Human Lord Summoning(An Evil Empire Time Loop LitRPG)
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Trapped in a cycle of death, Raymond Draws has one impossible mission: break the Kondur Empire.
When Raymond and his high school programming class are ripped from their world and thrown into a brutal empire built on conquest, they become just another sacrifice to Kondur's insatiable hunger for power. Imprisoned and slated for death after a mystical scan reveals his hidden potential, Raymond witnesses the brutal massacre of his students followed by his own death.
But death is not the end. A goddess, desperate to end the empire's reign of terror, offers Raymond a chance for vengeance - and a terrifying gift. Now, trapped in a time loop, forced to relive the same horrifying hours, Raymond must find a way to master his newfound power, Add to his maximum of three additional random blessings, unravel the secrets of his enemies, and become strong enough to break the cycle of death.
Or die trying, again and again.
But even if he escapes this place, it definitely wont end there.
Chapter 1: Summoning
The bell chimed, releasing my last group of senior programming students from my clutches. Or, more accurately, releasing me from theirs. Teaching high school seniors basic coding was about as thrilling as watching paint dry, though I had to admit, this year's class had a few hidden gems.

I gathered my things, my trusty coffee mug—stained with the evidence of late-night grading sessions—warm in my hand. The familiar weight was oddly comforting. "Remember everyone," I called out, my voice echoing slightly in the rapidly emptying classroom, "the website wireframe is due next Friday! Don't come crying to me when you're up all night Thursday because you procrastinated."

A chorus of groans and a few half-hearted promises followed me out the door. I just shook my head and chuckled. Teenagers.

My little slice of relative peace ended abruptly when I stepped into the breakroom. Margaret, my fellow teacher and caffeine comrade, gave me a sympathetic look over her steaming mug. "He's at it again, huh?"

I grimaced. "Superintendent Bradshaw? You bet. New 'educational directives' apparently dropped straight from his ivory tower. This time it's individual progress reports… weekly… with personalized learning plans adjusted for… get this… 'interdimensional fluctuations in student aptitude. What does interdimensional have to do with anything? Am I some kind of warp physicist on a sci-fi starship?'"

Margaret choked on her coffee, her eyes wide. "He can't be serious. That's stupidly ridiculous even for him!"

"Oh, he's dead serious. Spent ten minutes lecturing me on maximizing student potential in 'an ever-shifting educational paradigm.'" I mimicked Bradshaw's nasal voice, earning a tired laugh from Margaret.

Before she could respond, the door swung open with a loud bang. Principal Thompson strode in, his expression grim. He gave me a tight smile and a pat on the shoulder. "Raymond, a word, please."

I followed him to his office, my stomach twisting into knots. This did not feel good. Thompson shut the door behind us and gestured to the chair opposite his desk. "Raymond," he began, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant, "Bradshaw's new requirements… are unreasonable, even for him."

My heart sank. So, I wasn't just imagining things. This was bad. Really bad.

"I've tried talking to him, but he's adamant. He's convinced these new metrics are crucial for… well, you heard his spiel." He paused, then added in a quieter tone, "You're a good teacher, Raymond, one of the best we've got. I'll see what I can do, try to go over his head, but…"

He didn't need to finish the sentence. I knew.

Losing my job, especially now, when I was so close to paying off my student loans, would be disastrous. I mumbled a thanks, feeling a headache building behind my eyes. The rest of the day passed in a blur of anxiety and forced cheerfulness.

Finally, the last bell of the day rang. I trudged back to my classroom, the weight of Bradshaw's impossible demands pressing down on me. The second senior class was much the same as the first—tired eyes staring at screens, a few enthusiastic students actually engaged, and the constant low hum of the computers. I started the lesson, going through the motions, my mind a million miles away.

Then, it happened.

A strange hum resonated through the room, growing louder by the second. The air crackled with energy, a tingling sensation running down my spine. My students, even the most inattentive ones, looked up, confusion and a flicker of fear in their eyes.

The hum became a roar, the air shimmering with an unnatural light. A blinding white glow enveloped everything, and then… silence.

I blinked, trying to clear my vision. Gone were the familiar walls of my classroom, the rows of computers, the half-finished projects on the desks.

Instead, we stood on a cold, hard floor of polished white stone. Towering around us were figures clad in gleaming steel. Their armor was unlike anything I'd ever seen, sleek yet menacing, with an otherworldly gleam. Each one held a wickedly curved sword, its edge glinting sharply in the strange, diffuse light that seemed to emanate from the very walls of this place.

Their helmets, smooth and featureless, hid their faces, leaving only an unsettling void where eyes should have been. Fear, cold and sharp, shot through me. Where in the world were we?

The initial shock gave way to a rush of adrenaline. This couldn't be real. It was some elaborate prank, a hallucination, anything but… this. I pinched myself, hard. The sharp stab of pain in my arm told me this was no dream.

"Alright, what's going on here?" I called out, my voice echoing oddly in the vast chamber. "Who are you? Where are we?" I locked eyes with the nearest guard, his faceless helmet unnerving in its blankness. "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

The guard, a mountain of steel and silence, shifted slightly, his hand tightening on the hilt of his sword. "You address Knight Harland," he rumbled, his voice a deep bass that resonated in my chest.

The absurdity of it almost made me laugh, a hysterical edge to the sound. My students, however, weren't finding any humor in the situation. Panic rippled through their ranks, their earlier confusion replaced by outright terror.

"Mr. Draws, what's happening?"

"Are we being kidnapped?"

"I want to go home!"

The questions came in a torrent, laced with fear and desperation. I held up my hands, trying to project an air of calm I didn't feel.

"Everyone, just stay calm—"

My words were cut short as a strange sensation washed over me. It felt like… static electricity? No, something else, something that seemed to press in on my mind. I blinked, and a blue screen, shimmering like heat haze, flickered into existence in front of me. It displayed Two words, stark and ominous:

Divine Identification:

Below it, information scrolled, each line sending a fresh wave of ice through my veins.

Name: Imperial Executor Dodon
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Titles: Imperial Executor, Man of Massacre, Paramount Evil, One of the 20 Perpetrators of the 6 Great Massacres of the Innocent
Danger Level: Impossible

Imperial Executor Dodon is looking forward to the results of the blessing scan, he hopes he can kill this batch too. Getting to enslave some lesser blessing holders would be fun too, but he is really hoping for a potential Human Lord to be summoned so they can hurry up and conquer the world already.

The screen vanished as abruptly as it had appeared, leaving me staring at the space where it had been, my mind reeling. This… this couldn't be right. It was insane. This 'Dodon'… he was a monster. And I was trapped here with him, with no way out.

Sweat beaded on my forehead, my heart pounding against my ribs like a frantic bird in a cage. A strangled sound escaped my throat, a mixture of fear and despair. We were entirely screwed.

'Knight Harland,' and even thinking the title made me want to vomit, gestured us forward with a gauntleted hand. "Your accommodations have been prepared. Please follow."

Accommodations. Right.

We were marched out of the stark white chamber and down a seemingly endless hallway. The walls here were made of some kind of polished black stone, etched with glowing runes that pulsed with an unsettling energy. The air hung heavy, thick with the scent of ozone and something else… metallic, almost like blood.

My steps echoed on the hard floor, each one a hammer blow against the rising tide of fear threatening to drown me. The other students, my students, trailed behind me, their faces pale and drawn.

"Mr. Draws," a small voice whispered. It was Sarah, a bright, bubbly girl who always sat in the front row. Now, her face was streaked with tears, her eyes wide and terrified. "What's going to happen to us?"

What could I say? That I had absolutely no idea other than it was going to obviously be not good? That the information my strange new 'ability' had shown me filled me with a dread I couldn't even articulate?

I forced a smile, hoping it didn't look as fake as it felt. "It's going to be alright, Sarah. We just… we just need to stay calm and do what they say." Even to my own ears, the words sounded hollow, unconvincing.

After what felt like an eternity, we reached a set of massive double doors, intricately carved with scenes of battle and conquest. They swung open silently as we approached, revealing a spacious chamber beyond.

My first thought was that it was… opulent. A far cry from the cold, sterile atmosphere of the hallway. Intricately woven tapestries depicting idyllic landscapes hung on the walls. A fire roared in a grand fireplace, casting dancing shadows across the plush furniture and thick rugs that adorned the floor.

But even surrounded by such luxury, a sense of wrongness permeated the room. The windows, though large and offering a breathtaking view of a city unlike anything I'd ever seen, were barred. The doors, now closed behind us, were guarded by two of the silent, helmeted figures.

It wasn't a room, not really. It was a gilded cage.

The hours that followed were an agonizing blur. We were given no explanation, no indication of what was to become of us. The guards, those terrifying figures in their emotionless masks, remained ever-present. They moved with an unsettling grace, their every action precise, controlled, inhuman.

They answered our questions with clipped, emotionless responses, their tone polite yet utterly devoid of warmth. It was creepier than outright hostility. They were like machines, programmed to mimic human interaction, but failing miserably.

"Will we ever be going home, where even are we?" David, a lanky boy who excelled at coding but struggled with social interaction, had asked at one point, his voice trembling slightly.

"That is not for me to say," one of the guards had replied, his voice a flat monotone. "Your fate will be determined in due time."

Time. It stretched on, each tick of the clock a hammer blow to my sanity. My stomach growled in protest, the pangs of thirst a sharp reminder of how utterly screwed we were.

By the time they came for us again, nearly sixteen hours after our arrival, according to the 28 hour clock in the corner, I was a mess of anxiety and gnawing fear.

They marched us through a maze of corridors, finally arriving at a large, circular chamber. It was dominated by a massive orb, pulsing with an internal light, connected by thick cables to what looked like some kind of elaborate printing press.

"Place your hand upon the Orb of Ascendancy," one of the guards instructed, his voice echoing in the chamber. "Your blessings will then be revealed."

One by one, the students stepped forward. Most of the orbs glowed dimly, barely illuminating the chamber. A few flickered brightly, eliciting murmurs from the guards, but none reacted as violently as mine.

My hand trembled as I placed it upon the smooth, cool surface. The orb erupted in a blinding red light, the intensity forcing me to close my eyes. The air crackled with energy, sending a jolt through my body.

I opened my eyes to see words blazing on the surface of the orb, each one etched in fire.

Type: Information Gathering.

Danger Level: Forbidden.

Terror, raw and primal, flooded my system. This… this was it. This was how it ended.

Before I could even process the implications of the words, a searing pain ripped through my back. I looked down to see the tip of a sword protruding from my chest, the steel slick with my blood.

"Impossible," a voice hissed, cold with fury. "A forbidden blessing?! You can't leave here alive!"

My vision swam as I fell, the world tilting on its axis. Through the haze of pain, I saw them descend on my students, swords flashing, screams echoing in the chamber.

The last thing I saw, before darkness claimed me, was Sarah being dragged away, her face contorted in a silent scream, her hand outstretched… reaching for me… or maybe… for help that would never come.
Chapter 2: Different Summoning Results; Different Treatment.
The searing pain, the metallic tang of blood in my throat as I flipped through the air and saw my own body in front of me lacking a head, the echoing screams of my students… they all faded away, replaced by… nothing.

Then, awareness returned, a slow trickle at first, like waking from a dreamless sleep. I opened my eyes, squinting against the harsh, sterile white light that filled the room. My head throbbed with a dull ache, and my throat felt like sandpaper.

I was sitting in a chair, my hands resting on a cold, metallic table. Across from me sat a woman, her face etched with exhaustion, her eyes red-rimmed and shadowed. She looked less like a deity and more like… well, a tired school teacher after a long day of dealing with unruly students. Which, considering my recent experience, was a thought tinged with a bitter irony.

"Where…" My voice cracked, barely a whisper. I coughed, trying to clear my throat. "Where am I?"

The woman leaned forward, her gaze intent. "You are safe, for now," she said, her voice surprisingly gentle. "I am Sancta, the Goddess of this world… or at least, what's left of it."

