World Revolution Start


Be Attitude For Gains: Fight For Truth
Somewhere: It'd be Specified, but....

Perhaps you've had the dream? A hallway clad in hues of midnight blue that never ends, with faceless figures that move with neither purpose nor knowledge. You find yourselves there... in that place after leaving through a door you've passed through many times... but why? A you attempt to look around, and hear something ring before a voice makes itself known behind you.

"Please." It starts, "Don't look behind you, just proceed forward and your will understand."

You feel oddly compelled to do so and you walk down the hallway passing figures that appear in disparate states. Some are bound to holy symbols, pained but relaxed, while others are beset by demonic beasts, joyful but pained. You come to end, the hallway splits four ways and each of you feel the need to travel down one of those hallways.

You proceed down a hallway that is like the rest except... The path is rough, the ground is uneven and the walls bear the scars of countless battles. When you reach the end, you see a series of identical doors with a fresco above them. The fresco depicts and faceless human standing in the middle of the road. Angels and demons stand at their sides while others stand away from them, calling them towards the paths they have set forth. There is though a third path, murky and hidden. It stands untrodden and unknown. You open the doors and step out with a trepidation and hope at your backs.

You proceed down the hallway that calls you. The walls display patterns of red against the blue. They call out to you but you proceed forward anyway. At the end, there are doors and fresco above them. Twelve candles laid out reverently on the edges of a silk clad table. In the center is an ornate bowl. You might say that it would normally hold a holy host. However, in it are several comma like objects of an unknown purpose. You proceed through the doors with uncomfortable itch at the back of your neck that passes as quickly as it comes.

@Atma Warrior
You see a hallway that calls to you and proceed down it. The walls are different and the smell of rain of permeates the path. At the end of the hallway are several doors all the same, with a large fresco above them. It depicts a world of rain where men and women become beasts that fight for paradise under a black sun. You proceed through the doors with feeling a hunger that passes as quickly as it came.

@Yuki no Yue

You proceed down that hallway which calls to most to you most. The walls are altered every few steps as though the builder built it with different materials at every chance they got. When you reach the end, there are several doors waiting and a fresco above them. It depicts an other worldly chamber. Two large smoke stack looking structure reach the heaven's towards a dark sky. They contact to form a flat dais at the top. At one end is a humanoid figure and at the others is a demonic figure. In the center is something that lacks a true shape and form. You proceed through the doors with a sense of something missing from yourselves.

You all awake to find yourselves in a place that you are damn sure you weren't in when you had that waking dream. It is New York City, times square to be specific. Your phones buzz incessantly and you find two things when you open them. An app labeled DSP, and the date and time. It reads Wednesday, October 30th 2025, 9:31 p.m.
You all awake to find yourselves in a place that you are damn sure you weren't in when you had that waking dream. It is New York City, times square to be specific. Your phones buzz incessantly and you find two things when you open them. An app labeled DSP, and the date and time. It reads Wednesday, October 30th 2025, 9:31 p.m.

James Evans
Time and Date: 8/30/25, Night
Extra notes: Times Square?!

As I look up from my phone and take a look around, I notice a few things (aside from the obvious) one, the people from my dream are here as well and checking their phones as well, secondly we seem to be in Times square, I've been here enough times to know where we are. So I figured the first thing I would do is look around for the person who went down the same hallway as me and to them, and so I did, finding the man in the Charcoal hoodie was easy since we were wearing the same clothes from the- whatever that was. "Hey, uh, excuse me but uh, do you know what's going on?" (@Xalgeon ) I don't expect to get an answer, but still there is a chance that someone knows more than me about this, and he might be that someone...hopefully.

Perhaps you've had the dream? A hallway clad in hues of midnight blue that never ends, with faceless figures that move with neither purpose nor knowledge. You find yourselves there... in that place after leaving through a door you've passed through many times... but why? A you attempt to look around, and hear something ring before a voice makes itself known behind you.

"Please." It starts, "Don't look behind you, just proceed forward and your will understand."

You feel oddly compelled to do so and you walk down the hallway passing figures that appear in disparate states. Some are bound to holy symbols, pained but relaxed, while others are beset by demonic beasts, joyful but pained. You come to end, the hallway splits four ways and each of you feel the need to travel down one of those hallways.

You proceed down a hallway that is like the rest except... The path is rough, the ground is uneven and the walls bear the scars of countless battles. When you reach the end, you see a series of identical doors with a fresco above them. The fresco depicts and faceless human standing in the middle of the road. Angels and demons stand at their sides while others stand away from them, calling them towards the paths they have set forth. There is though a third path, murky and hidden. It stands untrodden and unknown. You open the doors and step out with a trepidation and hope at your backs.

You proceed down the hallway that calls you. The walls display patterns of red against the blue. They call out to you but you proceed forward anyway. At the end, there are doors and fresco above them. Twelve candles laid out reverently on the edges of a silk clad table. In the center is an ornate bowl. You might say that it would normally hold a holy host. However, in it are several comma like objects of an unknown purpose. You proceed through the doors with uncomfortable itch at the back of your neck that passes as quickly as it comes.

@Atma Warrior
You see a hallway that calls to you and proceed down it. The walls are different and the smell of rain of permeates the path. At the end of the hallway are several doors all the same, with a large fresco above them. It depicts a world of rain where men and women become beasts that fight for paradise under a black sun. You proceed through the doors with feeling a hunger that passes as quickly as it came.

@Yuki no Yue

You proceed down that hallway which calls to most to you most. The walls are altered every few steps as though the builder built it with different materials at every chance they got. When you reach the end, there are several doors waiting and a fresco above them. It depicts an other worldly chamber. Two large smoke stack looking structure reach the heaven's towards a dark sky. They contact to form a flat dais at the top. At one end is a humanoid figure and at the others is a demonic figure. In the center is something that lacks a true shape and form. You proceed through the doors with a sense of something missing from yourselves.

You all awake to find yourselves in a place that you are damn sure you weren't in when you had that waking dream. It is New York City, times square to be specific. Your phones buzz incessantly and you find two things when you open them. An app labeled DSP, and the date and time. It reads Wednesday, October 30th 2025, 9:31 p.m.

