Impossible Meridian [Warframe]

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Your name is Venk'Ra. Born in the cloning vats of Tyl Regor you served the mighty Grineer war machine, carrying the will of the Queens. With each deployment, you saw more and more of Origin system and with each day the voice in your head telling you that it's wrong. You defect and to this day you work as an agent of Steel Meridian.

Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to defend those who cannot defend themselves wherever your syndicate can't act openly.

Good luck.


The elevator stops with a soft clunk, air around you noticeably warmer than at the ground level. The pressurised doors slide open and other people that rode down with you start getting out of the box. You let the rail agent and hauler pilot through first, absentmindedly checking if anyone in the crowd is paying extra attention. Satisfied with normal levels of gawking at newcomers you pick up your handheld container and start walking towards the shops. The smell of orokin coolant is quite faint on the surface but here it grows strong, for a brief moment making you want to sneeze, but then it passes.

Fortuna hasn't really changed from the last time you visited it. The same gray blue metal reflecting neon bright signs of the shops and stalls, the same voice of Nef Anyo preaching the Profit. The same people tolling away to keep the dark from coming. A deliberate and telegraphed movement catches your eye and you're greeted with sight of one of Fortuna's denizens taking a picture of you. The young person with barely any cybernetics typical for Solaris United lowers a clunky local made scanner.
"Commemorative capturas for visitors, cheaply and quickly." Not waiting for your response they hand you a datastick. "Visit Rolin's Handy Views, it's just over there." They tilt sensor-head and wave their still human hand in the direction of a big yellow sign on the other side of the passage.
"But I'm not…"
"You never know where exotic sights might come in handy."
Oh… You nod and pocket the stick after recognising the passphrase. Not keen on wading through the coolant to save time, you take the more scenic route under the various magenta and blue lightsticks inviting travellers to partake in many of the Solaris United shops and vendors. Some of them look interesting and maybe worth a visit later. A few more steps and you reach your destination.

The interior is a bit understated, you see some holograms portraying SU workers at Valis and to the left you see a small section showing pre-Grineer invasion mars settlement.
"Greetings, I'm Rollin! Welcome to my humble shop, can I interest you in some Valis Capturas? Moas Frollicking with Pobbers? Greatest K-Drive Fails? Or maybe something for a more mature audience?" Deep synthetic voice with a cheerful lilt greets you after a moment, its owner walking from the back of the shop.
"Hi, I'm here to take my order for exotic sights." You complete the call on your end and hand them the datastick. They are slightly taller than you and you have to look up a bit to meet their receptors.
"Certainly certainly!" they take it from you and you hear a soft whirr of motors calibrating various optics on their face plate. "Please wait just a moment, I'll have the viewing ready for you in just a moment."

You nod and wait for their return checking the Martian display. The still holograms display slightly nostalgic shots of the place, certainly different from how it is now. You notice a "Martian Vent Kidz Prize Chance" box, curiously it doesn't mention what can be won. Then you remember whose planet you're on and decide to make a donation to the box. What the Temple of Profit doesn't know doesn't hurt them.

"I apologise for the wait, it's ready now" They wave you towards the back of the shop, a small corridor with two cubicles for personal interactive entertainment. The one on the left has doors open and is clearly prepared for use. You sit down and place down your personal carrier.
The place is clearly prepared to serve non-Solaris people, though you note the viewer helmet is an aftermarket modification. You make yourself more comfortable and allow the Captura Suite to interact with your cybernetics.
For a brief moment all you see is fractal artifacts while your brain adjusts to different input; once the snow clears you're in the ready room of a Steel Meridian galleon. Amber lights bathe it in a soft glow. In front of you sits an Eximus officer.

"Welcome agent Venk'Ra," the rudimentary AI of a pre-recorded message nods in your direction. She then gestures to the left and a three dimensional image of a Corpus soldier in provisor type suit.
"This is Chas Kota, a corpus crewman distinguished in the raids against some of our outposts and colonies under our protection. His main method of operations was to lure out our forces by attacking civilian targets and doubletapping the area with drone strikes." The image shifts to few flat images clearly captured from someone's helmet feed showing the man in question in combat or amongst the ruins of some settlements.

