Inhuman: DC Quest

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You are a 17 year old with powers navigate your way through the DC Universe
I had thought being born a superhuman was a gift at first glance, sure, it came with plenty of perks that very much put myself above the mundane common rabble. First things first it ensured that I could protect myself in this crazy world, most people were at the mercy of the regime that ruled their nation. I was lucky enough to have a bit of an autonomy, every year the taste of freedom was drifting further away from most of the population. The technological advancement that defined the 21st advancement have led to incredible advances in wider surveillance, of course, you could argue that this was nothing but a positive after all who didn't want to live in comfort and security. But, this security came at a cost, people had to sacrifice the luxury of privacy. How could you tell whether someone was overhearing your private conversations, or observing you while you were getting intimate with your significant other, all that was up in the air. This has led to a marked sense of general suspicion and paranoia that has gripped the general population.

This has been further compounded by the resurgence of superhuman's, they came in all shapes and sizes with varying degrees of potency of powers. This has undoubtedly led to mass hysteria. How, could you bet on your safety when some random schmuck had the power to level your entire city. The statistical ratio of supervillian's compared to superheroes did much to verify the fear as the honest to rational truth. Many, caped crusaders have been emerging in this period, they promise to bring justice, compassion and order to a tumultuous world but that promise has been routinely questioned. It seemed like the vigilantes have done little to reduce the rate of crime. They only inflamed it, due, to the villains growing more savage and brutal in effort to take down their heroic nemesis. It was like a more visceral game of cops and roppers, the villains got caught by the heroes than they will escape the penitentiary than the deadly cycle will rinse and repeat.

With powers whether you were born with them, granted them by an alien force, or you subject to a freak lab accident, more likely then not you will be caught up in the cat and mouse game that the heroes and villains continued to play. A part of me, the more childish and flighty part, wanted to dive into that world with full force, there was something thrilling about being part of a world of titans, so far removed from the mundane it set the mind alight with errant fantasies. Yes, I could not deny the spectacle wasn't cool but the fear of being caught in the crossfire was something I had to be accounted for. I could, die, horribly. I was not invincible, I wish I could say I was but that wasn't true. If someone was powerful I would get flattened like any other idiot. I didn't want to become another cause of violent death statistic that a politician would use in the future to justify his expedient social policy.

With my powers that I have come to grasp with, recently, my life had changed. I had options that I could actually pursue, if things got bad enough I could always change my name and go off the grid and never speak of my old life again. I didn't have much keeping beholden to my old life, I was an orphan currently a ward of the state in a run down orphanage. My parents had either died or abandoned me, so I didn't really care about them, they were never a part of my life so I couldn't feel particularly sad about their absence. I was just going through my life, running through the motions with no particular emotion. I had to possess a certain hardness to survive as an orphanage I had not an inkling of a support network. The kids in the orphanage were not nice, if you showed weakness they would eat you alive. Fights and arguments were a daily occurrence, the kids would claim someone's mom was a whore or their dad was a deadbeat junkie and then sparks will fly. It was a pretty hostile environment growing up there had made me wise to the streets and the dark side of human nature.

There was no blissful ignorance of childhood for me. I had to wake up reality early. It was part pf adapting to an early life without any sign of parents. The employees in the foster-home came and went no matter how much you thought they cared for you, this was in the end of the day just another run of the mill paycheck to them. I was smart enough to never grow too close to them, in the orphanage I kept a cautious distance to most of the people. It was mostly due to self preservation in my years in Sunnyvale Fosterhome, quite the ironic name I know, I knew it was more intelligent to keep always one eye open. The kids and the staff were both willing to steal your valuable possessions. I once won brand new sports sneakers due to a talent show in my elementary school and they were gifted to me. In my ecstatic joy, I rushed home to the orphanage and brandished my prize to everyone I could see. The next day I woke up right and early to play basketball in the backyard with my new sneakers. But, they had vanished, I looked for about half an hour but they were nowhere to be seen. I implored the staff to help me look for my prized possession but they didn't help me in the slightest. Stephanie, the dumb brunette who I was pretty sure was a slut even at the tender age of eight, looked rather sheepish I suspected she stole my shoes. She was clearly the most likely to she had a horrible track record when it came to managing the kids in the orphanage. She came to work late, smoked in the premises and cussed out some of the most exuberant kids. I was pretty sure she was sleeping with the manager in retrospect.

