[X]What if I pretended to be a high level priest when going around the countryside? Could I fake it? Might even be able to stop some atrocities by authority. But Mom could copy any symbols of office or passwords. If anyone questions me I expect that setting my hair on fire and glaring would go a long way.

[X]Mom have you scouted out Karse yet? How long would you expect it to take?
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[X]Mom have you scouted out Karse yet? How long would you expect it to take?
"I do not know, Daughter; multiple hours to a day, excluding the length of any negotiations with a possible donor. I expect a sufficient show of wealth should render any negotiation brief, however."

[X]What if I pretended to be a high level priest when going around the countryside? Could I fake it? Might even be able to stop some atrocities by authority. But Mom could copy any symbols of office or passwords. If anyone questions me I expect that setting my hair on fire and glaring would go a long way.

: Princess,: Vanyel says patiently. : Setting yourself ablaze would elicit the very same premature war-footing we want to avoid. I believe your best bet of remaining undetected is to remain undetected. Skirt around the edge of villages and simply do your utmost to sense signs of recent magic-usage.:

:And Vanyel is too polite to say it, but you have a snowman's chance in the Elemental Plane of Fire of actually convincing them you're anything approaching a high-ranked priest. Imitating a foreign priest of the same deity would be hard enough, but a local priest? Women have a tough enough time holding any sort of rank even without your inevitable mistakes. You haven't read their holy book, don't know any of their ceremonies, don't know the proper way to address others, any of that.:
Mom could likely fake it better. She has a least read their holy book. Also she can look like a guy.
So I only recently got an account, and I read through this quest a while ago, so I don't remember uhhh-
most of it, probably. What I do remember was that I wanted to bring up the fact that-

XCOM 2 has mindshields

-as researchable equippable items.
Dunno how effective they are against magic stuff, dunno if there's any downsides (in-game there was none, but it also stopped panic which is a natural reaction so uhhh), dunno if it'll work for meguca at all.

But it's an avenue of research, and maybe it can be magically enchanted blue or something to work against everything??? mtg's not my strong suit.

I googled "mindshield site:Ignition (MTG/Multicross, Planeswalker PC)" and there were no results referring to the xcom2 mindshield, so I'm assuming it hasn't been brought up before? but yeah that's that.

edit: capitalization, added link to xcom wiki
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Then there doesn't seem to be much more to discuss.

...Okay, please stop. Saying that there isn't much more to discuss does not, in fact, contribute to the discussion, nor do the various "this vote seems simple," etc., although I admit the "contested vote" one was an amusing change in the "funny once" sort of way.

And there is actually quite a bit more that people should be asking about - the Dhorisha plains, for example, or discussing the best ways to avoid detection. I think the only thing that was asked was whether or not the Star-eyed would want to meet with you, and since that's a subject directly related to a god, Sigurd and Vanyel really can't be very specific until you start asking them specific questions.

I have to go to sleep now, but I'm a bit surprised there were so few questions during a dedicated question/discussion period when people were asking a bunch more during the vote. If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me; I'm a teensie bit out of practice and feedback is, as always, appreciated. ^^;

Welcome aboard! The site has an internal search mechanism (see the magnifying glass at the top-right) that will serve you well in situations such as this; you can restrict it to "this thread only."

...Also, uh, please use capitalization. I will thank you for being orders of magnitude more comprehensible than most other people who neglect using it, though, and one person in particular. GOD KNOWS WHAT HE DID
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so i only recently got an account, and i read through this quest a while ago so i don't remember uhh-
most of it, probably. what i do remember was that i wanted to bring up the fact that-

XCOM 2 has mindshields

-as researchable equippable items.
dunno how effective they are against magic stuff, dunno if there's any downsides (in-game there was none, but it also stopped panic which is a natural reaction so uhhh), dunno if it'll work for meguca at all.

but it's an avenue of research, and maybe it can be magically enchanted blue or something to work against everything??? mtg's not my strong suit.

I googled "mindshield site:Ignition (MTG/Multicross, Planeswalker PC)" and there were no results referring to the xcom2 mindshield, so i'm assuming it hasn't been brought up before? but yeah that's that.
Good catch I don't know how we somehow all didn't think of it. I suspect mind magic.
Has there been elaboration of the changes to Jade's soul that Sigurd bonding to here?

Speaking of which, is it possible for Jade to automate her mindshields, since uh, forgetting about them kinda makes them redundant.
Has there been elaboration of the changes to Jade's soul that Sigurd bonding to here?

