The tribe has been hunting and gathering in these woods for generations and trying to survive. We have learned to control fire and create stone tools but only now with the weather improving there is enough food to do more. We have time to meet with the other tribes walking these lands and for exploration, to craft better tools to make our lives easier, to talk and plan not only the next hunt but what we do during the rest of the summer and to create permanent camps for those jobs hard to do on the move.
Of all the thinks we could do we have only have time for a few and the good weather will not last forever.
Each task represent a group of the tribe working at a task and each of these groups eats 3 food.
The tribe can do 8 tasks each turn(about a decade) but lack of control means most of these tasks are locked and many task can not be done until the tribe gains the needed tools, resources and knowledge.
The locked tasks are Gather plants x3 and Hunting(small animals) x3. both actions provide 4 food on average. With the current weather this enough to feed the entire tribe.
You have 2 actions each turn and for now you can use those to pick the last 2 tasks the tribe does this decade:
Most tasks have hidden effects on high rolls all rolls are 1D100.
[task] Gather plants(max 4 times per turn)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
DC 20: 3 food DC 50: 4 food DC 80: 5 food.
[task] Hunting(small animals)(max 5 times per turn)
Provides 4 food by hunting small animals
DC 35: 3 food DC 50: 4 food DC 70: 5 food DC 90: 6 food.
[task] Craft tools[type]
know tools:
-Stone tipped spears: Gives a group of hunters +10 on the roll.
DC 40: enough spears for one group DC: 80 enough for two groups
[task] scout[target]
Finds new resources valid targets are: The old forest(current location), North, South, West, East
[task] Create long term camp[location]
valid locations: none
Currently the tribe moves its camp every few days as they go where the hunting is best but there might be places where the tribe might want to spend longer.
Unlocks new options, but reduces the amount of times the gather plans and hunting actions can be taken each turn.
Votes can be by plan or per action with approval voting
Having 4+ food at the end of 3 turns in a row adds one more task the tribe can do
Any task repeated 3 turns in a row can become a locked one saving the tribes actions.
I reserve 4 posts(status sheet, mechanics post, 2 more to be save) and then posting is open.
The tribe consist of hunter and farmers living at two settlements one near a stream and a second one near a flint outcrop. They sow and tend orchards and are know for their flint tools and the tamed dogs that live at their camp. They call the forest around the Great Oak Grove the old forest as this is where they always lived, here is also a deposit of flint.
Their religion is based on the worship of Heroes both the ones living and that lived in the past.
The tribes stability is average.
Tribal values:
Sharing: +5 to stability rolls when low on food and when interaction with weaker groups
Tribal modifiers:
Stream camp +1 food
Elder council -1 food, get +15 on chosen study project.
Tamed wolves +5 to hunting rolls
Hero worship: get +10 on all rolls by heroes but -10 on the stability roll if the roll is below 10
Specialization: all locked food producing actions get DC 15: 1 food, +5 to all other locked actions
Legacy: First tool makers +5 to rolls for studying tools
Legacy: First Farmers -10 to the DC to find good farming spots
Settlements and buildings:
Stream Settlement:
Flint outcrop:
Stone walls
Green Rock:
Copper Ore
Limestone mine
They know about the following tribes:
Son of the Dragon: Live far to the west past the bison hunters, worship the dragon that lives there and are raiding nearby groups for slaves.
Great plain tribes: The bison hunters told of others that hunt the bison on the great plain to the west we met one group know for their use of bison horns.
The children of the river worship the river as the mother of the tribe and spend most of their time fishing the great river. They where the first that started to build longhouses.
The bison hill Tribe: formed when the hill tribe and the bison hunters joined into one tribe they are know for maintaining a large militia and the domestication of bisons.
The deer hunters: A alliance of smaller tribes that live in the forest to the north known for their large number of hunters and having the oldest nobility.
The wold as know to the tribe:
To the north the deer hunters live.
