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In Academy City many people have many different powers. Some big, some small. Level 1 to 4 belongings to millions. Level 5 belongs to the seven. But me... I have them ALL.

For those who haven't read New Testament, and SS, warning there will be spoilers in some of the chapters.
The Infinite...
It was a sunny day, in the municipal bus station that drives straight to the city of science. Academy City. A metropolis purely dedicated to the pursuit of science and all its miscellaneous ventures, attended by people of all ages, child to adult.

Technologically, Academy City boasts of being ahead of the rest of the world for over fifty years, leaving other states envious for its capabilities. As the name implies, Academy City is a learning center dedicated to the cause of development for the Human race.

Through sneak-peeks allowed by the City of Wonder. It has been proven through the techs, and inventions being made, that Academy City is truly worthy of being called a sovereign state of its own.

But among all the things produced by Academy City. What had truly put them on the map, were their artificial production of Superpowers. In their propaganda, Academy City advertised that through the use of a special program, a distinct form of hypnosis is utilized, which activates in an individual, what is known as Personal Realities.

To the world, those who participated in such experiments carried out by the city were called ' Espers'. It was only natural that as a result of this, Academy City became quite the hot cake to the entire world, as everyone vied for the ability to do the impossible.

Sadly, there were stipulations for the experiments. Firstly, Academy City has determined that adults were not capable of activating their Personal Realities due to the fact that hormones generated during puberty and adolescence is critical to Esper development. Ultimately it leaves children to be the ones capable of achieving such wonders.

Another caveat is that while children are capable of archiving their Personal Realities, it is not within a 100% probability that they would be capable of acquiring tangible Superpowers. Which had led to the establishment of Levels that describes the power potential of an Esper, from 1 to 5-6.

Generally majority of Espers are situated within Level 1, as opposed to the still unidentified number in about 2.5 million students in Academy City that are Level 5. Level 6 on the other hand, is nothing but a myth.

At least until today…


The car hummed, passing the smoothed tar streets heading towards the exit of Academy City. The driver, a man with tanned skin, dressed in piece suit, while wearing dark glasses. Had the looked of someone who had been made to be a bodyguard. Truly he was exactly that.

Throughout his duration, he had secured various V.I.P personals for the city. Two Board of Directors were among his protected personnel in his dossier. One thing he noted about all of them was that they were all the epitome of calmness and composure, like there was nothing that could shake them.

The bodyguard sometimes thought that some of them weren't human at all. But today was a different case.

"Fhew. Fhew. Fhew. Fhew. Hoo." The young woman, breathed in and out erratically.

"Oh, come on! If you keep this up, you'll be dead before reaching our destination!" The man next to her, probably her colleague. Remarked in exasperation.

Spying a look through the back mirror, the bodyguard got a look at his latest clients. They were both dressed in lab coats. The man had a more casual inner wear of a simple white and black shirt, and jeans as opposed to the woman who wore a clinical white packet shit and black pants.

They weren't his usual types of clienteles, as these duos were scientists as opposed to the political dignitaries. But as a bodyguard, his job was not to make judgment of his clients, it is to provide security relief.

So he settled back down, gripped the steering wheel, faced the road while alert, and kept on driving.

Rubbing the woman's back to pacify her, the man in lab coat continued. "Oi- Kanari-san. I know you must be quite excited to meet him. I am too. But for you to behave in such way, really isn't like you."

Kanari swept her brown left hair fringe behind her ear, as she slinked back and took a deep breathe.

"You are right, Tanaka-kun." She replied calmly but was still unable to quell her excitement. Turning with enough force, that Tanaka shifted back a little, she continued.

"But! But! But! Tanaka-kun. This one is might actually be different, he might actually be the… Mph!"

The brown hair scientist wasn't able to continue as Tanaka quickly covered her mouth while spying a look at the driver.

"Do you really to announce to the world, that there is a big possibility that the boy we are going to collet is a Level 6. This is supposed to be convert, Kanari. Co-n-ver-t! That means no talking." Tanaka harshly whispered.

The woman nodded, as the man in his twenties sighed in relief while releasing his hand from her mouth. Scuffling his raven hair, Tanaka hands slipped into his pocket, producing a cigar and lighter.

After some calming inducing puffs. The scientist flicked away the rest, as he commented. "It's not like I don't share, your enthusiasm, Kanari-san. But do you really think he might be the one. I mean, while that metal in the sky is one of the best inventions of Academy City. It is not infallible."

Slouching, the woman rested her elbow on her at the side. "I know, but still it speculated that, he was around a 97.8976% chance of being the SYSTEM. Not even the white one had that; it was only the potential. This one is the real deal."

Shaking his head, Tanaka acquiesced. "Well. This will all be settled by the end of the day."

The continued unspoken words were. Whether by the end of the day, Academy City would be celebrating the birth of its first Science God or just another Level 5.


"Alright young man. You know that this isn't the time to be crying." A young woman with a beautiful countenance said, while trying to appear stern. Although to the observers, tears were clearly streaming down her own face.

With brown-dark hair pass her waistline, dressed in a dull yellow dress, and cover wear. The married woman hugged her son, so that he wouldn't be able to see her teary face.

"You remember what I and your dad promised, David?"

Her son nodded. "That no matter how far we are from each other. That as long as I hold unto, this locket." Hand moved, clenching the said accessory. "You will always be there with me."

Cleaning her eyes quickly, she faced her son while wearing a tired smile. "Don't you ever forget that you hear me?"

"Un…" Her sweet child nodded.

The boy's father who had dark hair with a hard face, squatted, rubbing through the impossible horizontal hair of his child, lovingly.

"We'll always come visit. I promise. Every parent's day, we'll come cheering you on. In fact, a time may just come, you'll even be embarrassed to see us, when we old folks come to cheer for you."

Blushing, David avidly shook his hair. "That won't happen, because you both are my parents, and the best in the whole world!" He ended, waving his hands in an aggrandizing way.

His father smirked. "I'll hold you unto that, Big Guy."

A cough pulled their attention up to see individuals dressed in lab coats. The woman looked awkward in interrupting their conversation, while the man appeared to be non-impressed.

"Uhm. We are the personnel responsible for taking your son, into Academy City." The brunette said offering a handshake. "I am Kanari Uesuko. Head of Research Unit for the Power Curriculum Program. He's Tanka Hamaguchi, Special Researcher of AIMs."

Tanaka threw a finger salute. "Oos."

David instantly went behind his mother holding her dress, while appearing demure.

The husband threw a look at his wife, before slowly shaking Kanari's hand. "Charles Haller, and this is my wife, Rebecca Haller. I wasn't informed that my son would be following some strangers. He was supposed to be with the others."

Charles gestured to where parents and their children hovered in their multitude. Impatiently waiting for the arrival of the city buses. Some were still busy saying their goodbyes, while a few others watched the Hallers, wondering whether they were some sort of VIPs.

"Your son." Kanari inferred. But was instantly cut off by the aggressive interruption of the man's wife.

"Son! What does David have to do with this? Are you going to experiment on him?" Rebecca fired. Looming over Kanari, who let out a frightened squeak. "I swear if one hair on my boy…"

"Mrs. Rebecca please." Tanaka interjected, pacifyingly. "Mam. Unlike the others here, your son is quite special to say in the least. We are not going to experiment on him, just run some confirmatory tests to establish his nature."

"But aren't you scientists?!" Rebecca continued unamused.

The man eye widened, as his face finally showed some mirth. "Mrs. Rebecca. I am a scientist, but that does not only mean experimenting. I also do research, observe. Those kinds of stuffs. Please your son is in safe hands. And from what I've been briefed about young David here. He is more than capable of protecting himself."

Finally, David released his hold over his mother's dress. Bobbing. "Dad says if you try anything bad and painful to me, I have his permission to blow you away from the face of the earth."

Both scientists blinked, looking at Charles who proudly nodded, ruffling his son's head. "Yes, I did, son."

Charles turned to Kanari, while addressing Tanaka at the same time. "Please forgive my wife, there. David, he's everything to us, so the fact that he has to be away at such a young age is just painful to say in the least."

Kanari nodded sympathetically. "I understand, sir. But I promise, what we are doing is perfectly safe."

"Oh yes it better be safe. Because if it's not, I've given David my blessings to let loose on any idiot who will try to lay hands on him. Just like those bastards from before." Charles blue eyes turned cold, while he gained a slight bloodthirsty atmosphere around him.

Like a switch, his cold look vanished, replaced by a warm one. "David, it's time to go. Pack your bags, you are heading to Academy City."

Rebecca gave one last sniff, unable to stop the tears this time. Kissing her son on the head, she said. "You will be among people who are like you. This time, you wouldn't be alone, no one will call you anything. Make friends, lots of them, so that the next time I see you… You'll be smiling. I love you, David."

David looked back with his heterochromiac eyes, of grey and green glowing with joy. "Love you too, Mom. Dad."

Charles smiled, "Me too."

David turned pointing a hand towards his luggage, a blue aura giving off motes came off his hands and his eyes gained cerulean hue. The area around his luggage rippled, and where there was once luggage, now was simply nothing.


The boy spun to see Kanari sporting a dull look. "Hmm."

"What… Did you just do?"

David tilted his head. "Well, I don't know. Dad says I created a pocket dimension or something. But all I just did was store my bags somewhere, they are too heavy to carry."

While both scientists hid it very well, their atmosphere spoke of it all. There was now a hunger to know more.

With only a small backpack on his person. David Haller waved one final goodbye and left with the others.

Meanwhile unknown to even the child wonder himself, a phantom image trialed behind him. A man who had his exact appearance only older, dressed in an unbuttoned white packet shirt and black pants, turned to Charles and Rebecca with a melancholic look.

'Don't worry, Pa, Ma. This time I won't let him become me.'

Deep within David's psych. A void filled with eerie voices belonging to Men, and Women. Old and Young. Human and Inhuman. All of great numbers groaned with a terrible rumble. Wanting to be free once more.

'No matter what, there will be no more Legion.'
The Infinite II...
'God, this is suffocating.'

Yoshikawa Kikyou groaned feeling stuffy in her formal dress. Brushing away the black fringe that obstructed her vision. The researcher felt an uncomfortable chill that brought sweat despite the spacious location she was in.

It was a large auditorium in a research institution. Plain white as is with most of the research establishments she had been in, -hers included- It had the appearance of a standard lecture hall, but Yoshikawa Kikyo had the feeling that this particular site had never been used since its formation.

At least that is until today…

For what would they use it for anyway? From what she could remember, the number of scientist and even normal staff bodies in the institution were not up to 70. This hall looked wide enough to carry over 500 or even more.

Candidly speaking, it was with luck and a little bit of connection, she had mange attain a seat at the 9th row.

Sighing once again. The simple face researcher stuck her finger in her collar tugging it back to let air in.

"Kikyou, can you stop what you're doing. You're embarrassing yourself enough as it is."

Rolling her eyes, Kikyou turned lethargically to source of the voice, tugging her collar even more as tacit stubbornness.