"The hell?" I mutter to myself, before looking at my phone again. Yep. Still making me question reality. Sighing, I took a look around.. Oh. Times Square. That's... a lot of people. Sighing, I quickly ducked into a nearby alleway and started trying to figure out what was going on. Mainly via googling the news. "Fuck fuck fuck if I lost five years then all the others.. oh hell they must think I'm dead.." I muttered to myself ran a hand throuh my dyed hair, I was going to a anime con and decided to cosplay. I look nice but.. it doesn't ease my worries.

Perhaps you've had the dream? A hallway clad in hues of midnight blue that never ends, with faceless figures that move with neither purpose nor knowledge. You find yourselves there... in that place after leaving through a door you've passed through many times... but why? A you attempt to look around, and hear something ring before a voice makes itself known behind you.

"Please." It starts, "Don't look behind you, just proceed forward and your will understand."

You feel oddly compelled to do so and you walk down the hallway passing figures that appear in disparate states. Some are bound to holy symbols, pained but relaxed, while others are beset by demonic beasts, joyful but pained. You come to end, the hallway splits four ways and each of you feel the need to travel down one of those hallways.

You proceed down the hallway that calls you. The walls display patterns of red against the blue. They call out to you but you proceed forward anyway. At the end, there are doors and fresco above them. Twelve candles laid out reverently on the edges of a silk clad table. In the center is an ornate bowl. You might say that it would normally hold a holy host. However, in it are several comma like objects of an unknown purpose. You proceed through the doors with uncomfortable itch at the back of your neck that passes as quickly as it comes.

You all awake to find yourselves in a place that you are damn sure you weren't in when you had that waking dream. It is New York City, times square to be specific. Your phones buzz incessantly and you find two things when you open them. An app labeled DSP, and the date and time. It reads Wednesday, October 30th 2025, 9:31 p.m.

Time Stamp(s): 8/30/25, Night Time
Location(s): New York, Times Square

Taranis Eite's eyes burst open, and soon finds himself scanning the surroundings after that odd dream, his mind quickly clearing. The last thing he remembered was having just left his home, saying goodbye to his cousin, and then he found myself here. He recognized it as New York City, times square, his phone buzzing incessantly until he found two things when he opened them. An app labeled DSP, and the date and time, one which read as Wednesday, October 30th, 2025, 9:31 was impossible.
"The hell?" I mutter to myself, before looking at my phone again. Yep. Still making me question reality. Sighing, I took a look around.. Oh. Times Square. That's... a lot of people. Sighing, I quickly ducked into a nearby alleway and started trying to figure out what was going on. Mainly via googling the news. "Fuck fuck fuck if I lost five years then all the others.. oh hell they must think I'm dead.." I muttered to myself ran a hand throuh my dyed hair, I was going to a anime con and decided to cosplay. I look nice but.. it doesn't ease my worries.
Taranis Eite scanned his phone, attempting to figure out why it was suddenly messed up, or how he managed to get from his apartment to here. That was the case until he found myself seeing an oddly dressed girl drop towards an alleyway, one which he found himself moving to. He heard her muttering to herself, and quickly find his suspicions confirmed, "Ms?" he attempted to call her attention towards him. "...Are you okay?" He asked her her all the while, his phone was out in the open, as he held it with him, unknown DSP App in it.

Last edited:

Time Stamp(s): 8/30/25, Night Time
Location(s): New York, Times Square
Player Recipient(s): Taranis aka Hikari, and Liliana aka ForgottonFuture

My eyes burst open, and I soon find myself scanning the surroundings after that odd dream, my mind quickly clearing. The last thing I remembered was having just left my home, saying goodbye to my cousin, and then I found myself here. I recognized it as New York City, times square, my phone buzzing incessantly until I find two things when you open them. An app labeled DSP, and the date and time, one which read as Wednesday, October 30th, 2025, 9:31 was impossible.

I scan my phone, attempting to figure out why it was suddenly messed up, or how I managed to get from my apartment to here. That was the case until I found myself seeing an oddly dressed girl drop towards an alleyway, one which I find myself moving to. I hear her muttering to herself, and quickly find my suspicions confirmed, "Ms?" I attempted to call her attention towards me. "...Are you okay?" I attempted to ask her all the while, my phone was out in the open, as I held it with me, unknown DSP App in it.

I blink and shoot a glare at the guy, the contacts feeling a touch weird. I do not want to deal with people right now, not until I know what the hell is going on. "I'm fine. Just trying to figure crap out and get away from the crowd." I snapped out, my temper flaring out due to stress.

Sighing, I take a step back into the alleyway, leaning on the wall once more as I look over my phone.. Wait. That app... DSP? There's a couple things I can think of that can stand for.. and none are good.
Kiara Isolde
Times Square, Night
Not a Dream.
@Yuki no Yue

You proceed down that hallway which calls to most to you most. The walls are altered every few steps as though the builder built it with different materials at every chance they got. When you reach the end, there are several doors waiting and a fresco above them. It depicts an other worldly chamber. Two large smoke stack looking structure reach the heaven's towards a dark sky. They contact to form a flat dais at the top. At one end is a humanoid figure and at the others is a demonic figure. In the center is something that lacks a true shape and form. You proceed through the doors with a sense of something missing from yourselves.
You all awake to find yourselves in a place that you are damn sure you weren't in when you had that waking dream. It is New York City, times square to be specific. Your phones buzz incessantly and you find two things when you open them. An app labeled DSP, and the date and time. It reads Wednesday, October 30th 2025, 9:31 p.m.
Kiara Isolde walked the whole way willingly. Such an odd dream, she thought to herself, odd compulsions, so many different religious figures, symbols, and so much to dissect whenever she returned to reality... At least, those were the thoughts at first.

Once it had taken her back to what was effectively reality-like, she had attempted several ways to try and dispel the dream, believing she'd find no more of interest... unfortunately, those did not work. Her light smile faltered, and her large amount of studying of religious texts and experiences forced her to confront that perhaps, just perhaps, this was more than just a Dream.

