[X]-Rank: You'll tell him you work for his former boss in an important operation, so congratulations! He's been deputized. You don't have the actual formal authority to do this but you hope he doesn't actually know this. He can call bullshit, but hey, you're the one that can report to Seubi vi Markoviz.
[X]-Patriotism: Listen, you're going to tell him, Mr. Ardhak is probably running some sort of terrorism op against the Empire. Are you just gonna let that happen? He's military, he'll definitely fall for some moto bullshit like that. And on the flip side, it might even be true.
[X]- Greed: You're bad at lying (actually you're good), so you'll give it to him straight. Your boss's boss might be a traitor. It would be really convenient if he went missing, right? You scratch my back, I scratch your's, we both cynically backstab our superior to get a bigger paycheck.