"His newest assignment is the Orb Valis Spaceport Terra Recon Force. A move by Nef Anyo to further his goal of dealing with our allies Vox Solaris. Fortunately for us, Hedron Bidd, his new immediate superior believes that Chas is a threat to his personal fiefdom and since the last few cycles has been waging a campaign trying to undermine his position."

The image shifts to display a clearly more augmented corpus official, you note some subtle displays of wealth such as coating his aug ports in prisma crystals.
"Unfortunately for us, Chas is more than enough of a treat to possibly take over Hedron. He has already committed considerable resources to a power grab on his part. Our window of opportunity for action grows short."

The images vanish and you feel the data being uploaded to your memory. The image of officer turns her head towards you and she stands up.
"Agent Venk'Ra, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to prevent Chas from taking over by any means necessary and to further destabilise the Terra Recon Force. This message will self erase upon your leave. Good luck." The lights in the room dim and the image of the officer briefing you freezes.

You safely disengage from the Captura scene, blinking a few times to readjust to realspace lights. For a few seconds you don't move, weighing pros and cons of taking the assignment. Then nodding to yourself you get up and walk towards the front of the shop.

"Finished already? I hope it was to your liking, customer satisfaction is my priority." The synth voice of the seller hints at an unasked question.
"Yes, it was just what I've been looking for. Here's the payment." You slide over a section of the case you're carrying then take out and hand over a subtly marked credstick.
"Thank you! We appreciate your patronage." You nod and start to walk away.


"Good fortune in Fortuna!" from the shop's owner is partially muted by the noise of people moving around you. You head back to your lander, and in your head you already start planning what to do next. Chas Kota will soon be finished.

The question now is, what kind of plan will you roll with.


[ ] Hit them where it really hurts
This plan will focus on destroying the target's financial resources and converting them for our use.

[ ] Divide and conquer
This is the more combat focused plan that will rely on setting up mutual ambushes for the enemy.

[ ] Curiouser and curiouser
This plan relies on finding out what either party really doesn't want the world to know. And then exposing it to just the right people.
Mechanics - Conflict resolution
Mechanics Talk - updated as needed

Mechanics Time!

Conflict in the quest will be resolved on two levels
Imminent action and final action.

Imminent action can be anything happening between picking up a plan and the final confrontation. It can be hacking into enemy system, convincing a minor character to do what we want.
Each imminent action can give you advantage or disadvantage in the final action scene. The possible advantages given by the vote will be stated outright in the post.

The final action will be the climax of each mission, the final scene where it's all coming together. The culmination of your efforts, and reaping the fruits of your choices leading up to this point.
The advantages achieved will be listed under each voting option.

Conflicts are resolved with a 2d6 plus modifiers roll. Rolls will be done after the votes are tallied and I will ask someone to do the roll.

A result of 10+ is a total success, the characters achieve their goal, and you get the advantage mentioned
A result of 7-9, is a partial success, in which they mostly get what they want but also face some consequences or might have to make a choice.
A roll of 6 or less results in a miss, and i get to have narrative fun with consequences and final conflict. Those consequences will be not listed in the voting options, but if they happen a careful reader will be able to spot them.
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The first assignment - part 01
Day Zero​

You finish your nutripaste with fresh mushrooms from Valis, courtesy of semi-legal scavenging on the side. It was quite good, and buying the ingredients gave you some insight into how the bottom of the Corpus ladder interacts with locals. Brown plastid plate is put back into the cleaner. You pour some water into a cup and grab a datacube from the secure slot under your bed. Your hand hovers for a moment over the other datacubes there.

It's tempting to treat the assignment as ironic and destroy their finances, but it'd be self-indulgence. No. You poke the cube a few times, it's bluish lights reflecting from the green metal plate it's on. Some of the more visceral things from the briefing play in your memory and you decide this job calls for some good old ultraviolence.
You flip the cube onto its proper side with a decisive flick. It slots neatly into the amber lit port and connects to your cyber eye. A handshake and the system is green.

Now, who to pick. You shift through the contacts available right now. Compressed transparent images flick through your mind imposing themselves over the realspace of your resting area.

