In Their Imperial and Royal Majesties Name [Council Game]

OOC - Intro

=} In Their Imperial and Royal Majesties Name {=

IC Thread


=} Intro {=
It wasn't quite clear how you got that link, maybe you accidently clicked on one of the hoax emails that your computer ought to have cleaned up on its own, maybe someone send it to you for a laugh or maybe you just thought it might make for an amusing Roleplaying game. Either way – you found yourself staring at a slightly moving image, shadowy figures in a tall archaic hall, human features that seemed just a tad off, bulkier bodies under heavy robes, some even stranger arched backs and overly long limbs. Either way – whoever did that video had at least some people who were good in the cosmetics department. The image zoomed on a shadowed tall figure on a throne, unmoving and invisible from your point of view for now – till an oddly resonating voice come through the speakers of your PC, tablet, mobile phone or whatever else you were using: a chorus of young, old, male – female speakers and multiple languages, which still were able to be understood by you:

"I am Sub-sector Arbiter Kriqors of the Quyhm Dynasty, overseeing a hundred worlds in fealty to the Celestial Throne world and in accordance with Their Imperial Majesties will, Defender of the Evilian March, Grand Admiral of the Ilusian Fleet and conqueror of the Xivian Barbarian Kingdoms.", letting a pause echo through the silent halls, the thin figure raised a single hand, before continuing:

"Your world, Imperial Corps Exploration Number: 772-SBN7V, found in the year 32.982 after the death of the first Imperial Majesty, contacted in the third century of my service to the Celestial Throne, lies at the borders of the recent expansion. Your species has been categorized at Tech Advancement VII, standard political systems, negligible unique differences to other nearly civilized people. This has put me in the position to declare your world a protectorate under my own sufferance and authority as Sub-sector Arbiter, backwater and provincial as it may be now, there's potential for greatness for all subjects of their Imperial Majesty."

Lowering their hands once more, the figure seemed to look directly at you as the many voices spoke eerily as one: "If you are seeing this message, the search algorithm the Explorers have left in your rudimentary networks have chosen you as a potential candidate to serve as Planetary Arbiters in my stead and in accordance to the will of the Celestial Throne. All following information has been added to this message. Pledge yourself to me and you shall speak and act on your home planet in my stead, with my authority and those means I deem necessary for slow integration of your planet into the wider march – as long as you serve loyally, the measures of your activities are your own."
With this the message zooms out again, the whole court shifting away, some faces shifting and turning from something human – into something else and back again, before the image cuts out and you are suddenly stuck with a few papers in unreadable script and tiny (slightly stiff and sometimes wonky) translations in your respective language, downloading themselves onto your device.
Just what was that – or more importantly – what will you make of it?

=} OOC Intro {=
Welcome dearest Players or at least people who might be interested in playing this little scenario of mine. Welcome to "In Their Imperial and Royal Majesties Name", which is of course a handful and a monument to my inability to find a shorter and catchier name that would also make more sense as acronym than ITIRMN. In this game you are going to have the job of standing in the middle between our dear old homeworld – and an even older galactic Empire that really can't be bothered with all those primitive worlds lining up along its claimed space. Through a chance of fate or other influences, you have been chosen as Planetary Arbiters of a distant neo-feudal bureaucrat, whose representing an even more distant Crown.

Thanks to a recent Expansion of the Celestial Empire, Earth has ended up in the territory claimed by it, what exactly that means – is unclear to most people, even those who you might have to call superiors. There's much at stake, Alien life has made itself known and it has been here longer than the modern human has existed, there's no war of the worlds – for the Imperial Fleet has better things to do. There's no enlightened first contact – for those aliens, far away and secure in their own cultural superiority see little use in bestowing upon us their truths. Still – there are many reasons for different ships to make port at Earth, some more, some less honest than you can imagine. Earth is now a small dot on the Imperial Maps, a tiny speck, but one that is known – it will be your job to keep both visitors and visited from destroying another or more importantly: something going wrong in a way that makes your distant overlord look down at our little blue and green world.
"Lowly Planetary Arbiter seek to advance their planet and prevent harm on its general population, struggling with an ever more apparent lack of information no one can be bothered to tell them, operating advanced equipment no one might know how to operate after assembly, dealing with distant bureaucratic overlords whose expectations might differ from reality and everything ranging from rowdy alien tourists wanting to see the unspoiled wilds to sleek Traders who would like some real estate. Are you in the twilight of an Empire? At the very start of one – or has the Empire already ended and no one quite knows yet? I guess we will have to find out."

=} Application {=

Age [Local Time units acceptable]:

Local Socio-unit of importance [Marital Status]:
Reason you think you were chosen:

Personal Organisation


Spend 20 points on the following qualities of your personal Assets:

=} Gameplay {=
This is going to be a Council game – with a cooperate and corporative nature, which can of course vary depending on what you do with your slice of power. A group of players will operate in a turn-based system, able to utilize their factions qualities– using a shared power base and resources. While you can utilize your power to jockey for importance against another, you might want to remember that you are very tiny fish in a giant pond and who knows what the universe and your GM might throw at you?
There are certain Qualities your organisation will possess throughout the game, which in turn set you apart from other players and even NPCs. This might on a personal level show which qualities make your personal forces stand out, while all of them added together show the might of your faction as whole.

