[X]- SKATE OUT: You think he's planning to quit. This is going to play merry double triple hell on your org chart. Really! The nerve! You need him, one to interface and smooth over any issues with the auxilae, two to be your number two. Imagine a world where people forsake their sacral duty for a plum pension and maybe a no-show consultancy job. It would be hell! In any case, you gotta figure out what to do. Maybe dangle a couple of juicy assignments to him, or drown him in work, anything to stop him from handing in his notice of retirement.
[X]- INDEPENDANCE: The rank of Lieutenant Admiral is too small for Seubi, who is a prince nevertheless. He's pissed that his birth rank never gave him shit in the Empire, which one, it shouldn't, given that he joined the military where everyone's a maggot (unless you aren't a maggot), and two, is totally understandable. Does he want your job? Either Chairman of the United Shipping Board or Marquis-Admiral, both impossible ranks for this shrub to achieve. Yet you get the feeling he's reaching for it. His alliances with two gens, one a meathead, the other disfavoured, points to him as a burgeoning kingmaker within your army.
[x]- BETRAYAL: He wants to ice you. No two ways about it. Think, Marquis, he's friendly with Alessandro, and so is Luca. What did Alessandro do? Try to get you fired. You think just because you lavished that fuck with a rank and a cursorary help, he's suddenly your ride or die? Please! Yon triple threat is going to ice you out of your position, sooner or later. It might be lethal, it might be bureaucratic, but it all portends in your power, your vast and awesome control over the Northern Front, being denuded. So do something about that!