In Another World with JUST MONIKA (Book 2 complete)

43.2 In the World with the Darkest Powers
Note: this portion will be added to the previous chapter since too late I realized it would flow better to have separate time chunks.


Zorah squinted and mentioned evenly "Even at best speed trading fresh horses at even stop you should have taken at at least three days."

She shrugged. "Well it turns out if you throw Alan ahead of you far enough…"

Alan collapsed face-first onto the stone tile floor, one hand remaining up, flipping the bird to life and the universe in general.

Throw him far enough, he could set up a series of portals with the horses and carriages only limited by waiting for how long it would take him to land. The way for him to survive was to make sure that he's going to fall INTO a portal and so come out the previous portal at an angle that turns a deadly drop into a fall of a couple of feet.

"Holy shite, man. Why are you still alive? Your wife had better be the best lady, enduring this level of abuse from your sister-in-law is way out there!" I said to him.

"I have nine children and my wife is independently wealthy enough to support even more," he replied dully while still kissing the floor.


"Six of them are twins. And she's pregnant again. Triplets this time"

"HOW IS YOUR DUMBASS SELF STILL ALIVE?!" I screeched out. "Actually, on that note- this has to be intentional because I know contraception potions exist. Are you compensating for your luck as a man in other ways?!"

Alan flopped around. "It is a mystery."

"Ah! The fecundity of humans and their suffering, most of it self-inflicted, never ceases to amuse me!"

"Yeek!" Charlotte abruptly lost her poise and cowered in place.

I reached out and bopped the fairy on the top of her head. "Sit your bony ass down, Leene. You know Charlotte is under my protection."

Leene pouted. "As you wish."

"You… you hit Master." Charlotte's eyes glittered. "No one hits Master…"

I grimaced. "You will find that is actually a large part of the problem…"

Charlotte hiked her skirt up and set out into a dead run, stepping over her brother-in-law, before jumping onto the dining table. ("My spine!", Alan wailed.) Clack! Clack! Clack! - went Charlotte's shoes as she crossed the length then she drop-tackled me right off the table.

"Ah, my knight! I dedicate my bones, my body, and my life to do as you please!" said Charlotte bawling in gratefulness, as she tried to kill me by suffocating me between her breasts.

"MY SPINE!" I wailed.

"... This man is scum," said Lydia.

"Total scum," agreed Elze.

"How noisy. What improper guests you are," Zorah sighed. "Once again this castle is full of noise and chaos...!"

She scoffed - even as she tried to hide a fond smile behind her ostrich-feather fan.


Charlotte and her crew wasted no time re-assembling the Chappa-ai Ring Gate. We emplaced it high up in the throne room within the highest tower of this weird-ass Castlevania style castle (which was a separate thing to the combination/throne feast hall in the lower levels).

Then in a few hours, with a satisfying ka-whoosh, the Ring Gate to Mismede opened.

Alan stepped through first, setting up a [Portal] tag just in case.

There was no need to connect to the Alephis Gate, since Charlotte and company had come from Alephis the Duke of Ortlinde already had all the advance warning he needed to emergency mobilize the soldiery if necessary. Alephis Gate was already connected to Berge Gate in Mismede.

Lyon Blitz poked his head out of the strange watery wall.

Castle Zenovi was a dour place of cold stone and even harder men, but enlivened with lush carpets and draperies and paintings of men and women wearing garishly bright clothes with far too many tassels. Truly, Zanac Zenfield's self-proclaimed title as the King of Fashion was a well-earned miracle coming from this family with zero sense of style. It was not even the sort of gauche lack of taste like what a commoner might believe an opulent aristocracy might revel in. No, it takes *confidence* to stick to this sense of aesthetics.

Deep reds and purples contributed to a style one might consider Gothic - with an emphasis on "Goth", as in Ostro-goths, ready to move out and sack Rome at a moment's notice. Considering that the strongest land power in this continent was Fantasy Rome, this was not actually all that unbelievable.

Lyon saw us sitting nearby on a table filled with mid-afternoon tea and pastries. Zorah sat with her arms crossed and almost pouting on one end, while on the other end I sat with my fingers laced together in a Gendo pose. Only those that could be trusted - or had any interest - in high level intelligence and extended debriefing talks were allowed into the room.

