In Amentia Veritas - A Dubiously Original Dystopian Cosmic Horror Corporate Adventure

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The city of Omelas stands alone against the Daevant menace. You, a young scion of one of the noble Houses, have recently become of age to begin field operations against these inhuman monsters.

Alien gods have taken interest in you, however, and their influence is both great and terrible. Can you navigate Omelas' politics, fight against the Daevants, and gain both knowledge and the favour of your new masters - all without losing your sanity in the process?
01. A Falser Genesis (or, Those Who Walk Towards)


Sleepyhearted Hierophant.
The Empty Path.
The great city of Omelas has stood for longer than the living memory of most. The four Sectors form concentric circles around the imperial Ziggurat, temple-palace to the Wise Ones, whose ineffable, irresistible will permeates the entire city. Despite their great power, wisdom and knowledge, even they cannot be everywhere at once, and so they have entrusted the governance of their people to seven great noble Houses. These monolithic entities contain hundreds of members, from the most lowly of branch house members and servants to the supremely powerful main branch, headed by their Amesha. Beneath these Houses lie the sixteen Retainer Companies, mercenary organisations who perform works of much importance to the continued running of the city - and, of course, to great political profit of the House who paid them to do so. The favour of the Wise Ones is as mercurial as it is valuable, and the Houses must always strive to hold onto it.

More deadly than in-House politics (if only barely) are the Daevants, monstrous, inhuman creatures that stalk the outskirts of Omelas, occasionally venturing into the slums of Sector 4, or (Wise Ones forbid) even the greater Sectors. In order to protect the peace, two of the Retainer Companies take up arms against these foul beasts and slay them using cutting-edge technology. Whilst the effervescent, glowing lifeblood of Omelas that is Asha has many uses, perhaps its greatest is in the nigh-magical arms and armours used in the city's defence.

You are an individual of great import to Omelas' future. This is known. What Omelas does not know is the extent to which you will be - or indeed the nature of your influence.

Who, then, are you, exactly?

[]Joshua Chrysanthemum Agastache Bergamot:
As Scion Potenta to House Bergamot, you stand to inherit the hallowed position of House Amesha from your mother. Such responsibility demanded excellence from birth, something which you have provided in manners martial, social and academic. Your parents would be pleased at this (if indeed they were pleased at anything), but you have the unfortunate combination of a compassionate streak a little (read: a lot) more developed than one of your station would ordinarily possess, and an irrepressible wilfulness. This has caused your parents to send you to the dour Retainer Company ALTAR in order to "teach you discipline". This sort of posting is not an unusual one, but it is inconvenient: it will allow your envious, treacherous snake of a little sister to consolidate her powerbase in your House and attempt to subvert your inheritance.

Things have gotten worse as of late. You've found yourself in moods more pronounced than make much sense - a trait that you've had since your youth, but one that appears to have only gotten worse with time. Your dreams have been invaded with whispered secrets, the rustle of silk, and the sound of something burning. You aren't sure what it means, but it certainly feels as though something is wrong in the run-up to your "new opportunity".