Harvo Ken, a former Index runner - smart enough to get out, strong enough to survive it. You focus on her image without the helmet. Pale hair and skin of someone born on a spaceship. If you didn't know it was a gene masking kit you'd swear she was born somewhere in Pluto's orbit. In other words, someone who is just right for the job.

The next photo brings a smile to your face. Grem. A member of what the Origin system calls Manics, straight from the deep labs of Uranus, and your former second in command for a long time. A brilliant mind with an independent streak and a flair for dramatics. Must be something in the water of that lab. You add him to the list.

Those two will make your main force in the field. But you still need a more esoteric skill set for what you've planned. A former corpus decker shows next. Tempting, and you note that their custom augs are looking solid. Tempting - but not quite. You turn towards more local talents.

The grinning true face of a Solaris worker looks back at you. Captured for brain shelving, escaped and had scrambled Corpus records well enough to now live off the grid. A real glitch in the system. And they even picked Glitch as a new name.

You double-check their availability and request a meeting. Now all you can do is wait and prepare a rough outline of a plan. Messages sent, you lean back and drink some water. Stretching hands you lean back. The easy part is done.

Day three​

"And that's how you double mask your signature," Both Glitch and Harvo pay attention to Grem. Now for all intents and purposes looking like a Grineer foreman, too low on the ladder to chase over defection. "Works for a minute or so, but that's all I need. Let me show you. Glitch, you watching?"
He fiddles with his grey suit. "Now I'm going to do it very slowly.", his outline flickering before he vanishes. "You can't see me now but all kinds of funny sensors can, so I do this."
"Chek, I scan this. But how do you mana…"
The grineer assassin reappears behind them and taps them on the shoulder.
"Wha.. but... " Glitch points at the sleeping mat the man was sitting on just a moment ago. It still holds the indentation of a person sitting on it. The creamy white memory-foam still suggesting someone is there.
He laughs heartily and snaps his fingers. "Void magic, kid", the mat returns to an unflattened state. Harvo tilts her head, subvocalises something and nods to herself.

A day before you decided against remaining in your lander. With four people it would get cramped real fast and you do need a planetside base of operations anyway. Some unused recess vent, a few credits in the right hand, and now you are a proud owner of living space. Grem and Glitch moved in on the same day, living together with you since then. Harvo just arrived earlier today. You have given them a few hours to get to know each other. Now with everyone in place and some of the equipment arriving courtesy of Vox Solaris, you can start the operation properly.

"All right, team, it's time to start working." You activate a small projector and the bright blue hologram illuminates the room. You bring up images of both Chas and Hedron. Targets A and B respectively.
"I know the local mucker, and I scan the other pillock is not good news either." Glitch chimes in.
Harvo hums a confirmation and adds in a soft tone. "Both aren't?. So what is the plan?"
"Our mission is simple. We need to bleed them, make them blame each other. And once the opportunity presents itself, remove them from the picture in apparent mutual destruction."
"Umm, so how do we do that?" the only local in the group asks.
There is a shrill whirr coming from Grem's direction and his form is replaced by a Terra Crewman without a helmet, only eyes visible from under the thermal insulation. "I might have an idea for the bleed part."
"I got the blame part covered" in the blink of an eye Harvo seems to melt into a colourful figure of the biggest threat in the origin system. "Faked Tenno always works."
Glitch freezes for a moment, then their hands start flying over a small holo display set to operate a 3D printer. "... I gonna need some drone parts and electromags. Got a Primo Pobbers shit to build. The bucketheads will think they are so smart in figuring what hit them."

You lean forward to look at what they're prototyping. Yes. This will do nicely.

Day four​

Ico Bek hated to work planetside, despised the snow and currently remembered why the fresh recruits were worse than either. "Listen you load of infested shite, I'm not getting paid enough for this, so will only explain this once." Ten heads turn to look at him in unison.
He slams a fist onto the release of depo points doors, because, obviously, it got stuck in the friggin cold.