Immediately that ruled out Elze and Linze, who could be trusted would be very quickly bored all to heck by all that talking. Yae would be more interested in eating the scones. For much the same reasons, Zorah's surviving retainers begged off attending. Zorah only brought them out in fit of pique because I had insisted that my party could all be trusted with this information since they had all met the King of Belfast and Mismede before, and Zorah called me bald-faced liar and insisted then of course her own people were double trustworthy.

Lydia stood behind Zorah, calm and proud as a dutiful adjutant.

No one stood behind me. Leene had a high enough rank that she would be useful here, but she sat on a chair off to my right. One could almost say it was a place of honor as a lord's right hand, but really it was just at stabbing range. Her smug catlike grin revealed that she knew it, and relished more the fact that her presence was annoying me to distraction than taking it as an insult.

My left cheek involuntarily twitched at random.

Lyon's eyes communicated 'I don't know what I was expecting, but I probably should have expected this'.

He turned back to report the all clear.

The first to come out again was Yumina. She was still wearing her princess gown with a silver tiara on her pale blonde hair. Her expression brightened on seeing my red outfit. "Sir Zah!"

Her gaze then quickly and expertly took in the rest of the room, and seeing Lydia standing behind Zorah and the blank spot behind me, without even prompting she quickly stepped away from the ring and moved over to stand at my back in her position as the most trusted adjutant.

Zorah's thick painted eyebrows went up.

Then silently, and yet with a booming presence, King Tristwin Ernes Belfast stepped onto Castle Zenovi. Quickly and with almost panic Zorah stood up to show respects, while behind her Lydia flinched in place and squared her shoulders to attention.

I placed my gloved palms on the table and with almost languorous slowness pushed off. I breathed out as if tired.

While Zorah loudly proclaimed her hails and welcome to His Highness, I met his eyes behind the blank lenses of my eye mask, smiled wryly and reported "Tristwin, we have found ourselves in a bigly intolerable situation."

Zorah curled up her lips and was about to scream at me to show respect to his majesty, but the king just chuckled and shook his head indulgently.

"If it's you saying it, then it must be tremendous," he replied as he sat down on the chair that Zorah hurriedly crab-walked to offer to him.


Let's skip the debriefing for sake of expediency.

Zorah reported about what happened and the state of her House, and begged forgiveness for their failure. Tristwin offered his own sympathies for the death of their patriarch and a renewal of their oath and the trust of the crown.

Then it was my turn to recount what happened at Alpas Castra.


King Tristwin clutched at the armrests of his chair. His wrists were shaking. "This is truly disturbing news. How can one prevail against such… unfairness?"

After that, Zorah had to ask "So he is not only immune to magic, but can devour magic? So how did YOU survive?!"

And my answer: "Because the thing had *range*. It had a minimum spherical range from where it can passively or actively drain magic, and an attack that it could throw out like a wave or a net, pulling in magic from people and magic tools. Most people get knocked out when all their magic is drained from them, but if someone had a large enough magic capacity they can stay awake long enough to get out of range.

I tapped my blank lenses. "This is where being technically blind actually helped. I could sense the disturbance in the air from the magic drain appearing in a cone. And even when it does it, my magic refills almost as fast as it was drained after the effect is done."

"That… is not how magic capacity works. That is not how magic capacity works at all," said Zorah.

I continued: "The problem is not the Drainbracer, it's the Blockbracer. Without the anti-kinetic passive shield effect, you could just fill the air with enough heavy ballista bolts and call it a day."

Zorah hissed "Do not ignore meee…!!!"

Leene said as if Zorah had never said anything "From such artifacts are heroes named and nations founded. A Holy Sword brought the Rammish Theocracy into being, and a Sword of the Undying created the Lestia Knight Kingdom. It is a pity then, that a Shield Hero could end up the foundation of a new and terrible dynasty."

"But those two together… he is invincible," King Tristwin hummed and rubbed at his bearded chin. "As you say, Matriarch Leene. Though perhaps we are fortunate that another hero exists in such a time."

I raised my hand. "Imma stop you right there. Beating his ass into a draw probably counts as a loss for that egotistical meathead, and it is inevitable that he would try to take his revenge against all of Belfast. You don't have to worry about me leaving you in the lurch - I have my own revenge to eke on that asshole…

"But he is *actually* Regulus' problem."

King Tristwin nodded. "And he seeks to rebel against Regulus, which would normally not be an immediate concern except that he has revealed his desire to slaughter through Belfast and offer it as a blood sacrifice for the manpower… demonpower… to eat and digest the Empire."

