Maybe during the cover of all the explosions. Or perhaps on the spot, with the force of desperation. You hadn't been looking, too focused on your own exhaustion.

It doesn't really matter. It's here now.

Both masks radiate a deadly seriousness that's off-putting to see on a creature of chaotic whimsy. It isn't attacking either, the Laughing Mask braced to defend its fellow's casting. With the last hit you and Lena got on it still burning into its flesh, that may be all it can do.

That may be all it needs to do. "Uh, Lena? Plan?"

You don't know at what point you decided to let Lena do all the tactical thinking, but it was probably when she stopped you from getting squished. That had been nice of her. You try to keep a small flame of hope alive that she can repeat that miracle.

"Um…" She does not sound confident. "...I don't think I have enough left in the tank to blast that before it hits us."

The chill that runs down you spine is not because of the cold. Lena is still staring up at the bird. Despite it being daytime, it has plunged the battlefield into a gloomy twilight. You're waiting for her to come up with a plan. Or for Miake and Raye to get back but it practically knocked them off the mountain so you don't fancy their chances. You've been trying not to think about it, but there's a chance that they simply fell to their deaths, and you and Lena have been stalling for reinforcements that don't exist.

"Yeah, maybe!" Lena belatedly replies. Both of you laugh nervously, failing to keep your minds off your imminent deaths. She looks over at you. "Hey, um… Your name. Do you want to know what it was?"

You blink. "What? My name? Now?" You're not even upset, just baffled by the timing. Lena shakes her head. "It's important to have a name before you die."

Twilight has plunged into darkness. A bank of snowstorm clouds have gathered. Distantly, you wonder if they can see it from the village you were trying to get to. It will end, soon.

You give Lena a nod. She looks relieved. Had this been wearing on her?

"You name is–"
It is a sound like precision. Like Winter. Like the edge of a blade.
Something shifts in your mind. It clicks into place. A tremor runs through your fingertips, pressed hard against your scabbard.

"… Give my sword whatever you have left. I think I can do it."

You hope. You pray. Something in your heart struggles to emerge. The static noise shrieks in your thoughts. You blindly claw for a revelation that slips through your hands. (you're cut off from yourself at both ends. but it's still there.)

Lena doesn't even hesitate. "Can do." The last spell she weaves leaves her breathless, but she sounds… like she believes you (you will owe her for this). She sits down on the ground behind you. You can hear her prop her chin in her hand to watch. Either you pull this off or the two of you die. Both of you know that. She did her part.

Now you have to do yours.

Your mind is murky darkness, but that's as it should be. It gives the light meaning. Clarity and obscurity. The true damage is the absence of either, but you're not as broken as you thought. There's still enough of you for this. Just barely enough.

The eagle dives.

Your left hand curls around the hilt of your sword. Your right hand grips the scabbard as your only lifeline. You see the world as two halves, and speak:

"Draw: Half Moon."( Delirious Innocence)

The world turns dark–

The world under your feet, and all the people in it are shadows. Lies. Anything of substance has the potential to lie. To lie is to have substance. To have substance is to lie. So you cannot trust the world. The open sky is light. A hanging void, a wound that encompasses. It lacks substance, and so it cannot lie. It cannot lie, so it cannot be alive. The sky will never help you. Between the world that obscures and the sky the exposes, is The Enemy. You must kill it. Because you are standing on the world, you may tell it a lie about where you are really standing. Because it is flying in the sky, it must tell you the truth. Because it must tell the truth, it cannot deny the way you have hurt it. Because you can lie, you can never be hurt. Thus, your killing field is the boundary between the world and the sky. Now you must find a tool, for you cannot expose your hand to the sky lest you be revealed. In your hands is a thing that is neither sky nor world. In your hands is Your Sword. With this, you will kill.
–and the sky turns bright.

The two halves of the winter bird hit the ground. A moment later, so do you.
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Kronk voice: Oh yeah. it's all coming together.

very stylish. I like the philosophy of it playing into the final blow
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You think of Lena's exhaustion, having already brought down a demon earlier that day. Miake's leg, a limp he doesn't remember to adjust for. Raye's injured shoulder, she dual wields, doesn't she? And all of you have been walking
Really, not having a stack of 99 healing potions and 99 mana potions before you hit the final boss battle is a noob move. ;)
It eats its own arm hole, even the wand
Wrong "whole".
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Absolutely phenomenal! Love the story and excited to see where it goes!
After Many manifold things have gotten in the way of following up on this thread, I've finally squared the time to type up a review for the latest chapter of ID2!

[He says, refusing to look at the update of A Ballad for Icarus that dropped within an hour of finally settling down to start this]

I've been looking forward to this all week, especially with—

2 ~ Hell Is Other People, But Gehenna Is Real

—A title like this to bait anticipation, so come on, let's get moseying.

The path down the mountain trails a surprisingly well-maintained set of stone stairs. The moment the threshold of the temple gate is crossed, you can see the beginnings of recent hands-on care, some stones clearly newer than the ones next to them.

Small shrines mark distance at consistent intervals.

Each one is topped with a stone shelter for a torch, and a red ribbon that trails in the wind. Beyond that though, they're all different. Each is covered in carvings or sculpted into different shapes. Weathered figures, human, animal, and scenes. They feel nostalgic and familiar, even if you don't remember any of them. They're nice to look at. If you weren't having to keep up with the group, you'd want to stop and examine each of them on the way down.

Moonlightness is like. Firstly ADHD as all hell, secondly wow you used to have a whole life here and you have no idea why you left it to become Moonlightness, huh?

Just really dig the care for the scenery in-universe and out.

Walking with the group is…. fine. It's fine. A little awkward though.

For one thing, it's less of a walk and more of a trudge.

All three of them are starting to show the fatigue from whatever fighting they had with you (or "you" but nevermind that for now).

You noticed Miake's limp earlier, but he seems to keep forgetting about it, leading to further stumbles. Probably an extremely recent injury. The boiled leather plates around that knee look mangled. They have housing for metal reinforcements, but those have been ripped out. You can see what they should look like on the other knee.

Raye looks tired, but otherwise gives you nothing to work with. For some reason that doesn't surprise you. However, like Miake, some of the armor pieces she wears are conspicuously missing, and the fabric beneath is stained with long-dried blood.