To the east there are hills that contain limestone and copper and beyond that there are orcish camps.
To the west there is a great plain with large herds of bison and tribes hunting them
To the south there is a major river where the children of the river live.
Weather will be determined by the following roll:
(last turns weather + 50 + 1D100) /3
between 45 and 55 is perfect weather and the tribe gets +10% food.
between 35-44 and 56-65 there are no bonuses/penalties.
Between 25-34 and 66-75 food production will be reduced by 30%
On average you should return to good weather(50) and reaching the worst possible weather will take a lot of bad rolls in a row and you can see it move there and prepare.
The tribe grows and can do more tasks if it collects enough food, currently you need to collect 4 food per group you have and you loose 2 growth for each food you are short.
Each turn a D100 is rolled to see if the tribes stability changes.
The result of this roll is multiplied by food produced divided by food needed.
if the result after modifiers is 10 or less the stability drops, if it is 90 or more it increases.
You get a hero on a 95+ roll for the random event and a 100 without any modifiers on most other rolls.
The base health for groups is 200, damage includes wounded fighter unable to keep fighting and those that died.
For each 25% damage taken(50 with 200) 1 growth is lost.
Battles begin with a scouting roll to try and find the other side and get the troops in the best place, both sides roll a single D100.
If you win by 20 you get a +10 bonus to maneuvering by 40 +20 all the way to +50 at a 100 point gap.
Bonuses for this roll can be gained from knowing the area the battle is in and having dedicated scouts.
Next both sides roll a maneuvering roll to determine initial positions.
If you win by 20 you get a +10 bonus to maneuvering by 40 +20 all the way to +50 at a 100 point gap.
These bonuses are for the first round of combat.
Bonuses for this roll can be gained by winning scouting, some techs.
If both the scouting and maneuver roll are won by at least 50 the first combat roll is a surprise one where only one side deals damage.
Combat consists of opposed rolls between groups with the two strongest fighting each other and going down the list until the weakest in both armies.
During the first round of combat only groups with ranged weapons can attack.
When one side has more groups the strongest remaining group fights the strongest group not yet fighting two enemies.
If there are groups left after all are fighting two groups the remaining groups fight with ranged weapons if they have them or wait as a reserve.
Each turn of combat consist of the following rolls:
side one attacks rolls a 1d00 and the other side rolls a 1d100 for defense
if the attack roll is higher then the defense one the defenders take the difference in damage
next the other side attack and defense rolls are make.
Next rolls for morale are made:
if the roll is lower then the amount of damage taken morale drops.
if the roll is higher then 100 + damage taken - damage done morale increases.
Morale start at Normal
Good: +10 to attack and defense rolls
Normal: +0 to all rolls
Wavering: -10 to attack, defense and morale rolls
Broken: group tries to retreat does not attack.
If more then 50% of a army are wavering or broken it tires to retreat.
If the battle is to attack the last settlement of a tribe then the defenders fight until 50% of their forces are broken instead
Gear, skill and other modifiers to rolls:
Improved Bronze tipped spears : +20 to attack rolls
Bronze tipped spears : +15 to attack rolls
Bronze short swords +5 to attack rolls
Stone tipped spears : +10 to attack rolls
crude spears: +5 to attack rolls
stone knives, stone axes: +5 to attack rolls
clubs +0
bows: allows ranged attacks
longbows: +5 to ranged attack rolls
Wicker shields : +10 to defense rolls.
heavy infantry(+10 melee attacks,+20 defense and no ranged attacks)
archers(+20 ranged attacks,-10 defense and melee attacks)
skirmishers(attacks twice in the first ranged combat round, more likely to be attacked during ranged combat, +5 to all maneuver rolls)
Hunters: +10 to attack rolls , +5 to defense rolls
Militia training +10 to attack rolls , +10 to defense rolls
Full time warriors +30 to attack rolls , +30 to defense rolls, +25% health
Orc warrior culture +10 to attack rolls, +5 to defense rolls
Losses taken:
25-50%: -10 to attack rolls , -10 to morale rolls
51-75%: -20 to attack rolls , -25 to morale rolls
76+%: -30 to attack rolls , -50 to morale rolls
less then 10% left alive the groups morale always breaks.
