In Which We Make Fan Intros For Our OCs to Injustice 3

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Injustice 3 Intros Ultimate #1:
Unfortunately, Injustice 3 might not be coming anytime soon. With David Zaslav canceling all the best projects and keeping all the worst ones, it's questionable if Injustice 3 will ever see the light of day.

This means all those great intros the series is known for will probably never be seen again for DC characters.

Guess that means it's up to us.

That's right, in this thread, we are going to come up with Injustice 3 dialogue for our OCs, For characters from other franchises, and from DC of course. You're free to use my characters if you like and if you need to know the story behind Injustice 3 I'm going with. Here's the video that explains the plot for Injustice 3 I'm going with. (Don't worry, we won't limit ourselves to only the characters mentioned in that roster)

TL;DR version. We're dealing with a Crisis Event. So Anti-Monitor is trying to destroy things, The Batman Who Laughs is here, and Darkseid is a prominent player.

Here are my intros for OC, Ultimate.

Injustice 3 Intros

Batman creeps in a mist of smoke and bats, his shadowy figure properly portraying his menace. He walks out the smoke, showing his full form. Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Batman: You caused quite the trouble with your presence, Ultimate.
Ultimate: I only wanted to become the best!
Batman: And it's possible. With the proper training.

Batman: Still working on your nanomachines, Ultimate?
Ultimate: Think I finally found a way to make them…less…consuming.
Batman: I can help with that.

Ultimate: Any advice on how I can get with Harley?
Batman: Just one piece: Don't.
Ultimate: I bet this is why you don't have a girlfriend.

Ultimate: What are we gonna do about the Batman Who Laughs? He might still be pissed I backstabbed him.
Batman: Leave him to me.
Ultimate: Heh, look out, we got a badass over here!

Superman lands in a three-point landing, stands up and stares his opponent dead in the eyes. Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Superman: Yet another one of Batman's pet projects.
Ultimate: Yet another one of…a stupid…flying…bitch
Superman: Not that good at quips, are you?

Superman: So you're working with the Batman Who Laughs?
Ultimate: Nooooooo, I only worked with him to get to this dimension, get access to his tech and-
Superman: Save it. Time to Joker you.

Ultimate: Boy, you really went off the deep end, huh?
Superman: Look who's talking, Ultimate.
Ultimate: Then maybe you should consider it, Supes.

Ultimate: Only certain people have a right to be above morality.
Superman: And I guess that means you think only you can do what I do?
Ultimate: No…No one can, or should.
Wonder Woman pulls out her sword and shield, clashes them twice above her head, and takes a battle position. Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Wonder Woman: Bruce just keeps teaming up with worse people, doesn't he?
Ultimate: Who the hell is Bruce?
Wonder Woman: And apparently stupider people.

Wonder Woman: Now Batman is brainwashing children
Ultimate: Tell that to Supergirl.
Wonder Woman: We did what was best for her.

Ultimate: Batman must've been out of his mind when he broke up with you!
Wonder Woman: What are you yammering about?
Ultimate: Is this not like the cartoon?

Ultimate: We both love battle, Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman: Yet I only view as a necessity.
Ultimate: Probably because you're the boring Wonder Woman.

A crowbar is dragging on the floor, it's the Joker walking towards his opponents, all while laughing, a sadistic grin on his face. Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Joker: Ooooooooooh, I can't wait to see what my fear gas does to you!
Ultimate: Keep away from me, freak.
Joker: Uh-oh, big bad Ultimate's actually afraid? That excites me even more.

Joker: We actually have a bit in common, Ultimate.
Ultimate: Me and you? Not a chance.
Joker: Really? We both know the normal rules don't apply to us.

Ultimate: Didn't you die?
Joker: I'm the result of the universe colliding, I'm from an different earth.
Ultimate: As if The Anti-Monitor couldn't get anymore annoying.

