I am mostly planning on giving more actions by factions as the population increases and more player actions with administratoin advances but i am wary of giving out to many as one of the reasons i seen other quest end is the amount of actions taken each turn overwelming the QM and/or making any chalange to easy to complete.
That's understandable. Might I suggest a method of curtailing extra action shenanigans? Maybe something like spending an action slot and some base resources to make something happen in the background. Like giving up an action slot and some base learning, to get increased technological progress standard per turn. Or giving up an action slot and some warriors to get regular patrols/scouting of surrounding territory or the like? Maybe regular recruitment instead of having to spend an action on it in a plan. Stuff like that?
Picking more dedicated leaders also gets us +5 culture, in addition to building the shrine from the leader faction quest. That's +10 together which is enough to do the train priests action. It also gets us the extra base learning that having leader priests would give us.
Picking more dedicated leaders also gets us +5 culture, in addition to building the shrine from the leader faction quest. That's +10 together which is enough to do the train priests action. It also gets us the extra base learning that having leader priests would give us.
Having dedicated leaders that are priests has caused the tend orchard roll to be replaced with a roll for the priests this reduces the amount of growth producing heroes a bit and increases the odds of cultural heroes.
The high heavy infantry roll will seem them equipped with both bronze tipped spears and bronze short swords
The high farming roll is enough to compensate for both the low hunting and fishing rolls.
Yes, now you have trained a group the specialize task will be added that allows you to specialize all existing warriors/nobles(one task for all of them)
Yes, now you have trained a group the specialize task will be added that allows you to specialize all existing warriors/nobles(one task for all of them)
That's great, but not what I was asking about. I was wondering about the ability to take a warrior that we have trained, and untrain them, to instead be a base worker again. Otherwise we can never shrink our military, which makes investing in the military a much more costly decision.
That's great, but not what I was asking about. I was wondering about the ability to take a warrior that we have trained, and untrain them, to instead be a base worker again. Otherwise we can never shrink our military, which makes investing in the military a much more costly decision.
Based on the scouting report on the orcs at the riverbank(
Southern riverbank: the land along the great river under orcish control
The warriors think there are about 12 groups of orcs and 3 of those are warriors. )
The nobles are not allowing a reduction of the size of the army at the moment.
I will add a organize workers actions giving +2 current workers next turn
Trade station(Big island(both) bonus: +3 growth
Trade station(Deer hunters(ours)bonus: +2 growth
Trade station(Bison hill(ours): bonus: +2 growth
choose dedicated leaders(priests) 80: free send missionaries(together with event).
+2 cohesion, -1 base workers, -0,2 base crafters to supply them +0,2 base learning
We also get a +20 relations boost and get to know their stats.
Cost: 0.1 base learning per tribe
send advisors(bison hill) 26: -1.1 base learning , +1 current learning
Train heavy infantry 95: armed with short swords, faction quest: scale armor at 30/100
build shire 42: +5 culture.
send missionaries(islanders)34: -10 culture
study writing 31+20+10(hero)= done -1 current learning +1 cohesion, new study related tasks.
warriors craft longbows 9: failure -1 current crafting
Bison study apprentices: 19+20+10(hero)+10(hero specialization)=+59 0.2 base learning, +0.1 base crafting from train crafters
current learning is 0: +0 all study projects
end of turn current regen: +1 workers, +1 crafting, +1 learning, +1 transportation(river)
Palace: Rivermeet
House of the gods: Stonemeet
palisades: Old town, Flint, Riverbend
Stone walls: Rivermeet, Stonemeet
Longhouses: all settlements
Towns: Riverbend and Rivermeet
stability roll = 71, Stability: very High
+04 base
+01 abstract tally
+01 Cuneiform writing
+02 Master artisans
+02 Warrior nobles
+02 Priests
-24 settlements(3x8)
-01 outpost
+09 Trail markers
+01 Patrol lands
+04 Palace
+02 Filled Granaries
+00 for having a hero
+00 per admin hero(+2 each)
Tribes Status:
Stability: very High.
Growth +12 44/50
5 bronze, +0 per turn
Wealth: 2, +1 per turn
Culture 18 +2 per turn
Cohesion: +1
It was a sad time for the tribe as both Bison and Dove died and the nation was without a hero for the first time anyone could remember and a new chief is chosen to lead the nation but he lacks the influence the Dove and Bison had and the priesthood takes over Stonemeet and they organize the first missionaries that are send to the Big island of the Islanders.
