Ideas for "Familiar of Zero/Zero no Tsukaima"

Latvia, Riga
Free adoptable (and changeable) Quest ideas for writers!

Hi there,

Never found similar stories, so just wanted to give this to some talented authors, (personally I'm not good with words).
OK, here are some premises:

a) "Louise wants to know what is wrong with her magic and decides to experiment with it to find the answer, so that others stop calling her useless, magicless or a zero.​

In one such experiment Louise "broke" something like a seal on her magic, allowing all the void magic to course through her. Now after this accident she has to deal with night-overwhelming power that barely bends to her control."​
{happens when Louise attends Academy year/s before the Summoning Ritual}

-In this Louise's body is "charged" with Void magic, empowering and to extend altering her (changing her looks, making her stronger, making her "see" magic, change her to a "void spirit", whatever you choose how and what happened to her).

Either she tries to become normal, imposes her power on those who wronged her, or live her daily life as she is now, whatever you, the Quest Master, want to do.


b) "It was during Louise's playdate with 8 years old Princess Henrietta that this happened. Both of them tried the same spell at the same time while facing each other. Ever since then they where connected, but unevenly."​

Here after a childish irresponsibility both Louise and Henrietta changed and the transfer started. Here, Louise is hardworking, training physically, magically, studying all that she can ( magic, history, politic and anything else in-canon and in-character) MUCH more fiercely than anyone else. But all of Louise's effort and potential was transferring to Henrietta. Each day what ever Louise did transferred to Henrietta, becoming overall greater ( healthier, better growth/development, more stamina, smarter, bigger and growing willpower reserves and control, better at magic, etc). In time Henrietta even gained Void and with her higher intelligence (and royal resources/connections) masters it.

-Quest, events and goal depends on your, the author's, will.


c) "Few years ago Elves and humans managed to reach, sort of, peace. Tiffania is an transfer student just attending Tristain Academy of Magic in an experiment to allow elves and humans to better interact with one-another. Her path is filled with hardship, shenanigans, fun and crazy situation, as she tries to brave what other have not."​

-A non-human FoZ perspective, very little of those here. Mainly an alternate universe/history were humans and elves managed to "sign peace treaties" but nothing is quite perfect. Some supremacist groups ( human and elven ) are the main antagonists, trying to spark war in this delicate and unstable situations.


If you have some questions, ideas or need a place to talk with other SVers, you may write your ideas here,

Have fun! ;)
{can be found in "Creative Discussion & Worldbuilding" and "Quests" and "Roleplaying"}

Edit: if it's not too much trouble, and if you wrote stories/quest based on this thread, could you PM me? Please and Thank you.
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I don't think making a thread for this is necessarily what you wanted to do. We have a dedicated suggestion/idea thread right here: Idea - Quest Idea Thread
You'd probably be better off posting in there.
The main reason I didn't put there this, is because due to large post numbers it will be overlooked unless it seems unusual, and let's be honest, I'm not that great in "impressing" people with such "idea mills".