Supergirl flies through the clear blue sky, wind flowing through her hair and a bright smile on her face. She flies down glently, hands on her hips. Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Supergirl: So you're my new partner?
Ultimate: In more ways than one if you get what I'm saying.
Supergirl: Eww! No way!

Supergirl: I gotta talk to Batman about this.
Ultimate: About us finding out Joker is back?
Supergirl: No, about me having to be your teammate.

Ultimate: Hey girl.
Supergirl: I already said no, right?
Ultimate: I was hoping I could change your mind with my good looks. Is it working?

Ultimate: So…mind showing the newbie a few ropes?
Supergirl: Is that code for something else?
Ultimate: Jesus, I try being humble for once.

Damian Wayne watches over the battlefield, perched on top of the skyscraper. He stands up, and flips off the building. Landing in a three-point landing. He then poses with his sword. Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Damian: So Bruce is adding another sidekick to his roster, is he?
Ultimate: Bruce?
Damian: One that doesn't know he's secrets, apparently.

Damian: I've seen you fight. You have no skill compared to the bat-family.
Ultimate: Is that like gay pride but…gayer?
Damian: You're also not as funny.

Ultimate: You killed Dick?
Damian: I didn't mean to!
Ultimate: Hey, I don't care, I just find it's funny.

Ultimate: Y'know, I agree. We should be killing villains.
Damian: Then why are you fighting me?
Ultimate: Superman kills a little more than just villains.

What intros do you have?

And if you want to use Ultimate, here's his description.


Ultimate is what happens when a villain tries to become a hero. Once a normal boy named Joseph James, his life changed as he entered his teen years. As a child, he was raised in poverty, and because of his past, He became a villain with a massive attention complex, a need for greed, and a lust for power.

He was a villain at the low age of ten in order to support himself and his mother, studying technology to become a tech-based villain. Unfortunately, he was caught at fourteen by his idol, rock star superhero, King. Who expressed disappointment. Upon learning he was going to be most likely sentenced to death for murdering so many heroes. He panicked and had a Trigger, allowing him to escape. He decided he needed a new career, and upon learning how much heroes make and big they are, he decided to become one.

Ultimate craved fame and fortune and now feels becoming a hero would be the best way to get it. So now, he tries to use his newly gained abilities to gain prestige & popularity. Not through hard work, mind you, but through trickery and schemes.

Sporting plain black spandex and goggles, he travels throughout the city of Townville in order to find villains to beat, and become the most popular hero there ever was. He will do this by employing complex, yet simple, smart, yet short-sighted, horrible, yet horrible plans. Ones that are over the top and evil. He will say dark things from time to time, as he is the joke most of the time. He's not always angry and upset, but he is a good amount of the time, due to his fragile ego. He has a softer side to him. One that cares for the oppressed and children. He can be kind yet cruel, Prideful, yet insecure. His theme is what if a villain tried to become a hero?

His want is to become the top hero.
His need is to learn empathy.
His Duty? Himself.
His Expectation from others is to be a jackass.
His fear? Not measuring up.

His only weakness is himself, his view of the world that its rotten. His view of himself is that he's the main character. The central protagonist. The most important one in the room.
Greedy, power-hungry, skeevy, selfish, spiteful, cowardly, incompetent, and incredibly arrogant, Ultimate will do anything to become the best, most popular, number one hero of all time. And WILL use assault, torture, murder, or sadistic schemes.
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Injustice 3 Intros Ultimate #2:
Ruby Rose in her volume 1-3 design pops up in a burst of rose petals, leaping into the air, with her legs bent and her feet behind her. She lands and twirls Cresent Rose around her like it's a plaything, posing with it behind her back. Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Ruby Rose: What do your guns transforms into?
Ultimate: What? Nothing. They're just guns.
Ruby Rose: No knives, no scythes, no…nothing? Guess it's more of a family heirloom.