Might: is the faction's general aptitude at applying physical violence, commanding troops, recruiting armies etc. A rating of 1 implies an organization with little or no aptitude for physical coercion, while a rating of 10 usually involves a force that can take out whole continents of your home world - everything beyond that only gets more impressive. It encompasses the number of soldiers active at a given time, their degree of training and equipment, their access to cutting edge technology, and the brilliance (or foolishness) of their commanders.

Wealth: indicates the faction's commercial and industrial resources. A Wealth score of 1 means that the faction has little in the way of income or investments, no dedicated manufacturing facilities. A Wealth score of 10 is appropriate for someone who has nearly single handedly changed the way economy works on our world and can showcase facilities and impressive marvels of industry that make their visitors faint.

Influence: is the word which you can use for everything and nothing. It gives you a gauge of how much you know and how powerfully (and subtly) a group can sway the opinions of other groups. This is not the power to redraw borders directly, but the power to learn what the other leader believes, and perhaps persuade them to see your point.

Territory: Another very abstract Quality, Territory measures more than just acreage (though that's part of it). Territory means population, it means the strength of the land and its fertility, it means everything from vertical farms to gen-engineered cattle. Good Territory indicates educated followers and efficient workers. It is the measure of your City's physical ability to grow and to recover from setbacks. At a level of 1 it would be just a humble village, but at level 10 you could boost about leading a metropolis.

Sovereignty: Perhaps the least-tangible Quality, Sovereignty indicates the inner strength of your society. It measures the loyalty of the people to the Company and its leaders, and more, their dedication to one another. It is, essentially, their identity as followers of yours and with a high Sovereignty you can expect a great deal of voluntary aid from even its lowliest followers — acting not from hope of reward, but out of a sense of pride or civic duty. Factions with low Sovereignty may dissolve from within, even when there's no external threat.

Playing with Qualities
Maybe your factions are feeling as if they can work well together, better than the Sub-Sector Arbiters belief in "healthy competition" might have expected when he gave you personal forces. In such a case you can merge your sub-factions together into a new one. Qualities of equal value get combined and raise by 1, qualities which are unequal are changed into the higher stat. This means that If two factions with Might 4 combine, the new faction would have Might 5. While a faction with Influence 3 combining with a faction of influence 5 would result in the new merged faction also having an Influence of 5. Things get even funnier if multiple factions decide to merge at once.
If you split up Qualities (maybe to use two-armed intervention troops instead of just one), you split it according to the rules above – so a Might 5 military is made up by 2 x Might 4 or 4x Might 3 armies. Careful if they degrade on their attack thought – you might loose in power when you recombine them once more.

Improving qualities (aside from mergers of the voluntary or involuntary kind), happens by using them, improving them through actions and generally gaining experience points with them. The XP cost for raising a Quality is equal to ten times its new level. If you want to raise your Company's Might to 6, you need to put in 60 XP. Raising Sovereignty from 1 to 2 costs 20 XP.

Using Qualities
The system we are using is based on the Reign ORE system, thus success is going to be measured by throwing d10s, in accordance to the rating of the Quality you allocated to a task and seeing how many of them form matching pairs. The Qualities you dedicated to an action (if you think that is necessary), your plan, temporal modifiers or permanent traits you might have earned, form the pool of an action. The larger it is, the better your chances by far. Success on the other hand can be measured by width (how many dice match) and height (how size of the number on the dice), with width usually indicating swiftness and competence, while height shows favourable circumstances and how critical a success was.

For example if you want to lobby for opening a certain Cuban Beach to alien visitors you might use your Influence Quality of 4 (showing your ability to start a campaign in the Cuban public) - together with your Wealth of 3 (used to bribe various politicians) and on top of it a temporary modifier you gained from a big PR stunt last turn. Now with a Pool of 8 dice, you throw 1,1,8,8,5,10,6,10 and thus gain 3 Successes, winning your challenge and getting a private resort just for your water loving tourists from beyond the Sol system.

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Oh hey, a familiar face!

