In for a penny, in for a pound: A multiversal store quest

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Turn a hole in the wall into a megacorp spanning the multiverse!
Raleigh, NC
You are a newborn eldritch god, floating in the space between spaces. Your name is unpronounceable to mortal tongues, so we'll merely call you "Brian." As you float in your serene state of unbeing, you browse the myriad worlds around you. You watch the lower lifeforms go about their business, consuming, excreting, breeding, killing, and dying. How droll.

It is as you are watching one particular world that you come across a concept: megacorporations. Businesses big enough to be nations, controlling vast amounts of the strange idea called "money" that mortals seem to love so much. It intrigues you; not because you desire money, you are an eldritch being. Rather, it intrigues you because it seems so important to lower lifeforms. In worlds with megacorporations, they are constantly being opposed. In worlds without them, they are used as warnings of doom. Wherever capitalism develops, so develops at least the idea of a corporation so powerful it surpasses the state.

Now, you could do an immense number of things with your powers, but you decide to experiment. You split off an infinitesimal piece of yourself and plop it down in a group of universes, which it promptly builds tenuous links to. You shape and mold this piece of yourself into the proper shape, then step back and watch the fireworks.

Your name is Brian, and you are confused. One moment you did not exist, then the next you did. You seem to have knowledge that has no source, along with no memories of the past. You are not quite a blank slate, but almost one. You are standing behind a counter. Looking around, your innate knowledge defines your surroundings as a "convenience store." Something tells you this is your domain. This is yours. You become aware of a book sitting on the counter in front of you. You open it, and the meaningless scrawls seem to twist before your eyes into something more legible.

"Hello," it reads, "and welcome to the Multiversal Store. You are the operator and I am the proprietor. It is up to you to run this store and turn it from a mere hole in the wall to a megacorporation. You will have my support along the way, which is not inconsiderable. At the moment, you have a stock of mundane items that will replenish infinitely, though they must be shelved by yourself or an employee."

"The world you are currently connected to is (Fallout 3). You are located in the small burnt out town near (Megaton). Your job is to run the store and sell items. The more items you sell to a world, the more Access you gain. The more Access, the more items that become available to acquire and specialists to employ. However, the more Access, the more your SEP field will break down, allowing more people to notice you. This means more customers, but also more complications. You are tied to the store and thus cannot die permanently, but your employees can, and your stock can be destroyed or stolen."

"In addition, the more Access, the more Adventure! Either you personally or one of your employees can partake of Adventures for a chance to gain unique items, tools, or specialists. There are only so many hours in a day, so you must plan your Actions accordingly. You currently have (3) Actions. You can gain more by hiring employees to take care of things, though some employees are better at some actions than others."

"At the moment, the only facilities you have are (1) Unisex Bathroom, (1) Small Store Floor, and (1) Basic Living Quarters. More may be purchased in exchange for the money you earn from transactions. In addition, you may purchase production facilities in order to produce goods. This will require both materials and employees, so be on the lookout!"

"The shop is not required to be open, so you may take days off to Adventure in the field or visit locations. To open the shop, taking the "[]Attend Register" action is required."

"I believe that is all that is relevant at the moment, but please feel free to write questions into this book in order to gain answers. Good luck!"

"Well," thinks Brian, "I've certainly got a lot to do!"

Actions: (Chose 3)

Shop Actions:

[]Attend Register: Spend some time at the register, running the store. As you are the only employee currently, the shop will only be open from 8AM to 6PM.

[]Clean the store: A dirty store is a store people won't shop at! Spend some time cleaning up from the slobs who buy from you.

[]Shelve products: You need to replace what's bought and what food has expired, and it needs to be done frequently.

Adventure Actions:

[]Go say hi!: You're located right outside of the town of Megaton. Go introduce yourself! (Note: Due to your current lack of weapons, this will be dangerous.) Reward: Unknown.
Mundane goods found in a gas station (Infinite)
Question, which type of goods?
Cause there a lot of things that are sold in gas stations, at least in the ones where I live do.

Besides clean bottled water being the most sough after, there are car batteries, over the counter medicines, cleaning supplies, ice, and alcohol (both types).
Question, which type of goods?
Cause there a lot of things that are sold in gas stations, at least in the ones where I live do.