Ruby Rose: Your nanobots are so cool!
Ultimate: You mean the things that almost ate an entire city?
Ruby Rose: Do you have to ruin everything?

Ultimate: You're pretty cute.
Ruby Rose: Ummm…Sorry, Ultimate, I'm not into romance.
Ultimate: Trust me, neither am I.

Ultimate: That weapon of yours is insane.
Ruby Rose: Thanks! I can make a transfroming weapon for you if you like!
Ultimate: Thanks, but no thanks. I prefer to let my fists do the talking.

A empty spot gets an condensed amount of bugs flewing and crawling towards it. Bugs making humanoid shapes flew towards the same spot, and they eventually disperses and show Skitter as if she made a three-point landing. She stands up and bring out her baton and knife, Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Skitter: So you used to be a villain?
Ultimate: I'm not proud of it, Skits.
Skitter: I don't mind. I mean, I used to be a hero.

Skitter: So where do you see yourself on the sliding scale of good or evil?
Ultimate: I'm moralityfluid. Sometimes I'm good, and sometimes I'm bad. Really depends on the mood.
Skitter: Good, that was a test anyway.

Ultimate: Y'know, I thought you were a dude when I first saw you.
Skitter: Great, as if my body image problems couldn't get any worse.
Ultimate: Oh! I mean, I'm sure you're very pretty under that mask!

Ultimate: Y'know, you're a story from where I come from.
Skitter: Does that mean…you know about my Trigger Event?
Ultimate: What!? Nonononononono, I could never….they didn't…Wildbow didn't…is it hot in here?

Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya leaps from building to building, finally landing on the ground, facing his opponent. Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Deku: Y'know, you don't have to be a bad guy, Ultimate.
Ultimate: What are you talking about? I'm not a bad guy anymore.
Deku: Yet there's blood on your hands.

Deku: Can you believe all the heroes from comic books are REAL!?
Ultimate: Ehh, I still think I'm cooler.
Deku: Wow, I almost wish I were you.

Ultimate: Jenny made me watch your show. It was a good one.
Deku: (Gulps) You don't know any of my secrets, do you?
Ultimate: Don't worry, I don't know your browser history.

Ultimate: Paragons like you piss me off.
Deku: What!? I'm not a...How!?
Ultimate: You make the rest of us look like shit.
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Injustice 3 Intros Ultimate #3:
Invincible lands on the ground, cracks his knuckles, and takes a fighting pose. Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Invincible: Hey, I'm Invincible.
Ultimate: Invincible? That name's kinda optimistic, don't you think?
Invincible: You're the one named Ultimate.

Invincible: So you've been doing this for three years?
Ultimate: Two, actually.
Invincible: You must be experienced then, care for a little spar?

Ultimate: You know your dad is evil, right?
Invincible: Yeah, I…wait a second…how do you know that?
Ultimate: I read your comic. Weird, right?

Ultimate: This doesn't seem very fair.
Invincible: I'll try to go easy.
Ultimate: What!? I didn't mean…I can still…SHUT UP!!

Homelander lands gently on the ground, basking in his own glory from the non-existent crowds. Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Homelander: Hey there, little guy! What your name?
Ultimate: Shut up, creep.
Homelander: (Frowns) I'd watch your mouth if I were you.

Homelander: Is there a problem, Ultimate?
Ultimate: Let's just say I know you from my world. And I'm not impressed.
Homelander: Well, neither am I.

Ultimate: Well, if it isn't the innocent-slaying rapist.
Homelander: Watch your tongue.
Ultimate: Or you can watch me as I take yours.

Ultimate: Don't need flying to kick your ass.
Homelander: Nope, just a way to hit absolute zero without dying.
Ultimate: I got something for that too.

Hancock flies in the air, staying on course. He lands on the ground without breaking it, and walks a bit. Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Hancock: You remind me of me.
Ultimate: Thank you!
Hancock: It wasn't a compliment, kid.

