Hostis Humani Generis - PiracyQuest

The name 'Cloudbreak' seems familiar, somehow. I wonder how the good (hah!) Surgeon-Lieutenant is related to Koto...
[X] "Your cousin is a lot more perceptive than you are, Palamedes." (1.1x)

We shall make Redgrave eat those words... No matter how many harem members this costs!
[x] "Your cousin is a lot more perceptive than you are, Palamedes."

He slaps you across the face and you hit the ground. When you can see again you can feel Redgrave's hand gripping the back of your neck. He's dragging you down the hallway. You're drooling blood onto the floor and you realise you can't actually feel anything. Unfortunately from this angle you can't actually see anything.

You hear a door open and the floor changes to a bright white. "Lieutenant Redgrave ...?" a woman's voice says, then. "Oh no, what's happened? Is that the prisoner?"

"I hit him," Redgrave says in his flat voice. "Fix him, please."

"Al ... alright. Put him on that table please."

Redgrave lays you out and you realise you're in an infirmary. He presses down on your chest to hold you in place and slowly swivels his head. "I can't stay, I have other duties. Are there any sharp objects in his room?"

"You can't take away from tools if you want me to put him back together," says the unseen voice. "Besides, look at the size of him. Someone really messed up his birth."

You want to make some kind of face but you're not entirely sure you even have one any more. It certainly doesn't feel like it. Redgrave relents and removes his hand. "He is a pirate."

"Just get out already. If you didn't want to have to deal with this you shouldn't have hit him."

"I've sent for a robot. It should arrive in ten minutes."
Footsteps and the sliding of the door. A very beautiful young woman walks up to you and sighs, tilting your head back and forth. You catch a glimpse of a brief, tight pink dress. She's a nurse. Her lips move as though she's talking to herself, then she steps away. When she comes back, she injects you with something. "I guess we can rely on the Lieutenant to stay in control even when he's angry ... Hey, try moving your eyes for me."

You don't do anything.

"Come on, you can do better than that. Here," she turns your head slightly with one hand and seems to fiddle with her dress. "If you turn your eyes two degrees you'll get a good view of my cleavage."

You don't do anything. One of your girlfriends and many of your friends are running for their lives and you killed for the first time not so long ago. You aren't really in the mood. She frowns and says, "You could at least try to fall for a small prank. I'm saving your friend's life, after all."

She tilts your head and you see she hadn't actually undone her dress at all. When she steps out of the way you can see through a plate window into the surgery, where a machine has taken Hilia apart and is repairing her damaged organs. Seeing her punctured heart and lung and the shattered vertebrae all sort of hanging there in a glittering grip makes you want to throw up, and you do.

"Oh, Christ. Don't choke on your own vomit."

As she comes back to make sure you don't, you can feel her fingers on your face. You fake otherwise, but the medichines she's injected with have done their job and as you'd hoped aggravating Redgrave resulted in you ending up in less secure surrounds. You remember the robot that Redgrave has sent for. You need a plan, but you're distinctly aware that it needs to be a good one. Hilia has had a quarter of her torso slice off by the medical robot, and while it can put her back together like it never happened, if they switch it off ...

[ ] Take the nurse hostage and use her to negotiate. (0.8x)
[ ] Wait until the nurse's back is turned and steal the components necessary to hack the incoming security robot. (1.1x)
[ ] Try selling the nurse a sob story. (0.9x)
[x] Wait until the nurse's back is turned and steal components necessary to hack the incoming security robot. (1.1x)
Yey it's back!
[X] Wait until the nurse's back is turned and steal the components necessary to hack the incoming security robot. (1.1x)
[X] Wait until the nurse's back is turned and steal the components necessary to hack the incoming security robot. (1.1x)

It's a nondenominational winter holiday of choice miracle.
[X] Wait until the nurse's back is turned and steal the components necessary to hack the incoming security robot. (1.1x)

The nurses leaves you to heal and as soon as she turns away you slip off the table and land softly on your bare feet. You pad along after her, right in her shadow. She has a habit of swinging her hips, a self-conscious attempt at being sexy. You hold out one hand and when her strays a little too close you take her ID card. As she heads towards the monitors in front of the surgery window, you peel off and do some shopping.

Cracking military encryption is technologically impossible. Not just with the makeshift equipment you're collecting from around the infirmary, but just generally. Fion thinks you're a wizard, though frankly compared to Hilia you're a novice. Part of you knows this is a longshot, but the rest of you knows this is your only real chance. You slip into the office set back in one corner.

Her space phone is sitting on top of the desk, and you snag it. Tapping the home button you can see that her wallpaper is a selfie from some visit to a beach. She's wearing a frilled pink bikini and her her arm under her breasts to deepen her cleavage. Your lips move in silent disbelief and your eyes flick towards her back. The phone has its cymatic security, but her ID card has her cymatic data and that suffices to unlock it. Tapping the surface of the desk, you stare at her blank computer screen and then fall to your knees to find the actual box. As you do you see her stepping away from the surgery. Incoming.

Moving quickly, you disappear under her desk and begin quietly fiddling with her computer. When she takes her seat she almost knees you in the face, and you have to dodge when she crosses her legs but you keep working, taking the cover off the underside of the computer and revealing its gizzards.

"Fuuuuck," she says. Her knees uncross and her elbows bump into the surface above.

"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fucking fucking fucking fuuuuuuck!"