The king hummed. "Could this possibly be linked to the treason poison plot by Count Balzac? Had Regules actually been ROUSED all this time to conquest? I find myself suspicious why General Bazoar was so garrulous revealing his plans to you. Might he be laying a false image of his dissatisfaction against the Emperor?"

"But we have Count Alpas as a witness to his perfidy!" Zorah hissed.

I shrugged. "A man that is already rebelling and is willing to feed people's souls to demons isn't going to be stopped by the legality of things. If he's already ready to fight the Legions, the order to be arrested means he's just going to kick it off early. And for all his personal power… nothing about it really painted him as very smart."

"He is but one man. Not even a mage. There is only so much that can be done with the swing of a sword," said the king. Rulership was not something that could be done merely on the point of a sword. If it was just that simple he would have started executing his cretins long before they gave him a good enough excuse.

He continued: "The Demon Lord's army is the greater threat… and if he moves against Belfast then first he must have enough souls to sacrifice. But you said he wanted to fight Belfast in the first place as an easier target to fuel his usurpation. What allies could he have to support his seizure of power? Otherwise one might as well create a desert and call it peace."

I nodded. "Therefore we are incentivized to help Regulus not devolve into a bloody civil war."

King Tristwin gave out a hollow laugh and palmed his face. "What strange fellows does politics make. Just yesterday we were preparing to go to war against Regulus, now we must save them from themselves."

Then with a sharp glare "But still we have not fully rooted out traitors in our midst. It is terribly convenient that Belfast would have been so weakened by my death and the war with Mismede right at the moment General Bazoar was looking for many souls to offer as a summoning sacrifice to his Demon Lord. There are powers in Regulus that seek to harm us, this General Bazoar is but the most obvious of them."

I shrugged. "I know. While I would be happy to face him again, I think just waiting for him to make a move is a mistake. Tristwin, I *can't afford* to have this drag on. I have somewhere else to be." I briefly nodded towards Leene. "I have a *major* favor to repay, and it's not on this continent."

"As one might expect from a faithless mercenary…" Zorah growled, and with a tone of… disappointment?

The king relaxed on his chair and nodded. "I see. This is your 'intolerable situation', then?"

We stared at each other in silence for a while. Unfortunately in a battle of wills between a monarch and a guy wearing blank white eyepieces, there could only ever be one winner. He looked away and sighed. "As you are not one of my vassals, I cannot speak to you about loyalty - but I have no doubt about your good will. Then your mission remains the same. Wherever you might go - take Yumina with you.

"That even should the worst happen, the royal succession of Belfast remains intact. I want my daughter to be safe, avenging us and recovering the throne is not a priority."

"Father!" Yumina cried out.

Zorah made some sort of demented gargling sound like she had been retroactively slapped in the face and humiliated.

"Tristwin. You did send tools inscribed with tracking magic with your trader-spies into the capital of Regulus, right? Even when you recall them due to an unstable political climate, they should have discreetly left those ground positioning stones behind, right?"

"Of course."

"Then I request permission to pre-emptively invade Regulus and kidnap their Emperor."

Zorah made some sort of whistling noise like an over-boiling kettle and then slammed her face down into the table. Wham.

Splinters flew.



/ The lowest circle of hell, given to those who have acted in treachery

/ Where the suffering comes not from ever-burning flame

/ But the cold; dark and deep, and utterly silent

/ Utterly alone even amongst the multitude

/ Of wretched souls wrapped in ignominy

/ There is a greater noise in absolute silence

/ There is a greater chaos in being utterly blind

/ For when lacking all outside stimulation, the mind begins to devour itself

/ And manufactures for itself torments.

/ Cold as the grave, death without release

/ But as long as I can hear your voice -

/ This shall be heaven to me.



This is intolerable.
Not quite sure how Zah went from 'enemy civil war' to 'kidnap the enemy ruler', honestly. Also kinda curious about his magic regen rate, if Zora claims it isn't how things work normally at all.
I think he's trying to figure out the balance between 'precision strike against a potential threat' and 'protective custody for the enemy of my enemy.'
I think he's trying to figure out the balance between 'precision strike against a potential threat' and 'protective custody for the enemy of my enemy.'
Plus, like with every other ruler he's interacted with, he'll no doubt either have him singing the praises of the chicken man, thus letting him heavily influence the enemy nations politics (political victory) or he'll have the enemy king and bureaucracy already toppled for a military/political mixed victory, via threats of "I'm in your base, killing all your dudes.".
Not quite sure how Zah went from 'enemy civil war' to 'kidnap the enemy ruler', honestly. Also kinda curious about his magic regen rate, if Zora claims it isn't how things work normally at all.