Soon I will be finally leaving the rundown sorry place, I was seventeen a senior in highschool, I would either be going to college, risking my life in the military, getting taking by the government for being a technical metahuman or I would just be entering the mundane working world. In school I happened to belong to around two cliches that did much to define my general vibe and persona it happened to be...
[] The Jocks
[] The Nerds
[] The Delinquents
[] The Emos
[] The Slackers
[] The Stoners
[] The Arts Kid
[] The Popular Kids

The way I had acquired my powers were pretty simple...
[] I was born with my powers. I was a metahuman who happened to have the power...
Choose your power subvote:
[] Enhanced Recall And Retention
[] Aerokinesis
[] Earth Manipulation
[] Blood Manipulation
[] Shadow Manipulation
[] Bodily Augmentation
[] Write In
[] I was granted the Orange Lantern Ring by an unknown source.
[] I happened to be born with a Half Human and half Kryptonian physiology.
[] I was the victim of a lab accident when I visited a Star Labs department in my city.
[] Write In.

How am I typically described to behave like?
[] Cool and Collected
[] Flighty and Carefree
[] Bold And Gregarious
[] Mellow And Levelheaded

What city in the USA are you located in?
[] Metropolis
[] Gotham
[] Central City
[] Jump City
[] Coast City
[] Star City

What do I look like?
[] Dirty blonde hair, sun kissed skin, medium length blonde hair, blue eyes, delicate pretty boy features, lean and sinewy.
[] Curly dark brown hair cut to just below ear length, green eyes, deeply tanned skin, a mix between soft and hard facial features, I look similar to a handsome surfer stereotype.
[] Jet black afro hair styled in a trendy skin fade, two ears are pierced, caramel skin, luscious lips, well chiseled features and expressive hazel eyes.
[] Black hair, that is styled in a relatively traditional male cut, steel gray-blue eyes, strong and angular features.
[] Write In

Distrubute 100 Stat Points: (The Cap is 30 in a stat)
[] Strength
[] Constitution
[] Dexterity
[] Intelligence
[] Wisdom
[] Cunning
[] Charisma
[] Will
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[X] plan: chill my fellow nerds
-[X] The Nerds
-[X] The Slackers
-[X] I was born with my powers. I was a metahuman who happened to have the power...
--[X] Bodily Augmentation
-[X] Mellow And Levelheaded
-[X] Black hair, that is styled in a relatively traditional male cut, steel gray-blue eyes, strong and angular features.
-[X] Strength 10
-[X] Constitution 10
-[X] Dexterity 10
-[X] Intelligence 10
-[X] Wisdom 10
-[X] Cunning 10
-[X] Charisma 10
-[X] Will 30

Hey QM is this okay? I want this person to be lazy and a nerd but as soon as you get between them and their bed/Internet they have a mental switch flick into Determinator.
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Question: Can you tell us which values are normal, which are below normal and which are superhuman? giving some examples, please?
[X]Plan: Perfection
-[X] The Popular Kids
-[X]The Arts Kid
-[X]I happened to be born with a Half Human and half Kryptonian physiology.
-[X]Cool and Collected
-[X]Coast City
-[X]Black hair, that is styled in a relatively traditional male cut, steel gray-blue eyes, strong and angular features.
-[10] Constitution
-[15] Intelligence
-[10] Wisdom
-[15] Cunning
-[15] Charisma
-[15] Will

We are in DC we need all the power we can get that is why Half Kryptonian.

As per why we are in coast city the only Hero there is Hal Jordan you know a Green Lantern.

So we have more independence and better opportunities.

We can always get Magic when we want due to having above average in almost all the mental faculties.

We can also get tech easily in coast city.

Also we can get a Lantern ring too if we desire everything is possible.

Overall this city is much more safer all things considered until Mongul comes swinging in at the time we can protect it and become it's official protector if we want.
[X] plan: chill my fellow nerds
I have a Question is this your First Quest? @RagnarAxe
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