Lena seems, if not fine, than at least energetic. The lack of any obvious injuries makes her the odd one out. From the way that both Miake and Raye keep looking back to check on her when they think she isn't looking, you would guess that there are less obvious injuries.

Oh RIP my guys.

There's something deeply charming about how the frontline fighters who are chronically ignorant/immune to their own pain having worrywart tendencies about the squishy mage who cracked her Limit Break wide open.

The tell for the fighting being lost armor pieces is something you don't see pointed out often, well thought.

Some part of you brain is sluggishly running the numbers on if you could beat the three of them in a fight, even now. It isn't getting anywhere, every line of tactical thought smashing against the wreckage of your memories. If you don't even know what you can do, how are you going to counter what they can do? Whatever that is. You wish you could just stop worrying about it, but it keeps creeping in whenever you let your thoughts drift naturally; a survival instinct that won't turn off.

It is tiring. Very, very tiring.

And you really don't need that right now.

You don't think this kind of walk would strain you normally, but you still feel like you've been pummeled into the ground and left out in the cold for a night. That's where you started, and it isn't getting better. The dizziness from when you first woke up never quite went away, so much as you doggedly shoved it aside when you heard them outside. Now that you're walking, it's nipping at the edges of your focus relentlessly, singing a horrendous duet with the vice clamp headache.

Moonlightness: Okay chat, tell me if I can win this.
Moonlightness: ...
Moonlightness: Who's chat?

[This is why she wouldn't win chat]

It's funny that it's only after the allowance that not having her memories makes her bullet calculus useless that Moonlightness actually acknowledges that she's Also beat to shit, you can see the way her profound insight comes with a lot of holes for herself beyond "she has FUCKING amnesia."

You have to drop to the back of the group, even behind Lena's short stride, just to hide the way you periodically need to stop and regain your balance. Awful. You don't want them to see you like this.

You don't want anyone to see you like this, but especially not them.

Moonlightness and Miake, the Trippin' Brothers.

At some point she's gonna have to figure out what kinda tsundere nonsense her past-and-or-possessed-self had with these guys.

No one has said anything about it, and you manage to reset your expression from open relief when Ray calls a stop. The group has reached a flat area that marks a turn in the stairs down. You could set up camp here, it is big enough. Echoing that thought Lena pipes up, "Are we stopping here for the day, Raye?"

There's a faint undercurrent of tension in her voice that says they had better be stopping here for the day or there will be consequences later. Perhaps because she's looking away or perhaps because she doesn't care (or doesn't show it), Raye shakes her head and blithely ignores the fuming Lena behind her.

"Nope. Need to get farther down first. We'll take a break though." Miake breathes a quiet sigh of relief. Lena wrings her hands and huffs, but bites off whatever retort she was going to make.

Lena. Mad.

Moonlightness really wishes she had whatever psychosomatic muscle cramp that keeps human emotion off Raye's face.

Your legs are screaming at you to sit down for awhile, and vision is still wobbling at the edges. You ignore both their protests to step a little closer to the edge of the mountain. Raye is staring at something below with an intense look (you think, it is very hard to tell with her), and you want to know what it is.

Aside from a flick of her gaze, she doesn't twitch as you step up alongside her. "Mm? Something up?"

You shake your head. "Nothing in particular. I was curious what you were looking at."

"How's the weather up there?" "It's bad."

These guys are such a weird. Weird mix of hyperguarded and not restrained in the least.

"The Stairs, down there." She gestures to what is presumably the town at the base of the mountain. The landscape below is a blurry wash of greens, browns, and blues. There's an especially large clump of brown where she points, dotted with twinkling lights. That must be where you're headed. "Looks like none of the stragglers from your army have attacked them, yet. Like Lena said, it's been untouched, but we cleared the area around it before we came up just in case. Don't know what the demons will do with their general gone."

There's a barb hidden in her musing, and you strive to ignore it. You don't want to think about whatever army of demons you were running around with right now. It can wait until after you've eaten something.

Can you believe Moonlightness has more unconscious emotional interest in the people who beat her ass than her demons? The demons who still haven't torn up the houses she definitely didn't tell them not to obliterate? Miss me with that.

Terrible Overlord. No love for her goons.

Moonlightness about whatever passive aggressive jujitsu Raye is working on her:

"I'm surprised you can make out those kinds of details at this distance." She gives you an odd look you can't decipher, then slowly nods. "Right, well," she says, "I have good eyes."

You don't have anything to say to that, so you just let the silence sit.

It would be a moment that could be called companionable, if you were friends with these people. Instead, there's a painfully awkward void where Raye is clearly waiting for you to say something.

Realizing you won't, she walks away after a moment.

Sssssssswing and a miss.

One could try to figure out who's more mildly incompetent for this, but that's a sucker's game.

You hear some murmured conversation with Miake that you can't convince yourself is worth listening in on with any effort. Something about birds and wings. It's easy to ignore that while you look down at the scenery below. Even if you can't see individual houses or anything, it makes for a pretty water color. You even fill a small thrill of excitement at getting to visit. You'll get to hopefully talk to people who aren't hung up on whoever you used to be, for one thing. It'll be nice to meet people who aren't giving you suspicious glares all the time. But you're also excited to explore! Your memories of what a village should look like are still mostly tattered and pockmarked, but you feel some warmth from them too. You think you'll enjoy it, as long as–

"Hey, are you alright?"

You fail to suppress a flinch, and shoot Lena an annoyed look. "I'm fine."

LITERALLY can hear the Twilight Sparkle monologue.

Or. The Starlight Glimmer monologue.

It's more accurate to say Starlight Glimmer has had this exact social nightmare.

So BOTHERED about being nannied when she's trying to replace her personality with a travel guide.

Miake and Raye having a "Why do birds fly?" talk in the background.

She puts her hands on her hips, glimmering green eyes squinting at you with a skeptical scowl. Then has to blow a lock of red hair off her face. Somehow this fails to make her less threatening. "I don't believe you."

"Excuse me?" You don't have to fake the affront in your voice, as it comes quite naturally to you. "I'm fine, like I said."

Moonlightness about a woman she can't help finding intimidating with the exposed cowlick: Bitch???

She shakes her head. "We were certain we'd killed you. My spell definitely should have. There's no way that it didn't injure you pretty badly." You fold your arms, frowning.

"You're awful confident in your abilities."