Conquering Prince: You are meant for glory. You are meant for power. You are meant to rule. It is not so much a decision as it is a state of being. (???)
To Enrapture The World: You are a vassal of the Duchess Vermillion. She has designs for you. (???)
To Set Oneself Aflame: You are an acolyte of the Tree-that-Burns. It has designs for you. (???)
  • Scion Potenta: Your social status and resources are eclipsed by very few in Omelas. Almost none can gainsay you if you put the full weight of your authority behind you, and only costs incurred by the spending habits of the truly insane would affect you.
  • Prince of All Trades: It was no idle boast when you spoke of excellence in every area. Joshua's base stats are solid in every respect, and he has room to grow in any direction.
  • Compassionate Streak: Omelas is not a nice place. Most of the people in it, especially those in power, are less than stellar. Joshua is much more empathetic than the other two, and will be more amenable to altruistically intended or selfless votes and/or goals.
  • Young Master: Your general excellence and social status, as well as influence from the Substantiations, have led you to develop a bit of a complex. Joshua is convinced of his own superiority, and can have severe bouts of paternalistic narcissism. He will find it difficult to overcome his need to assert his will over others in some situations.
  • Amesha of None: You may be excellent in every area, but you are not exactly transcendent in any one area. Joshua can do most things, but trying to specialise will lead to mild difficulties.
  • All Eyes On You: You are a Scion Potenta. You will be observed almost every waking hour. Joshua's position comes with responsibilities. He is used to somewhat defying expectations, but he must ensure his power bloc at home remains safe from his sister's predations. It will also be more difficult to hide the effects of the Substantiations' attentions - if you intend to do so, that is.
[]Cynthia Belladonna Agapantha Delphinia:
As Scion Vizira to House Delphinia, you are to inherit the position of House Vizier, second-in-command and advisor to your Amesha. Your position requires the utmost understanding of both the inner workings of your House, and Omelas at large. You were always a bright child, well-spoken, obedient and polite. In almost all ways, you are the perfect Vizier candidate. Were it not for your frequent hallucinations, narcolepsy, and strangely perturbing presence, you would quite possibly be the most promising youth of your age. Unfortunately, with these defects, your parents (while perfectly willing to support you) decided it best to save face by letting you win glory for the House through service to the Retainer Company ALTAR. You'd much rather be with your books, studying, but you can't fault your parents for making this move, particularly for the good of the House.

Not that you are by any means a slouch in combat. You are not the most fearsome combatant amongst the youth of the Seven Houses, but by no small margin are you not the most feeble. You imagine your excellent tactical judgement, oddly-accurate foresight and complete ruthlessness on the battlefield will serve you well in protecting Omelas from the Daevants. If only you could stop falling asleep! Though the murmurs beneath the ocean waves sound so inviting...

Preternatural Genius: You figure things out. You're not quite sure how you do so, but you do. It's not really a talent so much as it is a habit. (???)
So Spoke A Somnolent Star: You are a handmaiden of the Court-that-Sleeps. They have designs for you. (???)
The Whisper Which The Wind Whistled: You are a caretaker of the Chime Garden. It has designs for you. (???)
  • Scion Vizira: As Scion Vizira, you have much in the way of political and fiscal power, and are less under scrutiny than the Potenta. You have discretion to act as you wish, as long as you can justify it being "for your long-term benefit" and thus "the greater long-term benefit of the House".
  • Manifest Genius: Your ability to learn and grow is prodigious - great as they are, your flaws are not sufficient to eclipse your worth to the House. Cynthia's growth rate is above most, from categories ranging between "fairly quick" to "comically absurd".
  • Peculiar Intellect: You suspect, privately, that your oddness is not merely a symptom of genetic defects, but a sign of something more unusual. Cynthia's receptiveness to esoteric forces and her ability with them is the highest amongst the cast. Votes and plans exploring this will be more effective by a significant margin.
  • Mad From The Revelation: You have always been an odd child, with medical ills such as narcolepsy and hallucinations plaguing you despite medical resources being funnelled into appraising and treating you. Cynthia will occasionally struggle to recount the details of the situation to the readers faithfully, and may in some inconvenient instances fall suddenly asleep or be otherwise incapacitated. This will be somewhat telegraphed, but not entirely.
  • True Believer: You truly believe in your House, and love both what it represents and what you are intended to do for it. Cynthia will not be receptive to plans or votes that go against her House or might impact it negatively, and genuinely looks forward to a life serving her Amesha's every need.
  • Unnerving Nature: Other people have often found your mere presence unsettling - as though something about you triggers subconscious fear responses. Cynthia will find it difficult to make warm, affectionate relationships with people more than would be normal (though she will be able to maintain them about as well as any other person).

