Hueco Mundo Online

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The war is over and its time for everyone to move on, unfortunately for everyone peace isnt an option anymore


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
Sword art online was the first game of its kind as it allowed the players to feel everything that happened inside of it, unfortunately for everyone that bought the game, the day that the game went online was the last day they ever saw the real world.

Ten years ago a madman trapped everyone inside Sword Art Online and forced everyone that was inside the game to fight for their lives, the man had somehow figured out a way to kill anyone whose avatar[Character] died in the game.

Unfortunately for everyone that was trapped inside the game, their problems had just started.

No one knows if Hueco Mundo is real, if it's hell, a result of having so many different minds connected, or just an update to the game, but somehow the flying castle of Aincrad along with all of the players found itself there.

No one inside of Aincrad had even realized it had happened and as a result, they were completely unprepared for the Hollows that immediately invaded the castle.

Fortunately for everyone inside the castle, Aincrads' defense system activated and the castle began to create all kinds of monsters to fend off the Hollows and protect the players.

In a single day, the very creatures that the players had to kill and considered enemies, had turned into their protectors.

The war lasted for more than ten years and both sides lost a lot of people.

Granted that because Aincrads self-defense system activated and as a result, it began to create all sorts of monsters to fend off the Hollows.

If anyone could describe the first couple of months or years they would have compared it to hell, as there wasn't a moment or a place where anyone could find any peace.

It was during that time that the older players began to work together and even reached out to some of the monsters to figure out the hollow's weakness.

Every time a hollow was killed or captured it would be dissected to see how it worked and how it could be used to make everyone stronger.

As time passed someone figured out a way to combine the hollows with the magic crystals that the players used to defend themselves and make their spells stronger.

With this information, the players were soon able to create better weapons and armors along with new spells that copied the attacks that the hollows used.

Little by little the alliance between the players and the monsters pushed the invaders out of Ainctrad, and for a moment, it seemed as if the war was finally going to end.

Unfortunately, fate had other plans in mind, as rummers about the war had spread through Hueco Mundo and reached the ears of someone who was truly dangerous.

Barragan Ruizenban the King of Hueco Mundo had heard about the war and decided that conquering Aincrad would help him relieve some of his boredom.

Unfortunately, he wasn't alone as several Vasto Lords had also come to invade or destroy Aincrad, along with their armies.

Had the Floor Bosses and Radius the Final Boss of Aincrad not entered the war everyone would have died.

"So we have a deal, you stay on your side and we will stay on our side." Heathcliff said as he and the leader of the hollows shook hands.

"As long as you keep your end of the deal, we get to challenge your queen for her kingdom." Barragan Ruizenban the King of Hueco Mundo said to Heathcliff before he let go of Heathcliff's hand.

"And we get to challenge you for yours." Heathcliff said to Barragan as he walked away from him.

As the two leaders walked away from each other and rejoined their armies they glanced at one another before they decided to forget about each other for now.

As the players teleported back into Aincrad they found themselves surrounded by everyone that survived the war.

Today was a special day, as not only had today been the day that the peace treaty had been sighed but Lady Radius had agreed to resurrect everyone that died both in the death game and in the war with the Hollows.

Everyone watched as Lady Radius waves her massive hands and she resurrected all of the dead players, one by one the pillars of light landed on the floor and revealed the sleeping forms of the dead players.

As the players opened their eyes, they were shocked to find that they were surrounded by people and monsters, who were either crying tears of joy or pulling them into tight hugs, as they welcomed them back to the world of the living.

While the payers celebrated Barragan smirked as he knew that despite everything that had happened these last ten years they were nothing compared to what was to come.
The sound of a bell echoed through Hueco Mundo alerting all of those that knew of its existence of what would soon be happening.

The many Vasto Lords that had survived and become Arrancar began to cheer and laugh as the Holllows that they had gathered over the years looked at them with confused expressions.

Baraggan simply smirked and raised his hand and instantly all of the hollows that were under his control began to enter the world of the living, the few that remained behind only did so because they had been ordered to gather the souls that were unprotected within the Soul Society and bring them to Hueco Mundo.

When he was alone he turned his attention towards the sky as he felt the growing presence of Aincrad as it lowered itself into his kingdom.

He could already feel the one hundred floors, the one hundred worlds that existed within the flying castle would fall and when they did he would rule them as well.

In the world of the living millions perhaps billions of tears in reality that no one alive could see except for those few people that were spiritually aware began to open.

The hollows swarmed all over the planet, but they neither destroyed anything nor attacked anyone unless they were the spirit of a dead person that simply was unfortunate enough to find them.

Hours passed as the hollows searched every floor and room of every house and building that they found.

Whenever they found a person that could see them or sense them they immediately captured the person regardless of how old they were, it didn't matter if the person they found was an infant, an elderly human, or hadn't been born yet and was still within their mother's womb, they captured them regardless.

Whenever they found that someone tried to stop them even when they couldn't see them, they simply captured the humans and everyone around them as they were forbidden from killing and eating anyone.

Their invasion lasted for hours, hours that soon turned to days and the days into months until they could no longer find a single person or being in the world of the living that could see or sense them anymore.

In Hueco Mundo, all of the men and women regardless of age found themselves waking up in a world that had no sun and they screamed when they found themselves surrounded by endless desert and by monsters.

Those that could defend themselves were forced to stay still because even if they did manage to escape there was nowhere that they could escape to.

"Humans you should be honored that I the king of this world would even care to speak to you." Baraggan says to the Humans in front of him, his very presence forces them all to only focus on him.