I suspect if we're still pulling from the original work at all, the player has uhhh, infinite mana regen and capacity and is possibly crazy enough that his infinite mana pool is split between him and the psychosis that is Monika.
44.2 End of Book Two
End of Book Two



"YOU ABSOLUTE MADMAN!" Zorah shrieked and pointed an accusing finger at me. "HOW DARE YOU POLLUTE OUR EARS WITH THIS NONSENSE!"

King Tristwin only leaned back and gave a full-belied laugh. "Oh you absolute madlad!" He briefly looked towards Yumina, who shrugged, then back to me still in my Gendo pose. "But I know you like to say things to shock people - I have been far too long in the presence of Jamukha Blau Mismede. You are the same type of people. So out with it, Zah Playa."

I scowled. "You know we planned so well for the Belfast-Mismede alliance and then linking our infrastructure together? And then immediately after talking about it, something happened to make the whole plan defunct? It's like talking about the plan ensures something will interfere like some Unspoken Plan Guarantee."

"... That is just peasant superstition," Zorah had to say.

The King hummed. "You know I cannot just blindly give my permission for anything that will affect the politics of Belfast and Regulus as a whole. It is my concern for my people, not my pride, that prohibits me from just allowing someone else to do what they wish out of sight for my supposed benefit."

I only shrugged. "Well, this whole thing started because the Emperor of Regulus is ill. Jackals are starting to circle. But you know… this could still be some plot of fake illness to clear the way for his succession."

"Ah. That is certainly a possibility. There have been many such instances of letting your enemy have all the rope they need to hang themselves with."

"You did this recently with your poisoning."

"Mmm. If only the risk of war and the maltreatment of beastkin inside Belfast had not been so urgent, it would have been good to let the pretense of their success go on for a bit longer." He waved. "But we are getting sidetracked. Explain."

"Fair enough. Well if he's *actually sick*, who happens to be the best gorram healer this side of the continent?"

Yumina gasped, raising a hand to her face. "That is an excellent point, Sir Zah!"

"Oh, right. [Light] magic as well!" Leene beamed. "Well it has to be me, would it not? In my over six hundred years of existence I have watched so many of you mortals grow infirm and decay and struggle against the peace of death. None other than the elves have as much experience in trying to halt this inevitable degradation as myself. Whatever ails he may have, I will know."

Leene blinked at the silence that greeted her declaration. "Wa-what is with the look you are giving me? Do not give me those looks of pity! What even is this?! Whyyyy?!"

I coughed into my fist. "Ahem. Well if nothing else, there is the option to simply shove enough [Light] magic to choke a Dark God into him."

The king gave out an amused 'heh'. "Do you actually intend to kidnap Zephyrus though?"

"Who? Oh, that's his name? Well I'll try to talk him into laying a trap for General Bazoar. But if he's actually too sick to object, then I'll just yoink him into Belfast. That should give his successors and royal guard a reason to go into high alert. Frankly speaking this plan is NO PLAN, let's just see what happens and roll with it."

Zorah picked wood fragments out of her face and then bowed towards the king. "Your Majesty this is a terrible idea and I respectfully suggest that you entertain no part of it."

Then Zorah turned towards me and asked "In the first place, how would you even get to Gallaria in time? You do not even know what the Emperor looks like!"

I shrugged again. "How do you think I was able to get here *from* Mismede in time?"

Yumina titted her head to the side like a yellow parakeet. She certainly knew what the Emperor looked like. There have been diplomatic visits before. Portraits were easy to procure as well. But would she be allowed to tag along as a guide?

"I was in Mismede but a short while ago," King Tristwin said. "Prince Zah Playa is proven to be able to travel - and to enable travel - between vast distances very quickly. This is part of why I trust his ability…." and with a sigh "And tolerate his eccentricities."

Left unspoken was 'I tolerate so much bullshit from my subordinates as long as they prove themselves capable and loyal. So much. Bullshit'.

'Wait, what?
' Zorah mouthed out.

I turned to the side. "What do you think, Yumina?"