Sigurd's problem is that he wanted some sort of a soul-hug instead of the soul-link Jade usually needs for her summons. The first one would be rejected by her indestructible soul, but she sees no reason why the second wouldn't work as normal.

Speaking of which, is it possible for Jade to automate her mindshields, since uh, forgetting about them kinda makes them redundant.
She was doing pretty well before, but it might be a good idea to get Agneyastra to remind her.
Would we face some issues due to being female in either place?

:The shin'a'in would need to be idiots to discriminate; their goddess is a goddess. Karse's capital would view you with trepidation as a high-ranked foreign priest, but I don't think you'd experience more than some moderate disrespect. Being female shouldn't be a problem at all if we actually keep our heads down while searching villages.:

EDIT: Right, sleep. That thing I should be doing. Good night. >.> <.<
I have to go to sleep now, but I'm a bit surprised there were so few questions during a dedicated question/discussion period when people were asking a bunch more during the vote. If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me; I'm a teensie bit out of practice and feedback is, as always, appreciated. ^^;
Still getting back into the swing of things, I expect. I'd have more questions, if I wasn't nearly brain-dead after having friends over. Also, the new Fire Emblem game did just come out, so that could potentially be factor. I know it may end up being one for my silence, come tomorrow.

The Plains are definitely looking like much friendlier territory, and thus much easier to search, though. I mean, we are likely to be chatting with their local goddess, who may be able and willing to save us a lot of time, by pointing us towards a Gifted Shin'a'in unlikely to become a shaman.

Hm. I guess I do have a question, though it's more a restatement of a prior point: what are the odds that someone in Karse might react poorly to our offer, and/or sell us out to the Sunpriests for a reward? I can't imagine removing someone's Gift wouldn't be seen as magic of some sort.
Hm. I guess I do have a question, though it's more a restatement of a prior point: what are the odds that someone in Karse might react poorly to our offer, and/or sell us out to the Sunpriests for a reward? I can't imagine removing someone's Gift wouldn't be seen as magic of some sort.
It doesn't exactly tell them much and we should be long gone by then.
I'm pretty sure she's allowed to lie whenever she wants. She just doesn't lie to us, because our trust is more important to our happiness than whatever short term gain would come from it.

Possibly not allowed to be manipulative when under the extreme restrictions that we got rid of when we got our linker core. But that's long gone.
I'm pretty sure she's allowed to lie whenever she wants. She just doesn't lie to us, because our trust is more important to our happiness than whatever short term gain would come from it.

Possibly not allowed to be manipulative when under the extreme restrictions that we got rid of when we got our linker core. But that's long gone.

Correct. She cannot make significant changes to her avatar, either (hair color is not considered significant), but she was already fairly androgynous; she should be able to use mundane methods to disguise herself as a male without any problems.
It doesn't exactly tell them much and we should be long gone by then.
I'm not so convinced of that. My understanding was that this isn't going to be a quick process. If they do go to the Sunpriests or react badly, it'll also mean we'd have to immediately skip town. Because we really aren't so unremarkable as to be that hard to find. Given that Karsites in-general seem to buy into the idea that magic is evil, some people are going to be more likely to turn themselves and us in than agree to transfer their Gift.

Since that's not a concern in the slightest with the Shin'a'in, and their goddess may even direct us to a good choice of donor, I'd say starting in the Plains is more preferable than starting anywhere in Karse. Karse should be the backup plan, not the primary one, simply because it has more complications.
Since that's not a concern in the slightest with the Shin'a'in, and their goddess may even direct us to a good choice of donor, I'd say starting in the Plains is more preferable than starting anywhere in Karse. Karse should be the backup plan, not the primary one, simply because it has more complications.

The goddess should also be able to give us more information about the Fire God and his wishes in regards to Karse, and may even be able to act as proxy to give us official divine permission for more drastic acts such as claiming to be a divine emissary acting in his name and (eventually, when we have the time) staging a takeover. So even if we do check out Karse as a Plan A, going to the plains first is still a good idea.
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: Bright Havens, yes. I generally see them lead up with tormentor demons and hammer the sleep-deprived afterward.

I think this by itself is grounds for avoiding Karse, at least until Jade regenerates her mana. The rest of the party sans Nanoha would still be fine and a normal non-boosted Firewall should suffice for most things, but no sense in taking chances. Getting dazed by some priest with a sleep spell would just be embarrassing, you know? Sidhe would be insufferably smug for weeks.

And there is actually quite a bit more that people should be asking about - the Dhorisha plains, for example, or discussing the best ways to avoid detection. I think the only thing that was asked was whether or not the Star-eyed would want to meet with you, and since that's a subject directly related to a god, Sigurd and Vanyel really can't be very specific until you start asking them specific questions.

