A tale of a hero appearing in the Age of Heroes during the time of the Long Night, who will rise up to fight against and safeguard the world of Men, Giants, Children, and more? Will they be able to stand before the might of raging cold, or will they fall to storms and darkness that comes?
It is the time before the Long Night, when distant Valyria begins to spread its power after crushing the Empire of Ghis and the world's magic grows stronger with the rising number of dragons and great works of the Valyrians.
Dark things begin to move within the Shadow Lands, the eternal city of ash weighed down by the Shadows that stretch forth begins its preparations with horror at what they do. To the east of the city of ash an empire forged by a God is said to stand, a covetous brother struggling against the darkness hidden within mid as he stares upon his sister sitting upon the Throne of Heaven. Children of the river weep in despair, their Mother's sustenance dwindling even as Old Men begin to disappear.
Far to the south, across the great sea in a cruel land of the harshest jungles is beset with terror for from lands no thinking creature has walked upon come the children of a vile thing. West, a world of islands that few outsiders have ever seen sets its eyes upon the world beyond, great ships being built as he who rides the winds prepares for that which his people forgot long ago. Even in the depths of the ocean does the darkness reach, things long resting from the creation of the world once more stirring beneath the waves.
Yet this is not a tale of distant and blood soaked Essos, of the blighted Shadow Lands broken from the dawn of ages, of the shadowed jungles of Sothoryos and it's outcast people, of the Summer Isles and a people who have forgotten the terrors of long ago, or the unknown depths of Seas.
No, it is the tale of the land most damned by what it is to come, the land of the First Men and the Children, of the Giants and lords of wolves, and far more. It is that which is known as Westeros, the land of a hundred kingdoms where harsh Gods of Tree and Wood hold sway. It is here where a story that would leave echoes for tens of thousands of years upon the world would be forged, where the very fate of all existence would be decided.
Our story begins simply enough, or what would pass for simple in this land that would be viewed as strange to the world beyond.
[] It is the story of a boy huddled in the halls of his forefathers, halls dug beneath the earth where the dead are laid to rest and fragments of the past seem to walk. Viewed poorly by his Father's people for where they hold pride and arrogance the boy holds fear and weaknes, his only companion a mutt cast aside much as he was..
Sickly, pale, and broken the child is for to him the dead whisper of stories great and bloody, of a King of Kings long gone, of the arrogance of men who seek to rival him. Yet even in the darkest of tales is there light, of deals made and a pact struck, of that which could be should one of the right heart rise up, and of those that would stand eternal behind him.
[] It is the story of a boy walking among the snow in a land of men and wolves uncertain. Great is the care of his parents and the people who have bound themselves beside them, but he is saddened by that which none know. To the boy it is to know the world that matters, to understand it all and create from that understanding things which have not been seen by all before.
Bright beyond compare he looks upon the lands and knows he shall change it by his own two hands, but he wonders. How? What shall these two hands make in a land that knows so little?
[] It is the story of a boy born to harsh islands where little grows, where the people harder than the stone beneath their feet and descended from the God of Deepest Depths. Foul things forged by their God's great foe besiege the lands, cast down from the sky into the sea to take from them that which is their way of life.
In the depths of his dreams something whispers from beneath the waves, speaks to him of that which seeks his peoples destruction and he listens. Wisdom beyond the keen of youth does battle with a being that promises great power, but asks for everything in return. A price to be paid, one of blood and wrath. A price of Iron.
[] It is the story of a girl born to wear two skins among a people who lived in harmony with the forests and it's true claimants. She was born to the lord of those who bear two forms, a strange people looked upon in fear by all those beyond her lands. Ever is her other form speaking, calling to her as the forests themselves do, but still she stares out to sea. Resists the call.
Fear she does, fear the walking of two lives and the madness that may come and yet some among her people can see that which others cannot. Can commune with the Gods that hold dominion over these woods and they speak of terrible times to come, of ones where those like her may be needed.
