go back and read every comment after the update, its in there somewhere that we do, the QM just forgot to list it.

heck just look at the QM's comment 2 posts above you for proof. ;)
...That says we have a settlement slot not a settlement location in the Great River area.

Look I know why you're getting confused I think it was during turn 18 that we were told we could settle there and that there was a location open for settlement but the very same turn the conquest option for the area became available and a settlement option for the area didn't. Therefore it is logical to assume we have to clear the wolves in the area first before we can settle it or we could just ask Sunrise that would fix the problem as well.
Last edited:
...That says we have a settlement slot not a settlement location in the Great River area.

Look I know why you're getting confused I think it was during turn 18 that we were told we could settle there and that there was a location open for settlement but the very same turn the conquest option for the area became available and a settlement option for the area didn't. Therefore it is logical to assume we have to clear the wolves in the area first before we can settle it or we could just ask Sunrise that would fix the problem as well.

I am 90% sure the conquest option is for killing the river people.... but sure if I am wrong and its just wolves than I am all for it! :D

your plan is great if its just wolves (though I would prefer getting the limestone first so we can start up the temple thing easier.)

I am 90% sure the conquest option is for killing the river people.... but sure if I am wrong and its just wolves than I am all for it! :D

your plan is great if its just wolves (though I would prefer getting the limestone first so we can start up the temple thing easier.)
...You didn't even read the action and you're making assumptions. :facepalm:
[task] conquest Take control of the lands surrounding the tribe
All groups send get -5 on their roll as they stay in the conquered area to control it.
there is a additional penalty of -5 per 25% losses taken in the battle.
Each time this task is taken more groups join(max 3 per time this action is taken).
results in a battle.
Great river: two groups of wolves(+5 to attack), find settlement site on victory
[X] [elders] Improved Tools
[X] [study] Formation warfare
[X] [tools] Traps
[X] [Boost] Study Improved Tools
[X] [task] Study Improved Tools
[X] [task] Conquest: Great River
[X] [task] Train hunters in archery.
I think we should focus on improving our toolmaking rather than art at the moment.
[X] [elders] Improved Tools
[X] [study] Formation warfare
[X] [tools] Traps
[X] [Boost] Study Improved Tools
[X] [task] Study Improved Tools
[X] [task] Conquest: Great River
[X] [task] Train hunters in archery.
I think we should focus on improving our toolmaking rather than art at the moment.
I mean I can get that since improved tools are probably one of the gate techs for metal tools but the reason I choose art over improved tools, for the time being, is because art allows us to begin assimilating other tribes massively increasing our population and therefore the number of actions we possess allowing us to perform more research in the long term. Plus we won't be grabbing the strange rocks for a couple more turns as we currently only have one settlement slot available to us meaning after we settle the river we won't be able to anywhere else until we grow, create more trail markers or build the Great Hall.
Last edited:
[X] [elders] Improved Tools
[X] [study] Formation warfare
[X] [tools] Traps
[X] [Boost] Study Improved Tools
[X] [task] Study Improved Tools
[X] [task] Conquest: Great River
[X] [task] Train hunters in archery.
[X] [elders] Art
[X] [study] Formation warfare
[X] [tools] Traps
[X] [Boost] Study Art
[X] [task] Study Art
[X] [task] Conquest: Great River
[X] [task] Train hunters in archery.

see I do like the improve tools option, however that would be better paired with taking over the hills so we can get limestone to build the temple. Not with the river where we will need art to get pottery.
Errr… Why do you think we need art to get pottery @san ? You can have pottery that isn't decorated or made 'fancy' you know?
Errr… Why do you think we need art to get pottery @san ? You can have pottery that isn't decorated or made 'fancy' you know?
...... not pottery that grants culture bro.... ok I get that we can get pottery that gives us food bonuses.... but culture? nope. And if we move into the river area where the river tribe already has pottery then we are at risk of them hitting us with culture bombs through them.
...... not pottery that grants culture bro.... ok I get that we can get pottery that gives us food bonuses.... but culture? nope. And if we move into the river area where the river tribe already has pottery then we are at risk of them hitting us with culture bombs through them.