Rather than back down or boil over, she gives you a cold glare. You take a step back before you can stop yourself.

Moonlightness: If I lie about thinking these guys aren't powerful enough to accomplish anything I can Definitely gaslight them out of remembering they beat my ass into a brain aneurysm.
Moonlightness when Lena passes the KNOW 2 Roll to call her horseshit:

This is so funny. "I feel like death and I WILL lie to this woman who knows more on if she actually fucking killed me about it."

But Lena isn't done with you, saying, "Yes, I am. So stop lying to the medic, and tell me what's wrong. You don't look fine."

Raye and Miake both look up from their chat, and you realize that the trip down the mountain is going to be halted permanently until you explain yourself. You wish you remembered anything to curse for your misfortune. You wish that you weren't having this conversation.

You wish that the ground would stop spinning and getting closer–

—You didn't realize that Lena could hold you up with one arm. It doesn't seem to require her to exert herself very much, either. The expression she wears is one of resigned annoyance, and you suspect that you're not the only person she knows that tries to refuse medical treatment. Miake and Raye both look the type.

At least you have an excuse. You don't know these people after all.

Girl that is NOT the excuse you're trying to pretend it is.

Love that Lena is getting to have this. Clearly laboring under Herakles's trials.

Not that Lena cares one bit about that—she drags you bodily over to a rock and makes you sit down. You'd rather not, but you're still dizzy. Lena is muttering to herself. "Don't know why I thought you'd be any better than those two, you're all the same… idiots…"

Heroes and Villains are often different sides of the same coin. And that coin is.


Unfortunately, once you're off your feet you have no desire to stand up again. Lena is industriously searching through her pack in front of you, still muttering curses. You can see the blurry blobs of Raye and Miake start to wander over, eventually resolving into distinguishable features once they're next to you.

"Is she dying?" Raye asks, sounding for all the world like she's asking if it will rain tomorrow. The world continues to careen at odd angles and jittering rotation, so you can't really respond to that one. But you're still mad about it.


I love all the shots firing.

Lena just rolls her eyes. "Obviously not, do you really need to ask. Aside from being pretty banged up by the fight, she's suffering mana exhaustion, and—" she looks up at you. Her eyes shine with an emerald glow, and you shiver as you feel something pierce through some ephemeral part of you. "—her spiritual link is still fluttering in a way that worries me. Forcibly breaking the bond between her and ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ obviously did some damage. The memory loss is just a symptom."

Hm! Something clearly had a name!

It's amazing to me that the squad isn't really keeping any secrets from Moonlightness, but Moonlightness definitely is.

Casual Scan Status is casual.

Lena holds out the sparkling blue potion that will apparently fix your mana exhaustion, but when you reach for it, she seizes your wrist with an iron grip. Emerald eyes meet yours (whatever color they are), nailing you to the spot.

"This will taste foul. Extremely foul. But if you spit it out, I will kill you myself. Are we clear?"

You mutely nod. Her expression softens, much in the way that an iron club technically lacks sharp edges.

"Lena scares me" "She takes an active interest in your health" "Lena scares me."

Love the descriptions. Literally does not know her eye color.

You are not put at ease, but you take the bottle. Lena is still staring, and you don't think she's going to let you out of her sight until she's made sure you drank it.

With no choice but to face the music, you pop the stopped off with your thumb, catching it with your other hand, and drink.

It is beyond foul.

You feel like you'll throw up from the smell of it before the liquid even reaches your tongue, at which its so much worse. You think this is what drinking sewage would be like. The fact that the rest of your body starts to feel better while your tastebuds cry out for the release of death just makes the sensation all the more jarring. You have to clap a hand over your mouth to avoid retching.

"Mmhm, well, you're at least taking it better than some people I've met." She says, rolling her eyes. Disbelieving, Miake's chimes in, "Lena are you still mad about that guy? It's been like… a month."

"I am still mad, and I will continue being mad! The ingredients alone are expensive, and it's such a pain to actually prepare it on top of that! They're a valuable resource, not some kind of cheap wine!"

LOVE when potions are so terrible the narrative attrition tension is maintained just because no one can swallow that much shit.

Lena: Good thing that you're not a baby. Like some bitch.
Miake: Lena that guy was dying.

You could really go for some cheap wine right now, or really, anything at all to stop tasting this. However, you have no doubt Lena will actually kill you, so you have to endure. It's hard to believe they were the ones scared of you.

You try to stand up, but Lena immediately puts a hand on your shoulder and pushes you back down. "Nope, stay there. Give it a sec to do its job. You're just going to fall over again otherwise. Don't sulk."

"I'm not-–Grrhm…." You bite off the end of the sentence, knowing it won't help your case. Whatever. May as well make your peace with taking a rest for awhile, you wanted to get off your feet for a bit anyways. Even if it means putting up with Lena fussing over you. "Fine, fine, I'll stay put."

"Yes. You will." She doesn't have to say it like that.

Hates that she has to sit there and take it while a medical professional keeps her alive.

Honestly it is amazing how much Moonlightness is "How DARE these people act like they know me...And tend to me...And try to comfort me..." like you know once she gets a grip on how normal people are in normal circumstances she's gonna be so bothered Lena and Miake and Raye (maybe) are just Good People and she's stuck with the best of them.

While you and Lena are more or less camped by the rock standing in for a chair, Miake and Raye continue making a perimeter of the clearing.

You let the chatter roll over you. It is… not the worst thing in the world, to just listen to the conversation flow. It doesn't feel like something I've done often.

"Huh. Raye, do you remember this spot when we were on our way up?" Miake sounds… not worried, exactly. Mildly concerned at worst.

"Mm. Yeah. Why?" Raye, in contrast sounds half-asleep yet with perfect enunciation. You could level a shelf with her monotone.

Miake shrugs. "Nothing, just that they all kinda look the same to me. Only thing that's different is the shrines. Kinda hard to tell how far down the mountain we are."

"Not much. We've got a lot of walking to do before we'll hit halfway. We're not stopping before then. Further than that, if Lena will let us." The woman in question rolls her eyes, long-suffering. You think that the tug of war between Raye's drive and Lena's consideration is one that both are used to.

Literally JRPG Party Chatter. If you leave them idle long enough you'll get a whole sidequest out of the incidental dialogue.

"I think we're about a fourth of the way down, actually." Your mouth opens on its own, rattling off your best estimate before you have a chance to think about it.

