In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic)

I mean we might be able to moderate our offer once we see how Sulla is doing and I'm sure we'll phrase diplomatically. I honestly expect to be refused but offered some other role in it's place
That is of course if sulla's position was slightly weaker, and he needs men and women he can trust, in legions for when the time comes to... save the Republic.;)
Voting is open

[X]Plan: Western Affairs and Eastern Wars
-[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
-[X]Academic: You have 25 scribe slaves, who are well versed in Latin and Greek. You have thousands upon thousands of stories that can be transcribed to text, send out to the highest bidder, and even work for certain… individuals in Rome. Unfortunately, with your myths not fitting Rome's official canon (or the Priest's ideas that keep them in power) you may find yourself into a blasted war with the priests.
-[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
-[X]Paying Debts: You owe a Talent to your Father's man, who built the Stable, and since it was in your father's will, you were going to do what was needed. Cost 1 Talent DC: 5
-[X]Father's Last Gift: You know for a blasted fact that there is something more your father has hidden away. Hopefully, it is not just a hope that a daughter can have, to find one last gift. DC: ???
-[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
-[X]Cassius and Child: Your lady friend and companion have taken to motherhood nicely, but you really need to know who the father of her child is, and if that father may decide that you housing her will be a threat to him. DC: 45
-[X]A Legionary's Life: You are going to get into the Legion. You will try and convince Sulla to give you a legion, and set out on the campaign, not only to defeat Rome's enemies but to gain glory, and honor. And so much more. Reward: Begin An Adventure in the East, with the 5th Legion.
I mean how I did it. The vignettes prior to leaving to Rome... and of course, the prophecy.

Were they decent?

The prophecy was, at least most of it, ripped straight from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

I just thought it would be appropriate.
I mean I kind of got that from the Long united will be divided thing but it was good stuff. I am curious if that prophecy is gonna go to our PC's head since it directly compared us to Alexander
I mean I kind of got that from the Long united will be divided thing but it was good stuff. I am curious if that prophecy is gonna go to our PC's head since it directly compared us to Alexander
THat will depend entirely on you guys.

I mean, sure she will think of things are going to be okay, but she's no dummy. She knows Alexander's Empire collapsed immediately after he died, and he had a less than... steller love life. With both his male and female lovers.
[] Plan PQR [Populusque Rōmānus]
-[X] Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
-[X] Agricultural: You will continue your father's work in keeping the place productive, and food-producing. You will be popular with the People, but not make more money, and will be needing to be afraid of tax collectors.
-[X] The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
-[X] The Legionary's Lifer: Metellus is back in Rome, and once again, stirring up trouble. He is once again petitioning the Senate for promotion to Legate, to be any Legate in the Roman Legion, as long as he gets his promotion. You need to remind him that his patron has been replaced. And he needs to calm down… You'll handle this. DC: 35
-[X] Paying Debts: You owe a Talent to your Father's man, who built the Stable, and since it was in your father's will, you were going to do what was needed. Cost 1 Talent DC: 5
-[X] Taxes and Tax exemptions, and Write-offs: So you have been looking at the ledgers of the villa, and realized something very important. Your father has been paying far too much to the state in taxes. You need to adjust that accordingly… hopefully without screwing everything up/ DC: 55
-[X] A Legion's Promise: You are going to get Metellus his legion, and perhaps once things are prepared, he can assist you as well. You may not have connections, but you do have one thing. A very convincing smile. DC: ???
-[X] A Legionary's Life: You are going to get into the Legion. You will try and convince Sulla to give you a legion, and set out on the campaign, not only to defeat Rome's enemies but to gain glory, and honor. And so much more. Reward: Begin An Adventure in the East, with the 5th Legion.