"Look at who is talking, Ao. I bet that hankie has been thoroughly sweat with your liquid excretory fluids from the way it looks damp."


The skinny man with grassy hair only served to prove her point by wiping his glistening forehead once again. But still it seems the man was unwilling to make as concession, as he whispered back.

"W-Well, that doesn't permit you to be behaving in such a risqué manner. Think of where we are."

Kikyou arched a brow at her lab partner.


If it weren't for the present situation, Kikyou would have cuffed him on the head for that indirect insult. She knew for how long he had been subtly mocking her body figure calling it average – it was to the point she actually buys body shaping products- so for him to even be calling it risqué shows to what level the heat had gotten to him and made him antsy.

Maybe even stupid.

Grumbling, she wondered why she even had to dress such formally. Corporate suits were just not for her, even the skirt gave her no chance to spread her leg to freedom. If she had been given liberty, the researcher would have just worn her plain shirt, faded jeans and sneakers.

But no.

'Smooth clean crisp black, Kikyou. You are one of the scientists in charge of the budding Level 5 Electromancer. As our representative, both you and Ao are expected to appear. Representable. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!'

Wincing at the memory of the Sections Chief strong response to her innocuous inquiry. Kikyou pulled a face wondering what the loud large man was even doing in a research facility.

His size, personality, hell even his face would have been the pride of Anti-Skill.

Another itching accompanied by another feeling of suffocation pressed against her.

It wasn't like there wasn't any AC.

Just in front of her, from the side of the ginormous halls, partitions could be seen from which a humming whirr could be heard.

There was no denying that they were all working and were in perfect conditions. As the veritable chill spoke of their presence.

But still there was a certain heat in the air.

Kikyou even with all of her collar pulling sat straight up, refusing to even look behind her. For where there was an upper room section behind the shaded glasses resided scary monsters.

Science monsters.

She had seen them, even recognized one of them. Still, just the knowledge that he was actually here gave her the shivers. If Kikyou actually had it her way, she would have pulled off her long heeled shoes and ran away barefooted just to gain enough distance so that the devil in there would never know she actually existed.

But unfortunately she couldn't. To make things worse over fifteen of them are actually there.

The Kiriharas.

Monsters of the science world, geniuses amidst geniuses, but inhumane freaks all the same. As a researcher, Kikyou knew there was a level of coldness and apathy needed for the sake of progress.

The true nature of Esper research as a point in case.

But from what she had heard and from the little she had seen from the Kiriharas. Everything she understood as an etiquette for science just seemed pale in comprehension.

They were all just so… Evil.

Especially that guy. Kirihara Souji. When one looks pass that sociable front of his, one would actually be disgusted by the level of inhumanity in that guy.

So nope, this Yoshikawa Kikyou will not be looking back unless her life depended on it.

There was also news of big shots like Kirihara Gensei, Kirihara Amata, Kirihara Byouri and even the enigmatic, Kirihara Noukan.

'Yikes, that's a lot of Kiriharas in one location.'

In fact, Kikyou was beginning to suspect the reason, the Section Chief refused to attend and pushed it all on her and Ao was all because of this particular assemblage of persons!

'And to think I was the only one who defends him, when the others joke about his gorilla looks!'

But still, the simple face scientist knew this gathering was not surprising. Indeed, she even suspected that the Chief Board Director, Aliester Crowley himself, would be watching this particular conference from that Windowless Building of his.

Moreover, for all her fears, Kikiyou still felt excitement for what is to come. For today was the coming of a certain Gemstone, someone who had not been put under the curriculum development for the development of Esper powers, but rather were born with powers.

They were the natural diamonds to Academy City's artificial diamonds.

Nevertheless, while that might sound impressive, it would not have warranted such an audience. Even that one, what was his name again? Sogiita Gunha, who was said to be a gemstone Level 5 candidate did not garner such kind of mass reaction.

Although after today, he might not be holding the title of the Strongest Gemstone.

She picked up the stylized white folder that had originally been placed on each of the seats in the hall, going through core details it held.


It began on 24th of April this year.

The NASA in conjunction with the Star Astrologer of District 23 had detected a massive outburst of energy 3000 light years away from our star system. Intricate investigation had shown that the main cause was a supernova due to the collapse of globular star cluster.

At that same time, in southern U.S state a sudden formation of what appeared to be an orb of immense energy could be seen throughout the entire U.S state –it would later be calculated that the energy output of the orb was enough to obliterate the American continent-

While not entirely proven, it was speculated that the supernova had been caused either intentionally or unintentionally by a gemstone of American origin. His profile are as follows;

Name: David Haller

Designation: Possibility Infinite.

… … …

… Today the gemstone, David Haller would be invited as the center piece of this conference to determine the potential of his Esper Level.

But… It has been speculated that he might be the first natural Level 6.


Even now Kikyou still took in a deep breath as she held herself back from loudly sucking in air.

Academy City was lucky, seriously lucky.

According to reports, David Haller would have been cajoled into an American institution. But the method the Americans employed were a tad bit too cogent. Kikyou speculated it was due to their desperation to get something tangible ever since the failure of that Stargate Project of theirs.

Unfortunately for them and fortunately for Academy City, their recruitment backfired.

From the reports, the eyewitnesses that saw the forceful retrieval of David Haller alleged that the SA team utilized where all vaporized into air!

Kikyou knew that it wasn't that simple, but still…

This is a possibility for the announcement of a God of Science!

Level 6!

One of the core goals of every scientist involved in the development of Espers in one way or the other. For most, this would be an affirmation to their lifelong dream. That achieving Level 6 is not a pipe dream, that it is very much possible.

While it appeared all good on the outside, Kikyou knew what such affirmation could bring about.


An even more radicalized approach towards Esper curriculum developments. If before scientists were going on a gear 4, this could give them a reason to throttle up to gear 10.

For if it can been proven that there is indeed something above Level 5, then everyone would be in a rush to attain it.

Because seeing is believing after all.

Letting out a sigh, she pulled up her own hankie wiping her forehead which perspired in cold sweat at the future prospect.

'No matter how this goes, the ramifications wouldn't be little that's for sure.'

Suddenly a low hush came over the crowd as the air charged with a certain energy.

At the podium, a middle aged man dressed in white suit and glasses smiled to the crowd.

"Now ladies and gentlemen. David Haller, Possibility Infinite."

Kikyou followed the crowd with a low clap, chuckling a little as she saw the way Ao looked jumpy.

She observed intensively as a boy with green and grey eyes that had an impossibly straight hair, climbed up the podium. The researcher thought breathlessly.

'I don't believe in god, but for any ostensibly divine being up there. Let this kid not be Level 6.'


But if there was a god up there, then that god wouldn't be answering her today.


David Haller was currently experiencing a bout of nervousness.

But that wasn't important as he already had a power that would grant him a stalwart heart –his powers were just that miscellaneous- although it actually came with the caveat of a slight personality change.

The four years old boy sighed, missing his parents already. Toying with his locket, David breathed out as he was led backstage.

"Now David-kun. Remember to answer all the questions being asked as best as you can. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?"

Looking up at the woman who had introduced herself as Kanari, David nodded, but still asked while pouting.

"Why am I doing this? The man who came to meet dad and mom said that I was just going to do some few tricks, not go in front of a crowd."

The woman in lab coat lips pursed. Squeezing her eyes tights, Kanari replied with a tight smile. "This isn't going to take long, hopefully. All you need to do is answer some questions, perform some of those tricks of yours and we will be golden."

'Now ladies and gentlemen. David Haller, Possibility Infinite.'

"That's your cue, David-kun. Go out there and make history!" Kanari cheered as she ushered him out.

Letting out a voiceless affirmation, David quickly called upon on of his powers.

The Catalogue.

A black screen appeared before him.

This particular power did not seem impressive at the surface, but it was really important in the management of his powers.

For you see, they were just too many…

Using his mind, he selected the section dedicated to all of his mental abilities.

'Telepathy. Telekinesis. Astral projection. Psychic storm… Psychic storm? Is that a mental ability…? Nope don't have the energy to-… Hmm, what's this?'

His brows scrunched at the new ability that just manifested in his Catalogue .

Lion Heart.

The second effect of his Catalogue showed itself.

[Eliminates all traces of fear, hesitation and all forms of mental debuff effects.]​

'Heh. Looks like that The Gamer ability I had last month. Although I remember the ability itself had that one effect that dulled my emotions to a dangerous level, not to mention it was too tedious, so I discarded it at the first minute. Still, this could work.'

Quickly he selected it, with his body and eyes giving a brief orange glow which died down a moment later.

Immediately David felt like he had been doused in cold water. Like the ability said; all traces of fear that had been pestering him were gone. It was like he was going into his room to play games as opposed to standing in front of a crowd.

David smirked in satisfaction, 'This is definitely better than Stalwart Heart .'

Entering the stage, he turned not flinching at the hundreds of people that had come see him. The man in white suit and glasses who introduced him, gave him a short handshake with an amiable smile.

Nodding respectfully back. David watched as the man left the stage, before whirling to the seats and long table which had been set apart from the main bleachers.

On it were all men and women some dressed in lab coats while others were in business suits.

Meanwhile the ghost-like David Haller was not impressed as he floated while yawing.

'Let's get this over with.'


It was some seconds after the applause died down, the hall gained a solemn silence. As one of the scientist, a bald headed man begun.

"Now, Haller-san. Let's not beat around the bush and get straight to the matter. Do you have a concrete explanation as to what is your power?"

David tilted his head. "I, don't understand?"

"What I mean Haller-san is that, what can you do?"

"Oh that's easy. Anything."

A low murmur washed through the crowd, as some discussed with their acquaintances pondering on what the boy insinuated.

Another woman whose white hair was tied to a bun, and was dressed in a lab-coat. Cut in hesitantly. "Could you give us, a clearer context?"

"Clearer context… Uhm, ok. Think of any one power that can be considered impossible, and I can do it."

One of the man in the seats that had a large stature, dressed in black suit guffawed. "What a bold one you are, David Haller. Pardon me Adashino, but I'll be taking this Esper's challenge."

The white hair woman acquiesced, "Please of course, Heichi-san…"

To David, the man said with a smirk on his face. "Since you said you can do anything. Let me see if you can do this. Can you, David Haller manipulate time itself?"

That released a burst of intense murmuring from the crowds.

"Time he says. Is there such a thing?"

"Theoretically. There is an existence of precognitive and retro-cognitive abilities that utilize calculations from a 3D perspective. But to go even higher and directly manipulate time…"

"At the very least it will require an ability of a Level 5."

"All that matters in the end is that can it be done or is the young boy just running his mouth."

All the murmuring of crowd did not seem to dissuade the boy on the stage. With an easy smile on his face, David decided to prove with his actions than with just words.

"Mr." David said as his eyes glowed blue. "Couldn't you have given me something harder? Alright, what do you want me to do with time?"