You freeze up a little when all of them look over at you at the same time. "It feels like we are, anyways," you mumble.

Lena winces for some reason. Miake visibly thinks over getting involved, then decides to go stand conspicuously at the other side of the naturally-occurring rest stop. Raye is already walking over, an interrogative gleam in her golden eyes. "What makes you say that?"

"Uh…" You falter. You don't actually have an answer to that question. "I… don't know? I'm just sure we are."

Your eyes are drawn towards one of the waymarker shrines. Every single one is unique, you're sure of that. You must have walked this path a lot. Golden eyes trace your line of sight, Raye puts it together.

Good, because you really didn't want to explain yourself.

This is so funny, Moonlightness keeps accidentally revealing lore she didn't know she kept hidden and Raye moves in like:

"I see. Fourth of the way, then. We're still not stopping for the day until we hit the half-way mark though. Are you– Lena, is she good to walk?" Rude, but you already agreed to defer to her, so…. No, you're still miffed about that, actually. Lena cuts in before you can pick a fight over it.

"She should be, yes. As long as she doesn't have to fight anything, though I could say the same thing about Miake's leg." She gives Raye a pointed look, lined with an exhaustion that she can't quite hide now that she's off her feet, and to your surprise her Leader actually looks a bit sheepish. You did wonder why they were letting him walk on that.

"Lena… I'm just worried. There's still a bunch of stragglers running around. The village doesn't have any protection. And—" It's odd seeing her scramble to justify herself. Lena just sighs and shakes her head. "It's fine Raye, I know you mean well. Just... keep it in mind, okay? There's—"

Raye's Hard Woman Doing Hard Things schtick makes it funnier when we finally see her have to admit this is just like an overburdened sense of responsibility keeping her Moving and Never Stopping.

Literally was treating Moonlightness as part of the brain trust before she course corrected, not because this is their amnesiac enemy, but because she remembered Lena is a more accurate authority on her health.

A distant keening. A laugh. A wail. The sound of birds and steel.

"—just a lot of ways it could cause him problems down the line… I think–"

"Something's coming."

It takes you a second to realize it was you who said that. Everyone freezes, and then…

Oh boy oh boy here we got an Incoming Boss Fight that Moonlightness heard first.

"We gotta look out for each other's health, who knows what kind of long term complications—"
"There is a DEMON."

… They can hear it too. Miake and Lena draw their weapons, while Raye looks around, hands out as if expecting to have to grab something. Your hands clutch the sheath and hilt of your sword, but do not draw it. Why? You're not sure. You simply know. Your body remembers what your memory has lost—trying to think too much will just get in its way.

Lena and Raye both step back, letting Miake take up position in front of them, the formation purely reflexive. You know it is because Raye blinks and looks after at you when she realizes they haven't accounted for you. She opens her mouth to call you over.


The rest of her sentence is drowned out by a horrific, roaring laugh. Two voices talking in perfect stereo, one mourning and the other exultant.


In a segment that's all about everyone among the cast acting on unconscious instinct as learned behavior gets in the way and everyone stumbles on the changed circumstances, it is, interesting.

That Raye called out something to Moonlightness she could only get one letter through before it was interrupted.

Hm, you know, I really do wonder why we don't know Moonlightness's name yet.

The cry echoes, bouncing back and forth down the mountain. But even over that din, you can hear the flap of hundreds of wings getting closer. It sends a chill down your spine, and you feel the scabbard creak under your tightening grip.

You've barely gotten control yourself when it careens around the corner of the mountain. A blur at first, but as it gets closer, details revolve.

The first thing you notice are the masks. A weeping blue, and a joyous red. They seem to glow, standing out against the drab palette of the rest of the creatures form. Despite their depicted emotions, both seem to jeer at you, as though hurling insults from two feet in front of you instead of however many in the air above you.

Then you notice their bodies. Two humanoid torsos, each covered in bleeding scars, lashed together back to back with endless black ribbons, blood soaking through the bandages. The mask in blue wears a silver stole over this, while the mask in red equips a gleaming golden breastplate. Where they should have legs, they instead of a shared mass of wings, a thousand mutilated swans flapping in drunken concert.

And lastly, you notice their weapons. The laughing mask wields an enormous spear in one hand, and a heavy sword in the other. The spear is pristine ivory, while the sword is a shoddy, rusted steel. The weeping mask holds two wands, one of trailing flame and the other of oppressive ice.

▇he Tw▇-▇▇ced H▇▇▇or,
Pu▇▇le Perf▇▇▇ance​

Oh I love this design.

Demons are popping off HARD already, and I love that even though Moonlightness's incomplete memory is distorting the Boss Title Card, we can still put together that this is:

Purple Performance( The Two-Faced Horror)

Which is SICK.

Ugh, this is so, repulsively Commedia dell'arte, the masks and outfits and Swan Lake ballet legs and everything playing into the imperfect divide, love love love.

You can feel the battered book of your memories flip open, pages flying as you flip through it. A name, you need a name. A name, how it fights, its weaknesses… You know these.

You should know these, but the pages that aren't missing are soaked in ink, useless. Even the title on its spine is faded. Another tie in the string of failures for your mind.

One thing is clear though. You have no doubt in you mind that this creature will kill you. You're afraid. You don't want to die, you don't want to die–

"Snap out of it!"


There's a mass of wild blue in the corner of your vision, and you jump. A spectral swan careens into the ground where you had been standing, and explodes in a blast of icy crystals.

You wouldn't have moved in time if Raye hadn't said something. You didn't even realize you had frozen up until then.


Awwwwwww, Raye cares

The way Moonlightness is an obsessively analytical fighter and the incomplete awareness of everything she's lost is Tripping That.

Unfortunately, the creature is now hovering between you and them. The red mask looms, laughing at you. You catch a brief glimpse of the fear and worry in Lena's face, before a light show of elemental magic obscures it.

You are (like always) on your own.


The way this bitch DEFINITELY isn't traumatized and lonely.

Looooooove how the laugh-cry is written.

The first strike is a spear you can't evade, and your arms shake from the force of shoving it aside.

The creature almost bowls you over entirely when it suddenly lurches forward. The weight of the spear suddenly leaves, causing you to stumble as it moves back into a ready position.