Err... If the River Tribe already had decorated pottery, then we'd already be being hit by it. We've got connections to them right now, if they were producing any type of art, we'd know. The same with everyone else by the Sons of the Dragon. Hell, I'm not sure they have access to pottery yet. The 'Foreign Tribe Status' update just says they have access to clay, unlocking research to pottery. It doesn't say that they've completed it yet.
Err... If the River Tribe already had decorated pottery, then we'd already be being hit by it. We've got connections to them right now, if they were producing any type of art, we'd know. The same with everyone else by the Sons of the Dragon. Hell, I'm not sure they have access to pottery yet. The 'Foreign Tribe Status' update just says they have access to clay, unlocking research to pottery. It doesn't say that they've completed it yet.
mmmm true I guess, but they might have it almost complete, and they also may have art research. If we do tools now they may get there before us. I would prefer to get it before them rather than risking it.
time fur a vote tally
Adhoc vote count started by sunrise on Oct 19, 2018 at 5:07 AM, finished with 340 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] [elders] Art
    [X] [study] Formation warfare
    [X] [tools] Traps
    [X] [Boost] Study Art
    [X] [task] Study Art
    [X] [task] Conquest: Great River
    [X] [task] Train hunters in archery.
    [X] [elders] Improved Tools
    [X] [study] Formation warfare
    [X] [tools] Traps
    [X] [Boost] Study Improved Tools
    [X] [task] Study Improved Tools
    [X] [task] Conquest: Great River
    [X] [task] Train hunters in archery.

Adhoc vote count started by sunrise on Oct 19, 2018 at 5:31 AM, finished with 342 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] [elders] Improved Tools
    [X] [study] Formation warfare
    [X] [tools] Traps
    [X] [Boost] Study Improved Tools
    [X] [task] Study Improved Tools
    [X] [task] Conquest: Great River
    [X] [task] Train hunters in archery.
    [X] [elders] Art
    [X] [study] Formation warfare
    [X] [tools] Traps
    [X] [Boost] Study Art
    [X] [task] Study Art
    [X] [task] Conquest: Great River
    [X] [task] Train hunters in archery.
[X] [elders] Improved Tools
[X] [study] Formation warfare
[X] [tools] Traps
[X] [Boost] Study Improved Tools
[X] [task] Study Improved Tools
[X] [task] Conquest: Great River
[X] [task] Train hunters in archery.
With the tie broken it is time to close the vote and start rolling the dice.
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: weather Total: 2
2 2
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: random event Total: 41
41 41
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: tribe stability Total: 71
71 71
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: study Formation warfare Total: 65
65 65
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: trap building Total: 85
85 85
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Study Improved Tools Total: 35
35 35
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Train hunters in archery Total: 94
94 94
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Farming Total: 154
75 75 79 79
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Hunting(small animals) Total: 126
77 77 49 49
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Hunting(bows) Total: 82
74 74 8 8
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Tend Orchards Total: 119
32 32 87 87
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Gather plants Total: 6
6 6
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: domestication of wolves Total: 4
4 4
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: domestication of bison Total: 76
76 76
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: patrol limestone hills Total: 40
40 40
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: our scouting Total: 87
87 87
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: wolves noticing Total: 63
63 63
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: our manouvering Total: 24
24 24
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: wolves response Total: 82
82 82
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: our ranged attacks Total: 144
82 82 62 62
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: wolves dodging Total: 19
18 18 1 1
sunrise threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: round one morale Total: 200
41 41 39 39 30 30 34 34 56 56
sunrise threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: round two our attacks Total: 152
28 28 46 46 78 78
sunrise threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: wolves defending Total: 131
8 8 84 84 39 39
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: wolves attacking Total: 88
5 5 83 83
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: our defenses Total: 124
42 42 82 82
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: sons of the dragon Total: 252
79 79 21 21 92 92 60 60
sunrise threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: Childern of the river Total: 166
48 48 33 33 22 22 2 2 61 61
sunrise threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: southern bison hunters Total: 257
93 93 1 1 59 59 59 59 45 45
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Hill tribe Total: 127
7 7 67 67 16 16 37 37
sunrise threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: deer hunters Total: 442
63 63 96 96 10 10 90 90 95 95 88 88
Well, looks like it didn't matter the wolves spotted us and out maneuvered us... Because we severely hurt them with the first volley... Also, I like the fact that an enemy 'ate' one of the Nat 1s that are bound to happen when rolling this much. Unfortunately, we did get hit wit ha 2 for weather. So that's going to be fun but could be worse... (barely)
story post 21
The tribes hunters marched towards the great river looking for a place to create a new settlement. There they along the bank of the great river they found what they where looking for a place where wheat grows well, there was wood for the cooking fires and no existing settlements claiming the land. The only problem was the large number of wolves that lived there and driving out these wolves out. Finding the wolves was easy they saw themselves as the rulers of the land howling at night and marking the trees with their claws.