[]Mathilde Edelweiss:
You are a rare exception to the rules of Omelas. Born to the squalor and poverty of Sector 4, one could be forgiven for thinking you would never amount to much. As fate would have it, however, this was not the case. A Daevant incursion occurred in your area during your childhood, and after [EVENTS REDACTED. IN THEIR SAGACITY.] you were adopted into House Edelweiss' main branch. Not as a Scion, of course - the uproar would be legendary, and House Edelweiss' reputation would take centuries to recover. No, you were instead taken in to become Captain of House Edelweiss' Retinue - the superlative fighting force each House cultivates as their personal enforcers and bodyguards. Your combat accolades are, for your age, completely absurd, and House Edelweiss sees much potential in you. Your Scion Potenta, Ansel, treats you like a little sister, and dotes upon you unswervingly.

This, however, is where the good news ends. You were adopted for your potential as what essentially amounts as a war dog, and nothing else. Much of House Edelweiss fears you, and almost all of it dislikes you - you are, after all, low-born Sector 4 trash, unworthy of a seat at the table of a House. Your social skills are... lacking, to put it generously, and you are not exactly the most well-adjusted of individuals. All you know is bloodshed, hatred, and the soft tousling of your hair by Big Brother Ansel. To make matters worse, you are being taken away from your only source of comfort by your parents patrons, who see this as a good enough time to test your capabilities at squad leading while also earning themselves favour with a Retainer Company by sending you to work for ALTAR indefinitely. Your dreams since you heard this have been filled with cold, white light, and a biting wind that seems to almost scream.

Peerless Warrior: You kill as a man breathes air, as a fish breathes water. Effortlessly, instinctually. It is what you were meant for. (???)
An Empty Flame: You are a servant of the Pale Fire. It has designs for you. (???)
A Pitiless Blade: You are squire to the Howling Wind. He has designs for you. (???)
  • Martial Prodigy: You are unrivalled at your age for combat prowess. At least during the beginning part of this adventure, excluding a truly unreasonable situation, victory on the field of battle is assured.
  • Study the Blade: Despite the heights you have reached, you know within you that this is not even close to your full potential. Mathilde will grow specifically in relation to combat at a monstrous rate. If proper attention is paid, it should be possible to maintain your "uncontested" status for most situations you will be involved in.
  • Low Expectations: Outside of combat, no one will require much of you. Though you will have limited resources to pursue alternate aims, there will be little drain on Mathilde's time from responsibilities and requirements, making it easier to pursue more whimsical ideas or goals.

  • Adopted and Unwanted: You were merely adopted into House Edelweiss. Neither the House of White Flowers nor its rivals will let you forget this. Mathilde will start with a severe disadvantage in terms of social status and respect offered by her peers and superiors.
  • Dreaded Butcher: As a prodigy groomed for the Captaincy of a Retinue from a young age, the implications of your unique circumstances strike fear into much of Omelas. You are a monstrous combatant, and this is known. Mathilde will start with a severe disadvantage in terms of forming positive relationships, especially with those much weaker than her.
  • There Is Only War: Due to the happenings during your childhood, and House Edelweiss's interesting adoption strategy, you are not particularly well-adjusted. You are aware of this, tangentially, but the truly mad are rarely aware of their own madness. Mathilde will have averse reactions to certain things, some more pronounced than others, ranging from stress-induced paralysis to homicidal rage.
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Mechanics (Such As They Are)
This quest is reasonably narrative. No dice are involved, and I intend for well-reasoned plans and votes to be the most effective way to get one's way. That said, there are a few mechanical features worth noting. As such, here they are.

Stats are a simple way of noting one's innate and trained proficiencies in certain kinds of situations. The larger stat you have, the better.
Stats go from STAT I to STAT V - with further levels as and when we get there. To level up a Stat, one must have the corresponding amount of experience, which increases incrementally by ten per level. For example, going from Stat I to Stat II takes 20 XP. From Stat II to Stat III is 30. So on and so forth. Experience for stats are separate - if you want to level a stat, you will have to train in a way that would actually increase that stat.