Her words slammed into me, each one a hammer blow against the fragile barrier of disbelief I'd erected. Goddess? This world? What was happening?

As if reading my thoughts, she continued. "The world you see outside, the empire that calls itself Kondur… it was not always this way. They were once a small kingdom, ambitious, yes, but contained." Her hand clenched into a fist, her voice laced with a quiet fury. "I granted them access to the Hero's Gate, a means to summon aid in times of great need, a last resort against the darkness that lurks beyond our world's borders."

She laughed, a harsh, humorless sound. "Foolish, wasn't I? To believe in the inherent goodness of mortals? They perverted my gift, twisting it to serve their own greed. The summoning chamber… they use it to fuel their endless wars, to enslave entire worlds."

"Why?" The word escaped me before I could stop it. "Why not just… stop them?"

Sancta closed her eyes, her face a mask of pain. "I am dying, mortal," she said softly. "Each attempt to intervene… it weakens me further. My power is fading, my influence waning. Soon… soon, there will be nothing left to protect this world, or any other, from their insatiable hunger."

"But… you're a goddess," I stammered, clinging to the word as if it held some magical power to make sense of this impossible situation. "Why can't you… fix it?"

She opened her eyes, and for the first time, I saw a flicker of desperation in their depths. "Look at me, Raymond Draws," she commanded, her voice regaining a hint of its former power. "Use your gift, your divine sight. Tell me what you see."

The familiar screen, shimmering like heat haze, flickered into existence before me, displaying her information:

Name: Sancta
Moral Alignment: True Good
Titles: World Goddess, Goddess of Dunn, World Savior, Heroine of the Planar Boundary
Danger Level: Hard Won Fight

Sancta is hoping that she can survive long enough to get this mortal to agree to save her world, even if she will die in the process, maybe this person might save the world.

The screen vanished. I stared at her, my mind reeling. The information itself wasn't surprising, not really. But the raw desperation bleeding through her carefully constructed facade… that was new.

"You're dying," I whispered, the words catching in my throat.

She nodded slowly. "Every attempt to use my power… it's like pouring poison into my veins. Even divination, peering into the possible futures... it hastens the end." Her voice cracked. "I've scoured countless candidates of those summoned, searched for a way, for someone… anyone… to break the cycle. Most souls" She shakes her head, "They shatter under the strain. A few dozen loops and they're lost to madness. You… you are the first to retain your sanity, your sense of self."

"So, I'm your last resort?" My voice was bitter, laced with a fear I couldn't suppress.

"You are my only hope," she corrected, her gaze unwavering. "Help me, Raymond. Save my world. Please."

The weight of her plea pressed down on me, heavy and inescapable. "What-" I gulped nervously "What do I have to do?"

"You will die, Raymond," she said, her voice full of sadness, but stating a simple fact. "Again, and again. But each time, you will learn, you will grow stronger. You will find a way to break the cycle, to dismantle their empire, piece by piece, eventually, you may even do it in a single, powerful sweep."

She reached out, her hand hovering over mine. "I can offer you one boon, Raymond Draws, one gift to aid you on your journey. Ask, and it shall be yours."

"Bring my students back." The words tumbled out before I could stop them. "Send them home. Don't let them suffer this… this nightmare."

A flicker of something crossed her face. Sadness? Pity? "It shall be done." She closed her eyes, her hand making a slow, twisting motion in the air, as if turning a key in an invisible lock, a motion of twisting something counterclockwise evoking the feeling of turning something backward as well as the opening of some lock- some kind of limit.

"You may grow to hate me for this, Raymond," she whispered, her voice fading as a wave of exhaustion washed over her. "But even then… even then, this is necessary. Thank you… and I'm… sorry."

The world dissolved around me as she faded into nothing in front of me, the white light fading to black.

The scent of ozone and old stone hit me first, a wave of sensory memory that sent a shiver down my spine. I opened my eyes, bracing for the blinding white light of the summoning chamber... but instead, I found myself staring into the blank, emotionless visor of one of the helmeted guards. The guard I now knew, with absolute certainty, was the monster called Dodon.

It was disorienting, to say the least. One minute I was fading into nothingness, the weight of a dying goddess's plea heavy on my soul… the next, here I was, back in the moment before it all went to hell.

Dodon tilted his head, the gesture almost birdlike in its swiftness. "Strange," he rumbled, his voice a low, grating sound that reverberated in my chest.

My vision flickered, the strange screen appearing as if conjured from the air itself.

Divine Identification:

Name: Imperial Executor Dodon
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Titles: Imperial Executor, Man of Massacre, Paramount Evil, One of the 20 Perpetrators of the 6 Great Massacres of the Innocent
Danger Level: Impossible

Imperial Executor Dodon is confused as to why they summoned one person and 30 mannequins with clothing on them. He thinks the targeting data of the activation spell must have been off. He is contemplating how much he will enjoy killing the lone summoned individual. He is deciding against it due to how angry his superiors will be if there are none, rather than one.

Mannequins? I glanced back, my blood turning to ice. The other students, my students, stood frozen behind me, their expressions vacant, their eyes empty. They looked… exactly like…

Oh god. Sancta. She'd sent them back, safe.

Did she have to make the mannequins look like them, though?

Another wave of dizziness washed over me, and this time, it wasn't the aftereffect of a traumatic death. A new screen materialized in front of my eyes, this one pulsing with an internal light that seemed to pull me inward.

Blessing Inventory

Permanent Blessings (2/2):

Divine Identification: Locked In
Authority of the Time Loop: Locked In

Temporary Blessing Slots (0/3):


My gaze snagged on that second blessing. Authority of the Time Loop. It felt… important. As if sensing my focus, a new window opened, displaying the blessing's details:

Authority of the Time Loop (Passive):

You are bound to the moment of your arrival in this world. Upon death, your existence will rewind to this point.
Each loop grants you one additional unlocked blessing, enhancing your aptitude in a specific area.
Duplicate blessings can be slotted up to three times in the same slot or combined via evolution to gain access to their full potential.
Unlocked and slotted blessings may be discarded back into the inventory to make room for new ones.
All gains in power of any kind are permanent and persist upon death.
Upon the beginning of each loop you will be as if you have rested well, eaten a normal and satisfying meal, and are in peak condition.

I guess this was my new life.


The guard who dragged me away wasn't Dodon, thankfully. Not that it mattered much in the grand scheme of things. I was still a lamb being led to slaughter, the only difference being the color of the butcher's apron.

At least for now.

This guard, unlike his disturbingly polite counterparts, didn't even bother with pleasantries. He hauled me through the maze of corridors like a sack of potatoes, his grip on my arm bruisingly tight.

"Stupid assignment," he grumbled under his breath, the words muffled slightly by his helmet. "One scrawny summon. Probably worthless anyway."

I wanted to laugh at how stupid this was, but something—perhaps the memory of Dodon's sword passing hing through my chest and then my neck kept the sound lodged in my throat.

We arrived at a cell door, a far cry from the opulent prison of the previous loop. This one was a simple, utilitarian affair: bare stone walls, a rough-hewn wooden bunk, a bucket in the corner that served as… well, I didn't want to think about what it served as.

The guard shoved me inside, the impact sending me sprawling onto the cold, hard floor. "Stay in your cage, trash," he growled, not bothering to hide his disdain. "And don't even think about trying anything stupid."

He slammed the door shut, the heavy metal bar clanging into place. I heard his footsteps retreating down the corridor, leaving me alone in the suffocating silence of the cell.

"This sucks," I muttered to myself, pushing myself up from the floor. My arm throbbed where the guard had gripped it, a constant reminder of my helplessness.

Wait a minute.

'Divine Identification.'

The screen popped up, displaying the guard's information.

Name: Jin
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Titles: Dunn Imperial Guard, Thief, Slaver.
Danger Level: Very Dangerous

Jin is wondering why he is guarding a single Summon with such a weak blessing when normally they only guard those with blessings like his in groups of two, and there were obviously better things to do than waste his time on guarding a nobody. His thoughts are a jumbled mess of anger that he got stuck guarding someone obviously worthless while lamenting that his team got a crappy dungeon to raid this week but due to this assignment he can't go so he won't get to steal any loot this time around.

Right now, though, there was something else I needed to do.

I dropped to the floor, starting a set of pushups. The stone was cold and hard against my bare skin, but I ignored the discomfort, focusing on the burn in my muscles.

Six hours and countless pushups, situps, and absolute pain later, a new screen materialized in front of me, startling me out of my rhythm.

Skill: Exercise (Body) has gained a level!
Exercise (Body) is now level 1.
Would you like to open your Skill Board?

'A skill board?' I thought the words, Was this part of Sancta's doing, or was there more going on with this world than I had realized?

Intrigued, I mentally selected 'Yes.'

A blue screen, similar to the Divine Identification display but far more intricate, unfolded before my eyes. It was divided into several sections, each one pulsing with an internal light.


Authority of the Time Loop (Locked In)
Divine Identification (Locked In)
Temporary Slot: Empty
Temporary Slot: Empty
Temporary Slot: Empty


Exercise (Body): Level 1


World of Dunn: Citizen/Outworld Hero
Empire of Kondur: Conscript/Slave

Well. This was… a lot to process. It seemed like I had a lot more options than I'd initially thought. But first things first. I had pushups to do.

This time, I pushed harder, my every movement fueled by a burgeoning hope and a burning desire for vengeance. I didn't know how many loops it would take, how many deaths I would have to endure. But one thing was certain: I would become strong. Strong enough to break this cycle, strong enough to tear down this empire, strong enough to avenge what they took from me.

I probably wasn't going home, but I was at least going to make the most of it.

The rough, scratchy blanket they'd tossed onto the cot did little to cushion the ache in my muscles. I'd pushed myself too hard, ignored the warning twinges as I powered through set after set of pushups, squats, and whatever lunges I could manage in the cramped cell.

But that was the point, wasn't it? To push past my limits, to break myself down so I could be remade stronger.

The words of the blessing on that screen were a reminder that I could smash myself all I wanted and I would still get stronger.

I wasn't going to waste a single death.

I'd lost track of time in this stark, silent cell. No windows to mark the passage of day and night, no guards bothering to check on the lone prisoner they clearly considered an afterthought. Hunger gnawed at my stomach, but it was a dull ache compared to the fire in my muscles.

Another notification blinked into existence, forcing its way into my consciousness.

Skill: Exhaustion Resistance (Sleep) has gained a level!
Exhaustion Resistance (Sleep) is now level 1.
Skill: Exercise (Stretching) has gained a level!
Exercise (Stretching) is now level 2.
Skill: Exercise (Body) has gained a level!
Exercise (Body) is now level 2.

I chuckled, a dry, humorless sound. Leave it to a system to gamify the basic human need for sleep. Still, it was a welcome distraction from the gnawing tension that had become my new normal.

The clang of the cell door jolted me upright. Dodon stood in the doorway, his featureless helmet somehow managing to convey annoyance.

"You," he growled, his voice thick with displeasure. "Forgot to check your blessing. Move."

He didn't grab me this time, but I could feel his gaze burning into my back as I followed him out of the cell. So much for their nonchalance. It seemed even monsters could be forgetful.

The walk to the chamber was a blur of cold stone and the ever-present scent of ozone. I kept my gaze fixed on the back of Dodon's armor, memorizing every detail of his movements, the way he shifted his weight, the subtle clink of metal on metal.

I wouldn't forget a single thing.

He shoved me towards the orb, the same one as before. At least, I assumed it was the same. Did these things come with serial numbers?

As I placed my hand on the smooth, cool surface, a sense of foreboding washed over me. The air crackled with energy, far more intense than before. The orb pulsed, a blinding light flashing between red and gold before it exploded.

The last thing I saw was Dodon's shocked expression as the wave of energy slammed into me, obliterating everything in its path.

The familiar scent of ozone, the echoing silence… I was back.

"Strange," Dodon muttered, his voice tinged with confusion.

I didn't bother looking back this time. The mannequins would be there, their vacant eyes staring into nothingness. Another reminder of a home I couldn't return to.

