I Am A Dragon (Naruto)

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A Dragon dies and is reborn in the world of Naruto. It doesn't matter if she's in a pathetic human body now. A Dragon will always be a Dragon.
Chapter 1
Summary: The twin sister of Itachi is a Dragon. 'Nuff said.

Chapter 1

He was many millennia old. Drifter through worlds, wanderer through stars, an incarnation of power and seeker of wisdom.

He was a Dragon. Of the infinite types and subspecies of dragons across an infinite number of worlds and dimensions, his species was without a doubt firmly in the highest hierarchy of them all.

Immortal. Powerful. An existence that in time would have no betters in any realm, dimension or time. In the end, however, he fell to the two biggest killers of all "immortal" creatures.

That is, arrogance and apathy.

An army of demons, essentially numberless, attacked a galaxy. They sought to swallow it whole.

The Dragon did not pay attention, too preoccupied with his own pursuits so he was surprised. The Dragon did not flee while he could, because his power was such that a demon was less than an insect before him. So unwilling to leave his current interest in the world he was in, he threw himself into battle without any idea of the enemy's true strength and numbers.

They were less than insects before him, but their numbers were without end. Not even the strength of a Dragon his age could hope to overcome such numbers all by himself. By the time he realized his error, it was too late to escape.

The Dragon cursed his foolishness. The Dragon felt shock and sorrow. The Dragon made peace with his fate to the best of his ability in the short time he had left. The Dragon fought until the end, killing endless millions, yet in the end his efforts were less than a drop in the bucket.

The Dragon died.

But that was not the end.


The Dragon did not know where he would end up after such a violent and gruesome death. He didn't think it would be anywhere good.

Granted the first few minutes of consciousness he became aware of did make him think he had ended up incarnated in some sort of Hell dimension.

It was painful, being born. Being squeezed painfully out of a safe, comfortable place into somewhere bright, cold and completely disorienting. The feeling of helplessness. Not being able to move, everything too sensitive, the sense of movement and something pushing him around, too loud, painful, too alien, just too much too much too much.

Being born was hell.

It would take a little while for him to get over it.


It took time to make sense of his new body, his new senses, his new existence.

The Dragon realized that he had been reborn as some type of human.

That was the bad news. If a demon was the equivalent of an insect to the Dragon, then a human was the equivalent of an amoeba. A shock and a profound sense of loss overcame him as he fully came to realize the loss of his form as a Dragon.

The good news however went a long way to make up for his horrendous loss. Remembering bits and pieces of previous lives after being reincarnated was rare. Remembering essentially your whole previous life intact wasn't impossible, but the odds were astronomically small.

The Dragon got lucky. The Dragon remembered.

His body might be human now. But he was still a Dragon. And as long as he had any say in it, a Dragon he would remain.


The name her new human parents gave her was Uchiha Akina. Also, she was now female.

Being female was a surprise, but the Dragon metaphorically shrugged and quickly accepted this new reality. His sex or gender didn't really concern him, because they weren't important to his identity.

He was a Dragon. Or, he supposed, it was now more appropriate to say that She was a Dragon. It didn't matter to her. She was a Dragon, and that was all that really mattered.


Since she first became aware, she had been sharing a crib with another infant human.

It took her an embarrassingly long time to realize that this was her hatchmate. Or, she supposed, her twin brother in human terms.

He really liked to suck on her fingers for some reason.

"I love you two so much," whispered a woman standing above their crib, looking down at them with what the Dragon had come to think of as love or adoration. Making out what human expressions meant was still really tricky at that point.

Her twin stopped sucking on her fingers long enough to babble happily up at his mother. Their mother. The Dragon just looked at her, trying to decide how she should feel about this woman.

"Itachi and Akina," the woman whispered, affection and emotion in her voice. "My perfect little children."

The Dragon decided that if her new mother cared for her and treated her with love and affection, she would do her best to return the favor. It was only fair. Plus, loving someone who so obviously loved you and made sure to show it was one of the easiest things in the world.

Even if, for some reason, the woman hesitated to show them obvious love and affection she felt where anyone else could watch or overhear. Probably some strange cultural thing for this group of humans. Intelligent races all seemed to love inventing all sorts of arbitrary rules and standards.

"All right little Akina," said her mother – the Dragon hadn't managed to pick out her mother's name yet in the chaos of trying to understand a brand new language – as she picked her up from the crib. "It's feeding time."

Little Itachi didn't want to let go of her hand and their mother had to gently pry it off. The Dragon found it kind of amusing. Little Itachi seemed to pout as their mother took her out of the cribs and sat in a chair.