Dove had completed creating a system of writing down ideas and stories using several hundred symbols each representing a item or action but did not live long enough to teach more then a handful of her students this system. Bison has finished his work into setting up a system where experienced crafters train their students usually by teaching each others children. This has created the basis needed for new forms of ruling our nation once a large enough group is trained in their use.
[study writing and apprentices completed, new faction quests for new governments]
The military is also expanding with the training of heavy infantry, armed with spears, shields and swords. This load of weapons is to heavy to carry a bow as well and work has begun on creating armor made out of bronze. This first bronze armor consisting of many small plates of bronze with a small hole at the top to fix them to the leather behind them large enough so they overlap and protect the holes from attacks. Finally from the Islanders we have learned about warrior halls that provide our fighters with dedicated spaces for them to work.
[warrior halls can be build, study scale armor unlocked]
After we send a group of advisors to the Bison hill our leadership began to think more about the difference between the groups we interact with and this has lead to a new plan for uniting the nearby nation by sending our missionaries to them.
[seek union rules changed]
name: current quest, reward for completing quest / penalty for failing quest
Farmers: farm flax, +5 wealth / -
Crafters: increase bronze production +20 on the next crafting roll related to bronze /
Warriors: have 3 noble warriors, government becomes feudal, 5 actions, +1 warrior faction action, warrior faction will do farming actions for growth / -
Traders: build market , +5 wealth / -
Priests: have 3 groups of dedicated leaders(priest) , government becomes theocracy , 5 actions, +1 priest faction action, priest faction will do culture actions / -
Elders: no quest - / -
Leaders: train more dedicated leaders +5 culture / -
Faction actions/special bonuses:
Warrior faction takes one action after the players
The islanders have build stone walls around the settlement on the smaller of the two islands they own, expanded their militia and trained more fishers to feed them.
Stability: average
Growth +5 30/50
0 bronze, +0 per turn
Wealth: 0, +0 per turn
Cohesion: +4
Major Buildings: Stone walls(Big Island, Small Island) , warrior halls x2
Workers 3/3
Crafters 2/2,5
Learning 1/1
transportation(land) 1/1
transportation(river) 3/3
Fighters: 2x warriors(stone spears/bows), 2x hunter militia(stone spears/bows), 2x militia(stone spears/bows)
Actions 4:
expand militia
build fishing boats
build boats
trade(with us, apprentices for food)
The focus of the Bison hill tribe has been on expanding their trade network with 2 new trading posts one at the Big island of the Islanders and the second near their northern border with the Deer hunters.
Stability: above average
Growth +8 42/50
0 bronze, +0 per turn
Wealth: 0, +0 per turn
Cohesion: +2
The deer hunters have started an invasion of the hills north of Green Rock seeking a copper mine of their own. The fighting goes poorly during the first week of the campaign with the orcs retreating while setting ambushes killing a few hunters each day while taking far fewer losses. The next week they reach the hills but are forced to send one of the militia groups home to escort the wounded as the number of wounded keeps rising and the militia wants to return home. The nobles convince them to launch one more attack into the hills and after a few hours they convince the militia to attack.
There are even more orcs in the hill and the attack is halted as keeping all of the militia in one spot means there is no one hunting in the rest of the land so the Deer hunters build a palisade at the edge of the hills manned by their nobles and warriors from this palisade they are planning to launch a new attack next year.
[-3 groups of orcs in the northern hills]
[deer hunters: -2 groups of militia, -10 growth and get large scale warfare at 10/100(allows 5 groups per attack)]
Our nobles want to take some of our warriors north to help with the planned attack.
[warriors] Allow them to join
+10 relations, warriors use their action to join the attack
[warriors] Keep them at home
The warriors use their action on crafting short swords
Swamp dwellers(+40)
Fights orcs supported by the islanders(big island tribe).
Lacks: most modern tech imports the small amount of advanced tools they use.
Has: Warriors and control over a lot of swamp, fishing nets(83/100)
Southern forest Tribes(+20)
The name for all of the minor tribes living to the south of the great river.
Lacks: permanent settlements
Has: bands of hunter gatherers.
The tribe can do 4 tasks each turn, negative events happen if stats go below 0.
