[x] Resist
  • You fight and resist with all you have.
  • Longer resolution of Prologue.
Wow I was expecting at least one person to explain a reason on why we should go with her or try talk her but I'm not complaining.
[X] Resist

Fuck that.
Anna's in that castle.
Besides, we haven't been full in so long, and these nice people are just offering themselves up for us.
Yall some bloodthirsty motherfuckers.
I was expecting some kind of cry for peace or reason. But naw, yall want blood.
I like it.
We voted to be the yandere, we're going to be the yandere.
They seem intent on burning the castle, Anna (and parents too, but...ANNA!!) is inside.

Maybe someone more cunning than me can come out with a clever write-in? Elsa is not that intelligent though... I think the most likely outcome is her just lashing oit with magic (but the other person is cold already, that's a bit concerning).
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No true yandere would happily leave with a group currently setting off explosions near their everything!!!

[x] Resist
[X] Try to talk your way out
-[X] I can't leave without Anna

Was thinking of going so Anna would make it her life mission to find us like a badass Hero while we travel the world teasing her as we learn.
Might as well ask who they are instead of killing them cause they might be useful future option when we're older and we delay.
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[X] Resist

In addition to the general "our EVERYTHING" reasoning that has already been voiced, even a child Elsa's age should be able to pick up that there's something wrong here. Particularly since her Charisma is that high and tied in with reading people as per GM.
You know, I was going to vote on this, but seeing as I'm really late to the party I doubt it will mean anything.

Eh, screw it.

[X] Try to talk your way out
-[X] I can't leave without Anna

Let's be honest. The only thing we actually care about here is Anna. If they want us, they have to get Anna too. If they can't get Anna to go, then they don't get us. Simple.

And to everyone who thinks something suspicious is happening, don't discount that going would actually be in our favor. Elsa knows this person thinks leaving is best for her, and honestly, Elsa has had a shit life ever since she was locked away. Don't think for a moment that resisting will suddenly make that better (not that I've seen that argument, I'm just throwing it out there)

Well, time to sleep and wake up finding that my vote is meaningless, as expected
[X] Try to talk your way out
-[X] I can't leave without Anna
[X] Try to talk your way out
-[X] I can't leave without Anna
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Hm, I don't think Elsa's living situation (tower prison) is good for her development.
The Cult might be able to help us get this Hunger under control - worst case, we eat them all - better than eating our country's people.

[X] Comply
[X] Command them not to burn anything. The kingdom is ours to rule in the future. We don't want to rule over ashes.

If they don't want to comply (bad minions) then we can ice them and gain the eternal gratitude of our family and Anna :).
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It looks down at you imperiously at you carefully, taking a precise measure of your every being with its eyes.
Some words have doubled.
The way he flinches whenever he moves too fast?"
Perhaps whenever we move too fast? Why would his own fast movements scare him?
By the way, aren't we the crown princess? Who would actually succeed our father and rule the land? By the looks of it, it's going to be Anna since it does not look like they are busy with our education in that tower.

Sure would be nice to know what our parents have in mind for us and the Kingdom.

Anyway, I don't think we are going anywhere without our sister, and our sister is probably not going with crazy saboteurs who would burn the castle down to get us out.

[x] Resist

You guys should probably have done some research on your Milady before enacting your brilliant plan.
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[X] Resist
we gotta kill them all don´t we?
They really should have thought that out more thoroughly, trying to burn OUR Anna is foolish at best and as we will prove suicidal as the norm
[X] Try to talk your way out
- [X] "I'm not leaving until I know what's going to happen to Anna," Drop the temperature of the environment swiftly and fill both our visions with mist and snow. Create a wall of ice in front of us. "Anna is everything. Is Anna going to be safe and alive?" Use our ability to read and understand people to ascertain whether Anna's going to be okay. If Anna isn't going to be safe, Resist. If she is, than we should Comply because there is no way we can protect Anna and resist the entire kingdom from trying to kill us.

First off, people, violence is bad. This person seems to have our best interests at heart, and we believe that with our newfound ability of reading people. Since she believes we have a destiny and despite the terror of our power, she still wants to protect us. She might even allow us to eat more living things which would protect our sanity. Using Theatrics here would also gives us a bonus to our charisma using magic.

Her thick gloves hold your hand tight, keeping you by her side all the same. You can barely feel any heat at all coming from them, certainly not enough to tap into the heat of her body, and with her tight grip, you doubt you can muscle your way out of her grip. Not with your emaciated frame.
Second off, we are already physically weak and our ability to keep up our magic can only last so long, and we can't currently drain her of heat.

Third off, Anna might genuinely be okay. The castle seems prepared since they had already caught her compatriots. So, our parents would most certainly know about it and Anna's safety is also one of our parent's priorities.