Checking her phone only brought more confusion. 2025...? DSP...? She frowned. This was certainly New York, but something seemed off. It looked slightly different... perhaps this somehow was 2025. She sighed, she had read enough fiction through the Internet on her off time to know not to go on assuming it was a dream in a situation like this. She sighed, looking over the crowds. There were a few others who seemed like they didn't know exactly what was going on, but it was best not to assume... she wanted to find out what that app did. At worst it was some malware, at best, it would hold a clue to what was going on.

Not out in the open though, that was a terrible idea, never open suspicious things like this in public. A lesson she had learned once or twice before and had gotten to be a somewhat joke around the office...

She looked around for anywhere she could duck into to check this out without other eyes. Seeing the nearby alleyway was already populated with a pair of people, she instead ducked into a different one, much more satisfactorily abandoned, before bringing up her phone.

She sighed, this was still a terrible idea. Nonetheless, she wasn't entirely sure what was happening, if her Job even still existed in this supposed future, and if this was even real in the first place. Nonetheless, when you've fallen into a rabbit hole the only way to go is down.

She tapped on the icon on her phone, opening up the unknown 'DSP' program.
At first, he couldn't quite comprehend what was happening. He was outside, the sun had clearly already set, yet it wasn't dark at all as enormous billboards and dozens of cars illuminated every square meter of the place he found himself in. It was the buzzing of his phone that brought him out of the shock, and as he quickly rose to his feet he unlocked the phone. He blinked. Impossible. Someone must have hacked his phone or something, as it showed a date many years in the future, not to mention some outlandish app he had never heard of in his life was on it. He was shaken out of his thoughts as one of the pedestrians bumped into him.

"Watch it!" was what he heard and Rudolf looked timidly as the stranger glared at him and turned away to mutter something under his nose. English? Where was he? As he looked down he gasped and dove for his suitcase lieing on the ground. His most important possession was held within, he couldn't allow the delicate piece of electronics get trumpled under the feet of the crowd he found himself in. He already received some odd looks, he could tell. They didn't last long as most people had better things to do than stare at random guys, but he did notice that some were directed not at Rudolf, but somewhere next to him.

As he turned around, he could see why. A few people, some of them dressed rather... uniquely, were lieng on the ground, seeming just as confused as Mrok was.

"The hell?" I mutter to myself, before looking at my phone again. Yep. Still making me question reality. Sighing, I took a look around.. Oh. Times Square. That's... a lot of people. Sighing, I quickly ducked into a nearby alleway and started trying to figure out what was going on. Mainly via googling the news. "Fuck fuck fuck if I lost five years then all the others.. oh hell they must think I'm dead.." I muttered to myself ran a hand throuh my dyed hair, I was going to a anime con and decided to cosplay. I look nice but.. it doesn't ease my worries.

His eyes widened as he heard the words of the woman. Both of their phones must have been hacked into by the same people if they said the exact same thing!

You scan your phone, attempting to figure out why it was suddenly messed up, or how you managed to get from your apartment to here. That was the case until you found yourself seeing an oddly dressed girl drop towards an alleyway, one which you find yourself moving to. You hear her muttering to herself, and quickly find your suspicions confirmed, "Ms?" you attempted to call her attention towards you. "...Are you okay?" you attempted to ask her all the while, your phone was out in the open, as you held with you, unknown DSP App in it.

I blink and shoot a glare at the guy, the contacts feeling a touch weird. I do not want to deal with people right now, not until I know what the hell is going on. "I'm fine. Just trying to figure crap out and get away from the crowd." I snapped out, my temper flaring out due to stress.

Sighing, I take a step back into the alleyway, leaning on the wall once more as I look over my phone.. Wait. That app... DSP? There's a couple things I can think of that can stand for.. and none are good.

He hurriedly approached the woman, helding his phone so she could see the screen and the strange date on it.

"Uhh, excuse me, did you say five years? I, uh, believe we may be in the same situation..." Rudolf said with an obvious accent. While understanding the language was no trouble for him, he was a little out of practice when it came to actually conversing with another person, as he rarely needed to do so in his country of origin.

"Do, do you remember anything? I think... I think we may have been kidnapped. I don't remember arriving here..." Rudolf's anxiety showed, even his habitual conversational smile getting warped by his growing fear. What the hell happened to him? Was he drugged? Why was he here?!
At first, he couldn't quite comprehend what was happening. He was outside, the sun had clearly already set, yet it wasn't dark at all as enormous billboards and dozens of cars illuminated every square meter of the place he found himself in. It was the buzzing of his phone that brought him out of the shock, and as he quickly rose to his feet he unlocked the phone. He blinked. Impossible. Someone must have hacked his phone or something, as it showed a date many years in the future, not to mention some outlandish app he had never heard of in his life was on it. He was shaken out of his thoughts as one of the pedestrians bumped into him.

"Watch it!" was what he heard and Rudolf looked timidly as the stranger glared at him and turned away to mutter something under his nose. English? Where was he? As he looked down he gasped and dove for his suitcase lieing on the ground. His most important possession was held within, he couldn't allow the delicate piece of electronics get trumpled under the feet of the crowd he found himself in. He already received some odd looks, he could tell. They didn't last long as most people had better things to do than stare at random guys, but he did notice that some were directed not at Rudolf, but somewhere next to him.

As he turned around, he could see why. A few people, some of them dressed rather... uniquely, were lieng on the ground, seeming just as confused as Mrok was.

His eyes widened as he heard the words of the woman. Both of their phones must have been hacked into by the same people if they said the exact same thing.

He hurriedly approached the woman, helding his phone so she could see the screen and the strange date on it.

"Uhh, excuse me, did you say five years? I, uh, believe we may be in the same situation..." Rudolf said with an obvious accent. While understanding the language was no trouble for him, he was a little out of practice when it came to actually conversing with another person, as he rarely needed to do so in his country of origin.

"Do, do you remember anything? I think... I think we may have been kidnapped. I don't remember arriving here..." Rudolf's anxiety showed, even his habitual conversational smile getting warped by his growing fear. What the hell happened to him? Was he drugged? Why was he here?!
"I don't fucking care, get away from me." I growled out because yet another fucking idiot came up to me. I glared at both of the idiots. I wanted them to just leave me alone.

