Inheritance of Aternum : A knight's tale.

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An empire eternal, ever powerful and glorious, such was Aternum.

An empire fallen, cursed and...


Civilised Sheep
An empire eternal, ever powerful and glorious, such was Aternum.

An empire fallen, cursed and half-forgotten, such is Aternum.


You did not sleep well, your body is sore and groggy. You lay still for a time, seeing if you can get back to sleep, alas, your flesh had had its fill.
As you ponder what time of day it is, you notice a warm sensation on your body. You force your eyes open, and the bright sky greets you, warm rays of sunlight brushing your skin. A man can lay here for a lifetime, no wonder I overslept.
You drag yourself into a sitting position and take a look at your surroundings, and most importantly, yourself.

Your feet are bare and rather dirty. You're wearing a dark grey linen tunic and pants that seem cut from the same fabric. A shirt of padded wool is worn over it, and most noticeably; maile covers your chest and extends all the way to your knees, held by a simple leather belt.

Huh, how, and why, did I get in armour? You look around the room, noting a great quantity of dust and cobwebs obscuring everything. Where in God's good name am I? This brings another question to the forefront of your mind: who am I?

[] Explore the room, perhaps you may find clues as to your person or location.

[] See if you can force yourself back to sleep, perhaps this is but a dream.

[] Inspect yourself closely, perhaps you have suffered an injury?

[] Shout for assistance, see if anyone's nearby

[] write in

Yenyna's quest has taught me a great deal. However, it was a quest started with zero planning or foresight, as such its start was rather dismal, and am still not entirely sure where to take the quest. And so, this is my second, and hopefully much better quest, in the same verse as Yenyna's quest. This quest is intended to be as purely narrative as possible, to avoid the horror that is numbers and their tendency to clutter. It is basically an interactive story of sorts.
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[X] Explore the room, perhaps you may find clues as to your person or location.

@maximillian What happened to Yenyna?
[x] See if you can force yourself back to sleep, perhaps this is but a dream.
[X] Inspect yourself closely, perhaps you have suffered an injury?

I have a suspicion of what this will lead too. But I'm not entirely sure. Either way, it can't hurt to take a stock check of our body.
[X] Explore the room, perhaps you may find clues as to your person or location.

Is the room roofless?
[X] Inspect yourself closely, perhaps you have suffered an injury?
[X] Inspect yourself closely, before exploring the room, perhaps you may find clues as to your person or location.
[X] Explore the room, perhaps you may find clues as to your person or location.
Room examination
You look once more at your surroundings, the somewhat spacious room, the all-consuming dust and ever-present cobwebs. You sigh in frustration and stand up. This will take a while.

You walk towards one end and extend your hands, tearing away webs, and scattering a horde of small chitinous creatures. Soon the wall becomes clearer and you take a moment to appreciate it. Mold eroded painted plaster, brickwork and rusted candle scones. whatever else may have adorned the wall must have long rotted away.

The opposing side yielded similar results, the only difference being a portion of plaster that still had a tangible fresco on it. The image showed a few black-grey spiders with red lines across the back, spinning a web in the midst of flowering shrubbery. As if the place needed more spiders.

The third side had more to tell, shelves and a cabinet, an overturned table and a couple of chairs, one of which was crushed. There is a story to be told there.
The furniture, once you wipe away the dust and webs, is in a fairly good condition. The decay is minimal, and it has lines and floral patterns carved into the wood.
The cabinets and shelves are in a similar state, but whatever books or scraps of parchment you find are decayed beyond intelligibility. Here and there are fragments of pottery, and you do find an earthenware jug, empty and bug infested, yet a pleasant aroma hangs about it. Must have held quite the vintage, or perhaps a rare scent.

As you turn back, you notice some colouring revealed on the floor by your feet's displacement of dust. Hmmm.
You spend some time clearing it, and the mosaic is revealed. Two towers and a half moon, the middle of which is shattered beyond recognition. Something must have crashed into it, leaving only bits of insect-like legs visible on some of the tiles. Perhaps the roof? a more careful look at the "roof" and the uneven edges of the opening confirms your guess.
Then where's the rubble? It is indeed strange, except for a few bricks, the room is quite clear, dust and insects notwithstanding.

You leave that mystery for now, and move to the last wall. Its much like the others, except for two notable distinctions. The first being the mouldy, rusted door in the middle of it.

The second item of interest is a crystal dagger embedded in the wall, which took some effort to pull out, how does crystal get stabbed into brick without shattering?

The entire thing was made of cloudy white crystal, with minuscule strands of gold highlighting the fine details. The pommel was delicately carved into the shape of a rose, the handle worked into the shape of a rose vine, with leaves and thorns cut in impeccable detail. It had no cross-guard and the blade itself was short and slender; the length of your hand and a third of its width, it's extraordinary sharpness self-evident. A line of thin gold lettering extended from the handle to the tip of the blade.

An exquisite work of art, and quite strange at that. Crystal is extremely fragile, and the dagger blade is delicate enough to shatter at the slightest impact. And yet...

Curious, you tap the blade against the door, nothing.
You tap it harder, nothing.
you stab the dagger into the door, it drives deep.
Well, this is beyond a doubt, the strangest crystal I have ever seen. Still, with your memory rather lacking, you cannot honestly claim expertise in crystalline properties.

Thus your examination of the room is concluded. Leaving you with more questions and no answers.
All you have discovered is that this place is abandoned, and for a long time. That it had seen some struggle prior to its abandonment, that whoever dwelt here was wealthy and had a fondness for arachnid imagery.

[] Inspect yourself closely, you are clearly uninjured, but perhaps you can find clues laying on your person.

[] Open the door and explore what lies beyond.

[] Gather the furniture in the middle and see if you can climb onto the roof.

[] write in
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[X] Inspect yourself closely, you are clearly uninjured, but perhaps you can find clues laying on your person.
[X] Inspect yourself closely, you are clearly uninjured, but perhaps you can find clues laying on your person.
[X] Inspect yourself closely, you are clearly uninjured, but perhaps you can find clues laying on your person.
[x] Gather the furniture in the middle and see if you can climb on to the roof.
Quest mechanics
just to shed some light into the quest mechanics.

Write-ins: The write-in basically allows you the players to do pretty much anything. You can write in an option to break furniture and see if you can start a fire with the timber. to stab a portrait in the face to see what happens, to take a jar and fill it with something in case it may become useful, even strip naked and perform a rain dance. basically, its a blank cheque. so long as the write-in is feasible anyways.

Inventory: Then there's the inventory system, you can only use things that you have on your person (duh). but there's only so much you can carry around with just two arms and two legs. The more encumbered you are the quicker you tire, and the less responsive you become to sudden situations (you can't exactly dodge if your lugging a half ton cabinet on your back)
You can naturally leave stuff in place and come for it later, or maybe find /make a bag or trolly to carry things in.

Combat: A combination of narrative and inventory utility. basically, a rock paper scissor system, unless narrative dictates otherwise, in which case dice will be used. (example: armed knight vs unarmed kitchen boy= boy is dead. armed knight vs armed knight = take narrative into consideration and roll modified dice. A living god of war vs armed knight= knight dead, unless some truly impressive narrative reasoning or write in occurs )

As always, questions are welcomed. in-verse knowledge, however, will be provided depending on how much the MC himself actually knows.
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[X] Inspect yourself closely, you are clearly uninjured, but perhaps you can find clues laying on your person.