Humanity suddenly becomes a machine civilization with no warning

We Just Write

Blatantly Plural
New England
Exactly as the title, every human on earth (or in low earth orbit) is suddenly turned into a ridiculously human robot with an appearance virtually indistinguishable from what they were like previously on new years of 2016. This came with a massive infodump on how to repair and maintain our new bodies along with procedures for making the synthetic brains now used by everyone. New features include not needing to breath, effective immunity to radiation, virtually plug and play construction for easy upgrading, an expected lifespan of about 280 years before a mental breakdown occurs due to memory saturation, an internal fusion core running on Deuterium for power (along with instructions to make more), and physical capabilities 20% beyond what is possible for even the most highly trained baseline human.

NOTE: Our minds are hardware based, rendering us highly resistant to hacking.

So, how do people react to this sudden change? Any ideas for new pastimes that could arise from this? Possible news headlines?
IF God Want Us To Be Machine, Who Are We To Question Him?
in other word

unless your god show a miracle compare to changing all of us into machine then i follow your word, THE OMNISIAC Reigh supreme
What's your reasoning?
Well it was mostly a joke, but in all seriousness a lot of people are probably going to conclude that such a fantastic event on such a large scale could only be an act of God. And some of them will most likely extrapolate from this that if God turned everyone into machines then clearly the machine is to be worshipped.

Edit: ninja
In Order WORD:
But unless this can beat that, what have you done for me lately? So, if you'll all excuse me, I'm going out onto the sidewalk, I'm dropping to my knees, and pledging my eternal soul to the thing that literally controls the physiology
Massive shifts in research to study our new bodies; corpses (from deathrow or war zones) are in great demand for dismantling and analysing.

Weird with child robots that stay young for ever.
Massive shifts in research to study our new bodies; corpses (from deathrow or war zones) are in great demand for dismantling and analysing.

Weird with child robots that stay young for ever.
That's one of the reasons our new bodies are built to be modular and easily upgraded.
We forget things all the time, deleting memories is simple. You don't need to remember what you had for breakfast last week.
In the short term; complete social collapse. We're talking about a massive supernatural event that undermines the self-identities of, conservatively estimating, the vast majority of people on the planet. For every tech geek saying 'cool' there will be a thousand religious or spiritual people who believe that they have just been killed and replaced with a soulless monster who thinks he's a human being. Expect a sudden surge in suicides and violence, especially in the more theocratic parts of the world which already have unstable societal safeguards in place. Some asshole is going to figure out how to make those reactors inside people explode and then the term 'suicide bomber' is going to take on a whole new level of horrible.

And this isn't even getting into the fact that we can't have babies anymore. Human psychology is not designed around building our children. People want to have children, not make them. I can barely even begin to imagine the despair and anarchy this fundamental species wide change is going to have on us.

Economic collapse is going to happen as well; the entire food industry now is entirely superfluous. On the other hand, produced dueterium is going to be hellaciously expensive. The most large scale heavy water planet in the world required something like 340,000 tonnes of regular water to produce one tonne of heavy water and that's not even pure dueterium, that's just dueterium rich water. The entire medical community is also out of business; all those doctors and nurses and so on have now spent lifetimes learning completely irrelevant skills. On the plus side, we won't need them as much, but that still is going to put millions of people out of work the world over.

Even if we are 'upgradeable' its going to take decades for us to build up the tools to make the tools to make the tools for us to be able to produce the kind of sophisticated technology we are likely to require for this upgrade and construction process.
In the short term; complete social collapse. We're talking about a massive supernatural event that undermines the self-identities of, conservatively estimating, the vast majority of people on the planet. For every tech geek saying 'cool' there will be a thousand religious or spiritual people who believe that they have just been killed and replaced with a soulless monster who thinks he's a human being. Expect a sudden surge in suicides and violence, especially in the more theocratic parts of the world which already have unstable societal safeguards in place. Some asshole is going to figure out how to make those reactors inside people explode and then the term 'suicide bomber' is going to take on a whole new level of horrible.

And this isn't even getting into the fact that we can't have babies anymore. Human psychology is not designed around building our children. People want to have children, not make them. I can barely even begin to imagine the despair and anarchy this fundamental species wide change is going to have on us.

Economic collapse is going to happen as well; the entire food industry now is entirely superfluous. On the other hand, produced dueterium is going to be hellaciously expensive. The most large scale heavy water planet in the world required something like 340,000 tonnes of regular water to produce one tonne of heavy water and that's not even pure dueterium, that's just dueterium rich water. The entire medical community is also out of business; all those doctors and nurses and so on have now spent lifetimes learning completely irrelevant skills. On the plus side, we won't need them as much, but that still is going to put millions of people out of work the world over.

Even if we are 'upgradeable' its going to take decades for us to build up the tools to make the tools to make the tools for us to be able to produce the kind of sophisticated technology we are likely to require for this upgrade and construction process.
Good thing people only need a can of deuterium every few months or so, what with how energy dense it is.

Also, most of the parts for people are actually no more advanced than present day tech. The only real exceptions are the brain and the reactor, and those turn out to be easily reproducible now that we've got instructions for how to make them.
Can we enter some kind of sleep mode?
That way we can create a space ship, send it towards a planet and just wait to arrive.

Its not practical, but it could solve any overpopulation issues or send unwanted people away.
Can we enter some kind of sleep mode?
That way we can create a space ship, send it towards a planet and just wait to arrive.

Its not practical, but it could solve any overpopulation issues or send unwanted people away.
Yeah, that's something that someone can do. Just be aware that being in sleep mode for longer than a few weeks results in some stupidly trippy dreams.
it could solve any overpopulation issues or send unwanted people away
Then they arrive on some planet in a star system with untapped resources to work with, bitter and resentful that they've been shoved out of the way and sent to fend for themselves, and suddenly you're re-enacting the plot of Killzone.
Describe 'stupidly trippy dreams', because if they're harmless like the ones I personally have...
You are aware how dreams don't really apply to 'logic' as we normally understand it, correct?

Apply the same idea to dreams themselves recursively, adding another layer of this sort of abstraction roughly every 12 hours in sleep mode.

A full shut down/reboot is possible, but risky, as our new synthetic brains are semi-volatile without actively regulating their power.