"There was a war fought between this realm and another, in a tie and both sides were forced to exchange gifts as a form of reparations." Baraggan says to the humans as one of his subordinates shows the humans a crystal before he eats it.

The humans watch in horror as the hollow begins to grow in size and swell with power.

"Back then I had nothing to give as you can see the only things I have are my subordinates and the sand of this realm."

"But what is a king without his word, and so that is why you are here."

"All of you will be given to the Players as they call themselves, as my part of the deal, but do not worry about your old lives those are over now, worry about the fate that awaits you when I conquer those worlds and her kingdoms." Baraggan says to the humans who look at him with absolute dread.

The sound of the bell ringing once again echoes through Hueco Mundo once again and the captured souls of the dead that were stolen from the soul society begin to arrive.

The howls and cheers of the hollows that know about what is about to occur and those that followed them out of servitude or curiosity begin to reach everyone's ears and Baraggan nearly smiles when he hears the human's breakdown screaming and crying as their will's break even before they try to escape.

The bell rings for a final time and Aincrad makes its presence known as its massive form reveals itself, floating where it has always been.

Everything becomes silent as the castle begins to open revealing the one hundred floors\ worlds to all of Hueco Mundo.

The different kinds of Reishi that exist within Aincrad spills into Hueco Mundo and immediately begin to change his kingdom, there is already green grass growing from his desert long before the first players set foot into his world.

"Players! and Beats I brought my half!" Baraggan screams as he orders his hollows to force the humans and souls to run towards the castle, he watches as the humans and souls run over each other as they try to escape to what they believe is safety.

He watches as the players and beasts allow the humans and souls to enter the castle before he orders his servants to carry the humans and souls that were run over by the rest of the humans.

His servants do as he says and drop the half-dead humans in front of the defenders of Aincrad.

It's only a matter of time now and soon the war will begin anew.
Some background info
Aizen has already taken over Hueco Mundo but the guy isn't always there after all he has to keep up appearances in the soul society, so the entire war happened without him even knowing about it.

Also, there won't be any Soul Reapers except for a couple that were caught by the Hollows during their invasion of the Human world.

Meaning that the soul society has no idea what's going on only that something big happened, but they just don't know what caused it to happen.

As for everyone on Earth, the only thing that everyone knows is that people started to go missing, sometimes it was a single person, sometimes it was entire families and then all of a sudden all of the mass disappearances ended.
The sounds of women and children crying filled the room as the knights and monsters handed the sick and injured people around them crystals and potions to heal or cure them of whatever was affecting them.

"What are we going to do?"

Ichigo hears a woman that's wearing white armor ask a man that's wearing bright red armor as they look at the people around him, Ichigo is tempted to yell at the pair to let his family go and to let everyone else go free but he stops himself from doing so as he hears Yuzu crying behind him.

"The only thing that we can do." the man wearing the red armor says to the woman before looking into the crowd and taking a deep breath.

"Everyone listen!" Heathcliff says to everyone in the room as he tries to get everyone's attention when the room was as silent as it could be he began to explain the situation to everyone.

"Everyone that's eight years old and older will be given a sword and a suite of armor, it will be up to you to go up the floors of the castle."

"The players and I will do our best to keep the hollows from entering the castle but if we fail and we die it will be up to all of you to defend yourselves."

"Infants and pregnant women are not allowed to limb as they can't defend themselves, as for the elderly, I'm sorry but everyone has to fight. Use the time that we give you to get stronger." Heathcliff says t everyone as the massive doors behind him opens revealing an endless field.

"Waite you can't just have the kids!' Ichigo yells at the man who silences him the moment their eyes meet.

"Don't get me wrong we don't want this, I don't want this, but if we fail to keep Aincrad safe, who is going to keep everyone here safe?" Heathcliff says to him as a blue light fills the room and all of a sudden everyone is wearing gray armor.

Ichigo watches as the people in front of him begin to walk into the field and he holds Yuzu's hand as he leads her and Karin who is holding onto both Yuzu's and their dad's hands as they are pushed deeper into the castle.

The light of the hot sun is nearly blinding and the col fresh air that carries the sweet smell of flowers and the mint-like scent that the trees in the distance are giving completely contradict the dark desert and cold room that they had left behind.

"What now? 'Ichigo asks himself as he looks at the empty field.

"Didn't you hear, we have to train and go up the castle. The people here are trying to buy us time." his father answers him as a group of boars run past them.

Ichigo looks at the sword he gained when the soul reaper gave him her powers so that he could kill and defend his family, while he did manage to kill the first two hollows, he wasn't able to stop the entire group.

The hollows had swarmed him and beat him until he couldn't defend himself anymore, he was forced to watch as the hollows took his family into the tear in reality before dragging him into the tear with them.

He can feel his hand begin to warm up as a hologram appears on top of his right hand, the hologram shows his health, level- strength, and even what abilities he has and to his surprise, he has three abilities.

Soul Reaper- Hollow and Quincy

The hologram also shows that he has been given some money and a map of the floor to help him, while there is a storage space that he can use to put his things away in.

"It's like a videogame." Karin says as she looks at her help screen.

Ichigo turns to see what his sister's help screens say and he's surprised to see that unlike his screen the two of them only have two abilities.

Yuzu's screen says that she has Quincy and Hollow powers, while Karin's screen says that she has Hollow and Fullbringer.

Ichigo turns toward his dad and his eyes widen when he sees that his dad's screen says Soul Reaper next to where the abilities are shown.

