How to (dis)aggregate a subforum

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Turing Decidable

You may have noticed that there is now a subforum in User Fiction dedicated to fan fiction of Worm. Some among the Staff figured it would be a good time to remind everyone that Forum Aggregation exists, and teach people how to use it in case they do not know how.

A quick reminder of what Forum Aggregation does:

*) If Aggregation is enabled for a subforum, then the threads contained therein will appear in the list of threads if you are browsing its parent forum. For example, suppose that you have enabled Aggregation for the Hobbies: Indoor & Out subforum in the Chat Lounge. The threads in Hobbies: Indoor & Out will then be listed if you are browsing the Chat Lounge.
*) Conversely, threads contained in a subforum will not be listed if you are browsing its parent forum and you have disabled Aggregation for that subforum. If you have disabled Aggregation for the Worm subforum, then you will not see any threads from that forum if you are browsing User Fiction.

Before we get into how to configure Forum Aggregation to suit your needs, note that @Xon made an effort to automate moving all Worm fan fiction to their new home. This might mean that some Worm threads have not been moved (false negatives), while some non-Worm threads have been moved (false positives). If that is the case for your thread, or if you notice any such mistakes, please report the thread and we'll take care of moving it.

By default, the Worm subforum is aggregated, so if that is fine with you, there is no need to change anything.

Now then, how to configure Forum Aggregation:

1) Go to Forum Aggregation (which you can access via the Your Account page)

2) Suppose that you want to toggle the setting for the Worm subforum. Click on the plus sign next to User Fiction to expand its list of subforums:


3) Click on the checkbox next to the entry for Worm to either aggregate it or disaggregate it:


4) Your change will automatically save after you've clicked it. There is no need to separately confirm your choice.

Happy browsing!
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An alternative is to edit your Aggregation settings for a specific forum directly from that forum's page:


Clicking that will show you the following pop-up window:

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