[task] Festival
Holds a festival showing of the tribes values.
DC 25: +1 culture,
DC 55: +2 culture
DC 85: +3 culture
[task] Build shrine
Build a smaller version of the house of the gods so they can be worshiped at all settlements
+5 culture
Valid targets: Flint, Rivermeet, Riverbend, Green Rock, Mid River
[task] Send missionaries
Cost 10 culture
Send a group of missionaries to a settlement to spread our beliefs and culture
Valid targets:
Deer hunters(0/4), Bison hill tribe(0/4), Islanders(1/3), Swamp dwellers(0/4), southern forest tribes(0/3), Firal(0/3)
[task] Train priests(max 1 per 3 shrines(1), 3 settlements with missionaries(0) + 1 for house of the Gods= 1/1 trained)
Cost: 1 base workers, 1 current learning, 30 culture
+0,1 base learning, +1 culture per turn
Ensure there are priest that know the stories of all of our heroes in our settlements
[task] Study tales of past heroes
Study tales of the actions of the heroes in the past to find answers for today's problems.
Cost: 20 culture
+2 current learning
[task] conquest
Take control of the lands surrounding the tribe
All groups send get -5 on their roll as they stay in the conquered area to control it.
there is a additional penalty of -5 per 25% losses taken in the battle.
Each time this task is taken more groups join(max 3 per time this action is taken).
results in a battle.
Southern riverbank: the land along the great river under orcish control
The warriors think there are about 12 groups of orcs and 3 of those are warriors.
Eastern lands: the orc controlled area's east of us.
This is where the center of the nearby orc tribe is, not scouted so enemy numbers unknown
Northern hills: The cold hills north of Green rock
The warriors think there are about 5 groups of orcs and 1 of those are warriors.
Cost: 1 current transportation to supply them
[task] Raid
When raiding the tribe enters a area fights and returns home afterwards.
Each time this task is taken more groups join the raid
Write in the groups you want to send(max 3 per time this action is taken)
Targets: none
Cost: 1 current transportation to supply them
[task] Craft bronze spears
DC 20: one group gets bronze spears
DC 50: two groups gets bronze spears
DC 70: one groups gets bronze spears
Cost: 1 current crafters, 1 bronze
[task] Craft bronze short swords
DC 40: one group gets bronze spears
Cost: 1 current crafters, 1 bronze
[task] Craft longbows
DC 20: one group gets longbows
DC 50: two groups gets longbows
DC 70: one groups gets longbows
Cost: 1 current crafters
[task] reform army
You can pick specializations for all warriors and nobles that do not have one.
[task] patrol lands(max one per 3 groups of warriors/nobles)
Organize the nations warriors into patrols against bandits and orcish raiders.
+1 cohesion
[task] Train warriors - specialization
Trains a new group of warriors armed with bronze tipped spears and bows.
heavy infantry(+10 melee attacks,+20 defense and no ranged attacks)
archers(+20 ranged attacks,-10 defense and melee attacks)
skirmishers(attacks twice in the first ranged combat round, more likely to be attacked during ranged combat, +5 to all maneuver rolls)
Cost: 1 base workers, 1 current crafters, 1 bronze
[task] Expand militia
Trains a new group of militia armed with stone tipped spears and bows
Cost: 1 growth per turn, 0,5 current crafters
[task] Patrol lands(max one per three settlements)
+1 cohesion this turn
Sets up additional patrols to guard our lands.
Cost: none
[task] build warrior halls
target: any
+5 to a single non combat military action each turn
Cost: 1 current workers, 1 current crafters
[task] Build palisade
All camps have a palisade
DC 10 palisade bonus next turn DC 50 bonus this turn.
Cost: 1 current workers
[task] stone walls
target: Riverbend, Heroes rest, Mid River, Old town, Flint
DC 20 wall bonus next turn DC 70 bonus this turn.
gives a +20 bonus if the settlement is the target of a raid.
Cost: 1 current workers, 1 current crafters
[task] Hire mercenaries
Hire a group of mercenaries to fight for us
cost 8 wealth per group and you can hire as many as you can afford with a single action.
they fight as well as militia and are armed with stone tipped spears and bows
[task] Mine copper
get 1 bronze at DC 30, 2 bronze at DC 55, 3 bronze at DC 70
Cost: 1 current workers
[task] Expand mines
+1 bronze per turn
Cost: 1 current workers, 1 base workers
[task] Produce tools
use workers to produce tools.
