How Would Your D&D Character Work In Goblin Slayer?

United States
Taking this from my SB Account, it's what's in the thread title.

Say through some act of the divines, your favorite (or most recent if you have many like me) is now in the world of Goblin Slayer. They're at the start of the series just a half hour before Priestess joins her doomed party, and is able to join them.

How would everything play out? What would happen differently, and how would your character react to being thrown into a world they've never known yet feels familiar?

I'd just like to see how they'd react, what they'd do, and what steps they would take to work within the world.

EDIT: Your character has their items and any companions (IE: Pets, familiars, etc.) that are with them, just for you guys.
My cleric would keep the party alive, at the least. Healing spells and Spirit Guardians to burn hostiles to ash. And depending on when, crushing things with her pet golem (shield guardian).

Past that, she'd probably roll with it. This would make twice being transported to a strange new place of existence, and at least this one isn't in perpetual gloom like Barovia.
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Let me explain in order.

-Fuck the guilds, we're making a PROPER guild that doesn't fuck over everyone for minimal profit. I will duel anyone who says otherwise.

-Burn. Burn them all. Turn it to ash then start again.

-hello Pelor? It's Aurelia. I am requesting permission to turn enact plan 'deep friend infidel'
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Well, it depends. Is she written by the person writing Goblin Slayer? Because in that case it doesn't matter what she can do, she'll just end up dead, traumatized, or useless and infatuated with GS, because, you know, girl.
Against Goblin Slayer, most of my character would murder that bigoted monster.

I play a lot of Goblins.
Have you seen the Goblins in Goblin Slayer?

Even if I was a DnD Goblin, I'd see them as disgusting.
Well, it depends. Is she written by the person writing Goblin Slayer? Because in that case it doesn't matter what she can do, she'll just end up dead, traumatized, or useless and infatuated with GS, because, you know, girl.
Your character is Isekai'd into Goblin Slayer, from their home world.
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Similarly, my warlock* would, upon noticing that GS's monomaniacal focus on goblins can't really be used to advance his goals, wander off to find a more productive use of his time/talents.

NE, Fiendpact, utterly obsessed with bringing down his LE family and getting his soul back
Oh yeah. I played a goblin a couple times (goblin campaigns were fun/silly little things).

-First he would go off to find a dragon to worship as a proper goblin should and try to convince it to civilize his brethren and enact some sort of faux feudal system with ritual sacrifice. Because he's from MTG Jund and that's what goblins should do.

If there's no proper dragons worthy of worship end game dragon shamans sometimes become them instead. He might not be as strong as the Sky Tyrants of Jund but he'll be the Best they've got.

I thiiink the whole rape thing would be a major no as well. Like, either they accept defeat and join up or they don't and you kill them. You don't torture people.
Your character is Isekai'd into Goblin Slayer, from their home world.

I got that. My question is more who's writing this isekai story here. Cause, like, if it's still the GS author I stand by my previous post, and if it's me, the setting quickly becomes irrecognizable as my innate wonkiness twitches at the sheer lack of sense of the entire worldbuilding around the Guild and I start retconning shit :p.
I never got characters past level 8ish in dnd, mostly because I was stuck DMing a lot and also I really more enjoyed the low level high risk play. Honestly my chars would probably fit in fairly well if teleported to the world.

2h sword cleric would probably just be mistaken for a paladin a lot. Personal end goal of building a fortified monastery/castle and becoming a minor lord may or may not work in this setting.

Infiltrator (LE rogue with assassin build) probably starts over collecting magic items and political connections. Probably never gets in with any set party.

Skald (Bard/Fighter build) probably gets in trouble for his habit of crucifying criminals, monsters and corrupt minor nobility.

All of them probably quickly start off working with the guild since they are essentially suspicious foreigners with no local contacts or support base. Skald probably gets in trouble/kicked out first since he was essentially Robin Hood the Barbarian and got sidetracked easily taking out bandit camps etc for free along the way to official quests.
This is my Paladin. He is a Half Orc and has short patience for dumb edgy morons. This is his response to the entire world, up to and including its gods.

Well, I always DMed much more than played, so my favorite characters would be from the D&D based games; not the pen and paper version.

Bhaalspawn: "Well, yes I did encounter the local versions of goblins, and despite me being the spawn of the God of Murder they tried to rape me."

Goblin Slayer: "And?"

Bhaalspawn: "I found that they changed their mind after I murdered all of them, though."

Goblin Slayer: "I like the way you think."
Gonna use that oneshot char that somehow became campaign, a 5e lv5 gestalt Brute Kensei Warforged (two +1 armblade/integrated weapon thing given by dm) with mearls houserule on twf pt2 who is a pirate with a ship.

He will go on journey with his mates lv6 barbarian, fighter, wizard and paladin to fuck shit up. Also a crew of 10 people and 3 hobgoblins sworn to serve. We bout to save venturers who will be made to join our crew as we sail the seas for adventure.

Pally wants to kill evil witches, wiz wants mo knowledge on spells, fighta wants to avenge family and barb wants moola. Become a legend of the seas!

Edit: create a Golden Age for Piracy!
Edit2: blades inspired by Gipsy Danger.
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If I'm starting with a level 1 character, go fight rats & do gathering quests and such. Once I level up some, fight goblins out in the open, in a large party. Avoid caves, they get you killed...
I can barely remember any of my 3E/3.5E characters. I am pretty sure the epic-level monk would at least attempt deicide though. I don't see any of the faith-based character classes being happy with the local gods either, but I don't see them being quite as unhappy as the monk.

From other game systems...

L5R is...probably going to take it reasonably well. They have experience with the Shadowlands and sometimes the Nothing. The setting is...comparatively somewhat petty. The overarching evils aren't nearly as insidious or cosmic-horror-ish. They will be confused and probably aghast at the fact that no one is charged with containing or destroying or at least defending against the various menaces and it's being left to ronin to deal with everything from demon lords to bakemono. Clearly the rulers are incompetent.

The Rifts Dog Boy would likely be literally genocidal about Goblins, both because of his inborn drive to defend humans and because I can't imagine how Goblins scan to his psychic senses but I doubt it's pleasant. With his Rifts gear, he might actually manage it. Most of the others would likely end up dealing with high-level threats more often than Goblins, but pity the Goblins that happened to do something shortly before they came through.

I have no idea how the BattleTech characters would react, save that the Clan Nova Cat one would find the entire thing homicidally disgusting. Freeborns are bad enough.