Hancock: So you were a villain?
Ultimate: (Groans) so? Villains are better than jerks!
Hancock: Don't…call me a jerk.

Ultimate: So you're Hancock?
Hancock: And you're a stupid kid.
Ultimate: I now see why cock is in your name.

Ultimate: Sup, cocksucker?
Hancock: Clever. You know you're only the hundredth person to call me that.
Ultimate: Oh, who asked you. anyway?
Ultimate, Ruby, Deku, and Skitter Vs. The Society
Captain Cold slides in on a icy floor and stops, cocking his freeze ray. Ultimate lands on his face after jumping from an unknown height. He looks around, gets up, and dusts himself off.

Captain Cold: Let me guess, you're here to take me to Bats.
Ultimate: I'm here to kill your ass.
Captain Cold: You kiss your mother with that mouth?

Captain Cold: Haven't seen you around.
Ultimate: I'm new, here.
Captain Cold: Well, you're going home.

Ultimate: My technology surpasses yours.
Captain Cold: I made a freezing ray before I hit my twenties.
Ultimate: And I made mine at seven years old!

Ultimate: So no powers? Just a fucking gun?
Captain Cold: I have a field around me that can stop the flash.
Ultimate: Let's see how well it it can stop bullets.

Deadshot walks up to the scene, twirling around a knife in between his fingers. Ruby Rose in her volume 1-3 design pops up in a burst of rose petals, leaping into the air, with her legs bent and her feet behind her. She lands and twirls Cresent Rose around her like it's a plaything, posing with it behind her back.

Deadshot: I don't kill children.
Ruby Rose: So then you won't, right?
Deadshot: Nope, I'll settle for crippling you.

Deadshot: Nice toy you got there, little girl.
Ruby Rose: Thanks!
Deadshot: I'll bet I can get a pretty penny for it.

Ruby Rose: You're honorable, you don't have to be bad.
Deadshot: If it pays the bills, I have to.
Ruby Rose: Then I have to stop you.

Ruby Rose: Batman told me you need to be stopped.
Deadshot: And he sent a brat to do it?
Ruby Rose: I. Am not. A brat.

Scarecrow walks up with a gas canister in hand and a sprayer, he sprays the air with mist hiding himself. And eventually revealing his nightmare form. Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya leaps from building to building, finally landing on the ground, facing his opponent.

Scarecrow: Ahh, you fear for All Might's safety.
Deku: N-no, that's not true.
Scarecrow: The gas never lies, Midoriya!

Scarecrow: Do you still fear Bakugo?
Deku: I fear nothing, Scarecrow!
Scarecrow: That's not what the gas says.

Deku: Wha…what does the gas say about me?
Scarecrow: Says you have many little fears.
Deku: (Sighs) Yeah, that sounds right.

Deku: I've forgotten how to hesitate, Scarecrow
Scarecrow: Then perhaps we should refresh your memory
Deku: I'm good, thank you.

Gorilla Grodd levitates above the ground, using his psychic powers to pick himself up, eventually he lands, and the camera pans up to his feet, to his belly and chest, to his face. A empty spot gets an condensed amount of bugs flewing and crawling towards it. Bugs making humanoid shapes flew towards the same spot, and they eventually disperse and show Skitter as if she made a three-point landing. She stands up and brings out her baton and knife.

Gorilla Grodd: I hear you're the new villainess from this area.
Skitter: Pretty much.
Gorilla Grodd: I'll be taking your throne then.

Gorillia Grodd: I'm looking for more territory.
Skitter: But I'm not looking to share.
Gorilla Grodd: I wasn't asking, Skitter.

Skitter: We could be allies.
Gorilla Grodd: Hmph! Yet your heroic thoughts betray you, Skitter.
Skitter: Fuck.

Skitter: You don't expect me to work with an ape, right?
Gorilla Grodd: Nor would I work with a little girl.
Skitter: Trust me, you don't want me as an enemy, either.