It's a bit unclear, though, in what way is Earth connected to the Empire at large? Since there are visitors, there's presumably a spaceport or a transit station of some sort, as well as communications array? What obligations does the planet have, beyond maintaining those and not causing trouble? What resources can be requisitioned or purchased off-world and is there anything other than land and tourism that Earth has to offer?
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Romulus - Nicholas `Nik` Weir - Argent Holdings Group
This seems to be an interesting game, guess I'll put my hat in.​

Name: Nicholas 'Nik' Weir
Age [Local Time units acceptable]: 31

Local Socio-unit of importance [Marital Status]: N/A
[Offspring]: N/A
Personality: Proud, but not arrogant. Strict, but fair. A realist that understands the world in grey colors. Nicholas would prefer to settle things with words but is perfectly willing to have you in a sniper's sights at the same time.
Reason you think you were chosen: A realist who is a diplomat in soul, a businessman at heart, and a hardened soldier in mind is a handy thing to have.
Biography: When asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, he certainly didn't say being the head of a corporation whose worth is in the hundreds of billions. Of course the path he took to this point wasn't easy. His father was a businessman and his mother was an ex-diplomat who retired to work as the head of public relations in her husband's company. Originally his parents raised him to eventually take over the company but when their country went to war he instead joined the military and with his considerable education earned an officer's commission. He spent the entire war going from battlefield to battlefield eventually being promoted to command his own battalion. Using his education in business he was able to 'appropriate' supplies from his fellow officers in exchange for supplies and services they needed, keeping his unit supplied in even the worse parts of the war.

Eventually though the war ended, fortunately in his country's favor, and he had to go back to his old life. Sadly, just like the soldiers in the past going from a soldier to a civilian isn't an easy transition. Reaching out to his old unit he found many who had the same problem, a large portion that never even managed to find a job to sustain themselves. Seeing an opportunity, he asked his father for capital to start his own company, a private military company to be specific. Seeing it as a way for his son to deal with his problems and a way to gain experience in running a company, he agreed. Nicholas hired the people of his old unit to fill the core of his roster, quickly filling it with hardened veterans who were already well acquainted with each other and others similar to them. In a short time his company was ready to begin taking contracts.

In the years following the name Centurion International became reputed for its exceptional discipline, well trained and experienced staff, and always completing their contracts with as few complications as possible. Eventually the company grew to become one of the better reputed PMCs in the world. With the company proving to be successful and Nicholas showing his father his business acumen, his father decided that he will hand the company over to him, a company that is now a parent company with subsidiaries encompassing several different services and is well on its way to becoming multi-billion company. With this happening, Nicholas folded Centurion International into his father's, his, company and added private security as another service under its purview, and eventually Centurion International became the private military arm of the company and provided security for both the parent company and its subsidiaries alongside its own independent contracts.

Personal Organisation
Name: Argent Holdings Group

Goal: Growth in secure, stable, and long-term profit

Spend 20 points on the following qualities of your personal Assets:
Might: 5
Wealth: 4
Influence: 4
Territory: 3
Sovereignty: 4
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Wow, this sounds very interesting. Although I have to ask a few questions before I can create my organisation:


Is the populace of Earth aware of their new status as a protectorate, and the existence of Arbiters?

Is our authority acknowledged by various nation-states, or do we have to make them accept our rule?

Did we get any technology, blueprints or resources to help us perform our roles as Arbiters?

What is exactly our organisation? A personal megacorp from before the contact, an acknowledged supranational organisation with formal authority over the nations of Earth, a structure outside of the formal authority of the Arbiter, a shadowy conspiracy that rules the planet from the shadows?
Wow, this sounds very interesting. Although I have to ask a few questions before I can create my organisation:


Is the populace of Earth aware of their new status as a protectorate, and the existence of Arbiters?

Is our authority acknowledged by various nation-states, or do we have to make them accept our rule?

Did we get any technology, blueprints or resources to help us perform our roles as Arbiters?

What is exactly our organisation? A personal megacorp from before the contact, an acknowledged supranational organisation with formal authority over the nations of Earth, a structure outside of the formal authority of the Arbiter, a shadowy conspiracy that rules the planet from the shadows?

This is the little I got from her before she went afk.

We're essentially random shmucks they picked up to form a governmental council over the planet. I accidentallied my sheet but she was ok with it.

We will be receiving support from our alien overlords and this depends on the qualities we pick. We will also be receiving troop detachments from them for us to command.
Terran Imperium - Erika von Heinrich - Heinrich Conglomerate
I am interested in seeing where this is going.

Name: Erika von Heinrich

Age [Local Time units acceptable]: 31


Local Socio-unit of importance [Marital Status]: ----
[Offspring:] ----

Personality: A cunning and beautiful woman. She is quite the schemer and manipulator of people for her own agenda. She is fairly seductive and friendly to other people. She has a lot of sociopath traits, cold, calculating and sees others as objects she can use to her advantage although she will never show it.

Reason you think you were chosen: Erika is a decisive woman. She will take the most efficient path to a solution with the least amount of casualties or problems without fear of being hindered by her emotions. Everything has a price.