There are three types of Stat. Combat Stats, Social Stats, and Esoteric Stats.
Combat Stats are split into these four:
Force(FCE): Brute strength and physicality. Force is typically the domain of blunt, crude or heavy weaponry, as well as fighting styles that rely on the raw strength and constitution of the combatant.
Instinct(INS): Dexterity, agility and speed. Instinct is typically the domain of sharp weapons, as well as ones that require finesse to wield. It also encompasses "strike and retreat" fighting styles, and ones which are wild and aggressive.
Judgement(JGE): Reading one's opponent in combat, being able to feint and bait opponents correctly. Judgement is typically the domain of certain trick weapons, but is mostly just understanding of technique and good in-combat tactics and discipline.
Reach(RCH): Aim, proper spatial awareness, and ability to use range to one's advantage. Reach is typically the domain of longer-reaching melee weapons such as polearms, and especially ranged weaponry such as firearms, bows and the like.

Social stats are split into these four:
Ego(EGO): Force of personality, charisma. Ego comes up in contests of willpower such as intimidation, as well as confidence tests such as "playing chicken".
Compassion(COM): Empathy, knowledge of other's emotions. Compassion comes up in softer emotional circumstances such as consolation, and the like.
Wisdom(WIS): Emotional rationality, good judgement. Wisdom comes up more frequently in tense emotional situations where Compassion is too soft and Ego too forceful.
Subtlety(SUT): Ability to maintain discretion, lie, and detect lies. Subtlety comes up in situations where one needs to deceive others or to avoid being deceived.

Note that these stats are rarely taken into account "by themselves". All stats are force multipliers in situations where they apply, as they make other stats more effective as they themselves are.

The Esoteric Stats, also referred to as Aspects, are key features of the world in a metaphysical context. They are principally relevant in relation to the Substantiations, beings of alien nature and immense power which preside over this world. The degree one possesses an Esoteric Stat is the degree to which one "resonates" with that Aspect.
The eight Aspects are thus:
Bright(BRI): Bright is the aspect of that which flickers and burns - always transient, whether harmful or enlightening.
Velvet(VLT): Velvet is the aspect of that which is wrapped in silk and cloth - hiding afflictions and affections alike.
Deep(DEP): Deep is the aspect of the dark places, the unknown, and the between.
Winter(WTR): Winter is the aspect of the dead, the ruined, and the gone - all which has passed the point of no return.
Blade(BDE): Blade is the aspect of that which cuts with violence - sometimes in malice, often in righteousness, but always in fury.
Breath(BET): Breath is the aspect of music, wind, and the whimsical spirit - it can be felt, and heard, but it cannot be seen.
Hand(HND): Hand is the aspect of the powerful, the artful, and those that want - it is grasping, glorious, and perilous.
Birth(BTH): Birth is the aspect of the living, the warm, and the growing - all that which starts and continues.

While In Amentia Veritas possesses neither an HP bar, an MP bar, or a SAN bar, it may be wise to note that many actions taken will affect your character's sanity. In particular, interacting with the Substantiations will cause them to be affected by "Outside Influence", a special kind of sanity degradation that will warp the character's viewpoint into being more alien. Irrespective of the choices that might incur such an effect, this has both upsides and downsides that one should consider. One can reduce Outside Influence by taking certain choices, but that may not always be the best idea - the Substantiations may not be human, but not all that is human is good, and not all that is alien is evil. And besides, wouldn't a bit of "necessary evil" be acceptable, if you did it to save Omelas?
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Character Sheet
Joshua Chrysanthemum Agastache Bergamot:
A young Scion Potenta, ready to do his best in fighting Daevants at ALTAR despite his and his parents' misgivings. Worried about what his sister Miriam might get up to in his absence.
Status: Dreaming.

Conquering Prince: You are meant for glory. You are meant for power. You are meant to rule. It is not so much a decision as it is a state of being. (???)
To Enrapture The World: You are a vassal of the Duchess Vermillion. She has designs for you. (???)
To Set Oneself Aflame: You are an acolyte of the Tree-that-Burns. It has designs for you. (???)
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Relationships and Motivations
Long-Term Motivations
You intend to improve the lot of your lessers, particularly those in Sector 3 and 4. You are not sure quite how to do this yet, considering your relative lack of knowledge as to Omelas' logistics, but you intend to learn.
You intend to wipe out the Daevant menace. Omelas shall expand its borders, and your subjects will not have to sacrifice their lives to defend their home.

Short-Term Motivations
Nothing here, as of yet.