The princess touched a finger to her chin and pursed her lips. "The OODA loop - observe, orient, decide, act - is a cycle that applies to all decision-making processes. Doctrine: Initiative relies upon disrupting the enemy's ability to make decisions as early and as often as possible. The information delay going from the Belfast border to the heart of the Empire means that if Lord General Bazoar presents himself to court, he has enough demons by the sacrifice to suddenly appear and overcome the palace defenders. It would be a perfect decapitation strike. I presume that letting Marquise Alpas live is so that man would be able to suffer more knowing it was his ineffectuality as a fighting man that allowed this to happen."

Then she shook her head and sighed. "Lord General Bazoar is so unlucky."

"Hm? How so?" her father asked.

"Because this is a perfect example of the disruption doctrine - it is simple, but all the best plans are simple. Put overwhelming force to your enemy's weakest point when they don't expect it. He may act all that smart, but he is more than competent as a general. It would have worked very well. It is just so… unfortunate… that he exists in the same era as Sir Zah, who is simply a better artist of this doctrine. So…" Yumina shrugged. "Nyeeh. "

Leene laughed. "Nyeeh. What a succinct summary of such a situation. I like it!"

I let out a deep breath. "Tristwin, let me be brutally honest here-"

"Heh. When, ever, are you not?"

"No, that's just me being a rude little shite unconcerned with protocol. This is different." I waved my palm from left to right. "You know this whole thing with the potential continental great war you have? I don't really care about it."

The king sniffed. "That much was already obvious."

"But I am incentivized to help you resolve this quickly. Because I can't stay here. My first priority will always be my wife." I repeated the motion. "What do you think happens when a being of magic is exposed to a magic-eater weapon?"

King Tristwin sat up sharply. "Oh no."

The air in the room grew cold and heavy for a moment. The glass panes fogged up with condensation. An electric ozone scent hung in the air. "For the first time in a long while, Monika has been *physically* hurt. And so I will have my revenge. General Bazoar will *break*."

Then I pointed towards Leene. "But I also have a lead on potential Ancient relics that would help, so… I *refuse* to allow Monika to suffer any longer than necessary. Three days, that is the most I can give to resolve this crisis."

King Tristwin leaned back and rested his chin on his fist. His other hand drummed fingers upon the table. "I cannot forbid you from this. Even if you were my vassal, I would not have the right to push you to the front line, knowing how much of your combat potential is tied to your partnership. Three days is not much, but I suppose we should make the most of it."

"If Bazoar shows his face again, then we fight again. If not, you have my Marker stone so you can recall us in hurry when the war starts."

"I see. Then I will thank you for even this much."

I smiled and nodded back. "Thanks too."



While this was going on, the girls were chatting in another room. Elze and Linze set beside each other, Yae was for a change not munching on anything while waiting, and Charlotte occupied the opposite side of the square table to Yae. She had a notebook open and was scribbling furiously, then looking up with a puppy-like eagerness for more information.

The Chappa-ai was not the most urgent thing about the instructions to Charlotte. What was important for her to bring was the mini projector. Now Monika was able to again project herself as a 3D image, but lacking solidity.

The smartphone was on a tripod clipped to the back of a chair, allowing her to speak to others from eye level. While the display was broken, there was no damage to her front and back cameras, or her thermal sight or her GPS and proximity and other various sensors.

"Why can't you just reverse the damage to yourself?" asked Elze.

/"I would immediately forget that I am supposed to be casting the magic, and then it would not happen due to the time paradox,"/ replied Monika. /"Remember that my magic, unlike the classical elements, is not Formalized. This is a magic that I can only cast externally with myself as an Observer."/

Elze sat back down, crossing her arms and pouting. "Well that sucks."

"So where do we go from here, Miss Monika?" asked Linze. She glanced towards Charlotte. "Is this… is this really all right?" Unspoken: we are breaking all the secrets of your vulnerability.

Monika wiggled her hand to the side in a so-so gesture. /"Leene already knows about this, and for various reasons I would rather have Charlotte's aid more than Leene."/

Charlotte squeaked looked on the verge of crying. Her bosoms heaved with emotion. "Thank you. Thank you very much!"

/"... Yes, those really have to be some mighty powerful reasons indeed,"/ Monika sighed.

Then to answer Linze /"We promised to bring Leene to some Ancient archeological sites, because only mysterious Ancient magic-technology might possibly have the capacity to repair my… container. I could wait, things are very unstable right now, but Playa is being too much of a bonehead about this. He's going to keep hovering around me worrying if I'm in pain so we might as well just let him feel like he's accomplishing something?"/

"Are you? In pain?" Linze asked.