'Divine Identification.'

Name: Imperial Executor Dodon
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Titles: Imperial Executor, Man of Massacre, Paramount Evil, One of the 20 Perpetrators of the 6 Great Massacres of the Innocent
Danger Level: Impossible

Hope, a fragile bud struggling to bloom in the wasteland of my despair, withered and died. Still impossible.

Not that I should have expected anything different.

I was stronger now, tougher. More resilient.

But I wasn't strong enough to fight anyone here.

Not even close.

Not yet.

A new alert in the corner of my eye showed.
Chapter 3: Dying sucks, Getting stronger is fun, though.
My fingers twitched, a nervous tic I had developed before arriving in this hellhole when stress came. At least I had a new toy to play with this time around.

'Show me my available blessings,' I thought, my mind already navigating the familiar interface.

A single notification, stark and bright, filled my vision:

New Unlocked Blessing Available:

Body Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (X3): Increases the rate at which you gain experience in Body-based Skills by 300%. Increases Body-based Skill Endurance by 300%.

I didn't hesitate. 'Slot it.'

The notification vanished, replaced by the comforting weight of progress. It wasn't much, not yet. But it was a start. This time, I would try a bit harder.

The guard—'Moron' felt like a much more fitting title than 'Jin', given his apparent lack of situational awareness—shoved me forward, his grip almost gentle compared to our first encounter. I guess even soulless automatons could learn.

I used the forced march to my advantage, my gaze sweeping across the corridor. Each loop, I tried to memorize every detail of this place: the subtle variations in the stonework, the flickering runes etched into the walls, the way the air seemed to thicken near certain doorways.

Knowledge was power, or so they said. And right now, knowledge was all I had.

'Divine Identification.'

My vision flickered, the familiar blue screen overlaying the real world like a ghostly blueprint.

Wall: This is a wall. It appears to be made of stone.

'Riveting,' I thought dryly. Still, I persisted, scanning every object, every shadow, every flickering torch that lined the corridor.

Door: This is a door. It is currently closed.

Torch: This is a torch. It is providing illumination.

Hundreds of scans, each one as useless as the last. My only solace was the growing certainty that 'Moron' wouldn't notice my antics. He moved with the robotic precision of someone who had long since stopped questioning the purpose behind his actions.

Then, just as I was about to write off the whole endeavor as a colossal waste of mental energy, something changed.

Painting: This painting depicts a battle scene. It is of dubious artistic merit and more than likely a forgery.

The description, while still unhelpful, held a glimmer of something more. It wasn't just stating the obvious anymore.

'Again,' I thought, focusing on the next torch.

Torch: This torch burns with an unnatural green flame. The source of the fuel is unknown.

My heart quickened. This… This was new.

A wave of dizziness, far more intense than before, washed over me, and then a new notification filled my vision:

Your Blessing: Divine Identification has increased in level! Obfuscation can be pierced in a more productive way, and more information will be revealed.

A wave of grim satisfaction washed over me. Finally, some good news. I was starting to make progress. Now, time to put my newly enhanced ability to the test.

I focused on 'Moron' and his partner, who had been trailing behind us with the same bored disinterest as the security camera-like device on the wall of the cell in front of me.

Name: Jin
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Titles: Dunn Imperial Guard, Thief, Slaver
Danger Level: Very Dangerous
Brawling Level: 7
Swordsmanship Level: 12
Agility(Body)(1 Evol): Level 24
Body Strengthening(Body)(1 Evol): Level 21
Flexibility(Body)(1 Evol): Level 18
Perception(Mind): Level 10
Pain Tolerance(Body)(1 Evol): Level 16

Name: Mind-Slave Ben
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil(Controlled)(Chaotic Good)
Titles: Dunn Imperial Guard, Dungeon Delver, Would-be Hero(failed), Mind-Slave
Danger Level: Very Dangerous
Brawling Level: 19
Swordsmanship Level: 13
Agility(Body)(1 Evol): Level 19
Body Strengthening(Body)(1 Evol): Level 23
Flexibility(Body)(1 Evol): Level 17
Mental Resistance(Mind): Level 31
Pain Tolerance(Body)(1 Evol): Level 30

'Evol?' I'd have to figure that out later. Right now, I had information to process. These guards, with their gleaming armor and menacing air were probably at least superhuman in some way. Probably at least above any of the absolute best Navy Seals in the USA.

I tucked this knowledge away.

I had a long way to go before I could even dream of challenging these monsters, but at least now, I knew what I was up against.

The cell door clanged shut, the sound echoing in the silence like a death knell. I didn't need to turn around to know that 'Moron' and his partner—'Mind-Slave Ben', as my newly enhanced Divine Identification had revealed—were already back to ignoring my existence. Good.

I started my routine immediately. Pushups, squats, situps, lunges. Anything and everything I could do to work my muscles in this cramped space. The guards didn't so much as glance in my direction. I was a bug, an insignificant speck of dirt beneath their notice.

Even better.

Every bead of sweat, every burning muscle, every aching joint brought a sliver of satisfaction. It was pathetic, I knew, this desperate attempt to claw my way towards some semblance of strength in a world where even the weakest guard could probably crush my skull like a grape.

But that was all I could do.

'Mind-Slave.' The title echoed in my thoughts, a chilling counterpoint to the rhythmic thud of my fists against the stone floor as I powered through another set of pushups. What did it mean, exactly? Was Ben's mind trapped, his actions controlled by some outside force? And that parenthetical note in his alignment: (Chaotic Good). Did that mean there was still a sliver of the man he used to be, buried beneath layers of forced obedience?

'Would-be Hero (failed).'

Another piece of the puzzle. Had Ben been summoned like me, full of hope and naive idealism, only to be broken by this brutal empire? Or had he been a native of this world, his dreams of heroism crushed beneath the iron heel of Kondur's tyranny?

'One loop,' I thought, my breath catching in my throat as I transitioned from pushups to squats. 'Just one loop, in a loop far ahead of this one, I will try to see if I can reach him, Then I'll break whatever hold they have on him.'

It was a foolish notion, I knew that. Reckless, even. But my defiance of these assholes would never be broken, a rage I felt for the man I saw playing poker with a dull expression burned within me.

for now, I couldn't even hope to protect myself, let alone someone else. Not yet.

First, I had to survive. And to survive, I had to become strong.

Exhaustion Resistance (Sleep) is now level 4.
Exhaustion Resistance (Physical) is now level 5.
Exercise (Stretching) is now level 9.
Exercise (Body) is now level 10.

The rhythmic clang of metal on stone told me 'Moron' was settling in for the night. His partner, still standing at attention by the cell door, was another matter.

'Divine Identification.'
Name: Mind-Slave Ben

Exhaustion Resistance (Sleep): Level 90

'Right. No sleep for the mind-controlled,' I thought grimly. At least 'Moron' had the decency to be predictable. Once he settled in for the night, he was out like a light.

I waited another hour, just to be sure, then rose from the cot. My muscles ached, protesting the constant strain I was putting them through, but I ignored the discomfort. Resting due to pain was a luxury I couldn't afford.
Time to experiment.

I started with shadow boxing, throwing punches and weaving in the cramped space, mimicking the movements I'd seen in old action movies. It was clumsy, awkward, and utterly ineffective against a real opponent, but it was something.

Skill: Shadow Boxing (Body)(-1 Evol) has gained a level!
Skill: Shadow Boxing (Body)(-1 Evol) is now level 2!

The notifications surprised me. I hadn't expected to gain a skill from something so… basic. But then, I was starting from absolute zero. Maybe, in this world, even the most rudimentary forms of combat were governed by the system.

Skill: Shadow Boxing (Body)(-1 Evol) is now level 10!

'Interesting,' I thought, watching the notifications tick by. The skill was leveling up at an alarming rate compared to the grueling grind of Exercise. 'Maybe it's a prerequisite skill, something that's deliberately easy to acquire as a stepping stone to something else?
The negative evol tag seemed to support that theory.

I continued my shadow boxing routine, my movements growing smoother, more fluid as the skill level climbed higher. Two hours later, another notification flashed in front of me, this one accompanied by a jolt of energy that seemed to course through my entire being.

Skill: Shadow Boxing (Body)(-1 Evol) has evolved into Brawling (Body/Combat)!

'Finally!' I thought, a grin spreading across my face. Brawling. Now we were talking.

Then, another notification, this one unexpected.

For evolving a combat-type Skill, all combat-type Skill gains are now increased by 10%!

'Well, well, well,' I thought, my grin widening. 'Looks like the system rewards a little initiative.'

My cell suddenly felt a lot smaller. I needed more space to move, to test my limits. I started with basic gymnastics: cartwheels, handstands, clumsy attempts at backflips.

Skill: Gymnastics Training (Body)(-1 Evol) has been acquired!
Skill: Gymnastics Training (Body)(-1 Evol) is now level 6!

The notifications were gratifying, but more than that, I felt a spark of genuine excitement. It was the thrill of discovery, the rush of unlocking something new and unknown.

I had a long way to go, a mountain to climb. But for the first time since I'd arrived in this gods-forsaken world, I felt a flicker of hope.

This time loop, this endless cycle of death and life… maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be so bad after all.

I then learned that Murphy was an asshole.

The rush of progress was intoxicating. Each successful handstand, each clumsy cartwheel that ended in a bruised hip, pushed me further, fueled my determination. I was making progress, however small, and in this hellscape of a world, that was all that mattered.

Skill: Gymnastics Training (Body)(-1 Evol) is now level 98!

Two more levels. Two more levels, and I'd have a real, non-prerequisite skill under my belt.

The clang of the cell door opening ripped me from my focus.

"Stop it," 'Moron' growled, his voice thick with sleep-laced annoyance. "Stop being a loud piece of shit."

I paused, my hand still planted on the cold stone floor, mid-cartwheel. "What?"

"Your stupid exercises," he spat, gesturing at me with a gauntleted hand. "All that jumping and clacking. Another jump, and I will kill you a billion times over."

I stared at him, my heart pounding in my chest. This… this was it, I was already dead, so who cares.

I grinned, a manic edge to it that surprised even me. "Or what?"

'Moron' blinked, as if surprised by my defiance. Good. Let him underestimate me. It wouldn't save me in the end, but at least I'd go out on my own terms.

I went back to my gymnastics, pushing myself harder than ever.

Skill: Gymnastics Training (Body)(-1 Evol) is now level 99!

One more. Just one more.

Skill: Gymnastics Training (Body)(-1 Evol) has evolved into Minor Acrobatics (Body)!

I didn't even have time to celebrate. 'Moron' roared, a sound that seemed to shake the very foundations of the cell, and charged. I saw a flash of steel as he drew his sword, but I was already moving, my newly acquired skills kicking in.

I ducked under the clumsy swing, my fist connecting with his jaw in a satisfying pop sound.

Skill: Brawling (Body/Combat) has gained 5 levels!
Skill: Brawling (Body/Combat) is now level 6!

Even though the sensation was like my fist hitting a metal plate at maximum velocity and I'm pretty sure I broke my hand in multiple places, a surge of triumph, fleeting and pointless, coursed through me. I'd hit him. I'd actually hit him!
Then, the world dissolved into pain.

Skill: Pain Tolerance(Body) has gained 6 levels!
Skill: Pain Tolerance(Body) is now level 6!

'On hindsight, he probably let me connect.'

I noticed the ozone and blood tinged air along with the cold, hard floor beneath my feet. I was back. Back to the beginning.

"Strange." Dodon's voice, flat and emotionless.

I didn't even bother looking at the mannequins this time. Three times I'd been ripped from existence, only to be thrust back into this waking nightmare.

It was getting easier. Not the dying part. That still hurt like a spike being driven through my soul. But the fear… the despair… it was fading, replaced by a cold, hard determination.

Three deaths were nothing. A drop in the bucket compared to what was to come. I had a long way to go, a mountain to climb. But I would climb it. One bloody, agonizing step at a time.

