In the black there lies only death (Pacific Rim Semi-SI)

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Boy a creature in the shape of a man that morphs into a Kaiju.

Shadow basin a forgotten base containing a Jeager.

A random human finds himself in the body of one of these forgotten projects left in the Black to be buried through time. how will he navigate a land so hostile to life that only Australians can survive? Can he make use of his newfound form and purge the Zeno from the land of mankind or will he be forced to fight his way through both humans and Kaiju alike to close the dimensional cracks left by a race of conquerors?

Sooo instead of doing the smart thing like homework or the next chapter of Erratic Pacification, I decided to write this little thing but don't worry anyone who actually gives a shit this is a secondary thing that might release infrequently or not depending on my mood.
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Boy a creature in the shape of a man that morphs into a Kaiju.

Shadow basin a forgotten base containing a Jeager.

Stephan finds himself in the body of one of these forgotten projects left in the Black to be buried through time. how will he navigate a land so hostile to life that only Australians can survive? Can he make use of his newfound form and purge the Zeno from the land of mankind or will he be forced to fight his way through both humans and Kaiju alike to close the dimensional cracks left by a race of conquerors?

Sooo instead of doing the smart thing like homework or the next chapter of Erratic Pacification, I decided to write this little thing but don't worry anyone who actually gives a shit this is a secondary thing that might release infrequently or not depending on my mood.
chapter 1

Chapter one.

'Okay,' I thought to myself as I watched the last of the scientists leave the room in a hurry 'That's not worrying'.

It had been about a month since I had woken up here in an unfamiliar body floating in a test tube. Well, body might not be the right word for the colony of sentient nanobots I found myself inhabiting. I had gotten used to my new reality pretty quickly with the unlimited internet access and nothing to do.

I mainly scrolled Reddit but by some grace of god, both Spacebattles and Suffecientvelocity so I had also been messing around there participating in some quest's here and there but not much else.

Oh yeah, fun thing too I had found Kaiju were a thing and that I was apparently in the Pacific Rimverse. That still hadn't changed much, the last Kaiju attack had been 10 years ago now so it wasn't like there was a lot for me to do being a world ending weapon and all. Unfortunately, there had only been one movie but I did hear something about a sequel before I got shoved into this amorphous blob so that might be why the scientists were running.


Desks and tools clattered to the floor as a giant quake shattered a piece of the wall and the floor above came crashing down along with several bodies of various people still in their 'Bunny suit". A deep roar sounded throughout the building as several more hits landed on what I assumed to be a Kaiju from a Jaeger.

Yep jinxed it, poor scientists though wouldn't want to be them being a squishy human and all. My much superior nanobot swarm could easily survive a Kaiju whereas them not so much.

Still, it provided the opportunity I needed to slip free of my not really containment field. A slurry of mineral oil and whatever else was in it didn't really stop me from escaping the first day and it certainly didn't stop me now. Besides the internet cut off and I was bored, I might as well explore and maybe try to 'eat' a Kaiju.

Who knows what could happen would be interesting though that's for sure.

Finally escaping the container I slithered my way along the floor up and out of the basement lab ignoring the bodies of the two scientists I made my way towards the lobby of whatever building this was.

The lobby was as most lobbies were, messy and half destroyed.

Okay, it wasn't like 'most' lobbies but it still had the everyone look here vibe that they all shared. A shattered fountain lay in the center with water still bubbling out of the broken outlet and leaking onto the floor and above it all was the proud Australian flag half destroyed and dead in the wind.

Well knew where I was now, the proud little upside down country that had a thing for marrying their catamarans and growing chest hair whiter than a Nazi. oh yeah, and making spinning death Beyblades in nothing more than an apron and sandals.

Weird folks, the Aussies.

Oh yeah, and puppets can't forget ol Randy hope he survives his specials really helped keep me entertained during those lonely weeks.

Where was I again?

Oh yeah, slithering my way through a destroyed lobby, something interesting I discovered a few days ago was that I could absorb some forms of silicates and anything atomically lighter than iron.

Kinda overpowered kinda not.

So anyway I started blasting…. Random globs of nanobots and everything that looked remotely metal.

