weather = 44(old weather) + 50(return towards average) + 16(roll) /3 = 37= cold weather, no penalties
Gather plants 15: failure
Gather plants 64: 4 food
Gather plants 68: 4 food
Gather plants 90: 5 food, new food found wheat, lowers dc of gather food.
Hunting(small animals) 71+10: 5 food, hunting (large animals) +10
Hunting(small animals) 14+10: failure
Hunting(small animals) 42: 3 food
Free scouting roll form reaction to wolves:77: found flint rocks and Great Oak Grove
Scouting north 46: found northern hunting grounds:
Event:93 Tribe get a hero: type hunter
Heroic action 32: hunting: failed
food eaten= 8(nr of tasks) x3 = 24
food produced: 4+4+5+5+4= 22
short 2 food: tribes stability drops from good to average
As the weather turned colder the tribe moved away from the wolves into parts of the old forest they had not seen before the hunters started to return with less food then before. There was a lot of debate about why the hunting was so poor, some blamed the weather and other the lack of good spears but all agreed that something needed to change. And then came a winter that seemed to never end lasting longer then any in the memory of the tribe and even the plants that the tribe ate where scarce that year. In response some tried to cook and eat anything that looked like the plants the tribe collected normally, many that tried got sick but the tribe did find one new plant that could be eaten wheat.
Despite all of the tribes troubles one of the hunters managed to return with food every time he went out to hunt and over time all of the tribes hunters started to listen to him as he came up with a bold plan to try to change the future of the tribe.
What was the plan adopted to deal with the food shortages?
[hunting] The tribe tried to hunt bigger game
[hunting] The tribe made more stone tipped spears
[hunting] The tribe attempted to push the wolves west.
[hunting] The tribe reduced the number of hunters and collected more plants instead.
There was one year where the hunting was good and during this year the tribes hunters took time to explore both to the north and in the old forest itself. The lands to the north are similar to the old forest without signs of other groups hunting in those woods and the tribe started going there if the hunting was poor in the old forest. There where two major finds during these explorations the first was a place in the north of the old forest where flint was found that could be used for stone tools and the strangest find of the explorations a grove of oak trees twice the size of the trees in the rest of the forest.
You have 2 actions each turn and for now you can use those to pick the last 2 tasks the tribe does this decade:
Most tasks have hidden effects on high rolls all rolls are 1D100.
[task] Gather plants(max 4 times per turn, 3 locked in)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
DC 20: 3 food DC 45: 4 food DC 80: 5 food.
[task] Hunting(small animals)(max 4 times per turn, 3 locked in)
Provides 4 food by hunting small animals
DC 35: 3 food DC 50: 4 food DC 70: 5 food DC 90: 6 food.
[task] Craft tools[type]
know tools:
-Stone tipped spears: Gives a group of hunters +10 on the roll.
-Axes: Gives a +10 bonus while creating a camp.
DC 35: enough tools for one group DC: 75 enough for two groups
[task] scout[target]
Finds new resources valid targets are: The old forest(current location), North(more forests), South, West, East(Home of the large wolves)
DC 30 for easy to find resources
[task] Create long term camp[location]
valid locations: The flint outcrop, The old Oaks
Currently the tribe moves its camp every few days as they go where the hunting is best but there might be places where the tribe might want to spend longer.
Unlocks new options, but reduces the amount of times the gather plans and hunting actions can be taken each turn.
[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100-40) but can not lose progress
-Large game hunting 20/100
Large game hunting provides more food but has a higher DC.
10 progress is made on a 70+ hunting roll before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ hunting roll before modifiers.
Unknown until progress is made
The new locations are neat. I'm guessing Old Oaks will be a religious place, while the flint will make tool creation easier as well as more effective. I say we make axes this turn as well as gathering food, then make a camp next turn.
weather = 37(old weather) + 50(return towards average) + 28(roll) /3 = 38= cold weather, no penalties
Gather plants 15: failure
Gather plants 10: failure
Gather plants 84: 5 food
Hunting(small animals) 9+10: failure
Hunting(small animals) 37: 3 food
Hunting(large game) 4+10: disaster spears lost
Event:2 stability drop
Heroic action 90: hunting: 6 food +20 large game hunting
food eaten= 8(nr of tasks) x3 = 24 Study Large game hunting replaced due lack of food: Hunting(small animals) 53: 4 food
food produced: 6+3+5+4= 15
Craft tools,axes 53: one set of axes made.
short 9 food: stability roll = 79 *(15/24) = 49
The best of the tribes hunters left the camp as a herd of deer has been spotted and many believed that hunting them was the answer to the tribes food shortages. The hunters managed to get close enough to the dear to throw their spears at them but the deer did not die from a single wound and started to flee. The hunters charged the deer but got trampled by the herd and several hunter suffered broken bones. even worse was that the heads of several spears had broken off and where lost as the dear escaped.