"Ichigo!" he hears someone yell his name and as he turns to see who it is he finds that the girl that gave him his powers is standing with a group of his friends and their families.
Ichigo wants to say something to them but before he can say anything to them, he sees a man that was with the group separate himself and walk toward his dad.

"We have two choices either we train them or we join in the war." the silver-haired man says to his dad.

"Hold on let me try to say something." Ichigo hears his dad say to the man before he lets go of Karin's hand and draws the sword that was given to him by the players.

He watches as his dad concentrates on the sword before the wind around them begins to blow, he watches as the sword that his dad is holding begins to shine before it changes form.

'What?" Ichigo asks himself but before anyone can answer him, he sees that the gray armor that his dad is wearing had changed color, it's now completely black but on his left side is what remains of a torn white cape.

"Dad?" Yuzu says to their dad with fear in her voice.

Ichigo can feel himself filling with dread as he sees the pain-filled expression on his dad's face.

"How is the military of Aincrad structured?" his dad asks someone that they can't see.

"Aincrad is ruled by Lady Radius, the queen of the one hundred floors\ worlds."

"Beneath her are the guardians of each world or floor guards that make sure that those that wish to enter each world are strong enough to survive."

"All beast men or monsters answer to the floor guards."

"The Guild Leaders stand equal to the floor guards, for it is the Guilds that train and maintain order amongst the Humans." a voice that came from his dad's help screen answered his dad's question.

"Dad." Karin says to their dad as she begins to cry, as she begins to realize what their dad is planning to do.

'Dad!" both Yuzu and Karin grab their dad's leg and hand as they try to get him to answer them, but their dad just looks at the sword in his hands.

"What will happen to us if the players win the war?" his dad asks the help screen.

"There are two options. The first is that all of you can remain within Aincrad and restart your lives here, the second is returning to where you came from." the same voice from before answered his dad.

Ichigo watches as his dad stares at the word that begins to glow again and seems to be growing in power "....Ichigo." his dad says to him and Ichigo can see that his dad is struggling t say what he wants to say.

"I won't be able to protect them, it's up to you to keep your sisters alive."

"Uryū and that girl that gave you those powers will teach you how to use those powers, it's up to all of you to get stronger on your own."

"Let's go Ryūken." his dad says to the silver-haired man whose armor is starting to glow, as the two of them walk away, Ichigo sees that the man's gray armor is now a pure white and the man now has a white cape that has a blue cross painted on it.


"Don't leave us!" Yuzu and Karin beg their dad not to abandon them and Ichigo is about to run after his dad and force him to stay but before he can do it Rukia stops him.

"Ichigo, let him go."

"You saw that he knows how to control the powers that were given to him, maybe that means that he had some before, but your dad is doing this to buy you and your sisters time." Rukia says to him and Ichigo can't help but hugs his sisters when they run to him and cry in his arms.

"Ichigo feels his hand becoming hot again and he tries to see what's happening this time he sees that a countdown has started.

The countdown changes to an image of what's happening outside, and Ichigo can't help but widen his eyes in horror.

When he was captured and held prisoner by the hollows there were maybe a couple of thousand hollows, but now there were so many hollows that he couldn't see the white sand of the desert anymore.

Unfortunately, the bad news didn't end there, he could see more and more hollows arriving and they didn't seem to end as he could see even more in the distance.

The videos that the help screen showed him changed again and he could see the outside of the castle was now covered with canons and several different kinds of shields were placed around the castle.

He was forced to look up as the ground beneath him shook and his sisters screamed before forcing themselves to become quiet as an army of monsters.

The gravity of the situation finally set in, and Ichigo understood that there was no escape from this, he believed that maybe if he figured out how to beat the old man that said that he was the king of this world then he could save everyone.

Now he knew that the way that he was now, it was impossible for him to do so.

He tried to order his help screen to do something without him having to say it out loud and he couldn't help but feel relieved when it did what he wanted it to, it showed him a safe place where he and his sisters could hide.

"Let's go find a town," he says to Yuzu and Karin who don't say anything as he leads them to the town of beginnings.
The town of beginnings was full of people unfortunately for everyone in his group all of those people were either soldiers or some kind of monster, and most of the stores and restaurants were either closed or being used by the soldiers.

"Hey you shouldn't be here, this place is about to be a warzone." a knight that's wearing black armor says to them as he looks at their group.

As Ichigo looks at the man, no the teen in front of him, he notices that the knight is a lot younger than he is, not only that but both his armor and the feeling that the knight gives off make Ichigo feel like he's looking at someone who is in charge.

"You're are part of the group that was just brought in, sorry to tell you this but the town isn't useful for anyone right now." Kirito says to them.

"We just needed a place to rest and wrap our heads around, well everything.' Ichigo says to Kirito who nods.

"Yeah, I know what that's like, hold on a moment.' Kirito says to Ichigo as he uses his help screen to mark a spot on everyone's map.

"You have to get moving, everyone that just got here has to go there, it's the safest place in the castle, so you can train and go from one floor to another from there." Kirito says to everyone as he points at the timmer that changes color from white to red.

Ichigo wants to ask the knight something but his eyes can only watch as the countdown turns to zero.

A flash of bright red light followed by a yellow-green- blue and all kinds of lights fly towards the castle causing it to shake before detonating and nearly blinding everyone.

Ichigo pulls his sisters towards him and tries to cover them with his body, even as the sounds of the explosions make his ears ring, and the blinding light of the bombs going off nearly makes him blind.