With apparent intrigue in his eyes, the man sat straight up. "Well my daughter has been saying that I get old too quickly. So how about it, can you make me younger by at least twenty years?"

It was then his fellow colleagues had caught on to his ploy.

'Heichi, you bastard!'

One of the member of the Board of Directors who had been viewing the conference through a hidden camera from one of his spies, gritted his teeth in envy.

'I too should have been there.'

The possibility whether David Haller can manipulate time is really that important. What Heichi was doing was essentially grasping of a presented opportunity. For as much as Academy City has progressed, there was wasn't much headway in the matters pertaining to immortality.

But if David Haller can really control time or something relating to that concept…

It was at this moment, all of the Directors across the city began making preparations to make dealings with the Esper that held the conceptual ability of at least Level 5. This is too big of an opportunity to miss.

"Alright, but first." David Haller employed another ability. With a thought, Heichi looked at himself inquisitively as he began to glow green.

"What is this, David Haller?"

"I just temporarily gave you an ability. Perfect Recall EX . While I am turning back time for you, your memories of twenty years will be gone as well. So I decided to make you remember no matter what."

The man blinked in confusion for some seconds before his eyes abruptly dilated in shock.

"Wait… You're right. I can remember everything. Hahahahaha! This is truly amazing!"

After saying that, the blue glow in the Esper's eyes intensified. While Heichi was suffused in a glow of the same color obscuring his form till it became brightening.

It was to the point the scientists who were trying to observe what was going on instinctively shut their eyes. For if they looked any longer, they feared what might have gone blind.

Some seconds later the light show died down, but what happened next was astonishing.

"Heichi…-san…?" One of his seat members said in a way that sounded like a question.


The voice that replied was certainly sounded younger. The man who replied certainly looked different from the man who was in his sixties. Most of Heichi age marks were gone, and the greys on his hair vanished leaving behind a luxurious black, even the man's suit strained due to the sudden increase in mass.

Producing his phone, the Board member shook in astonishment as he gazed at the reflection which showed how he was when he had been forty. Time had turned back for him.

"Incredible, Haller-kun." The change of honorifics were evident.

"So this is the power of a Level 6. Incredible…"

While Heichi had been muttering to himself. The crowd were divided on either the now younger man or looking shell-shocked at the Esper on stage.

Conversations sparked once again.

"Is this really possible. Could he really be…?"

"Time manipulation, huh."

"No it might actually be biological manipulation."

"Only you would think that genius. There was no skin rippling on the Director's body when Possibility Infinite did all that, there was only an outburst of light."


"But still Time… God."

"Hahahaha… Are you really calling god."

"Idiot! Don't you understand the ramifications of what this means?"

A loud cough from Adashino that suppressed the mutterings. Looking reproachfully towards the audience, she asked scathingly. "We are not children, are we?"

Well that got everyone to shut up.

Sighing, she settled down. "Now where were we? Oh right, Haller-san… Since you said that you are capable of doing anything, then please answer this truthfully."

The hall seemed to lose its light, as Adashino narrowed her eyes with a sudden intensity. "Are you a Level 6 or not?"

A silence that could only be described as heavy fell upon the crowd. This is it, the moment they all have been waiting for since the time of Academy City's conception. People had died for this.

Child Errors in their hundreds had been sacrificed for the cause, all for the sake of reaching the highest.

The realm where mortal man becomes a god.

David Haller blinked tilting his head. Honestly he didn't know the answer as he had never bothered. All he heard since he had been here was Level 6 this and Level 6 that. He didn't understand the intricacy of what it meant to be a Level 6.

And neither did he care.

But that doesn't mean he couldn't answer the question.


Reality washed color, as David first stopped time, scouring the list for that particular ability. Honestly speaking, he did not want to use it, as it felt like it wasn't him in control. The one time he used it, he had to employ another ability to wash away the effects.

It was like he was another person.

Soon enough, his eyes settled on its name.



It sounded pretty simple but the true nature of this ability. Even David for as simple as he is, knew how dangerous it was.

The ability to answer any question, correctly.

It doesn't matter whether he knows it or not, he can just answer it. Be it something that is impossible for the world or even an issue pertaining the future.

Luckily this power comes with the caveat of answering only three when it's utilized.

Yep, it's strange. But so are his other approaching hundred thousands of powers.

Still looking at the name, David grimaced. After all, the ability made him feel like he was a girl.

'I really don't want to use you. But it's my fault for not checking what this stupid Level 6 is all about. I just hope it's not something stupid or I'll really be mad."

Time resumed as the world gained back its color. The ability has been activated.

Bemused Oohs were heard as the boy before the crowd had a physical change. His eyes glowed a bright piercing pastel blue, and a blue of a much darker shade plastered against the skin on his body.

"You have asked and it shall be answered…"

Even his voice sounded different. It had the combination of his voice and that of an adult woman.

"H-Haller-san what is the nature of this ability?" Adashino asked the question that was in the minds of the audience.

"I am Delphic. David Haller, yet not. An artless facet created to be given charge over all knowledge. Indeed, there is nothing in this world I cannot respond to. But… " Delphic raised of her three fingers.

"I shall answer only three."

A bead of sweat slithered down the side of Adashino's head. "Well Haller-san…"


"Delphic-san. Are you implying that…" She shook her head incredulously, surprised at what she was even going to say. "…This facet or is it your ability, grants you nigh-omniscience."

"Three questions, I shall truthfully answer pertaining anything, for I know it all. One has been asked so it remains two."

Adashino suddenly shivered in her seat from the dark looks being thrown at her. Three questions that could have been used for the betterment of science, she had decided to waste one by asking a stupid question!

A question that has already been answered!

The male scientist who had lush green hair who had seated next to Adashino, took over and asked. "So, Delphic. The first question, are you a Level 6 or not?"

"Yes and no. I am a Level 6, but at the same time I am not. Two has been answered, the next will be your last."

It was then the man knew he had fucked up. Wincing at the smack at the back of his head, the scientist whispered an apology to one of the female Executives –a young middle-aged woman whose pink hair was tied into a pony tail-

He should have asked the question in a way that it would have required a more loquacious answer, but like Adashino, he had wasted another.

Meanwhile Adashino felt a dark sense of pleasure as she was not the only one who had screwed up.

"This is why I said they should have let us do the talking." The female executive muttered derisively.

Plastering a smile on her face, the Executive turned to the stage. "Can you please give us a comprehensive explanation on what it means to be a Level 6, with why you described yourself as both a Level 6 at the same time not."

Delphic narrowed her eyes, "Mrs. Hilma."

The said Executive eyes widened. She had never revealed her name since this meeting so how did he know. As the Executive wondered if this was another power of his, Delphic continued.

"We all know the meaning of what a Personal Reality, AIM's waves and Mental Calculations is, with its relevance to the development of an Esper ability… The core of the matter is that… I do not require any of the above."

There were shouts of disbelieve among the crowd, with some of the researchers openly doubtful of the claim. For even for gemstones there must be a delusion at some level that grants them the capability of bring out their Esper ability. Without that, it is said to be impossible for an Esper to manifest their power.

But the facet is saying that she doesn't require any of that?


"Mrs. Adashino, what is the standard for a Level 5?"

The woman in question blinked at the sudden attention being put on her. "W-Well, it would be rarity potency and a highest power of any ability class."

Delphic nodded clasping one of her hands behind her back. While she raised a finger on the other.

"Simply put its POWER, and INTRICACIES. A Level 5 is only a Level 5, if, it can be proven that his/her power has the highest supremacy in an Esper field, or, his/her power output and ability is considered uniquely powerful. "

"Now what makes an Esper a Level 6?" Delphic paused, her eyes automatically looking up towards the upper room obfuscated behind the shaded glasses.

"Perhaps, Mr. Gensei can help us with that."

A fearful chill washed through the crowd as everyone was suddenly overcome with a hush. Some of the scientists physically shivered in fear at the mention of the particular Kirihara.

"Delphic-san! You cannot just ca...!"

Adashino's reproach was cut off by the sound of a wizen voice sparking to life from one of the speakers.

"Please, Mrs. Adashino, I don't mind. In fact, I consider this an honor to add in my own two cents." The archaic voice said with a chuckle that sounded eerie.

With a blue face, Adashino audibly gulped as she automatically reclined back in her chair.

"Now Delphic-kun. Level 6, is simply the realization of an ideal state of an Esper ability. In order words; SYSTEM."

"To reach the heavens… You do have a scary idea, Mr. Gensei. "

"Oh my~ so you even know of that. Then what do you think makes an Esper a Level 6, Delphic-kun?"

For the first time since Delphic began to talk, she smiled. "How about showing you all… What it means to be a Level 6. "

A small tongue of fire manifested in her hand.

"Level 1."

The tongue grew bigger till it was the size of an orange.

"Level 2."

What was the size of an orange grew bigger than a soccer ball. The fireball discharged a scorching heat wave that chased away the soothing chill the ACs provided.

"Level 3."

Raising her hand higher, the fireball expanded till it was the size of a small car. The light it emitted became blinding enough most people in the front row winced in pain, looking away.

"Level 4."

The ball of fire splattered losing its form as it transfigured into a large serpent. Its body was big enough that a portion touched the ceiling charring it, while its head hovered above Delphic. What was most notable was how thick and life-like the snake looked as its eyes scanned through the room while occasionally letting out threatening hisses.

"Level 5."

When the some of the scientists tried to observe it, Delphic explained.

"At Level 5, there is a serious increase in power output and a certain uniqueness. If I release the heat of this fire construct, then at the very least, everything within 200 meters diameter will be reduced to nothing more than molten rock and ashes."

The construct hissed loudly releasing a wave of wincing heat to accentuate his point.

"Level 6…"

The fire snake dissipated, taking with it its heat. The crowd could only look in bemusement as Delphic closed her eyes.

"At Level 6, an ability evolves from becoming just an ability. At that point there is a sublimation in the very nature of the Esper himself/herself. The Esper seizes being an Esper, rather they transcend to become the very Law of their ability. A Tree of commandment is established, and this one would belong to Science… "

A white blinding flash erupted from Delphic body rushing towards the crowd as they hastily shielded their eyes at the incoming incandesce.

Some shrieked as the brightness slipped through their closed eyelids, until it suddenly dimmed down. The emergence of an appealing warmth was the first sign they took as a call to open their eyes, and when they did… Everywhere became different.

It was an endless sea of flames…

No matter where they looked there was fire everywhere. It was like the auditorium had vanished while they had been transferred into another dimension. Up above them was a gigantic ball of fire that definitely was not the sun.

This sun unlike the one they knew of had the shape of an atomic nucleus.

The fires themselves were all of different colors.

Red. Yellow. Green. Blue. Pink… They were all of varying degrees. Some of the scientists could have sworn that some of the flames actually felt cold while some were blistering hot.

It was at that moment they noticed in slight alarm that while they were in the sea of fire the flames never burned them. Even the heat and cold felt nothing more than information.

To the ones above, it was new, and what was new was very much intriguing.