"We walk out - it's dark so turn your damned infrared on - we walk to point Kappa and walk back."
A single step outside and he already feels cold inside, insulation or not. "Understood?" The wind was starting to pick up. Just his luck to draw a cold cycle shift.
"Sir, yes Sir." He should yell at them for being too quiet but it's too cold for that.
"Base, this is patrol T45A moving out. Destination point Kappa. Over." He signalled over the radio to control.
"T45A, this is Base, acknowledged." Snappy voice with a hint of static came from the other end. "Good luck with the rookies. Over."
"Thanks. Over."
"Right, you muckers, remember you break anything - you pay for it. Now go, go, go!"

He takes the front and starts walking, keeping a mental tally on the squad and eyes on the surroundings. There shouldn't be anyone here but a bored Kubrodon might still take out one of them. And he'd have to pay for "wasted training investment".
Right from the start he sets up a reasonable pace for the squad. They soon leave the lights of the depot and walk into the darkness of Valis. The howling wind quickly drowns out the creaking of snow under their boots.

"Sir, I'm picking some signal squawk in front of us." One of the fresh meat contacted him over the radio, the wind too strong to talk via voicebox alone." He checks on his display. "Just our recon drones. Back at base get the quartermaster to look at your gear."
He decided to not be a bastard to the one recruit that seemed to pay attention to what was happening.
Just to be safe he sweeps his rifle in a slow half-circle, helmet-mounted light illuminating a bluish cone in the picking up snowstorm. Nothing shows in either the visible or invisible spectrum.
He lowers the rifle and checks on recruits' signals. He blinks and recounts.

There were eleven heat and IFF signals.


[ ] Play with them for a while, you want to make it look good.
Gives advantage to the deception part of the plan.

[ ] The game is clearly up. Here we go killing again.
Gives advantage to the damage part of the plan.

[ ] Use the drones to block the signal.
Gives advantage to the imminent combat roll.
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Vote closed,
Vote Tally : Impossible Meridian [Warframe] Sci-Fi | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 12-14]
##### NetTally 3.1.0

[X] Play with them for a while, you want to make it look good.
No. of Votes: 3
[X] helnae
[X] ericshaofangwang
[X] GretelOstrich

Total No. of Voters: 3

Can I have a 2d6 roll?
Thanks :)
Edit: there not too bad I hope.
A mixed success!

In this case it means, "you succeeded, but..."
Failure (under 6) in this particular case would mean "you succeeded but at what cost."
10+ would mean "you win and..."

As the quest progresses further you'll have access to stuff that mods the roll. That, and narrative results of actions.
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The first assignment - part 02
AN:/ Many thanks to @Jenny and redboots who helped with the update. You're the best!

Ico's head darts to and fro between the recruits under his command. What the balls. He trusts his memory and he trusts the regulations on squad size even more. Something is wrong here. "Squad, sound off!" IFF is squawking and the electronic ID couldn't be trusted.
"What?" Recruit back-to-boot-camp, as far as Ico was concerned, asks in confusion. Someone smarter picks up "Alpha-1"
"Alpha-2" The next soldier follows, and then the next. "Alpha-3"
"Alpha-4" Twin voices respond at the same time. Both sounding like the smart one he began to like.
Void dammit, "Squad weapons ready, target Alpha four. Both of them."

The snowstorm makes it difficult to see clearly. Helmet's hardware compensating could only do so much. The howling wind is picking up the snowflakes in waves, blinding Ico every few seconds. The night turns white to his eyes.

"Now both of you drop your weapons." He starts to position himself to get a better shot at the one near the group's edge. He trusts his guts and logic on this. Someone amateur hour enough to infiltrate them on a patrol must have taken the easiest route. "Now open the helmet and remove the mask. Both of you. No sudden..."
"What the fuck is happening. It's not funny." The almost confirmed infiltrator starts to look fidgety.
"Alpha-4, taking off the helmet now."
"But I'm Alpha 4!"
"Alpha-7, do it for him."
"Acknowledged. Don't resist", the designated recruit obeys the order. "He looks like, errr, him. Sir."

Damn, he was so sure. He subtly moves sideways, weapon trained on the ground. Careful to not spook them. "Alpha-2? What about the other one." No sense to risk your skin by checking.
"He's also him, Sir." The recruit sounds twice as befuddled as he was starting to feel. But in the end, it wasn't his place to think.
"Squad, secure both of them, someone radio the base we are going back."