Biography: Erika was born to a business family, the 'von Heinrich'. She didn't see her parents much because of their job, she was tutored from a young age so that she could take over the family business after her parents. She never hated or blamed her parents for the lack of love they showed her, she was understanding more than anything. Her childhood was filled with studies well beyond her age. When she was of age, she entered her father's company and steadily rose through the ranks. Her first position was to work in the Human Ressources department where she determined the salaries of the employees and fire anyone for incompetence. When her father died, she took over as the CEO of the company. Her mother Adelina retired as she went to take care of her second daughter who was still young. Erika did a wonderful job as expected of her as a CEO and gained the trust and loyalty of her employees. Advertisements campaigns, investments, shares, she became a powerful rich woman in the financial world. Currently, she wants to tutor her younger sister who was in middle school so that she could take over the company. A guarantee that the family business would not die out. Although her mother Adelina was against it, she wanted to give the child a normal childhood and life. Erika's sister Hannah admired her sister but she wasn't particularly interested in taking over after her sister's retirement.

Personal Organisation
Name: Heinrich Conglomerate

Goal: Expand business beyond Earth into the Galactic Market. Make Hannah the heir of the company.

Might: 1
Wealth: 7
Influence: 6
Territory: 2
Sovereignty: 4
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This is the little I got from her before she went afk.

We're essentially random shmucks they picked up to form a governmental council over the planet. I accidentallied my sheet but she was ok with it.

We will be receiving support from our alien overlords and this depends on the qualities we pick. We will also be receiving troop detachments from them for us to command.
Thanks! So it definitely isn't a "Shadowy World Government" kind of deal, since we are expected to receive tourists and direct support in form of troodp and similar.

Does the "support depends on qualities we pick" mean that our organisation is going to be created as a result of being turned into arbiters and, for example, having high Might would mean we received a lot of military forces from our superior?

Although the most important question for me is the legal status in relation to various governments on Earth, as in, do they recognise our authority, or will try to fight back and our first turns are going to be our attempts at subjugating the Earth? Because I wonder if I can make Might my dump stat...
Cloak&Dagger - Ozymandias - Elysium Station
Name: Arbiter Ozymandias
Age: 25

Local Socio-unit of importance [Marital Status]: No
[Offspring:]: None
Personality: A barely functional combination of near total lack of risk aversion linked to extreme paranoia, though to be fair, when you are the appointed local leader of an occupying enemy force, they really are out to get you.
Reason you think you were chosen: Cowardice Loyalty; whereas it's normally difficult to find reliable natives to rule your newly conquered land that you share absolutely no history or culture with, Ozymandias is uniquely willing to not care about any of those things and gladly enforce the rule of distant overlords, and never have the slightest idea of rebellion or sabotage as long as the Empire is strong, which it surely is.
Biography: What is there to tell? Some unimpressive 1st worlder in some unimpressive city doing some unimpressive job, and is offered the chance for more.
Personal Organization
Name: Elysium Station
Goal: Personal Enrichment
Might: 2
Wealth: 10
Influence: 1
Territory: 4
Sovereignty: 3​
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in what way is Earth connected to the Empire at large?

Right now? A three month trip to the next civilised outpost, from there two months to the Sub-sector Capital and afterwards travel becomes comically easy as you go into truly developed sectors and leave the fought over marches behind.

What obligations does the planet have, beyond maintaining those and not causing trouble?

Ohh - that will depend, keeping care of the equipment bestowed upon you will be one constant duty, but aside from that the Sub-Sector Arbiter isn't sure yet what use the world is going to have.

What resources can be requisitioned or purchased off-world and is there anything other than land and tourism that Earth has to offer?

Wouldn't you like to know?

Is the populace of Earth aware of their new status as a protectorate, and the existence of Arbiters?

It doesn't know yet - but the Shadowy Council plan might become a bit harder when the Sub Sector Arbiters "help" arrives.

Is our authority acknowledged by various nation-states, or do we have to make them accept our rule?

They don't know of you or the Empire yet.

Did we get any technology, blueprints or resources to help us perform our roles as Arbiters?

Yes and Yes - but as your distant and wise superiors don't want the new dot on their map to blow itself up in a few hours, you are limited to technology that is deemed safe and robust for primitives.

What is exactly our organisation?

Whatever you are going to make it when you step together. You can each do your own thing and only work "together" in name - or close the ranks and truly act as one. Or you can start gathering dirt on your rivals and get ready to call the distant superiors to get them pushed out of office.

Does the "support depends on qualities we pick" mean that our organisation is going to be created as a result of being turned into arbiters and, for example, having high Might would mean we received a lot of military forces from our superior?

Correct - If you want to have a corporate backstory or a PMC in it that might give you a Bonus or Malus in interaction at a later stage, but the qualities you choose are kinda your wish list for what kind of assets the Sub Sector Arbiter is going to send to you.
Space Jawa - Wyatt Marx - The Earth Organization
Name: Wyatt Marx
Age [Local Time units acceptable]: 35

Local Socio-unit of importance [Marital Status]: Single but Looking
[Offspring:] N/A

Personality: An optimistic realist who recognizes that the world has its shades of gray but tries to maintain as much a black-and-white view of the world as he can get away with. Tends towards suspicion of those with too much power, firmly believing in the old adage of 'power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely'.

