Inheritors of Volans: A Warhammer Fantasy Wizard Quest

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Welcome to Inheritors of Volans, a Warhammer Fantasy quest in the CK2/CK3 system. We will be following a Journeywoman of the Imperial Colleges wherever her travels and ambitions take her. What destiny will you create for her?
Character Creation: Part 1 New
E-Girl Deseret
In the twenty-five centuries Sigmar's Empire has existed in some shape or form, practitioners of magic have not been treated kindly for most of it. Open practitioners were burned, hedge mages were executed or exiled, and even children displaying magical potential faced the pyre, the noose, or the sword. Most humans under Imperial rule hid themselves and their talents. A few became advisors and minions of warlords in the Age of Three Emperors, but more avoided the hungry gaze of nobles and the hateful eyes of the public. Some even fled the Empire entirely, heading to the more fractured lands of Tilea, Estalia, and the Border Princes. Even then, an unwary magician could face the pyre or worse in their adopted land just as sure as in their homeland.

All this changed with the Great War Against Chaos and the rise of Emperor Magnus the Pious. After Magnus's defeat of the Everchosen Asavar Kul, and the brave actions of hundreds of hedge mages and petty wizards, the new emperor was able to push through the Articles of Magic, reforms allowing for the legal existence of wizards and the Colleges of Magic. Teclis' human apprentices, who had sacrificed much in the fight against Chaos, took office as the Magister Patriarchs of their respective Wind of Magic, with the Light Patriarch Volans also taking office as the Supreme Patriarch, leader of all the Colleges.

The next two centuries were largely quiet for imperial wizardry as they served the Empire, save for the tragedy of the Night of A Thousand Arcane Duels in 2415, and the subsequent closure of the colleges for fifteen years. But now it is 2500, in the waning days of the reign of Emperor Luitpold I, and you? You are a young Journeywoman of one of the Colleges of Magic, sent out into the wider Empire to prove yourself. Perhaps your goal is simply to obtain the rank of Magister, the sign of an accomplished wizard. Perhaps you aim higher, to become Magister Patriarch of your College or even Supreme Patriarch of all the Colleges. Perhaps you wish to solve an arcane mystery, defeat a particular enemy of the Empire's, or any other manner of goals. Let all Mankind hope your goals are not darker than most. But whether your name is spoken of in infamy or pride, or forgotten entirely, all Men must start somewhere.

What is your College of Magic?

[ ] The Amber Order, wielders of Ghur, the Brown Wind.

Wielders of this wind are often skilled warriors, hunters, and even shape-shifters, lords of the wild. However, they can be feral, solitary, and uncivilized.

[ ] The Amethyst Order, wielders of Shyish, the Purple Wind.

Wielders of this wind are often spiriters, morticians, and can drain life with a spell. However, they can be grim, morbid, and off-putting.

[ ] The Gold Order, wielders of Chamon, the Yellow Wind.

Wielders of this wind are often alchemists, blacksmiths, masters of metallurgy and sorceries of steel. However, they can be callous, unemotional, and greedy.

[ ] The Bright Order, wielders of Aqshy, the Red Wind.

Wielders of this wind are powerful and passionate pyromancers, greatest of the battle wizards of the Empire. Some have even learned how to manipulate passion. However, they can be wrathful, blood-thirsty, and erratic.

Do you hail from inside the Empire, or do you come from outside it?

[ ] Empire
-[ ] (list the province)
[ ] One of the squabbling cities of Tilea
[ ] The great mercantile city-state of Marienberg

While some wizards are rather secular, others pray to a particular god more than others. Who is your favored God?

[ ] Morr: God of Death and Dreams, husband of Verena and father to Myrmidia.
[ ] Verena: Goddess of Justice and Learning, wife of Morr and mother to Myrmidia.
[ ] Myrmidia: Goddess of War, Strategy, and Civilization, rarely worshipped in the Empire due to the primacy of Ulric and Sigmar. Daughter of Morr and Verena.
[ ] Ulric, God of Winter and Wolves, brother to Taal.
[ ] Taal, God of the Wild, Nature, and the Hunt/ brother to Ulric, husband to Rhya
[ ] Rhya, Goddess of Agriculture, Nature, and Fertility. Wife of Taal.
[ ] Manann: God of Seas and Storms. Son of Taal and Rhya.
[ ] Sigmar, God of the Empire, Civilization, and Mankind
[ ] You do not particularly follow any single god, though you honor them all.

What is your name? (Imperial names tend to be Germanic with a little Scandinavian and Slavic in the north and east respectively, Tileans tend to have Italian names, and Marienburgers have Dutch names. All given names must be feminine, as we will be playing a Journeywoman)

[ ] Your Name

Plan votes are preferred for character creation! All character creation phase votes will go on for 48 hours.
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