When the Dragon breast fed, she felt no awkwardness or strangeness. She had no reason to. It was required to live and thrive. So the Dragon learned quickly, and drank for her mother deeply and without shame.


"Mikoto, the child is unnatural," said an older woman. The mother of her father, the Dragon now knew.

"Please don't say that about Akina-chan, honored mother," Mikoto – her mother – said. As months passed the Dragon had been learning about these humans and their culture to the best of her ability. It seemed to her that in that moment Mikoto was attempting to both remain polite while also making it clear that the older woman's comments had angered her.

"It's true," the other woman insisted stubbornly. "Look at her! She just lays there quietly and stares at us. Normal babies don't do that. And when was the last time she cried, Mikoto? What kind of baby doesn't cry?"

"The doctors have all checked her and they all say she is perfectly fine," Mikoto said. The Dragon was pretty sure her new mother was getting angrier now. "She's hitting or surpassing all her developmental milestones. Her chakra is normal, everything is normal even if she acts a little differently. Akina is perfect how she is. Why do you insist on bringing this up over and over again, honored mother? We have had this exact conversation a half a dozen times already!"

The older woman puckered her lips together and made deep creases appear on her forehead. That was displeasure, the Dragon was almost certain on that one. "It's unnatural, Mikoto. It's not right," the older woman said with a shake of her head. "She's not supposed to be this way. Why can't you and my son see that?"

"Well, what would you have us do then, honored mother?" Mikoto hissed through her teeth. Was that some kind of threat display?

"Well the doctors are obviously wrong," the older woman declared. "Take her to another doctor. Or maybe to a priest! Someone has to figure out what's wrong and how to fix her. Think about what it could mean for the Uchiha name if you don't. She's the daughter of the clan head for spirit's sake!"

Mikoto seemed to vibrate with barely contained anger at hearing those words. Or was that rage? "Get. Out."


"Get out!" her mother yelled, pointing at the door with a furious expression on my face. "If this is the way you're going to act then I don't want you anywhere near my children."

The older woman looked briefly stunned before lifting her chin in the air. What significance did that have?

"This is a shameful way for the wife of the clan head to act. One has to wonder if the problem with the child has anything to do with her mother. Fine. I'll go, for now. But don't think you can keep me out of my son's home forever."

"We'll see about that," her new mother said in a low tone. It certainly didn't sound friendly.

The older woman lifted her chin even higher and walked out. Was the chin thing some kind of dominance display? A defensive display for when people were angry at you? Trying to figure out what people were trying to communicate just by looking at their faces was still strange and alien to her, even after months of work.

Mikoto seemed to sink in on herself before taking a deep breath. Then she came over to the Dragon and gently picked her up. "Akina-chan don't listen to that nasty, bitter old woman," Mikoto said quietly, nuzzling her baby. The Dragon allowed her new body's instincts to take over and express her feelings with some happy gurgling sounds of appreciation and approval. "You're not a normal baby but it's fine. The doctors say you're fine. You're just special. Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine."

The Dragon drifted off to sleep just a few minutes after.

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Chapter 2
Chapter 2

The first six months passed quickly and the Dragon spent every waking moment she could learning. She now understood the language and could speak in short phrases. She was now starting to grasp more about the world around her and the group of humans she had been reborn into. But, most importantly to the Dragon in that moment, her new frail body had finally grown strong enough to stand up on her two legs and walk.

If she were a younger Dragon, she would probably have been driven half mad with rage and grief at having been reduced to this, a nearly helpless human child. Of being reduced to a hatchling of a species that was so inherently weak and fragile that it was like a universal emperor being reduced to a crippled beggar. A species so weak that their bodies just gave up and perished after the shortest of times. The Dragon's memory on this topic was a little fuzzy. How long did humans live? Was it around one century? Two? Something like that. The personal loss she had endured upon her death, she felt, was catastrophic on a personal level beyond the ability of something as limited as language to possibly convey. Truly, she would not have looked down on a younger Dragon than her for losing themselves in grief after such a loss.

But she had not been a young Dragon. Not particularly old, but not young either. Just a few dozen millennia at most. With age her power had grown, but with age she had also cultivated her wisdom.

All things that rise, fall. All things that live, die. The Dragon had at least been fortunate enough to retain her memories and sense of self and that was more than most got. This situation was not something she would have chosen for herself, but that didn't matter. There was nothing to do but make the best of her new life and move forward.

"Look at those two cuties! Six months old and they're already walking and talking like little champs!" said a red headed female as she walked into her and her brother's designated "play room" along with their mother. The senses in this new body were sorely lacking, but this Kushina still always felt energetic, happy and warm.