Like I've mentioned before, basically take care of all the stuff that's likely to bite us in the ass later, and take the options that likely provide a lot better RP bonuses than people are banking on.
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[X]Plan: Off to Conquer the East
-[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
-[X]Industrial: You will convert this cursed land into something extraordinary. You will build your villa into a producer of Roman Steel. The problem is, you need lots of money to even try to do this. Money you do not have.
-[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
-[X]Paying Debts: You owe a Talent to your Father's man, who built the Stable, and since it was in your father's will, you were going to do what was needed. Cost 1 Talent DC: 5
-[X]Father's Last Gift: You know for a blasted fact that there is something more your father has hidden away. Hopefully, it is not just a hope that a daughter can have, to find one last gift. DC: ???
-[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
-[X]A Legion's Promise: You are going to get Metellus his legion, and perhaps once things are prepared, he can assist you as well. You may not have connections, but you do have one thing. A very convincing smile. DC: ???
-[X]A Legionary's Life: You are going to get into the Legion. You will try and convince Sulla to give you a legion, and set out on the campaign, not only to defeat Rome's enemies but to gain glory, and honor. And so much more. Reward: Begin An Adventure in the East, with the 5th Legion.
I also wanted to make sure that, if you decided to follow your prophecy, this entire thing will not end well...

At least without tons of suffering.
But this is Ancient Rome, we're fucked if we don't follow through on the prophecy.

There's no winning here, only a different flavor of suffering. :D...:(
Wait, hold on do we even have the money to pay back our debt?
The Wealth and Power of the Nerva Domos:

Wealth: 26 Talents

Income from the Villa: 256 Denarii

Buildings of the Villa: The Domus (Main Domicile, Worth 260 Talents), Slave Quarters (Worth 200 Talents), Wine Vineyards (Worth 147 Talents on a bad year, 452 On a Bountiful Harvests), Wheat/Grain Fields(Various Wealth Status), Stables (Worth 100 Talents)

Land Held: 200 Acres (Worth 100 Talents, due to the Curse)

Slaves Owned: 103

Family/ Villa Debts: 1 Talent (The Last of the Payments for the Stables needs to be paid off)

Debts Owed to you: 0

Other Properties:
1 Trireme
[X] Plan: Molten Roman Gold
-[X] Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
-[X]Industrial: You will convert this cursed land into something extraordinary. You will build your villa into a producer of Roman Steel. The problem is, you need lots of money to even try to do this. Money you do not have.
-[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
-[X]Cassius and Child: Your lady friend and companion have taken to motherhood nicely, but you really need to know who the father of her child is, and if that father may decide that you housing her will be a threat to him. DC: 45
-[X]The Plans for Substance: You need to make plans to get your supplies to Roman Market, or beyond. You just need to find a way to do it. DC:35
-[X]Taxes and Tax exemptions, and Write-offs: So you have been looking at the ledgers of the villa, and realized something very important. Your father has been paying far too much to the state in taxes. You need to adjust that accordingly… hopefully without screwing everything up/ DC: 55
-[X]Into the Belly of the Beast: You will meet with the Marian supporters in Rome. And perhaps, if you are lucky, can curry favor with them, with promises, favors, and much more. DC: 45
-[X]The Fates Spurned: There is a man, named Crassus who needs a diplomat to serve his and Rome's interests in the East, in the Kingdom of Judea, to not only secure rights for trade for roman merchants, but also, to serve as his spy. He wants to see how strong they are, or in the favor, how weak they are. Reward: You travel to Judea, as a merchant, a spy, and a diplomat.

Merchant route always appeals to me. Build up our lands into an industrial powerhouse, secure ties of trade and influence, maybe get Crassus to help us. Make contact with the Marians for the drama and have fun being so very over our head as a spy. Best way to learn is to fail, you know?

[X]Plan Pirate Hunting
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Stories of the Pirate: The Cycle of Zagreus (I)
Stories of the Pirate: The Cycle of Zagreus (I)

You were awake in an instant, hands immediately flying atop your head as you hissed from being swatted by Uncle Ion.

"None of that Lykos," he said, a pale light emanating from his eyes, having caught you sleeping in one of his lessons, "You must understand these lessons if you are to know anything about this world. As I was saying-"

"But Uncle," you unwisely cried, forgetting any sense of decorum in the face of your indignity, "I wasn't sleeping! I was focusing with my eyes closed!"

Your uncle stilled, the shine in those eyes becoming dangerous, "Are you implying that I am a liar my dear niece?"