Reason you think you were chosen: Unsure - primary suspicion is that his care for his planet will help ensure that the Celestial Empire's new territory stays healthy and strong in order to best benefit the Celestial Empire, while still being calculated as someone who runs a relatively low probability of abusing his newly assigned position.

Biography: A smart and charismatic individual, Wyatt Marx acquired a relatively easy life for himself at an early age through a series of intelligent business investments. While he could have lived out the rest of his life with ease, his passion and care about the world set him down the life of a behind-the-scenes political activist, especially as he grew into someone who found he had a way of making deals and shifting peoples opinions in a direction he felt best benefited the world, but more importantly the people who live on that world. In spite of suggestions from those who know him best, he's never actively run for political office himself, both as a personal means of keeping his own 'power' in check, and believing he's better able to do what he loves best without the kind of restrictions being an actual politician would bring.

Upon learning of his newly assigned position by an extra-terrestrial power that Earth had never heard of that thought it had the right to lay claim to the planet, he reluctantly accepted not because he agreed with what was happening, but because he knew accepting the position would give him the best opportunity to create the best possible outcome for Earth, and if he didn't do it, he didn't want to risk whoever else might be chosen instead of him. In order to best prepare and make use of the situation, he promptly began reorganizing his unofficial, informal political network into the more formal 'The Earth Organization', noting his commitment to ensuring that whatever happens next, his home planet and its people benefit from it, rather than suffer from being taken advantage of.

Personal Organisation
Name: 'The Earth Organization'

Goal: Ensure Earth net benefits from its new situation is isn't taken advantage of, with the long-term aim of ensuring that Earth doesn't become "just another Celetial Empire colony", if not find a way for the planet to maintain de facto independence from its would-be overlords.

Personal Assets:
Might: 1
Wealth: 3
Influence: 7
Territory: 2
Sovereignty: 7​
Name: 'The Earth Organization'

Goal: Ensure Earth net benefits from its new situation is isn't taken advantage of, with the long-term aim of ensuring that Earth doesn't become "just another Celetial Empire colony", if not find a way for the planet to maintain de facto independence from its would-be overlords.

I don't quite understand what type of organization is that. Is it a non-lucrative organization for the protection of the environment and human rights? It sounds like it to be honest.
Dawiusz - Rudolf Lisker - Prometheus Consortium

Name: Rudolf Lisker
Age [Local Time units acceptable]: 44 Earth years.
Local Socio-unit of importance [Marital Status]: Married to Aneta Lisker (45)
Veronika Lisker (19)
Marek Lisker (17)
Lidia Lisker (14)
Rudolf Lisker is a positivist at heart, honestly wishing to make a positive impact on the world. This doesn't mean that he is a stranger to shady practices, quite opposite, as while he vastly prefers to reach his goals in a legitimate manner, he is used to resort to manipulation, lies, and even bribery. He has yet to dabble in truly criminal enterprises, however, and is distinctly uncomfortable with idea of causing real harm, so he would need a very good reason to break this taboo.

Such discrepancy is due to his ideals being taken from a more pragmatic 'end justifies the means' approach, as he is aware that without significant capital and connections, his impact on the world will be minimal. This attitude can be seen in the way he chooses to attend various public events, not just based on the importance of the cause they represent, but mostly on how much it would improve his and his associate's reputation and further various other, more immediate goals.

He is also not completely selfless in increasing his wealth and influence, as it serves at least as much his personal life, as it does his ideals. In some ways, the fact he impacts the world is just as important as the impact itself. He enjoys being respected for his work, as it grants him a certain sense of pride and accomplishment.

Outwardly, he is a very friendly and gregarious person, wearing his habitual bright smile at nearly all times. In conversation, he attempts to stay on people's good side, and is careful to form his opinions in a manner that his interlocutor would find persuasive. He tries to avoid outright conflict, even if he is at odds the person he speaks to, as he knows that animosity could develop into an opposition and thus an obstacle in achieving his goals.

He enjoys high-quality foods and entertainment, and other amenities of luxurious lifestyle. He likes managing an organisation of his company's scope, and finds enjoyment in participating public events, due to a mixture of pleasant conversation, fulfillment of his goals and swelling of ego as his reputation solidifies.
Reason you think you were chosen: Seeing as Rudolf rose from a child of a regular middle-class family to a position of a successful CEO and very influential figure in local politics, one who recently helped one of his friends gain position of a Senator, Lisker believes that he was considered capable for the position of an Arbiter, especially when combined with his positivistic ideals which he'd tried to methodically achieve, that would make him a bit more concerned with prosperity of the planet under him than average CEO.
Rudolf was the only child in a rather average family in Eastern Europe. As such, he didn't start as an heir to fortune, and wasn't expected to follow anybody's footsteps, with his parents having encouraged him to force his own path instead, wherever it would take him.