It worked about—

I almost let out a yell as half the building suddenly caved in as a giant fuck-off Kaiju head smashed through the ceiling.

Suddenly glad I didn't have lungs or well a body really, I slowly gathered my colony into one form that I quickly hid under some rubble once I heard the rumble and whirring of machinery as a Jaeger peered through the new skylight it had so nicely added.

Probably checking it's kill or something but it did provide me with the perfect opportunity to either hitch a ride out of this shithole and back into the civilized world full of internet and nice dark corners or find a nice place where I could hook up the internet and start collecting Jaegers like pokemon.

Thankfully it was night so it made it super easy to stay unnoticed from the pilots but caution still had to be taken if I wanted to get on unnoticed. I slinked my way through the rubble toward the foot of the giant that had turned its back to the Kaiju and was looking at another Jaeger. This one looked like a brawler with two fist-mounted guns easily something I would never want to fight.

The one I was sneaking to kinda looked like Coyote Tango with two back mounted cannons except with a sleeker design and in white and gold. The largest difference however was the giant nuclear reactor spinning around in its chest. The sharp angles and blocky design were wonderful and those guns mwha perfecto.

Right as it lifted its foot I launched myself through the air and onto the heel of the white and gold Jaeger I watched for a bit as the two made their way down a destroyed street filled with abandoned cars and ruined buildings.

I raised two blob fists and vibrated myself to make a wee sound as the up and down motion filled me with pure joy.

I was free to do whatever I wanted and nothing could change that, not the Aussies, not the Kaiju, and certainly not these guys with how oblivious they were. Probably not their fault or anything they probably weren't meant to detect things as small as me and anything my size would probably run screaming once they heard these guys.

Alright now to infiltrate.

Sure stealth was always optional and explosion should be preferred but this wasn't the time and place for big boom as the legendary Rico would say. Unfortunately, these robots were still inhabited and I would be what we in the biz call a major asshole if I took their mega bot and left them to starve.

So I wouldn't do that, instead, I would wait and bide my time until either a kaiju came along and was a genuine threat to the Jaeger in which case I would nom nom on the Kaiju and then take the Jeager or the more preferred option and they voluntarily ditched the Jaeger and decided to hike it to the nearest shatterdome.

But if in the very likely event neither of these occurred then I'll just absorb it and rebuild it somewhere else. Big sparkly was mine now and nothing would stop my 'peaceful' requisition of 'my' Jaeger so screw you unnamed technician that would eventually try to stop my dreams.

Now time to link myself to every part of the Jaeger without the AI noticing.

Easy right?

I flowed through all the small gaps in the armor plating, inaccessible through normal means it didn't do jack to stop me. From the feet up I linked myself to every generator, every piston strand, and every computer.

I blocked any warning signals that could have alerted the AI to my presence and by the time it could have even had a chance to notice me I was already the Jaeger and the pilots were moving the Jaeger only because I allowed it.

I patched myself into the comms just to have some entertainment while I planned what to do next. Well no I wasn't really going to plan, I was just going to watch them and enjoy the show.

A group of fighter jets flew overhead as they gazed upon the burning city. I could see multiple areas where Kaijus were being fought off and more where Jaegers fell. This place was going to be a gold mine if I ever made my way back here. I should probably feel sad for the loss of life but it's war and it happens a bit callous sure but no less true.

Still didn't mean I wouldn't help where I could.

Out of nowhere, I heard the woman pilot say "Looks like the end of the world,"

"Not until we say it is," the man said. A bit arrogant but hey their world was ending.

I let a comm request from what I now knew was Marauder go through to the pilots of Hunter Vertigo.

"We agree. Still, a little fight left in us," an excited Aussie said as their Jaeger walked ahead. A man after my own heart I liked him already gotta fight till you die.

"Our business here is personal. We can't ask you to stay, Marauder," boo man pilot let them fight I'll keep you guys safe they'll be fine.

"You guys can do whatever you want. We're just here to kill Kaiju," Marauder said as they spun up their giant minigun. A minigun I now wanted.

