[X]- What's next on the list, after Kingdom? Empire. What a word. What a magnificent, breath-taking word. You see the way to achieve this. Make nice with the ENEMY, just enough to get her off your back with promises of peace. And then turn to Centre, with your army at your back. Kick down the doors of the Archonate Ascension and restore the heavens. You have history on your side. You would simply be another soldier Archon, but even that is an exalted, rarefied achievement.
[X]- It's too rich for your blood. Your net worth is currently best expressed through scientific notation, and that's just hard currency. Why do you want to risk that playing politics? Seubi's right, he has a good plan. You've peaked and you don't mind saying that. After you've made it so that the next Marquis-Admiral won't chop you up for fucking up their life you're bouncing out of everything but ease and comfort.
[X]- You could do with a kingdom. Oh, not the Centre, they can have it. But Relative North is quite a rich and prosperous place, if you look at it clearly. Now, you're not saying you're going independent, not yet. But if Centre isn't going to tell you to stop doing whatever you're doing you see no reason to keep on keeping on. Slowly you will expand. You have taken their shipping, next you will take their security. Then you will strangle their kings and incorporate their fiefdoms into a greater structure.