[X]- STRAITS OF ISTHMUS: Now stretching deep into Empire territory is the strange space warp called Isthmus. It is an anomaly where the laws of space and time don't apply. Readings come from hundreds of years ago, echoing ghost data. A fleet can travel from one end to the other in seconds. It is fortified because of this reason. Whosoever haves it has a short line into the rear lines of your Front, into the heartlands of Empire. A ghost fleet could wreak untold havoc, and all the ENEMY wants, if you want your men to be free, is Isthmus.
[X]- DEMON DESTRUCTION: Gallu Fleet has served with distinction for nigh on two hundred years now, a paladin in the face of the ENEMY. It has claimed untold numbers of souls and turned untold numbers of ships into free floating gas. It is storied of the Empire, with Gallu Fleet taking appearances in documentaries and military fiction. It is reviled of the ENEMY, as far as you can tell. With plasma and laser fire it has placed itself in the annals of military myth. And all the ENEMY wants, if you want your men to be free, is the death of the Gallu Fleet.
[X]- CENOTAPH, WRECK: Proceeding apace within the Northern Front is an archeological dig over something or the other. A university applied for protection, you gave it. They blabbled something about world making planet sized factories, and the dean sent you a very nice bottle of wine. So you agreed. All the ENEMY wants, if you want your men to be free, is this weird request to allow them to conquer a patch of land containing the dig for what? Historical value? Have at it, my old son, it won't help you. It's frankly a gimmie and you're almost insulted that this is what they've asked of you.