Even if those mannequins looked like my students, I just had to get over it and move on. They were safe and at home, and I couldn't think about could-have-beens.

The only steps I could take were forward.
hey people, please come to royalroad and look at chapter 28. on page 2 in the comments there is a transphobe with religious fundimental reasoning...

Please go there and report the shit out of him.

He can't comment on my story anymore but his words pissed me off.

Jesus, yeah. That knowledger guy was, uh, pretty bad. In lighter topics, I'm really enjoying the story, definitely my favourite out of the ones you've made.
Chapter 4: Round and Round
I kept my gaze fixed on the far wall of the summoning chamber, my expression carefully blank. No point giving them the satisfaction of seeing my fear, my frustration. They were going to kill me anyway. Might as well make them work for it.

'Moron' grabbed my arm, his grip bruisingly tight. I let him haul me to my feet, my body moving on autopilot.

'Ben's here again,' I noted, watching the second guard fall into step behind us. 'In the first loop, after Sancta kicked the bucket after I made the deal it was just 'Moron' dragging me around. Then in the second both of them came.'

I frowned, trying to parse the discrepancy. 'What caused something like this to change the first time? Was there some event or interaction I was overlooking?'

It was frustrating, this constant groping in the dark, blind to the mechanics of my own existence. But frustration was a luxury I couldn't afford. Not now. Not ever.

The walk to the cell was a blur of cold stone and the ever-present scent of ozone. I barely registered the guards' presence, my mind already racing ahead, planning, strategizing.

The heavy clang of the cell door slamming shut was like the starting pistol of a race against death. I didn't waste a second.

'Blessing Inventory.'

Available Blessings:

Subterfuge Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x2): Increases the rate at which you gain experience in all Subterfuge-based Skills by 100%.

'Subterfuge, huh?' I thought, scanning the description. Useful, maybe, but not exactly what I needed for my current plan of turning myself into a one-man army. Still, I had two open slots so I might as well make use of them.

'Slot it.'


Permanent Blessings (2/2):
Divine Identification (Locked In)
Authority of the Time Loop (Locked In)

Temporary Blessing Slots (2/3):

Body Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (x3)
Subterfuge Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x2)

I closed the menu, my gaze sweeping across the confines of my cell. It was time to get to work. Every second counted. Every death was going to be a lesson, I knew.

I glided my hands against the heavy weight of the bars, cold and unforgiving against my palms, they mocked my situation. Escape seemed like an impossible dream.

Then it hit me. I didn't need to overpower 'Jin'. I just needed him to not be in my way. And how did you deal with an obstacle as stupid as 'Jin the Moron', who guarded things in the dumbest way possible, by destroying what he was guarding?

You didn't. You went around it.

My gaze swept across the cell, taking in every detail: the rough-hewn stone blocks that made up the walls, cool and damp against my fingertips when I pressed my hand against them; the narrow slit of a window high above, the faintest sliver of moonlight filtering through the grime; the heavy wooden door barred from the outside, its metal hinges slick with what looked like old oil.

'Think, Raymond, think,' I urged myself. 'There has to be another way.'

My gaze fell on the far wall of the cell, the one furthest from the door. It was made of the same rough-hewn stone as the rest of the cell, but I noticed something strange about the mortar between the blocks… it looked different somehow. I moved over to it and glided my palms against it when 'Moron the guard who kills the guarded to support his family by killing other families' wasn't watching. The seams connecting the brick were weaker, they flaked slightly as I moved my hands over them. I could probably shatter this part of the wall after a few loops.

I pushed myself to my feet, ignoring the protesting ache in my muscles. It was time to experiment.

First, I had to try to learn how to move silently. I started by experimenting with different ways of placing my feet, feeling the slight give of the stone floor beneath my worn leather soles. I shifted my weight, trying to anticipate the minute sounds my movements created: the rustle of fabric as my shirt brushed against my skin, the soft sigh of my own breath.

Minutes stretched into what felt like hours, my initial clumsiness giving way to a growing sense of control. Each failed attempt, each noisy stumble, was a lesson learned, a piece of data to be processed and incorporated into my next attempt. Finally, I found a rhythm, a way of moving that minimized sound without sacrificing too much speed. It was an awkward, almost painfully slow stepping motion, like wading through thick mud, but it was progress.

I forced myself to relax, to keep my movements slow and deliberate as I resumed my practice. Jin might be an idiot, but I didn't need to make his job any easier.

Two notifications, blinking into existence before my eyes, told me I was on the right track:

Rudimentary Stealth (Body)(-2 Evol) is now level 1!
Slow Silent Walking (Body)(-2 Evol) is now level 1!

A grim smile touched my lips. It wasn't much, but it was a start. Every journey began with a single step.

I continued my silent walking practice with a renewed focus. The feel of cold stone beneath my bare feet, the subtle shifts in balance as I distributed my weight, the almost imperceptible rustle of fabric as my clothes brushed against my skin—every sensation was a lesson, a piece of data to be processed and incorporated into my movements.

'Slow. Deliberate. Controlled.' The words echoed in my mind like a mantra.

It was grueling, painstaking work, but the steady stream of notifications told me I was making progress.

Skill Increased: Slow Silent Walking (Body)(-2 Evol) is now level 5!
Skill Increased: Slow Silent Walking (Body)(-2 Evol) is now level 8!

Three hours in, I felt a shift, a subtle realignment within my own body. It wasn't just about placing my feet correctly or controlling my breathing anymore. It was about posture, about moving with an economy of motion that minimized wasted energy and unnecessary sound.

Skill Evolved! Slow Silent Walking (Body)(-2 Evol) has evolved into Silent Walking (Body/Subterfuge)(-1 Evol)!

I allowed myself a small smile. Progress. It wasn't about brute force, not anymore. It was about patience, about exploiting every advantage, no matter how small.

Skill Increased: Silent Walking (Body/Subterfuge)(-1 Evol) is now level 3!
Skill Increased: Silent Walking (Body/Subterfuge)(-1 Evol) is now level 7!

Another few hours passed, and with it, another evolution.

Skill Evolved! Rudimentary Stealth (Body/Subterfuge)(-2 Evol) has evolved into Weak Stealth (Body/Subterfuge)(-1 Evol)!

Exhaustion tugged at me, but I pushed it aside. I was on a roll, and something told me that pushing past this point would be… unwise.

"What in the hells are you doing?" Jin's voice, sharp and laced with suspicion, cut through the silence like a knife.

I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. He'd noticed. Of course, he'd noticed.

"stretching! " I declared, my shifty eyes giving more evidence to my obvious lie.

Not that I really cared to try hiding it at this point.

Jin snorted, his hand resting on the pommel of his sword. "Stretching? You call that skulking around your cell, trying to be all sneaky?" He shook his head, his expression a mixture of amusement and disgust. "Trying to get a head start on your training, are you? Well, let me stop you right there. Trying to learn subterfuge before being assigned by the Empire is obvious treason. And I kill traitors. Painfully."

He let the words hang in the air, a clear threat.

I met his gaze, my expression carefully blank. He was right- but only partially.

I'd been careless. Overconfident that he wasn't smart enough to figure out that he was watching someone training to be stealthy.

I had a lot to learn about surviving in this world.

But he was right about another thing.

I was definitely a traitor, because I had no fucking interest in serving these assholes. I'd destroy this empire the first chance I got.

Jin's threat hung in the air between us, a tangible reminder of my precarious position. He watched me for a long moment, his hand still hovering near his sword hilt, before finally turning away with a disgusted snort.

'Right,' I thought, my muscles tensing with frustrated energy. 'Subterfuge training would have to wait.'

It was frustrating, having my plans so easily derailed, but I was learning, albeit slowly and painfully, that patience was as crucial as any skill in this gods-forsaken world.

'One step at a time, Raymond,' I reminded myself. 'First things first.'

I dropped to the floor, my body automatically falling into the familiar rhythm of pushups. The rough stone bit into my palms, a welcome counterpoint to the churning anxiety in my gut.

Each push, each bead of sweat that rolled down my forehead, was a small victory. Strength. I needed strength. Not just to fight, not yet, but to break free from this cage, to carve a path toward freedom.

The hours crawled by, marked by the rhythmic thud of my body against the stone floor and the steady stream of notifications that marked my glacial progress.

It was slow, agonizingly slow, but it was something. Every point of strength, every ounce of endurance, brought me one step closer to my goal.

I varied my routine, cycling through pushups, squats, lunges, and whatever other exercises I could manage in the cramped space. My muscles screamed in protest, but I pushed through the pain, driven by a desperation born of repeated deaths and a growing understanding of the stakes.

There was a strange sort of freedom in the repetition, in the knowledge that no matter how badly I messed up, no matter how much I suffered, death was just a reset button, a chance to start again, to refine my approach.

As 'Jin the Moron' settled into his nightly routine—a symphony of snores and mumbled curses—I allowed myself a small, bitter smile.

'Soon,' I thought, my gaze drifting towards the far wall, the one with the weaker mortar. 'Soon.'

For now, strength training it was. But once the idiot was asleep… I had plans for those newly acquired acrobatics skills. And in the loop after that… well, subterfuge was calling.

I just had to be smart about it. No more unnecessary risks. No more alerting the guards to my true intentions.

They thought they had me trapped, broken. They had no idea the kind of monster they were creating.

I lost track of time, my world shrinking to the confines of the cell and the burning in my muscles. Each repetition, each bead of sweat that stung my eyes, was a testament to my resolve. I would not break. I would not yield. I would endure.

The air grew thick and heavy, the silence broken only by the rasp of my own breath and the rhythmic thud of my body against the stone floor. The faintest sliver of moonlight, filtering through the high window, painted the cell in shades of gray and black, transforming familiar shapes into grotesque shadows that danced at the edge of my vision.

Hunger gnawed at my stomach, a dull ache that I ignored with practiced ease. Thirst was a sharper pang, but even that I could push aside, my focus narrowed to the relentless pursuit of strength.

'Stronger,' I thought, the word echoing in the silence of my mind. 'I have to be stronger.'

I imagined the bars bending beneath my grip, the stone crumbling beneath my fists. It was a fantasy, a distant goal, but it fueled my efforts, gave me something to cling to in the face of overwhelming odds.

The system chimed in, its notifications a constant counterpoint to the rhythm of my movements.

Skill Increased: Exercise (Body) is now level 13!
Skill Increased: Exercise (Stretching) is now level 10!
Skill Increased: Exercise (Body) is now level 14!

Each ping of the system was a small victory, a reminder that I was making progress, however slow and incremental. But the numbers themselves were meaningless. It wasn't about the levels or the skills, not really. It was about the fire in my gut, the refusal to give in, the knowledge that every pushup, every squat, every bead of sweat was a fuck-you to the empire that thought it could break me.

The night dragged on, an endless cycle of exertion and exhaustion. And as the first faint hint of dawn touched the sky, painting the narrow window with a sliver of pale light, a new notification, unexpected and exhilarating, flashed into existence before my eyes.

New Skill Acquired: Meditation (Mind)(-1 Evol) is now level 1!

Meditation? What the-

I stopped mid-pushup, Baffled. How? Why? I'd been trying to turn myself into a flex-machine. How does that have anything to do with meditation?

Then again, maybe there was a connection. Maybe the relentless focus, the single-minded pursuit of gains, had unlocked something.

Either way, I had a feeling this new skill was going to be useful.

I didn't know how though.

So I went back to my pushups and waited for something to happen.

Hours had passed, and I found myself staring at my skill board with a sense of grim satisfaction. The numbers weren't impressive by any stretch, but they represented progress. Hard-won, agonizing progress.

Exercise (Body): Level 16

Exercise (Stretching): Level 14

Meditation (Mind): Level 1

Silent Walking (Body/Subterfuge): Level 20

Weak Stealth (Body/Subterfuge): Level 1

Brawling (Body/Combat): Level 6

Exhaustion Resistance (Sleep): Level 4

Exhaustion Resistance (Physical): Level 5

Pain Tolerance (Body): Level 6

Minor Acrobatics (Body): Level 1

Not bad for a guy who'd been a stick-thin, rail-road spike of a high school teacher just a few loops ago. Jin had left about an hour earlier, probably to stuff his face or torment some other poor bastard. I was just starting to contemplate my next move when the cell door clanged open.