[] It is the story of a girl born in the far south, clever beyond words and charming without end yet born under the shadow of those who live upon the stone far above. Her people live in the shadow of those far better off who refuse to lend a hand to the ones suffering below, and so oft does her sight fall upon the great rock they call home. Glimmers sparkle and ideas form, but still she holds off, uncertain of the future ahead.
She finds peace for a time talking to that which roams the lands, not the Men as she is but the true creatures of the land who lived here long before hers ever did. Even there she finds no rest, some whispering to her of the great rock that holds a better life for her and hers.
[] It is the story of a girl born beautiful beyond compare, a beauty that hides under it an intellect matched perhaps by only one other in the realm. Wistfully she looks upon the city built around a great keep of stone darker than night itself within which burns fires the likes of which none can compare. Ships fill the waters beyond and in the distant air that which others believe legend flies in the sky, the mark of the lords that rule them.
Beneath the yoke they are for every semblance of freedom that may show through in spite for any who disagree would be met with little beyond the fire of that which flies above.
[] It is the story of a boy born beside the ocean where storms reign without end and mighty winds blow across the lands. He and his father's people are hardy folk, but before the wrath of gods what can one truly do? And yet… where others found the storms and wind to be horrific taunts of gods the boy found comfort in the wind as he grew.
In it he could almost here voices and they spoke to him often, to disparage his actions when he did that which they did not approve or to whisper sweet praises when he did that which it did. Enamored he became with the wind, wishing to see where it came from.
[] It is the story of a timid boy born to a great legacy, one that lays claim to the mountains and vales, that speaks of the legend of bronze. A land rife with mystery and magic yet sparse with people for it's unforgiving nature as well as the rule of the true kings in the skies above. Ever sinc ethe first of their line have they been pushed down by those who call the sky home his father has said.
It is a place denied to his people they say and yet it calls to him, and so the boy looks up at those who rule them who should instead rule. And there he dreams of flying above, of taking his rightful place in the heavens above.
GM Notes!: (Please give me a bit to reserve a few posts)
Alright, well I can promise this is definitely the last one I'm running concurrently? I attempted to follow the sane advice of a friend and my own better judgement, but couldn't really get the idea of running this out of my head, so here we are I guess. This is a reboot (and remake) of a quest I started running a while back about playing legendary and mythical characters from the Age of Heroes when the Long Night fell upon Westeros. I've taken a bit of leniency with it all given how inaccurate a lot of the ancient history of ASoIaF actually claims it is, and to create the kind of story I'm trying to write in this.
I hope everyone will enjoy it, sorry if I absolutely butcher the setting in the process of this, but uh... should be fun! All main turns will run a season in length (quarter of a year, not literally a season since that'd make the Long Night a single turn ) with Interludes and such being the more in depth action going on. Not really going to aim for anything super complicated as a heads up rules wise, though if I trip into it we'll see.
[X] It is the story of a boy born to harsh islands where little grows, where the people harder than the stone beneath their feet and descended from the God of Deepest Depths. Foul things forged by their God's great foe besiege the lands, cast down from the sky into the sea to take from them that which is their way of life.
In the depths of his dreams something whispers from beneath the waves, speaks to him of that which seeks his peoples destruction and he listens. Wisdom beyond the keen of youth does battle with a being that promises great power, but asks for everything in return. A price to be paid, one of blood and wrath. A price of Iron.
The ironborn with semi sane leadership would be impressive
[X] It is the story of a girl born in the far south, clever beyond words and charming without end yet born under the shadow of those who live upon the stone far above. Her people live in the shadow of those far better off who refuse to lend a hand to the ones suffering below, and so oft does her sight fall upon the great rock they call home. Glimmers sparkle and ideas form, but still she holds off, uncertain of the future ahead.
[X] It is the story of a timid boy born to a great legacy, one that lays claim to the mountains and vales, that speaks of the legend of bronze. A land rife with mystery and magic yet sparse with people for it's unforgiving nature as well as the rule of the true kings in the skies above. Ever sinc ethe first of their line have they been pushed down by those who call the sky home his father has said.