He performed well at school, earning himself high notes, although he was no peerless genius, as he would find at university. However,, it was enough to distinguish himself as a star student, and teachers' favorite. That was when he'd found that wearing a smile and keeping to certain pleasantries would make teachers far more likely to respond positively to his inquiries, or turn a blind eye to an occasional shortcoming of his or his work.

Although his favourite subject was history, he was made aware that it wouldn't bring him much in terms of job opportunities, so he decided to pursue other topic he grew to enjoy, namely biology. Despite this, his decision to study biotechnology was only partially motivated by the possible job offers, as some part from him, grown on optimistic works science fiction, saw an opportunity to fulfill his personal fantasy of making a standing impact on the world.

Of course, intellectually he knew that it was highly unlikely, and a fantasy would most likely stay as that. He was just as aware, however, that intellect more often than not found itself helpless when the hopes, dreams and egos were being discussed, and so this partially idealistic, and a fair bit self-aggrandizing fantasy was going to linger for a while.

Because of this, when another student from a different field, a year senior, invited him to join some student rally, Rudolf agreed, knowing that it was years before he could do what he studied for. Surprisingly, by simply participating he felt as if he was doing something important, impactful. Soon enough he became a regular, ever more active participant. It wasn't long before he were publicly speaking there and cooperating with said senior, Aneta. Eventually, cooperation turned into affection.

After the first few successes on minor things, he and his friends started becoming bolder, more ambitious. As they began aiming higher, however, they found less and less success. A bunch of students didn't have the reach, nor capital required to make any noticeable impact in the larger scheme of things.

Then it hit him. Sure, students lack the necessary capital, but this only means they should try to gain it. For the first time since he was accepted at the university, he looked at his career path as mean to an end. He applied for internship at one of the larger pharmacological companies in the area. Having checked the interviewer's social media, he learned of what hobbies they happened to share, and with his habitual smile, courtesy and 'coincidental' mentioning of them, he found that his application had been accepted.

He continued this acquaintance, having found it both useful for future and enjoyable, until he had finished his studies and ended up with a new friend, and a position alongside him. In this time he managed to whisper a friendly word or two about his colleagues, allowing some of them to be accepted as well.

The most important change, however, regarded his relationship to Aneta. Over the years, they grew confident about their relationship and, eventually, married, with their first daughter, Veronica, on the way. Two years later a brother would join her, and another sister three years later still.

Due to his ease of making acquaintances among his superiors, he often served as a bridge between the bosses and the working staff, making sure his superiors received feedback they otherwise would not want to hear, and de facto supervising the efforts of the team. This tendency saw him rise to better paid, but more supervision and management related positions.

He didn't complain as the vision of him revolutionising the world with some miracle of science was replaced with a more realistic one, one that benefited from this change. As his income grew, he could afford be more active politically, funding local election campaigns of beginning, idealistic politicians he deemed honest and eager enough for time being, attending and supporting various charity organisations as well as causes.

Although he honestly enjoyed making a positive change, even if only temporary and very limited in scope, it wasn't a completely selfless endeavor. It also helped him build rapport with the local community, making his voice and support more respectable in the future, as well as provided numerous opportunities for Aneta to enact interviews with related figures and provide reportage of related events. It appeared people were less wary of talking with journalists vetted by their acquaintances.

All of this unexpectedly proved to be vital during the drug trade scandal, as some of the company's higher-ups in one of its minor branches were discovered to be selling failed batches of certain prescription drug to dealers on streets, which even caused a few hospitalisations from overdose. It was a national scandal, and the public nearly ate the company alive.

The branch Rudolf worked in was the only one where the employees, especially of the higher levels, didn't require constant watch by the police to prevent more than relatively minor vandalism and harassment, until the innocence of the rest of the organisation was proven. This result was barely achieved due to sympathetic members of the city legislature releasing the statistics which proved lack of aforementioned drugs being reported in the city, Aneta's news agency providing one of the only sympathetic takes on the situation, and Rudolf himself using every bit of his hard-earned reputation to make local public willing to at least contemplate the possibility of it being an isolated incident.

The aftermath was horrendous, with the value of the company falling drastically. Situation was similar regarding its sales and number of willing business partners. Some shareholders were jumping the ship, and the company needed to turn around this PR disaster. In an act of desperation, the board of directors elected Rudolf as the CEO, seeing that he was the only reasonably high-placed employee with much credibility left, and hoped that having him as the face of the company would let them recover.

After a lot of discussion, Lisker and the board decided to create an illusion of a great restructuring of the company, complete with moving the headquarters to CEO's city, due to its relatively friendly administration, and renaming most of the flag products of the company, as well as its own name, from Sanationis Labs to Asklepios Solutions.

The most important change, however, was to their PR and advertising tactics, with CEO and other company representatives attending various charity events related to diseases and conditions Asklepios happened to produce medicine for. Having donated unsold batches of it early on, and with it being made public thanks to Aneta and her crew, the reputation of the company gradually improved. Various lesser businesses once again were willing to make business with, still a respectably wealthy, Asklepios, even if it became a shadow of what it once was.