The recruits split into two groups. The more talkative 4 is mouthing something but he can't hear it over the wind and the helmet's audio must have turned off from exposure to cold. One of the troopers next to him makes a show of aiming with the rifle and that cut down on the resistance. The other one seems to not resist at all, putting hands on his head without prompting.

"The radio's not working, we can't contact the Base, Sir."
"Of course it isn't" he starts to suspect he got caught in someone's tech trial. Bloody eggheads. It made sense to test things on recruits, but he wished someone told him beforehand. "New plan. There is a cave twenty clicks northwest. We get in, both of our friends strip and we ask them some personal questions."
He sends the location of the new rendezvous point over the squad link. "Let's get moving. Limit radio chatter and eyes on the horizon." For all the good it will do them in the night.

The wind picks up and swallows the sound of them walking. The only noise Ico hears is his breath and quiet creaks of the suit under his helmet. The snow covers their footprints almost instantly. A coating of ice started to appear on his suit a few minutes ago. He checks the map HUD. A few more clicks and they should be in the cave.

It was by pure chance he noticed the small beam of light - a few snowflakes caught at just the right angle. He turns around to follow the projected path. It's aimed squarely at the "loud" 4's chest.
"EVERYONE DOWN!" ingrained reactions kick in. Ico tackles the poor sod. Still too slow. The bolt of energy tears into the intended target's shoulder. A sharp crack breaks the silence mixing with the scream of agony.
"On my two, open fire!" He shouts. Too slow. The recruits are too slow. In his eyes, they barely turn the right direction. The unmistakable sputter of Tetras firing rip through the wind and roar of the snowstorm. Ico's not paying them full attention, focusing on the wounded man next to him. He was too slow. The body thrashes one last time. He looks at the wound, and the flesh is still melting in the lights of his helmet. Almost detached he notes unusual growths forming in the wound. Viral round. Someone wanted to make sure there was no trace left of the failed attempt.

The next recruit stops firing, head frantically scans the horizon. Then listening to some primal instinct he darts towards the rock. Risky move. Another flash streaks through the night. A body falls to the ground, superheated edges of a hole in the helmet rapidly darkening. Void dammit.

It still bought him a chance. He knows the position better now. "Covering fire!" He shouts and tags the point on the horizon on their shared tactical HUD. He starts crawling towards the rock himself, careful to keep the cooling body and living recruits between him and the shooter as long as possible.

Each pull drags him a bit closer to relative safety. He feels the ground scraping against his suits. Snow explodes to the left, debris hits him harmlessly. He darts towards the rock. A tricky move, but he now knows the reload time now.

Alpha-5 tries to run for cover too. Now in relative safety, Ico focuses on the tactical link again.

There is a flash, Alpha-5 spins on his axis. A sharp crack sounds over the roaring wind for the fourth time. Got you.
He smiles with satisfaction and aims carefully. A bolt of plasma from his rifle spears through the air, its loud bang deafening. A far off explosion lights the night, far brighter than from the projectile hitting ground or flesh.

Bullseye. They must have been carrying some extra junk that exploded. He pulled that off. That was a great shot. In his mind, Ico already saw himself telling that story for free drinks.

He commands "Hold your fire!" They obey not at once but fast enough for his liking. The night grows dark again, no shots illuminating the snow. He waits. One of the recruits moves, dashes into the cover of a rock. The wind howls but no shots are flying in their direction. He waits a bit more just to be safe.

"Drones!" What. No. His Hud lit at that moment.
Shit. They were done in the open. The wind could only help them so much. There was only one chance.
"RUN! TO THAT CAVE!" He bolted without even looking if they followed him. More bodies to cover his ass. He stops paying attention to them, focusing on the terrain.


A lone drone flies over two bodies on the ground, its engines working hard to keep it level in the wind. It dives towards the one and lands. A thin wire extends from a port underneath its manipulators and connects to the dead man's suit. Lights flash illuminating the helmet with a hole in it. A shrill beep comes from the speakers in both the suit and in the drone, and it disconnects. It hovers over the second body and repeats the ministrations. It moves again, the third corpse. The engines blast a mass of air to remove snow and it repeats its actions for the last time.

The job is done. It flies high into the snowstorm and vanishes into the night. The hungry snow covers the bodies and soon there is no trace anything happened at all.