The shadow of the falling sword is your only warning of impending death, and you throw yourself to the side. A shower of dirt and sundered earth rains down on the battlefield, and you have to throw an arm up to avoid getting blinded.

You don't have to look that the lovingly maintained stone path has been utterly destroyed. Despite the danger, it tugs at you enough to split your focus.

The momentary distraction is enough for the haft of the spear to catch you in the gut in a horizontal sweep that launches you back up the mountain path, landing painfully against the stairs you had just come down. You have to dodge to the side immediately as the brickwork next to you explodes from the force of the spear plunging into it.

Can't keep getting distracted. You have to live through the next couple of seconds.

Swag swag swag swag.

Getting her ASS BEAT and her love of architecture is what's keeping her up the most.

Love the fucking. Disjointedness. Literally doing a two sided party split boss fight here.

Its sword drags across the ground, leading a cascading wave of sparks. The tip bursts free from the ground, concealing its path in the hail of earth caused by its emergence.

But it's the second time its used this diversion, and so it the blade meets empty air as you fade through the plume of dirt and earth, guarding your eyes for the exact span of time you need.

Now that you're past its initial guard, you have an opportunity to strike. Marshaling your concentration, you hold and you hand and will forth ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇!

▇ ▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇ ▇ ▇▇▇?

Nothing… happens (something important was lost).

You don't understand (you might never recover it).

With another screech of metal violating the sundered ground, the flat of the blade slams into you as the Laughing Mask decides to, in the spirit of enterprise, simply attack everywhere you could be even if it can't see you.

You hit the next set of stairs on your side and roll two more, then scramble to your feet and sloppily parry another thrust of the spear. Your arms complain at being so abused, and you politely inform them to shut up and keep working so you don't die.

Getting FUCKED UP from all the stats she doesn't even know are gone.

The interweaving strategy with how this freak of nature actual has rudimentary tactical goals, but Moonlightness is just better in a way that almost patently doesn't matter with how little conscious awareness she has of her abilities left, is sexy.

Again it advances, and again you're forced back, backpedalling up the stairs as fast as you can.

It's hard not to wonder, 'why haven't those guys caught it yet? Shouldn't they be doing something'?

That question has been on you mind since the battle started.

You get your answer very abruptly.

In the space it had vacated to chase you, barely an instant after it had moved, a spectral tree emerges from the ground and explodes into golden flechettes. They scatter across the mountainside, a few of them even hitting their intended target. The creature lets out a whimper of pain as the light corrodes and blackens its form where it lands….

… but not enough. Not nearly enough.

Oh I was expecting the answer to be "The Crying Mask is literally blasting them while its melee half is chasing Moonlightness down" but also YOOOOO GOLDEN TREE RAZOR LEAF.

It's still moving at full speed. The sword is coming next—

It's odd though. Clearly this foe isn't beyond them, so why aren't they winning? Why did that attack miss?

Dodge the sword and parry the spear. An easy rhythm. A grueling marathon—

You think of Lena's exhaustion, having already brought down a demon earlier that day. Miake's leg, a limp he doesn't remember to adjust for. Raye's injured shoulder, she dual wields, doesn't she? And all of you have been walking…

Duck the pincer attack. Ride the force of the spear to escape the sword. Land on your feet.

Because you fought them back then, none of them are at their best (nor are you). And because you can't even stand your ground now, they can't corner it. It can chase after you and retreat from them in the same motion. It can, in fact, do this all day.

Fear sinks cold hooks into you (but when aren't you afraid?).

Suddenly, the task in front of you is much more daunting. It isn't enough to survive its onslaught, you have to hold your ground.

Lovvvvvvve when it hits her that "Why are my ADDS just FUCKING THIS UP" is because "Oh my god...I'M fucking up..."

The really clear and transparent way that getting separated is making what could've been a survivable fight almost guaranteed suicide.

This is how you know teamwork makes the dream work! Because when it doesn't you die.

Really stylish way of showing Moonlightness focus on her mental breakdown while smoothly instinctually keeping up on the backfoot.

As if to drive home the enormity of the task at hand, the laughing mask reels back its sword, and makes a diagonal slice at you, the enormous blade quite literally as big as you. The vacuum is leaves behind as you duck makes you stumble, and the creature advances with its spear.

Again you are forced back. Again it chases. And again, the only people who could help you are unable to do so because of your weakness. Because all the parts of you that could do something in this situation have been seemingly cored out of you, leaving nothing but hurt feelings and the ability to hold a sword.

Steel meets wood. You slam the pommel of your sword into the tip of the spear, knocking it against the ground and stomping it down with your foot.

MIKIRI COUNTER (I love anything I can shout "Mikiri Counter!" at).

I can feel the Shounen First Episode Flashback Monologue Moonlightness is going through about how she isn't STRONG ENOUGH to SUPPORT HER FRIENDS.

It holds it in place long enough for you to deflect the next swing of the sword into the ground next to you, instead of through your torso. The spear rips free of the earth, but you'd already removed your foot and given ground.

And again, it advances.

A scattershot of golden-green beams split the skies, but they're met with birds of frost, intercepting them. You can hear Raye and Miake yelling, catch hints of their blades, but the constant pillars of fire making approaching a dangerous prospect.

In better circumstances, you'd sure they'd have ways around this. They wouldn't have beaten you if this was enough to stop them on a good day.

But this isn't a good day for any of you (if you do nothing, it will be your last).

It's soooo interesting how it's like, the Hero Party probably could handle this fight if they weren't chasing down the Purple Performance while it was hunting someone they're trying to protect, but that's how it kinda makes it Pop Out that there isn't even a question they're expending themselves on their last legs to make sure it doesn't kill Moonlightness, the Demon Lord who apparently used to be the boss of these things.

Man the choreography is popping off, love the magic interplay.

You're terrified. You have not memories of battle to call on, and your reflexes could misfire at any moment, leaving you standing there baffled and helpless at a critical moment. The best thing to do would be to run and hide, but this thing won't let you. It's shown how willing it is to chase you all the way back up to the shrine, in fact.

Maybe if you hurt it enough, though, it will leave you alone (because that always works).

We are learning a Lot about this woman's core personality traits that she's forgotten are core personality traits.

Also god FUCK they have to go all the way down the stairs AGAIN when this is done.

