I Used To Be The Demon Lord

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Humorous Fantasy? Something like that, I guess.

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I am the 400th-something reincarnation of Malice Ein The Demon Lord. But that doesn't actually mean I'm Malice Ein, you know? It's difficult to even call that a past-life because I only remember bits and pieces from every reincarnation I've gone through.

Really, I'm my own person!

I have a name, it's...

[ ] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[ ] <Hello, Insert Name Here>

And I'm just your ordinary...

[ ] 16 years-old female and I look like this.
[ ] <Insert Customized Age, Gender, And Appearance Here>

Working as a...

[ ] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.
[ ] Farmer - It's hard work out in the sun, plowing the fields and herding the animals.
[ ] Merchant - Bartering with other people is pretty fun.

Yeah, I'm completely ordinary, with an ordinary family, and a ordinary life. I have all these skills and abilities from my past lives but I don't really use them. Therefore, I am ordinary.

At least, that was before...

[ ] My eternal servant, a Blood Knight from my 250th-something reincarnation, arrived to whisk me away to the life of being a Demon Lord once more!

[ ] The local Dark Lord captured me for some diabolical plot involving my immense magical-powers!

[ ] An accidental encounter with a Hero; is Fate or Destiny playing a trick on me?!

[ ] My hometown was destroyed between a war of Angels, Dragons, and Demons!

[ ] Write-in.
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[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!

[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.

[X] Merchant - Bartering with other people is pretty fun.

[X] An accidental encounter with a Hero; is Fate or Destiny playing a trick on me?!
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.
[X] Merchant - Bartering with other people is pretty fun.
[X] The local Dark Lord captured me for some diabolical plot involving my immense magical-powers!

Sounds fun.
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old male and I look like this.
[X] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.

[X] My eternal servant, a Blood Knight from my 250th-something reincarnation, arrived to whisk me away to the life of being a Demon Lord once more!
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.
[X] Merchant - Bartering with other people is pretty fun.
[X] The local Dark Lord captured me for some diabolical plot involving my immense magical-powers!
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.
[X] Merchant - Bartering with other people is pretty fun.
[X] A monster came planing to kill you because Your childhood friend is late the latest hero
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.
[X] Merchant - Bartering with other people is pretty fun.
[X] An accidental encounter with a Hero; is Fate or Destiny playing a trick on me?!
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old male and I look like this.
[X] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.

[X] My eternal servant, a Blood Knight from my 250th-something reincarnation, arrived to whisk me away to the life of being a Demon Lord once more!
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.
[X] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.
[X] An accidental encounter with a Hero; is Fate or Destiny playing a trick on me?!
Last edited:
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old male and I look like this.
[X] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.

[X] My eternal servant, a Blood Knight from my 250th-something reincarnation, arrived to whisk me away to the life of being a Demon Lord once more!
You are ignoring content by this member.
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old male and I look like this.
[X] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.

[X] My eternal servant, a Blood Knight from my 250th-something reincarnation, arrived to whisk me away to the life of being a Demon Lord once more!
You are ignoring content by this member.
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old male and I look like this.
[X] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.

[X] My eternal servant, a Blood Knight from my 250th-something reincarnation, arrived to whisk me away to the life of being a Demon Lord once more!
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.
[X] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.
[X] An accidental encounter with a Hero; is Fate or Destiny playing a trick on me?!
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.
[X] Merchant - Bartering with other people is pretty fun.
[X] The local Dark Lord captured me for some diabolical plot involving my immense magical-powers!
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old male and I look like this.
[X] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.
[X] The local Dark Lord captured me for some diabolical plot involving my immense magical-powers!
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!

[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.

[X] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.

[X] An accidental encounter with a Hero; is Fate or Destiny playing a trick on me?!
Last edited:
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.
[X] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.
[X] An accidental encounter with a Hero; is Fate or Destiny playing a trick on me?!
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old male and I look like this.
[X] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.

[X] My eternal servant, a Blood Knight from my 250th-something reincarnation, arrived to whisk me away to the life of being a Demon Lord once more!
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.
[X] Librarian - Book, books, and more books... I do like reading.
[X] An accidental encounter with a Hero; is Fate or Destiny playing a trick on me?!
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!
[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.
[X] Farmer - It's hard work out in the sun, plowing the fields and herding the animals.
[X] An accidental encounter with a Hero; is Fate or Destiny playing a trick on me?!
Votes Locked!

[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service! >> 19

[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this. >> 12
[X] 16 years-old male and I look like this. >> 7

[X] Merchant >> 6
[X] Librarian >> 12
[X] Farmer >> 1

[X] An accidental encounter with a Hero; is Fate or Destiny playing a trick on me?! >> 8
[X] The local Dark Lord captured me for some diabolical plot involving my immense magical-powers! >> 4
[X] My eternal servant, a Blood Knight from my 250th-something reincarnation, arrived to whisk me away to the life of being a Demon Lord once more! >> 6
[X] A monster came to kill me because my childhood friend was a Hero! >> 1

I have a name, it's...
[X] Revya! Revya Kuirukyou, at your service!

And I'm just your ordinary...
[X] 16 years-old female and I look like this.

Working as a...
[X] Librarian

Yeah, I'm completely ordinary. At least, that was before...
[X] An accidental encounter with a Hero; is Fate or Destiny playing a trick on me?!

In my hometown of Aveen, there were plenty of Heroes, Heroes-In-Training, Would-Be-Heroes, etc, gathered together.

Some of them wanted to take down the Farde Rah, the local Dark Lord who was apparently up to something dastardly; others wanted to challenge the Gorganth The Blood Knight who was apparently coming to town for some unknown reason; most were here to intervene in the Angels vs Dragons vs Demons battle that was close at hand.

It sounded like a lot but it really wasn't. Aveen was certainly one of the hotspots of adventures but it really couldn't compare to the bigger cities. Those had hundreds of Heroes running around, along with tens of Events happening all at once.

But I didn't meet with any of those Heroes, as they preferred the markets or taverns. As the week counted down, everyone busily prepared themselves for the arrival of the Events. Meanwhile, I simply manned the desk at the library, passing the time by reading books.

Then, the day before Farde Rah was predicted to act, I had met with a Hero.

In a manner of speaking, it was a fateful encounter, perhaps even predestined.

[ ] Falling from the sky, he crashed through the roof and landed in my bedroom. That was how I learned about the Titans Of The Stars.

[ ] Out on the street, a stranger ran into me, spinning me around as he unsheathed my sword, and yelled out, "I'm borrowing this!" while he kept on running. That was how I began the adventure of looking for the Blade Of Ten Heavens.

[ ] Pointing their weapon at me, he loudly proclaimed, "In the name of Justice, I shall defeat you!" That was how I became involved with the Magical Five And The Order Of The Basilisk.