The amber glow of bioluminescent fungi is calming to Ico's eyes. It means that now he has several metric tons of solid rock between him and whoever wants to shoot them.
"Sec…" he wheezes and catches breath. "Secure the perimeter and entrance."

The recruits look more tired than him but he doesn't care. He slumps onto the floor. Alpha-4 that stayed with them is looking around not sure if he should obey the new order or stay put. "You too. Someone give him back weapons."
There is a blur of activity and soon all the entry points are covered. Alpha-7 serves his duty as tech-medic and checks on the squad. He waves him away. He was as good as he could be. With a brief respite granted, he starts to think his chances are good.

Someone wanted to use this squad as a test for … something. He wasn't sure what for and going by the things he heard from other troopers he didn't want to know. Messing with the Old War stuff only brought troubles, or worse, Tenno.

"Perimeter secured, Sir."
He nods in acknowledgement. Right, time to take control again lest the recruits get ideas. "Try to get hold of the base again. You." he points at Alpha-4 "Before we left did you sign up for any research and development?"
"Not to my knowledge? I had my physical and that's it." He nods towards the Alpha-7. "We had it together. Hey, Seven, did you sign up for anything?"
"Negative. They just scanned me and gave general implant maintenance."

That told Ico everything and nothing at the same time. Pressure started to mount behind his eyes. They weren't out of the woods yet and someone higher than him just wrote off the recruits, and him by proxy, as a business expense. Must have been someone from the old guard. He knew they were afraid of his offworlder skills. He takes off the helmet to cool off.

"Stop trying to call the base now. Squad, we maintain radio silence." There was an outpost nearby, the woman in charge owed him a favour. Once there they should be safer. And they should be able to contact someone with enough power to bail them out.
He needs some rest, but cannot afford to stay in one place too long. The weather outside is getting worse, the wind shrieking louder and louder. Good for him, good for now.

One of the recruits, he doesn't bother to identify which one, asks, "Sir, what is going on?"
"Research and development games." At least they all are smart enough to not ask what it means.
He does a quick headcount. Eight people left.

"Four people stay on watch, four people rest. Rotation in half an hour. We march out in an hour." He slumps against the trunk of a subterranean fungus. There is a food ration in the pouch of his suit so he starts eating it. The cave is not much to look at but it offers a background noise for his mind. The lights from the Corpus suits cast harsh shadows against the washed-out yellows of chemical light produced by the mushrooms. Near the ceiling, something glints when he turns the head and lights. Probably remains of Orokin gold.

The four recruits not keeping guard form a loose circle. They talk about something in hushed tones stealing glances towards Ico now and then. He doesn't care right now, even with four to one he likes his chances. The small cave is slowly getting warmer. Between nine of them, they produce enough heat.
Ico idly notes various specimens of flora in the cave and catalogues their worth for trading. Not much with the official rate, but he could sell spores and fruits on the side for a tidy profit. As his head slowly moves there are more glints to one side of the cave. Something worth noting for future patrols.

The more he warms up, the more smells he notices. Earthy tones of the fungi make him hungry and he reaches for a second ration. It takes away the pang of hunger. As he's chewing he notices a faint whiff of a strangely sweet smell. A glance towards the recruits shows that they aren't doing anything beyond sitting and eating the same odourless rations he consumed. He closes his eyes and leans against the mushroom again. Somewhere deeper within a cave there must be a stream, maybe even a river. He hears the steady whisper of water flowing. They must have warmed the cave as the smell is growing stronger, now he can recognise the animal scat. The cave looks more and more promising to return to once all of this is over.

He eyes the HUD to check the time. Barely fifteen minutes passed. The recruits on watch reasonably set up a three people perimeter near the entrance and only one towards the back of the cave. Provided they survive the day he might look towards keeping them under his command.

There is a sudden staccato of soft thuds and the rearguard is catapulted towards the group resting on the floor. He slams into another soldier with enough force to push both of them into the rock formation growing from the ground. There is a crunching noise and Ico doesn't need to check hud to know what's happened. Poor sod's head is leaning against a stalagmite at the right angle towards the rest of the body. The other recruit lands in a pile of tangled limbs but seemingly no worse for wear.