I have no idea which Hero this is but I like the cut of his jib. Would be nice if someone figured out who correlated to which start. I can recognize a few like Bran the Builder but not much more than that.
[x] It is the story of a boy walking among the snow in a land of men and wolves uncertain. Great is the care of his parents and the people who have bound themselves beside them, but he is saddened by that which none know. To the boy it is to know the world that matters, to understand it all and create from that understanding things which have not been seen by all before.
Bright beyond compare he looks upon the lands and knows he shall change it by his own two hands, but he wonders. How? What shall these two hands make in a land that knows so little?
[x] It is the story of a boy walking among the snow in a land of men and wolves uncertain. Great is the care of his parents and the people who have bound themselves beside them, but he is saddened by that which none know. To the boy it is to know the world that matters, to understand it all and create from that understanding things which have not been seen by all before.
Bright beyond compare he looks upon the lands and knows he shall change it by his own two hands, but he wonders. How? What shall these two hands make in a land that knows so little?
[X] It is the story of a boy born to harsh islands where little grows, where the people harder than the stone beneath their feet and descended from the God of Deepest Depths. Foul things forged by their God's great foe besiege the lands, cast down from the sky into the sea to take from them that which is their way of life.
In the depths of his dreams something whispers from beneath the waves, speaks to him of that which seeks his peoples destruction and he listens. Wisdom beyond the keen of youth does battle with a being that promises great power, but asks for everything in return. A price to be paid, one of blood and wrath. A price of Iron.
[X] It is the story of a boy born to harsh islands where little grows, where the people harder than the stone beneath their feet and descended from the God of Deepest Depths. Foul things forged by their God's great foe besiege the lands, cast down from the sky into the sea to take from them that which is their way of life.
In the depths of his dreams something whispers from beneath the waves, speaks to him of that which seeks his peoples destruction and he listens. Wisdom beyond the keen of youth does battle with a being that promises great power, but asks for everything in return. A price to be paid, one of blood and wrath. A price of Iron.
[X] It is the story of a girl born in the far south, clever beyond words and charming without end yet born under the shadow of those who live upon the stone far above. Her people live in the shadow of those far better off who refuse to lend a hand to the ones suffering below, and so oft does her sight fall upon the great rock they call home. Glimmers sparkle and ideas form, but still she holds off, uncertain of the future ahead.
[X] It is the story of a boy born to harsh islands where little grows, where the people harder than the stone beneath their feet and descended from the God of Deepest Depths. Foul things forged by their God's great foe besiege the lands, cast down from the sky into the sea to take from them that which is their way of life.
In the depths of his dreams something whispers from beneath the waves, speaks to him of that which seeks his peoples destruction and he listens. Wisdom beyond the keen of youth does battle with a being that promises great power, but asks for everything in return. A price to be paid, one of blood and wrath. A price of Iron.
[X] It is the story of a boy born beside the ocean where storms reign without end and mighty winds blow across the lands. He and his father's people are hardy folk, but before the wrath of gods what can one truly do? And yet… where others found the storms and wind to be horrific taunts of gods the boy found comfort in the wind as he grew.
In it he could almost here voices and they spoke to him often, to disparage his actions when he did that which they did not approve or to whisper sweet praises when he did that which it did. Enamored he became with the wind, wishing to see where it came from.
[x] It is the story of a boy walking among the snow in a land of men and wolves uncertain. Great is the care of his parents and the people who have bound themselves beside them, but he is saddened by that which none know. To the boy it is to know the world that matters, to understand it all and create from that understanding things which have not been seen by all before.
Bright beyond compare he looks upon the lands and knows he shall change it by his own two hands, but he wonders. How? What shall these two hands make in a land that knows so little?
[X] It is the story of a girl born in the far south, clever beyond words and charming without end yet born under the shadow of those who live upon the stone far above. Her people live in the shadow of those far better off who refuse to lend a hand to the ones suffering below, and so oft does her sight fall upon the great rock they call home. Glimmers sparkle and ideas form, but still she holds off, uncertain of the future ahead.
