What is the Best Magic?

  • Shadowcasting

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  • Other: 3PP (third party publisher)

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  • Vancian casting w/ extra limitations pretending to be different (Psychic, Alchemy)

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So you were drunk. Clearly. And ouch, you have a killer hangover. Ugh. Your head is a...
Opening Credits

Chloe Sullivan

1630 Revello Drive, Sunnydale CA

So you were drunk. Clearly. And ouch, you have a killer hangover. Ugh. Your head is a throbbing beat of ouch.

You blame the drinking for this, because you have no clue where you are.

It is dark. You are likely to be eaten by a Grue. Pitch dark. That's not exactly a unsolvable problem, but you find yourself instinctively groping around, as people do in the dark, and indeed your hand closes on something vaguely cylindrical, and thus grip-able.

The details escape your still fuzzy mind, but you're pretty sure it's:

[] A Tool
People create things that allow them to better manipulate the world and create better things. The cycle goes on. {INTELLIGENCE}​

[] A Banner
Signaling your allegiance is important, so people know where you stand (and where *not* to shoot). {CHARISMA}​

[] A Symbol of Office
Ceremonial weapons, implements and minutiae used to show rank or office aren't typically meant for direct use, but they serve an important purpose in indicating to people that you have been invested with trust and authority. {WISDOM}​

[] A Support
Where a person falters, external stiffening may make up the needed strength. Canes and crutches are as old as civilization. {CONSTITUTION}​

Trying to learn from past mistakes, I'm trying to keep mechanics relatively limited. Still, which stat is your "key" stat says a lot about your character both in terms of fluff and crunch. This is a slightly disguised "which stat is your magic stat" vote. (Keep in mind that while "I cast from swole" is pretty awesome, picking CON does limit the options since only a few magic options let you use CON as your main stat.)

For now, it's your poking stick. Fear the poking stick, those who lurk in darkness!

Yeah, sudden bouts of grandiosity definitely mean that you need to clear your head. The Stagger of Sail and Shadow is a grandiose name for what is basically a pub crawl, but it was the pub crawl that a certain charming cad was on when he drunkenly tripped into a test of mettle and emerged a Divinity. As such it has a certain cachet, and the drinks are, to suit the tourism, at least decent in quality, with the good stuff available to those who know how to ask. And on the anniversary of the Forgotten Pass, a fantastic street party is always raging. But now is the time for cold, composed consideration and not carousing. You need a little:

[] Hair of the Dog

The best way to deal with a hangover is more drink, clearly! Fortunately, you have some Fairy magic for this occasion!
(Establishes that you have access to the Fallen Fey sphere of magic, which among other things, covers the summoning Sidhe libations.)

[] Girding in Clarity

"Ah, don't ward against alcohol poisoning tonight, it removes authenticity," some idiot said[1]​. Well you're done with authenticity, time to sober up with Akashic therapy.
(Establishes that you have access to the Drunkard's Sash akashic veil, which protects from the negative effects of alcohol, and provides some bonuses.)

This is not a class vote. This is the very slightest toe-dipping into "what kind of magic would you like to play around with?" Ironically neither of these specific things are on the linked wiki - they're from side sources. It's simply a hint of what can come, and the wiki link for general reference to magic systems I use.

[1] You can't remember the idiot's name. Honest. And that is all that will be said on the matter.​

Thus fortified, you find yourself able to think more coherently. The first thing to do, obviously, is figure out where your friends are. (Getting a light is trivial for an adventurer of your caliber, and doesn't count as a step, obviously) Going it alone is basically the worst thing for Adventurers, and even if this doesn't appear to be the Fiendishly Murderous Puzzle-Tomb of Akatherhan, the principle of safety in numbers is still important. And besides, who goes on a bar bash alone?

Come to think, where is you drinking buddy? You were out on the town with:
(QM note: pictures are thematic inspiration, not a depiction of what the character looks like)

[] The Challenger
Your introduction to Suaren Dottokkyth was being basically run over by the exuberant young woman as she pelted down a narrow side street perhaps a bit heedlessly of traffic. But that's how the three-quarters human, one quarter probably several things that aren't mortal girl rolls. A musician of some repute and aspiring Pirate Queen of the South East Sea (no such position exists yet but Su maintains they'll make it for a sufficiently awesome, eg, her, candidate), Su is also manages to shoehorn playing scholar and information broker into her time alongside adventuring - like the overachieving wunderbrat she is.

Having recently been introduced to the concept of the Stagger, she has jumped on it as yet another challenge that she of course can't back down from.​

Couldn't find a good pic of Rocker-Asuka, so I went with Haruhi.

[] The Old Hand
You've been friends with Hashmi Songchute for years, but you still occasionally wonder if her personality is an affectation. Is the whole beer-swilling, chant-roaring, forge-working, grudge-keeping, brawl-loving Dwarf persona genuine or just the world's longest ironic parody. If so, good on her for not breaking kayfabe. If not, Good on her for being so unashamed of being what she is. Either way, her claim that she best worships her Hearth-Goddess at the bar is one that you'll allow on the grounds that she knows where the Good Stuff is kept.