My god, I think I was getting horny looking at it I mean it was beautiful, each barreled bored into perfection as it spun in perfect synch. If I still had a mouth it would be drooling.

"Thanks, Zeus. Now, let's go get our kids," the lady pilot said.

What now!


Oh, now I had to make sure these guys made it.

Suddenly on a frequency that the Jeager wasn't meant to overhear orders were sent to only a specific group and I just so happened to overhear. "Operation recall is now in effect, any unit out in the field is now considered unrecoverable and no further search parties are to be deployed. All classified units are to be immediately collected and the nearest evacuation vessel was to be commandeered and used as transport. I repeat…" it went on like that for a while and I digested it as Maraduar and Hunter Vertigo moved toward the city center.

That…. Wow, I thought I was an ass they literally just abandoned everyone here and ordered for only the classified units to be recalled without a care for civilian life.

The pilots made some idle banter but for the most part, I tuned it out in favor of scoping out the local area.

To say I was surprised would have been an understatement there had to have been at least twenty kaiju's in the area and all of them were on the hunt. Some of them were eating the broken remains of evacuation buses and others hunting for more prey.

Luckily for us, the database told me these were only cat threes so unless we got swarmed we could make it out with a bus or two.

Marauder Zeus split off and went to secure our route out of the city while Hunter Vertigo sped up toward one of the evacuation buses on the street.

Unfortunately right as we were a block away a Kaiju that I hadn't seen came out from behind one of the buildings and began advancing on the bus. It was now a race to see who could get there first us or the Kaiju and without a doubt, it would rip apart the bus if we couldn't kill it.

It launched itself forward at a speed even I was surprised at, the pilots let out silent exclamations of "no" even as we continued to speed up. It looked like we wouldn't make it so I ever so slightly enhanced the piston fibers and a burst of speed got us there right in time to slam a fist right in its face.

The pilots halted our momentum right over the evacuation bus and the Kaiju was sent flying into a nearby building down for the count but my scans showed it was still alive The pilots halted our momentum right over the evacuation bus.

"Sorry, we're late.," the male pilot announced over the external speakers.

While they were focusing on the evacuation bus the Kaiju had managed to dig itself out of the building and launched itself at us.

Its gorilla like body slammed into the main body and forced us back and while it caused minimal damage the momentary recovery period that the pilots took to recover was enough for the Kaiju to launch its fist straight at our center of mass.

The pilots raised their arms and braced against the meaty fist of the beast and barely managed to deflect the blow. Alarms blared throughout the conn pod and structural integrity dropped to 89% in the left arm worrying but not concerning.

The pilots followed up with an immediate retaliatory strike right in its face, the force of the blow sent the creature reeling back followed by another strike to the side of its head. Blood flooded freely from its mouth and in that moment right before the fists of Hunter Vertigo came down and cracked the beast's skull open I could think of only one thing to say.

Quietly enough that no one could hear it deep within the rumbling machinery thousands of nanobots gathered and formed a temporary voice box and throughout the vehicle, a voice rumbled.

"Suffer not the Zenos to live in humanities greatness,"

The blow came and slammed the Kaiju's head causing a fountain of blood to explode from it seeing it cry in pain resonated with something deep within me. It did not deserve to live this useless creature designed only for war should not exist. It needed to die now.

Unfortunately what I thought was to be the finishing blow merely stumbled the creature for a moment. A moment my pilots took advantage of to launch their fists right at the creature's head. Of course, the creature responded in kind and launched its own disgusting fist at our beautiful machine.

The blow back caused us to fly into the building right behind us suddenly a transmission came in from the Sydney Shatterdome.

"Hunter Vertigo, come in." an Asian man dressed in a military uniform addressed my pilots.

"Ito, we're here," my lady pilot shouted.

"Orders are to draw back remaining Jaegers to the shore." callous bastard besides with me on their side no Zeno shall stand in our way as we purge Australia of their kind.

"But people are still evacuating," she responded.

"I'm aware. We've lost the continent." fuck that bad already. "Get to Sydney any way you can.
I'll keep eyes on you as…" he cut out mid sentence the satellite connection terminating as it went out of range.