I have to go to sleep now, but I'm a bit surprised there were so few questions during a dedicated question/discussion period when people were asking a bunch more during the vote. If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me; I'm a teensie bit out of practice and feedback is, as always, appreciated. ^^;

Part of this may be because Karse has some very obvious problems with it, so it's much easier to come up with some quick clarifications. The result is kinda funny IC, though; "Sigurd and Vanyel, please give us 101 reasons not to visit Karse!"

[X] How would the Shin'a'in react to Sigurd?

[X] What is a "friend-marker?" A local guide, some kind of magical mark, or what?

[X] What can you tell us about the Swordsworn?

[X] Do you think Kal'enel would be willing to point us towards an Adept-potential who isn't using their gift? And would she know anything about whatever is happening with V'kandis?

[X] Just to doublecheck: Kal'enel wouldn't be able to attack us, right? Nor inclined to even if she wasn't bound by the treaty?
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How should we approach Kal'enel? Is there anything we should do to ensure a friendly reception? Offer a donation to her temple, clear out some monsters that're bothering her people, slay some demons for her, bring her a coffee?

Same question with respect to V'kandis, because we all know that we're going to wake him up or find him or bust him out of prison eventually and it'll probably by accident and with nearly zero warning.

Same question with respect to the Shin'a'in and the others on the Dhorisha plains - do they have any advice on how to approach them?

Hmm. Going back through classic Star Trek plots...

Are there any random social customs we need to avoid accidentally violating so we don't end up having wacky hijinks? Like, do we need to avoid eating the food in case we accidentally end up engaged to the chieften's daughter?

Are there any bits of history we need to be aware of to avoid stepping on toes or getting embroiled in local politics or similar?

Are there any capabilities, magical or otherwise, that we need to avoid displaying? Are there any capabilities or magic that we should display?

How fast can we expect word of us to travel? How far can we expect it to go?
[X] How would the Shin'a'in react to Sigurd?

:They'd probably admire my sheer awesomeness.:

:...I want to contest that assessment, but Grove-Born Companions technically are taken from among the higher classes of spirit. Any shaman that sees him will be very respectful.:

[X] What is a "friend-marker?" A local guide, some kind of magical mark, or what?

:A magical marker bound to a physical object, usually a chit of wood on a piece of dyed rope. You wear it around your neck so shamans can sense its presence and scouts will be able to verify your status from a distance.:

:Expect plenty of 'friendly greetings' as scouts get closer to make sure it's not a forgery. To be fair, they will be friendly, they just have more than one motive in approaching you. I always liked Kal'enel's approach to culture: warm, but a warmth with purpose.:

[X] What can you tell us about the Swordsworn?

:They're often called "Black Heralds" by those who are familiar with them, so there's that, but they don't quite have the same strict standards as that lot. Any Shin'a'in can swear themselves to Her service as a Swordsworn, becoming clanless, sexless, magicless, and earning the right to declare blood-feud. You really don't want to fight any of the older ones; many deceased Swordsworn will go on to become dream-teachers for the living, so if a Swordsworn has had enough time to learn the lessons of past generations, they're fairly close to unstoppable by lone targets. A group of them could effectively challenge you, flight or no flight.:

: But don't harm their charges and they'll be your best friends. Kal'enel demands simple service from those sworn to Her, not emotionless devotion; they're still allowed to have fun.:

[X] Just to doublecheck: Kal'enel wouldn't be able to attack us, right? Nor inclined to even if she wasn't bound by the treaty?

:The Star-eyed is the single most benevolent deity I've yet had the pleasure of interacting with. She can't and won't do anything to harm you unless your actions would cause a second Cataclysm in the immediate future.:

:His list has something like three gods on it and Vanyel here is practically one of Her worshippers anyway.:

Vanyel admits reluctantly. :Maybe six. Plus the Shadow-lover, Death.:

: Oh, right. Don't you think He would be a little unhappy about how you ranked Kal'enel above him? I heard He and you got along just fiiiine.:

Vanyel runs one hand through his hair, clearly exasperated.

:Who is telling you all these things? You just got here. Regardless, the Shadow-lover hardly counts; I think they're closer to a sentient natural force than an actual god.:

:What, you think mortals are the only ones who like to gossip? You were the champion of light during your life, Ashkevron. Of course we're going to pay attention to all your near-Death experiences.:

"...That was bad and you should feel bad,"
you comment dryly.

: I technically don't have a human conscience, so I dooooon't!:

[X] Do you think Kal'enel would be willing to point us towards an Adept-potential who isn't using their gift? And would she know anything about what's happening with V'kandis?