Heichi who looked around in awe and in no small amount of fear, whispered visibly perturbed. "What is this place…?"

"Welcome to my world, or as they commonly call it. My Phase. In here I am Fire. Its meaning, its concepts, all that is associated with the flames are now under my control."

Delphic's reply sounded like it came from everywhere, they looked around confused until like a calling in their hearts, all eyes went up to see two glowing shaped eyes that belonged to a giant stare down at them.

Her form fully manifested as a fiery titan akin to Sutr, as if prove of her power, she created a miniature sun… And subsequently destroyed it with a clench of her fist.

"… … … … …"

"In here, I am god."

At this point they couldn't deny it. The mad ones exploded with madden laughter, others crazed tears, while the remaining simply lost it all remaining expressionless. They all knew this wasn't an illusion, but rather the power of one who had reached the highest.

A Level 6.

Another outburst of light later, the scenery returned back to the auditorium, the heat gone like it was just a fever dream even when everyone knew it wasn't. Meanwhile on the stage, Delphic looked on expressionlessly.

"Do you now have an inkling on what it means to be a Level 6, Mrs. Hilma?"

The woman could only nod back dumbly.

Gensei's voice croaked once again, only this time held a tangible modicum of madness in it. "Delphic-kun, so what do you mean by not being a Level 6?"

Delphic tilted her head, as she replied. "Answer me this Gensei. If I tell you, that all the things a standard Level 6 is capable of, I can do that and even more. Would I still be classified as a Level 6…? "

"… …"

There was no reply as the implication of Delphic response rocked the hearts of every single living being.

From the front row, an old man dressed in lab coats and simple inners, cut in while appearing overwhelmed. "B-But if what you are saying is possible, then what are you?"

Delphic smirked as the glow vanished leaving David Haller with the same quirk on his face. "Just an everyday kid. Only a little special."


"Ao, you've got a stick?"

"… …"

"Ao? Hello~… Crap, you're broken already, huh."

"… …"

"Well, not like I have anything to say for myself."

The simple face scientist, looked listlessly at her hands that had not stopped shaking even after she had left the building. She was afraid to even look back, even though it sounded tempting by every passing second.

Roughly tugging her collar, Kikyou winced as some buttons came off.

'Crap! This is my only one.'

Sighing loudly, she stood by the staff's bus stop watching as the others enter their various modes of transportation with muted looks. She would have laughed at them if she could. But Kikyou knew that she too was also sporting the same expression.

"Level 6, huh. I wonder what will be his epithet…"

Kikyou closed her eyes, sinking into the humming and honks as she tried to forget what had just happened some hours ago. Although she knew that for the rest of her life, that image would always remain in her feeble mind.

A primordial goddess who destroyed the sun with a clench of her fist.

'Damn it, the ramifications will not be pretty.'


"Keke~! In the end, I got to see something real fun!"

The voice sounded lough and thuggish, the man who said that, looked even more so. Rough blond hair which complimented his strong facial features. Kirihara Amata appeared very much satisfied with his coming.

Standing up from the reddish-brown cushion he had been sitting. Amata stuffed his hands into his pocket making for the door, until he paused. Turning back, he regarded the much older Kirihara who had been silent ever since he had questioned the Level 6.

"Still he really did do you in, old man! In fact now that I think about it, I suspect he already knew you were gonna' do something stupid that was why he called on you."

Snickering, Amata palmed his face shaking his head. "This is really hilarious. You were literally shock-stilled!"

"So…?" An old man with grey hair, replied. His back was hunched but it appeared to be a habit rather than old age. His face still set in a fatherly smile, Kirihara Gensei eyed Amata.

"Is that all you've got to say, Amata-kun?" While his façade appeared as amiable as ever, the eyes that glared at Amata was irrefutably not so.

Cold shivers trailed down, Amata's spine as he raised his hands in surrender. "Sheesh, can't take a little ribbing, old man."

While Amata did not apologize, his demeanor showed his willingness to drop his jeering. As the blonde Kirihara headed towards the door, a stray thought hit him. It was a thought that brought a sickening smile to his face.

'I really got to record it for prosperity. The look on Accelerator's face when he finds out he isn't the top dog anymore.'

Loudly barking out with laughter, Amata proceeded out.

Silence reigned in the empty room, as the mad scientist was left to his lonesome. But then suddenly a wide smirk spread across his face. Opening his palm, Kirihara Gensei gazed at the flash-drive and smiled.

"I will reach it this time, Level 6 and beyond that. I will see it with my own eyes… The path to David Haller. The singularity…"

In a room inside the Windowless Tower, the Chief Head of Directors appeared impassive, as he closed the feeds. He sunk himself deeper in his psyche, wavering between the realm of unconsciousness and clarity as he pondered on today's happening.

The concept of what is a Level 6, was in line with his hypothesis by at least, 89.5377%. With a marginal error of the Law.

"Hmm…" The golden magician lips quirked upwards. "Today was really enlightening… Not to mention…"

Aleister trailed off, as he observed the holographic images which represented his tens of thousands plan. While Accelerator was still important for his main plan, the backup now has been fully updated on the same level.

Dark Matter is no longer required.

"I've been going on with Plan2347 with the end goal of me succeeding by 67.4679%. But with him things would go even much more smoothly. I might not even need DRAGON in the end."

High above the holograms, was a screen depicting the one number he was coming to love.


"It's time for him to meet with Imagine Breaker."

The era of Myth-slayers has begun.


At a different bus station located near an overpass, David Haller waited for the main bus that would take them deeper into the city. His apartment had already been memorized, even if he were lost, he had just the finder ability needed to locate his place of residence.

But even so… He was tired.

Immediately the conference had finished, the Level 6 found himself swarmed by an army of scientists. Each and every one of them all asking him questions that just whirled his brain or were just straight up boring. There were some who even asked him to visit the Faculties as guests of honors.

Although the only one he actually paid attention to was Heichi-san. He addressed himself as an important person, so he might actually be a cool guy. Who knows, maybe the man has some cool stuffs that might interest him.

Nevertheless, when Miss. Kanari had offered to escort him to his residential site. David refused as he remembered the main reason he had come to Academy City.

To make friends.

The hiss of the incoming bus drew David away from his mulling. Entering, the Esper was met with the site of children of his age who stared back in curiosity.

Blushing at the attention, David wondered if it might be best he turns on his Lion Heart once more. But then he shook his head to discourage such a line of thought.

'Mom says that, True friends should like you as you are, rather than as you appear. I don't want my friends to like me because of my powers.'

So he toughed through the stares and sat down near a boy his age. The boy upon seeing David panicked a little as he blushed.


David blinked, "Oh, is this seat taken?"

"N-no, but do you really want to sit with me? My powers give me bad luck."

With a bright smile, David enthusiastically nodded. "No problem. I don't judge my friends no matter their powers… Ah, we are not friends yet. Or are we?"

Stars shown through the young boys eyes, as he scouted to the window to give space for Haller to sit. "No I will be your friend. If you will have me."

Sitting down, David beamed as he raised his left hands. "Dad always says friends should always introduce themselves with a handshake. I'm David, David Haller."

The boy looked at the hand before looking at his right hand, tentatively reaching to shake David hand. "I'm Touma…" Seeing that the boy did not shrink away, Touma's smile widened.

"Kamijou Touma."


The phantom projection of David Haller smiled at the scene. Although deep inside, he couldn't deny the envy he felt in his heart as he never had the chance to form any bond.

For all he had was himself and the Legions.

'Still we really did go too far with our little trick, eh. Maybe we should have toned it down, but who knew that Level 6 was that big of a deal?'

They were like this world's Beyond Omega Level Mutants. While he could see their values, the scientists back at the auditorium were looking at him like he was the Christ.

'Maybe it's because I was always with Rogue, Proteus, Apocalypse, Jean, Nate and the others. Well not like they can hurt us anyway.'

Although there was still something that bothered him. For an instant before Delphic transcended to Level 6, there was something there that was watching him. Delphic banished it when she created her Phase, but David Haller did not think it was truly gone.

'That white light humanoid being… What the hell was that?'
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Level 5 {?}- [Star-Child]
"Alright class. I know it's a 26 degrees, high time sunny day. But that doesn't give you all the excuse to appear so lethargic while I'm teaching…"

A young woman, a little over twenty. Whose only notability was her thick black rimmed glasses, clapped her hands, rousing the drowsy ones who had been sleeping in her class.

As she peered through the windows. The teacher noted the clear blue sky and the noisy cicadas that serenaded on the nearby trees.

'It isn't only you little ones.' The teacher thought, while wiping off the sweat on her neck with her handkerchief.

"Eh~! But sensei!"

The students couldn't help but cry. The island nation of Japan or rather western Tokyo as a whole is a weather physiological attack. The blistering sun didn't bulged even as the students wagged their tongues praying and cursing, so that meant they had to conserve their drying up energy somehow.

Most chose hibernation.

But the teacher only smiled and smacked the top of desk hard enough to rouse the somnolent class.

"… !"

"Don't you sensei me. We're all under the same sun. So let's all suffer in this together, alright?" She said with a jaunty smile that definitely didn't not connote with what she had just replied with.



"Don't sound so proud of it!"

"… …"

"… …"

Both the students and the teacher narrowed their eyes, watching each other like gun-toting Wild West death-battle contest. But it wasn't for long, because…

"Pft… Ha ha ha ha ha ha…"

The teacher abruptly chuckled with the class immediately joining in. It seems like even the heat wasn't enough to cull the jovial atmosphere for the middle-school finalists. Some seconds later, the teacher clapped both her hands once again in an attempt to quell the remnant buzzing.

"Now, that you all are composed let us continue… Hmm? Is that?"

Seated at the second to the last row. A black spiky hair could be seen pointing upward, while its holder's head was pressed against the top of the desk snoring rather loudly.

Maybe on a normal day, she would have calmly told his seat-mate to wake him up, or yet, if she were in a better mood, she would have just let Mobius claim hold. But…

It was hot…

And she was DEFINITELY frustrated due to the heat. Even the laughter just a minute ago was just to chase her mind away from the boiling ambience.

A tic appeared at the teacher's forehead, as she pushed back her glasses while sporting the insane smile that had made her a spinster for all her life. Marching pass the shrinking pale boys and girls, she approached the sleepy spiky hair whose lack of danger sense appeared more commendable by each passing moments.

Oh, but he will learn…

Standing just before the slumbering student, the teacher raised her hand as if to perform a karate chop. Meanwhile the students turned blue faced as they all observed the ritual dubbed 'Sensei's Special.'

Rest in peace oh sleeping comrade…




Like someone who had been hit with a hammer, the spiky hair rose to his feet in a flash, and even completed it by standing at attention.

"This is Kamijou Touma! Reporting for duty, sir!"

He paused for some seconds, swaying like a drunken man, before correcting himself. "I mean, mam!"

From the class, a boy with bandana did a thumbs up, while guffawing. "7 out of 10. Try harder."

"Eh?!" Now fully awake, the now named Touma blinked, looking around the class who stared back at him sporting various intensity of amusement.

