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The wind is slowly picking up and the sky darkens in the distance as a storm front approaches...
The wind is slowly picking up and the sky darkens in the distance as a storm front approaches. In just a few hours, it will reach this part of the sky, threatening to dash your small patrol boat against the many rocky island drifting here - most too small to have their own gravity funnel, but a deadly threat, nonetheless.

Luckily, a few hours should be more than enough to get what you came here for.


[ ] Republican Navy Light Cruiser Dauna
One of a series of mass produced light cruiser, built by the United Copernican Republics. Fast, agile, well armoured and still lighter than ships of equivalent range and armouring thanks to its battery of twenty-four quick-firing 6 inch guns. A true fleet escort, its powerful radar targeting system and terrifying rate of fire allowed it to tear apart destroyers and torpedo boats threatening its charges with contemptuous ease, its secondary, dual-purpose battery of 5 inch guns further increasing its capabilities in hunting smaller ships and strike craft. Although of lower calibre than heavy cruiser-grade guns and with unimpressive velocity, its main guns could still threaten enemy cruiser, though they weren't quite as effective at the task.
[ ] Imperial and Royal Heavy Cruiser Cesarzowa i Królowa Karolina Augusta
The pride of the CiK Navy of the old Vilna-Kuyaivan Dual Monarchy, the Karolina Augusta was one of the best heavy cruiser ever to be launched, surpassed only by the alien designs of the Autonomous Fleet. Fast, reasonably agile, armed with a battery of sixteen 8 inch guns, a secondary battery of multiple 5 inch guns and protected by a strong armour belt, it was designed for leading cruiser flotillas and mauling enemy cruisers, while still being able to deal with destroyers and PT boats in close range gunfights. Further augmenting its potent arsenal were the four quadruple rocket-propelled torpedo tubes, expanding its options in close engagements and giving it a chance against enemy battlecruisers and battleships. Perhaps its only flaw was its underwhelming anti-strike craft armament and top heaviness, though the former wouldn't be an issue in this day and age of slow biplanes and the latter can be compensated by a skilled navigator.
[ ] Crown Aviation Cruiser Amethyst
A somewhat strange hybrid between a carrier and a heavy cruiser, the Amethyst was an experiment by the Sorian Crown Navy in carrier construction, leading to a cruiser-weight vessel with somewhat sub-par armouring for its displacement, an all-forward battery of ten 8 inch guns, underwhelming anti-strike craft armaments, four triple torpedo launchers... and a hangar bay capable of fitting twenty-four fully autonomous strike craft, servicing them and, if needed, building new ones. By all accounts, it performed acceptably, but was considered a dead end, as simply building more dedicated carriers and cruisers was a superior choice. However, in this day and age, twenty-four strike craft armed with torpedoes and bombs would be a threat to any slow, lumbering battleship.

It was a legend - a ghost ship from before the Great War. Almost completely autonomous, restricted only by a measure of sanity on the the designers' part introducing limiters that made it incapable of operating without a human command staff.

These measures were later abandoned, the Autonomous Fleets began their rampage, human civilization was devastated, the remnants entered a hundred-year-long dark age and the vessel drifted through the sky, a legendary treasure-trove of nearly-intact technology.

And you stumbled upon its backup Command Seal and a possible location. And now, you're here.

The Order would probably execute you and your whole crew just for just having the Seal, much less stepping on board an autonomous warship. It's a good thing, then, that they never patrol this area. You'll get on-board, loot everything that isn't nailed down, then everything that is nailed down and can be removed with a crowbar and a cutting torch, leave, sell it off to the Argonauts and spend the rest of your life in luxury.

No more searching ancient wreckage for scrap metal. No more sifting through gravity-less rocks for bits of gold. No more trying to keep this flying rust-bucket of a patrol boat together. Just an early retirement and loads and loads of money.

Or that's the plan, anyway.

You were…

[ ] ...a country kid from what could be at best called a failed state, one of the many that form what was once the Vilna-Kuyaivan Empire. It never recovered from the Great War, after all, who'd want to help those who started the greatest catastrophe in human history? Your life in the war-torn region was terrible, to say the least, but you managed to drag yourself out of that hellhole, signing up with a mercenary unit. The open skies seemed like they were as good an alternative as any.

[ ] ...a destitute noble from the Sorian Islands. You're technically a baron, though that didn't really help your financial situation, and damn your ancestors to the 20th generation for that. Maybe 25th, for good measure. Well, things weren't completely bad - you had a few family heirlooms you really didn't care for that you could sell and some... questionably contacts, that helped you acquire some... equally questionable wares. And so began your life as the smuggler-baron.