Your mother. A stern, uncompromising woman, but absolutely competent. You could learn much from her. If only she didn't nag so much.
Your father. Cut from the same cloth as your mother. His words of advice are almost as memorable as his disapproving stare.
Your little sister. A innocent smile hides a treacherous snake. Barbed thorns really do hide behind a beautiful rose.
House Bergamot's Scion Vizira. Your future Vizier, and best friend. Would have come with you to ALTAR, but his parents agreed with yours that you two would just goof off and get killed.
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02. A Caged Bird's First Choice (Or, Dreaming Doesn't Seem The Same)
[X]Joshua Chrysanthemum Agastache Bergamot
This is... not your room.

Sure, it's got all the things your room would have in it. Your large, lavish bed? Check. Your well-furnished desk and personal computer? Check. The ominous portraits of your ancestors staring from the walls? Check, despite your repeated requests the servants move them somewhere else. Probably the fault of your parents, there. You understand that the glory of House Bergamot is important to remember, but perhaps it could be remembered somewhere outside of your personal chambers?

Anyway, the important part is that this isn't your room. Ignoring the cloying, metallic scent that fills the air (which in your actual room would have been purged by high-quality air filters nigh-instantly), there is a literal blood-red glow coming from behind your door, and the air feels like you are moving through something solid. Well, while people may have said you were smart, no one has ever accused House Bergamot's Scion Potenta of being cautious, so you decide to venture out and explore wherever the hell you are. Hopefully, you can figure out who decided to kidnap you, and why they put you in a room near-identical to your own.

Opening the door, smooth wood sliding soundlessly to the side as always, you are further convinced this is not your room by the bizarre picture before you. You are atop a balcony, with a staircase to your right lead down and toward a dimly-lit courtyard. The first thing that catches your attention is the sky - it looks to be late at night, which would be of no concern excluding the glowing red twin moons that hang above you. Considering you are used to only one, dim, pale moon, it is only your years of composure training that allow you to tear your eyes from the sight and your mind from the implications. You look out at the courtyard, grey polished stone greeting your gaze, and look upon what appears to be a...ball? It's difficult to make out the figures with only the red moonlight for vision, but they look like normally-shaped humans to you. It's a little odd, though - it doesn't look like they're dancing to the same music at all. Some of them are dancing quickly and vigorously, others slowly and gracefully, but each pair of dancers is dancing in a different style, and clearly at different speeds. You are less concerned by this than who they actually are, though, because your main concern is still the damn kidnapping, and the fact that you appear to be on another fucking plane-. Anyway, you resolve to interrogate these people, and stride across the stone with confidence befitting your station.

You might have been abducted and taken to Wise Ones-know where, but you still have your pride, damn it all.

Moving quickly, you get close enough to look at their faces - except, well, that's the problem. They don't have faces, because as far as you can tell these things aren't human at all. They're mannequins. Faceless dolls, dressed in immaculate formal clothing that wouldn't be out of place at some House function, dancing soundlessly to inaudible music. Even worse, you can make out what appears to be red and black strings on them, which trail upward into the open sky. And the strings are moving, which implies... You take a step back. This is worse than you thought. In your moment of weakness, however, you knock a loose stone into one of the courtyard's short walls, and it makes an audible sound. The dancing dolls continue their ball, almost as if nothing happened, but something looks a little different. Backing away surreptitiously to confirm your suspicions, you are unfortunately correct: they are dancing slowly toward you. You turn to run retreat strategically, but to your absolute horror you realise that there are now dolls behind you. This actually shocks you out of your fear - when did they get there? How did they get there? Were they pretending to not notice that you had left the creepy replica of your room? Why?

The idea that these fucking dolls had tricked you, not in order to gain anything, but merely to see you squirm and panic... it lights a fire, somewhere deep underneath your belly. You draw yourself up to your full height, no longer hiding, shakes gone, and look square into the featureless gaze of the approaching mannequins.

"I am Joshua Chrysanthemum Agastache Bergamot, Scion Potenta to my House. Who are you lot, and why the hell have you brought me here?"