:I don't see why she wouldn't; She won't force anyone to give theirs up, but if there's anyone who doesn't want it, I doubt She'll hesitate to point you toward them.:

:She might demand a favor first, though,:
Sigurd adds. : She wouldn't be able to marshal so much power if she starts giving handouts. It's even more of a net gain for Her, but it's easier to reward mortals for services than it is to just grant them power.:

[X] And would she know anything about what's happening with V'kandis?

Sigurd rolls onto his belly and rests his head atop both paws,

:You know, I really think she will. They never confirmed anything, but rumor has it that Vkandis Sunlord was in a capital-R Relationship with the Twins, two goddesses with two Aspects each. Kal'enel was one of-:

: Sigurd,:
Vanyel interrupts, his tone flat and utterly unamused.

:I know what you're thinking, Ashkevron, and Dina-slash-Dara died during the cataclysm. Very tragic. Kal'enel took up Her sister's duties and mantle after Dara's death and I'm pretty sure she and Vkandis are supposed to be an official thing these days, so if anyone knows where He's gone off to, it'll be Her.:

How should we approach Kal'enel? Is there anything we should do to ensure a friendly reception? Offer a donation to her temple, clear out some monsters that're bothering her people, slay some demons for her, bring her a coffee?

:Head to the plains, meet with some Shin'a'in, and take a nap in the tent of their shaman. That's pretty much it; She might have a task for you, but She assigns those when they're needed, not because She wants something. She's the kind of goddess who likes quiet respect and philosophical debates between followers, not giant temples in Her honor.:

Same question with respect to V'kandis, because we all know that we're going to wake him up or find him or bust him out of prison eventually and it'll probably by accident and with nearly zero warning.

:I'd say your pessimism is depressing, but that was my life, too. Don't let yourself forget to take breaks; I had to do everything since there was nobody else, but there was nobody else because I was exhausting myself to the point of blindness.:

:...Well, that took a turn for the depressing. Lighten up, Ashkevron, mortals wouldn't be mortal if they didn't make mistakes. Anyway, Vkandis cares more about people than objects, so as long as you avoid harming his followers through blatant carelessness, you should be fine in His book.:

Same question with respect to the Shin'a'in and the others on the Dhorisha plains - do they have any advice on how to approach them?

: Don't overthink things or assume they're acting; if they're hostile, it's because they don't know you. If they're friendly, they're not feigning it. There isn't much room for mere ambivalence when it comes to the Shin'a'in.:

Are there any random social customs we need to avoid accidentally violating so we don't end up having wacky hijinks? Like, do we need to avoid eating the food in case we accidentally end up engaged to the chieften's daughter?

Vanyel's lips quirk upward into the largest grin you've ever seen on him.

:No, and don't let them convince you otherwise. They're very much a people who know how to enjoy themselves, but as they put it, 'black is for the Swordsworn.' They don't really see much point in staying solemn for longer than they have to.:

:Avoid insulting their homes or clothes,:
Sigurd advises. :All those bright colors can take some getting used to, but there is a method to the seeming madness.:

Are there any bits of history we need to be aware of to avoid stepping on toes or getting embroiled in local politics or similar?

: Politics?: Vanyel asks, feigning shock. :What are those?:

:Can you eat them?:

:...Not where I was going with that, but no, they don't do politics. If it's not a serious enough problem to give up everything and become Swordsworn, then it's an issue they can work out among one another.:

:If you think of the Clans as one giant collection of 'friends of the family,' then you'll only be wrong in ways that shouldn't matter.:

Are there any capabilities, magical or otherwise, that we need to avoid displaying? Are there any capabilities or magic that we should display?

: Don't use magic until after you've said hello. It should be fair game afterward.:

How fast can we expect word of us to travel? How far can we expect it to go?

:As fast as it needs to.:

:Uh, no, wrong answer. Vanyel, that's throwing down the gauntlet to someone who can fly.:

:And if they talk to Kal'enel first, I expect She'll simply pass word on to Her shamans,:
Vanyel points out. :I'd say something like six hours to reach the whole plains, and even that would just be so the outer patrols will have time to return home and receive word.:
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Really I'm begging to think that we should go the Dorsha plains for the chance to talk to an actual goddess. If we've decided to embrace our incipient god hood, and if she's as friendly as they say, it would be a great idea to talk to somebody who knows how this god thing works. And has presumably made the transition we're working on now already.

In fact, question: Would Kal'enel be willing to talk to us about divinity, how to be one, and our relative semi Devine state as a godling?