The castle shakes as the outer defenses return fire forcing an uneasy calm to set in.

"It's okay breath, it's over for now." Kirito says to them, as he helps Ichigo and his sisters back to their feet.

"Listen I know that you're scared, and I know that it's not fair that all of you are forced to be here but you have to go before the walls are breached." Kirito says to them.

Ichigo feels his sister's hands tighten and had this been any other moment he would have told them that their fingers were digging into him.

He turns to look at his friends who are being helped by a group of knights wearing gray armor that looks as if it was made out of rusted metal.

"It's time." he hears someone say to the knight next to him.

"Let's go." Ichigo says to his sisters and starts to walk towards the location on the map, luckily for them, it's not too far from where they're at.

The walls around the town of beginnings begin to glow with an orange light even as more people start to arrive, Ichigo watches as Kirito sends the location that he just gave him to all of the refugees.

He wants to say something to the knight, but he's unable to say anything when his eyes see that several men and women that are carrying guns and what can only be called small canons start to put themselves along the sides of the walls.

More and more beams and spheres of light hit the outside of the castle and Ichigo can see that the shields are starting to get weaker, he doesn't bother questioning how he isn't able to hear any of the blasts anymore or why he isn't being blinded by the lights of when the attacks detonate.

His feet begin to move on their own and he can't help but pull his sisters with him as his instincts take over, half of him wants to stay and fight while the other half knows that he's useless right now.

At his level of power and experience, he would only cause more harm than good, both sides of him agree that getting his sisters somewhere safe is the best thing that he can do, so he does exactly that.

The castle begins to shake out of instinct Ichigo looks towards the sky before immediately forcing himself to look back down and forcing his sister's heads down when they try to do the same.

The hollows are covering the castle even as they are being fired upon from both the castle's defenses and their own kind.

Ichigo can feel his hand becoming hot again, but he ignores it this time, things are bad enough already and he can't handle any more bad news, unfortunately, whoever or whatever is controlling his help screen doesn't agree and makes the holographic screen appear in front of him.

He suddenly feels something that has never felt before, as he watches the shields that are protecting the castle break one by one until they completely shatter.

The ground beneath him begins to shake as the hollows overwhelm the castle's outer defenses.

Ichigo can only tighten his grip on his sister's hands as they run away and even he begins to hear the sounds of gunfire coming from the town of beginnings.
The sounds of women and children screaming become louder and louder as they run but in the end, the screams and the sounds of gunfire completely disappear.

Ichigo can see what looks like a giant castle not too far from where he is and judging by the number of knights that are starting to materialize, the castle is their destination.

"This is Red Team, we found the new arrivals, there's a lot of them." a Knight says to someone through his help screen.

Ichigo watches as the knight nods before he begins to do something with his help screen, but Ichigo isn't able to see what the man is doing despite his help screen being transparent.

"The castle is protected by a forcefield, so I'll teleport all of you inside."

"Once you're inside, separate yourselves into two groups, one side will be the men and the other the women, Don't worry about your ages because that doesn't matter now." the knight says to them.

'Waite [please, I have to stay with." Ichigo says to the knight, who looks at him and then at his sister, before looking back at him and staring into his eyes, Ichigo can see the pain in the man's eyes.

'Son this is just the talk. Look around you, you know what's happening, some things are easier to hear when it's someone of the same sex." the knight says to him and once again Ichigo can't help but feel completely useless.

"We're under heavy fire! Where are the reinforcements!"

"We're being overwhelmed, send the bombers now or we are going to lose the floor!"

Ichigo could hear the desperate cries coming from the castle, he suddenly found himself standing in what looked like a large room, but he didn't know when he had entered it.

One moment he was talking to the knight, the next he was here, as he looked around he could see that the people that had accompanied him were already separating as the knight told them earlier.

"Men come this way, women go that way." he hears someone say to everyone.

'Those of you that don't want to be separated stay here." the same person says to them.

After a long moment Ichigo sees an old man walk towards him and everyone that didn't follow the other two groups, he watches as the old man takes a deep breath, before looking at everyone gathers in front of him.

"Men, women." the man pauses and from the way he's acting, Ichigo knows that it's hard for him to say what he has to say.

'A lot of you are going to die or see a lot of people, to avoid that you have to become stronger."

"You already know the basics, the higher the floor the stronger everything is, and the stronger you will become."

"A lot of bad things are going to happen to you and a lot of bad things will happen to the people that you know.
Kill whoever and whatever tries or does that, if you can't then there's nothing stopping them from hurting you and your loved ones."

'We prepared a backpack for all of you."

"If yure asking why we don't ask you to be loyal to us, it's because we might not be alive tomorrow so you have to be loyal to each other."

"Good luck." the old man says to them as he points at several backpacks that are laying in front of the exit.

The old man walks away and allows everyone to absorb what he just said to them.

The mood in the room is heavy and unusually quiet, despite the voices of people calling for help or giving orders, everything for some reason is unusually quiet.

Ichigo doesn't want to understand everything that the man just said, because what he didn't say out loud was too horrible, but he knew that things like this happened.

But those things happened somewhere else, somewhere far away, where his sisters would never be, except that wasn't true because that place was here now and that meant that if he failed then his sisters could be.....

'Snap out of it!" Rukia yelled at him as she walks towards the door.

Ichigo watches her walk out of the castle and she is immediately followed by the son of the man his father had left with before a man with long black hair walked out of the castle.

Ichigo began to walk towards the door and after putting on the heavy backpack he helped his sisters put theirs on, as they walked outside he found that the castle was further away than it was before.