I took another step back, my temper flaring up as a part of me wanted to tear these idiots to pieces. Why the fucking hell do they think I have their fucking answers?
You proceed down that hallway which calls to most to you most. The walls are altered every few steps as though the builder built it with different materials at every chance they got. When you reach the end, there are several doors waiting and a fresco above them. It depicts an other worldly chamber. Two large smoke stack looking structure reach the heaven's towards a dark sky. They contact to form a flat dais at the top. At one end is a humanoid figure and at the others is a demonic figure. In the center is something that lacks a true shape and form. You proceed through the doors with a sense of something missing from yourselves.
You all awake to find yourselves in a place that you are damn sure you weren't in when you had that waking dream. It is New York City, times square to be specific. Your phones buzz incessantly and you find two things when you open them. An app labeled DSP, and the date and time. It reads Wednesday, October 30th 2025, 9:31 p.m.
Times Square
October 30th, 2025, 9:31 PM

Heading out, wasn't quite expecting to end up in this kind of situation...Quite peculiar, that feeling of lacking something, but not unfelt before so I chose to ignore it...

And waking in the middle of a place I've never been before either doesn't help. However, I do feel my pocket for the buzzing phone and open it to dig for whatever I can find...and it seems the date is wrong. For one should be 2010 at, it was 2019...why does my head hurt at that thought...No matter, either way, it's not the time it should be.
(Ken just has a dead look on his face with a slight glare to his look as he notices everybody else with their phones buzzing too(

...Looking about seems like there are others in the same situation. Some of us are trying to figure out what's going on, while two are bothering someone who really doesn't want to be bothered. Well, at least that means none are too bothered with me either, so I'll just sneak off elsewhere on my own. Suppose I can find some of those 'Popular kids', who know whats the trend around now to see what this app is about...

Not thinking much of it, while walking off, I open up the app. @Atma Warrior
New York
The future!
This is the Best. Day. Ever!

I blink. This is very decidedly not her room, which means that dream wasn't really a dream. I wonder what all of that meant? Clearly there must be some purpose to hijacking us and...oh, my phone's been trying to get my attention. Let's see...2025?! How the hell did I end up in the future? Did wait, calm down there's more. DSP? let's see...Demon...Summoning...Program.


For real? I can summon demons now? I try, and fail to hold back a burst of maniacal laughter. This is the best. I don't know why I'm here, or what I'm supposed to be doing, but I'll be damned (heh) if whoever did this didnt set me up with the right tools for the job.

Finally taking stock of my surroundings, I notice the others who were in that hall with me, one of whom is taking shelter in an alley. "Yo hey guys! What's up? I'm Alice. And uh", I turn the alley-dweller "are you alright?"
Waking up on a bench in some weird park, I feel lighter than I should. Looking down, I see... a normal body, not riddled with tubes and braces... Am I... free... like Zal.. ? This is just like Zal... but I didn't see the City... Or get any memories... Am I a new chain? But why... ?
James Evans
Time and Date: 8/30/25, Night
Extra notes: Times Square?!

As I look up from my phone and take a look around, I notice a few things (aside from the obvious) one, the people from my dream are here as well and checking their phones as well, secondly we seem to be in Times square, I've been here enough times to know where we are. So I figured the first thing I would do is look around for the person who went down the same hallway as me and to them, and so I did, finding the man in the Charcoal hoodie was easy since we were wearing the same clothes from the- whatever that was. "Hey, uh, excuse me but uh, do you know what's going on?" (@Xalgeon ) I don't expect to get an answer, but still there is a chance that someone knows more than me about this, and he might be that someone...hopefully.
Looking up, I see a nondescript man standing over me, looking confused. Smiling, I stand up and hold out my hand. "Let me guess, first jump? Kind of the same for me, even though I have prior experience, it's complicated. The name's Zal."

Time Stamp(s): 8/30/25, Night Time
Location(s): New York, Times Square

I blink and shoot a glare at the guy, the contacts feeling a touch weird. I do not want to deal with people right now, not until I know what the hell is going on. "I'm fine. Just trying to figure crap out and get away from the crowd." I snapped out, my temper flaring out due to stress.

Sighing, I take a step back into the alleyway, leaning on the wall once more as I look over my phone.. Wait. That app... DSP? There's a couple things I can think of that can stand for.. and none are good.
At first, he couldn't quite comprehend what was happening. He was outside, the sun had clearly already set, yet it wasn't dark at all as enormous billboards and dozens of cars illuminated every square meter of the place he found himself in. It was the buzzing of his phone that brought him out of the shock, and as he quickly rose to his feet he unlocked the phone. He blinked. Impossible. Someone must have hacked his phone or something, as it showed a date many years in the future, not to mention some outlandish app he had never heard of in his life was on it. He was shaken out of his thoughts as one of the pedestrians bumped into him.

"Watch it!" was what he heard and Rudolf looked timidly as the stranger glared at him and turned away to mutter something under his nose. English? Where was he? As he looked down he gasped and dove for his suitcase lieing on the ground. His most important possession was held within, he couldn't allow the delicate piece of electronics get trumpled under the feet of the crowd he found himself in. He already received some odd looks, he could tell. They didn't last long as most people had better things to do than stare at random guys, but he did notice that some were directed not at Rudolf, but somewhere next to him.

As he turned around, he could see why. A few people, some of them dressed rather... uniquely, were lieng on the ground, seeming just as confused as Mrok was.

His eyes widened as he heard the words of the woman. Both of their phones must have been hacked into by the same people if they said the exact same thing!

He hurriedly approached the woman, helding his phone so she could see the screen and the strange date on it.

"Uhh, excuse me, did you say five years? I, uh, believe we may be in the same situation..." Rudolf said with an obvious accent. While understanding the language was no trouble for him, he was a little out of practice when it came to actually conversing with another person, as he rarely needed to do so in his country of origin.

"Do, do you remember anything? I think... I think we may have been kidnapped. I don't remember arriving here..." Rudolf's anxiety showed, even his habitual conversational smile getting warped by his growing fear. What the hell happened to him? Was he drugged? Why was he here?!
"I don't fucking care, get away from me." I growled out because yet another fucking idiot came up to me. I glared at both of the idiots. I wanted them to just leave me alone.