Being attacked by two groups: -10 to defense rolls
Craft tools,stone tipped spear 19: failure
Craft tools,stone tipped spear 95: great success, 2x stone tiped spears, innovation: stone axes
Gather plants 28: 3 food
Gather plants 62: 4 food
Gather plants 69: 4 food
Hunting(small animals) 78+10: 5 food, reveals Hunting (large animals)
Hunting(small animals) 37+10: 4 food
Hunting(small animals) 60: 4 food
weather = 50(old weather) + 50(return towards average) + 32(roll) /3 = 44 = fair weather = +10% food.
final food collected = (3+4+4+5+4+4) = 24
food eaten= 8(nr of tasks) x3 = 24
Final food = +0
random event 16: wolves of the east
All of the tribe agreed that the way forward was by creating better spears and many members of the tribes worked on making them. However there where some that where better at it then others as the art of hitting a stone just right so that the broken pieces could be used was harder then it looked and many stones where reduced to flakes or broke into pieces when tested for the first time.
One of the tribes members got the name rock shaper for seeming to know just by looking at a stone how it could be turned into a tool. He also has plans of making tools using far larger rocks then those used for the spears.
The tribes hunters brought in a large amount of game using the new spears until a pack of larger then normal wolves came from the east and started to compete with our hunters. The hunters could defeat these wolves as they tried to take kills away from our hunters but the fighting saw several hunters wounded.
How did the tribe deal with these new wolves?
[wolves] Stop hunting in the eastern part of the forest
Reduces the amount of hunting small game task the tribe can do by 2.
Gives a free scouting action as they move into new hunting grounds.
[wolves] Fight the wolves.
Chance of loosing hunters, removing the wolves and ???
[wolves] Gather plans instead of hunting
Reduces the amount of hunting small game task the tribe can do by 2.
Replaces a locked hunting(small animals) task with Gather plants.
You have 2 actions each turn and for now you can use those to pick the last 2 tasks the tribe does this decade:
Most tasks have hidden effects on high rolls all rolls are 1D100.
[task] Gather plants(max 4 times per turn)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
DC 20: 3 food DC 50: 4 food DC 80: 5 food.
[task] Hunting(small animals)(max 5 times per turn)
Provides 4 food by hunting small animals
DC 35: 3 food DC 50: 4 food DC 70: 5 food DC 90: 6 food.
[task] Craft tools[type]
know tools:
-Stone tipped spears: Gives a group of hunters +10 on the roll.
-Axes: Gives a +10 bonus while creating a camp.
DC 40: enough tools for one group DC: 80 enough for two groups
[task] scout[target]
Finds new resources valid targets are: The old forest(current location), North, South, West, East(Home of the large wolves)
DC 30 for easy to find resources
[task] Create long term camp[location]
valid locations: none
Currently the tribe moves its camp every few days as they go where the hunting is best but there might be places where the tribe might want to spend longer.
Unlocks new options, but reduces the amount of times the gather plans and hunting actions can be taken each turn.
[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100-40) but can not lose progress
-Large game hunting 10/100
Large game hunting provides more food but has a higher DC.
10 progress is made on a 70+ hunting roll before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ hunting roll before modifiers.
[X] Plan Avoid Wolves
- [X] [wolves] Stop hunting in the eastern part of the forest
- [X] [task] Gather plants
We should avoid the wolves as it seems we currently don't know how to unt large game. We will get a free scouting action by not hunting in the forest. The food issue can be made up by extra planting.
There is a draw now between Scout[north] and a second Gather plants for the tribes second action.
The vote will close in 3 hours if there is a draw at that time i roll a dice to pick the 2nd task.