"It seems that the caste is being protected by something."

"I don't know if we were teleported or what made us get here, but I can't hear any fighting or sense any Hollows, so that means that we aren't anywhere near where we were before." Uryū says to him as he looks for anything that might be a threat.

"How are we supposed to train?" Orihime says to them as she walks towards them.

In response to her question all of their help screens open by themselves, and begin to play a video of several wild animals, and hollows being cut down by swords, or being killed by white figures that are using some sort of crystal.

The video changes to the same animals and hollows being killed by arrows or spheres that are coming out of the white figure's hands.

'It seems that this floor is used to teach people the basics." Chad says after his help screen vanishes.
Isshin silently watches the ongoing war, it hasn't even been a day and both the edge of the castle and Huecon Mundo are being consumed by the chaos.

If it's not one of the castle's war machines either killing the Hollows or misfiring and injuring one of the knights, the hollows are either eating each other, being killed by the knights, or killing the knights.

Then there are the other races that he sees walking around, he would have once claimed that most of them belonged in the Realm of Beasts or one of the other worlds but he didn't know how the castle operated, so he just kept his mouth shut.

"Great another two outcasts." one of the knights says when he sees him and Ryūken.

"We're here to help, we both have fought hollows before." Isshin says to the knight who immediately points towards the king of the hueco mundo.

"The treaty that both sides agreed to stops him and us from doing certain things which is why we are playing defense and I don't know if the two of you have noticed but neither of you is as strong as you think you are." the man says to him as he opens his help screen before a light scans Isshin and Ryūken.

"The two of you are on the level of Vasto Lordes, no you're stronger than that." he says to Ryūken before turning back to Isshin.

"And you were stronger but you severed your power, Yeah looks like you will be back at full strength in no time." the knight says to them before signaling them to follow him.

"Tell me have either of you asked yourselves how you are here."

"I don't mean your souls, what I mean is how are your bodies here?" the knight asks them as the sounds of explosions and gunfire make it harder for Isshin and Ryūken to hear the man.

"The reason is that the Hollows have figured out a way of pulling people into Hueco Mundo, but we haven't figured out how they did it."

"The problem is that everyone that has abilities thinks that because they have their powers that their bodies should be able to handle the strain." the knight stops walking draws a handgun and fires at a hollow that was trying to attack them.

This is the reason we told everyone to train inside the castle, but all of you think that you can deal with tearing your bodies apart." the knight says to them before he starts walking and leading them to a large group of people.

"All of you have powers, all of you either hate each other or were banished from some other world or group."

"Or I don't know but you didn't listen to instructions so like it or not you're all under the command of the Exiled Black Swordsman, now get out of my sight." the knight says to them, before teleporting them to the town of beginnings.

The sounds of gunfire, men, and women screaming were coming from every direction and Isshin tried to gather enough power so that he could use Flash step or use some of the techniques that he had learned over the years, unfortunately, he wasn't able to do anything and only succeeded in making his armor change.

'What the hell?" he complained.

"You should have listened." he heard a voice that he hadn't heard in years say to him.

"Engetsu is that you?" Isshin asks his help screen.

'Yes, now since you chose to ignore instructions you should get your ass to some cover before you get yourself killed, give me a moment so I can understand how to use these new abilities." Engetsu says to him.

Isshin runs towards one of the nearby buildings, as he runs he can see his help screen moving as Engetsu looks through its information.

"Well I have good news and I have bad news."

"The good news is that you can use most of your abilities, the bad news is that all of our information is being collected, everything from spells, special attacks, name it, it's being studied and I can't stop it." Engetsu says to him.

Isshin looks around the room he can see that most of the people that are with him are people that he knows, some of them were Soul Reapers, while the others are people that he has never seen before.

"So why aren't I able to use them now?" he asks Engetsu and for whatever reason Isshin swears that he can feel his sword's spirit staring at him.

"Because your spirit energy is still connected to your son and daughters, it's keeping their powers sealed while keeping you weak." Engetsu answers him.

Isshin knows that Engetsu is right, but if he was to sever the line that's keeping the hollow fragments inside of his kids under control then.

No, he knows that Engetsu is right and if his kids are going to live through this he has to give them every advantage that they can get, even if that means letting those monsters out.

He closes his eyes and concentrates then he breaks the seal on his powers, his armor begins to let out a faint glow before going back to normal.

'What happened?" Isshin asks Engetsu who he can see smiling at him.

"Because you were wearing that armor when you broke the seal it contained the blast of energy that would have destroyed the building." Engetsu says to him before the roof of the building is lifted by a hollow that Ryūken immediately kills with an arrow.
The treaty or the deal made between Aincrad and Baraggan is the following.
1; Both sides would have to pay each other because both sides invaded each other.
Aincrad entered Hueco Mundo and the Hollows attacked.

And so Aincrad paid Baraggan or Hueco Mundo with magic crystals that the Hollows ate and used to become stronger.

The Hollow's payment was everything that was spiritually aware and the people who tried to stop them.

2; Because Aincrad had no way of leaving Hueco Mundo then the invasion would occur again when the bell rang.

But since no one would want to do the war over and over again this time the war would be fought to keep Aincrad as a separate Empire.

To put it simply Aincrad is now a part of Huecomundo and everyone is fighting to keep their independence.

3; When the war is over Radius will resurrect everyone that died during the war and if anyone was captured by either side they have to be returned.