A cold shiver ran through Touma's back as the source of the chill calmly placed her hand on his shoulders.

'Dammit.' The boy's face twisted painful. From the strength of the vise grip, Touma could already tell who it is.


The drawn tone sounded so saccharine that he didn't want to turn back to see the Oni who would be staring at him with that phantom Hakama mask of hers.

'If only it's an Esper Ability.'

Touma moaned, his head pulsing while he clenched his right fist. The very moment it is needed, it has been deemed useless. Plastering a subservient smile, he turned to meet his doom while muttering out two words.

"Such misfortune…"


With a smile that spoke of a tension outlet. The teacher smile brightly for the class.

"Alright class, as I was saying before let's get back to Esper Studies."

"Yes, mam."

The entire class lightly replied… Of course with exception of the boy who winced while nursing the bump on his head.


Scribbling on the board, the teacher continued, -secretly to the relief of her students- "Let's do a little recap. An Esper, or you can say an Ability User is an individual who possess supernatural powers that can be scientifically explained and emit an AIM diffusion field…"

Kamijou Touma rested his face on his right palm with elbow serving as a pillar to stay upright, staring jadedly as the teacher droned on without pause.

He already knew all that. In fact, this was one of the first thing he was capable of comprehending when he first heard of Academy City. Children who attended the City were put in some form of curriculum that granted them superpowers.

That is an Esper.

But it was those exact words ' An individual who possess supernatural powers.' That irked him. For they were as scam as those bonanza ads after a TV soap opera.

As painful as it is, not all men are equal.

That was the harsh reality brought upon the over 80% hopefuls in Academy City. He wasn't thinking of the Esper status itself, because as long as anyone has gone through the Esper Power Development Curriculum, then that person is automatically deemed an Esper.

That wasn't the issue itself. For it was a little deeper than that.

An individual who possess supernatural powers.

Yes, Kamijou Touma like all 100% students in Academy City emits a special kind of field called an AIM diffusion field, but unlike the remaining 20% out of the 80%, he does not possess a tangible power.

You see Academy City classifies an Esper power in Levels which responds to the potency of the Esper Abilty they possess. Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6… Level 1 abilities are mostly insignificant to even be called an ability, while a Level 5 was said to hold enough firepower to challenge an army and win!

A Level 6… Well, he would have called it a myth. If he hadn't known one.

But still among the Levels a number seems to be missing. Yes, it is the number 0.

Just because it is called 0 means that there was a special meaning to it. There was no joker effect in a Level 0, as it isn't as great as one might think.

Or even great at all.

An ability invisible to the eyes of Ability Scanning machine or too minuscule to be called an Ability. In other words, No Power at All.

At that Kamijou Touma let out a large sigh that spared him curious but brief looks.

He was a Level 0. To put it in sweet words, he possess an ability too small to determine by the Ability Scanners. In reality that means no tangible power at all.

'No. That isn't exactly right.'

The Level 0 thought while switching his hand-rest, looking at his right hand.

He wasn't exactly powerless, as one might say. But his ability couldn't be determined by the Scanners.

Imagine Breaker…

A mysterious power in his right hand that had only brought him bad luck, or as his Best Friend had said, negates all forms of luck both good and bad, leaving him void-less in a world where everyone is allocated a form of precedence from the ones above.

Even till now, he honestly doesn't believe it.

Still his right hand also had another function, which helps him against any Esper unfortunate enough to underestimate him in a fight and let him come close.



Touma winced rubbing his forehead, while the smiling teacher played with the other half of the chalk that she had just lobbed.

"Kamijou-kun. Do you really love Sensei's Special version 1.0 that much? Don't you worry, keep that up and I'll introduce you to version 3.0."

She punctuated this by grinding the chalk in her hand to dust.

Gulping loudly, the Level 0 gradually raised his hand. "Uhm. Aren't you supposed to start with 2.0?"


"Nothing, mam!" The wielder of Imagine Breaker could only shrink back in fear at the unintentional gangster like reply.

Shaking her head like a general satisfied with the response given, she returned back to lecturing. Meanwhile the Level 0 was dumbfounded that he hadn't been given detention.

Looking at his hand in wonder, Touma thought while tears beaded his eyes.

'Oh, Imagine Breaker. At last have you finally decided to grant me this little victory… I shall savor this once in a blue moon moment thankfully with all my heart.'


Later that day, Kamijou Touma will question while he even bothered. While cursing his luck like there is no tomorrow.



"Now let's go in briefly about the Level 5s, shall we."

A certain energy passed through the class, as faces of awe, envy, fear, respect and even adoration passed though the students, all the while not helping themselves but to glance back to the seat situated at Touma's right.

Yes, the Level 5s. The Specials of Academy City, Individuals with powers that bothered inhumane even among the super-powered Espers.

While from experience, they knew they were as human as one could be, their powers were still one to be envious of. Especially in a school where the highest average reportable Ability is Level 1.

Of course with the exception of the school's greatest pride.

It is the blatant favoritism of life in play. But that is how reality works.

Not all men are equal.

"These Esper's are otherwise called individuals with True Superpowers as opposed to their lower counterparts, with talents that far exceeds that of other Espers."

Seeing her student's now uncomfortable faces, the teacher gritted her teeth in frustration.

'Why are the higher-ups even adding these in the schemes?'

Like it wasn't enough for the world to tell them so, they even forced it into the school's syllabus. So as to cruelly hit the students with the fact that they aren't special in anyway. This wasn't the first time she had said this and this wouldn't be the last, for what could she do?

She was a coward at heart.

The new chalk in her hand snapped under the pressure exerted on it, as she took on a deep breath while putting on a smile.

"But we already know all that, so let's just get right to the individuals. Currently in Academy City, there are 8 Level 5s, with two of the Level 5s in Tokiwadai, while another in Amrata-gakuen and finally one in our very own school."

"Well, aren't we lucky?"

A girl muttered with thick sarcasm. The teacher clearly heard that but smoothly continued on. There was no need to make a mountain out of an anthill.

"But even among the Level 5s, there is still a hierarchy of sorts…"

"While clear specifics of their powers are not publicized. From common knowledge, we all know that Level 8 [Nen] is a Gemstone who possess an unexplainable form of power with both short and long range capabilities. #6 [Mental Out] is said to be the greatest Esper in the mental category. #5 [Meltdowner] is said to control electrons in their raw states, while #4 [Railgun] is classified as the most powerful electromaster who could call down actual lightning."

Pausing, the teacher smiled. "As for the top three. This is where things get really messy or, interesting, depending from how you see it."

At that, Touma perked up, with the numbing lethargy flushed from his system.

He already knew the whole story, even got a front view as it happened. But there was still something exciting about the way sensei told it. Maybe it was her scheming tone and the body gestures that seemed to give the well-known news a certain kind of new life.

"Now," She began, smiling internally at the rapt attention her class paid.

'Kids no matter how you put them, are still kids.'

"Unlike the set position of the lower caches of the Level 5s. The #1 #2 #3, are in a quite mystifying situation. Can anyone tell me why?"

A hand shot up, which the teacher nodded. "Yes, Kanao-chan."

The middle-school girl that had a short hair with a black headband, answered concisely. "The #2 [Star Child]"

"Yes, [Star Child.] if #8 has inhumane supernatural physical specs, #6 the greatest mental Esper, #5 possess the capability to slice an Aegis into two, and #4 is the most powerful electromaster. Then [Star Child] can do all that and even more…"


"Y-You all stay back! I'm warning you. One step closer, and I'll b-b-blow this old foggy's brain out! I swear I'll do it."

The man, a typical thug dressed in black jacket and black slacks with a plain white mask, hollered hysterically. One of his arm wrapped tightly around the neck of an old man of late 60s, while the other held a gun was pressed against his hostage's temple.

It was a sunny day in Academy City, with more than half the percentage of students in school, while the rests wandered around, truants or cold-hearted thugs. Including those who had been sucked into the parts known and unknown as the Dark Side.

Today at District 15, even the shades the high rising buildings provided did not help against the prideful radiance of the yellow star. The normal pandemonium of the commercial area was an all-time low, even most of the thugs retreated away from their alleys heading back home.

It was just a bad day to do business, they might accidently kill someone in this heat. And as Neutral citizens wise in the Dark side, that wasn't a good thing. Who knows what might happen if they got the wrong person…

But still there were some ignoramus who considered this to be the best time to rob an ATM, after all, lower passersby means lower chance of attracting Anti-Skill.

If only that were true…

"Drop your weapon and place your hands behind your back! And I guarantee a sweet serving of pudding in your cell!" A woman with a thick accent ordered in faux cheerfulness.

Tall, with a deceptively blue hair that had been tied into a ponytail, but still had left over locks spilling out. Her Anti-Skill uniform impressively hid her voluminous stature or as some of her students call it ' Dynamite Body.' All in all, she was a woman who normally had an intriguing sex appeal to her, which multiplied in effectiveness under this heat.

But still she wasn't smiling. Yomikawa Aiho wasn't glad to be under this frying sun.

"Like hell I will! Stay back, or this foggy gets it!"


Hearing the frenzied reply, Aiho clicked her tongue in irritation. Of all days, why today!

While ' A Certain High School,' wasn't an elite kind of school, at least the staff-rooms were equipped with ACs to steer away this heat! But now, she has to wear this stuffy uniform while trying to negotiate with a robber who probably forgot to check the calendar before robbing an ATM!

"I'll give him one hard smack on the head for all this mess, I swear it." The voluminous woman swore under her breathe.

She loves her job, after all it is her dream to protect the children of Academy City, and to correct them when they stray off. But sometimes while illogical, Yomikawa Aiho wishes that these delinquents actually takes some days off once in a while.

"Seems like your comedy-methods isn't working, Yomikawa." Her colleague said in a teasing tone, while wiping away the sweat on his forehead using his gloved hand, mindful enough to keep the other that held a stun-gun aimed at the mugger.

"Oh, buzz off, Itou."

The younger Anti-Skill narrowed his eyes resuming a serious expression.

Normally this was more in line with Judgment rather than Anti-Skill, but the two were just coming from a terrorist suppression exercise when they saw this happening. Naturally as social volunteers who wanted to keep Academy City safe no matter how rotten it is, they had no choice but to intervene.

"So, what's the plan, Yomikawa?"

"Eh, I'm thinking."

Yomikawa Aiho glanced around as she took in the situation.

Thankfully, apart from the younger man at the robber's side who appeared to be unconscious due to concussion -probably from the butt of the thief's gun- all seems to be fine. At least it shows that the mugger wasn't exactly a murder-hobo.

Although, she could do without this gathering crowd.

"Itou, reinforcement ETA?"

"4 minutes…"

She pursed her lips, turning to the robber whose panic seemed to be increasing by the second.

Four minutes might seem small, but she knew it was anything but that, especially in this kind of situation where a life is at stake as with each passing second tension on both sides will surely increase until one side makes a move.