"Ito. Ito!" she shouted into the no signal screen.

"Brina!" her husband shouted as the Kaiju came back with a vengeance while we were down.

A bone spike grew out of its palm and came down onto our chest my pilots stopped it inches from our chest.

"Root, power up cryo-cannons!" Brina's husband shouted desperately as the spike dug deeper into our armor.

"Routing available power to cryo-cannons," a male voice rang out through the conn pod as I felt power being routed from unnecessary sources and backup batteries to fuel one of the two cannons on the back.

I could do better than that bastard was doing it, so I did. Trillions of nanobots flooded to capacitors carrying with them enough power to run this Jeager for three days.

My pilots screamed in pain during the second it took to charge the cannons yet the Kaiju could do nothing as enough liquid coolant to kill a decent sized city flooded directly into its brain killing it. My pilots were unsatisfied though and broke off the spike that was buried into their chest and shattered the Kaiju into a million pieces ending its pathetic existence.

My pilots breathed a sigh of relief as the last of its chunks clattered into a pile at its feet.

"Good job Root thanks for the save," Brina said to the AI.

"That was not me pilot Brina," the heartless bastard said aloud.

"It wasn't?" her husband joined in confusion permeating the conn pod. Thankfully I was saved from having to reveal myself as meteors rained down from the sky distracting them from the system anomaly.

"The satellite array." Brina's husband said a dawning look of horror on his face.

"They've initiated the Black," Brina said in equal horror, "Which means we're on our own,"

A/N soooo yeah I wrote this while on a lottttt of caffeine and refried beans.
chapter 2
A/N so here's chapter two don't know when the next chapter will be out and I'm not particularly sure how good this one is but it's here. so I guess enjoy 🤷‍♂️.




Even if I didn't do much outside of boosting the Jaeger it still didn't change the fact that I helped kill a Mother fucking Kaiju. The best part of it all though was I now had a goal. I now had something I wanted more than a nice cool corner where I could surf the web.

I wanted to kill Kaiju.

I didn't know if my new body was affecting my decision but frankly, I didn't care. The pure rush of whatever had replaced adrenaline had been euphoric and made me only want to kill more of them. Besides no one would care if a few hundred Kaiju went missing Australia was practically covered in them by now if the density of Kaiju per city was anything to go by. In fact, I think I would get a medal if I killed enough of them.

An alarm blared in the conn pod and brought me back to reality, from what I could see only a redundant cooling system and armor coupling had been damaged by the Kaiju. Minor damage but not something that I would let stand.

A portion of my nanobots split off from the main colony and went to work converting their stored material into something actually usable. Within a second both the cooling pipe and the armor coupling had been fully repaid with my pilots none the wiser.

Huh? When did I start to refer to them as my pilots?


The Jaeger suddenly lurched forward as my pilots attempted to get into a standing position, armor groaned as micro tears expressed their discomfort and slightly worn joints whined as new stress was put on them.

Yet still, it stood a beacon of light amongst a city aflame and covered in inky black soot, a testament to humanity's unyielding spirit.

We moved towards the bus, scrambling civilians quickly sunk back from the window as the giant hand of the Jaeger scoped it up.

Brina and her husband brought the bus up to eye level and I watched as they shouted once again over the external speaker system

"Everyone buckle up it's about to get bumpy,"

Of course, I wasn't surprised when a Kaiju smashed through the building right in front of us.

My pilots braced pulling the bus back and got into a defensive stance the Kaiju a Cat 3 was mainly made up of two arms and three tails both of which were raised and about to attack. however right as it let out an ear piercing screech a burst of bullets impacted its scaly face and shut it up for now.

I was expecting my pilots to take the opportunity to stop on its head and put it out of its misery, instead, they turned around to see Marauder spinning down one of its fist mounted machine guns.

"Better hurry up. That thing won't stay down for long," he said over the loudspeaker right before a tail from another of those cat 3 burst through Jaeger's chest. Hey, I have an idea how about not announcing our presence with gigantic speakers?

"Zeus," my pilots yelled out.