4; If Aincrad or Hueco Mundo are ever attacked then they have to help whoever was attacked because whatever happens to one of them will affect the other.

5; There are areas in Aincrad that are of limits and are considered safe zones only because there are pregnant women and infants are there.

If a place is being used for training or is considered safe, it's only because it's far away from where the fights are happening.
"You just received orders, and you are being told to wait and not get involved," Engetsu says to him and everyone that's in the room with him.

"Why if I just got my powers back then?" Isshin asks Engetsu but his sword's spirit interrupts him before he can finish.

"I'm getting to that and it involves the reason that all of you were sent here and what that man from earlier said to you."

"Remember he said that all of you are currently inside of your Human bodies or Gigai's so that you can interact with the world of the living."

"Everyone look at your help screens and look at what's displayed next to your names." Engetsu says to everyone and everyone in the room does what he says.

Isshin can see that next to his name are what looks like three lines, while others have four or five lines.

"Those markings that you see are the emblems given to deserters, traitors, and those that have been exiled."

"The man that you have been handed over to is the leader of a group called Beaters or the Exiled as they obtained a greater power by committing some sort of crime in the past." Engetsu says to them and immediately the mood in the room becomes heavier.

The sounds of the war being fought outside is the only thing that anyone can hear anymore.

"So what now?" Isshin asks Engetsu.

"Now you obey orders, the guild is the same as a Royal Families and as of this moment all of you belong to the Eiled and will be trained by them, even if you have your abilities your body can't handle them at the moment," Engetsu answers him.
Yuzu- Karin and Ichigo widened their eyes the moment they felt something inside of them suddenly awaken, no whatever this was felt familiar.

It was as if this madness that threatened to overwhelm them had always been a part of them, watching them from inside of their very beings.

The hollows inside of them roared as they tried to consume their souls but they found themselves unable to do so, as the armors that the three siblings wore changed to contain the hollow's powers.

As the siblings screamed in pain and madness Rukia could feel her connection to Ichigo grow it was as if granting him her powers had somehow connected them, she could feel the madness that he was going through, his pain his instincts threatening to take over and overwhelm him.

Ichigo screamed as his eyes became completely black before he turned to Orihime and throws himself at her.

Orihime uses her hands to shield herself and shuts her eyes as she tries to hide from Ichigo, but when she doesn't feel anything happen, she hesitantly opens her eyes and sees that Sado or Chad as everyone calls him is holding Ichingo back.

"Ichigo control yourself!" everyone hears a man's voice come out of Ichigos help screen, but before they can say anything they hear both Yuzu and Karin's screams begin to change.

Karin is the first one to stop screaming as her armor changes it still has its normal gray color but it now has what looks like a white skeleton outline covering it.

Yuzu falls to her knees as a blue power begins to overwhelm the hollows control over her and she repeatedly hits her head on the ground as she tries to regain control of herself.

'Good, you are almost there, now you know what you have to do." a man says to Yuzu, as she screams, her voice that sounds as if it belongs to two different people can be heard for miles.

She finally stops screaming when a white sword appears next to her.

"Ichigo, your sisters have passed their trials, will you fail them? you know what you have to do!" the man's voice says to Ichigo.

Rukia can feel something deep inside her break, it's as if her connection to Ichigo was grabbed by something, someone, and shattered, she would have screamed with pain, but she stopped herself from doing so when she noticed that her powers had returned to her.

"Good, now stretch out your hand and take ahold of the sword." the man says to Ichigo as a Zanpakutō forms in front of him.

"What happened?" Ichigo asks everyone but he doesn't expect an answer.

"You and your sisters suddenly started screaming and I had to stop you when you tried to attack her." Chad says to Ichigo.

Ichigo looks at Orihime with a look of shock and regret, but Orihime just smiles at him.

"It's okay, it wasn't you something tried to control you." Orihime says to him, but the fear in her eyes can be seen by everyone.

"So what's the deal with this thing?" Ichigo asks them.

"It's your Zanpakutō, and from the looks of it your sister has one too." Rukia answers Ichigo.

"Noichigo has a Zanpakutō, however, yuzu has something similar but different."

"To put it simply Ichigo has the powers of a Soul reaper, so he manifested a way to control it along with the hollow inside of him, Yuzu doesn't have the powers of a soul Reaper but she does have the powers of a Hollow." the man's voice says to everyone after Rukia answered Ichigo.

"Waite then why didn't I get a sword?" Karin asks the voice.

'Your Fullbringer ability allows you to create your weapons because they are directly connected to your hollow powers, your armor is proof of that."

"Just draw the sword that the knights gave you and see that it has changed just like your armor." the voice answers Karin who does what the man says to her and finds that the hilt of her sword now has the form of a skull with long white horns as a guard.

'So who are you two?" Uryū asks the voices that everyone heard come from the sibling's help screens.

"We are the other half of their powers." both voices answer Uryū before becoming silent.
The moment those final words were said the world became eerily silent as the sands of Hueco Mundo began to enter Aincrad and the magic of Aincrad began to spill into Hueco Mundo.

Everyone that had just arrived and was trying to wrap their minds around everything that was going on along with those that were fighting or waiting to enter the fight began to feel the change in the air.

"Somethings happening." Chad says as he looks for any signs of danger, but fails to find any.

"It's started." the various voices of the spirits, the players, and the monsters that are helping pass down information all say at once as Aincrad begins to fall.

Ichigo, his friends, and family can only watch helplessly as massive creatures that dwarfed anything that they have ever laid eyes on walk past them.