[ ] ...a city kid from the far Coalition of Copernican States. Your parents weren't terribly rich, but they could afford you a proper education, which along with the skills you acquired in your nation's largest port city led to you becoming a mechanic on a merchant ship. Maybe it wasn't the best paying job, but you got to travel far and wide, see new places, meet new people, slowly moving closer and closer to the old skies that humanity once spread outwards from.

Your name is...
[ ] Write-in!
(Names for Option 1 should be either Polish or Russian, Option 2 Welsh, Option 3 should be German)

...and a series of questionable life decisions brought you here, on this rust-bucket of a patrol boat, doing something extremely illegal and dangerous for fun and/or profit.
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[X] Republican Navy Light Cruiser Dauna

[X] ...a city kid from the far Coalition of Copernican States. Your parents weren't terribly rich, but they could afford you a proper education, which along with the skills you acquired in your nation's largest port city led to you becoming a mechanic on a merchant ship. Maybe it wasn't the best paying job, but you got to travel far and wide, see new places, meet new people, slowly moving closer and closer to the old skies that humanity once spread outwards from.

[X] Fritz Lensch
[X] Imperial and Royal Heavy Cruiser Cesarzowa i Królowa Karolina Augusta
[X] ...a destitute noble from the Sorian Islands. You're technically a baron, though that didn't really help your financial situation, and damn your ancestors to the 20th generation for that. Maybe 25th, for good measure. Well, things weren't completely bad - you had a few family heirlooms you really didn't care for that you could sell and some... questionably contacts, that helped you acquire some... equally questionable wares. And so began your life as the smuggler-baron.
[X] Gareth Morgan
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[x] Imperial and Royal Heavy Cruiser Cesarzowa i Królowa Karolina Augusta
[x] ...a destitute noble from the Sorian Islands. You're technically a baron, though that didn't really help your financial situation, and damn your ancestors to the 20th generation for that. Maybe 25th, for good measure. Well, things weren't completely bad - you had a few family heirlooms you really didn't care for that you could sell and some... questionably contacts, that helped you acquire some... equally questionable wares. And so began your life as the smuggler-baron.

No preference for name, mostly because the only vaguely-Welsh name I can immediately call to mind is Owen. Which isn't too bad, but I can't think of a surname. Will update vote if I do.
[X] Imperial and Royal Heavy Cruiser Cesarzowa i Królowa Karolina Augusta
[X] ...a destitute noble from the Sorian Islands. You're technically a baron, though that didn't really help your financial situation, and damn your ancestors to the 20th generation for that. Maybe 25th, for good measure. Well, things weren't completely bad - you had a few family heirlooms you really didn't care for that you could sell and some... questionably contacts, that helped you acquire some... equally questionable wares. And so began your life as the smuggler-baron.
[X] Uthyr Pendragon
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[X] Republican Navy Light Cruiser Dauna
[X] ...a country kid from what could be at best called a failed state, one of the many that form what was once the Vilna-Kuyaivan Empire. It never recovered from the Great War, after all, who'd want to help those who started the greatest catastrophe in human history? Your life in the war-torn region was terrible, to say the least, but you managed to drag yourself out of that hellhole, signing up with a mercenary unit. The open skies seemed like they were as good an alternative as any.
[X] Adrianna Tyszka
[X] Imperial and Royal Heavy Cruiser Cesarzowa i Królowa Karolina Augusta
[X] ...a destitute noble from the Sorian Islands. You're technically a baron, though that didn't really help your financial situation, and damn your ancestors to the 20th generation for that. Maybe 25th, for good measure. Well, things weren't completely bad - you had a few family heirlooms you really didn't care for that you could sell and some... questionably contacts, that helped you acquire some... equally questionable wares. And so began your life as the smuggler-baron.
[X] Uthyr Pendragon
[X] Imperial and Royal Heavy Cruiser Cesarzowa i Królowa Karolina Augusta

[X] ...a country kid from what could be at best called a failed state, one of the many that form what was once the Vilna-Kuyaivan Empire. It never recovered from the Great War, after all, who'd want to help those who started the greatest catastrophe in human history? Your life in the war-torn region was terrible, to say the least, but you managed to drag yourself out of that hellhole, signing up with a mercenary unit. The open skies seemed like they were as good an alternative as any.