While she was pondering on how to go about this, Itou drew her attention through his loud authoritative barking.

"Hey kid, get away from there! It's dangerous!"


Aiho turned her head ready to see the cause of commotion, only for her breathe to hitch at the familiar figure. Her mouth hung open for some seconds before stretching into a smile. Shaking her head, she holstered her gun.

'You sure have some crazy timing.'

"Itou, it's ok. You can put away your gun. Let's just wait for Judgment to arrive so that we can hand the robber over."


Itou blinked in confusion, while his brain rebooted on what his partner said. From what he knew about the woman, she was very strict in the safety of children. Adults are to do what they have to do, rather seek and endanger the children of Academy City.

He could even say the woman was willing to die to keep it that way.

But here she was telling him to stand down.

Even as he mechanically did so, Itou couldn't help but ask. "Yomikawa, you do know he isn't Judgment, right?"

It is always part of the norm for any Judgment personnel to announce their presence. Not to mention the civilian wasn't wearing the armband. So why? Unless...

"Is he a strong Esper?"

She huffed folding her arms, " Strong Esper? Really Itou, are you saying you don't recognize that bizarre hairstyle?"

Still confused, Itou turned again to observe the figure when it hit him like a sonic grenade. Eyes dilated and Itou straightened in muted shock. The only word that came out of his mouth the second later was.



"Originally [Star Child] had been classified as the #3 Esper." The teacher began. Her subtle nuances and movement, drawing her students in like a camp-fire story

"He was the definition of what a powerful Multi-Skill user would be like."

"The ability to fly with a speed over dozen times faster than sound, strong enough to lift over 50 peta-tons, not even nukes could faze him. Like that wasn't enough, [Star Child] had the ability to manipulate a unique form of energy that could take on any kind of effect. Fire, ice, electricity, etc. It was even said he can control minds better than [Mental Out.] and could even manipulate matter."

The class listened transfixed as the teacher continued.

They knew all that, had even at one time saw him juggle cars with one hand while playing with electricity for fun. But then again the fact just hit them as always and the green monster called envy reared up its ugly head.

'A winner in life.'

"But despite all that. He was allocated with #3 due to lacking a certain kind of uniqueness that the #2 and #1 possessed. But that all changed…"


"W-Who the hell are you?!"

The robber howled. Eyes twitching erratically as he retreated back pulling the old man roughly with him.

The young stranger sighed. "Don't you have manners? Treat your elders with respect."

He was a well-fit young boy dressed in a black tank-top and blue jeans with a white mixed with black sneakers, his long shirt had been tied around his waist, with a headphone around his neck. The boy appeared to be dressed in a free but unique manner and he letting out his tank-top certainly was not due to the heat.

But that wasn't all…

His hair stood unnaturally straight with mismatched eyes of green and grey. A simple smile crested his lips as he looked straight in the eyes of the frantic robber.

"For now just let him go," The boy asked softly. Surprising even the robber himself as he expected an arrogant tone from the confident boy who stood before him.

"I know you don't want to hurt him, but with the way you're going, you just might do something you will regret."

The robber gritted his teeth behind the mask as he shook his head.

"Clear the way! I just need to get away from here and I'll release the old foggy, that's all I have to say!"

The boy's eyes widened slightly before sighing. "Well, I tried."

And then…

He took action.


"The change began 5 years ago. There was a certain war between to first world states, Russia and Kazakhstan… It was a war that threatened the stability of the UNO and the world in general. Many tries to prevent the war were repelled by the warring countries. World War 3 was just around the corner… But the organization decided take one last shot. By requesting to Academy City for help."

She looked around her students, continuing ominously.

"The UNO expected equipment, tools for peace-keeping, artificial processed food for the hungry, but they got something different, they got the [Star Child]"

Touma who was listening still couldn't get around the fact that a 9 year old child had been sent into the battlefield. But still from what he told him, it had been his choice, he wasn't exactly coaxed into it.

"At first the #3 had been met with skepticism. The UNO and the world couldn't understand how a child was supposed to influence a war between two powerful nations. But that is where they were wrong. He wasn't an ordinary child."

"He was the [Star Child.]"


To the robber, it felt like the boy before him shimmered out of existence disappearing from his sight. A split second later a sound akin to loud bang immediately followed.


Taking a few steps back, his eyes looked around to spot the apparent Esper, only to see he was near a nearby car with his…


In alarm the robber looked at his arm only to see air, his hostage not in his grasp.

Meanwhile the boy settled the unconscious man against the car as he placed a glowing hand against the man's head. The red welt on his head vanished while the man's eyes weakly flickered open.

"Hmm… That's that." The boy nodded, turning to the old man.

"Sir, are you alright?"

The man appeared flummoxed for the sudden change of scenery before nodding. Apparently coming into terms that this was just another Esper Ability in display inside of Academy City.

"Yeah, kid. I'm alright."

"Good…" The boy turned to Yomikawa who arched a questioning brow that elicited a flinch from him.

"Anti-Skill is here so everything's going to fine."

Standing up, he returned to the robber who pointed the gun towards him.

Itou made a move to pull out his stun-gun, but Yomikawa moved stopping him.

"It's alright, he knows what he's doing. Besides, you shooting him could just make the robber pull the trigger in another direction. Let him handle it."

"A-Ah, right."

Yomikawa smiled as she returned observing the scene while sighing in exasperation. 'Although I have some words for you boy for playing truant. Again.'


"The despondency the world held turned into hope when [Star Child] stepped into the battlefield. It was said every time the two opposing sides were to battle, he would arrive like a storm, tearing their tanks apart, bending every gun, while knocking the combatants out. It wasn't the life he took, it was their pride as soldiers."

For who would want to fight a fruitless battle where every battle-hardened soldier loses their dignity as patriotic men who were ready to die for their states.

"Some countries around the world even adulated him, calling him the Angel of Peace. But unfortunately it happened."



The robber felt dizzy at the sudden turn of events. With amount people wondering about, it was supposed to be an easy job! Break the ATM, get the cash, and vamoose! It was that simple.

Then how... How did it progress to this extent?

The reappearance of the boy stunned the robber to the extent his hand unconsciously pressed the trigger.


The robber winced closing his eyes, but it was too late. The bullet has already left the barrel. He expected to hear a cry of pain or even the sharp sound of an object being punctured, but he heard nothing at all.

He opened his eyes to a bizarre sight.

The fired bullet hovered just above the strange boy's palm. The boy squeezed the bullet and when he opened it… An intricate blue-butterfly construct came flapping out.

The boy blew upon it and one construct became twenty.

The robber was so transfixed by the sight that he never registered the boy entering within his proximity.

This time no hands were stretched. With eyes a tinge of vermillion fire, the boy uttered only one word.

" Sleep."

It was a soft alluring whisper to the robber's ears.

Like a puppet cut off its control strings, the robber slacked, eyes closed as everywhere turned dark. But at that moment, he had a thought that also sounded like a question.

'He's also a mental Esper!?'


"No one knows what it was, but everyone knew the result. On that day, the skies of the former Soviet Union turned red. The two armies saw a vermillion star in the sky just at the border of both states. It illuminated so bright, some of the eye-witness later became color blind. It was on that day [Star Child] would perform a monumental feat."

"They said with a powerful fiery beam. A trench of over 5000m deep demarcated the boundary between the countries. Multiple warheads were unleased by both states in retaliation, but it did absolutely nothing… Well not exactly. They did say that after the barrage [Star Child] had been left with nothing but his birthday suit."

The class couldn't help breaking out a smile while some even straight up chortled. Touma on the other performed a face-palm, as he reminisced his reaction at that time. With a smile breaking out, Touma secretly admitted it was actually hilarious.

"But that wasn't all… [Star Child] finalized the war by coercing both Head of States into signing a peaceful treaty. How did he do it and what did he say? Still remains unknown. Nevertheless, the demarcation remains even to this day as a warning of sorts to both countries."

A student raised her hands up, "But wouldn't that sour the relationship between the two states and Academy City?"

The teacher shook her head with a soft smile.

"Rather the opposite. While the government were at odds with [Star Child] the people on the other hand loved him. After all, he ended the budding world war without any bloodshed, to the citizens, [Star Child] was the true hero. Shrines had been dedicated to him, erected by the people themselves."

Clearing her throat, the teacher continued.

"As a result of [Star Child] performance in the war, thing took an unprecedented turn in Academy City as questions arose concerning his position as the #3. Some felt he deserved better, arguing that neither #1 nor #2 could do the same thing he did. It was to the extent that the tiers for Level 5s upper caste were losing their credibility."

Touma knew the next part. Funnily enough, he never cared about ranking system, #1 #8 he never did see the important in that. But then #2 went and did that pissing him off. Till this day, the Level 0 could say he had never seen him blow a fuse like that.

And hopefully he never will…

"The Academy City directors decided that to repress the dissidents with a special private competition between #2 and #3 in District 21 to clear all doubts. The results… An overwhelming victory by [Star Child] and the creation of new canyon. Academy City's Level 5 ranking changed with [Star Child] now being #2."

"But sensei," A tall boy with glasses asked. "If [Star Child] is capable of defeating the previous #2 then why didn't they pit him against the #1?"

The teacher nodded, "… This is just a rumor. But according to some sources it was speculated that a skirmish between [Star Child] and [Accelerator] would lead to at least the total destruction of Academy City…"

One of the students inwardly shivered at the painted image of a city in flames. "What a daunting thought."

The teacher freely shrugged. "Well that's [Star Child] for you. The Ultimate Arsenal comparable to a state conglomerate."


He stood by the sideways as he watched Anti-Skill's procession with the robber in tow. Satisfied, he was about to leave as well when a gloved hand suddenly sank into his hair.


It was a feminine voice, one that spoke of great familiarity and maturity. One that elicited a shivering emotion out of him.

"Ugh, Yomikawa-san…"

With black lines, David Haller cranked his neck towards the brightly smiling Anti-Skill woman.

"Hahahahaha… You, truant. I know your school is very lax with you being #2 and all. But what's with this sudden malinger behavior, eh. Davy-kun."

"The hair! Watch the hair, Yomikawa-san. You're messing it up!"

"Ei! I'll mess it even more if that gets you to go back to school right this instant!- jian."

As Yomikawa kept on her devilish act of ruffling David's hair. An interrupting cough sounded by side, as she heard Itou's curious voice.

"So, Yomikawa. This is him, huh."

"Yes, Itou… Itou?" The School Teacher turned to reply, but was greeted with an empty space. Her eyes widened at the trick.

'Sound Resonance!'

She swerved to the obvious culprit only to see in his place was a dispersing energy outline of David Haller.

"Got you with that one, eh."

Hovering some distance away, David grinned impishly, while stuffing both arms into his pocket. His hair fixed back from its ruffled state.

"Every time it's always new tricks with you, Davy-kun." Yomikawa commented as she folded her arms.

"So, tell Onee-san. Why you are dissing school?"

"Got a little something I gotta' do. I've already gotten permission from the School Head."