There's a pattern of preferences to its attacks. It always strikes first with the spear first if it can. The sword is dragged through the environment, to send showers of broken earth up and conceal the path of its sweep. Otherwise it prefers showy, overhead chops.

Perhaps it could stray from these preferences, to catch you off guard. But why would it? As far is it knows, it is winning quite handily.

You want to at least die having proved it wrong.

Moonlightness believes in the sanctity of Spite over Life.

Love love love the tactical read that's building off the choreography thus far.

First, you must bait the sword. Parry the spear, and wait for it to commit to another chop. When the blade falls, be not afraid, and shed it like water. Stomp the blade into the earth as you did with the spear. The sword is heavier, and its embedment was aided by the creature's own strength. Leap straight back.

And when it tries to skewer you as it has done every single time thus far, you act.

A small flare of pain comes from your side as the spear grazes you, but it doesn't hit the mark. The two of you joust past each other, and it doesn't have time to pull back it back. So it attempts to swing the other, but first it must dislodge it. With its strength, that is barely a delay at all. Barely a hinderance on the strength and speed of its attack.

But it is enough.

Your leap clears the sweep of its sword, and for a brief moment you hang in there air. You're right in front of the laughing mask, close enough to look into its eyes.

Eyes of bloodshed, of violence, of a thousand petty slights and cruelties carried out by people who have forgotten how to see strangers as anything other than scenery.

The eyes of something (someone) who would start a war for the pettiest of reasons, and persist to the bitter end (gorged on shame to fuel a cold, cold hatred).

You bring down your sword.



This is the most incredibly goated sequence imaginable the FOLLOWTHROUGH of tactics so perfect that we don't even need to see her do it separate from the plan's formulation, and the way Moonlightness sees through the heart of this demon, sees what drives it, sees how painfully familiar it is to eyes with a color she doesn't recall.

Rad rad rad rad rad.

A jagged line splits the surface of the mask, digging a trench of pulp and wood-chips. Silver-red trickles down behind it, droplets of blood hitting the dirt at the same time as your feet.

The creature stops dead in the air, and screams.

It's neck and arms thrash wildly, a flailing spearpoint drawing a fresh line of red up your arm where you failed to get back.

All at once it freezes, head ponderously craning down to home in on you. For the first time, you detect something other than jubilance and mockery in the red mask: rage.

Its evening gown of wings all flap open, and then closed in a great swooping lunge, far faster than it had moved before. If it could do this the whole time then why did it—?!



Ghostly chains wrap around the creature and yank it back just before it can strike. A floating sigil of a familiar golden-green hue reels it in like a fishing rod. Both heads turn to face its captor, leaving you no longer the target of its ire. You gulp air down your burning throat.


Love how Lena is going bird fishing. She has a Mortal Kombat Fatality in her.

Is that it? Can you stop? Can you run? A part of you begs it. You're… terrified, even if you managed that somehow. Like you said to Miake. It's not like you owe them anything. They're not your friends. If you run off and leave them to their fate, well. You're their former enemy. Why would they expect camaraderie from you? (are they wrong to have expectations?)

They must be. The person you were was their bane, and the person you are now is nothing but a burden. You did your part just now, didn't you? They can handle things from here, so you have to help them, right? It'd be better to look out for yourself. That's all you have left. You're not someone who can afford to be selfless (is that who you are?)

It could be… It doesn't matter how strong you were before. Right now you can't do anything. (you don't want to leave them)

But why! You don't owe them anything! (they remember you. that matters.) They remember someone who's dead! An empty husk, long dead. You're just some nobody now! (are you?) Yes! You are! Why is that even a question?!

(you're holding her sword) You…

(let's say that you are…)

( the first choice you make as yourself…)

(...going to be abandoning people who trusted you?



I swear this is such a fucking first episode two parter special.

Moonlightness is having an absolute mental breakdown and the degree she's talking to her real former memories or just the shadow of what she believes they should be or something Else is like. Yeah let's fucking goooooo.

The creature has twisted around to face its red mask towards them, while the blue one begins weaving its wands through the air. Something tells you it's trying to free itself from whatever Lena did to chain it down before Miake and Raye can pile on. You should make sure it fails.

It still isn't looking at you. It doesn't see that you've started running.

You jump. The mask doesn't have eyes, but you can feel it suddenly notice you again. It holds a hand in front of its face, trying to avoid getting marred like its red counterpart.

But that's not where you're aiming.

The blade falls, and bites deep into the thing's shoulder. The arm holding the fire wand goes slack, twitching uselessly. The functioning limb slams its heavy knuckle into your shoulder, sending you flying back the way you came.

You hit the ground, bounce, and somehow manage to roll to your feet. Ten points! Go you! Everything hurts.

She is such a FUCKING philistine.

Fr fr team comp moment tho.

But did that actually achieve anything…?


The creature wails… or laughs… and waves its injured arm around in a show of pain. Then, with the wand of frost held in its pinkie, it


rips its injured arm off its shoulder.

You watch, stunned, as it crams the limb down the mouth hole of the weeping mask, making an awful gagging, sputtering noise. It eats its own arm whole, even the wand. The stump continues to bleed, though not as much as it probably should be.

"W-Why did you…?"

The answer comes quick, and you wish it hadn't. Its remaining arm bulges, blue skin fractured with red veins, and extends with a grotesque crack-crack-crack. An awful groan heralds two new joints added to what is more like a tail at this point. The wand in its hand changes too, swelling to the size of a club.

With a jerky sweep, the weeping mask let's loose a new flock of icy birds.

I feel like god is punishing Moonlightness with not knowing what kind of freaks she used to lead.

Okay but this is FUCKED, I love that, Adaptive Self-Cannibalism baby! I've written a horrendous amount of this myself.

They climb up for air, and then, dive. Cold burns your skin as you throw yourself aside. Tiny fragments of ice scattershot against you, drawing a thatch-work of shallow cuts across your arms and legs.

You don't realize quite fast enough that it's done this to force you back so it can advance on them. It had pegged you as the weak link immediately, why did it suddenly change its mind?!

Two underhand swings from the red mask come out in an instant, aimed at Miake and Raye. They both block successfully, but the force launches them up, away from Lena. They go over the side of the mountain, down past where you can't see.

You can see a trail of glimmering green sparks from Miake's legs, to no effect; whatever he was trying to do, he didn't do it fast enough.