Immediately you felt the blood drain from your face, as you began to sputter, "N-no Uncle, I did not mean to imply that you are such, I meant no excuse sir!"

It was the eyes, you thought, as he appeared to stare through your soul and assessing the truth of the matter, the moments slowly passing as a cold sweat breaking at your back as even the hypocaust (the only true luxury your father had allowed when renovating your ancestral Villa some years past) beneath you did little to warm you in the face of his wintry gaze.

"Then, my dear niece," he said slowly, that glint furious at your slight (not to mention the break in your decorum) as he switched to Greek, your mother's tongue, "Why is Dionysus known as the thrice-born god?"

She paused, vaguely recalling such a matter in her mother's tales and, rather than admit defeat, leaned heavily on the memory in her response, also in Greek (tinged as it was by a faint Roman accent), "Though I could be cheeky and tell you it is simply for the fact he has died and been reborn thrice, that is extremely reductive, for he is the god closest to reaching Elysium."

She paused for a moment, licking her lips as she suddenly noticed they were dry, and taking into account her uncle's continued silence, continued in her account, "In the days preceding the Titan War, when Zeus was hidden before Cronus' sight among mankind and very much as hotblooded as any a young man yet unburdened from forethought, slept with many a woman up to, and including, his own three thousand year long wedding day to Hera, among his favored so called conquests being the young Thracian priestess Semele, whom by some are called a mortal incarnation of Demeter, given your accounts of a Scythian client-vassal, but I digress. When it was discovered that she was with Zeus' child, the newly freed Hera flew into a rage and through trickery ensured the girl's demise by having her get Zeus swear to the River Styx before requesting him making an appearance in his true divine form, something said to be so perfect that the loss of its presence is madness inducing. It was in this way that Semele was lost, and only the babe Dionysus spared by the grace of his father, carrying the babe in a pouch sown into his body.

As he grew in strength and power, Dionysus would prove vital in ending the Titan War, being the one to actually
land the killing blow on Cronus and ending his threat. In the aftermath of the war and having his fill of it, the god traveled to the distant lands of the east to come to understand his place in the world, his duel nature as part divine and part mortal, that of being juxtaposed between perfection and change, order and chaos, having lead him to question his position in the world. It is in doing so that the god comes across the surviving remnants of humanity from the Golden Age in the Zagros Mountains of Persia and learns from them the power of fermentation, how to best cultivate it in the pursuit of creating all manners of alcohols, but most notably wine; it is while there he amasses the fealty of the maenads, the greatest of their number being Aphrodite Areia, known to the Babylonians as Ishtar, born of the severed remains of Ouranos, whom he immediately takes a liking to and takes her under his wing as his adoptive sister.

It is upon his return home some centuries later, that he discovers that in his absence that the race of man found within his homeland had grown heartless and arrogant beyond measure under the guidance of Prometheus and his brother, whom upon their introduction of him by his unwitting, and newfound, brother (Hephaestus), was immediately seized upon and drawn-and-quartered in a mockery of Cronus' death in an attempt to rebel against the gods. Though Aphrodite managed to flee with Dionysus' heart, this act begat the beginning of what would become the Gigantomachia, and was retaliated by sending Pandora in a manner similar to the much later Trojan Horse. The first death.

Ion's eyes still yet shone, though the dangerous glint had long since faded, "And what of Dionysus' heart in Aphrodite's hands? What then?"

A/N: That bit about Semele and the Scythians? Yeah, there's a fairly contested connection there with the Proto-Slavs, who were likely a client peoples of the Scythians at the time, largely based on the fact that linguists have noted that A) the name Semele bares a stark similarity with the Baltic goddess Žemelė, and B) the Slavic word for seeds is seme, C) the word for earth is zemlja, and point to it as a potential connection between the eras.
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Stories of the Pirate: The Cycle of Zagreus (I)

You were awake in an instant, hands immediately flying atop your head as you hissed from being swatted by Uncle Ion.