The Anti-Skill scoffed, "For you, that plump woman would agree to anything. You are their Greatest Pride after all."

"Ugh. No need to tell me that." David replied uncomfortably. As he ascended a little higher, he paused.

"So Yomikawa-san. Remember the stuff coming up this Friday."

Smiling Yomikawa replied. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

The boy smiled disappearing a moment later. With a sound akin to cannon going off accompanied with blustery winds, David Haller became a dot in the sky.

The smile on Yomikawa's face turned a little sad as he left.

'I see he still hasn't gotten over it. But I know he'll get better… I promise you that.'


David Haller flew putting on his headphone as the music played.

{Oliver Tree Robin Schulz - Miss You}

Closing his eyes for a second and then opening it to see the bed of clouds below.

He smiled.

'It still fills me with wonder every time.'

He looked into the distance, the white and blue painted such a picturesque scene. Taking in the tingling cold air, David wanted to capture this moment. The Level 5 could actually do it if he wanted to. But he knew some things were never meant to be held close, rather they should be admired from afar.

Letting out a sigh, he released his flight, gravity taking claim as he fell back to academy city. He zipped passed birds that chirped at the absurdity, 10,000m remaining and friction from the re-entry heat had begun burning away his clothes.

At his right palm, a glyph resembling the combination of a star and a crescent moon glowed, and David Haller became the [Star Child]

It was like a swarm of ants crawled over him. His tank-top disappeared leaving a skin tight long sleeve of an unknown material, the edge of his sleeves were crimson accents and at his upper torso was the Star-Brand the same on his palm.

His pants turned black and sneakers bore a kind of lattice like red and dull gold. His long sleeve shirt vanished and in its place was a sash.

The smile on Star Child's face widened, 'Let's get this started.'

By then, Academy City had already lost its table-top like view, as it zoomed in with a loud sound. The breeze passed by him noisily, but his expression never changed.

The very moment he passed the 1000m mark, he twirled in the air causing a small air distortion and he rocked off with a roaring boom.

He zipped between buildings, ran on the titled steps. Performing acrobatic movement as he danced around the city. With bubbling laughter, he waved pass some shocked passersby, raced a train as it entered the subway. Even danced with some kids who were just exiting their schools.

Seeing their smiles made him smile as well…

This city is rotten. He knew that, broke and destroyed some research facilities along the way. Even though he had saved some children along the way, their initial states had always sparked a dark emotion within him.

Shaking his head as if to get rid of the thought. [Star Child] let out a whoop as he danced shamelessly to the beat.

As long as he could see it. Then he would stop it… Nothing more nothing less.

Even though he knew it wasn't enough…


David stood on the opposite side of a tall building, but his enhanced eyes could clearly see down below.

Where he spotted the black spiky hair boy leaving the restaurant with a Tokiwadai girl who kept straightening her skirt, and another from Yomikawa's school that smiled in amusement.

David sighed. "Let me see your story, Touma. The fire I saw that day. Allow me to observe your veracity. Hero…"
Bio-Hacker: The Destroyer of Illusions and the troubled Outsider…
As the #2 stood, watching Touma and his cohorts leaving the restaurant. His mind began to wander back to the particular day it all began.

David Haller, the self-publicized #2 Esper could never forget that day, rather it would remain in his memory till the very second he takes his last breathe.

After all… It was on that day.

He died for an unknown number of times.


The planets in the baby universe obliterated, stars exploded into supernovas and blackholes, collapsing on itself as its creator decided not to support its existence anymore. With a loud crack, the nigh-omnipotent architect shattered the pocket reality, while both he and his companion returned to the main world.


"Uhuh, keep it coming."

The preening voice said to the one who stood still with mouth wide open. They were in an exquisite suite, one fit for rich hedonists, or even ornate Executives. But the one who spoke with an awe filled voice knew that the boy beside him was really deserving of the room.

Especially if what he saw was true… No. his hands couldn't negate anything in there so it was real.

But still…

"David-kun, was that actually a real universe?"

The boy with strangely shot-up hair and multi-colored eyes, grinned as he went to the terrace from which he sat at a deluxe-looking seat which provided a comfortable overview of the entire city.

The six year old Level 6, turned, puffing his chest while preening.

"Of course, Touma. It's called [Pocket Reality Manifestation.] With it, I can create whatever kind of world I can imagine, with my own set of rules. Or have you forgotten just some minutes ago, we were in a world based on that sci-fi movie you love so much."

The young boy innocently nodded, skipping over with an excited look on his face. He picked one of the biscuits on the ceramic table-top, nibbling it for a bit, before he then commented.

"Bu-But, I wasn't expecting for it to be real! Even my right hand wasn't cancelling anything. And for once, I never experienced any kind of bad luck in your world. It was like I suddenly became… Normal." Touma slowed, testing the world as if it was a new delicacy.

David meanwhile waved his hand airily.

"Got that right. But Touma, remember. Your right hand doesn't bring you bad luck, the way I see it, the hand simply negates everything, the Good and the Bad. Why? I don't know, but I strongly suspects it's tied to this world, like it's trying to tell anything abnormal, No. The very moment I take that right hand to any of my realities, it simply loses its effect as my abnormal is its normal."

Pouting childishly, the Level 0 swings his legs while huffing. "I'm doomed, then. So that means as long as I am on this planet, my bad luck is not going anywhere. How am I supposed to deal with that?!"

David chuckled, shaking his head at his friends rant. It wasn't a surprise really. After all when he considers what Touma's childhood had been… Even bad-luck would be an understatement.

The pocket world creator had actually consider Touma to be a kind type. Considering that 'Certain Event' hasn't changed his innocent outlook in life, and he doesn't hold an iota of grudge to those people.

God knows what he would have done.

No, with his power David knew in the end, there will be no one left -he might just wipe that community off the map- That was why the Level 6 secretly admires his best friend, and was happy that Touma was the one he met in that bus.

'Although with me by his side, Touma won't have to experience such kind of extreme bad luck ever again.' The most powerful Esper promised himself.

Now, focusing on his friend, David said. "I don't have an ability strong enough to reduce the effectiveness of that right hand in this world, yet. But at the rate I'm gaining new powers, I'm sure something will pop right up soon enough…"

Touma nodded back deploringly. "Yeah, I'm waiting."

The strongest Esper at the moment, looked at the boy as if considering something. "Hey, I got an idea on what to do concerning your lack of luck."

Seeing Touma's hopeful look, David hastily raised his hand. "Look, don't put your hope much. What I'm planning to do is merely look into your future and tell you the main events that will negatively affect you and how to sidestep them."

"… … … And you think that's not helpful?" Touma parroted throwing him a look that was practically screaming he would punch the Level 6 if he says no.

Luckily, David got enough tact to skillfully evade Touma's trap. Rubbing his hands together, he said. "Ok~ let's begin."

[Gabriel's Precognition]

[The ability to accurately envisage future with only a 0.000001% chance of fallacies]​

A book with brown cover emphasized with copper linings manifested on David's hand. It looked comically huge, but the Level 6 held it like it weighed nothing.

David's eyes glowed golden while he began to emanate a yellow liked glow. An ethereal line shot towards Touma's forehead from the book, and small golden like bubbles manifested around David, moving around in such a way it appeared sacred.

"Wow~!" Touma crooned in amazement.

The fact that he was friends with a Level 6 was still something he finds it difficult to even conceive. That he was his only friend in Academy City even more so. Sometimes, Touma even wondered why David was never crowded with fans and paparazzi's.

Although, Touma figured his friend would just twitch a brow in annoyance and transfigure them into chickens. With all the power he has shown the possibility is there.

'Meanwhile I'm stuck with this.' The Level 0 looked at his hands sulkily. 'Imagine Breaker, yeah right. More like Bad-Luck Bringer…'

In-fact Touma reckons he would be glad to even be rid of it. After bye-bye Imagine Breaker means bye-bye bad luck…


Unfortunately it won't be today.


David appeared, floating in a formless dull golden mind-scape, ethereal lines in their multitudes stringed against his naked form as the Level 6 saw flashes of what Touma's future will be.

He laughed at the funny spiky hairstyle his best friend would adopt in the future, while wincing at the pursuit of what appeared to be a dragon chasing him and two strange girls…

'Hmm… It seems Touma will be alright, but it's sad that he still doesn't find her in the end, huh. And what's this? 'Beginning Child?' Old Man, Heichi better tell me something enlightening when I call him later.'

He noted the girl whose scream decides what the environment would take. It was like a degraded obsolete version of his [Personal Domain] that allows him to manipulate a mile radius to his liking.

But as he looked even further the more his smile fell.

As David was linked to Touma's imminent cognitions, he was experiencing what Touma at that time period is experiencing only to a limited degree.

But even with [Mute Disabilities: Mental] the Level 6 still couldn't stop wincing in pain.

Burnt-Fire-Red man in robes. Cut-Wire-Woman in risqué clothing, Amnesia-Feather?-Little nun. Amputated-Blade-Green hair man. Electrified-Electricity-Upcoming #3. Cracked Bones-Vector-Upcoming #1…

"What! What the hell is this? Why the hell is this going to happen to Touma in the future? This isn't even bad luck at all! It's like one big voodoo curse!"

David's also unasked question was why he, as Touma's friend, didn't do anything when Touma was going through all this.

It became an itch that rankled the child that has superseded even the domain of gods set by humanity. Clenching his fist, he felt his abilities rush as more kept on coming in at an abnormal speed.

For the first time in his entire life, David Haller felt powerless as he watched his friend suffer without relief.

And then it happened…

It was a wrecked beach littered with debris and remains of what appeared to be ships and houses strewn around. With his Right Hand clenched, Touma looked at the woman dressed in scanty clothes who raised her Spear to the heavens and said dryly.

'I think I will just end the world.'​

What happened next made the Level 6 vomit in the real world…

Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died. Touma died/David died.

It was a death without relief, an endless torture, Infinite Hells…

His protective ability. [Ꝏ Lives] instantly activated as he began to revive himself with each death. To make thing worse, none of them were exactly painless…

Mutilated, burned, frozen, squashed, cannibalized… All on the whims of an imaginative goddess. Quickly, David shut the time viewing, but the damage has already been done.

"David! David...! Please answer me. David!"

The Level 6 could hear Touma crying over his form suffused with vomit and blood spewing from his orifices. He heard fumbled movements, probably Touma calling room service, as he closed his eyes while falling unconscious due to mental tiredness rather than physical.

But still that one thought remained…

Why? Why? Why?

'Why did I not do anything?! '



On the story building, David sighed, rubbing his eyes as that day came back once again.

'What an awful memory.' The #2 grunted in reminisce.

It was the main reason, he actually went and took part in the Russia- Kazakhstan War… Although that turned out to be a bad idea at the end.

After all, it was that damn war that almost made him commit genocide out of sheer anger.

In the end, he decided not to dwell on it. If he did, the #2 knew he just might do something disastrous later on. Nonetheless, the question still keeps on eating him.