Besides clean bottled water being the most sough after, there are car batteries, over the counter medicines, cleaning supplies, ice, and alcohol (both types).
yep, all sold there. They're not really specialty goods, but in a post apocalypse they're immeasurably useful, rare and expensive. You stand to make a killing...unless you get attacked
yep, all sold there. They're not really specialty goods, but in a post apocalypse they're immeasurably useful, rare and expensive. You stand to make a killing...unless you get attacked
...Which is a given, for pretty much the same reasons.
[]Attend Register: Spend some time at the register, running the store. As you are the only employee currently, the shop will only be open from 8AM to 6PM.
[]Clean the store: A dirty store is a store people won't shop at! Spend some time cleaning up from the slobs who buy from you.
[]Shelve products: You need to replace what's bought and what food has expired, and it needs to be done frequently.

Well, at least we won't need to worry about getting a game over because the first customer decides to rob us. 😅
Edit:... :oops: :facepalm:Not sure if we can vote yet...
Voting is open!
...Which is a given, for pretty much the same reasons.
[]Attend Register: Spend some time at the register, running the store. As you are the only employee currently, the shop will only be open from 8AM to 6PM.
[]Clean the store: A dirty store is a store people won't shop at! Spend some time cleaning up from the slobs who buy from you.
[]Shelve products: You need to replace what's bought and what food has expired, and it needs to be done frequently.

Well, at least we won't need to worry about getting a game over because the first customer decides to rob us. 😅
Edit:... :oops: :facepalm:Not sure if we can vote yet...
Voting is open, yes!
[x]Attend Register: Spend some time at the register, running the store. As you are the only employee currently, the shop will only be open from 8AM to 6PM.

[x]Clean the store: A dirty store is a store people won't shop at! Spend some time cleaning up from the slobs who buy from you.

[x]Shelve products: You need to replace what's bought and what food has expired, and it needs to be done frequently.

First client get a free bottle of water.
[X]Attend Register: Spend some time at the register, running the store. As you are the only employee currently, the shop will only be open from 8AM to 6PM.
[X]Clean the store: A dirty store is a store people won't shop at! Spend some time cleaning up from the slobs who buy from you.
[X]Shelve products: You need to replace what's bought and what food has expired, and it needs to be done frequently.

Well, given the options and situation. The only real choice is to open shop or explore, ang given we don't exactly have any means of defense.
Seems the smart decision is to try and get a sale and see if we can unlock something to make attacking us more dangerous.
Well hopefully we can get a gun or weapon to use against raiders and other troubles, but hopefully we'll get enough caps to hire a bodyguard.
Is there any product that needs shelving? That is, are the shelves already stocked, partially stocked, or empty currently?
water bottles sure would be popular. :p
[X]Attend Register: Spend some time at the register, running the store. As you are the only employee currently, the shop will only be open from 8AM to 6PM.
[X]Clean the store: A dirty store is a store people won't shop at! Spend some time cleaning up from the slobs who buy from you.
[X]Shelve products: You need to replace what's bought and what food has expired, and it needs to be done frequently.
[x]Attend Register: Spend some time at the register, running the store. As you are the only employee currently, the shop will only be open from 8AM to 6PM.

[x]Clean the store: A dirty store is a store people won't shop at! Spend some time cleaning up from the slobs who buy from you.

[x]Shelve products: You need to replace what's bought and what food has expired, and it needs to be done frequently.
[x]Attend Register: Spend some time at the register, running the store. As you are the only employee currently, the shop will only be open from 8AM to 6PM.

[x]Clean the store: A dirty store is a store people won't shop at! Spend some time cleaning up from the slobs who buy from you.

[x]Shelve products: You need to replace what's bought and what food has expired, and it needs to be done frequently.
Provisional Quest Mechanics
A/N: I'd like to thank @Salguod for helping me with the mechanics.