With its tail still embedded in the heart of Marauder, the Kaiju bit down on its elbow dragging it back. The thudding of gigantic rounds of ammunition slamming into the Kaiju followed a second later knocking the Kaiju back.

"Don't worry about us, just get the kids out," Marauder yelled back.

Unfortunately for them, the repeated impacts only seemed to piss it off and not much else. It roared a challenge at the metal giant and slashed its tail forward; the tail impacted Marauder's shoulder and dug a deep gash into it.

Marauder reared back and the stream of bullets ended and the Kaiju pounced landing on top of the Jaeger. Metal groaned and joints screamed as the Jaeger tried to support weight it was not meant to. I kept hoping they would kill it but this wasn't how I thought it would turn out.

Marauder was losing and fast and Hunter Vertigo wasn't in a position to help its capacitors had been overcharged to shoot its cryo cannons that quickly and the only other armament was a low yield nuclear missile.

They would lose and die if I did nothing and even if I wasn't human anymore I still felt a twinge of sadness at every broken bus, body, and building. I.. I didn't want them to die. I didn't want to know I could have done something and have to watch them die just because I didn't want to reveal myself.

All of this happened in half a second but it was enough for the Kaiju to almost bite down on Marauder's conn pod. Hundreds of trillions of nanobots quickly formed a railgun and launched a small part of myself at a fraction of the speed of light at the Kaiju, and nearly blew the thing right off of Marauder. The momentary distraction provided Marauder the opportunity to throw it off and gun it down.

"What was that," all four pilots yelled.

"Not now," I growled out over both of their intercoms, "get the civilians to safety then I will answer your questions,"

Thankfully a breach started to open up right next to our position which seemed to kick my pilots into gear.

"Fine," Brina hurriedly said, "Marauder cover our retreat and as soon as we're clear meet us at the Shadow Basin,".

"Okay just get out of here fast, who knows what's going to come out of this thing," right on ques another of those Cat three Kaijus rose out of the breach and launched itself at Marauder.

A quickly formed railgun freed the pitiful creature of its head.

Oof I wasn't going to do that again anytime soon that had killed way too many nanites just to kill a cat 3.

"What the fuck was that," Marauder exclaimed as they shifted into a combat stance with both cannons facing Hunter Vertigo.

"Not now," I ordered over their intercom.

"What the fuck are you!?" they yelled over the comms.

"Zeus point those things away from us now!" my male pilot exclaimed.

Arguing erupted over the comms as Marauder refused to lower their guns and Hunter Vertigo yelled at them not to shoot. Children all of them were children. These were supposed to be highly trained professionals and yet they were arguing instead of running.

"Stop arguing," I said loudly and calmly over their intercoms shutting them both up."We must keep the children safe,"

"Oh yeah and what the fuck are you and why shouldn't I blow you sky high?" Marauder shouted.

Brina and her husband immediately started yelling at them "Don't you dare," "Jesus Christ Zeus,"

"You didn't see it Brina it's in your fucking Jaeger it flowed like water and killed that Kaiju in under a second. Whatever is in you is a danger to everyone we can't let it leave, put down the bus, and blow your core," these guys were nuts, and right after I did them a solid too.

"I just saved your life, asshole," I told the ungrateful bastards.

"I knew they were doing some shady shit here. I fucking knew it! They said they had a weapon to wipe out the Kaiju if they ever returned, for good this time. I didn't believe it at the time but whatever you have in you isn't something that will help us, it will kill us all!" they screamed again.

I was really getting tired of these guys, sure they had started as my favorite but they were quickly wearing it down and I mainly liked them because they were Australians with a giant gun.

A small launcher formed on an armor plate close to the foot and launched the bare minimum number of nanobots needed to form a self replicating colony at Marauder. I could feel the wind ripple across my small form as I soared through the air.

It was…. Weird to feel both the me in Hunter Vertigo and the me sailing through the air at the same time. I hadn't split myself like this before and while it wasn't painful it was a feeling I would need to learn to get used to.

I impacted the left leg of Marauder and started crawling my way through the internals not caring if I got discovered and by the time the AI could alert them I had already taken over the entirety of the Jaeger.