Even with his future being that, even with the unimaginable pain and agony he will end up going through. Why is it that Kamijou Touma still keeps on smiling like that?!

As someone in a much more favorable position that the Level 0. David Haller can say in full authority, that, he will wreak havoc on any idiot who will even think of harming him. But Kamijou Touma straight up forgives, just like that!

So he wants to know. Just why, does Kamijou Touma keeps on being Kamijou Touma?

The increasing luminance of the Star Brand pulled him out of his musing as he saw Touma and the girls moving further ahead. He was floated up in the air about to keep pace when he stopped to realize how ridiculous he looked.

'Ugh, now I feel like a stalker. Ok, just in case.'

His skin and clothes began to liquefy as David began shape-shifting, the liquid like mass altered and what remained in the end was an older long raven hair woman. The black attire of an unknown material shifted accommodating his new form, while he, or is it now, she? Brushed back her hair revealing an enchanting face with purple eyes.

"Yosh, now I won't be recognized… Or not." David trailed off, dully looking at the symbol of [Star Child] emboldened on her chest. With a mental thought the emblem vanished, while she sighed shaking her head.

"Hmm… I won't be calling myself, David. That's just too bizarre… Psylocke, I'll call myself that. Heh, not a bad name if I have anything to say about it." The girl thought rubbing her nose as she preened.

'Now then,' Psylocke thought, setting her headphone around her neck, while gazing at the group who moved towards where the sun was setting.

"Let the dragon hunt, begin…"

And subtly followed, the unbeknownst group.

"Uwa~ that's one big dragon."

She sat at the edge of the building, her feet dangled as she languidly waved her legs at the rim of the 50 story structure.

While she knew that this event would eventually happen today, she didn't expect it to happen so suddenly. Just some minutes ago, the #2 was boringly watching as Touma and that high school girl, Kumokawa Seria, flirted with the Tokiwadai, Mitsuari Ayu.

'Tch, the dense bastard…' Psylocke cursed the Level 0 disgruntled, while a brow raised at the Tokiwadai's student actions.

For all Mitsuari's fumbling with her skirt, Psylocke never expected that it was because she was conscious about it. She initially reckoned that the middle schooler was trying to seduce Touma… But then here comes the dragon…

It wasn't anything special, [Star Child] thought as the air around the #2 twisted and distorted. From it an archaic roar resounded out as a dog size red western dragon manifested, resting on her lap.

Psylocke could create a dragon if she wanted.

In fact, just this little dragon has the necessary specs to trounce its chameleon look alike with its pinky…

But she wouldn't send her dragon to help. At least not for now.

As for why?

The #2 was currently looking at the Level 0 looking stranded and helpless as the mechanized beast ignored him chasing after the other two.

Although, Psylocke actually knew who the fire breathing chameleon was really chasing.

"Hmm… Is this where it all started Touma?" The #2 asked out loud, musing as the Level 0 whose negation ability was useless against the dragon, clenched his fist and ran towards the hazardous site screaming.

Her eyes narrowed as she muttered bemused. "Pride or is it a sense of duty. I really don't get you, Touma."


The Level 0 groaned, smelling of carbon-dioxide while soaked wet in cold water as he staggered into his room.

'Such misfortune.' Touma nodded his head sagely, while cursing himself for tempting fate by looking for a fight in the alleyways.

Touma thought he was on a roll today. No detention from Sensei, the vending machine thankfully decided not to eat his 5000yen, he neither slipped on a random lady nor was he hit by an unfortunate flower vase.

He whooped, whistling that today was surely a good day.

And, he was a fool for even thinking that.

"Beaten up by hired thugs, have my money wasted on an Ojou-sama who has never seen a burger in her life, and then almost got roasted to death by a dragon! This Kamijou Touma has just broken his record of bad luck chaining sequence."

Although, the Level 0 had to admit while it was daunting and goddam scary, it didn't freeze him as much… Ok, he did froze in fear for a sec, but he shook himself out of it really quickly.

Maybe it was because of those adventures he usually partakes with David.

In entering his dorm room, the wielder of Imagine Breaker cracked his neck to ease his stiff bones only to see his bunkmate with a headphone on his ear reading a comic on the bed's upper bunk.

Dual colored eyes of green and grey looked towards the Imagine Breaker grumbling.

"Yo, Touma. I'm hungry."

"Is that all you have to say to this lowly Level 0, mister #2?"

David Haller pulled down his headphone, tilting his head. "Do you want me to change into a cute girl and say it, pervert?"

Eyes twitching, Kamijou Touma took a deep breathe to release the evil air. "… … I'm not doing this right now. And for the record, we're having a light dinner. I'm too weak to do heavy duty right now."

"Hmm… Something happened?"

"… …" Touma paused for a second, before heading for the kitchen that was opposite the small space they call the living room.

"Nothing, apart from my usual bad luck."

The second strongest Esper in Academy City hummed observing Touma contemplatively. "Alright…"

Some few minutes spent whipping up something to gobble up and then Touma groaned, taking a much needed bath before deciding to retire to bed early. On his lower bunk, he turned to look at his friend who had began playing video games on the flat screen TV, with eyes that unknowingly turned remorseful.

"Sorry bro. But I've got to do this myself, after what happened that day… Ah, why am I ruminating now of all times?! I still got to check on Mitsuari tomorrow. The fact I haven't seen anything about that robot Dragon issue is really bugging me. Something that big is supposed to be on the news."

The light snores from his bunkmate was the only sound in the room. Meanwhile, even as David absently flipped through the pages, his mind wasn't in it. His lips pressed down, before he tossed the comic away, reclining on the cushion with face blankly facing up.



"You made it back alive, boy?" Kumokawa Seria observed in amusement. "Hm, and with plenty of souvenirs, it would seem."

She was young high schooler with an unintentional risqué figure and possessed a breast size that lifted her school shirt revealing her navel. She wore a smile that subtly befits confidence with an actual sublime intelligence to back it up.

The Lady who can control the Mind without an Esper power is truly one to be respected.

… Although currently, she is in a burning building.

"A-Are those supposed to be your victory prizes? These isn't ancient Rome." The other lady, Mitsuari Ayu commented.

Small in stature as befitting of a middle schooler, with curled purplish brown hair and a hand bag. The Level 3, Mental Stinger trembled at the veracity of the one who had come to rescue her while fearing for her safety.

While lowering the 10 year old Gattling-assassin, Seria smiled. "Good job, I guess. You upheld the promise you made."

Touma shrugged, "This is nothing so cool. I only did what it took to survive."


"I swear for all the talks about bad luck, the bastard use to rant about. Why the hell is he in that enviable position?!" Psylocke gritted her teeth at the soft-core eechi scene that looks straight out of a James Bond movie.

It was another day of boycotting classes for both middle-schoolers -well she got permission to do so, Touma on the other hand, does not- Like always the Level 0 impeccable sense of timing helped save Mitsuari Ayu from being assassinated. Although it wasn't like the #2 didn't do anything to help.

After all, Psylocke had used [Advanced Telekinesis] thrice so far.

From diverting away, the hail of bullets that had almost hit the Level 3, Tokiwadai. To the guiding the thrown stick to pierce that ten year old, girl. And then, creating a shield around Touma to protect him from the lucky bullet the second sister had shot at him.

So the Multi-Skill Esper could say, she was doing well so far as a silent protector.

After that little bout of musing, Psylocke eyes trailed the middle Gokusai sister as she cried walking away.

To be honest. It was cold of her, but seeing the mental Esper in tears didn't spark any sense of pity in the #2.

While yes, if Psylocke was in Touma's position she still would have saved her if she was in danger. It will only be because she was targeting her, the #2.

She was invulnerable to anything made on this planet after all, [Null All] made sure of that. Although the #2 would have still spanked her fair ass silly. But then again, she wasn't targeting her the #2. It was a little defenseless girl who ought to not have anything to do with the Dark Side of the city.

It was things like this that only itches [Star Child] to do something about that section of Academy City. But ironically enough, it was also things like this that made her afraid to do so.

After all…

The fact that she might turn genocidal just like the time from the Russia-Kazakhstan war was enough to give her nightmares.

So that is why she will save anyone she can set her eyes on, and nothing more… And that is why she knew it wasn't enough.

"But now I've actually set my eyes on Kaibi, so how am I to go about it?"

After a few minutes of ramification, a pink spectral eyeball left Psylocke's location trailing after the Esper dubbed, 'Measure Heart.'

With the way the narrative was going, Gokusai Kaibi won't be an issue for now. Anyway, she is going to rescue her sisters, then journey with Touma and the others to the end game. That is where the #2 would deal with Gokusai Kaibi and her other sisters…



The company that is the rage for investment in Academy City. A contractual company that deals all forms of Sectors of Academy City and also propagates a number of non-profitable services and activities ranging from Animal Protection Fund Raising to Scholarships provisions.

It is definitely a company beloved by all…

"What a load of crap."

Powering off her phone, Psylocke dispersed her phone into thin air while she stood up stretching her hands that displayed her toned body. She walked to the edge of the fifty story building she was on and jumped over as she defied gravity leisurely flying away.

She had initially heard of the company and even became one of its sponsors. So to think that one of the one companies she was supporting was performing illegal dealings… Irked would be an apt word for her current emotion.

But still…

"Hmm… An attack on the main building, not a very bright idea Miss Brainchild." The #2 gently commented concerning her upperclassman's plan.

Kumokawa Seria…

From the first time [Star Child] heard her name, it had sounded vaguely familiar. It was only when [Recall] picked up and then she called Heichi to check for her did the #2 realize that the mysterious confident Certain High School student was actually working as the 'Brain' behind the Board Director, Kaizumi Tsugtoshi…

Humming, Psylocke actually wondered if the high-schooler actually knew what was going on but decided to just play along, before she dismissed that line of thought. She didn't want to point fingers, yet. Maybe she might actually have a genuine reason to do so.

She settled down at high vantage point, as she spotted her quandary wearing the most ridiculous clothes she had ever seen him on. But before she could even explode in laughter and take a pic, her head itched as [Premonition Sense: Danger] activated.

Something was heading for her at a ridiculous speed, but Psylocke could only sigh at the familiar occurrence. It was bound to happen anyway.

The air charged with a low thrum as it or rather he headed for the #2 with a speed twice ascending that of sound.

Turning back, Psylocke noted that like always, he still kept on taking a frontal approach even though it was useless…

"I swear…" She began raspy, raising a palm that was placed directly where he would attack.

"I said time out for at least the rest of the week, but no~ you just want to train and break your limits. What are you, Might Guy?!"

A streak-like laser zipped pass towering buildings as he pulled back his fist that carried enough force to topple a sky-scrapper in one punch.


At the cry, Psylocke or rather [Star Child] smiled, teeth baring at three of the only humans that could ever withstand her love taps. Her second Best Friend. "Come then… Let's see if you can do it today."

As if in response, the air exploded as his fist connected to her palm.



That entire particular district shook at the collision of the Level 5s.

[Star Child] and [Nen]