In The Shadow Of Titans

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Five brave souls, must find a way to save their homelands while facing titanic monsters that were twisted by the cataclysm that forced them into this adventure. But is the greatest danger these beasts, or each other?
Prologue: Standoff
The four girls watched each other, weapons drawn, ready to strike.

One wore a knight's armor, shining white with golden trim, with a stylized sword fish adorning the breast plate. In one hand she held a sword, in the other a crossbow.

Directly opposite of her was the girl who contrasted her most: a woman wearing a black and purple body encompassing outfit, with an orange and red salamander sigil covering its back. Hi-tech armor pieces adorned her outfit, including cameras, lights, and other odd pieces. She was pointing an assault rifle at the lady knight, while her left hand reached for a knife.

The third wore robes resembling a monk, and held a staff in her hands, which crackled with electricity. The only piece of armor she wore was a shoulder pad, and that was more a way of showing heraldry – a hummingbird, in her case.

The last, meanwhile, wore what could best be described as a soldier's fatigues, and carried a marksman's rifle, though even her clothing had some flare – a badge around her arm showed the image of a stag, ready to charge.

"Why are you here, hellspawn?" inqured the knight, crossbow pointed at the one opposite of her. "Come to defile this sacred land?"

"Defile it? Your supposedly angelic ancestors did so first, when they tried to force their dominion upon this holy site."

"Enforce their dominion? They were sent here to protect mankind from the influence of your misbegotten kind."

"Eh, cry me a river. You're just jealous of how freely we can live our lives."

"Must you two argue so vehemently?" questioned the girl in robes. "We have only just met, I'm sure an agreement can be reached."

"Same here," added the one in fatigues. "Look, I don't know what happened between your people, but I think we're all here for the same reason – saving our homes. So how about you lay down your weapons, put out the fires we started, and then sort this misunderstanding out like normal people?"

"Only if she does first," replied both knight and rogue simultaneously, much to their embarrassment and annoyance.

Both mage and soldier sighed – getting things to cool down would be far more difficult than expected-


Caught flat footed by that remark, the four turned to the North. There, standing on the bridge before them, was a boy on the precipice of adulthood, wearing a lab coat of sorts. Arcane symbols dotted the garment, while an electronic tablet protruded from one of his pockets. Though the quartet could not see any facial details, it was clear he was enraged.

"What did you do to this place?!"

The knight and rogue glanced at the ruins they had accidentally turned to rubble, and promptly pointed at each other. "She started it!"

"I don't care who started it, I'm ending it! Drop your weapons now!"

The knight and rogue shared a look….then turned their weapons onto the boy. "Make us."

The boy just stared at them, seething in anger….before promptly whistling.

A moment later, the ground beneath him began to move as huge, vaguely humanoid shape came into view.

The four girls blanched – perhaps taunting the intruder hadn't been such a good idea.


AN: Welcome to my third stab at an original fiction story. Can't really explain much at the moment, since most of the points I'm explaining should be revealed in the next five chapters.

Anyway, read and review! This is Flameal15k, signing off!