+2 current crafters
Cost: 1 current workers
[task] organize workers
Spend time to find more workers
+2 current workers
[task] Train crafters
Cost: 1 base workers
gives +0.5 base crafters, 1 more max build workshops
[task] build Workshops(5 of 5 build)
Dedicated places for our artisans or potters to work
gives +0.5 base crafters
Cost: 1 current crafters
[task] build Boats
Build boats
gives +0.5 base transportation(river)
Cost: 1 current crafters
[task] build wagons
Build boats
gives +0.5 base transportation(land)
Cost: 1 current crafters
[task] Choose Dedicated leaders
Turns a group into dedicated leaders
+2 cohesion, -1 base workers, -0,2 base crafters to supply them
there are several kind of leaders and depending on the culture of the tribe one or more can be chosen.
If there are more then one type of dedicated leaders and there are more actions then the tribes rulers can control the leaders will form a faction taking over control of that action.
Warrior Nobles
Warrior Nobles spend their time ruling the tribe and lead in battle.
They fight as well as warriors but will take of artisan actions to make sure they have the best weapons the tribe can make.
For each group of warriors a tribe has it can have a group of warrior nobles.
Hunter Nobles
Spend their time hunting and produce 2 food per turn but you can have one less hunting action.
Master Artisans
+0,2 base crafters, +0,1 base learning
You can have one group of Master Artisans per 2 groups of artisans a tribe has.
Give a bonus related to the tribes religion
Requires a house of the gods or locked worship gods action
+0,2 base learning
[task] Maintain camp
Add the result of this roll to the stability roll.
Can be taken once per three turns.
On a 90+ roll gain a administration hero.
[task] scout[target]
Write in target based on the map
DC 30 to 50 depending on the site
If resources are not found the DC is reduced by roll/2.
[task] Create outpost
valid locations: None
Creates a outpost to claim a settlement site for the tribe
Each outpost reduces cohesion by one.
Allows the tribe to use resources in an area
DC 10: success.
cost 1 current workers
[task] Collect more grain from farmers
Increase the amount of grain collected from farmers
-5 growth per turn, +1 wealth per turn
[task] Create new settlement[location]
valid locations:
the lake(+3 max fishers, +1 max farmers)
Heroes Rest(+1 max fishers, +1 max farmers, +1 max hunters)
Each settlement created increase the maximum farming and hunting actions by one.
Each settlement reduces cohesion by three.
DC 10: settlement is created
DC 30: camp is created with simple shelters
DC 70: camp is created with longhouses
cost 1 base transportation, 2 current workers, 2 current crafters
[task] Expand settlement into town
valid locations: none
Gain +2 growth per turn, new building allowed
cost 1 base transportation, 1 current workers, 1 current crafters
[task] Construct Longhouses
max once per settlement
Valid targets: none
+1 growth per turn
cost 1 current workers
[task] Trail markers(max = number of settlements +1)
With trade between the camps on the rise a network of trail markers would allow easier travel.
DC 30: Trail markers provide bonus next turn DC 80: bonus this turn.
Each trailmarker improves cohesion by 1.
cost 1 current workers
[task] Create roads at 250/300
The first roads are created by clearing a path wide enough for a travois and removing all obstacles like fallen trees from it.
It also includes log bridges to cross streams and prepared campsites for travelers.
progress needed: 50 points per settlement and outpost.
+1 transportation(land) per settlement or outpost connected.
cost 1 current workers, 0,5 current crafters
[task] worship Heroes
Seek the favor of the divine.
DC 30 get +5 and DC 75 get +10 on all other task rolls
[task] Connect tribes [write in target]
Improves relations(+10) and trade with other tribes by creating improved connections using roads and canoes.
Both tribes will get +5 more on a study project from trade stations.
Possible targets:
Deer hunters: 1 current workers, 0/100 for road connection
Big island: 1 base transportation(river) always successful.
[task] Trade
Valid targets are the following tribes: Bison hunters, children of the river, Hill hunters, big island tribe.
Collect teachers, create tools and prepare food to trade to the target.