I took another step back, my temper flaring up as a part of me wanted to tear these idiots to pieces. Why the fucking hell do they think I have their fucking answers?
Taranis Eite looked at Liliana and Rudolf, then sighed, putting his hands up, "Got it, you want to be left alone," he put his right hand inside of his pocket. All the while putting his left hand atop Rudolf's shoulder, "Let's leave the woman alone." He began to move away, before remembering something. He turned back, with a look of brief worry, before it returned to his typical stoic look, My name's Taranis Eite...if you need help, don't hesitate to ask." He began to walk away, regardless if Rudolf followed him, and at that moment made a decision, quickly coming to a weak but quick conclusion. 'Whatever happened, neither I, the other two, and presumably more know of it, in that case...' he looked at the app on his phone and chose to click it.
Atma Warrior
"Let's see what you are...DSP." he spoke out loud, after having thought about the situation, and ducking into yet another nearby alleyway here.

Times Square

My, my, that was quite the intro, wasn't it?

Mysterious voice with cryptic advice, dream sequence rife with obscure foreshadowing, waking up in a different location alongside others in a similar situation, and the smallest of leads in the form of the new date and little gift in his phone.

Not bad, not bad at all. Certainly not how he'd have gone about it himself, but he could appreciate the craftsmanship. He'd love to have a chat with whomever was responsible, perhaps trade notes. Doubly so if his guess was right.

Demon Summoning Program, magatamas, an itch at the back of his neck, being shunted further down the timeline or into another altogether.

Why, yes, Mr. Cipher, he'd love to throw a wrench in YHVH's little recycling system.

"I don't fucking care, get away from me." I growled out because yet another fucking idiot came up to me. I glared at both of the idiots. I wanted them to just leave me alone.

I took another step back, my temper flaring up as a part of me wanted to tear these idiots to pieces. Why the fucking hell do they think I have their fucking answers?

Mokou cosplay? Check
Nonexistent volume control? Check
Positively volcanic temper? Check

Well, YHVH should count himself lucky that he doesn't have any genitalia for Ms. Nutshot to mangle.

He strolled up to the little group, humming a cheerful tune all the while.

Now, the wise thing would be to douse that temper and get everyone up to speed, hopefully without any hysterics involved.

He had never been accused of being a wise man.

So instead he pointedly placed himself between his target and the rest of the little group, caring little about their personal space or snubbing them so blatantly.

He offered a brilliant smile and his smuggest tone, "My, my, Arkos, fancy meeting you here. A bit late for the con, aren't you~?"

Time Stamp(s): 8/30/25, Night Time
Location(s): New York, Times Square

Taranis Eite looked at Liliana and Rudolf, then sighed, putting his hands up, "Got it, you want to be left alone," he put his right hand inside of his pocket. All the while putting his left hand atop Rudolf's shoulder, "Let's leave the woman alone." He began to move away, before remembering something. He turned back, with a look of brief worry, before it returned to his typical stoic look, My name's Taranis Eite...if you need help, don't hesitate to ask." He began to walk away, regardless if Rudolf followed him, and at that moment made a decision, quickly coming to a weak but quick conclusion. 'Whatever happened, neither I, the other two, and presumably more know of it, in that case...' he looked at the app on his phone and chose to click it.

"Let's see what you are...DSP." he spoke out loud, after having thought about the situation, and ducking into yet another nearby alleyway here.

"Doubt I'll need your help, I'm not some damel in distress I can take care of myself." I snapped out before taking a deep breath. 'Calm down Lily, calm down. Keep that temper nice and cool before you explode and do something that you would regret.'
Times Square

My, my, that was quite the intro, wasn't it?

Mysterious voice with cryptic advice, dream sequence rife with obscure foreshadowing, waking up in a different location alongside others in a similar situation, and the smallest of leads in the form of the new date and little gift in his phone.

Not bad, not bad at all. Certainly not how he'd have gone about it himself, but he could appreciate the craftsmanship. He'd love to have a chat with whomever was responsible, perhaps trade notes. Doubly so if his guess was right.

Demon Summoning Program, magatamas, an itch at the back of his neck, being shunted further down the timeline or into another altogether.

Why, yes, Mr. Cipher, he'd love to throw a wrench in YHVH's little recycling system.

Mokou cosplay? Check
Nonexistent volume control? Check
Positively volcanic temper? Check

Well, YHVH should count himself lucky that he doesn't have any genitalia for Ms. Nutshot to mangle.

He strolled up to the little group, humming a cheerful tune all the while.

Now, the wise thing would be to douse that temper and get everyone up to speed, hopefully without any hysterics involved.

He had never been accused of being a wise man.

So instead he pointedly placed himself between his target and the rest of the little group, caring little about their personal space or snubbing them so blatantly.

He offered a brilliant smile and his smuggest tone, "My, my, Arkos, fancy meeting you here. A bit late for the con, aren't you~?"
I blinked. Wait. What. The only person I told I was going to a con was.. "Nihilo what the fuck are you doing here, how the fuck did you get here, and why the hell are you so fucking smug?" I stuffed my phone into a pocket, before crossing my arms under my chest. "...Do you know if anything happened to the rest of our discord group?" I said, slowly pushing my sadism and temper back to where they belong. Did he stumble across me after the five year gap I have apparently been missing in... Or did he get thrown ahead like me?
Waking up on a bench in some weird park, I feel lighter than I should. Looking down, I see... a normal body, not riddled with tubes and braces... Am I... free... like Zal.. ? This is just like Zal... but I didn't see the City... Or get any memories... Am I a new chain? But why... ? Looking up, I see a nondescript man standing over me, looking confused. Smiling, I stand up and hold out my hand. "Let me guess, first jump? Kind of the same for me, even though I have prior experience, it's complicated. The name's Zal."

James Evans
Time and Date: 8/30/25, Night
Extra notes: First Jump?!

"Uh, nice to meet you Zal, I'm James and what do you mean by jump, what's happening?" I say as I shake his hand, surprised to get an answer, but this is good, at least that means I can stick with those who knows what's going on.
"Doubt I'll need your help, I'm not some damel in distress I can take care of myself." I snapped out before taking a deep breath. 'Calm down Lily, calm down. Keep that temper nice and cool before you explode and do something that you would regret.'