Dodon. Fucking fantastic. He was a full 12 hours early.

"You," Dodon began, his voice grating like metal on stone.

"Forgot to check my blessing. Move." I finished for him, mimicking his flat, emotionless tone. A manic grin spread across my face. Oh, this was fun.

Dodon's helmeted head snapped back as if I'd physically struck him. "How did you-" he started, then cut himself off with a snarl. "Nevermind. Come. Now."

I could practically feel the confusion and anger radiating off him in waves. It was great.

Then my thoughts turned to anger black as bitch and savage.

'You're going to die, you piece of shit,' I thought, the savage rage bubbling up inside me ready to overflow. 'You, and this facility. You clearly have no idea how that orb reacts to multiple blessings, do you?'

'This whole fucking empire. It's all going down. You killing me just helps me further. But you know what?'

'Why not have a little fun on the way out?'

I sprang to my feet with exaggerated enthusiasm, practically bouncing on my toes. "Sir, yes sir!" I chirped, snapping off a mocking salute. "Where to, oh illustrious keeper of the keys?"

Dodon's hand twitched towards his sword, and for a moment I thought he might just cut me down right there. But no, that would be too easy, wouldn't it? Instead, he grabbed my arm, his grip painfully tight, and started dragging me down the corridor.

I didn't resist. That would have been too boring. Instead, I complied with every order, every direction... in the most infuriatingly chipper way possible. I skipped down hallways when they told me to move forward, hummed off-key tunes when they told me to 'stop humming like that', and asked inane questions about the architecture.

"Ooh, love what you've done with the place," I cooed, gesturing at a particularly grimy section of wall. "Very 'dungeon chic'. Do you do all your own decorating, or is there an 'Evil Overlord's Quarterly' you subscribe to?"

"ARGH!" Dodon roared impotently as he reached to strangle me, only holding himself back with massive effort.

I smirked.

By the time we reached the orb chamber, I could practically hear Dodon's teeth grinding inside his helmet as his left shoulder twitched and his head kept jerking slightly. The other guards looked on in a mixture of confusion, bafflement, and barely-concealed amusement.

The orb pulsed with an eerie light as we approached, its surface smooth and cool beneath my palm. I felt the familiar surge of energy, as the Orb went red and turned gold, I saw the panic dawning in Dodon's posture as the orb's glow intensified to a blinding radiance.

I turned to Dodon, a savage smirk twisting my lips. "Been fun, you piece of shit." I said, snapping off one final, mocking salute. "See you next loop, you self regurgitating asshole!"

The last thing I saw before the world dissolved into a blinding white explosion centered on the orb was Dodon's helmeted face, tilted in, despite his covered helmet obscuring it, I could tell was, an expression I could only interpret as utter bewilderment that was turning into a blind furious rage at a blinding speed but a bit too slowly.

New Skill Acquired: Taunt (Mind/Strategy/Charisma)(Active) is now level 1!


Taunt is now level 10!

Then, darkness. And the familiar scent of ozone.

Round and round we go.

Take number four here we come.

Exercise (Body): Level 16

Exercise (Stretching): Level 14

Meditation (Mind): Level 1

Silent Walking (Body/Subterfuge): Level 20

Weak Stealth (Body/Subterfuge): Level 1

Brawling (Body/Combat): Level 6

Exhaustion Resistance (Sleep): Level 4

Exhaustion Resistance (Physical): Level 5

Pain Tolerance (Body): Level 6

Minor Acrobatics (Body): Level 1

Taunt (Mind)(Active): level 10

Chapter 5: How to baffle your Dodon!
The familiar scent of ozone hit me first, then the cold, sterile white light of the summoning chamber. I opened my eyes, meeting Dodon's emotionless gaze with a weary sigh.

'Round four. Let's get this over with.'

Before the usual "Strange" could even escape Dodon's lips, I was already diving into my mental inventory.

'Blessing Inventory.'

New Unlocked Blessing Available:

Mind Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (x3): Multiplies the rate at which you gain experience in all Mind-based Skills by x3.


'Slot it.'


Permanent Blessings (2/2):

Divine Identification (Locked In)
Authority of the Time Loop (Locked In)

Temporary Blessing Slots (3/3):

Body Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (x3)
Subterfuge Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x2)
Mind Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (x3)

'Time to experiment.'

I had a theory. The way these guards reacted to me, their level of suspicion, their willingness to bring along backup... it seemed linked to my own behavior. When I was confident, bordering on arrogant, they viewed me as a potential threat, a disruption to their carefully controlled order. But when I played the part of the meek, broken prisoner, they largely ignored me.

'Let's see if I can push this a little further.'

This time, I decided to play the scared rabbit. I wanted just 'Jin' hauling me off to my cell, not a whole entourage of scowling guards.

Dodon stepped closer, his hand reaching for my arm. I flinched back, my eyes widening in exaggerated fear. "Please," I whimpered, my voice trembling. "Don't hurt me!"

It was a pathetic performance, even to my own ears.

Skill Gained: Bad Acting (Mind/Subterfuge)(-2 Evol) is now level 1!
Skill Gained: Obvious Lying (Mind/Subterfuge)(-2 Evol) is now level 1!

The notifications confirmed my suspicions. This world, with its system and its blessings, even governed the art of deception.

"What are you doing?" Dodon's voice was flat, devoid of the usual irritation. Instead, there was a hint of… bewilderment?

I glanced around. Six guards, their faces grim, surrounded me. Clearly, my attempt at playing the frightened prisoner had backfired spectacularly.

"Why are you acting afraid?" One of the guards, a hulking brute with a scarred face, growled. "You should be legitimately afraid."

'Right. Adjust the strategy.' I shifted gears, adopting an air of nonchalance, trying to project an aura of unconcerned boredom. "Whatever," I shrugged. "This is all just a big misunderstanding, right? I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually."

Skill Increased: Bad Acting (Mind/Subterfuge)(-2 Evol) is now level 5!
Skill Increased: Obvious Lying (Mind/Subterfuge)(-2 Evol) is now level 6!

The notifications blinked into existence, the numbers climbing rapidly as I cycled through various emotions: confusion, amusement, even a fleeting moment of what I hoped passed for genuine interest in the architecture of the summoning chamber.

The guards exchanged uneasy glances. My rapid-fire shifts in demeanor, my increasingly outlandish pronouncements, seemed to have thrown them off balance.

More and more guards came in to focus on the spectacle.

After a while their bafflement turned to caution and anger.

"Maybe I'm just a passing pink flamingo," I declared, striking a leg lifting pose I vaguely remembered from a yoga class I'd taken years ago.


Skill Evolved! Professional Overacting (Mind/Subterfuge/Body)(-1 Evol) has evolved into Acting (Mind/Subterfuge/Body)!
Skill Evolved! Probable Lying (Mind/Subterfuge)(-1 Evol) has evolved into Lying (Mind/Subterfuge)!

Skill Increased: Acting (Mind/Subterfuge/Body) is now level 27!
Skill Increased: Lying (Mind/Subterfuge) is now level 8!

For a brief moment, I saw it—a flicker of doubt in Dodon's eyes. He actually seemed to consider, for the tiniest fraction of a second, that I might be something other than a prisoner awaiting his fate.

In fact. I must be a passing pink flamingo.

It must be the truth, afterall. I had said it.

Then, the flicker vanished, replaced by a cold fury.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" Dodon snarled, his voice laced with venom and reaching the far reaches of the room in a shout. He gestured to the assembled guards, his frustration palpable. "Get him to the orb. Now!"

What started as six guards quickly escalated to ten, then twenty, then… well, I lost count somewhere around fifty. It was like a parade of scowling steel, a ridiculous display of overkill that would have been comical if I wasn't at the center of it.

'Well, that escalated quickly,' I thought, suppressing a laugh. 'Shortest loop yet, but definitely the most entertaining.'

The march to the orb chamber was a blur of grim faces and clanking armor. They were taking no chances this time. Not that it mattered. They were all going to die anyway.

And as I placed my hand on the orb, feeling the familiar surge of energy as it flickered gold and then blazed with a blinding red light, I allowed myself a final, mocking smile.

"Fuck you, bitches," I whispered, offering a crisp, two-fingered salute as the world exploded around us.

Back to the beginning.

"Strange," Dodon muttered, his voice tinged with confusion as I opened my eyes once more, the mannequins staring blankly back at me.

'This is going to be fun.'

Another loop down. Time to up the ante,' I thought, a mischievous grin spreading across my face.

New Unlocked Blessing Available:

Movement Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x3): Increases the rate at which you gain experience in all Movement-related Body Skills by 3x.

'Interesting,' I mused, examining the description. This could be useful for developing my agility and stealth, but…

'Nah.' The allure of pushing my deception skills further, especially with this accidental synergy I'd stumbled upon, was too tempting to resist.

'Let's see how far down the rabbit hole we can go.'

I straightened my posture, adopting a serious expression that felt completely foreign after all the goofy antics of the previous loop. The guards stiffened, their hands instinctively drifting towards their weapons.

I cleared my throat, my voice ringing with mock authority. "My apologies for the delay, gentlemen. I am your Emperor. Take me to your other Emperor."

The silence that followed was thick with disbelief. The guards exchanged bewildered glances, their expressions ranging from amusement to outright contempt.

Skill Increased: Acting (Mind/Subterfuge/Body) is now level 31!
Skill Increased: Lying (Mind/Subterfuge) is now level 10!

I barely registered the notifications. Their reactions, the way their carefully controlled facade crumbled in the face of my absurd claim, was far more satisfying.

Dodon's reaction was the most entertaining. His initial bewilderment quickly morphed into a cold fury, his hand twitching towards his sword hilt.

"You insolent-"

He never got to finish the sentence to my perception.The flash of steel was a blur, the searing pain an unwelcome but familiar sensation as I was split head to middle and died.

Skill Increased: Pain Tolerance (Body) is now level 11.

'Back to the drawing board,' I thought, the familiar scent of ozone filling my nostrils as I was ripped back to the beginning. 'But this is definitely fun, despite how much that hurts. Note to self, dying hurts especially when it's not instant. I knew that. But being reminded of it sucks.'

"Strange," Dodon's voice rasped, the sound grating against my nerves like sandpaper. I didn't even bother acknowledging him this time. His predictable pronouncements were starting to grate on me, even in this early stage of the loop.

'Let's see what we've got to play with this time.'

'Blessing Inventory.'

New Unlocked Blessing Available:

Subterfuge Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x2): Increases the rate at which you gain experience in all Subterfuge-based Skills by x2.

'A duplicate,' I noted, a flicker of curiosity sparking within me. 'What happens if I try to stack these?'

I focused on the new blessing, mentally dragging it towards the already slotted Subterfuge Skill Aptitude blessing. The system responded with a soft chime, and a small notification appeared next to the existing blessing as I examined the updated blessing description.

Subterfuge Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x2)(⅓ Added): Increases the rate at which you gain experience in all Subterfuge-based Skills by x2.

'Huh,' I thought, a little disappointed. 'No immediate increase in effectiveness. Guess I'll need three duplicates before it actually boosts the multiplier.'

It was a minor setback, but it did confirm that stacking blessings was possible. Another piece of the puzzle in place.

'Time to get back to work,' I thought, I had a feeling this loop was going to be a productive one- even if it was short.

"Hear ye, hear ye, inhabitants of this mundane realm!" I boomed, my voice echoing through the chamber. "I, the Divine Gigolo of All Creation, stand before you! I have procreated with all thine mothers, and therefore, I am your father!"

Instead of amusement, a wave of anger and disgust rippled through the assembled guards. Their hands tightened on their weapons, their expressions hardening into scowls. These were hardened soldiers, products of a brutal empire, not easily amused by an outsider's antics.