It would take a long time before it could fully retake its past position, but it was once again growing. In terms of influence, though, one could say it never was better, with many low level politicians having earned their campaign funding from Lisker's pocket, and himself having become a regular at public events.

His own standing in the company was cemented this way, with the board no longer thinking of him as just a public face, but a capable chief executive in his own right.

In terms of personal matters, much has happened as well. His very active public life often took away from what he could leave for his family, especially children. Whenever he was free, he tried to make up for his absence, but he knew it wasn't quite enough. While Aneta understood his lack of time, having found herself in charge of her own news agency, and their constant cooperation on numerous issues made sure they were often together, the children spent more time with their grandparents and Aneta's younger brother, than with their actual parents.

Veronica in particular grew unhappy living in her parents' shadow, unable to fully regain her independence, or live a normal life as a daughter of two of the most prominent figures on the local political stage.

Still, it didn't stop Liskers from further pursuing their agenda, with their magnum opus being successfully launching a campaign for a certain politician with a long history of cooperation with Rudolf and Aneta, which granted him a position as a Senator of the region. A few months after that, he received an email that would change his life forever.

Having been proclaimed to be an Arbiter of Earth, he was astounded, but also excited. His entire adult life he spent working to expand his influence so he could eventually leave a lasting impact on Earth, capable of only limited, minor and temporary acts of positive change, but now it was over. Now he had power to truly impact the planet he stood upon.

With that, he used his money and influence to connect all his contacts, associates and friends into a more tangible organisation, named Prometheus Consortium. Similarly to the titan of old, it was meant to improve humanity and lead it to prosperity, hopefully without meeting the end of its namesake.

Personal Organisation

Name: Prometheus Consortium​
Goal: Improving the Humanity's standing in galactic community, and leading it to prosperity under Consortium's banner.
Wealth: 4
Influence: 6
Territory: 3
Sovereignty: 5
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Tavarokk - Anna Francesca Miller - Shore Brotherhood
Name: Anna Francesca Miller
Age [Local Time units acceptable]: 26

Local Socio-unit of importance [Marital Status]: A family of five partners

[Offspring]: daughter, Selena Miller (7)

Personality: brash, somewhat cranky, with acute sense of right and wrong and aversion to any kind of formalism in human relations. Huge softie and lazy bum when she allows herself to relax, and the prospect of doing just that tends to motivate her to work faster and more efficiently.

Reason you think you were chosen: likely to be listened by people who strongly distrust governments and corporations, perhaps?


Originally a tech student from Europe, she supposedly escaped to one of the dwarf states of Oceania after facing legal trouble for theft of intellectual property. Little is known regarding her first few years in the region, but by the time she turned 23 she and her new family were running illegal airfield and light airplane automated factory on one of atolls east of Rarotonga, having become new, but respected members in the community of smugglers, weapon and drug traders, unlicensed or illegal goods manufacturers and assorted militant rebel factions of the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Since then Anna had considerably expanded their business and participated in defense, often armed, of their turf from corporate and government incursions of various persuasions numerous times, further raising her prestige. The alien contact, of all things, was the most absurd and unexpected event that has (and probably will) ever happened to her, but it was also an enormous opportunity for the unruly and anarchic people of the sea, and she was one of the few leaders who had a chance to rally them to this cause.

Personal Organisation
Name: no formal name exists; referred to as 'the shore brotherhood', 'the people of the sea' and other situational euphemisms.

Goal: freedom for everyone to acquire, improve upon, spread and implement knowledge and derived technologies, as well as navigate the world and, now, stars without restrictions.


Might: 4
Wealth: 5
Influence: 2
Territory: 3
Sovereignty: 6​
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It's a "Pro-Earth, don't let the rest of the universe take advantage of or belittle us" type of Organization.
Ah, its much clearer now. Thanks. Erika would encourage and invest in such organizations. Pro-Earth is probably her inclination. I imagine the others as well.

Although wouldn't that mean your organization was aware of Alien life before anyone else? The countries and the rest of the world apart from us know nothing that they just got claimed by the Celestial Empire. These organizations were here way before the RP, when your character still had a normal life. At least that's what Simpli's words were implying. Sorry if I'm mistaken.
Although wouldn't that mean your organization was aware of Alien life before anyone else? The countries and the rest of the world apart from us know nothing that they just got claimed by the Celestial Empire. These organizations were here way before the RP, when your character still had a normal life. At least that's what Simpli's words were implying. Sorry if I'm mistaken.

I basically established in his backstory that 'The Earth Organization' is a brand new group, having been 'officially' formed at the very beginning of the RP.

The EO didn't exist prior to this RP, but Wyatt Marx had a network in place that he was able to quickly organize into a more official and formal group as soon as he learned that he'd been given the job of helping oversee Earth by the Celestial Empire.