Eyebrows raised, you nudge one of her CPU components and it falls into your palm. The nurse sighs heavily, her knees knocking together.

"I want out of here already," she moans. You pause in your work for a moment.

[ ] Ignore her grousing and stick with your current plan.
[ ] Incorporate her into your plan.
[x] Incorporate her into your plan.

If your horse is getting tired, jump to another one, preferably mid-gallop so you don't lose speed.
Her space phone is sitting on top of the desk, and you snag it. Tapping the home button you can see that her wallpaper is a selfie from some visit to a beach. She's wearing a frilled pink bikini and her her arm under her breasts to deepen her cleavage. Your lips move in silent disbelief and your eyes flick towards her back. The phone has its cymatic security, but her ID card has her cymatic data and that suffices to unlock it. Tapping the surface of the desk, you stare at her blank computer screen and then fall to your knees to find the actual box. As you do you see her stepping away from the surgery. Incoming.

Her space phone is sitting on top of the desk, and you snag it.

Her space phone is sitting

I still cannot get over the existence of something called a space phone being a normal thing.
On one hand my trap sense is tingling. On the other hand I am not sure we can get out off this without inside help.
[x] Incorporate her into your plan

Tapping your bottom lip with her ID card, you consider. According to the little card, her name is Lemuria Marchesis. She's 25, at the end of that life stage that you're just beginning: an adult, but still considered a child by everyone older. She's an H-type, like most people employed by the Royal Spacy. It's a demographic thing.

You know about the EK. There are some studies about 'new pirates' - people who have left their previous lives, as opposed to people like you with ancient lineage - and the largest proportion comes from the EK. It sucks. Maybe you think that because you're a pirate, but for young people it's not the nicest place in the Seven Skies.

You kick her chair and send her sliding back into the wall. Her cry of surprise is cut off when you clamp you hand over your mouth. You move fast, stealing her pen, ripping the lid off with your teeth and bringing the sharp titanium nib with in millimetres of her widening eye.

It's rough, but you can't afford to play around. She's a fully grown woman and so much, much bigger than you. She's almost as big as Beriliz, at least a foot taller and probably close to twice your weight.

"Hi," you say as pleasantly as you can. "I don't want to hurt you and I don't really like threatening you like this. I'm going to step away, okay? Don't freak out."

Slowly, you pull the pen away, peel your hand off her mouth and take a full step back. Lemuria shivers, grasps her shoulders. It's been a long time since you've interacted with a normal civilian.

"Sorry," you say.

"Fuck you."

"I really appreciate you helping my friend."

"I was ordered to by Surgeon-Lieutenant Cloudbreak, that's all."

"I bet you'd have helped her anyway, if you'd had the chance."

Her eyelids flicker and turns away a little, as though she's embarrassed. "I've never really liked how I swore to Apollo to protect the life and health of all people ... pirates excepted. I don't know what she's up to, but I'm glad the Surgeon-Lieutenant brought her here."

"Well that's what you get working in a Royal Space black site," you say airily and she shoots you an angry look. You hold up your hands. "I heard you grousing earlier. You can't say you like it."

"That was just ... everyone complains about their job."

"Riiiight," you take a few step around her office. "What are they doing around here, anyway? Next generation technology, obviously."

"They're working on-" Lemuria covers her lips with her fingers.

"Hmm, if they told you ... do you get any time off?" she shakes her head, her blonde ringlets bouncing. "Oh. You know they're going to murder you when they're finished, yeah?"

"What? They wouldn't. I work for them."

You almost double over with laughter. "Christ Pharos, seriously?"

"Hey, hey, shut the fuck up," Lemuria crosses her arms, and spins her chair away. After a moment shes says, "Do you really think they'll kill me? I actually ... kind of worry sometimes ..."

"If you're lucky they'll assess that the cost of one bullet isn't too high. If you're not lucky they'll toss you into gas giant. Listen, I know you don't like it here, and that you want out, and you should really think about whether or not you're willing to risk dying in a place you hate working for people you hate. I'm leaving one way or the other, you understand?"

There's a long silence. You're acutely aware that there's an Armstrong robot not too far away and you're running out of time to deal with that situation. As you open your mouth to say something else, Lemuria speaks up.

"Let's say, just hypothetically, I was perhaps interested in leaving my contract early, and that I was willing to let you help me do that ... what would you say?"

[ ] "I'd say help me distract that robot, then start preparing my friend to be moved." (1.2)
[ ] "I'd say help me distract that robot, then help me get into Surgeon-Lieutenant Cloudbreak's office." (1.0x)
[ ] "I'd say help me distract that robot, then call Lieutenant Redgrave here so we can deal with the biggest obstacle." (0.8x)
[ ] "I'd say help me distract that robot, then maybe tell me what you know about this place." (1.0x)
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[x] "I'd say help me distract that robot, then start preparing my friend to be moved." (1.2)

I think this might be the 'best' option with the nurse, as it shows we aren't willing to ditch our comrades even when they are cut open on the operating table.

I want to avoid Surgeon Lieutenant Cloudbreaks office, knowing our luck, barring serious circimstances, she would probably be there.

Not sure about flagging Redgrave over though....that might actually be a good idea, but only if we can take him down.
If you like, you can always ask questions. If Ashleigh remembers anything that answers the question, I'll tell you all.

For example, Ashleigh remembers that Redgrave is about 6'8" and built to match.