[X] It is the story of a boy walking among the snow in a land of men and wolves uncertain. Great is the care of his parents and the people who have bound themselves beside them, but he is saddened by that which none know. To the boy it is to know the world that matters, to understand it all and create from that understanding things which have not been seen by all before.
Bright beyond compare he looks upon the lands and knows he shall change it by his own two hands, but he wonders. How? What shall these two hands make in a land that knows so little?
[x] It is the story of a boy walking among the snow in a land of men and wolves uncertain. Great is the care of his parents and the people who have bound themselves beside them, but he is saddened by that which none know. To the boy it is to know the world that matters, to understand it all and create from that understanding things which have not been seen by all before.
Bright beyond compare he looks upon the lands and knows he shall change it by his own two hands, but he wonders. How? What shall these two hands make in a land that knows so little?
[X] It is the story of a girl born to wear two skins among a people who lived in harmony with the forests and it's true claimants. She was born to the lord of those who bear two forms, a strange people looked upon in fear by all those beyond her lands. Ever is her other form speaking, calling to her as the forests themselves do, but still she stares out to sea. Resists the call.
[x] It is the story of a boy walking among the snow in a land of men and wolves uncertain. Great is the care of his parents and the people who have bound themselves beside them, but he is saddened by that which none know. To the boy it is to know the world that matters, to understand it all and create from that understanding things which have not been seen by all before.
Bright beyond compare he looks upon the lands and knows he shall change it by his own two hands, but he wonders. How? What shall these two hands make in a land that knows so little?
[x] It is the story of a boy walking among the snow in a land of men and wolves uncertain. Great is the care of his parents and the people who have bound themselves beside them, but he is saddened by that which none know. To the boy it is to know the world that matters, to understand it all and create from that understanding things which have not been seen by all before.
Bright beyond compare he looks upon the lands and knows he shall change it by his own two hands, but he wonders. How? What shall these two hands make in a land that knows so little?
[X] It is the story of a girl born in the far south, clever beyond words and charming without end yet born under the shadow of those who live upon the stone far above. Her people live in the shadow of those far better off who refuse to lend a hand to the ones suffering below, and so oft does her sight fall upon the great rock they call home. Glimmers sparkle and ideas form, but still she holds off, uncertain of the future ahead.
[X] It is the story of a boy walking among the snow in a land of men and wolves uncertain. Great is the care of his parents and the people who have bound themselves beside them, but he is saddened by that which none know. To the boy it is to know the world that matters, to understand it all and create from that understanding things which have not been seen by all before.
Bright beyond compare he looks upon the lands and knows he shall change it by his own two hands, but he wonders. How? What shall these two hands make in a land that knows so little?
He was born within a ringfort, to Magnar Duran the Honorable and Fey of the Snow in the lands known collectively as the North where the cold and snow are ever present. Beneath the bows of the Weirwood did he enter the world, before both Gods and Men, to the name of Brandon given by his mother, successor to the Clan of White who had lived upon these lands for many generations. From his first moments in the world it was clear he was different for despite what is common among newborns he never cried, simply looking upon the world around him with eyes opened wide in awe.
At first his parents were frightened, afraid of some malignancy or curse upon their child as they cared for him with great care over the coming years. Yet such thoughts were soon cast aside, where most children did not take their first steps until nearly nine moons had passed he took his in half as much, learning even quicker to walk and run. By the time he was three he could speak the Tongue of Men as well as those who had survived dozens of winters, and he began to explore their clan with a nearly reckless desire to learn.
Often could their clansmen hear the cries of a furious Fey, or stern Duran as they chased the growing child through the Godswood and village paths, the child laughing all the while. Countless such outings were spent convincing the people of his clan to tell him stories, or teach him things about the world beyond the walls of the ringfort that he so desperately wished to see.
They spoke to great lengths of the mystical beings known as the Children who held sway over the forests of the lands and the towering figures of Giants that claimed mountains and secluded plains as their homes. Talked of the lands to the south where things were said to grow without knowing the touch of snow and winter, where far greater halls than even his Father's stood watching over people far more numerous. Most often though they told him tales of the Gods of Forest and Earth who watch over the world from the Watchers carved upon trees throughout the lands.