"None of that Lykos," he said, a pale light emanating from his eyes, having caught you sleeping in one of his lessons, "You must understand these lessons if you are to know anything about this world. As I was saying-"

"But Uncle," you unwisely cried, forgetting any sense of decorum in the face of your indignity, "I wasn't sleeping! I was focusing with my eyes closed!"

Your uncle stilled, the shine in those eyes becoming dangerous, "Are you implying that I am a liar my dear niece?"

Immediately you felt the blood drain from your face, as you began to sputter, "N-no Uncle, I did not mean to imply that you are such, I meant no excuse sir!"

It was the eyes, you thought, as he appeared to stare through your soul and assessing the truth of the matter, the moments slowly passing as a cold sweat breaking at your back as even the hypocaust (the only true luxury your father had allowed when renovating your ancestral Villa some years past) beneath you did little to warm you in the face of his wintry gaze.

"Then, my dear niece," he said slowly, that glint furious at your slight (not to mention the break in your decorum) as he switched to Greek, your mother's tongue, "Why is Dionysus known as the thrice-born god?"

She paused, vaguely recalling such a matter in her mother's tales and, rather than admit defeat, leaned heavily on the memory in her response, also in Greek (tinged as it was by a faint Roman accent), "Though I could be cheeky and tell you it is simply for the fact he has died and been reborn thrice, that is extremely reductive, for he is the god closest to reaching Elysium."

She paused for a moment, licking her lips as she suddenly noticed they were dry, and taking into account her uncle's continued silence, continued in her account, "In the days preceding the Titan War, when Zeus was hidden before Cronus' sight among mankind and very much as hotblooded as any a young man yet unburdened from forethought, slept with many a woman up to, and including, his own three thousand year long wedding day to Hera, among his favored so called conquests being the young Thracian priestess Semele, whom by some are called a mortal incarnation of Demeter, given your accounts of a Scythian client-vassal, but I digress. When it was discovered that she was with Zeus' child, the newly freed Hera flew into a rage and through trickery ensured the girl's demise by having her get Zeus swear to the River Styx before requesting him making an appearance in his true divine form, something said to be so perfect that the loss of its presence is madness inducing. It was in this way that Semele was lost, and only the babe Dionysus spared by the grace of his father, carrying the babe in a pouch sown into his body. As he grew in strength and power, Dionysus proved vital in ending the Titan War, being the one to actually land the killing blow on Cronus. In the aftermath of the war and having his fill of it, the god traveled to the distant lands of the east to come to understand his place in the world, his duel nature as part divine and part mortal, that of being juxtaposed between perfection and change, order and chaos, having lead him to question his position in the world. It is in doing so that the god comes across the surviving remnants of humanity from the Golden Age in the Zagros Mountains of Persia and learns from them the power of fermentation, how to best cultivate it in the pursuit of creating all manners of alcohols, but most notably wine; it is while there he amasses the fealty of the maenads, the greatest of their number being Aphrodite Areia, known to the Babylonians as Ishtar, born of the severed remains of Ouranos, whom he immediately takes a liking to and takes her under his wing as his adoptive sister.

It is upon his return home some centuries later, that he discovers that in his absence that the race of man found within his homeland had grown heartless and arrogant beyond measure under the guidance of Prometheus and his brother, whom upon their introduction of him by his unwitting, and newfound, brother (Hephaestus), was immediately seized upon and drawn-and-quartered in a mockery of Cronus' death in an attempt to rebel against the gods. Though Aphrodite managed to flee with Dionysus' heart, this act begat the beginning of what would become the Gigantomachia, and was retaliated by sending Pandora in a manner similar to the much later Trojan Horse. The first death.

Ion's eyes still yet shone, though the dangerous glint had long since faded, "And what of Dionysus' heart in Aphrodite's hands? What then?"

A/N: That bit about Semele and the Scythians? Yeah, there's a fairly contested connection there with the Proto-Slavs, who were likely a client peoples of the Scythians at the time, largely based on the fact that linguists have noted that A) the name Semele bares a stark similarity with the Baltic goddess Žemelė, and B) the Slavic word for seeds is seme, C) the word for earth is zemlja, and point to it as a potential connection between the eras.
Choose my friend.

+10 to ion, or +10 to an action.