-As a note tho, Im quite suprised we don't get to chose the life-paths from your little preview.
[X] Crown Aviation Cruiser Amethyst
[X] ...a city kid from the far Coalition of Copernican States. Your parents weren't terribly rich, but they could afford you a proper education, which along with the skills you acquired in your nation's largest port city led to you becoming a mechanic on a merchant ship. Maybe it wasn't the best paying job, but you got to travel far and wide, see new places, meet new people, slowly moving closer and closer to the old skies that humanity once spread outwards from.
[X] Crown Aviation Cruiser Amethyst
[X] ...a city kid from the far Coalition of Copernican States. Your parents weren't terribly rich, but they could afford you a proper education, which along with the skills you acquired in your nation's largest port city led to you becoming a mechanic on a merchant ship. Maybe it wasn't the best paying job, but you got to travel far and wide, see new places, meet new people, slowly moving closer and closer to the old skies that humanity once spread outwards from.
[X] Crown Aviation Cruiser Amethyst

[X] ...a city kid from the far Coalition of Copernican States. Your parents weren't terribly rich, but they could afford you a proper education, which along with the skills you acquired in your nation's largest port city led to you becoming a mechanic on a merchant ship. Maybe it wasn't the best paying job, but you got to travel far and wide, see new places, meet new people, slowly moving closer and closer to the old skies that humanity once spread outwards from.

[X] Otto Richthofen
[X] Crown Aviation Cruiser Amethyst

[X] ...a city kid from the far Coalition of Copernican States. Your parents weren't terribly rich, but they could afford you a proper education, which along with the skills you acquired in your nation's largest port city led to you becoming a mechanic on a merchant ship. Maybe it wasn't the best paying job, but you got to travel far and wide, see new places, meet new people, slowly moving closer and closer to the old skies that humanity once spread outwards from.

[x]Roderic Klein
[X] Imperial and Royal Heavy Cruiser Cesarzowa i Królowa Karolina Augusta
[X] ...a destitute noble from the Sorian Islands. You're technically a baron, though that didn't really help your financial situation, and damn your ancestors to the 20th generation for that. Maybe 25th, for good measure. Well, things weren't completely bad - you had a few family heirlooms you really didn't care for that you could sell and some... questionably contacts, that helped you acquire some... equally questionable wares. And so began your life as the smuggler-baron.
[X] Gareth Morgan
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[X] Crown Aviation Cruiser Amethyst
[X] ...a city kid from the far Coalition of Copernican States.
[X] Reinhard Wittelsbach

I'm sure no problems will arise from the fact that we're a Copernican trying to hijack a Sorian heavy cruiser.

It's not like the two powers might have fought each other in a Great War or some silly nonsense like that in the past, which would potentially mean that the ship is programmed to treat all Copernicans as hostile.

Nope. No problems at all.

Also, Uthyr Pendragon? Really?
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Well! The Heavy Cruiser Karolina Augusta seems to in the lead, with the Amethyst hot on its heels, with poor Dauna lagging behind rather badly. In retrospect, I maybe should've given it a bit more than "is fast" and "shoots a lot of bullets". :p

[X] Crown Aviation Cruiser Amethyst
[X] ...a city kid from the far Coalition of Copernican States.
[X] Reinhard Wittelsbach

I'm sure no problems will arise from the fact that we're a Copernican trying to hijack a Sorian heavy cruiser.

It's not like the two powers might have fought each other in a Great War or some silly nonsense like that in the past, which would potentially mean that the ship is programmed to treat all Copernicans as hostile.

Nope. No problems at all.
It actually shouldn't, because I wouldn't fuck you over like that at char gen. You have the Command Seal, so you should be good as long as you can live with the ship waifu AI calling you a filthy mongrel every chance she gets.

Also, Uthyr Pendragon? Really?
I know, right?

Guys, you can't call yourself Uthyr Pendragon, please pick a name that is actually sensible.

U wat m8 u dissin the name?
Fite me scrub!
I am, yes. :V

Also, I have some extra details on the origin choice coming up, shortly!
[X] Crown Aviation Cruiser Amethyst

A ship capable of using fighter-bombers and be able to fight in battle seems to be the best bet since we likely won't be operating in a fleet and being jack of all trades seem to be better for surviving alone.