[the tribe looses halve of the stone tipped spears they have]
With many of the best hunters injured and the remaining ones needing to make new spears all of the tribes hunting suffered in the months following the deer hunt and this was not the last of the troubles of the tribe as the winters where longer and colder then most before them. This lead to poor years for most of those of the tribe that collected food and only one of the groups collecting plants managed to return with food from most trips. They had plans of improving their work.
On what did the plant gatherers investigate?
[study] Finding new edible plants.
[study] Preserving plants for later.
[study] Why plants grow at specific places.
Moves silently proved one why he was considered a hero when he took over the tribes hunting and decided to focus on hunting smaller game instead of the plans to study the bigger game as his actions made sure there was enough food to prevent the tribe from starvation and brief times there was enough food to be had the tribe made a small amount of stone axes. Even so many remembered the years without food and swore they would not allow that to happen again.
[The tribe gains the status memories of hunger: Until 3 turns have passed with enough food one of the chosen actions has to be a food producing one or for improving production]
When food was scarce how was it divided?
[food] Equal shares for all of the tribe.
[food] The hunters got more as they needed their strength to hunt.
[food] The elders got more as they guided the tribe.
You have 2 actions each turn and for now you can use those to pick the last 2 tasks the tribe does this decade:
Most tasks have hidden effects on high rolls all rolls are 1D100.
memories of hunger 0/3: one action has to be Gather plants/Hunting(small animals) or Craft tools(Stone tipped spears)
[task] Gather plants(max 4 times per turn, 3 locked in)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
DC 20: 3 food DC 45: 4 food DC 80: 5 food.
[task] Hunting(small animals)(max 4 times per turn, 3 locked in)
Provides 4 food by hunting small animals
DC 35: 3 food DC 50: 4 food DC 70: 5 food DC 90: 6 food.
[task] Craft tools[type]
know tools:
-Stone tipped spears: Gives a group of hunters +10 on the roll.
-Axes: Gives a +10 bonus while creating a camp.
DC 35: enough tools for one group DC: 75 enough for two groups
[task] scout[target]
Finds new resources valid targets are: The old forest(current location), North(more forests), South, West, East(Home of the large wolves)
DC 30 for easy to find resources
[task] Create long term camp[location]
valid locations: The flint outcrop, The old Oaks
Currently the tribe moves its camp every few days as they go where the hunting is best but there might be places where the tribe might want to spend longer.
Unlocks new options, but reduces the amount of times the gather plans and hunting actions can be taken each turn.
[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100-40) but can not lose progress
-Large game hunting 40/100
Large game hunting provides more food but has a higher DC.
10 progress is made on a 70+ hunting roll before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ hunting roll before modifiers.
-Plants 10/100
effects based on the study vote
weather = 38(old weather) + 50(return towards average) + 28(roll) /3 = 39= cold weather, no penalties
Finding new edible plants: 97: reduced DC for Gather plants from DC 20: 3 food DC 45: 4 food DC 80: 5 food to DC 20: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 75: 5 food
Gather plants 8: failure
Gather plants 2: disaster, group gets -30 to its rolls this turn
Gather plants 21: 3 food
Gather plants 76: 5 food +10 plant lore
Hunting(small animals) 77+10: 5 food +10 large game hunting
Hunting(small animals) 89+10: 6 food +10 large game hunting
Hunting((small animals) 50+10: 4 food
Craft tools,stone tipped spear 94: 2 sets of spears, learned knife making
Event:17 minor tribe met
Heroic action 43: hunting: 3 food
food eaten= 8(nr of tasks) x3 = 24
food produced: 3+5+5+6+4+3= 26
2 spare food: stability roll = 100 *(26/24) = 100+ = stability is now average.
As the winters remained cold and long the tribe continued to live as it had for generations, hunting small game, collecting plants while moving across the old forest. But the tribes gatherers had several encounters with wolves forcing them to abandon the collected food as they fled to back to the main group seeking safety in numbers. The gatherers search for new edible plants went better as they discovered that the fruits of some trees could be eaten and that these fruits could be kept and eaten for a few weeks before they went bad. They also suggest a new place to camp near a stream where there is always plenty of food to collect when the tribe goes there.