She'd almost be the layman's idea of an adventuring Priest - excellent at defensive and healing magic - if not for how she loves the fisticuffs a rather lot, and is not the type to sit on the back line. A relevant detail when trying the Stagger, since she's bound to be in the thick of the inevitable bar brawls.​

Almost went with Tsunade (punch-healer), but Yang captures the personality much better.

[] The Aesthete
You aren't sure what race Kayi is. Ne rarely speaks about nir people, or indeed, about nemself. Nir concern is mainly with food, eating, and things that can be turned into consumable products. Credit to nem, ne is a fantastic cook, on top of being a force on the field of battle. Between nir adeptness with viands and nir solid presence, ne is a welcome member in any party out looking for trouble, sustenance, or both.

Having heard that this party is when The Good Stuff comes out of wine cellars, Kayi invited nemself along with you.​

I am using stats for a published race (plus templates) in my GM notes, but thematically Kayi is an oddity from a fairly obscure and unique species.

[] The Opportunist
Quen Zephyrspring is even more mysterious than Kayi. While happy to talk about his past (or indeed anything at all), he seems to have a very skewed grasp on reality and indeed sometimes falls into what you figure is either glossolalia or a truly foreign language strange beyond your ken. As much as you can pierce together from his ramblings, he believes that he was once some greater entity, now reduced to the, not quite a Gnome, but kinda passes for one if you squint, existence he has now. You'd call him crazy except no one knows what exactly he is now either. His penchant for whimsy and wordiness make him quite the raconteur, a skill he parleys into wheeling and dealing for profit. Good fellow to have around when you need palms or bureaucracies greased.

An evening of drunken revelry was too good a prospect for gaining bits and pieces of knowledge and wealth alike for him to let pass by, and he more or less sidled himself into your company as the night began.​

Like Kaya, thematically an oddity even if I am using stats for a canon-but-unusual race in my notes.

Right then, a little adventurer derring do and you'll be back on track...
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I: Exploration, Part 1
So for some reason I thought Old Hand was leading but apparently Challenger took the lead. We are adventuring with a highly talented, highly mercurial young woman with no brakes. Banner was never in doubt. We have a <charname> of forceful character and considerable charm. Also, we devoted some degree of magical talent to always having drink on hand. Does that make <charname> a cheap date?

Even more choices this time around, hopefully a bit more cerebral.

Drinks in system: 1
Drunk status: 1 un-expended
Available drinks: Fairy Liqueur (unlimited)
Impairment: none

A theatrical snap of the fingers conjures up a little magical lighting, giving you a better view of your surroundings and your newly acquired poking stick, which is rather more interesting that the mottled stone room, probably a cellar of some sort give the only visible egress is the stairs in the corner. You recently christened poking stick was clearly once quit a colorful banner, the sort a cavalry captain might mount as a pennant or which a flag-bearing adjutant might hoist behind his officer. An ensign somewhat faded, but otherwise surprisingly intact given it's clear age.

The banner depicts (QM note: with all due apologies to real heraldry):

[] A Lion, rampant.
A common image in heraldry, representing martial might and ferocity.
(In this case representing the tendency to get up close and personal in violence. Establishes that you like swords - or talons or flails or whatever other implement of hand-to-hand fighting may be relevant. You favor fighting aggressively in melee combat, to batter your foe down.)​

[] A Tower, wrought of stones.
A symbol of resolute strength - unafraid of travails and able to absorb punishment.
(There are many forms of punishing attack, and many ways to guard against them. Establishes that you have invested heavily in personal defense. You favor enduring the enemy's might and outlasting it.)​

[] Three Roses, in diagonal line.
Roses are beautiful, but are also known for their thorns; a set of them warns one to move cautiously.
(Rosebushes can as easily be hedges funneling movement and restricting sight as they can be decorative topiary. Establishes that you have abilities that shape the nature of space around you - restricting movement or space or sight. You favor controlling the battlefield.)​

[] A Songbird, in flight.
The song of a bird can be as sweet as honey - or sleep to a tired soldier.
(Song has been a means of bolstering morale since time immemorial. Establishes that understand that the greatest weapons on the field are the sophonts who wield all the rest. You favor plying you allies with buffs and using your actions to support their techniques and stratagems.)​

[] A Bolt of Lightning, twice zig-zaged.
Force and fury raining from the heavens, lightning strikes where it will.
(Lightning here represents a preference for striking down your foes from afar. Establishes that you fight at a civilized distance, rather than endure the crush of melee. You favor ranged solutions to making the enemy fall down.)​

[] The Moon, waning.
The moon shifts through phases, inconstant, and is thus associated with madness and separation.
(Lunacy is oft misunderstood, but the utility of throwing your foes into confusion is universally acknowledged. Establishes that you strike obliquely, to weaken the foe and sap their resolve, rather than relying on the blunt application of force. You favor applying debuffs and status effects to enemies.)​

[] A Crown, majestic.
Authority comes from many things, but symbols matter deeply when it comes to rulership.
(Leadership can be a burden, but rank hath it's privileges, including the ability to put underlings between yourself and danger. Establishes that you have developed abilities related to maintaining, summoning, creating, or binding subordinates in the field to support your aims. You favor the fine art of minionmancy - getting creatures to fight for you.)​

Yes, it is a fine example of martial splendor, and well suited to a(n) [*] of your stature!

