IgnusDei's Star Wars inspired art thread

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This is where I dump all the artwork I made for my fanfic. Figured it would be better than...


Promethean Phantom
The Amala Network
This is where I dump all the artwork I made for my fanfic. Figured it would be better than scattering them all over the forums.


The Raven's Claw (or just Raven) is a heavily modified HWK-1995 Light Courier once owned and operated by Alliance Intelligence agent codename "Jan Strange" and was the main means of transport for asset codename [REDACTED] after the death of Jyn Erso and the loss of the HWK-290 'Moldy Crow' after the successful but extremely costly 'Rogue One' Op. A skilled ship engineer, Agent Strange had managed to turn a cheap Medium Courier craft inferior in every way to a stock HWK-290 into a formidable stealth fighter and transport, ideal for reconnaissance and asset insertion into , and extraction from, hostile territory. Said modifications to the craft, including a Stygian Crystal cloaking system, is estimated to cost close to six million credits, raising questions as to how Agent Strange secured the funds. The prevailing theory is that she stole much of the Raven's hardware from the Imperial Security Bureau, though her refusal to allow an examination of the cloaking system aroused a great deal of suspicion.

After Strange's disappearance, [REDACTED] effectively became its new owner, and would fly the craft during the Thrawn Campaign and his tenure as an instructor to the New Jedi Order. When [REDACTED] disappeared, the Raven changed hand from smuggler to pirate, none of whom had any real idea of how powerful (or expensive) a ship they had acquired.

Most recently, it was stolen by Kanjiklub lieutenant and enforcer Razoo Qin-Fee.

TIE Monster, or TIE SF Heavy Bomber. I thought it was odd that the First Order didn't have dedicated bombers, so I designed one myself. Thought I'd borrow some Armored Core geometries, but that doesn't stand out too much in the design.

New Republic Y-wing Assault Bomber, because I knew the one in Episode IX would just be more of the same nostalgia. Took some inspiration from the F-109 Vampire from Wing Commander 5 and uh, clearly I had the SSV Normandy on my mind, too.

Developed during the infamous Thrawn Campaign as part of the Republic Star Fleet's New Class Modernization Program, the Y-wing Advanced went through two revisions of its design until its R&D team produced a functional prototype that exceeded the standards set by Rogue Squadron. Combining the Ion weapons and ordnance of Project Vampire and the drive system of Project Valkyrie, the Y-wing Advanced mk III outclasses the venerable but outdated BTL Y-wing in firepower and speed, though test pilots often insisted that the original is far more reliable. That being said, the SLAM-enabled drives are universally praised as a major upgrade.

Superior performance comes at superior cost, however, and the Republic ultimately discontinued mass production shortly after the end of the war. Only three hundred Mk IIIs were built, most of which had been dismantled in recycling plants.

Just wanted to do my own spin on a Legend starfighter design. Wound up making a Mobile Armour, or something.

Originally designed by MandalMotors, the StarViper assault platform had always been a popular purchase with Private Military Contractors and Pirates alike, and the Turanics were no exception. After an initial purchase of more than three-hundred of Mk II StarVipers by the "Bandit Kingdoms", Turanic engineers took it upon themselves to modify the design up to their chieftains' specifications, the best of which were standardized in the informally designated "Mark IV" in 1008 Ruusaan.

Boasting improved armour and thrust output over the MandalMotors' "Mark III", the Mark IV also featured a blind-fire system for its two gatling blaster gunpods, an ordnance pod (suicidally placed between its four fusion drives) packed with either swarm missiles or seismic charges, and a wide-area deflector system capable of providing other starfighters in formation with the StarViper with protection against Photon-based blaster weapons. All of these features made the Mark IV a more popular starfighter than the MandalMotors' Mark III, and demand for the Turanic version climbed steadily over the next decade, though the Turanics, with their heavy industry output limited to their famous Carriers' onboard facilities and private contractors, were barely able to supply Mark IV's to themselves. The Mark IV, as such, comes with a hefty price tag of 249,999 credits (109,999 used), and high maintenance costs outside the Bandit Kingdoms.

Nevertheless, MandalMotors, eager to protect its intellectual property, has a standing bounty of 5000 credits or 250 platinum for anyone caught manufacturing, selling, or owning a StarViper mk IV.

Inspired by Wing Commander Prophecy's Hornet Interceptor, I thought I'd give the TIE Interceptor a similar loadout. Not shown: rear detachable booster.

Homeworld-style Chiss Clawcraft. Older model. Kinda fucked up the forward profile on that one :/

Ceadeus Ren. Because Star Wars could use some Final Fantasy. Thought the Knights of Ren could use something better than Elite Mooks that like to wear black. Inspired by Judge Gabranth from Final Fantasy XII.

Weapon I designed for for the Knights of Ren. A simple design... and yet it's oddly popular on DeviantArt. I meant the for the light to be crimson, but it's pink, instead :/

"It is a... simple design, despite its impressive proportions."
"And its simplicity is strength."

-Montblanc and Ceadeus Ren.


The standard weapon of a Gladiator of Ren. An imitation of a lightsaber, sacrificing portability for ease of use but maintaining incredible cutting power even against cortosis alloys. Currently mass produced by the Montblanc Arms Company headquartered in the Machine City of Goug.

Blade is 1.4 meters long, with a 25 cm handle, and weighs 2 kilograms. Power cell provides electricity for the HF modules and also serves as a channeling conduit for a trained Force User to channel his power through the weapon, resulting in blade locked in a superimposing state of solid and plasma.

Borg Star Destroyer. Enough said.

TIE Starfury. Also enough said.

Because I thought the Mandator was rubbish.