Core Concepts
  • Actions: You have a limited number of Actions each day to manage your store or go on adventures.
  • Profit: A simplified currency representing your earnings and spending power.
  • Access: A measure of your store's reach and influence across different worlds. Higher Access unlocks new items, employees, and adventures.
  • Sales Quality: The quality of sales each day can vary, affecting how much Profit you earn.
  • Shop Condition: The cleanliness of your store, which influences the quality of sales.
  • Inventory: The amount of goods you have in stock, which needs to be managed and upgraded over time.

Daily Actions
Each day, you can perform up to 3 Actions. Actions are divided into two categories: Shop Actions and Adventure Actions.

Shop Actions:
  • Attend Register: Open the store and sell items. This is your primary way to earn Profit.
  • Clean the Store: Maintain cleanliness to attract more customers and improve shop condition.
  • Shelve Products: Restock items to ensure availability for customers.

Adventure Actions:
  • Go Say Hi!: Explore the surrounding area to make new contacts and discover opportunities.

Earning and Using Profit
  • Earning Profit: Each day, you earn Profit based on your sales quality and customer interactions.

Sales Quality:
  • Abysmal: 0 Profit
  • Poor: 1 Profit
  • Fair: 2 Profit
  • Good: 3 Profit
  • Great: 4 Profit
  • Excellent: 5 Profit

Using Profit: Spend your Profit to upgrade your store, buy new stock, or hire employees.
  • Example: Hiring an employee might cost 5 Profit, while upgrading the store's facilities could cost 10 Profit.

Gaining Access
  • Earning Access:Increase your Access by making significant sales, completing adventures, and achieving milestones.
    • Example: Establishing a relationship with a key character might earn you 10 Access.
  • Using Access: Unlock new items, facilities, and employees as your Access grows.
    • Example: At 20 Access, you might unlock a new line of rare items to sell.

Shop Condition
  • Cleaning Impact: The cleanliness of your store directly impacts the quality of sales.

Shop Condition:
  • Poor: -2 to Sales Quality
  • Fair: -1 to Sales Quality
  • Good: No Change
  • Great: +1 to Sales Quality
  • Excellent: +2 to Sales Quality

Improving Shop Condition: Use the "Clean the Store" action to improve shop condition. Each cleaning action improves the condition by one level (e.g., from Fair to Good).

Inventory Management
  • Goods Unit: Represents the amount of stock you have. Each item or set of items counts as one Goods Unit.
  • Example: A store might start with a capacity of 10 Goods Units.
  • Upgrading Inventory: Use Profit to increase the store's inventory capacity.
    • Example: Expanding storage might cost 5 Profit and increase capacity by 10 Goods Units.

Running Your Store: Step-by-Step
  • Open the Store (Attend Register):
    • Choose "Attend Register" as one of your daily Actions. Customers will come in, and you'll earn Profit based on sales quality.
      • Example: Earn 3 Profit on a Good sales day.
  • Maintain the Store (Clean the Store/Shelve Products):
    • Spend Actions on "Clean the Store" and "Shelve Products" to keep the store in good condition and stocked.
      • Example: Spend 1 Action to clean and 1 Action to restock, ensuring a tidy and well-stocked store.
  • Expand Your Operations (Spend Profit and Access):
    • Use your accumulated Profit to upgrade the store or hire employees.
    • Use your Access to unlock new items and opportunities.
      • Example: Spend 5 Profit to hire an employee and 10 Access to unlock a new product line.

Example Day

Action 1: Attend Register:
  • Open the store and make sales.
  • Shop Condition is Good, resulting in a base Good sales day.
  • Roll a die to determine final Sales Quality: Roll 4 (Good) + Shop Condition Modifier (0) = Good.
  • Earn 3 Profit.

Action 2: Clean the Store:
  • Spend time cleaning to improve the shop condition.
  • Improve shop condition from Good to Great.

Action 3: Shelve Products:
  • Restock items to ensure availability.
  • Use Goods Units to restock shelves.

At the end of the day, you review your earnings and plan for the next day. With 3 Profit earned, you decide to save up for future upgrades. You also gained 10 Access from a successful introduction to a key character.
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I'd like to say this isn't dead. My partner @Salguod is working on redoing the mechanics to better allow for expansion and tiered goods. He's very busy in his private life, so consider this on hiatus until then.