Infinity is the beginning (multicrossover)

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You know, this is something I wanted to do for quite a while. One BIG crossover. As in, for a...


The one and only lord of muttonchops
Spain, Barcelona, bar du madam celona
You know, this is something I wanted to do for quite a while. One BIG crossover. As in, for a few years I've entertained the idea, been thinking about how things would branch out and all. Naturally, after a few years of toying and playing with them the original concepts have been blended in an unholy mix. But if you squint enough you will find the original reference and source. Some cases won't require THAT much effort.

Now. I want this to be a kind of light-hearted story but not going down too much with the silly. Still I will enjoy poking fun from a variety of things like shounen and shoujo since the originaal inspiration for this would be kind of a manga story of the shounen genre. Until I realized my drawing skill would make the guy that draws attack on titan look like a painter from the Baroque period in terms of quality.

Or a five years old for that matter.

And what better form to start a manga-like story than to have ordinary high school students be late at class?

Chapter 1. Latecoming.

"I'm late!" cursed Yuki as she ran with all her might as she ran across the suburb's street and turn around the corner.

At which point she was rammed and thrown into the ground by a massive mass at a frightful speed. Turning around to see the culprit she barely saw the blitzing blur, though she recognized him.

"Ay, Fritz! Please be careful!" she said in a half admonishing half concerned tone.

The blur halted as audible sounds of skids. A plump boy, jet black hair and unhealthily pale skin, came into view proper. Backstepping quickly he reached her position.

And uncerimoniously grabbed her by the waist and proceeded to carry her like flour packed as he went at blinding speed again.

"Kyaaah! Slowdownslodown!" she cried but soon realized that Fritz wasn't attention as he was chugging from the morning pack of blood. He was going to stain his uniform. As she adjusted herself a bit she proceeded to be practical on the matter "Turn left now!"

Because really, Frederick had next to non-existant orientation skills. And running as he was, she doubted that he would reach the school.

A beeping noise distracts them for a second, from the corner of her left eye, Yuki saw a flash close by. A fellow student, judging by the dark gray jacket and skirt, riding a broom. As she stared upwards she recognized the pink wooly cap and the short platinum blonde cut. Yuki's brown eyes locked with Betty's sapphires as she beamed down an impish smile.

"Hey Fritz, did you get some help today? That's great! Do you need a bit more, are you sure you will find the way to school?"

"Be gone thot" deadpanned Fritz. "We for sure are not in need of your trickery nor shenanigans."

"Aw c'mon don't be such a-"

"Wall. Walll.WALL!" Shouted Yuki.

The other two looked back up front and squealed in terror. Betty flung upwards and Fritz turned to…

"Wait, Fritz! The school is on the other way!"

And after that and two minutes of agonizing marathon, the trio made it in time to the school gate. Which was starting to close as they and another dozen other students made in time, all under the stern gaze of one of the physical education teachers, mister Masamune. He was a man of stout build, square face and grim expression, thick square glasses and a haircut that usually matched the rest of the man's theme of squareness. The man clutched tightly a wooden sword with his left hand while his right hand cleaned a minuscule stain in his red tracksuit.

Without missing so much as half a heartbeat, Yuki jumped down from her friend's iron grip and straightened her skirt and long black cascade of silken hair.

"Gott in Himmel. I swear that if my heart could beat again I would have burst it."

"Tell me."

The group turned and could see Kazuya, another of their friends. Despite his delinquent looks, coupled with mean glare, shabby arrangement of attire and bleached hair, she knew he was a softie.

"What the?" Betty began before realizing.

A great cloud of dust emerged from the end of the avenue, closing down before revealing a small pink and red dot that closed by at ferocious speed as she roared "ORAAAAAAAA!"

"Martha is being late as per usual…" said a rather saddened Yuki.

"He's not going to make it in time," comments idly Kazuya.

"I find your lack of faith disheartening. Of course she c-"

The furry giant bullet of flesh almost made it. And certainly made it to the closing door, which stalwartly held its own as she smashed herself at full speed.

"Can NOT make it," corrected Fritz as he flinched. "Hey, Mister Masamune, can you open the gate for a second, pretty please?"

The old man stared the youth with a dead fish face, his eyes glaring behind the thick square glasses. He then clicked his tongue and made a thin grin before opening the door just enough for Martha to pass by.

Martha wore a red tracksuit like Masamune, plus a red and white sports hairband around her ears to match, and wore a pink t-shirt beneath the unzipped jacket. Twitching her whiskers, the rabbit girl began her tirade.

"I was THIS close from making it in time and make a one-minute run from home to school, man!" she made a minuscule pinch and showed it to the others. "THIS CLOSE!"

"Didn't know we were talking about hand-granades," deadpanned Fritz.

"What are you on about?" She growled as she shot a killer stare. "You want some fight matey? Cause this-"

"Next time. Now we don't have time, we are going to get the mother of all heckles from miss Martel!"

Yuki pressed the two belligerants and the group made their way to the tail of latecomers. Thus began one of their more regular and uneventful days. Which wasn't saying much.

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