In which MrLZRS Tries to Build a Science Fantasy World


Good Riddance
No Longer here...
So I had this Idea stewing in my Head for a while and I just got a spark of Inspiration Yesterday. This is my first time actually trying my hand in Worldbuilding so I may need some help in Fleshing out and Fine Tuning A Few Things. This is basically my attempt at a Science Fantasy setting.

Feel free to offer Tips, Constructive Criticism, and Other Pointers. I am Unskilled and Inexperienced in This Venture.

Anyway without further ado, I present to You:

ROB's Children's Sandbox

So I need help in fleshing this one out. Here's what I got so far:

The Primordial

Before Reality there was The Primordial. It goes by A Myriad of Names: The First, The One Before, The Endless One, The Absolute, The Creator, The Idea of God, God/Great Spirit/The Gods/The Spirits, Not!Azathoth, and the List goes on and on.
The Primordial's Nature is Incomprehensible, Surreal, Random, Omnipotent and most of all: It simply Is. Through The Primordial everything Exists, From Reality to the Laws that Govern it.​

As you can see it is still under construction. I spent a long time coming up with something but I'm stuck with a blank. I'm new at this you see.

So here's what I'm planning:​
  • The Primordial Decides to raise Children of His Own, Not by Adoption mind you but Born From Himself. But I need a Motivation as to why He decided to have children of his own.​
  • The Two Children are Twin Gods: One a Goddess of Order, The Other a God of Chaos. Sometimes they get along very well, sometimes they don't (I'm going for the Yin Yang Dynamic between the two.)​
  • They are sent to an Isolated Reality (One within the Myriad Realities of Fiction which are separate from but influenced by This Reality.)​
That's all I got for now.
  • The Primordial Decides to raise Children of His Own, Not by Adoption mind you but Born From Himself. But I need a Motivation as to why He decided to have children of his own.​
  • The Two Children are Twin Gods: One a Goddess of Order, The Other a God of Chaos. Sometimes they get along very well, sometimes they don't (I'm going for the Yin Yang Dynamic between the two.)​
  • They are sent to an Isolated Reality (One within the Myriad Realities of Fiction which are separate from but influenced by This Reality.)​

- The Prime is stated to be incomprehensible. It does not need motivation to do what it will. As it is presumably Omniscient, it might know that this course of action would lead to something.
- Fairly generic. Hmm. The Prime is Concept, and its Twins are Duality. Thus, they may only sire children that themselves have an opposite?
- Let's use some original terms, M'Kay? So, Realis => Myriadis /= Existalis

Give me some more stuff, I'm going to need more than a creation "myth" to push towards whatever it is that you want. Unless that's something you want me/us to come up with?
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Okay, so the Twins are in this Isolated Reality correct? My idea was to have them create realms: One where they live, and the other their "Playground" so to speak.
They made Planets, the Sun (The stars in this Reality are actually windows to Other Realities), And other Non-Interstellar Heavenly Bodies in the "Playground". Then They Made A Planet Habitable, with the residue from Them Acting upon the "Playground" Realm forming the Basis of Ambient Magic in the Realm.

There's Also a Plot where the Goddess of Order Creating An Advanced Precursor Race and the God of Chaos Making the Obligatory Xenomorph/Tyranid/Zerg Species Thousands of Years Later as a Prank on his Sister, And we all know what Happens after that: Disaster and a Minor Sibling Quarrel that resulted in The Extinction of the Precursors and the Banishment of the Race of Generic Alien Locust™ in an Underworld Created Later for the specific Purpose of Containing Them. As a Compromise the Twins Decided To Fill the World by Taking in Already Existing Races from across The Myriad Realities of Fiction instead.

That's what I got so Far.
So addendum Before I shit out more Ideas, Regarding The Primordial's Name: You can Call Him Rob. As in R.O.B. Yes.

More Ideas Coming Soon!