As the tribe was planning on making more stone tipped spears they went to the flint deposit and spend several days there making spearheads to turn into spears in the following weeks. As they worked the stone one of the tribesmen discovered how to create thinner stone blades that served as a much desired cutting tool. As the tribe moved on enough spears where make for all of the hunters of the tribe.
With the new spears hunting was easier and the tribe had enough to eat and the now elderly moves silently spend many a night talking about the best ways to hunt. There was even talk of trying to hunt bigger game once again but these plans failed to gain enough support.
One one spring day a group of hunters spotted a group approaching the tribes hunting grounds from the west. The group was carrying only spears and a few other tools and all had the look of those who had to go without to meals more often then not. They where hard to understand as the words they used where different then those of the tribe of them some could not be recognized at all.
Some parts of the tale they could not understand, they had started to flee after encountering something but the most they could get across was that it had something to do with birds and fire. Other parts of their tale talk of an open plain to the west where large herds of bison roam chased by groups of hunters armed with spears and clubs but few plants that could be eaten could be found there.
How does the tribe respond to this newly met tribe
The other tribe size is about a third of our tribe and is close to begin completely destroyed.
[tribe] Allow them to live in the old forest
They will compete with our hunters, you get a update how they are doing each turn
[tribe] Help them live in the old forest
They will compete with our hunters, you get a update how they are doing each turn
improves relations, -1 food this turn
[tribe] lead them to the empty forests of the north
It will take a month to travel to meet them and you need to take actions to find out what is happening to them.
[tribe] Drive them away
We should not allow potential rivals to live near us.
You have 2 actions each turn and for now you can use those to pick the last 2 tasks the tribe does this decade:
Most tasks have hidden effects on high rolls all rolls are 1D100.
memories of hunger 1/3: one action has to be Gather plants, Hunting(small animals) or Craft tools(Stone tipped spears, knives)
Moves silently is getting old and will die on a roll of 50 or less(increasing by 10 each turn)
Craft tools has been done 2 turns in a row and can be locked in this turn by taking it and .
If locked in the tribe will take a craft tools action each turn but there is one less action that can be chosen.
instead you will be able to pick one action and select a action to get +20 on it roll.
[task] Gather plants(max 4 times per turn, 3 locked in)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
DC 20: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 75: 5 food.
[task] Hunting(small animals)(max 4 times per turn, 3 locked in)
Provides 4 food by hunting small animals
DC 35: 3 food DC 50: 4 food DC 70: 5 food DC 90: 6 food.
[task] Craft tools[type]
know tools:
-Stone tipped spears: Gives a group of hunters +10 on the roll.
-Axes: Gives a +10 bonus while creating a camp.
-knives: Gives +5 bonus on gather plants and camp building.
DC 35: enough tools for one group DC: 75 enough for two groups
[task] scout[target]
Finds new resources valid targets are: The old forest(current location), North(more forests), South, West, East(Home of the large wolves)
DC 30 for easy to find resources
[task] Create long term camp[location]
valid locations: The flint outcrop(+5 when making stone tools), The old Oaks(unlocks religious actions), The Stream(+1 food)
Currently the tribe moves its camp every few days as they go where the hunting is best but there might be places where the tribe might want to spend longer.
Unlocks new options, but reduces the amount of times the gather plans and hunting actions can be taken each turn.
[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100-40) but can not lose progress
-Large game hunting 60/100
Large game hunting provides more food but has a higher DC.
10 progress is made on a 70+ hunting roll before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ hunting roll before modifiers.
-Plants 10/100
effects unknown, progress on 80+ gather plant rolls
To lock in the action add it to the vote like this:
[][task] Craft tools[spears]
-Lock in action
Locking in more actions changes how you tribe divides work until now it had a group of hunters and one of gatherers and the rest was done by who had time. Locking in Craft tools creates a group spends all its time working on tools.
they do, and tools get used in the turn they are made, so if you make knives and build a camp the camp in one turn the camp gets the bonus from the knives.
Decided that locking in craft tools gave was a bit to weak for the flexibility you are giving up, so improve it the group doing Craft tools can now also study toolmaking.
[tribe] Allow them to live in the old forest
[tribe] Help them live in the old forest
These 2 options lead to the other tribe staying close and you get actions to help them, if taken the likely result is them joining yours in their current state a little help will go a long way.
[tribe] lead them to the empty forests of the north
If you do not want to spend actions trying to get the other tribe to join you getting them to settle a few weeks travel away will allow you to talk to them later, but they probably recover by then and would be less willing to join your tribe but it allows you to focus on other actions.