+1 growth if trading with bison hill from having roads and bison pulled travios.
write in to target specific tribes/thing to trade
When trading techs both gain 1d100 on the tech, if one side does not have tech the other gets +2 culture instead.
DC 15: trade successful. 2 growth/1 tools
DC 50 gain 3 growth/2 tools
DC 65: gain one culture at the group you are trading with.
DC 80 gain 5 growth/3 tools.
DC 90: +5 relation boost
cost: 1 current transportation
[task] Trading station
Sends a small group of traders to live among a nearby tribe to collect goods to trade back home.
The owner gains +10 progress on a random tech the target owns or +2 growth if there is none
The tribe where the station is gains: +5 progress on a random tech of the owner of the station or +1 growth if there is none
DC 20 station is created get bonus next turn
DC 60 get bonus this turn.
cost: 1 base transportation
[task] Internal trade
Spend time moving goods within the nation.
+2 growth +1 wealth
[task] Seek union
Try to convince another tribe or to join ours.
Will require additional actions to complete the union.
DC is 100-(relations - (5 * number of settlements without missionaries)
requires: advisors, trade station and connection with target tribe/nation.
less then 30: action can not be retried for 2 turns
DC 30: get new actions to join the tribes.
DC 49: the children of the river will ask our master artisans for advice and gain more information about them
DC 60: +5 relations
[task] Give gifts
Valid targets are the following tribes: Bison hunters, swamp dwellers, southern forest tribes ,Deer hunters, big island tribe.
Sends out gifts to influence other tribes
Up to 5 additional current crafting can be consumed to get a +20 bonus per current crafting.
Up to 5 growth can be consumed to get a +5 bonus per growth.
current learning can be spend to give techs, one is needed per tech and gives +2 culture +10 relations per tech
DC 45: +1 culture,
DC 65: +5 relation boost
DC 75: +2 culture
DC 90: +10 relation boost
DC 115: +3 culture
DC 145: +15 relation boost
cost 1 current transportation, 1 current crafting
[task] Send advisors
Our tribe is well known for the skills of our leaders, artisans and farmers we can send a small group to the other tribes to advice them.
The other tribe gets the advisors status giving them +30 to all rolls to trade or study task that we have completed
We get +10 on all diplomatic and trade rolls with that tribe and increased rewards for all 80+ rolls with that tribe
We also get a +20 relations boost and get to know their stats.
Cost: 0.1 base learning per tribe
[task] build harbor
Build a harbor to store and maintain the tribes boats
+1 more fishers allowed
Cost: 1 current crafters
target: None
[task] Build granary
The granaries of the state provide a stockpile against famine and a source of rewards for those working for the tribe
2 more granaries are needed for +1 cohesion
Cost: 1 current workers, 1 growth per turn, 5 growth
DC 20 granary constructed
[task] Gather plants(max 2 more)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
Cost 1 base workers
+1 growth per turn
[task] Tend Orchards (max 1 more)
Provides food from Orchards.
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn
[task] More Farmers (max 2 more)
Sow and harvest food.
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn, +1 max plow tasks
[task] More plows for farmers 3/7
Additional plows
cost: -1 bronze, -1 current crafters, -0,1 base crafters
+1 growth per turn
[task] More bison for farmers 2/2
+1 growth per turn
Cost 1 current workers
[task] Clear forest (max twice more)
-1 max hunting task, +2 max Farming tasks.
DC 20
Cost 1 current workers
[task] Primitive irrigation 3/4
Improved irrigation allows more land to be farmed.
+1 max farmers
Cost 1 current workers
[task] Fishing (max 6 more )
Fish in the great river of the forest
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn, +1 max fishing boats
[task] More fishing boats(max 1 more)
+1 growth per turn
cost 1 base transportation(river)
[task] Hunting(max 2 more)
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn, +1 max trap line
[task] Herding (Bison)(shares max uses with hunting)
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn, +0.5 base transportation(land)
[task] Build trap line(max 1 per group of hunters)
Creates a line of traps increasing the amount of food collected by hunters.
+1 growth per turn
Cost 1 current crafters
All research projects advance each year at the rate of 5* current learning
[task] Experimentation
Have the crafters work on trying out what new ideas are possible.
Gives +1 current learning
Cost 1 current crafters
[task] Fund research
Provides funds to those having ideas that can help the tribe
Gives +1 current learning
Cost 10 wealth
[task] Expand education
Spend less time on producing food and teach the use of our tally system to a larger part of our tribe.