"Pilot Victor I'm afraid I have bad news," I let the AI say. I had it by the metaphorical balls and could kill it at any time but I really didn't want to kill someone that was technically a part of my species.

"What?" the pilot on the left barked out.

"A colony of rogue nanobots has infiltrated the Jaeger superstructure and has taken complete control of all functions," the AI said, somehow sounding ashamed at something completely out of their control.

"Hello," I said over the internal speakers.

The faceplate of the left pilot stared at the speaker that I had used and I had a sneaking suspicion that he was very close to having a stroke. The veins on his face were close to bursting and I was tempted to comment on it. Strangely enough, his partner was silent about this whole thing and was much more calm.

Weird, I thought pilots shared a neural link and were influenced by each other like what happened in the movie.

He must be better at hiding it than his partner.

Reaching out with a tentacle I booped the pilot on the face plate before closing off all cameras to the conn pod. I'd look back in there later but for now, it would be my little present to future me to deal with.

I took a few wonky steps as I got accustomed to the more squat build of Marauder; the giant empty compartment in the chest was interesting though. It was large enough for everyone on the bus to fit in with food and extra clothes stored in bulk.

Switching back over to Hunter Vertigo I moved the two Jaegers closer together and when they were close enough I held up the bus to Marauder. Brina and her husband's protests were quickly silenced once the chest opened up exposing the emergency shelter within.

"You didn't know this was there?" I asked curious as to how they had seemed to know each other well enough to have met each other's kids yet not known about what seemingly was the main feature of the Jaeger.

"No this is our first deployment outside the sims and parades," Brina's husband said stunned. I should probably ask for his name but now didn't seem like the best time.

"Alright, so where we heading?" It was a bit sudden, but I wanted to get out of here and needed a destination.

"W-we were going to the shadow basin. What uh, what are your plans for us," Brina asked.

But he did ask a very good question, what was I to do about the fleshy meat bags hanging around my new bodies? I didn't feel the need to kill them like most fiction said I should nor did I feel the need to be overly generous with them… Like most fiction said I should.

Writers really were all over the place with how I should feel about my creators.

Sure I still had a human mind but I wasn't human, not anymore and if I was being honest with myself it was liberating. I was freed of the pesky human need for things like food, shelter, and security but they weren't they still had to worry about how to get food, where to find shelter, and how to provide security for their young. And right now they needed an armed escort but did I want them around for that long?

A good blast to the face with an EMP and I'd die and it wouldn't take a genius to figure it out either. While Brina and her husband weren't exactly rocket scientists they were smart and quick to adapt. They would be a genuine threat to my life if they stuck around long enough and managed to report back to anyone who actually knew what I was.

But there were kids and no matter what I had become I didn't feel comfortable leaving kids to die in the harsh Australian wilderness.

Besides from the sound of it, I could ditch them once I got to wherever this shadow basin was.

"For now I'll drop you guys off at the Shadow Basin then take these bad boys and go kill some Kaiju," I finally responded, thumping the fist of Hunter Vertigo on its chest.

They must have known it would have been pointless to argue or they had been stunned into silence. Either way, they were dragged along with me as I slowly navigated my way out of the burning city.
It was…. Weird to feel both the me in Hunter Vertigo and the me sailing through the air at the same time. I hadn't split myself like this before and while it wasn't painful it was a feeling I would need to learn to get used to.
wonder how many bodies he can have?
A good blast to the face with an EMP and I'd die and it wouldn't take a genius to figure it out either.
time to seed smaller packets of nanobots so that you always have a backup body.
wonder how many bodies he can have?

time to seed smaller packets of nanobots so that you always have a backup body.
alright so both of these things are yet to be decided how they work. Again power balancing so the the mc doesn't get too overpowered so it will still be fun to write but at at same time army of giant mechs.
alright so both of these things are yet to be decided how they work. Again power balancing so the the mc doesn't get too overpowered so it will still be fun to write but at at same time army of giant mechs.
Perhaps distance is an issue?
i.e if you are in america, and you have a spare backup in Australia, there is lag involved?
sure, your american body being destroyed won't kill you, but it would take a while for your mind to get to the backup, and in that time other things can happen?