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release shadow clones to do a task
Whatever the heck physical is.
Skill: slightly better guess from me.
Create shadow clones
For training, you can tell the Shadow Clone what kind of training they should do.
The Shadow Clone have the same strength as you. If they get stronger, you also get stronger. Everytime they learn something, you will also learn it. If they train something until they become proficient at it, you will also become proficient at it.
The Shadow Clones are like an extension of you. They can do all the hard work and you will still get the benefits of what they did.
So as for Physical and Skill. Physical are anything that have to do with training, like pushups, situps, running a lap, holding your breath, jumping ropes, side hops, dodging things while blindfolded, reading, writing, whatever it is that needs to be done.
Skills are those techniques that you learned while doing those Physical trainings. Example, if you always run a lap, you will learn a skill called Sprint, which is just a convenient way of saying that you know how to Sprint without hurting yourself. Holding your breath will give you a skill called Deep Breathing, which is just a way to tell that you can hold your breathe and store more air within you. By training the Skills that you learned in your Physical training, you will become more proficient in it.
On the Building, Monuments section, you also needed the Shadow Clones to do it. They will take materials so they can create what you are asking about. The only Monuments that you can build are the seven options that were given to you.
Next, let's talk about Creation.
On Building, Creation section, it will automatically create for itself if you pick it up. For Shadow Clones, every turn you will acquire 100 Shadow Clones if you pick it. Now, for other options on the Creation section, you need to wait for in-story days, as stated by options in it.
The amount of time needed to create something is dependent on you Creation Status. 1 Creation = 1 Day reduction needed to create that something.
To acquire Creation Status, you just need to create something. Though, you can only focus on one Creation and can't multitask on it. The most recommended thing is to create more Shadow Clones so you can get Creation points.
... But be aware, you can't really create Shadow Clones if you already reach the Cap. Your clone must die first before it was reduced. After it was reduced, you can create a Shadow Clone to replace those who died, which in turn will give points to your Creation status which will shorten the amount of time needed to create other things.
Now about statuses...
Divinity : The amount of spirits or divine energies that you manage to accumulate. You can get this by killing enemies, with the amount being the same as what you get for your Idle Game System EXP (refer to the EXP & Currency informational section to learn more about the distribution of EXP and In-game Currency)
Godly Power : The premium currency on Godverse Chronicles. It can be used to acquire a lot of things on the Upgrade Section. Again, refer to the EXP & Currency information section if you want to learn about the distribution.
Attack : The amount of destructive power that you can unleash. Can be acquired through training Physical and Skills.
Physical : Anything about your physical strength, endurance, and stamina. Can be acquired by training Physical.
Mystic : The amount of energy that you can harness within you. Can be acquired by training Skills.
Battle : The amount of experience you have from fighting someone. Can be acquired by fighting someone.
Creation : Indicates how fast you can create something. Can be acquired by creating something.