Upon learning of his newly assigned position by an extra-terrestrial power that Earth had never heard of that thought it had the right to lay claim to the planet, he reluctantly accepted not because he agreed with what was happening, but because he knew accepting the position would give him the best opportunity to create the best possible outcome for Earth, and if he didn't do it, he didn't want to risk whoever else might be chosen instead of him. In order to best prepare and make use of the situation, he promptly began reorganizing his unofficial, informal political network into the more formal 'The Earth Organization', noting his commitment to ensuring that whatever happens next, his home planet and its people benefit from it, rather than suffer from being taken advantage of.
I basically established in his backstory that 'The Earth Organization' is a brand new group, having been 'officially' formed at the very beginning of the RP.

The EO didn't exist prior to this RP, but Wyatt Marx had a network in place that he was able to quickly organize into a more official and formal group as soon as he learned that he'd been given the job of helping oversee Earth by the Celestial Empire.
Ah, good. Thanks for clarifying.
These organizations were here way before the RP, when your character still had a normal life.
Did I? I am actually trying to say - if you have a organisation in your backstory then it would make sense that you use their name etc., but the qualities represent the means send to you by your new superior, with your local faction being negligible compared to it. Romulus with a Might of 5 for example might have multiple Alien Household Troopers with energy weapons, light tanks and gunships, compared to which his PMC forces simply don't measure up etc. So you can be everything from a random schmuck on the Internet to a rich heiress, but it doesn't affect your starting stats overly much.
Did I? I am actually trying to say - if you have a organisation in your backstory then it would make sense that you use their name etc., but the qualities represent the means send to you by your new superior, with your local faction being negligible compared to it. Romulus with a Might of 5 for example might have multiple Alien Household Troopers with energy weapons, light tanks and gunships, compared to which his PMC forces simply don't measure up etc. So you can be everything from a random schmuck on the Internet to a rich heiress, but it doesn't affect your starting stats overly much.
Bummer. That's disappointing.

Also, weird, because a grant of resources and technology is easy to convert into Might and Wealth, somewhat harder - into numbers, but how the hell would you get clout and loyalty on the spot without getting a truckload of complications?

Kinda hoped these were our starter numbers before alium intervention, especially since the averages put us on the level of middling international company or a small nation (which could then be elevated to world-ruling power through gradual infusion of alium resources).
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Kinda hoped these were our starter numbers before alium intervention
I honestly didn't want to force everyone to be a Megacorp... I mean you could also play a Literature Professor turned Alien Arbiter or a single mom who ended up with the power to flatten small cities etc. etc. - I'm just surprised everyone reads this and then goes "Maybe I should play a Megacorp" ^^
I'm just surprised everyone reads this and then goes "Maybe I should play a Megacorp" ^^
Well, because it stands to reason that a person so chosen would have some sort of merit explaining why they were put forward. Since they are allegedly capable of producing results, one would expect them to have already done so on their own before the contact event unless they are very young and just starting out.

Corporation setup is convenient in its flexibility, but even if someone went for an individual, I figure it'd have been a billionaire with Wealth 10 in liquid and semi-liquid assets, or an internationally respected political or cultural authority figure with Influence 10, or a top-ranking military officer of a superpower that has a lot of say regarding how the nation's 10+ Might is deployed, etc.
So you can be everything from a random schmuck on the Internet to a rich heiress, but it doesn't affect your starting stats overly much.

If I'd realized that, I probably would have made a different character than I did.

I'm going to stick with him now that I've made him, but had I known that the numbers represented what was sent to us rather than what we had, I would have gone about character creation from a different mindset and angle.
Happery - Elric Granger - ERA Institute
=} Application {=

Character Name: Elric Granger
Age [Local Time units acceptable]: 33 Local Years
Appearance: A tall, heavyset balding man wearing glasses and casual clothing.

Local Socio-unit of importance [Marital Status]: Non-Married
[Offspring:] None
Personality: Studious, Calm, Persistant
Reason you think you were chosen: Because the search engine tagged me for something I'd done on the internet and decided that that meant I was appropriate to be an arbiter between my planet and the empire for some god forsaken reason.
Biography: Went to school, went to college, dropped out of college because of emergency medical problems, went back to college, found that finishing college doesn't actually mean you can get a job in this climate and that medical debts suck greatly when this 'job offer' arrived. Is that enough, or do you want details of the garage I'm living in?

Personal Organisation
Name: Extra-terrestrial Research and Applications Institute. The ERA Institute for short.
Goal: To live a life of ease and to learn what I can of the astounding heights the empire has reached.

Spend 20 points on the following qualities of your personal Assets:
Might: 3
Wealth: 5
Influence: 3
Territory: 5
Sovereignty: 4
Well, because it stands to reason that a person so chosen would have some sort of merit explaining why they were put forward.

That would of course, depend quite utterly on what the Empire is actually intending.

If I'd realized that, I probably would have made a different character than I did.

I am sorry for having been unclear then. Still - even then I wouldn't have much hope for the single mom character background being a thing ^^