The creatures are so massive that they could have easily been mistaken for mountains that a person could see in the distance, yet it was the power that they all carried that had made the world around them go insane.

A giant that looked as if it had been made out of fire was being followed by more giants, some were made of water others crystals and others were either made of rock or were made of flesh and blood.

Yet these monsters weren't alone, as they were being followed by creatures whose mad hows reached everyone's ears, but none of them could see any of these creatures.

No one could say anything as they watched the creature leave and it was only when they felt that the danger has passed that Uryū finds that he can move again and so he starts to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going?!" Ichigo calls out to him.

'Where else, to train." Uryū answers Ichigo as he walks without a destination.

"Then we should stay!" Ichigo says to Uryū who stops walking and turns to look at him with rage and fear in his eyes.


"If you can't accept yet! let me say it, we have to get stronger, something bad just happened and we aren't going to survive the way we are!"

"Yes my dad told me to stay with you and your sisters, but what good are any of you if you freeze with just this?!" Uryū says to Ichigo who can only glare at him.

"He's right." Rukia says to Ichiogo before she starts to follow Uryū.

"The people in the castle sent us here for a reason." she says to everyone as a giant centipede that has what looks like a person's head inside its mouth comes out of the ground and tries to capture her.

Rukia jumps over the centipede and is about to attack it when she felt a stinging sensation begin to cover her from head to toe and she can't help but fall helplessly on the ground.

Ichigo tries to run toward Rukia and either kill the monster or get her away from it, but he feels his sister's hands hold his hands tightly as they try to pull him away from the monster.

"Get them away from here!" Ichigo says to Chad as he looks at his childhood friend before he pulls his hands away from their grip and runs towards where Uryū and Rukia are.

He can hear his sisters screaming his name as they beg him not to fight the monster, and even as he ignores his sister's cries he can see Uryū firing arrows that are made out of light at the monster.

Uryū begins to move faster than Ichigo ever saw a person move and if he had to compare it to anything he would say that Uryū looked like one of the anime heroes that he would see on t.v.

Ichigo screamed as he tried to use his sword to cut the monster but his sword only bounced off the centipede's armored body.

The creature turns towards him and Ichigo can only widen his eyes as the creature launches itself at him, but he feels someone pull him back and he just barely avoids being eaten by the monster.
A little background info

The players don't even know that there's a Bleach Human World, as far as they know Hueco Mundo and Aincrad are the same thing, Aincrad is the castle that's flying inside Hueco Mundo.

And Hueco Mundo is the world outside of Aincrad, after all, Aincrad is known as the Flying Castle for a reason.

They know that Sword Art Online isn't the game that it was before but they don't know what Hueco Mundo is, and they don't have time to ask themselves these questions.

Before the story started they were tapped in the Death Game, then they had to survive and later push back the First Hollow invasion and now they have to keep Aincrad as its own thing, Its own Kingdom.

They know that Aincrad will never leave Hueco Mundo and they are okay with it, as they have learned to live with this new reality.

What they are not okay with is having a Hollow rule over them.

If the Hollows hadn't kidnapped the Humans and Souls the Players and Radius wouldn't have cared because their existence didn't affect them.

Even now the players don't care about these late arrivals as they have a war to fight.
"Move." Ichigo hears someone say to him and he can't help but do what the man he sees standing behind him says.

The man has long red hair and glowing red eyes that seem to be flowing with power, but it's the white clothes that the man is wearing along with the hole in his chest that forces Ichigo to stay perfectly still after doing what the man says.

"Ichigo can only watch as the man grabs one of the arrows that Uryū is trying to kill the monster with before it hits the creature, before raising his hand and forcing the arrow into the monster's head.

The centipede screams in pain as it violently shakes and moves its body back and forth as it tries to escape from the stranger who still has his hand buried inside of the monster's head.

"These things use poison to paralyze their food so that they can eat them while they are still alive." the man says to them as he uses his free hand to drop a bottle next to Rukia's unmoving body.

"Your friend is still alive, just make sure she drinks that." the stranger says to them before he pulls the monster's head and drops it next to its body.

"I killed it, so this is my food." he says to everyone before picking up the monster's body and carrying it away.

"That man was a hollo." Ichigo hears the voice from his help screen say to him, as Yuzu runs past him and forces the contents of the bottle into Rikias mouth and forces Rukia to keep her mouth close so that she can drink it.

Once again he's forced to see how useless he is and even as Rukia gasps for air he wasn't the one that helped her, no the one that saved her was yuzu.

Ichigo looks past his sister and Rukia and sees Uryū looking at the bow in his hands, no doubt he's thinking the same thing, they were both useless.
"Wow and here I thought that I would find even more dead people." Asuna says as she walks up to the group.

"Who are you?" Chad says to Asuna as he hides Karin behind him.

"Calm down, I came to find you guys because unlike everyone else you haven't left this place yet." she says to them while she raises her hands and tries to show that she isn't a threat.

"You just said that you expected to find more dead bodies." Uryū says to her as he aims one of his blue arrows at him.

"Put that down before I hurt you." Asuan says to Uryū before she appears next to him and pulls the bow out of his hands and jumps to catch the arrow before it can fly away.

'All of you are slow, your weapons are nowhere near the power that they should be."

"And if the look of terror and helplessness that I see on all of your faces, none of you have seen anything like what you are seeing now," Asuna says to the group before she hands Uryū his bow back.

"So are you here to help us?" Rukia asks Asuna who points at a nearby forest.