The fighting was consisted of many small fights against one pack of wolves after the other and it became clear why the hunter had so many problems with fighting them in the past as the packs circled around the band of hunters attacking from multiple sides at once but now they faced the tribes bows as they closed reducing powerful attacks into a handful of survivors that made it to the hunters and there they where met by the hunters spears with bows firing trough the gaps between the spearmen. Between the training the hunters did in the militia and the new bows wolves where no longer a threat to a well armed group of the tribes hunters.

[+40 to formation warfare, settlement site great river unlocked: has clay, and room for one farming, one hunting and a fishing group]

Scouting 87+10(patrols) = 97 vs 63 = scouting advantage(34/2)
Maneuver 24+17(scouting) 41 vs 84 = maneuver disadvantage(43/2).

Our tribe:
Hunters 1: health: 200/200 morale: normal weapons: stone tipped spears(+10) and bows(+10) skill: hunters, militia +20 attack +15 defense
Hunters 2: health: 200/200 morale: normal weapons: stone tipped spears(+10) and bows(+10) skill: hunters, militia +20 attack +15 defense
Hunters 3: health: 200/200 morale: normal weapons: stone tipped spears(+10) hunters, militia +20 attack +15 defense

Wolves forces
Wolves 1: health: 200/200 morale: normal weapons: claws skill: wolves +5
Wolves 2: health: 200/200 morale: normal weapons: claws skill: wolves +5

ranged attacks:
82+10+20 vs 18+22(maneuver) = 72 wolves 1 health: 128/200
62+10+20 vs 01+22(maneuver) = 69+20(nat 1) wolves 1 health: 111/200

41 vs 72 wolves 1 wavering
39 vs 99 wolves 2 wavering

Round two our attacks
28+10+20 vs 8 = 48-8= 40 = wolves 1 88/200 health
46+10+20+10 vs 84 = 86-84 = 2 = wolves 2 at 109/200 health
78+10+20+10 vs 39 = 118-39 = 79 = wolves 2 at 30/200 health

Round two wolves attacks
5+5 vs 42+enough
83+5 vs 82+15
Wow talk about a slaughter also I didn't get any notifications for this quest so I couldn't even argue my points damn. :cry:
Packs of wild animals really aren't a credible threat to Neolithic hunters that work together efficiently, unless they are really fucking big, big enough to laugh at puny human weapons, something like a large bear or a mammoth.

Especially because wolves and such aren't actually mindless ferocious beasts and will usually run the hell away. The threat isn't some kind of pitched battle between a squad of men and a swarm of wolves, it's that to actually kill most of them you'll have to follow them into the underbrush and some of them may turn on the hunters.
Packs of wild animals really aren't a credible threat to Neolithic hunters that work together efficiently, unless they are really fucking big, big enough to laugh at puny human weapons, something like a large bear or a mammoth.

Especially because wolves and such aren't actually mindless ferocious beasts and will usually run the hell away. The threat isn't some kind of pitched battle between a squad of men and a swarm of wolves, it's that to actually kill most of them you'll have to follow them into the underbrush and some of them may turn on the hunters.
problem is that this is fantasy and they may be dire-wolves and we may just not know it. (this would make them a FAR greater threat thanks to the 50% increase in size.)

Also Wolves in this world may just not have learned to fear humans yet. Remember modern era and even All the way back to Neolithic era wolves still had to deal with fighting generations of humans and learned from that. Before then it was no different than hunting packs of deer to the wolves.

I figure after this they may have learned said lesson.
story post 22
weather = 38(old weather) + 50(return towards average) + 2(roll) /3 = 30 -30% food

formation warfare 65+5-25 +50 formation warfare done, wicker shields +20
improved tools 35+10+10-25+20: +30 improved tools at 30/100
Build traps 85+10: bonus this turn +10 to improved tools at 40/100
Train hunters in archery: 94: two groups trained.
Conquest of the great river: success, new settlement site and +40 to formation warfare