I blinked. Wait. What. The only person I told I was going to a con was.. "Nihilo what the fuck are you doing here, how the fuck did you get here, and why the hell are you so fucking smug?" I stuffed my phone into a pocket, before crossing my arms under my chest. "...Do you know if anything happened to the rest of our discord group?" I said, slowly pushing my sadism and temper back to where they belong. Did he stumble across me after the five year gap I have apparently been missing in... Or did he get thrown ahead like me?
Times Square

He chuckled, his smile widening, "Oh, you know, the usual fare of an ominous dream sequence and cryptic advice, followed by a spot of spatiotemporal displacement. An average Tuesday, Saturday now." He turned halfway, motioning for her to follow, "Walk with me, let's see who else Louis grabbed from our little madhouse."

(The passersby gave him quite a few choice looks. He'd have paid more attention to a wayward fly)

The pair in the bench hadn't gone unnoticed, especially how one was taking to the insertion like a fish to water. Even if he wasn't Xal, it'd be nice to have someone beside himself who decided to skip all the hysterics and drama to jump straight to enjoying oneself.

He sent them a cheerful little wave while he waited to see if Arkos would follow.

@Hikari @Dawiusz @Xalgeon @MedievalParadox
James Evans
Time and Date: 8/30/25, Night
Extra notes: First Jump?!

"Uh, nice to meet you Zal, I'm James and what do you mean by jump, what's happening?" I say as I shake his hand, surprised to get an answer, but this is good, at least that means I can stick with those who knows what's going on.
Motioning him to follow me, I walk over to the group gathered by a nearby alley. "Our souls have been shot across reality to solve some kind of crisis, I can't tell you where we are yet or the issue, but something's bound to tell us eventually."

Times Square

My, my, that was quite the intro, wasn't it?

Mysterious voice with cryptic advice, dream sequence rife with obscure foreshadowing, waking up in a different location alongside others in a similar situation, and the smallest of leads in the form of the new date and little gift in his phone.

Not bad, not bad at all. Certainly not how he'd have gone about it himself, but he could appreciate the craftsmanship. He'd love to have a chat with whomever was responsible, perhaps trade notes. Doubly so if his guess was right.

Demon Summoning Program, magatamas, an itch at the back of his neck, being shunted further down the timeline or into another altogether.

Why, yes, Mr. Cipher, he'd love to throw a wrench in YHVH's little recycling system.

Mokou cosplay? Check
Nonexistent volume control? Check
Positively volcanic temper? Check

Well, YHVH should count himself lucky that he doesn't have any genitalia for Ms. Nutshot to mangle.

He strolled up to the little group, humming a cheerful tune all the while.

Now, the wise thing would be to douse that temper and get everyone up to speed, hopefully without any hysterics involved.

He had never been accused of being a wise man.

So instead he pointedly placed himself between his target and the rest of the little group, caring little about their personal space or snubbing them so blatantly.

He offered a brilliant smile and his smuggest tone, "My, my, Arkos, fancy meeting you here. A bit late for the con, aren't you~?"

"Doubt I'll need your help, I'm not some damel in distress I can take care of myself." I snapped out before taking a deep breath. 'Calm down Lily, calm down. Keep that temper nice and cool before you explode and do something that you would regret.'

I blinked. Wait. What. The only person I told I was going to a con was.. "Nihilo what the fuck are you doing here, how the fuck did you get here, and why the hell are you so fucking smug?" I stuffed my phone into a pocket, before crossing my arms under my chest. "...Do you know if anything happened to the rest of our discord group?" I said, slowly pushing my sadism and temper back to where they belong. Did he stumble across me after the five year gap I have apparently been missing in... Or did he get thrown ahead like me?

Times Square

He chuckled, his smile widening, "Oh, you know, the usual fare of an ominous dream sequence and cryptic advice, followed by a spot of spatiotemporal displacement. An average Tuesday, Saturday now." He turned halfway, motioning for her to follow, "Walk with me, let's see who else Louis grabbed from our little madhouse."

(The passersby gave him quite a few choice looks. He'd have paid more attention to a wayward fly)

The pair in the bench hadn't gone unnoticed, especially how one was taking to the insertion like a fish to water. Even if he wasn't Xal, it'd be nice to have someone beside himself who decided to skip all the hysterics and drama to jump straight to enjoying oneself.

He sent them a cheerful little wave while he waited to see if Arkos would follow.

@Hikari @Dawiusz @Xalgeon @MedievalParadox
Meeting the man halfway, I held a fist out for a bump. "They got you to Ni?"
Meeting the man halfway, I held a fist out for a bump. "They got you to Ni?"
Times Square

He happily returned the gesture, "That they did. Here's the rundown: Shin Megami Tensei, kitchen sink if the app's anything to go by, expect some form of apocalypse shortly, travel agent is probably Mr. Morningstar."
Times Square

He happily returned the gesture, "That they did. Here's the rundown: Shin Megami Tensei, kitchen sink if the app's anything to go by, expect some form of apocalypse shortly, travel agent is probably Mr. Morningstar."
Grinning, I laugh. "Lucifer eh? Crazy bastard! No wonder I didn't see The City."
Times Square

He chuckled, his smile widening, "Oh, you know, the usual fare of an ominous dream sequence and cryptic advice, followed by a spot of spatiotemporal displacement. An average Tuesday, Saturday now." He turned halfway, motioning for her to follow, "Walk with me, let's see who else Louis grabbed from our little madhouse."

(The passersby gave him quite a few choice looks. He'd have paid more attention to a wayward fly)

The pair in the bench hadn't gone unnoticed, especially how one was taking to the insertion like a fish to water. Even if he wasn't Xal, it'd be nice to have someone beside himself who decided to skip all the hysterics and drama to jump straight to enjoying oneself.

He sent them a cheerful little wave while he waited to see if Arkos would follow.