[X] ...a city kid from the far Coalition of Copernican States. Your parents weren't terribly rich, but they could afford you a proper education, which along with the skills you acquired in your nation's largest port city led to you becoming a mechanic on a merchant ship. Maybe it wasn't the best paying job, but you got to travel far and wide, see new places, meet new people, slowly moving closer and closer to the old skies that humanity once spread outwards from.
Guys, you can't call yourself Uthyr Pendragon, please pick a name that is actually sensible.
pfffft, party pooper

[X] Imperial and Royal Heavy Cruiser Cesarzowa i Królowa Karolina Augusta
[X] ...a destitute noble from the Sorian Islands. You're technically a baron, though that didn't really help your financial situation, and damn your ancestors to the 20th generation for that. Maybe 25th, for good measure. Well, things weren't completely bad - you had a few family heirlooms you really didn't care for that you could sell and some... questionably contacts, that helped you acquire some... equally questionable wares. And so began your life as the smuggler-baron.
[X] Gareth Morgan
A ship capable of using fighter-bombers and be able to fight in battle seems to be the best bet since we likely won't be operating in a fleet and being jack of all trades seem to be better for surviving alone.
The Jack of All Trades option is actually the Augusta, since she doesn't sacrifice literally every other aspect of the ship for a capability we're going to have a hard time maintaining anyway.

Like, where do you people think we're going to get the fuel and parts for these strike craft anyway? I mean, we can produce parts on our own, but that's going to take resources we don't have. The Amethyst is going to be the option that is going to by far going to strain our limited logistics (read: practically none considering we were having trouble with a shitty PT boat) and is the most vulnerable to any destroyer that happens to evade our bombers and puts fire into our thin armor.
as you can live with the ship waifu AI calling you a filthy mongrel every chance she gets

That's exactly the point!

We get an AI that tsun-tsuns at us all the time because we're a filthy foreign scoundrel and also a pirate. It'll be hilarious.

That is, until we get them to warm up to us.

"You're not so bad for a Copernican, I guess.

...That doesn't mean that I l-like you or anything! Baka."
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[X] Crown Aviation Cruiser Amethyst
[X] ...a city kid from the far Coalition of Copernican States.
[X] Reinhard Wittelsbach
pfffft, party pooper
Your objections have been noted and will be taken into account during the vote-counting process. :V
The Jack of All Trades option is actually the Augusta, since she doesn't sacrifice literally every other aspect of the ship for a capability we're going to have a hard time maintaining anyway.

Like, where do you people think we're going to get the fuel and parts for these strike craft anyway? I mean, we can produce parts on our own, but that's going to take resources we don't have. The Amethyst is going to be the option that is going to by far going to strain our limited logistics (read: practically none considering we were having trouble with a shitty PT boat) and is the most vulnerable to any destroyer that happens to evade our bombers and puts fire into our thin armor.
The Amethyst is probably the most supply-heavy option, yeah, but it's also the one that can engage enemy ships without actually exposing itself to attack and isn't completely hopeless in a gun fight. It's still a Very Bad Thing that you probably don't want to do, but you still have enough armour that a destroyer would have a hard time punching through your belt with guns alone.

Of course, your flight deck is still a huge weak spot.

Also, if you absolutely have to fight a battleship, the Amethyst is the only one where the best case scenario isn't pyrrhic.

That's exactly the point!

We get an AI that tsun-tsuns at us all the time because we're a filthy foreign scoundrel and also a pirate. It'll be hilarious.

That is, until we get them to warm up to us.

"You're not so bad for a Copernican, I guess.

...That doesn't mean that I l-like you or anything! Baka."

...whoooops. I somehow misread your post and thought you were referring to the Karolina Augusta. xV
The Amethyst is probably the most supply-heavy option, yeah, but it's also the one that can engage enemy ships without actually exposing itself to attack and isn't completely hopeless in a gun fight. It's still a Very Bad Thing that you probably don't want to do, but you still have enough armour that a destroyer would have a hard time punching through your belt armour with guns alone.
Then it's a good thing (for the destroyer anyway) that any hunter-killer flotilla that gets sent after us for possessing a forbidden semi-autonomous warship will include a wolfpack of destroyers and a cruiser!

At minimum.

Also rearming takes an assload of time, so if anything survives our initial strike then we'll be in major trouble because we'll have effectively blown our load. The Amethyst is very much a glass cannon, able to dish it out in return for being extremely vulnerable and poor combat endurance.
Also, if you absolutely have to fight a battleship, the Amethyst is the only one where the best case scenario isn't pyrrhic.
This is the part where we bravely run away from the slow lumbering BB. :V

Really, fighting a battleship is an awful idea even in the Amethyst because that battleship will almost certainly have an escort fleet that will be more than happy to punch our ticket in.
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looks at votes
sees we have the option to be a sky pirate who is also a Baron
have you guys no sense of fun?

[X] Crown Aviation Cruiser Amethyst
[X] ...a destitute noble from the Sorian Islands
[X] Baron Rohdri ap Merfyn of the House of Manaw

well @MightyDwarf said he wanted a welsh name...
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