"Shina'!" her brother babbled, before walking as fast as he could towards the woman on wobbly legs and hugging her knee.

The Dragon stood. She had learned a good deal about the social expectations of these humans. She knew that the expected response was to stand, bow and greet her mother and her friend when they came into the room. However her body was still too weak to do it properly. Still, the Dragon did her best. If it didn't go against her nature then she had no problem engaging in social rituals to smooth relations between her and the group of humans she now found herself living among.

"Mama. Fu'shina-san," the Dragon said, doing her best to imitate the formal bow she knew was normal.

"Aww, look at Akina-chan trying to be so formal and polite!" Kushina cooed at her. It was true. The Dragon was trying. The newcomer turned to their mother. "It's like she's a miniature Fugaku!"

Her mother smiled. Though it seemed genuine it was also a little bit strained. "She tries so hard to act like an adult. It's… cute."

"Heck yeah it is!"

Soon the two women were seated on the floor chatting, with Itachi held in Mikoto's lap and the Dragon in Kushina's. The Dragon didn't mind. This body was different, and being held had a comfortable and soothing effect. It was pleasant and the Dragon enjoyed it while it lasted.

"Is it really that big a deal?" Kushina asked as she held her against her nice and warm body. "I mean, so what if the two of them are super advanced for their age? Shouldn't that be a good thing?"

Her mother looked distracted as she ran her fingers through Itachi's hair. "It's about expectations. You know how clans get."

"So? Isn't that years in the future? They're only six months old. I mean I get the concern but isn't it a bit premature to be worrying about it now?"

Mikoto sighed. "I don't know. Itachi is the heir and people are thrilled that he seems to be blazing through all his milestones incredibly fast. He's barely half a step behind his sister in that area. Then they also look at his sister and well… I've already told you how she is, and I've told you what people in the clan have been whispering about her." Mikoto sighed. "Put them side by side and Itachi comes across as exceptional. Akina comes across as… odd. At least that's what most people say. I'm worried about how they're both going to be treated as they get older."

"I still can't believe it," Kushina said, her voice sounding angry and hugging the Dragon tighter to her chest. "So what if Akina-chan doesn't act like a regular kid? Yeah she's different from Itachi but not all that different. Where do those assholes in your clan get off spreading rumors that she's possessed or a demon or cursed or whatever? You don't treat people different for something they can't control, especially when they're little kids. It's not right!"

The Dragon knew that she didn't quite understand the nuance of what was going on. She understood the words but the implications underneath still eluded her. Still, though her mother was worried, the Dragon didn't sense that this issue was something that put her life in danger. Thus the Dragon saw no reason to care what any of the other humans of the clan she had been born into thought. Not if they had no intention of doing something about it. What did she care that they wasted their time and energy spouting hot air? It was a poor choice of usage of their time. And it also seemed to bother her new mother, which the Dragon didn't like.

But not enough to change her behavior. She was a Dragon, and she wasn't going to change just to meet the arbitrary expectations of fools.

"It's not," Mikoto agreed quietly. "But these are still the people they're going to have to live with. Itachi is already going to be apart from everyone. He's the clan heir. And if the rumors persist Akina might find herself even more isolated than that. I never wanted that for my children. All I really want for them is to be happy," Mikoto sighed. "I can't help but feel like they are headed in a direction where even achieving that much is going to be extremely difficult, if not impossible for them. The expectations of the clan are not an easy burden to bear."

"Well, screw the clan!" Kushina declared hotly. "As Akina's godmother I refuse to accept that she's just going to be treated as some pariah! You and I will knock some sense into them. And if we can't, then she's always welcome to hang out or even stay at the Uzumaki compound. We may be idiots sometimes, but we're not those kinds of idiots." Kushina hugged her even tighter. It was starting to get a little uncomfortable, to be honest. "Itachi-kun can come over too if he ever needs to. I know I'm not officially godmother to both of them but I don't really care."

Mikoto's answering smile was tired, but also bemused and grateful. "Itachi's movements will be more restricted as he grows older since he is the heir, unfortunately. But I might take you up on the offer to have Akina spend time with you and your clan when she gets a little older. It would probably do her some good to spend time away from the compound once in a while. I think that would be lovely. Thank you for taking such an interest in my children, Kushina."

The redhead woman grinned and scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "Of course! I like children, and I'm going to do my best to take my role as Akina-chan's godmother seriously. I'm not really one to do anything half assed, you know?"

"I know," said Mikoto. She sat up a little straighter and it almost seemed like some weight had been taken off of her shoulders. "You're a good friend Kushina."

"Chaa! Of course I am, dattebane!"

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