Dodon's face, hidden behind the impassive mask of his helmet, was impossible to read, but the rigid set of his shoulders and the way his hand twitched towards his sword hilt spoke volumes.

'Good,' I thought, a predatory grin spreading across my face. 'Let the rage flow.'

My gaze settled on the young guard with sandy hair.

'Divine Identification.'

Name: Luxlie

'Luxlie… Luke. It fits.'

I pointed at him, my voice dripping with false sincerity.

"I am your father, Luke!"

The air crackled with tension. The other guards turned to stare at Luxlie, their expressions a mixture of confusion and contempt. He stood frozen for a moment, his face paling beneath his helmet.


Skill Increased: Acting (Mind/Subterfuge/Body) is now level 37!
Skill Increased: Lying (Mind/Subterfuge) is now level 17!

Taunt (Mind)(Active): Is now Level 20

For a fleeting moment, I saw a flicker of doubt, of raw terror, in Luxlie's eyes. Has my absurd claim struck a nerve? Had I somehow tapped into a hidden truth, a secret he'd buried deep within himself? Did he need a father? Because screw that guy I aint paying alimony for someone I don't even know! I am lying, you know?

Then, the doubt vanished, replaced by a blinding rage.

"You bastard!" Luxlie roared, his voice thick with fury. He lunged at me, his sword flashing, his face contorted in a mask of hate.

'Well, that escalated quickly,' I thought, barely able to suppress a laugh as the world dissolved into a blur of motion and pain. 'This loop's gonna be a short one.'

The scent of ozone, the cold, hard floor beneath my cheek… back to square one.

"Strange," Dodon droned, his voice flat and emotionless.

'Yeah, yeah, you and me both, buddy,' I thought, pushing myself to my feet. The mannequins stared back with their usual vacant gazes, but I barely even noticed them anymore. They were just… there. Part of the scenery.

'Time for a change of plans.'

My deception skills had been leveling up at a satisfying rate, but the last loop had shown me that there were limits to how far I could push it, at least for now. The guards were becoming more wary, less susceptible to my antics.

'Besides,' I thought with a wry grin, 'it's probably not a good idea to keep pissing off the guys with swords.'

'Blessing Inventory.'

New Unlocked Blessing Available:

Cooking Aptitude (Passive) (x7): Increases the rate at which you gain experience in all Cooking-based Skills by x7.

'Cooking?' I stared at the description, baffled. 'Seriously? What the hell am I supposed to do with that in here?'

I wasn't exactly whipping up gourmet meals in my cell. The guards barely even bothered to give me water, let alone ingredients.

'Maybe later,' I thought, dismissing the cooking blessing with a mental shrug. 'Right now, I need something a little more… practical.'

I swapped out the Mind Skill Gain Multiplier for the Movement Skill Aptitude blessing that had been lingering in my inventory. It wasn't ideal—I'd been hoping for something a little more combat-oriented—but it would have to do.


Permanent Blessings (2/2):

Divine Identification (Locked In)
Authority of the Time Loop (Locked In)

Temporary Blessing Slots (3/3):

Body Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (x3)
Subterfuge Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x2)
Movement Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x3)

'Alright,' I thought, 'No dialogue this time,' I thought, a mischievous grin spreading across my face. 'Let's see if I can communicate purely through the art of interpretive dance.'

I started with a series of exaggerated stretches, my limbs flailing like a marionette with tangled strings. Then, with a flourish, I launched into a full-blown dance routine, a chaotic blend of ballet, and whatever random moves popped into my head.

The guards, caught off guard by my sudden burst of energy, stumbled back, their expressions a mix of confusion and alarm. Dodon's eyes narrowed, his hand instinctively hovering near his sword hilt.

'Excellent,' I thought, twirling on my heel and striking a pose that would have made a yoga instructor proud. 'Hook, line, and sinker.'

I kept dancing as they dragged me from the chamber, my movements growing more erratic and outlandish with every step. I pirouetted down hallways, did the worm across the cold stone floor, and even attempted a headstand against a particularly ornate pillar which ended rather abruptly and painfully as I slipped, but hey, pain was temporary, style was eternal.

The guards surrounding me exchanged nervous glances, their hands never straying far from their weapons. Their confusion was palpable, a delicious cocktail of uncertainty and bafflement that fueled my performance.

'They have no idea what to make of me,' I thought, relishing their discomfort. 'And that's exactly how I like it.'

By the time we reached my cell, I was drenched in sweat, my muscles aching, and my lungs burning. But it was worth it. The six guards posted outside my cell, their faces drawn and wary, three of them bearing the unmistakable blank stares of mind-slaves, were a testament to my success.

'Mission accomplished,' I thought.

'Now, time for some real work.' My mind began moving just as fast as my body as I started doing flips and jumps around the cell.


Exercise (Body): Level 19

Exercise (Stretching): Level 14

Meditation (Mind): Level 1

Silent Walking (Body/Subterfuge): Level 20

Weak Stealth (Body/Subterfuge): Level 1

Brawling (Body/Combat): Level 6

Exhaustion Resistance (Sleep): Level 4

Exhaustion Resistance (Physical): Level 5

Pain Tolerance (Body): Level 11

Minor Acrobatics (Body): Level 1

Skill Increased: Acting (Mind/Subterfuge/Body) level 37

Skill Increased: Lying (Mind/Subterfuge) level 17

Taunt (Mind)(Active): Level 20

Breakdancing (Body/Performance): Level 3

Half-Remembered Yoga (-2 Evol)(Body/Performance/Mind/Stretching): Level 5

Ballet (Body/Performance): Level 5

Impressive Flailing (-1 Evol)(Body/Performance): Level 1


Permanent Blessings (2/2):

Divine Identification (Locked In)

Authority of the Time Loop (Locked In)

Temporary Blessing Slots (3/3):

Body Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (x3)

Subterfuge Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x2)(⅓ Added)

Movement Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x3)


Cooking Aptitude (Passive) (x7)

Mind Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (x3)
I mean cutting off the heads of maniquins that look like his students and then shouting about how someone invented combat and a gathering of animals is a zoo-

That sounds super out of character.
I imagine he would have neither the time nor the inclination to perform any impromtu decapitations, but neither would it be necessary - they're already an inanimate audience. It would moreso be a way to harness confusion and establish a precedent for an unhinged attitude, popping fresh out of a summoning seemingly mid-lecture (or rant, or mad ravings. Take your pick.)
Chapter 6: How To Communicate With Evil; Behind Door Number Shoddily Constructed Wall.
Hours had passed with guards giving me confused looks.

I launched into a series of cartwheels, handstands, and backflips, my movements fluid and controlled thanks to hours of practice. The guards, instead of being taken aback, watched with an unnervingly detached curiosity. Their hands rested lightly on their sword hilts, but their stances were relaxed, their expressions unreadable behind their helmets. These were seasoned soldiers, veterans of countless battles and countless interrogations. They weren't easily fooled.

"He's communicating," one of the mind-slaves stated flatly, his voice devoid of inflection. "Nonverbal cues, exaggerated movements. It's a common communication tactic in certain cultures."

The other guards nodded in agreement. 'Moron'Jin tilted his head, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah, I've seen this before. Back on that jungle world we conquered last year. Their shamans used to do this kinda stuff to talk before we slaughtered 'em."

'Jungle world?'' I continued my exaggerated movements as my heart pounded in my chest. Sancta's words echoed in my mind: "They use it to fuel their endless wars, to enslave entire worlds." I'd known, on an intellectual level, that the Kondur Empire's reach extended far beyond their own world, but hearing it confirmed so casually, so matter-of-factly, was a chilling reminder of the scope of their depravity.

Still, this wasn't entirely unexpected. My whole plan of acting bizarre had been built on the assumption that they might encounter beings from worlds with different forms of communication. It was just… unsettling to have my hypothesis confirmed so blatantly.

"He might be trying to tell us something important," one of the guards said, his voice laced with a hint of concern. "Maybe he needs something. Food, water… a blanket?"

"A blanket?" Another guard snorted. "Yeah, right. Maybe he wants us to offer up our firstborn to his dancing gods."

"Silence!" Dodon's voice, sharp and authoritative, cut through the chatter. He fixed me with a cold stare. "Enough of this nonsense! We don't have time to call for an interpreter. Bring him to the orb to see if he's even worth it!"

The guards moved with practiced efficiency, their hands gripping my arms, their movements swift and controlled. There was no hesitation this time, no uncertainty. They believed, without a doubt, that I was trying to communicate, and their response was to shut it down, to assert their dominance.

'Time's up,' I thought, abandoning my acrobatic display. The hours I'd spent honing my skills and pushing my body to its limits had yielded impressive results.

Exercise (Body) is now level 22!
Exercise (Stretching) is now level 18!
Minor Acrobatics (Body) is now level 8!

But all the strength and agility in the world wouldn't save me from the orb. It was time to end this loop, to gather another blessing, and to refine my strategy.

As the guards approached, their faces grim, their hands reaching for me, I decided to go out with a bang. I lunged at the nearest guard, my fist cocked, my muscles coiled like a spring.

'Let's see if I can at least land one good punch before they turn me into a pincushion.'

The world dissolved into a symphony of pain as their blades found their mark. But in the midst of the agony, a flicker of satisfaction. I'd connected. My fist had slammed into one of the guards, a solid hit that sent a jolt of pain up my arm.

Pain Tolerance (Body) is now level 20!
Brawling (Body/Combat) is now level 10!

Then, darkness. And the familiar scent of ozone.

'Time for the next round' I thought as my consciousness snapped back into focus as the summoning chamber materialized around me. 'Time to see what new toys I have to play with.'

I let the guards manhandle me, my body going limp. Resistance was futile, and I had more important things to focus on.

'Blessing Inventory.'

New Unlocked Blessing Available:

Combat Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x4): Increases the rate at which you gain experience in all Combat Skills by x4. Increases Combat Skill Endurance by x4.

'Now that's what I'm talking about,' I thought, a predatory grin spreading across my face. 'But patience, Raymond, patience. You're not ready for a head-on assault. Not yet.'

Escape first, combat later. That was the plan. At least for now.

As they dragged me towards the cell, I took the opportunity to gather some intel while trying to be quiet and trying to to draw attention to said being-quiet..

'Divine Identification.'

One by one, I scanned the guards, their information flashing across my vision in a stream of blue text. Names, alignments, skills, snippets of their thoughts—each scan added another piece to the puzzle, helping me to understand my enemies, their strengths, their weaknesses.

Silent Walking (Body/Subterfuge) is now level 21!

I almost missed the notification, my attention focused on the guard in front of me. He was a hulking brute, his armor dented and scarred, his face hidden behind a thick, iron beard.

Name: Gorgoth
Brawling Level: 38
Swordsmanship Level: 42


On his way to being promoted to-

'Not someone I want to tangle with,' I thought, a shiver running down my spine.

I shifted my attention to the next guard, a younger man with nervous eyes and a trembling hand.

Name: Valen
Brawling Level: 12
Swordsmanship Level: 9
Valen is terrified. He doesn't want to be here. He wants to go home to his family.

'Another victim,' I thought, a wave of sympathy washing over me. 'There are so many of them.'

The last guard I scanned before we reached the orb chamber was a woman, her face obscured by a featureless helmet.

Your Blessing: Divine Identification has increased in level! Obfuscation can be pierced in a more productive way, and more information will be revealed.

'About time,' I thought, a surge of satisfaction washing over me. Every improvement, every step forward, no matter how small, fueled my hope.

I turned my attention to Dodon, eager to test out the enhanced capabilities of my ability.

'Divine Identification.'