The B-52 Heavy Torpedo Bomber, also known as the StarHammer and often simply designated Hammer, was a starfighter/bomber designed to carry and launch capital ship rated ordnance, such as the the MGM-31 Assault Proton Torpedo or the AGM-86 Concussion Cruise Missile. It was developed and manufactured by Rendili Aerospace during the Thrawn campaign, as part of the New Republic Navy's New Class Modernization Program. While the B-52 lost to Koensayr's BTL-S8 K-wing Assault Starfighter as the New Republic Navy's main bomber, the admiralty still saw value in the StarHammer, and ordered 2500 units. This contract saved Rendili Aerospace from bankruptcy.


The StarHammer, much like its larger predecessors such as the BT-7 Thunderclap Assault Ship and the Defender-class Light Corvette, had an distinct hammerhead shape. This, combined with heavy armour and a slim forward profile, allowed it to engage much larger capital ships long enough to deliver its payload at optimal range. Thanks to its wide wingspan, the StarHammer carried twelve Krupx Type-93 Launchers, enough ordnance to destroy a Heavy Cruiser by itself.

Unfortunately, its impressive resilience and firepower came at a cost. Due its size and the sheer mass of its armour and payload, the StarHammer had infamously poor thrust-to-mass ratio and maneuverability. Because of these two weaknesses, and due to the severe threat it posed to Capital Ships, the Hammer often found itself swarmed by enemy Starfighters. While its impressive defensive armaments could deter small groups of light strike craft from engaging it, the StarHammer was still very dependent on X-wing support to weather attacks by a large number of Multi-Role or Heavy Fighters.

In order to remedy the acceleration issue, New Republic Navy mechanics have come up with all kinds of aftermarket modifications to the B-52 to improve fuel efficiency and thruster output. Daredevil pilots, however, have come up with a radical acceleration maneuver involving locking the Type-93 launcher's clamps before launching the payload, adding the back blast to the engine's thrust, effectively making every launcher a booster rocket. This was, of course, considered an insane, suicidal move for two reasons: one, the securing clamps could jam, leaving live warheads inside the ship. Two: said warhead's guidance systems could get confused and attempt to course correct, turning the StarHammer into a wild horse.

Originally a company licensed by Incom to manufacture and sell Z-95 Headhunters in the Pacanth Reach, Peregrine grew into a major aerospace development and manufacturing corporation thanks to the extensive patronage of the Shogunate. Its flagship product, the Type Zero Interceptor, was initially a Z-95 imitation prized for its reliability and low cost, but over the decades after the Clone Wars, Peregrine developed more advanced versions of the 'Zero', the most recent of which, by 1035 Ruusan, was the Ki-43 Hayabusa.

Featuring Peregrine's own proprietary tech, the Ki-43 was a fast and maneuverable Aerospace fighter in an out of an atmosphere thanks to its sleek aerodynamic shape and extremely powerful plasma jet drive fitted with a magnetic vector thrust control ring. As per shogunate doctrine, its four 30mm "Shiranui" meson autocannons were placed close to the cockpit, forming a tight firing pattern that rewarded precision and accuracy with critical damage on enemy targets. These advantages were offset by thin armour and shields, forcing Ki-43 pilots to rely on the starfighter's maneuverability to evade enemy gunfire.

Designed by Peregrine to fulfill the Shogunate Navy's need for a Heavy Bomber hunter, the Harrier mk III features a slim forward attack profile, earning it the nickname "Slender Man" by New Republic forces, after the Corellian urban myth. While not quite as agile or as fast as the smaller Hayabusa Aerospace fighter, the Harrier is deadly in a dogfight thanks to its impressive set of guns, capable of unleashing a twenty second long burst thanks to its a high-capacity cooling system with full guns. As per shogunate doctrine, the gun configuration is close to the cockpit, allowing for a narrow stream of fire. With four heavy weapon pod hardpoints to configure for various mission profiles, pilots with less-than-ideal gunnery scores often pick an extra gunpod or two.

The Harrier mark III also features the first successful COFFIN, allowing it to minimize crew requirements to just a single pilot. A more advanced version of the COFFIN is under development to enhance the Hayabusa's already impressive performance.

"Hope you like swimming in gelatin while you fly."
-Poe Dameron
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There is not enough Star Viper art on the web! It is the best dedicated fighter in Empire at War: Forces of corruption, and I am glad for the reminder.

But the design doesn't make any sense. Eh, rule of cool.


Just looked at your Eclipse design - and it is awesome. Makes much more sense as a superweapon then original that looked like a luxury yacht.
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Designed by Peregrine to fulfill the Shogunate Navy's need for a Heavy Bomber hunter, the Harrier mk III features a slim forward attack profile, earning it the nickname "Slender Man" by New Republic forces, after the Corellian urban myth. While not quite as agile or as fast as the smaller Hayabusa Aerospace fighter, the Harrier is deadly in a dogfight thanks to its impressive set of guns, capable of unleashing a twenty second long burst due to its high-capacity cooling system. As per shogunate doctrine, the gun configuration is close to the cockpit, allowing for a narrow stream of fire. With four heavy weapon pod hardpoints to configure for various mission profiles, pilots with less-than-ideal gunnery scores often pick an extra gunpod or two.

The Harrier mark III also features the first successful COFFIN, allowing it to minimize crew requirements to just a single pilot. A more advanced version of the COFFIN is under development to enhance the Hayabusa's already impressive performance.

"Hope you like swimming in gelatin."
-Poe Dameron

"I'm glad the First Order doesn't buy any Peregrine hardware. These things could have been trouble for our StarHammers."
-Temmin Wexley

"Good thing we're out of those, right?"
-Shriv Suurgav
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My word, these are great. Your Raven design reminds me of the idea I'd had for a First Order gunship, as it happens :)