Stern and yet kind they spoke of the sacred custom of guest right, of the fact that no man may lie before a Watcher for the Gods know whether a man speaks the truth, and of the sanctity of oaths sworn by blood before the sight of a Weirwood Watcher. Driven by those tales many a day and night was spent by young Brandon, huddled in bundles of furs, crouched under the branches of the Godswood watching the faces of the Watchers. Looking for some truth to the tales for though they said the rustling of the trees' branches were he words of Gods he could never hear them.
In time he began to find that there was little more to learn within the confines of the Winter Fort his people called home. A determined and honorable people they were, but little did they care for greater knowledge than that which allowed them to continue their way of life. Many a lazy day was spent wandering his home that had become... boring in the hopes of finding something to once more satisfy the desire to learn that burned within him.
It was not until the end of his eighth winter that such a thing changed, his Father and Mother staring at him across the great table that spanned the length of the Magnar's Hall. All across it the remains of a meal rest, the bones of freshly eaten meats scattered about. Empty wooden cups, half filled pitchers, and bare plates marking the meal that had once existed there.
His father's hair was a stark black peppered in places by grey as it stretched down to his shoulders, a surprisingly well maintained beard containing far more noticeable streaks of it framing a square face. A thick cloak of black and grey fur covering him as worn fur clothes of the same color blend together almost like they were a single piece. Dim blue eyes look at him sternly though the kind smile upon the man's face breaks any intimidation he might have displayed, the love clear in his expression and words.
"As is tradition among our clan, children are given relative free reign about their lives until the passing of their eighth winter, Brandon. It is time that you began to learn and train as befits the one who would carry the mantle of Magnar of the Clan of White when I come to pass, as only befits my first born son.
Our people are a clan viewed by others as honorable and kind, things that would invite the wrath of many were it not for the strong men and women who stand ready to fight. Every Magnar since the first of our Clan has stood by those willing to protect our people and those clans, or tribes weaker than our own for what man can ask those he leads to die for what he will not do himself?"
At this his Father reaches down and picks up something from beside his seat, a simple leather sheath encompassing the entirety of a bronze knife besides the crudely carved bone hilt. Placing it on the table before you he continues,
"I shall train you. Teach you to fight and lead as I have, as my father has, and as my father's father did leading back to the ancestral first Magnar for it is our duty. Do you understand, Bran?"
Meekly the boy nods, an unkempt mop of the same black hair as his Father's adorning his hair and hiding almost shining blue eyes, as he attempts to keep the excitement contained inside. Barely he restrains himself, resisting the desire to pick up his first blade so that whatever else needs be said can be.
Smiling even wider Duran nods and turns to the woman besides him, her face and hair still retaining the marks of youth despite the many years she had lead beside her husband. Fey, mother of Brandon and Magnar's wife, a woman adorned with long raven black hair and bright green eyes that somehow fit perfectly together with the radiant smile she always wore. Looking at her son lovingly, she took up where his Father had left off.
"While your Father will teach you the way of a Magnar, I shall pass onto you what I know of managing both household and Clan, so that you may lead the Clan well even without a wife to stand beside you, should need be. However, we both agreed that you are not a child to satisfied with just that and as such we've found a few among our clan from whom you may learn more of the wonders you want to know.
Nan has agreed to teach you the ways of the Wise, to impart on you knowledge of plant and healing that has been learned by her family for many a generation.
Hurin Goriksson has offered to teach you the craft of bronze working, a strenuous and long work that is perhaps as necessary as that of ruling as a Magnar.
Even the ill tempered Boric has offered to teach you woodcraft, so that the Clan might well have some decent hunters besides his own blood he says.
However, enough of such dull and grim talk. I have quite the gift for you little Bran, maybe it will help distract you from running about causing problems for our clansmen."
She smiles before placing onto the table her own gift...
[] A strange bronze ring with the runic writing of Men worked upon it.
[] A young wolf pup, fur white as snow and yellow eyes looking about with fear.