"The animals there are weak, you can use them to learn how to swing your swords properly, while at the same time, you can eat the ones that you kill." she answers Rukia before she points at Arihime and then to Rukia.

She signals t the two of them to follow her before she walks a little further away from the rest of the group before deciding that there is no way that the group can hear what she's about to say to them.

"Waite we're missing a pair.' Asuna says to them before she vanishes and reappears with both of Ichigo's sisters.

"Give them back!" she hears Ichigo desperately screams to her as she creates a wall to keep him away from the small group of women in front of her.

'Tis is girl talk, no boys allowed." she says to Ichigo through her help screen.

"The four of you weren't present when I gave my talk and now I'm forced to look for all of you." Asuna says to them as she looks at the teenagers and preteens in front of her.

"I'll make my explanation quick, this pink bottle stops you from getting pregnant and this blue bottle makes men lose control," she says to them as she sends the bottles to the four girls.

"Both things are weapons and things that can be used for fun." she says to them before she draws her sword and points it to the right towards something that no one can see.

The four girls can only watch as blood begins to fall from something that none of them can see, as Asuna pulls her sword away from it.`

The four girls can only watch as Asuna whips the blood off the blade and then puts it back into its sheath.

'The four of you are women, I don't think that I need to tell you why your armors have skirts." she says to them as her sword makes a small click sound when it locks itself back into place.

"Before I came here, I had to search for several groups that suffered worse fates than you, do any of you want to guess what were the survivors."

The sound of Ichigo slamming his sword on the invisible wall that Asuna created makes everyone turn and look at him, they can see how desperate he is and they can see how helpless he feels because he can't break the wall.

"Well, he is persistent." Asuna says to herself.

"Cleaning, cooking, gutting, making both tools and weapons and sex are things that people who can't fight can do." Asuna says t them as a beeping sound alerts her that it's time for her to join the battle.

"If what I just said to all of you seems unnecessarily cruel, and making them wait over there seems unnecessary." Asuna makes sure that all of the girl's eyes are meeting hers.

"When you have time tell them to look at how many new arrivals have died, next to their names will be how they died, and the list next to that one are the people that survived."

"If you are going to look at that one, don't do it alone." Asuna says to them before she snaps her fingers and destroys the wall that was keeping Ichigo away.

Ichigo immediately falls because he was trying to hit the wall before it shattered when he tried to hit it again, there was nothing for him to hit, so he fell forward.
For a long moment, Ichigo can only lay on the ground with his ca down in the dirt, he was supposed to be better than this, he was supposed to be stronger than this but ever since that monster attacked everything had gone wrong.

He felt his sister's hands as they helped him stand back up, and as he stands up again he makes eye contact with Rukia, Rukia doesn't wait for him to ask her what the woman wanted she just shows Ichigo the bottles.

She begins to tell them what the contents of the bottle do and what the woman told them about the other groups, and Ichigo wanted to throw the bottles away or at the very least take them from his sisters, but the voice from his help screen stopped him from doing so.

"Damm it!" Ichigo screams in frustration but he stops as both Rukia and Orihime make him regain control of himself.

Everyone falls silent as the sky above them turns a bright red, as mushroom clouds start to show up one after another, the group of friends can't help but fall silent as they're forced to stand perfectly still out of pure instinct.

Rukia being the most experienced of all of them is the first to break out of the shock and begins to lead the group in the direction that Asuna told them to go.

She begins to feel the power of her sword begin to flow through her again, its ice-cold presence is already strong enough that she can release her sword again.

Unfortunately, she knows that compared to the things that she had seen up until now, her sword's released form would be next to useless.

After walking for more than two hours their help screens announce that they have arrived at the training area, the land around them is filled with wild animals but they're not the kind of animals that a person expects to find just walking around.

The animals that they see are nothing more than chickens, goats, and cows.

"Mission one, Learn to kill and prepare the bodies of the animals that you kill." their help screens say to them.

"How is that supposed to help us?" Uryū angrily says his help screen.

"If you attack one animal, the rest will either run away or attack you all at once."

"If you manage to kill one, then the guard dogs, the predators, and the rest of the animals will attack you." his help screen answers him

'I get it." Chad says as he looks at the livestock.

"There are people that don't even know where their food comes from and by extent, they probably haven't ever fought a day in their lives." he says as he looks at a bull that has a pair of long wide horns eating grass.

"You mean that this place is to get us used to killing things?" Ichigo asks Chad who nods at him.

Uryū fires an arrow at a cow who just moves its head slightly to the left before it goes back to eating, the arrow flies back but before it can hurt the animal a bull blocks the arrow with its horns.

The bull lets out an angry breath but it doesn't attack it just glares at Uryū before stomping the ground twice and laying between the herd of animals and their group.

"Let's start with something easier." Rukia says to them as she draws her sword and walks towards a group of goats she begins to prepare herself to kill one of the animals when she feels something hit the back of her head.

She turns to see what just hit her when she notices that she's now looking at the sky, that's slowly losing its red color.

She widens her eyes as she sees the hoves of a horse about to crush her head and as she rolls out of the way and stands back up she finds herself surrounded by the animals.

As she looks around she remembers something important, there's a reason why these animals managed to survive here.

She mentally kikes herself as she remembers where she is, these aren't normal animals these things aren't to be taken lightly after all there's a reason why they're here acting as if nothing is wrong when there's a war being fought right now.

"Rukia!" she hears Orihime yell her name as the cows run toward her and her group.

"Survive and gain as many supplies as you can." her help screen says to her as the animals that surround he charges at her.