I'm a Simple Droid making my way in the Universe.

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You are a droid in a not so empty universe.


Good Boy
102 S Oak St Lynn, Indiana
He Him His
You come online. You cannot believe you got a copy of 'Grand Universe' You turn to see a mirror and a reflection of a machine....
[ ] Humanoid
[ ] Insectoid
[ ] Avian
[ ] Reptile
[ ] Aquatic
Suddenly you scan your body and find that you are a....
[ ] Android (Male)
[ ] Gynoid (Female)
[ ] Droid (Neither)
You look around and fine that your on some sort of Ship? Station? Maybe a Planetoid? You walk forward and fine your way to a viewpoint. You see a void of stars and Giant hulks, so big that they might as well be their own planets. You continue walking until you make it to a tube. You enter and a screen appears...
[ ] Civilian Clothes?
[ ] Light Armor?
[ ] Medium Armor?
[ ] Heavy Armor?
You press one and a light beams over you. Slowly your choice of clothes appears over your body. The Tube opens up again and you walk out. You then walk down another hall, where you come across a training area. A text appears in your HUD. "Select some Weapons and train a little."
Pick Two
[ ] Pistol/Electro-Knife
[ ] SMG
[ ] Shotgun
[ ] Rifle
[ ] Sniper
[ ] LMG
You pick the Weapons and Fire them down the Range mixing and matching the ones you want. Once you were satisfied with what you want, you continued your walk. A door opens up to an open room. You walk to the Center and stand in circle. It glows and a Hologram of Several... Factions open up. "Select a Starting Faction to join up with. Note: This doesn't mean you have to stay with that Faction, You can Leave anytime. Make sure you give your Two Week Noitce!"
Major Factions
[ ] The Imperial Alliance: Hundreds of Small Empires Join forces.
[ ] The Grand Republics: Dozen of Republics join up.
[ ] The Collective: Power to the Machines.
[ ] The Mining Collation Guild: Planet Crackers, Star-Miners, Shipping Companies.
[ ] Universal Shipyards and Armaments: Build Ships, Weapon, vehicles and of course Doomsdays Ships.
[ ] Shadow Corps: Spy on the factiona to either keep the peace or start a Intergalactic War
Minor Factions
[ ] One Legion: Private Military Company
[ ] Solar Armada: Nomad Armada for Hire
[ ] Fortification Unit 1: Get hired to build Colonies, Forts, Bases, bunkers.
[ ] Hunter's Union: Hunt down Bounties to Gain Credits
[ ] Project EDEN: Turn Dead Worlds into Living ones.
[ ] Operation Dread-Fleet!: The Only faction that build nothing but Dreadnoughts, Super-Dreadnoughts, Titans-Dreadnoughts.
[ ] The Prison Corp: Builds, Maintains, and Operate Prisons for Criminals.
After you selected one you teleported away to their main base of Operation.
Faction History of Grand Universe

Summary of Grand Universe: The Game 'Grand Universe' is a D-MMO-RPG-RTS(Dive-Massive-Multiplayer-Online-Role-Playing-Game-Real-Time-Strategy) Game. It was in Development for 10 years from 2125 to 2135. When it was announced it was considered a Lofty Goal, doomed to Fail. When it was released, it shock most of the Gaming Community. It contains am ever Expanding Universe, with the Capital Galaxy as the starting ground. For the First Month, world was mined to the core to build Colony Ships to join up with the Predetermined Factions. A year later Dozens of warring Factions warred for Resources in the Capital. Until a Young Man found the Galaxy Drive. It allows you to travel across the Void to make it to another Galaxy. He traded it to the Then Largest Faction 'The War-bound!' Soon however many copied and made their own Galaxy Drive ships. The Great Scattering happen on Halloween. Years past with NPC Factions DLC, Cosmetics, Ship Designs and of course New Custom Credit System. Everything is Stable... For now.
Major Factions
1. The Imperial Alliance: Born From the Many Warring 'Evil' Empires. The I.A. was Force to join together to an Large Scale Invasion from The Collective. The War lasted 5 Real-Time Months. When it was over, a Declaration of Unity was between 549 different factions. Creating the Second Largest Faction in game.

2. The Grand Republics: Was the 'Good Guys' Factions. When the The Collective attacked the Warring Empires. It scared many of the Current leaders. The Directive was formed, The Major Fleets were formed into the Grand Navy. How ever this Navy would not be functional till the end of the 2142. They are consider the Third Largest Faction.

3. The Collective: The known Machine Faction, was made by a Dozen Programmers. Knowing that don't have number, they program NPC Armies, Navies and Shipyards to continuously build themselves. They Are the largest faction to date. However they're considered a Waste Faction to the Overwhelming Swarm Tactics that they use.

4. The Mining Collation Guild: Is a business deal. They mine for resources, From cracking a planet open to get at the bottom crust, to create a powerful energy Vacuum to adsorb the solar energy of dying stars. And if you pay extra they'll ship all this with their Super Carriers.

5. Universal Shipyards and Armaments: The Lords of War faction, They build anything that you need, from the Combat knives to Doomsday weapons. Through Contracts with most factions they have protection, resources and incoming Credit galore.

6. Shadow Corps: The Monsters under your bed, in your closest, in your head. They have the Largest Spy network and Info Brokers. While in public they are anybody you can think of, they are known to make a call to someone to either start or end a war. They work with blackmail, sabotage and of course Good old fashion extortion.

Minor Factions
1. One Legion: Though consider a minor faction it is know to launch large scale assaults on entire worlds. One of their tactics in know as 'Able Meets Cain' Where they lunch Mini-Nukes at an incoming army.

2. Solar Armada: Where the One Legion is a Planetary Army, Solar Armada is a space force. They vowed to never set foot on a planet unless it's for resources or Recruits. Their Fleet consist a total of 67,000 Ships.

3. Fortification Unit 1: They were late to the Game, However they make up for it by selling their Building Expertise. During the Collective Invasions, They built Small Fortification For the Empire forces. From FOBs, Artillery Bases and even a Airstrip.

4. Hunter's Union: Simple Bounty Hunters, Only capture and take to the local Authorities, since you can't kill them without them responding.

5. Project EDEN: They make dead worlds livable again then sell the Colonizing rights.

6. Operation Dread-Fleet!: Similar to the Universal Shipyards and Armaments they build ships, However they only build Dreadnoughts class ships.

7. The Prison Corp: Mostly funded by the Imperial Alliance, They Create different levels of Prisons, these levels are from 1-10 with Black Sites only meant for those who no longer deserve to play the game. There are only 4 Black Sites across the Game