Your voice is crisp and clear, ringing out in the darkness. It carries across the entirety of your indignation at the situation, and almost none of the nervousness underneath. To your complete lack of surprise, the creatures do not answer back. However, they do respond in another way entirely. As they continue to advance, each pair of dancers reaches a certain distance away from you, stops, and bows or curtseys. After that, they stand motionless, blank heads inclined toward you in a somehow reverent manner. Then, as the last of this group of dolls makes its way to you, they jerk in unison, and make ushering gestures toward your left. Of those who surround you, the ones who would be obstructing you step gracefully out of the way before joining in with the rest of their peers in urging you in that direction.

"And for what reason would I possibly do that?" you say, peering toward the indicated path despite your better judgement. Again, the creatures do not respond, but your eyes give you enough incentive anyway: there is another wooden door, just like your bedroom, which appears to be leading out of the courtyard entirely. Unlike the dim, red moonlight which you are under, you can make out tinges of yellow underneath the door. Fine, then. If this is the way forward, this is the way forward.

"Will my questions perhaps answered if I follow your direction, then?" Your voice is filled this time with expectation. Whatever these dolls are, they don't appear to be hostile. In fact, they're acting uncomfortably obsequious: an exaggerated mirror of the servants of the House. A pair amongst their number come forth. The suited one marches ahead, and stands at the door - a doorman, then. The one in the dress also sashays over, and somehow gives off an expectant posture as they stand next to their companion. You follow reluctantly. You are a little miffed at the lack of response, but you suppose there's no point wasting time.

~And besides, it's rude to keep a lady waiting, no?

As you approach the door, the doorman moves to open it, and their partner moves foward, something in their hand. They present it to you eagerly, urgently - so much so that you feel obliged to take it. What exactly is it, though?

~My dear Joshua might need a little help deciding this one. How about I tell you what each of my little gifts could do, and you pick for him? How does that sound, sweeties?

[]Perfidious Grasp:
~These gloves of mine are delightful little trinkets. They're a little...dirtied, but that's just an occupational hazard of working with mortals, I'm afraid. They've got quite the grip, though... if you know what I mean. Oh, I'm just joking, darlings. I wouldn't recommend washing them, by the way. The stains don't come off.

A pair of bloodstained white gloves. Will take Joshua down the path of the Perfidious Grasp.
To Grasp Truth: Joshua can literally rip the truth out of an object in order to gain information from it.
To Grasp Lies: Joshua will always be able to tell if someone is lying to him, and now possesses the ability to hold onto and manipulate objects with his hands even if they are not actually within his reach.
Scales with HAND.
[]Beguiling Visage:
~This mask is a lovely piece, I think. Sometimes I catch myself staring into it a little too long. I've found most of you mortals to behave quite the same, actually, which is one of its more useful features. I wouldn't blame you for picking this one - even a vague approximation of my face is quite something to behold.

A cinnabar-coloured volto mask, which evokes an ever-shifting, ever-changing face. Will take Joshua down the path of the Beguiling Visage.
Enchanté: Joshua can influence people's emotions as they relate to him, shaping their impressions of him as he wills.
Forget Me Not: Joshua can alter people's memories involving him, from forgetting something which occurred to remembering something which did not.
Scales with VELVET.
[]Sinful Obeisance:
~Right off the bat, you want some of my string? Well, now, who am I to say no to such eagerness to serve? Or perhaps you're just hungry for as much power as I can give you. Though, in my case, the two are much the same thing. Do be careful, now, sweeties - this string has quite the pull to it.

A spool of red and black string. It feels oddly fleshy, as though it is not made from ordinary fiber. Will take Joshua down the path of Sinful Obeisance. He will incur one level of Outside Influence.
All The World On A String: Joshua can manifest strings from his surroundings in order to pull, push and tie up objects around him. These strings are very durable, and act with unearthly force.
No Strings Attached: Joshua will be able to see the goals and ambitions of others around him, and how their actions and reactions affect those goals.
Pulling At One's Heartstrings: Joshua can sense and influence the emotions of others around him, including himself.
Scales with HAND and VELVET.
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