Gather plants 06+10 =16: 1 food
Tend Orchards:32+5+5=42: 5 food
Tend Orchards 87+5+5=97: 7 food
Hunting(small animals) 77+10+5-5-5= 87 6 food
Hunting(small animals) 49+10+5-5-5= 64 4 food
Hunting(bows) 74+5+5-5= 84 7 food
Hunting(bows) 08+5+5-5-5= 8 failure
farming 75+5=80: 7 food
farming 79+5=84: 7 food

Random event 41: nothing
patrol limestone hills Total: 40 DC -7
domestication of wolves: 77 > wolf domestication at 41/100
domestication of bison: 58

Stream camp +1 = 1 food
longhouses +2 x2 = 4 food
smokehouse +1 = 1 food
Traps +1 = 1 food
Produced = 7

Patrols: = -1 food
Elder council = -1 food
Eaten = -2 food

Tamed wolves +5 to hunting rolls
Specialization: all food producing actions get DC 15: 1 food, +5 to all other locked actions
Patrols do a scouting roll at roll/3.

food eaten= 12(nr of tasks) x3 = 36 +2 = 38
food produced: 1+5+7+6+4+7+7+7+7 = 51 * 0.7 = 36
Growth: -1 from food(one less due the smokehouse) = -1 growth.
More then 2/3 of needed food(24): no Stability loss from food shortage
stability roll = 71 *(36/38) = 67 Stability: above average

Tribes Status:
Stability: above average.
Food: minor shortage
Growth 0/52
Tools: 4 spears, 2 bows, 5 knives and 4 axes.

The winter was the colder then all of the winters the tribe had seen but there was a major difference with the cold winters in the past, there was wheat that could be used to make bread and the smokehouse allowed meat to be stored after successful hunts. The artisans also build a number of traps that caught a small amount of game each week and the hunters where trained in the use of the tribes bows even they spend a lot of their time exploring the great river area where the tribe was looking for a place for a new settlement.

It was the end of the age of heroes when shaper passed away and left the tribe without a hero to lead them and it became clear that without a hero acting as the final source of orders the elder council was unable to effectively rule the tribe. With the tribe planning a third settlement changes need to be make to how the tribe is governed as it had grown to big to gather all its members in one place to debate what should be done. There are several potential leaders with different plans for the tribe.

[govern] The elder Shaman
The shaman of the tribe belief we should look to the spirits of the heroes of the past for inspiration for leading the tribe and the construction of a House for the gods will allow this to happen.
Gives +10 progress to the house of the gods but -20 on the stability roll if no actions are taken to build it during a turn.

[govern] The master of the hunt
The master of the hunt commands the tribes hunters but the current leader has not been chosen for his skill as a hunter but was one of the leaders of the fighting both against the sons of the dragon and the expedition that found the new settlement site on the great river. He believes the future of the tribe lies in expanding the militia and grabbing all of the unclaimed land surrounding the tribe.
Set a minimum size to the militia of 1/2 of all groups gives +10 bonus to all scouting rolls

[govern] Nightingale
Nightingale is the daughter of sweetvoice but lacks her mothers talents in managing the tribe but has spend years at her mothers side as she organized one construction project after the other. If chosen she will build the great hall as a center for the tribes government but this will require pushing the tribes workers to work longer hours.
The tribe gets a action each turn for building the great hall but -20 to the stability roll as they they hate the extra hours of work needed.

[govern] Expand the elder council
The elder council can be expanded by having each group in the tribe select members for it to represent them these representative would be full time jobs as they would need to travel between the council meeting site and the group they are from.
the tribe will get the status great council: -1 food per settlement.

In the years following the death of shaper the tribes artisans continued to work on improving the tribes tools and where working on a new way to split stones. This was done by hitting the stone to be split repeatetly with a piece of wood along the line where the stone should be broken creating a line of small fractures that ensure the stone breaks where the artisan wants. For now they can get it to work sometimes but it will take a lot longer before it can be relied on.
[improved tools +40 at 40/100]

The most hunters spend months on the great river scouting the land, hunting wolves but some returned there regularly checking on potential settlement sites do the flood when the river rises in the spring as the snow melt, where are the routes game takes across the land and what other resources where there for the new settlement. When the hunters returned home they spend their days working on adapting the tribes tactics to include the new bows. Some of the older hunters talked about how the wicker shields could be of use to the spearmen that formed the front line of the tribes warband.
[completed the study into formation warfare and +20 to wicker shields]

The new chief of the deer hunters has managed to divide the hunting ground among the hunters and created their first permanent settlement. The cold weather has caused the study of pottery to abandoned by the children of the river as they build a smokehouse at their newest settlement. The sons of the dragon have started farming on a handful of plots near their main settlement and the hill tribe is trying to copy there wicker shields.