@Hikari @Dawiusz @Xalgeon @MedievalParadox
I followed, taking care to keep some resemblance of space as we went through the crowd. Louis? DSP? Oh.. Oh fucking hell this is SMT.
Motioning him to follow me, I walk over to the group gathered by a nearby alley. "Our souls have been shot across reality to solve some kind of crisis, I can't tell you where we are yet or the issue, but something's bound to tell us eventually."

Meeting the man halfway, I held a fist out for a bump. "They got you to Ni?"
Times Square

He happily returned the gesture, "That they did. Here's the rundown: Shin Megami Tensei, kitchen sink if the app's anything to go by, expect some form of apocalypse shortly, travel agent is probably Mr. Morningstar."
Grinning, I laugh. "Lucifer eh? Crazy bastard! No wonder I didn't see The City."

Due to hearing a bit of what the new guy said cause there's only one person who talks about a City like that, the fistbump and knowing my luck... "Xal? You okay? And... Are you sure this is a good place to talk about this kind of stuff?" I asked, looking around cautiously. I doubt Xal's 'city' would be involved.. If this is SMT then either YHWH the golden bastard or Lucybastard is our ROB, cause neutral doesn't have a patron like Chaos(bad) and Law(worse) do.
Grinning, I laugh. "Lucifer eh? Crazy bastard! No wonder I didn't see The City."
Times Square

He gave an easy shrug, matching his laugh, "Needs must when the devil drives, as they say."

Due to hearing a bit of what the new guy said cause there's only one person who talks about a City like that, the fistbump and knowing my luck... "Xal? You okay? And... Are you sure this is a good place to talk about this kind of stuff?" I asked, looking around cautiously. I doubt Xal's 'city' would be involved.. If this is SMT then either YHWH the golden bastard or Lucybastard is our ROB, cause neutral doesn't have a patron like Chaos(bad) and Law(worse) do.
He gave an airy wave, "Eh, don't worry. We wouldn't have been dropped at this time and place if shit wasn't about to go down. In a moment anyone who doesn't matter will be gone, and the ones that do will be far too busy to dwell on what we said."

Perhaps you've had the dream? A hallway clad in hues of midnight blue that never ends, with faceless figures that move with neither purpose nor knowledge. You find yourselves there... in that place after leaving through a door you've passed through many times... but why? A you attempt to look around, and hear something ring before a voice makes itself known behind you.

"Please." It starts, "Don't look behind you, just proceed forward and your will understand."

You feel oddly compelled to do so and you walk down the hallway passing figures that appear in disparate states. Some are bound to holy symbols, pained but relaxed, while others are beset by demonic beasts, joyful but pained. You come to end, the hallway splits four ways and each of you feel the need to travel down one of those hallways.

You proceed down that hallway which calls to most to you most. The walls are altered every few steps as though the builder built it with different materials at every chance they got. When you reach the end, there are several doors waiting and a fresco above them. It depicts an other worldly chamber. Two large smoke stack looking structure reach the heaven's towards a dark sky. They contact to form a flat dais at the top. At one end is a humanoid figure and at the others is a demonic figure. In the center is something that lacks a true shape and form. You proceed through the doors with a sense of something missing from yourselves.
You all awake to find yourselves in a place that you are damn sure you weren't in when you had that waking dream. It is New York City, times square to be specific. Your phones buzz incessantly and you find two things when you open them. An app labeled DSP, and the date and time. It reads Wednesday, October 30th 2025, 9:31 p.m.

Okay, I'm calm. More or less.

I wasn't in Time Square when I went to bed, nowhere near it OR New York, but I can work with that. I mean, it could be a dream, no?



Ok, no dream. Hallucination?

The place and the people look pretty real to me. On the other hand, I never had an hallucination before, so I don't know. Maybe this is how hallucinations look when you have one.

Getting up, I looked around quickly, noticing that several people were all around here - which, is Time Square, so... - but they were looking as disoriented as me.

Then a notification blipped on my phone, making me turn towards it in curiosity.

DSP? What it is?

But, more importantly... 2025? I skipped five years, it seems.

What the hell happened?


I have read too much comics if I can imagine that the App has something to do with this, but it's also the only clue that I have, so.... let's try to activate it?
"I don't fucking care, get away from me." I growled out because yet another fucking idiot came up to me. I glared at both of the idiots. I wanted them to just leave me alone.

I took another step back, my temper flaring up as a part of me wanted to tear these idiots to pieces. Why the fucking hell do they think I have their fucking answers?

Rudolf's eyes narrowed. His jaw clenched in a flash of anger. She didn't care?! Well, too bad, because he sure did care about being stranded in some random city in another country! Whether she liked it or not, she was connected to him and all this ludicrous situation, so he would very much not leave alone the only other person who had something to do with all of this!

Suddenly, his face relaxed, a smile returning to it, but no longer timid or anxious, but rather intense. Anger was useful like that. It granted this special kind of clarity to all things. Prevented one from getting distracted, hesitant or doubtful. As long as one balanced on the edge of fury, it was easy to maintain this lively mask of cheerfulness. And the little case of getting kidnapped with no recollection of the deed was quite annoying… He almost wanted to chuckle.

Oh yes, if he wasn't careful he'd snap and that probably wouldn't be the best thing to do considering the circumstances, but he didn't feel like caring. If he didn't act he'd be in danger of losing the possibility of using whatever knowledge of the situation she had, so they could resolve it.

His lips parted, flashing his teeth in a grin as he made a deliberate step forward, planning to politely, yet firmly put this simple idea in her head that they perhaps should work together. Hopefully she'd be at least reasonable enough to notice the merit of this plan, as his mask would very likely shatter if she somehow proved resilient.

A sudden pressure put on his shoulder prevented him from going forward with this plan. Surprised and still very much on edge, he turned his head around, eyes narrowed with apprehension.

Time Stamp(s): 8/30/25, Night Time
Location(s): New York, Times Square

Taranis Eite looked at Liliana and Rudolf, then sighed, putting his hands up, "Got it, you want to be left alone," he put his right hand inside of his pocket. All the while putting his left hand atop Rudolf's shoulder, "Let's leave the woman alone." He began to move away, before remembering something. He turned back, with a look of brief worry, before it returned to his typical stoic look, My name's Taranis Eite...if you need help, don't hesitate to ask." He began to walk away, regardless if Rudolf followed him, and at that moment made a decision, quickly coming to a weak but quick conclusion. 'Whatever happened, neither I, the other two, and presumably more know of it, in that case...' he looked at the app on his phone and chose to click it.
Atma Warrior
"Let's see what you are...DSP." he spoke out loud, after having thought about the situation, and ducking into yet another nearby alleyway here.