A dark-maned kubrodon barrels into view, its red eyes tracking the dead body. It shakes its head and looks around. It snarls and starts charging towards the remaining recruits on the floor. In a blink of an eye, it slams into one of them. The soldier hit folds in half and lies moaning on the ground. The beast turns on the spot and snarls at the last man standing next to it.

Ico wastes no time and dashes towards the exit of a cave. "Run!"

The man hit with the body of his companion in the initial assault gets his bearings and starts shooting at the animal. All but one shot miss the target. The one that hits just singes the fur doing no lasting damage.

The kubrodon roars and gores the man it was attacking, blood barely visible on its dark head. Ico doesn't care. He just runs now. He hears that someone is running behind him, but he doesn't look back. They are all chased by the screams of the man left behind.


Ico was not sure when he put the helmet on again, instincts honed by training saved him again. Long enough exposure to cold would kill him as surely as the beast in its lair. He's breathing heavily and he stops to look at whoever managed to run to safety alongside him.

Alpha-3, 4, and 7. Part of him wants to laugh at the inanity of the sequence. By some unspoken agreement, the four of them stand facing each other.

Time to establish command again. "We must…"
Before he even has a chance to begin Alpha-3 interrupts him. "Fuck this! We must nothing!"
"Calm down soldier!"
"Fuck you, you are with them, I can read between the lines." Alpha-3 gesticulates more and more angrily with each word. "How much did you get paid, Seven. How much!?" He grabs a sidearm and points at the Alpha-7.
"What…" The reply barely has time to leave Seven's mouth. Blam. Standard issue Detron spews a load of angry particles. Vallis drinks Corpus blood for the ninth time tonight.
Whoomp. Ico is not sure when he shot his Sonicor. The wrist-mounted weapon still holds enough charge to finish the job if needed. There is no need.

This was insanity. It was supposed to be just a training patrol, not this.

The legs buckle under him. This was some Tenno-damned insanity.

"Sir, are you well?"

The last recruit under his command tried to tell him something. He couldn't hear it at all. His breath became shallow. HUD flared with warning lights. Tenno! That was it. He heard stories. Now he knew, and he was safe.

It cost him an arm and leg, but he was safe!
Ico's fingers jump to a button of a small device hidden in one of his pouches. Emergency short-range disruptor. Restricted Tech.

But he got it.
"We are safe now."

He slams and a wave of energy expands in every direction, reality discolouring briefly wherever it touches a solid object. In a blink of an aye it dissipates, its job is done. No more Tenno sorcery.
He turns towards Four. There is no Four.

In his place stands a Grineer soldier in white armour carrying corpus weapons.
"But... where is the Tenno?" Dumbfounded, he turns his head wildly and looks around.


"And here I needed you to live through this." Grem sighs, "Oh well."
His arm snaps up. Trigger pulled. Detron delivers its radioactive payload straight into Ico's brain.
The body jerks backwards and falls onto the ground of Vallis with a dull thud. The part of his faceplate still somehow working illuminates a small cone of snow falling onto the ground.

Face turned in the direction of the antenna set up for tight beam transmission earlier, Grem touches his faceplate. "Glitch, how fast can you edit the squad leader's memory buffer?"
"On it. Put the transceiver next to his head….Wasn't he supposed to stay alive?"
"Unfortunately he decided to be competent above his paygrade."
"Ok, there is some degradation already in place. But it should be …"
"Just delete the last minute and scramble audio."

A moment passes and a drone dives from the sky. It connects briefly to Ico's body and returns to the skies. By the time it's gone there is no sight of Grem either.


Part one of the job is completed!
Roll - mixed success. No extra rewards and the story's impact is slightly lessened from lack of living witnesses.

Moving on, what will our team get up to next.

[ ]A whole squad vanishing means more patrols in the open. Strike hard strike fast.

[ ]Using the same tactic so soon is cliche. Spirit away some important people now.

[ ]Tensions are high, dropping some hints into right hands should make them even higher.
[X] Using the same tactic so soon is cliche. Spirit away some important people now.
[X]A whole squad vanishing means more patrols in the open. Strike hard strike fast.

i am here to be different