children of the river: Friendly, offers food and wants tamed dogs or tools.
Deer hunters: Neutral, offers food and wants tools.
Hill hunters Friendly, has nothing to trade wants tools and food.
Bison hunters Friendly, offers food wants tools.
Sons of the dragon Hostile, no trade possible

[elders] pick a study project from the list under tasks that gains +15 progress.
[study] pick a study project from the list under tasks that gets a roll.
[tools] What do the tribes artisans focus on? (traps, spears, axes, knives, atlatls, bows, study improved tools or study art)

Locked tasks: Gather plants x1, Tend Orchards x2 Hunting(small animals) x3, Hunting(large animals) x1 , Craft tools x1, Farming x2 and Study 1x

With less groups that can do tasks then actions choose one that will get a +20 bonus:
[Boost] Write in action to boost

With the tribes numbers they can perform 2 tasks this year.

[task] conquest
Take control of the lands surrounding the tribe
All groups send get -5 on their roll as they stay in the conquered area to control it.
there is a additional penalty of -5 per 25% losses taken in the battle.
Each time this task is taken more groups join(max 3 per time this action is taken).
results in a battle.
Northern forest: always successfull, find settlement site on victory
Eastern hills: one group of orc hunters(+15 attack, +5 defense) allows settlements in the hills and gives scouting bonuses.

[task] Raid
When raiding the tribe enters a area fights and returns home afterwards.
Each time this task is taken more groups join the raid
Write in the groups you want to send(max 3 per time this action is taken)
Targets: eastern hills(the source of the orcs), the sons of the dragon

[task] Gather plants(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
DC 20: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 70: 5 food.
+10 from knives

[task] Tend Orchards max 3 times per turn, 2 locked in)
Provides food from Orchards.
DC 25: 4 food DC 40: 5 food DC 70: 6 food.
+5 from knives, +5 from axes

[task] Farming (max 4 times per turn, 2 locked in)
Sow and harvest food.
DC 25: 5 food DC 50: 6 food DC 70: 7 food
+5 from knives

[task] Clear forest
-1 max hunting task, +2 max Farming tasks.
DC 20
+10 from axes

[task] Fishing (max 1 times per turn, 0 locked in)
Fish in the streams of the forest
DC 30: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 60: 5 food.
+5 from knives

[task] Hunting(small animals)(max 4 hunting actions per turn, 4 locked in)
Provides food by hunting small animals
DC 35: 3 food DC 45: 4 food DC 65: 5 food DC 85: 6 food.
+10 from spears

[task] Hunting(large animals)(max 4 hunting actions per turn, 4 locked in)
Provides food by hunting large animals
DC 50: 4 food DC 60: 5 food DC 80: 6 food DC 90: 7 food.
+10 from spears +1 food form atlatl

[task] Hunting(Bows)(max 4 hunting actions per turn, 4 locked in)
Provides food by hunting, requires bows.
DC 30: 4 food DC 40: 5 food DC 50: 6 food DC 60: 7 food. 90: 8 food.
+5 from spears

[task] Train hunters in archery.
Teaches a group of hunters to use bows.
DC 5: training succeeds.

[task] Build trap line(max 1 per group of hunters)
Creates a line of traps increasing the amount of food collected by hunters.
+1 food per trapline
DC 10: trapline provide bonus next turn DC 50: bonus this turn.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Craft tools[type]
known tools:
-Stone tipped spears: Gives a group of hunters +10 on the roll.
-Axes: Gives a +10 bonus while creating a camp.
-knives: Gives +5 bonus on gather plants and camp building.
DC 30: enough tools for one group DC: 70 two groups DC: 95 three groups
- Bows: used in ranged combat and hunting.
DC 40: enough tools for one group DC: 80 two groups DC: 105 three groups

[task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
With trade between the camps on the rise a network of trail markers would allow easier travel.
DC 30: Trail markers provide bonus next turn DC 80: bonus this turn.
the first markers will allow a extra campsite, the second reduces the DC of trade tasks by 5 the third increases the odds other tribe send trades to us.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] worship Heroes
Seek the favor of the divine.
DC 35 get +5 and DC 80 get +10 on all other task rolls

[task] scout[target]
valid targets: Logging site, The great river, Limestone hill abd The strange rocks
DC 30 to 50 depending on the site
If resources are not found the DC is reduced by roll/2.