Fourth off, I think it is in-character for Elsa to consider this rationally, to realize that Anna is probably going to be okay and that herself won't be okay if she stays. She wouldn't immediately Resist because she doesn't really think she has much chance and she wouldn't immediately Comply because she loves Anna too much. Remember, Elsa may not be the smartest person but we voted for her to be rational and realistic.

Fifth of all, this quest is really cool.
She can't realize that she won't be okay if she stays because she does not know it, only that the woman believes it. But then the woman also says that 'they' - meaning her family - will eventually kill her, lumping Anna together with them, and that is probably false by all IC and OOC accounts.

Elza knows that the current equilibrium is not susteinable, and that things need to change, but that's a far cry from accepting any change. Or accepting that your family is out to get you because a stranger says so.

It's not that I resist because 'they endangered Anna, NOW THEY DIE!', it's just they are making it sound like the solution to being seen as a dangerous and murderous sorceress that inspires terror by wielding the tools of the Gods is to go with a dangerous and murderous mysterious fanatical cult and embrace the power fully. Which I guess it is, but probably not the only one, and the logic is more than a bit backwards.
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[X] Resist

well first off she's a cultist and she telling her everything she can guess elsa wants to here while shuffling her along.
Second she's cultist of whatever is actually related to us. She seems to know her shit. This is a reason to run very very very far away from her because our hshit is really really really and we almost ate Anna and cults about that shit will almost inevitably be working on that in an eat more people sense.
Thirdly her cults booming the castle Anna live in this castle.
Fourthly talking about Anna seems like a way to get her kidnaped at a later date.
Fifthly she talks really good and we suck. Don't get into an argument with an adult as a barely socialized kid. We should lean on what we're good at. Making enough ice and noise we get help.
Sixth going with her means leaving Anna and having a large and unknown amount of time in the hands of cultists for people to get really scared in a world of magic mind rape and just plain programming.
Seventh as bad as Elsa parents dealt with ice powers they still put in a tonne of effort and we can reciprocate and make it happen.

8th. Stranger Danger.
The problem is not, "being seen as a dangerous and murderous sorceress that inspires terror by wielding the tools of the Gods," it is what they will do because of it. The cultist lady and us by extension seem to sincerely believe that our parents and the rest of the kingdom will grow in fear of us 'til they decide be done with us once and for all. The cult is offering to protect us from the rest of the kingdom. And we can't stop the entire kingdom from killing us if they want, as our magic and charisma has limits. Elsa already feels that her family fears her, and the only person Elsa has a positive relationship is with Anna. But if Elsa's parents caught the cultist's compatriots, they must be aware of the situation and are thus going to be protecting Anna. Anna is going to be fine. In fact, she is probably going to be safer without us considering we nearly ate her because we don't understand our power.

This is a unique and clear opportunity to increase Elsa's magic and to understand our power. The cultist might actually understand our power, which is probably the most dangerous thing to Anna. While Elsa will probably be released from the tower and allowed to rejoin her family, they certainly aren't going to allow her to practice her magic that nearly killed Anna and that our parents consider cursed. On the other side of the coin, if we try to Resist against the cultist who seems to understand our power, than resisting with magic won't go as well as we think. There's still a chance that it would work but I don't think it should be our first choice.
See, the 'rest of the Kingdom' I can buy. But saying that our family would be eager to get rid of us, that's quite strange. Elza will never believe Anna would abandon her, and even if her parents are afraid of her, her sister would shield her. Even from a pragmatist's perspective, her father doing anything to Elza would mean losing both heirs, as Anna would never go along with it and won't forgive them for it. Seeing as they have no more children, that's arguably more detrimental to the Kingdom than whatever danger Elza might potentially present in some undefined future.

They took an utterly wrong approach to the situation, claiming that we need to be freed against our will to fulfill some kind of great destiny that we don't know and thus don't care about, and claiming we are unfit to decide for ourselves because our mind is trapped as well. They have done nothing to convince us otherwise, other than believing than what they themselves are saying, and considering wanton destruction (that might have harmed people, not necessarily Anna) to get their way which throws more doubt on their words. While Elza's power is dangerous and unpredictable, she herself is no murderer (yet?).

Were they to offer this as a way to master the power and make it safer, as a way to ensure those would not hurt Anna or anyone we would not want them to, then perhaps Elsa would seriously consider it. But as things stand, we have no reason to believe they even have those concerns. We have no idea what they will be trying to do with our powers, only how far they are willing to go.

As for how likely it would be for us to meaningfully resist them, that's a different matter entirely. I only gave my reasoning for what I think Elza would want/not want to do.
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