Lena dives forward before the red mask can refocus on her, rolling under the mass of wings and coming to a stumbling stand directly in front of the weeping mask. The entire creature tips to the side and spins like a wagon wheel, bringing around both weapons in an overhead slam towards the hapless mage.

You dart forward and grab Lena's arm, hauling her out of arm's way. The whirling slash of the red mask's weapons freeze at the apex of their backswing, and then reverse to take a second flurry at you. You finish shoving Lena behind you fast enough to get both hands on your weapon when you block, but all that does is let the force of the blow smash you into Lena and knock you both away in a heap.

As you can see everyone is having a TERRIBLE day and Moonlightness is really struggling with the concept of this freak of nature having any strategic insight to go with. The arm eating.

You dart forward and grab Lena's arm, hauling her out of arm's way.

This is fucking funny by the way.

"Oof!" The air is knocked out of you as you land. "Move!" shouts Lena, before planting a boot against your back. The two of you go rolling away from each other as the sword splits the earth where you'd been.

Where are Miake and Raye? How far did they get flung? However far is how long you'll have to hold out. You can't afford to spend time looking. (there's never enough time)

You spring to your feet, already bringing up your weapon in preparation for the incoming attack. But it isn't aimed at you.

The shadow of the blade hangs over Lena. She will die if it falls on her.

It won't though.

Because to everyone's surprise, especially your own, you've dashed across the arena to shove her out of the way, stealing her predicament for yourself.

How odd. She isn't you're friend, was your enemy, is only temporarily your ally, and was perhaps your healer for all of a few minutes (sophistry). But you've decided she can't die before you do. Which is about to happen.


This bitch's. Shirou Emiya Ass.

Lena also doing that makes this funnier "Why the fuck did I DO THAT" because she saved you stupid.

You should at least try not to die though, so you bring up your scabbard to block a sword already falling too fast to avoid.

But when the sword hits, it stops dead. You stop it dead. The weight of the blade is as light as a feather.


And why are you… glowing? "What…?"

A shout from behind you, Lena's voice, oddly triumphant. "I've got you covered! Keep going!"

"KRAAAAAAAAAEAAAAEAAH!" The creature struggles to swing its spear into you, but can't pull it free from where it's chained to a floating golden-green glyph, different from the previous one. When had she set that up?!

"R-right!" Your voice wobbles with a buoying emotion you're scared to name. The creature whips back its sword to make another swing, but this one you meet with confidence. Lena has your back. You can do this.

Moonlightness realizing Lena had set up a bind snare in the three seconds she had to ragdoll under a bird demon's claymore:

A burst of golden-green flashes as your pommel slams into aberrant steel, knock it aside. Three steps forward, and draw.

The glowing blade cleaves through two of its fluttering wings and up across its chest, a cascade of arboreal explosions lighting up the path you traced. Its pained screams are deafening, but give you a grim satisfaction despite your bleeding eardrums.

"Look out!" You trust the warning and move.

The spear pulls free of the buckling chains a shower of dissolving magic, and slams into the ground where you stood. You're expecting the sword to come next, but it's chained at the apex of its swing, exactly where you had deflected it. It clicks. As long as you can deliver her magic to its target, she can keep it off balance.

(The two of you can win this!)

Teamwork baby! Gotta love good Aggro/Buffer combo tech.

As if in defiance of your newfound hope, the single, multi-jointed arm of the weeping mask flops over the shoulder of its brother, and makes a lazy twirl of the wand. It had only summoned a few at a time before, but not anymore. Bolstered by its act of self-cannibalization, it conducts into being a cyclonic flock of gulls. It is more than a little worrisome. Can you even dodge that, much less block it? You call, suddenly uncertain. "Uh, Lena…?"

A root network of magic sprouts from the ground around your feet, winding its way up to the tip of your blade. Flowers of viridian brass blossom, coating you like an abandoned forest manor.

"Just swing! I'll handle it!" (it's no lie)

Right. Lena hasn't let you down yet. You trust she won't now, despite yourself. You raise the blade high above your head, and bring it down with an executioner's finality.

A hurricane of petals screams free from your blade, meeting the winter flock head on.

You backpedal to stand next to Lena as shards of ice and ghostly plant matter scythe across the battlefield.

Love the way magic is described in this story, Lena's aesthetic pops hard.

"Woohoo! Good work." You startle a little to feel the pat on your shoulder, cycling through a number of emotions that you're sure were rarities even back when you had your memories. You manage to acknowledge it with a shaky mumble, "T-thanks…"

Lena's smug delight is burning against your back, hotter than the Sun. It doesn't stop when your legs give out a moment later, collapsing to your knees. She doesn't seem surprised–she had mentioned something about how you shouldn't be fighting, hadn't she? On the cusp of victory, you're willing to admit she was probably right. There's a yawning emptiness in you. It's disconcerting, but… even that can't blunt the feeling of victory. That last hit had to kill the thing, right?

"… oh." Her voice is flat. Please no. No no no–

You look up.


Moonlightness experiencing a warm fuzzy feeling she doesn't recognize: God. Was I this much of a friendless loser?

High the sky, an azure eagle spreads its wings. You can't make it out well at this distance, but it feels more complete that the others. No mere passing phantasm, this is a weapon, fully-forged. Waves of power that escape the bounds of its frame wash across the battlefield down below. The temperature is dropping.

When had the creature made that? Maybe during the cover of all the explosions. Or perhaps on the spot, with the force of desperation. You hadn't been looking, too focused on your own exhaustion.

It doesn't really matter. It's here now.

Both masks radiate a deadly seriousness that's off-putting to see on a creature of chaotic whimsy. It isn't attacking either, the Laughing Mask braced to defend its fellow's casting. With the last hit you and Lena got on it still burning into its flesh, that may be all it can do.

That may be all it needs to do. "Uh, Lena? Plan?"

Time for the DPS Check.

Fucken. BIRDS man. Can't get anything done.

You don't know at what point you decided to let Lena do all the tactical thinking, but it was probably when she stopped you from getting squished. That had been nice of her. You try to keep a small flame of hope alive that she can repeat that miracle.

"Um…" She does not sound confident. "...I don't think I have enough left in the tank to blast that before it hits us."