[task] Create new settlement[location]
valid locations: The old Oaks(minor gains to woodworking) the great river(fishing and clay for pottery)
There can be one settlement per five groups in the tribe.
Each settlement created increase the maximum sowing and hunting actions by one.
DC 10: camp is created DC 60: camp is created with simple shelters
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Trade
Valid targets are the following tribes: Bison hunters, children of the river, Hill hunters.
Collect teachers, create tools and prepare food to trade to the target.
write in to target specific tribes/thing to trade
When trading techs both gain 1d100 on the tech, when you offer food you get 1d100-20 instead.
DC 20: trade successful. 2 food/1 tools DC 60 gain 3 food/2 tools DC 60 gain 5 food/3 tools.

[task] Construct Longhouses
max once per camp
Valid targets: none
Reduces the amount of food needed by the tribe by two.
DC 10: shelters provide bonus next turn DC 50: bonus this turn.
+10 from axes

[task] Maintain camp
Add the result of this roll to the stability roll.
On a 90+ roll gain a administration hero.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Build palisade
All camps have a palisade
DC 10 palisade bonus next turn DC 50 bonus this turn.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Build smokehouse: +1 food, max one per three groups of hunters or fishers.
By smoking fish and meat it can be kept for longer.
loose one less growth when short on food per smokehouse.
DC 10 smokehouse bonus next turn DC 50 bonus this turn.

[task] The great hall
A great hall from where the tribe is ruled, unlocks new options to increase the area under the tribes control.
Allows the creation of outposts that can claim resource sites for the tribe.
progress 0/120
gain roll-10 progress each time this action is taken.
+10 from axes

[task] A House for the gods
Acts a center of the tribe and helps to keep it together.
Lowers the DC of the worship hero action by 5
Unlocks culture, allowing tribes to merge.
progress 0/300
gain roll-40 progress each time this action is taken.
+10 from axes

[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100-25) but can not lose progress

- Improved tools 65/100
10 progress is made on a 80+ Craft tools rolls before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ Craft tools rolls before modifiers.
Reduces the DC for making 3 tools by 5

- Art 0/100
The creation of decorative items.
Produced by artisans and can be traded away and used in some buildings.
unlocks culture

-Wicker shields 20/100
Give a +10 bonus to defense but last only a single battle/raid.
Last edited:
ok so I figure we either want the Master of hunters if we want to go the path of quick expansion, or to have the Shaman elder lead us if we want to take the path of religion.

Both are good choices and since this is a fantasy quest Religion may very well lead to magic.... but mass expansion leads to metal and more research. So I leave it up to you guys.
[X] [govern] Nightingale.
[X] [elders] Improved Tools.
[X] [study] Improved Tools.
[X] [tools] Bows.
[X] [Boost] The Great Hall.
[X] [task] Create new settlement. [The Great River]
[X] [task] Scout. [Limestone Hills]

- Nightingale gives us a free action at the cost of stability which we usually get high enough on due to extra food that the debuff shouldn't matter plus our stability is above average so we have some wiggle room.
- We can finish improved tools this turn, unlike other techs.
- We have more hunters who can use bows then bows so this will massively boost food production as more hunters move to better food producing tasks.
- Boosting Nightingale's great hall roll seems like the best idea since nothing needs a high roll right now and the higher the roll the fast the building is complete.
- We need to grab the settlement site before anyone else does.
- We don't really need the extra food we can get from other actions right now and we can't complete other techs with one roll unless we get really lucky so setting up for our next settlement seems like the best idea. We'll take trail markers next turn for more settlement slots alongside conquering the area we scouted which should let us settle the area the turn after that.

sunrise improved tools should be at 65, not 30 since 35+40-25=50 plus the +15 we should have gotten from the Elder Council.
ok so I figure we either want the Master of hunters if we want to go the path of quick expansion, or to have the Shaman elder lead us if we want to take the path of religion.

Both are good choices and since this is a fantasy quest Religion may very well lead to magic.... but mass expansion leads to metal and more research. So I leave it up to you guys.
The Master of the Hunt gives by far the weakest bonuses as we can do the militia thing at any time we want so he only gives a plus 10 to scouting rolls which doesn't do much. But if he were to create a set of trail markers or something every turn or take an automatic scouting action he'd be much more powerful since that's one less action we need to take every time we want to expand.
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