[*] Write In: Your preferred Title and Pronouns
Examples: Citizen, ne/nem/nir/nirs/nemself; Adventurer, she/her/her/hers/herself
(Include implications as relevant)​

Indeed, you find yourself a bit reluctant to part with this fine standard. Fortunately, you:

[] Have an Extra-Dimensional Space to put it in.
Establishes that you have access to extra-dimensional storage of some sort. Could be personal magic, a magic item, or a granted boon of some sort. We're still painting in broad strokes here.

[] Have a well balanced pack to find a place for it in.
Establishes that you are capable of carrying things around without too much trouble. Could be a high strength score, magic gear that increases your load limit, or a class feature that mimics one of the prior. Doesn't pin you down, but does establish a bit of character - you like to keep at least some stuff at hand rather than squirreled away in a bag of holding.

[] Can do without it for now.
You don't take this item that doesn't offer any immediate benefit beyond the decorative. RPGs in the D&D mold are defined by opportunity cost. Taking the banner now slightly reduces your inventory space. Maybe you prefer not to be weighed down just yet, by loot or by defined choices. It's honestly a trivial cost right now, but the point of this option is to get readers in the mindset that defining facts about our PC also reduces the undefined space that may be used in the future to back-fill other details of potential importance.

Having resolved the mystery of the Poking Stick and put the specter of hangover at bay, you decide that now is time to get out of this cellar. Of course, the moment you start up the stairs you find yourself absorbing the impact of a figure dashing down the stairs.

Well, the good new is, Suaren found you. The bad news is, Suaren, was trying to take a left turn back onto the Street of Sails, not stumble down a cellar staircase. Suaren usually has a pretty good sense of direction, a necessity given her impulsive lifestyle and lack of restraint, and takes pride in it. So you can't help but tease helpfully inform her that this is not in fact, the Street of Sails.

"I know that, you Lush. Some party-ruining Shadow Weaver dropped a confusion pattern over at least the whole of Old Market," She grumbles, clearly aggrieved, but not yet greatly so. She's hasn't even called you more than one rude name yet.

You consider. Shadow channeling is not the most common of magics, perhaps in part because it is all too easy to start - and not at all easy to master. Shadow Weavers worth the name are usually well regimented professionals, who filter their shadow-streams meticulously. Those who are otherwise - well, they give that branch of magic it's bad name, and thus ensure it remains a relatively fringe school. A Shadow Weaver with the depth of experience to manage such a large pattern ought not be the type to throw out magic on a lark - but then again, half the district is probably drunk this week, and even the most veteran user of magic can have moments of whimsy.

QM Note (Mechanics): Shadowcasting is a terrible name, so I went with something a little less silly. (We all cast shadows.) I won't always identify the mechanics behind what you see, but this one is fairly obvious.

It could just be the pettiness of a perhaps inebriated or irked mage. Or it could be cover for a more sinister action. The two of you should:

[] Wait it out
The effect is almost certainly temporary, and let's face it, whoever wove it is clearly significantly more powerful than you. (QM note {Mechanics}: Suaren has the skills to confirm that this is a 9th level effect, meaning level 17+ to her 10) Best not risk that confrontation. Suaren is in a mood to keep beating against the solid wall of high level magic, but you can persuade her to take a break at least.​

[] Attempt Navigation
Suaren got pretty turned around by the shadows, but maybe the two of you together can make a go of getting someplace. Suaren doesn't think so, (and can cite a litany of evidence in favor of her claim that she has better directional sense than you) but you should at least try.
- [] The Golden Locks.
The tavern you were at earlier. It's a familiar landmark at least, and maybe someone there will know what's going on. At least a few mages of note favor it as their watering hold. As there's certainly no colleges in the Old Market, this is your best bet for a magic consult.
- [] The Pickled Pig.
It's an open secret that this bar is a front for the local Thieves' Guild, but the 'security professionals' tend to keep to white collar crime these days, and are thus rarely bothered by the authorities. If there's something serious going on, they do have the best network for gossip and espionage.
- [] The Constabulary Office.
Suaren is not on the best of terms with the officers of the law, but it is their job to keep the peace, so they're probably quite concern about this development. They do often turn to adventurers for magical aid during events like this one, and you could stand to be owed a favor.
- [] Timofey's Haberdashery.
Old Timo deals in magical accoutrements, and his shop is the best warded in the district. If you expect skullduggery, this would make an excellent base of operations from which to... interfere. Or just to hide if it gets too hot.
- [] Write-in.​

[] Wander
The misdirection is random; Suaren figured out that much. In a situation such as this, sometimes an adventurer is best served by throwing caution to the winds and hoping for sheer serendipity. Or so Suaren argues. You're not so sure, but in the absence of a better plan...​

QM Parting Comments:
Well, people did say they wanted zany adventures with not!Haruhi getting us in trouble. I may take commentary in thread as inspiration in addition to votes. Please, do talk about your choices. Reasoning behind a choice may be as relevant as the choice.
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