Name: Imperial Exec̶u̶t̶o̶r̶ ̶Dodon
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Titles: I̶m̶p̶e̶r̶i̶a̶l̶ ̶E̶x̶e̶c̶u̶t̶o̶r̶,̶ ̶M̶a̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶M̶a̶s̶s̶a̶c̶r̶e̶,̶ ̶P̶a̶r̶a̶m̶o̶u̶n̶t̶ ̶E̶v̶i̶l̶,̶ ̶O̶n̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶2̶0̶ ̶P̶e̶r̶p̶e̶r̶a̶t̶o̶r̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶6̶ ̶G̶r̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶M̶a̶s̶s̶a̶c̶r̶e̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶I̶n̶n̶o̶c̶e̶n̶t̶, Compulsive Liar
Danger Level: ██████████

The information flickered before my eyes, a jumble of fragmented text and pulsing black squares. The only thing that stood out, clear and unwavering, was the final title: Compulsive Liar.

'Huh,' I thought, my eyebrows raising in mild surprise. 'That's... weird.'

A mental shrug. At this point, weird was the norm. I'd died seven times in a row, been dragged through this twisted funhouse of a world, and forced to listen to Dodon's monotone pronouncements about strangeness. A glitching title and an unreadable Danger Level barely even registered on the scale of bizarre anymore.

'Add it to the to-do list,' I thought, filing the anomaly away for future investigation. 'Right now, I've got bigger fish to fry.'

I let the guards shove me toward the orb, my mind already racing ahead, planning my next move. This loop was a bust, but every death was a lesson, every reset a chance to refine my strategy.

This time, I was going to focus on escape. No more pointless provocations, no more attention-grabbing antics. Just quiet observation, methodical planning, and maybe a little light sabotage when no one was looking.

These assholes thought they had me trapped. They had no idea what they were dealing with.

'It turns out that I, in fact, had no idea what I was dealing with.'

I scowled at the crudely drawn red middle finger emblazoned on the freshly revealed section of wall. "Nice try, slave," the accompanying inscription mocked, the letters scrawled in what looked like dried blood.

Hours of painstaking work after the two guards had gone to sleep, carefully chipping away at the mortar, moving with the agonizing slowness of a snail in a tar pit, all for… this.

'Back to the drawing board,' I thought, dusting off my hands and suppressing a surge of frustrated anger. Sneaking wasn't the answer apparently.

The soft thud of approaching footsteps sent a jolt of adrenaline through me.

'No time to waste.'

I dove under the rickety cot, my heart pounding against my ribs. The rough wooden slats pressed against my back, the musty scent of old straw filling my nostrils.

Weak Stealth (Body/Subterfuge) is now level 2.
Weak Stealth (Body/Subterfuge) is now level 3.
Weak Stealth (Body/Subterfuge) is now level 4.

The notifications blinked into existence, a welcome distraction from the rising tide of panic. Each tick of the system clock, each increment in my skill level, brought a sliver of reassurance.

Weak Stealth (Body/Subterfuge) is now level 13.

The scrape of metal on stone told me they were entering my cell.

'Damn,' I thought, my muscles tensing. 'Time to go out swinging.'

They yanked me from my hiding place, their grips rough, their faces grim. I didn't resist. Instead, I met their gaze with a defiant smirk.

"Nice of you to drop by," I said, my voice laced with sarcasm. "I Was starting to feel a little lonely here."

They didn't respond. They never did. Just shoved me towards the orb chamber, their movements as predictable and impersonal as machines.

As they reached for the orb, I decided to make a statement. One last act of defiance before the inevitable reset.

I lashed out, my fist connecting with one of the guard's fists as they also tried to punch at the same time. The impact sent a jolt of pain up my arm, but I ignored it, fueled by a surge of adrenaline and a desperate need to prove, if only to myself, that I wasn't entirely powerless.

The metal dented slightly beneath my knuckles. A small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Brawling (Body/Combat) is now level 16!

Then, the world exploded into a symphony of pain. Six blades found their mark, their movements swift and precise, honed by years of training and fueled by a cold, impersonal brutality.

Pain Tolerance (Body) is now level 25!

The last thing I saw was the flash of steel as Dodon's sword severed my head from my body.

'Well,' I thought, my consciousness fading into darkness. 'That was… Not fun.'

"Strange," Dodon's voice droned, the sound washing over me like a wave of stale air.

I didn't even bother looking at him. My gaze was fixed on the far wall, on the crudely drawn middle finger that mocked my futile efforts.

'Subterfuge is a dead end,' I thought, my mind already racing ahead, formulating a new plan. 'If that wall was my only chance at a stealthy escape, and it's clearly a trap… then there's no point in going for it.'

'Blessing Inventory.'

New Unlocked Blessing Available:

Blacksmithing Aptitude (Passive) (x6): Increases the rate at which you gain experience in all Blacksmithing Skills by x6.

'Blacksmithing?' I scoffed, dismissing it without a second thought. 'Yeah, that's gonna be real useful in a concrete cell.'

I slotted the Combat Skill Aptitude blessing, replacing the now-useless Subterfuge Skill Aptitude.


Permanent Blessings (2/2):

Divine Identification (Locked In)
Authority of the Time Loop (Locked In)

Temporary Blessing Slots (3/3):

Body Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (x3)
Movement Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x3)
Combat Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x4)

'Time to become a weapon,' I thought, a grim determination settling over me.

But brute force wasn't enough. I needed more than just strength and endurance. I needed to learn how to move, how to anticipate attacks, how to slip through the gaps in their defenses.

I watched the guards, their movements a blur of practiced efficiency. They moved with a confidence, a lethal grace, that sent a shiver down my spine.

'Divine Identification.'

Name: Gorgoth
Danger Level: Extremely Dangerous

Name: Valen
Danger level: Very Hard

Each guard I scanned had a similar assessment: incredibly difficult to fight at all.

Even Dodon, with his glitching titles and unreadable danger level, had an assessment of 'Impossible' for fighting.

'Impossible,' I thought, a spark of doubt flickering within me. 'Is he really that untouchable? Or is it his compulsive liar title?'

The guards closed in, their hands reaching for me, their expressions grim. This dance was becoming all too familiar.

'Time to change the tune,' I thought, my muscles coiling like springs.

As they moved to grab me, I weaved, ducked, and bobbed, my body instinctively responding to the threat. It was clumsy, awkward, but I felt a glimmer of something… potential.

Weak Dodge (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind)(-1 Evol) is now level 1!

Weak Dodge (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind)(-1 Evol) is now level 2!
Weak Dodge (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind)(-1 Evol) is now level 3!
Weak Dodge (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind)(-1 Evol) is now level 4!

Skill Evolved! Weak Dodge (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind)(-1 Evol) has evolved into Dodge (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind)!

Dodge (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind) is now level 5!

The notifications flashed before my eyes, a surge of exhilaration coursing through me. I wasn't just flailing anymore. I was learning, adapting, becoming something passable in combat.

And then, I saw my opening.

Dodon, momentarily distracted by my sudden burst of agility, had let his guard down. I seized the opportunity, my fist rocketing towards his jaw with all the force I could muster.

The impact was solid, a satisfying crunch of bone against metal. Dodon staggered back, his helmet twirling into the air as he fell to the ground, his pasty white skin bruised and red eyes wide with shock as his out-of-place dreadlocks stood out as they covered the front of his rage-filled expression.


Brawling (Body/Combat) is now level 37!

Divine identification then opened on its own.

Enemy obfuscation partially failed!

Imperial Exec̶u̶t̶o̶r̶ ̶D̶o̶d̶o̶n̶'s Dodon: Danger Level: High.

A surge of triumph, raw and exhilarating, washed over me. I'd done it. I'd actually hit him.

A cruel smirk twisted my lips. 'So much for 'Impossible,' I thought, savoring the moment of victory.

Pain Tolerance (Body) is now level 31!

It was short-lived, though. The other guards, their shock quickly replaced by rage, descended upon me like a pack of wolves.

The pain was pretty bad, but pain was temporary and eventually revenge would be forever.


'Next round is now, I guess,' I thought as I quickly bled out following which-,


My eyes snapped open to meet Dodon's confused gaze.

'Time to really get this party started.'

Exercise (Body): Level 22
Exercise (Stretching): Level 18
Meditation (Mind): Level 1
Silent Walking (Body/Subterfuge): Level 21
Weak Stealth (Body/Subterfuge): Level 13
Brawling (Body/Combat): Level 37
Exhaustion Resistance (Sleep): Level 8
Exhaustion Resistance (Physical): Level 12
Pain Tolerance (Body): Level 31
Minor Acrobatics (Body): Level 8
Skill Increased: Acting (Mind/Subterfuge/Body) level 37
Skill Increased: Lying (Mind/Subterfuge) level 17
Taunt (Mind)(Active): Level 20

Breakdancing (Body/Performance): Level 13
Half-Remembered Yoga (-2 Evol)(Body/Performance/Mind/Stretching): Level 15
Ballet (Body/Performance): Level 15
Impressive Flailing (-2 Evol)(Body/Performance): Level 41
Dodge (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind): Level 5
Permanent Blessings (2/2):
Divine Identification (Locked In)
Authority of the Time Loop (Locked In)
Temporary Blessing Slots (3/3):
Body Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (x3)
Subterfuge Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x2)(⅓ Added)
Movement Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x3)
Cooking Aptitude (Passive) (x7)
Mind Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (x3)


Tell me what you guys think in the comments! review my stuff!

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Chapter 7: Liar;Malevolent

Dodon's predictable opening words died on his lips as my fist slammed into his jaw. The satisfying crunch of bone on metal reverberated through the chamber as the Imperial Executor crumpled to the floor, his helmet clattering away to reveal a stunned and disoriented face.

No time for pleasantries, no time for theatrics. This loop was all about efficiency, about gathering information and pushing my skills to the limit.

'Divine Identification.'

I hammered the mental command, the blue screen flashing before my eyes as I cycled through Dodon's information, searching for anything, anything at all, that might give me an edge as the windows opened and closed in rapid succession.

Name: I̶m̶p̶e̶r̶i̶a̶l̶ ̶E̶x̶e̶c̶u̶t̶o̶r̶ ̶D̶o̶d̶o̶n̶
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Titles: I̶m̶p̶e̶r̶i̶a̶l̶ ̶E̶x̶e̶c̶u̶t̶o̶r̶,̶ ̶M̶a̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶M̶a̶s̶s̶a̶c̶r̶e̶,̶ ̶P̶a̶r̶a̶m̶o̶u̶n̶t̶ ̶E̶v̶i̶l̶,̶ ̶O̶n̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶2̶0̶ ̶P̶e̶r̶p̶e̶r̶a̶t̶o̶r̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶6̶ ̶G̶r̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶M̶a̶s̶s̶a̶c̶r̶e̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶I̶n̶n̶o̶c̶e̶n̶t̶, Compulsive Liar
Danger Level: ██████████████████

The glitching titles, the unreadable Danger Level… It was infuriating.

A surge of movement snapped me out of my thoughts. The guards, their initial shock giving way to a cold fury, were closing in, their swords flashing, their eyes burning with a murderous intent.

I tried to dodge, my newly acquired skills kicking in, but there were too many, their attacks too precise, too relentless. Three minutes of desperate struggle, a whirlwind of steel and pain, and then… darkness.

Pain Tolerance (Body) is now level 34!

Back to square one. Dodon's "Strange" echoed in the chamber, but I barely registered the sound. My focus was on the guards, on their movements, on the lethal dance of their blades.

'Blessing Inventory.'

New Unlocked Blessing Available:

Movement Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x3): Increases the rate at which you gain experience in all Movement Skills by x3.

'Duplicate,' I noted, a surge of anticipation coursing through me. 'Let's see what we can do with this.'

I slotted the blessing, adding it to the existing one.


'This time,' I thought, gritting my teeth, 'I dance. Or at least… avoid getting skewered long enough for them to get bored.'

Offense? Forget it. My punches were about as intimidating as a wet noodle on a cardboard plate. My sole focus was on one thing: not dying immediately. Again.

Some of the guards closed in, a wall of steel and scowls. Six seasoned warriors, their movements honed by years of training, their eyes fixed on me with a predatory gleam. And in the center of this storm of impending violence stood me, Raymond Draws, former programming teacher, current lab rat in a cosmic game of death and more death with small bits of stupid in between.