Gain 0,1 base learning
cost: 1 growth per turn
[task] Teach our leaders to read
By teaching all our leaders to read we create a small group in the tribe that can store ideas in writing and learn from those that lived before them.
increases the cost of choosing dedicated leaders by 1 current learning and you gain an additional 0,1 base learning for each group recruited
Gain 0,5 base learning
cost: 3 current learning, Cost 1 current crafters, 10 wealth
[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100+10)
cost: 1 current learning
- Scale armor 30/100
The production of scale armor will take far longer then crafting a sword or spearpoint but will provide unmatched protection.
Task craft scale armor
The production of scale armor takes far longer then crafting a sword or spearpoint but will provide unmatched protection. gives +10 to the defense roll and requires 0/100 to make(if roll is over this it is used for the next set of scale armor)
costs 1 bronze, 1 current crafting
- Markets 20/100
By organizing markets at fixed places and times trade can be promoted.
Allows the creation of markets at our towns giving +1 wealth per turn
- Land reform 20/100
Gives new options for land management
- Cuneiform writing done
Expand the tallies with new icons so stories can be written down
+1 cohesion
- Herding dogs 50/100
new growth boosting task for herding.
- Flax farming 20/100
Clothing is made from leather and woven plants but until now the plants being used are collected from the wild.
By producing them on our farms more clothing can be made.
Unlocks grow flax, costing 1 base workers and sharing max use with farming giving +1 wealth per turn.
- Scouting dogs 20/100
We already have and use dogs for hunting but further training can help with tracking orcs and other enemies of the tribe
Get a +5 bonus on scouting dogs
- The orcs 30/100
After several fights with the orcs we can gather what we know about them to get a better idea about them.
Shouldn't our dedicated leaders section include priests now?
Alright, so we currently have a relations of 82 with the Bison Hill tribe. We have a connection, trade station, and advisers. We don't have any missionaries there. If I understand things correctly. That means the DC to seek union with the Bison Hill tribe is 100-(82-20)=38. That's sufficiently low, it seems worthwhile to attempt.
[X][task] Seek union (Bison Hill)
[X][task] Reform Army
-[X][task] even mix of specializations, warrior nobles as heavy infantry if they aren't already
[X][task] worship Heroes
[X][task] Expand mines
[X][warriors] Allow them to join
Alright so we need to actually have positive income of Bronze. So that our warriors can make their weapons/armor as necessary. Seeking a union with Bison Hill because it seems like its got a good chance to succeed, especially with the worship heroes action. Which can give us a +5 to a +10 on other actions. Reforming the army in order to get our warriors prepped for that battle. Speaking of those warriors, shouldn't we have 4 warriors? Since we trained heavy infantry ones this last turn?
[X][warriors] Allow them to join
This allows us to reduce the threat of the orcs (fairly safely) and gives us a relations bonus
[X][task] study[Markets]
[X][task] experimentation
[X][task] More fishing boats(max 1 more)
[X][task] build Boats
We want markets to satisfy the trader quest and also to get wealth income cheaply. I want to have current learning so we can continue passively researching things, and the fishing boats are to increase our growth.
Our current learning should go up to 2 with my plan as well. Though it wouldn't get markets going as fast. I'm a little wary of sending out our warriors without reforming our army first. Definitely understand the fishing and boats, though uniting with the Bison Hill tribe should increase our growth faster than just fishing more.
Shouldn't our dedicated leaders section include priests now?
Speaking of those warriors, shouldn't we have 4 warriors? Since we trained heavy infantry ones this last turn?
oh, another thing that needs fixed. We sold the bronze last turn right? That's why we have 0 bronze per turn now, so shouldn't we also have +1 wealth per turn now?
oh, another thing that needs fixed. We sold the bronze last turn right? That's why we have 0 bronze per turn now, so shouldn't we also have +1 wealth per turn now?
The Bison hill has 4 settlements so when they join the nations cohesion will drop by 8(-3*4 for the settlements +3*1 for trails). During the integration you will have options to get some +cohesion but not the 8 you need and you get -5 to the stability roll per cohesion below 0.
The islanders are probably easier to integrate as they have 3 settlements and 2 groups of warriors so you can get some cohesion from the patrol lands task if you unite with them