The chill that runs down you spine is not because of the cold. Lena is still staring up at the bird. Despite it being daytime, it has plunged the battlefield into a gloomy twilight. You're waiting for her to come up with a plan. Or for Miake and Raye to get back but it practically knocked them off the mountain so you don't fancy their chances. You've been trying not to think about it, but there's a chance that they simply fell to their deaths, and you and Lena have been stalling for reinforcements that don't exist.

"Yeah, maybe!" Lena belatedly replies. Both of you laugh nervously, failing to keep your minds off your imminent deaths. She looks over at you. "Hey, um… Your name. Do you want to know what it was?"

You blink. "What? My name? Now?" You're not even upset, just baffled by the timing. Lena shakes her head. "It's important to have a name before you die."

Twilight has plunged into darkness. A bank of snowstorm clouds have gathered. Distantly, you wonder if they can see it from the village you were trying to get to. It will end, soon.


Moonlightness (who will finally get to not be called Moonlightness!): White girl...Save me...
Moonlightness: White girl.
Moonlightness: Save me white girl.
Lena: Uh. Sorry. We're probably dying together.

The aesthetic of the sky going dim from a big fucked up magic special always hits.

You give Lena a nod. She looks relieved. Had this been wearing on her?

"You name is–"
It is a sound like precision. Like Winter. Like the edge of a blade.
Something shifts in your mind. It clicks into place. A tremor runs through your fingertips, pressed hard against your scabbard.

"… Give my sword whatever you have left. I think I can do it."

What the FUCK is going on with Moonlightness's name.

You hope. You pray. Something in your heart struggles to emerge. The static noise shrieks in your thoughts. You blindly claw for a revelation that slips through your hands. (you're cut off from yourself at both ends. but it's still there.)

Lena doesn't even hesitate. "Can do." The last spell she weaves leaves her breathless, but she sounds… like she believes you (you will owe her for this). She sits down on the ground behind you. You can hear her prop her chin in her hand to watch. Either you pull this off or the two of you die. Both of you know that. She did her part.

Now you have to do yours.

Lena is like RIDE and DIE.

She does not give a FUCK.

Moonlightness is having all kinds of an identity crisis here, but don't doubt.

She's about the lock tf in.

Your mind is murky darkness, but that's as it should be. It gives the light meaning. Clarity and obscurity. The true damage is the absence of either, but you're not as broken as you thought. There's still enough of you for this. Just barely enough.

The eagle dives.

Your left hand curls around the hilt of your sword. Your right hand grips the scabbard as your only lifeline. You see the world as two halves, and speak:

"Draw: Half Moon."( Delirious Innocence)

The world turns dark–

The world under your feet, and all the people in it are shadows. Lies. Anything of substance has the potential to lie. To lie is to have substance. To have substance is to lie. So you cannot trust the world. The open sky is light. A hanging void, a wound that encompasses. It lacks substance, and so it cannot lie. It cannot lie, so it cannot be alive. The sky will never help you. Between the world that obscures and the sky the exposes, is The Enemy. You must kill it. Because you are standing on the world, you may tell it a lie about where you are really standing. Because it is flying in the sky, it must tell you the truth. Because it must tell the truth, it cannot deny the way you have hurt it. Because you can lie, you can never be hurt. Thus, your killing field is the boundary between the world and the sky. Now you must find a tool, for you cannot expose your hand to the sky lest you be revealed. In your hands is a thing that is neither sky nor world. In your hands is Your Sword. With this, you will kill.

–and the sky turns bright.

The two halves of the winter bird hit the ground. A moment later, so do you.


I have to say something tragic.


Belaboring to contemplate.

Moonlightness is cool.

Fantastic work on the chapter!
Just going to point this out - given the state of the shrine - hacked to pieces, presumably with the sword she is currently wielding - that apparently once housed whatever sword our ex-villain was using during her stint as a Demon Lord and her familiarity with the shrine complex as a whole, it seems like she was the one to cut open the seals and ropes around it and take it from where it was interred - and it seems like whatever bits and pieces of the memories of why she did that are left make her think it was absolutely not worth it even besides the 'became a Demon Lord then got her shit kicked in' part.

What the reasons in question were and how much it really was 'the pettiest of reasons' versus how much is just her deciding her own issues were invalid in the face of what she did after is still unclear - the repeated internal statements that the sword she's using 'isn't yours' and the later one of 'you're using her sword' could be taken as the sword in question having been wielded by her prior to taking up the enshrined blade that apparently started this mess, or it could mean it's the sword once used by someone else whose departure - whether it be death or abandonment - drove the not-yet-Demon-Lord-of-Moonlight to defile the shrine and take the sword.
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The tell for the fighting being lost armor pieces is something you don't see pointed out often, well thought.
Mhm! It's something I was kind of debating on. Obviously this is extremely anime inspired so I didn't *have* to have armor damage as a thing, but I decided I wanted to. Especially in the context of a traveling story, attrition of supplies is something important to keep in mind. I watched a lot of the Robotech Invid as a kid, and that's a show basically entirely about trying to keep your giant robots supplied with fuel. This is a fantasy story not a mech one, but it definitely made that something I think about when I write in this kind of frame.

Oh I love this design.

Demons are popping off HARD already, and I love that even though Moonlightness's incomplete memory is distorting the Boss Title Card, we can still put together that this is:

Purple Performance( The Two-Faced Horror)

Which is SICK.

Ugh, this is so, repulsively Commedia dell'arte, the masks and outfits and Swan Lake ballet legs and everything playing into the imperfect divide, love love love.
Purple Performance is very inspired by Nioh 2's take on Ryomen Sukuna, but with a lot of my own aesthetic and tactical sensibilities layered over it. I had both a very specific vibe I wanted it to have, and also needed it to be able to showcase certain things about the party's capabilities. Based on people's reactions, it was wildly successful, which I'm quite pleased by. I like making weird scary monsters but it's been awhile since I've actually done that. Long overdue return to form, you could say.

Moonlightness is cool.
This is how she wins.

Oh no. This is really good.
Glad you're enjoying it!

What the reasons in question were and how much it really was 'the pettiest of reasons' versus how much is just her deciding her own issues were invalid in the face of what she did after is still unclear
It's actual agony not being able to talk in depth about stuff because I obviously don't want to spoil my own story. But it does make me really happy to see people examining this kind of thing! Her personality and why she does what she does (pre- and post-amnesia) are a big focus of the story--granted, it kind of has to be, that's the fun of an amnesia protagonist after all.