Monika winced. /"Not… not as such, no. It's just… imagine being locked in a cold dark room having only a window to the world. There's nothing - no sound, no warmth, no feeling - when that window is closed. Before, I could customize this… UI… this world, as much as I wanted. There were rolling green hills. There was a sun. Clouds. It was bliss. A river. Trees. I could even…"/ she coughed /"Mine and craft."/

Monika sagged. /"Now, there's just nothing. I can't even sleep."/

"That sounds horrible!" Linze gasped and clutched her hands to her chest.

"It's like you're describing a grave," Elze said with a wince.

/"That's what he said. It's not like I'm… unfamiliar with this sensation. It could be a lot worse. But because he knows I experienced this before is why Player is panicking so much. Hence owing Leene now TWO favors, one for her background on the Ancient Civilization hotspots and another unspecified for a future date."/

"Could I resign my post as Court Magician?!" Charlotte piped up excitedly. "Let me come with you!"

/"You would have to go exploring alongside your old teacher, you realize?"/

Charlotte eeped and cowered, covering her head. "I… I withdraw the offer. But please share your research."

/"Don't worry about it. Leene has all the theoretical, you have the practical. That's why it's a marvel that your tower produced the Ring Gates, the first true mass producible teleportation matrix in thousands of years. You have a lot to be proud of and-"/ Monika's voice lowered to a hiss /"You are at least a productive member of society instead of a freeloading old hag."/

"Hah! It's not like you to lose your cool." Elze leered. "What did that fairy do to get under your skin? Did she manage to… do something… with Playa last night?"

/"Pft. No way Josefa."/

"Yes. Sir Zah would not tolerate anything that would have disrespected you." Linze nodded. Then she squinted "Although… given the deep nature of her favor…?"

Monika pompously lifted her chin and raised a fist. /"It is good that she requested assistance with archeology, otherwise aid would have come in form of boxing lessons."/

"Fascinating! May I just ask then - where is this Ancient Civilization archeological site?" Charlotte asked.

Monika turned her head towards Yae. Then, slowly, everyone else followed her gaze.

Yae blinked at all the attention. She tilted her head to the side like a raven. "Nani yo?"

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The ancient site's located in Yae's home country? Guess that's one way to go visit a new land.
You know, I had completely forgotten about
what's-her-name, the genius magi-scientist, having created a dozen gynoids, including turning herself into one. I assume that Monika will be getting a real body in the future?
On the bright side, she didn't create self-fulfilling prophecies ('Touya will marry nine women!' 'Oh, so Sakura must be number nine, then!') because Playa is impossible to control.
Not gonna lie, if my wife was put through a traumatizing experience even close to something that gave them PTSD I'm not sure I'd be willing to wait three days once I had a clear and present means of retribution.

But fantasy Japan, here we come!
Not gonna lie, if my wife was put through a traumatizing experience even close to something that gave them PTSD I'm not sure I'd be willing to wait three days once I had a clear and present means of retribution.

But fantasy Japan, here we come!
Those three days factor in trying to find Bazoar and thinking up a way to kick his teeth in. Monika and Playa are attached to people in Belfast - Micah, Sue, Zanac, etc. and don't want them to die in war when they leave to fix this issue.

Monika is very inclined to self-sacrifice and Playa doesn't want to enable that at all. On the other hand, acting too selfishly about it and running from problems that he has indirectly caused is a bad look that Monika also wouldn't allow him to choose. He did swear to be better than Char after all.

Char is well known for running the fuck away from his problem at 3x speed.
Ended up reading this through from the beginning once more when I saw you were also posting this on SV; time well spent. I'm surprised it gets pushed off the front page so quickly, given how much fun this story is.
"No… please! No! God, no!"
So, I also just started re-reading this and I realized I should not have been reading this in Monika's voice, but rather as an office reference.
I think.

in the digital library I've been collection spoke

while Monika made a startled eep and covered her eyes.
Monika, you can't even see me from this angl- oh, full-length mirrors on the wall.
Hey, if she's seeing through the cameras, covering her avatars eyes wouldn't actually do anything, right?
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So, I also just started re-reading this and I realized I should not have been reading this in Monika's voice, but rather as an office reference.
Probably both, since Monika is as meme-aware as Playa.