[] An odd leather covered thing that Mother calls a book, said to have come from a place far to the south and penned by men said to work wonders.
Age: 8 Title(s):Successor of the Clan of White, the Curious Fate Points: 2
Diplomacy - 7, A child who mastered the Tongue of Men incredibly young and has long put it to use discussing with the clansmen of the Clan of White. Martial - 5, Surprisingly fit for a child his age though largely untrained in the arts of combat and warfare aside from the stories he'd heard from the many clansmen. Stewardship - 3, Rather terrible at managing his own belongings as he finds himself largely focused on other pursuits striving to satisfy his never ending curiosity. Intrigue - 5, Well used to the art of sneaking about for a child after his numerous escapes from the Magnar's Hall to explore the Clan's Ringfort and Godswood. Learning - 7, Having sought out everything he could to learn Brandon has begun to gain an understanding of the world and the things in it far beyond what most children hold. Piety - 7, Long days and nights has he spent beneath the branches of the Weirwood in the Godswood looking upon the face said to be the eyes of the Gods themselves. Perhaps the tales he's heard are not entirely false?
Traits: Curious - Brandon has a rather insatiable desire to discover, understand, and learn everything around him from people to knowledge. +2 to Diplomacy and +1 to Learning.
Destiny: Friend - Unbeknownst to Brandon the strings of fate have long told his story, one of great intellect and wisdom that starts with a single act that has yet to be seen. Effects - Luck and the flow of Fate will guide Brandon towards the deeds written within them, lowers the difficulty of some actions, +1 to Learning while held. Completion - 0 out of 2
The Great Clan of White - Born to a great destiny, one that would lead his people from their place as a small clan barely known to some nearby to a legend that would leave a mark upon history beyond what any among them may understand. Effects - Luck and the flow of Fate will guide Brandon towards the deeds within them, lowers the difficulty of some actions, +1 to Martial and Stewardship while held. Completion - 0 out of 3
The story of Westeros and the world as a whole have long been forged, written into the tapestry of fate and destined to come about should all go right. However, ever does the darkness that dwells in the world seek to shatter Fate and claim control of the world. Even more important, ever does humanity struggle to throw off this oppressive yoke and live a life of their own choosing though almost all inevitably fall in this task. For those who manage to break the chains that guide them down a path there is freedom and a greatness known only by a handful before them who forced the path of fate to change beneath them.
Destiny is a special trait of sorts that a number of figures in Westeros and beyond bear, they guide figures to what is meant to happen as the path the world was meant to walk. Following one will grant boons and guidance, but following the design of fate may not be favorable to many and so there exists the chance of throwing aside such destined roles, or even surpassing them so greatly that it warps fate.
Some of the Destinies that exist in Westeros: Slayer of the First, Husband of the Wind, Clever Lioness, The Cursed.
Choice is a special trait akin to Destiny, but where Destiny forces events towards a set goal Choice supports paths that were not meant to be walked according to what has been written. They are great acts which change the course of history and thus bring with them power all their own, for those who defy fate gain some of the strength torn from it's creation.
Some of the Choices that exist in the World: The Last Hero, Star-Eyed, Lightbringer, The First Gift.
Fate Points are a currency that represents the power gained from surpassing a Destiny, creating a Choice, or outright shattering a Destiny held by the players or someone else. They can be used to influence rolls by allowing rerolls for failed rolls, providing a bonus to some specific action, or even surviving death in some cases. Due to the nature of a character controlled by SV being almost certainly vastly different from what did exist Brandon starts with 2 Fate Points.
GM Note: Just one more step to start us off, hopefully I didn't mess the writing up horribly.
For those curious I'll explain the origins of the character choices.
1) The Barrowlords
2) I would think it obvious, but Brandon the Builder
3) The Grey King
4) Sea Dragon Point, the Warg King, and other lore
5) Lann the Clever and Florys the Fox
6) Maris the Maid, Hightower, and a number of other tales
7) Duran Godsgrief
8) The Bronze Kings, the Winged Knight, and a few other things.