The first attack came from the left—a blur of silver as a sword arced towards my head. I flinched, throwing myself to the side in a move that was more panicked spasm than calculated dodge. My foot caught on a loose piece of floor bricking, sending me sprawling to the ground just as the blade whistled harmlessly past my ear, ruffling my hair with its passage.

I scrambled to my feet, heart hammering against my ribs, a strangled yelp escaping my lips. A spear thrust whizzed past my face, missing my nose by a fraction of an inch as I stumbled backward, tripping over my own feet and landing in a tangled heap.

'This is insane,' I thought, my breath coming in ragged gasps. 'I'm going to die. Again. And it's going to be hilariously pathetic this time.'

But then, a strange thing happened.

Dodge (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind) is now level 10!

The notification blinked into existence, a beacon of absurdity amidst the chaos.

I stared at it, utterly baffled. 'Did I just level up my dodge skill by… falling on my ass?'

Maybe the system had a quota to fill for "most improbable survival scenarios." Or maybe the universe just loved a good slapstick routine. Whatever the reason, the message was clear: the more wide my movements, the less likely I was to end up as a shish kebab.

Embracing this newfound wisdom, I transformed the summoning chamber into my personal circus of the absurd.

I spun like a top that had lost its axis, my arms flailing wildly. I ducked and weaved with the grace of a newborn giraffe on roller skates. I leaped and bounded with the coordination of a drunken kangaroo. It was a performance that would have made a mime weep with envy, a chaotic circus show of flailing limbs and panicked yelps.

A guard, his face contorted in a snarl, swung his sword in a wide arc aimed at my head. I twirled with my eyes widening in focus, and threw myself to the side in a desperate roll. I landed hard on the unforgiving stone floor, my shoulder screaming in protest, but the blade missed me by a good foot.

Dodge (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind) is now level 15!

Another guard charged, spear held low, his eyes narrowed with murderous intent. I let out a "Woah!", jumped to the side with all the grace of a startled cat… and promptly tripped over a stray helmet that had belonged to Dodon who was currently taking a nap on the floor.

I crashed into a pile of discarded armor, my limbs tangled in a mess of metal and leather. The spear, aimed for my chest, embedded itself harmlessly in the stone wall behind me with a sickening thud.

Yes, harmlessly, all the way up to the grip, in stone.

Dodge (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind) is now level 20!

The notifications kept popping up, a surreal counterpoint to the sound of clanging steel and frustrated roars of the ones who kept getting hit instead of their actual target.

'This is actually working?' I thought, a giddy laugh bubbling up from deep within my chest. 'I'm dodging attacks by looking like I've never used a single one of my limbs for their intended purpose in my life?'

It was absurd. It was ridiculous. But it was also undeniably effective. For some unknown, cosmically comedic reason, my complete lack of coordination and spatial awareness seemed to be throwing these highly trained warriors off balance.

For a while, at least.

Dodge (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind) is now level 36!

Then, about a minute and a half in, something clicked. My movements, while still far from graceful, were becoming more deliberate, more controlled. The flailing was turning into actual dodging, the panic into a strange, exhilarating sense of flow.

'Oh,' I thought, 'I think I'm actually getting the hang of this.'

The realization came a moment too late. Exhaustion, the inevitable consequence of pushing my body to its limits, was starting to set in. My movements were slowing, my reactions becoming sluggish.

The guards, their frustration reaching a boiling point, were starting to adapt, to anticipate my increasingly predictable movements.

The end was inevitable. But I had learned something valuable. Sometimes, the best way to survive was to just freaking move until I leveled up.

Three and a half minutes. That was all I managed this time. But it was progress. Significant progress.

Pain Tolerance (Body) is now level 39!

"Strange…" Dodon said, his voice flat as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Strange, indeed, motherfucker!" I shouted, a surge of defiant energy coursing through me as I sifted through my mental menus.

'Blessing Inventory.'

New Unlocked Blessing Available:

Combat Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x4): Increases the rate at which you gain experience in all Combat Skills by x4. Increases Combat Skill Endurance by x4.

'Another duplicate!' I thought, a feral grin spreading across my face.

I slotted the new blessing, my focus narrowing to a razor-sharp point.


At the exact same time as Dodon's words finished falling and my shout finished echoing, my fist slammed into his face. The satisfying crunch of cartilage and bone echoed through the chamber as he crumpled to the floor, his helmet clattering away.

The chamber erupted into a whirlwind of violence. But this time, I was ready.

Steel clashed against steel, the air thick with the clang of blades and the thud of armored bodies. I moved with a speed and precision that surprised even me, my fists a blur of motion, my body a conduit for instinct and honed reflexes.

Brawling (Body/Combat) is now level 44!
Exercise (Body) is now level 25!
Counter (Combat/Body/Mind) is now level 1!

I wasn't just dodging anymore. I was fighting, striking, countering, my every move fueled by a cold, calculated fury.

A guard lunged, his sword a silver arc aimed at my chest. I twisted my body, the movement fluid and precise, years of accidental practice culminating in a single, instinctive dodge. My fist slammed into his armored side, the impact sending a jarring shockwave up my arm.

Counter (Combat/Body/Mind) is now level 10!

Another guard came at me, his spear thrusting forward like a viper's strike. I ducked under the blow, my hand instinctively reaching out, my palm slapping against the flat of the spearhead. The force of the impact almost ripped my arm from its socket, but I held firm, redirecting the spear just enough to send it whistling past my ear.

Barehanded Parry (Combat/Body/Dexterity) is now level 1!

It was a fluke, a lucky accident. But the system didn't care. It rewarded results, not intentions.

The battle raged on, a chaotic ballet of steel and fury. Ten minutes in, a burly guard with a scarred face bore down on me, his sword raised high. I danced back, my movements precise, my body light on its feet. But my foot caught on a loose stone, sending me stumbling.


Off-balance, I instinctively threw out my left arm, my palm slamming against the flat of the blade just as it was descending. The impact sent a jolt of pain through my arm, but I held my ground, redirecting the sword just enough to send it scraping past my shoulder.

Barehanded Parry (Combat/Body/Dexterity) is now level 8!

This time, it wasn't an accident. It was a deliberate act, born of instinct and honed by the relentless pressure of the time loop.

Brawling has evolved!

Martial Arts (1 Evol)(Body/Combat/Mind/Movement) is now level 1!

Dodge has evolved!

Evasion (1 Evol) (Movement/Body/Combat/Mind/Dexterity) is now level 1!
Combat Endurance (Body/Combat) is now level 1!

The notifications flooded my vision, but I barely registered them. My focus was on the fight, on the ebb and flow of the battle, on the relentless pressure of the guards' attack.

The weaker guards were starting to falter, their breaths ragged, their movements slowing. I pressed my advantage, driving them back with a flurry of punches and kicks, my strikes landing with increasing force and accuracy.

But even with my boosted skills, I was still outmatched. They were too many, their attacks too coordinated, their armor too thick. Every blow I landed was met with a dozen in return.

And as exhaustion crept in, as my movements slowed, I knew that the end was inevitable. But I had tasted a sliver of hope, a glimpse of what I might become.

'Next time,' I thought, gritting my teeth against the rising tide of pain, 'next time I'll be ready.'

A full hour of relentless combat. The air hung thick with the stench of sweat and blood, the floor slick with a mixture of both. Every muscle in my body screamed in protest, my lungs burned with each ragged breath, but I pressed on, driven by a primal instinct for survival.

And still, I hadn't managed to kill a single one of them.

The guards, even the stronger ones, were starting to flag, their movements becoming sluggish, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. But their armor held, their discipline remained unbroken. They were like machines, relentless and unyielding, their every attack a testament to years of brutal training.

'Damn,' I thought, my vision blurring with exhaustion, my knuckles raw and bloodied. 'This is going to be harder than I thought.'

I stumbled back, my foot catching on a loose stone. The world tilted, my balance faltering. I was running out of time, the inevitable end looming.

One last scan. One last desperate attempt to glean some information, to understand the enemy I was facing.

'Divine Identification.'

I focused on Dodon, his unconscious form sprawled on the floor like a discarded puppet. This time, the information was clear, unwavering, stripped of the usual glitches and obfuscations.

Name: Imperial Executive Dodon
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Titles: Pampered Noble, Compulsive Liar, Fifth Son of Count Hod, First Confinement Layer Commander
Danger Level: Pyrrhic Victory

'Pyrrhic Victory?' My lips twisted into a bitter smile. So, he was a fraud, a weak link masquerading as a powerful leader.

The realization, instead of bringing hope, filled me with a cold dread. If Dodon was this weak, and he was in charge… what the hell awaited me deeper in this twisted hellscape?

A tremor ran through the floor, barely perceptible, yet sending a primal shiver down my spine. It emanated from behind me, a silent wave of power that felt vast, and utterly malevolent.

'What the—'


Exercise (Body): Level 32
Exercise (Stretching): Level 18
Meditation (Mind): Level 1
Silent Walking (Body/Subterfuge): Level 21
Weak Stealth (Body/Subterfuge): Level 13
Martial Arts (1 Evol)(Body/Combat/Mind/Movement): level 1
Exhaustion Resistance (Sleep): Level 8
Exhaustion Resistance (Physical): Level 31
Pain Tolerance (Body): Level 39
Minor Acrobatics (Body): Level 8
Acting (Mind/Subterfuge/Body) level 37
Lying (Mind/Subterfuge) level 17
Taunt (Mind)(Active): Level 20

Breakdancing (Body/Performance): Level 30
Half-Remembered Yoga (-2 Evol)(Body/Performance/Mind/Stretching): Level 15
Ballet (Body/Performance): Level 23
Dancing(Body/Performance): Level 7
Evasion (1 Evol)(Movement/Body/Combat/Mind/Dexterity): Level 5
Barehanded Parry (Combat/Body/Dexterity): level 8
Combat Endurance (Body/Combat): level 7
Counter (Combat/Body/Mind): level 10
Permanent Blessings (2/2):
Divine Identification (Locked In)
Authority of the Time Loop (Locked In)
Temporary Blessing Slots (3/3):
Body Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (x3)
Combat Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x4)(1/3 Added)
Movement Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x3)(1/3 added)
Cooking Aptitude (Passive) (x7)
Mind Skill Gain Multiplier (Passive) (x3)
Subterfuge Skill Aptitude (Passive) (x2)(⅓ Added)
Blacksmithing Aptitude (Passive) (x6)
Evolution effectiveness and gain bonuses:
(Body) + 80%
(Combat) + 30%
(Mind) + 30%
(Movement) + 20%
(Stretching) + 5%
(Dexterity) + 15%
(Performance) + 15%
(Subterfuge) + 20%
(Resistance: Sleep) + 5%
(Resistance: Pain) + 5%
(Resistance: Physical) + 5%
I'm liking this! I was a little thrown by the fight durations given, though. Three minutes, or ten minutes, feels like a shockingly long time for one unarmed man to hold off a bunch of armed attackers. He might have some kind of minor supernatural dodging skill, but the attackers presumably have supernatural attacking skills to counter it, which seems in principle like it should be even stronger due to their higher levels.

In many tabletop games, one "combat round" is six seconds. At least as a rough approximation, that seems like a reasonable frequency for someone with, say, a sword, to launch an aimed attack with decent power behind it. So staying in a fight for 10 minutes would mean withstanding 100 attacks. A lot more than that if facing multiple attackers, though not strictly multiplied by the number of foes because they'd get in each others' way if they all tried to attack at once—though that also makes dodging much more difficult, as someone can come at you from the side or behind while you're focused on dodging the first guy. And with swords, taking one hit will probably mean the end of the fight.

Edit: I mean, by the end it's pretty clear he must be getting a supernatural boost which drastically outweighs that of his foes for some reason, but a full hour of intense physical exertion via frantic melee combat still seems like something that should shock the MC's sensibilities more than it does. This isn't just supernaturally-fast improvement in skills—that degree of endurance is a legitimate superpower in itself.
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