Vote tally - Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

Adhoc vote count started by ShadowNic94 on Apr 14, 2018 at 1:38 PM, finished with 88 posts and 9 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse
Post #625
Post #712


  • [X] Plan: That's a lot of Moblins
    -[X] Build Inner kingdom wall - Build a wall between the mountains behind Ordontown in the southwest of your kingdom. This will block the Moblins out from surrounding Ordontown with some troops preventing them from leaving and then ravaging the rest of your kingdom. must choose wall size, small is 5 feet tall, medium is 10 feet, large is 20 feet tall. All have same thickness of 5 feet at base though larger two narrow near top to 4 feet thickness. All walls have battlements. (Medium)
    --[X] Rusl
    -[X] Train Hoplites - Medium defensive infantry armed with a shield and a spear. Knows several defensive formations. (1000)
    --[X] Assign Imperial Authority
    -[X] Train Archers - Ranged light infantry armed with a bow, arrows and shortsword. Good at picking off troops from afar when hidden behind other troops or defenses. (1000)
    -[X] Train Light Cavalry (Bow/Sabre/Shield) {Hit and run / Bowmen} - Train some Light Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
    -[X] Claim Malonville region - Claim Malonville and its surrounding lands. This will allow them to be a buffer for your kingdom against enemies from the north and northwest.
    --[X] Malo
    -[X] Attempt to improve population morale - hold a feast, Throw a party, Create a holiday. Do whatever it takes to improve how happy people are and how much they like you.
    --[X] Bo
    -[X] Train scouts - Train scouts to look into the various surrounding areas and try to find SOMEBODY!
    -[X] Research bombs - Try to figure out a way to reproduce the bombs Barnes always used to sell you. (WARNING! dangerous experiments abound.)
    --[X] Shad
    -[X] Research infantry technologies - Try to figure out a way to improve your infantry somehow... someway? (Anti Calvary formations)
    -[X] Faith do nothing
    -[X] Send scouts southeast - You know what Hyrule has never done? Send scouts into the desert and mountains nearby. You should try it, who knows? Maybe you will find something/someone. Perhaps you will even find some resources!
    --[X] Telma
    -[X] Send scouts northeast - Send scouts into Faron Woods to map out the land and maybe find some resources. After all it's not like you will find any people over there... right?
    [X] Plan Troops and Resources
    -[X] Train Heavy Infantry- Spartans
    --[X] Rusl
    --[X] 2 Authority
    -[X]Train Hoplites
    --[X] 1 Authority
    -[X] Train Archers
    -[X] Build Inner kingdom wall (Medium)
    -[X] Claim Malonville region
    --[X] Malo
    -[X] Attempt to improve population morale
    --[X] Mayor Bo
    -[X] Scout the Lakes Hylia region for resources
    --[X] Telma
    --[X] 3 Authority
    -[X] Build a research lab
    --[X] Shad
    -[X] Searching for a Spouse