Hey, if she's seeing through the cameras, covering her avatars eyes wouldn't actually do anything, right?
Yes it will, it'll communicate that she doesn't want to see something. Whether that's true or not, good question.
Ended up reading this through from the beginning once more when I saw you were also posting this on SV; time well spent. I'm surprised it gets pushed off the front page so quickly, given how much fun this story is.
It's no longer regularly updated though. That's what keeps stories alive.

So, I also just started re-reading this and I realized I should not have been reading this in Monika's voice, but rather as an office reference.
I think.

Hey, if she's seeing through the cameras, covering her avatars eyes wouldn't actually do anything, right?
She can't turn off the camera or else Playa would be blind.

Probably both, since Monika is as meme-aware as Playa.

Yes it will, it'll communicate that she doesn't want to see something. Whether that's true or not, good question.
She would be totally peeping though. You know that whole 'cover your eyes' and look through the finger gaps' things.


Currenly, while the screen is damaged, Monika isn't able to visualize anything - not even herself. Total sensory deprivation. But as long as she has output via USB-C to a projector, she could pretend to exist. Everything behind her would be flat, unlike her previous GUI environment which was a fully realized 3D space. She can choose to output a facsimile of herself, or a minimap and other useful screens. One or the other, herself or useful information.

She can't manipulate the projector to multitask since it's not a part of herself. She can however manipulate its light output and ambient moisture to once again return as a 3D hologram.

Once more she is unable to touch anything, because her sense of touch is based on the touch sensors of the smartphone. Monika is going full ghost.
Currenly, while the screen is damaged, Monika isn't able to visualize anything - not even herself. Total sensory deprivation. But as long as she has output via USB-C to a projector, she could pretend to exist. Everything behind her would be flat, unlike her previous GUI environment which was a fully realized 3D space. She can choose to output a facsimile of herself, or a minimap and other useful screens. One or the other, herself or useful information.

She can't manipulate the projector to multitask since it's not a part of herself. She can however manipulate its light output and ambient moisture to once again return as a 3D hologram.

Once more she is unable to touch anything, because her sense of touch is based on the touch sensors of the smartphone. Monika is going full ghost.
This makes me wonder. Those time-reverse circuits. Contingencies failed due to mana-drain - but would Monika be able to time-rewind herself back to pre-fight state 'manually'? Some memories missing, but damages reversed.
This makes me wonder. Those time-reverse circuits. Contingencies failed due to mana-drain - but would Monika be able to time-rewind herself back to pre-fight state 'manually'? Some memories missing, but damages reversed.


"Why can't you just reverse the damage to yourself?" asked Elze.

/"I would immediately forget that I am supposed to be casting the magic, and then it would not happen due to the time paradox,"/ replied Monika. /"Remember that my magic, unlike the classical elements, is not Formalized. This is a magic that I can only cast externally with myself as an Observer."/

Monika cannot rewind herself - in fact, it's implied no one can via her manual method.

Monika cannot rewind herself - in fact, it's implied no one can via her manual method.
It's a Null spell. While there can be variations and similarities, they are always personal.

Touya and his ability to 100% duplicate any Null spell he encounters is probably from his reconstructed divine body. Monika doesn't have a body. It's all mental and deliberate. It's all Vancian magic to her.

Remember, her spells occupy 'slots' and 'cores'. If she flushes her memory, then those spells immediately lose cohesion. Unlike mortals however, she at least doesn't cast from stamina.
What does she cast from? Does Playa cast from stamina?
She casts from concentration and siphons it off Playa's reserves.

That's why her cores can start to overheat when she is running to many things at the same time. She can only do six spells at a time (or possibly eight, with four high performance cores and four low power ones) I have never really formally defined Monika's processsor, but this is part of why she needs Babylon level upgrades. Leene's [Program] has allowed to however use effectively unlimited spells for anything that involves motion or transformation- just not all at the same time - from preparing them beforehand in dynamic link libraries and then letting one program slot spool all those calculations.

Since Playa is a direct replacement for Touya, he also has a divine body. His internal magic storage refills as fast as it can be expended, but enough overuse with big spells all out once can still temporarily knock him out and too many in sequence can give a headache. It's more like high blood pressure than anemia. He is not affected by magic drain knocking him out because he comes from a world without magic entirely and its loss doesn't matter.

This is why in Interlude - The King worries, too big and too far a [Boom Tube] to move too much mass gives Playa a migraine while Monika herself seemed unaffected because it was still only one spell slot.
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