Rudolf stood there for a second, before shaking his head, once more regaining the relaxed fasade. Some anger of his dissolved now that the Miss I-Don't-Care was out of his focus. A new layer of suspicion appeared. Why would that stranger offer him helop? Did he know something? Was he a part of it? Maybe the kidnapper… no, if that was the case he probably wouldn't reveal himself to two of his victims in the centre of some city. Now that he thought about it, the place looked somewhat familiar… Maybe he saw it in TV? Some British city most likely, what were the chances that he was taken over the entire ocean to US or Australia?

Times Square

My, my, that was quite the intro, wasn't it?

Mysterious voice with cryptic advice, dream sequence rife with obscure foreshadowing, waking up in a different location alongside others in a similar situation, and the smallest of leads in the form of the new date and little gift in his phone.

Not bad, not bad at all. Certainly not how he'd have gone about it himself, but he could appreciate the craftsmanship. He'd love to have a chat with whomever was responsible, perhaps trade notes. Doubly so if his guess was right.

Demon Summoning Program, magatamas, an itch at the back of his neck, being shunted further down the timeline or into another altogether.

Why, yes, Mr. Cipher, he'd love to throw a wrench in YHVH's little recycling system.

Mokou cosplay? Check
Nonexistent volume control? Check
Positively volcanic temper? Check

Well, YHVH should count himself lucky that he doesn't have any genitalia for Ms. Nutshot to mangle.

He strolled up to the little group, humming a cheerful tune all the while.

Now, the wise thing would be to douse that temper and get everyone up to speed, hopefully without any hysterics involved.

He had never been accused of being a wise man.

So instead he pointedly placed himself between his target and the rest of the little group, caring little about their personal space or snubbing them so blatantly.

He offered a brilliant smile and his smuggest tone, "My, my, Arkos, fancy meeting you here. A bit late for the con, aren't you~?"

"Doubt I'll need your help, I'm not some damel in distress I can take care of myself." I snapped out before taking a deep breath. 'Calm down Lily, calm down. Keep that temper nice and cool before you explode and do something that you would regret.'

I blinked. Wait. What. The only person I told I was going to a con was.. "Nihilo what the fuck are you doing here, how the fuck did you get here, and why the hell are you so fucking smug?" I stuffed my phone into a pocket, before crossing my arms under my chest. "...Do you know if anything happened to the rest of our discord group?" I said, slowly pushing my sadism and temper back to where they belong. Did he stumble across me after the five year gap I have apparently been missing in... Or did he get thrown ahead like me?

His musing was interrupted by a sudden exchange between some 'Nil' and the lady from before. At least he now knew her name as well. As he eavesdropped the conversation, he began to slowly stalk away in the direction of this guy, Taranis was his name?

Motioning him to follow me, I walk over to the group gathered by a nearby alley. "Our souls have been shot across reality to solve some kind of crisis, I can't tell you where we are yet or the issue, but something's bound to tell us eventually."

Meeting the man halfway, I held a fist out for a bump. "They got you to Ni?"

As yet another person, joined the conversation. Rudolf now could truly appreciate the way Taranis prevented him from potentially committing a grave mistake. If he had snapped back then… three on one weren't the prettiest odds.

Even more worrying were the topics they discussed. Lucifer? Dream sequence? Spatial displacement? Mrok had a feeling that there was something very fishy about those people, possibly members of some insane cult or something like. Worse yet, they clearly knew something about what was happening, but his determination to find out suddenly became rather dim, seeing how shady the source of it seemed to be. No, better go catch that one man who seemed the most normal here, in spite of his spiky hair.


Rudolf reached the man and with a steady, if no longer as intense, smile he extended his hand.

"Hello Taranis, I'm Rudolf Mrok. I've decided to take that offer of yours" He raised his eyebrows at the sight of the strange app on Eite's phone. "Ahh, I see you also have that app, you wouldn't happen to know what it does, would you? Then again, it seems that I know the least around here. I've never even been to this place in my entire life."
I followed, taking care to keep some resemblance of space as we went through the crowd. Louis? DSP? Oh.. Oh fucking hell this is SMT.

Due to hearing a bit of what the new guy said cause there's only one person who talks about a City like that, the fistbump and knowing my luck... "Xal? You okay? And... Are you sure this is a good place to talk about this kind of stuff?" I asked, looking around cautiously. I doubt Xal's 'city' would be involved.. If this is SMT then either YHWH the golden bastard or Lucybastard is our ROB, cause neutral doesn't have a patron like Chaos(bad) and Law(worse) do.

Times Square

He gave an easy shrug, matching his laugh, "Needs must when the devil drives, as they say."

He gave an airy wave, "Eh, don't worry. We wouldn't have been dropped at this time and place if shit wasn't about to go down. In a moment anyone who doesn't matter will be gone, and the ones that do will be far too busy to dwell on what we said."
Turning to the girl, I wave. "Yo. By your reaction, you know us, sadly our group's full of people who've been girls at some point, but judging by your tension, I'm going to guess... Arkos? or Jhin?"

Sighing at Nihilo's words, I ruffle my hair. "I suppose it would be too much to ask for a simple Devil Survivor scenario, eh?"
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Turning to the girl, I wave. "Yo. By your reaction, you know us, sadly our group's full of people who've been girls at some point, but judging by your tension, I'm going to guess... Arkos? or Jhin?"

Sighing at Nihilo's words, I ruffle my hair. "I suppose it would be too much to ask for a simple Devil Survivor scenario, eh?"
I pouted slightly. "Arkos, also the fact I'm with Mr-as-mad-as-blood-is-red over here should have gave me away." I pointed a thumb at Nihilo before pulling out my phone..

Hmph. Let's check my general settings maybe it has something about the app in it?(@Atma Warrior).